Refuting Islam in 3 Minutes


What two points change the trust that one Muslim had in the Quran in less than three minutes? This Muslim rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ because of trust in the Quran. However, once that trust was broken the Gospel shone forth. What was it that proved completely that the Quran cannot be written by God? Can the Quran be trusted?


Some time ago, I was in Newport Beach, California, with an acquaintance of mine who was open -air preaching,
Scotty. Scotty had a heckler's box set up for a heckler to stand on, and on the box was a
Muslim woman. This woman identified herself as a Muslim and was dressed in the appropriate attire for a
Muslim woman, and she was discussing with Scotty the Gospel. Scotty was explaining to her what the
Gospel was, and she was rejecting it, and her reason for rejecting the Gospel was because of the fact that in her mind, the
Koran was accurate and the Bible was not. When she got done talking with Scotty, I walked over and approached her, asked her if I could share something with her.
She said she had to go, she only had three minutes. So I asked her the question, if I could prove that the
Koran cannot have been written by God in three minutes or less, would you be willing to listen?
She told me I couldn't do such a thing, but agreed that she would listen. Now that's a tall order. Can I prove that the
Koran cannot possibly be written by God in less than three minutes? Well, here's how the conversation went.
I had explained to the woman that if the Koran was written by God, it must be 100 % accurate and have no errors or contradictions, and I asked her, is that correct?
And she said yes. I asked her, can you define for me what the Koran in Surah chapter 5 defines as the
Christian Trinity? And she accurately explained what the Koran teaches, that the Trinity is the
Father, the Mother, and the Son. Now any Christian knows that that is a wrong definition, and because it is a definition issue in Surah chapter 5, defining it that way, you cannot have by law of non -contradiction something have a different meaning in the same sense in the same way, and that's what we have here, because the
Christian definition of the Trinity is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, not the
Mother. No Christian in history that's Orthodox has ever accepted that Mary was part of the
Trinity. And so you have something that's very clearly a wrong definition. And I asked her, if the
Christian definition is the Father, the Son, and the Spirit, and not the
Father, Son, and Mother, do you see that that is a wrong definition, an error in its definition?
And she said, well yes, that would be. I said, let me give you one other. In the Koran, does it say that the
Bible has been edited, corrected, or changed, corrupted in some way?
And she said yes, and that's why I don't hold to it. I said, but do you know, and I'm going to read what
I read to her, this is out of the Koran, this is one of the better English translations, or accepted
English translations, but I read to her, Sarah chapter 6, verse 34,
Rejected were the apostles before thee with patience and consistency.
They bore their rejection and their wrongs until their aid did reach them.
Now listen, there is none that can alter the words and decrees of God.
Already hath thou received some accounts of the apostles. So this passage, and it further says the same later in that same
Surah, in 115, but this one is very clearly speaking about those previous apostles, referring to the
Bible. So here you have a problem, and I said, you have a problem within your own Koran. The Koran says right here in the
Surah that the Bible cannot be changed, and yet later it says it was changed.
Either it cannot be changed or it can be changed, but you cannot have that the Bible cannot be changed and changed in the same way at the same time.
This is a violation of the law of non -contradiction. In these two ways I showed her that there are contradictions, clear contradictions in definitions of terms within the
Koran. And within three minutes she turned to me and said, you're right, can
I have your email address so I can continue corresponding with you. She realized that, and here was the reason
I brought that out, because my concluding thing in the seconds that I had left with her, I said, listen, you rejected everything that my friend
Scotty told you about what God, Jesus Christ, God Himself did by dying on a cross on your behalf, because He died in your place and paid the penalty for you, so that you can have forgiveness of sin.
You rejected that because you trusted in the Koran. Now that you know that the Koran cannot have been written by God, will you at least give consideration to what
Scotty was sharing with you? Will you at least consider that maybe God, what the
Bible says that God did die for you, He died in your place and paid the penalty of your sin, that you can have forgiveness, that God Almighty paid the eternal fine, so you who owe
God an eternal fine, He paid it for you that you may be set free. Consider these things.
And she said she would. And in just three minutes, was able to refute
Islam, the trust in the Koran, and explain why the Bible makes sense.
Because in the Bible we have forgiveness of sin. May you know that forgiveness today.