Shepherds Conference Drops Alistair Begg after Conversation w/ John MacArthur

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From Religion News: "Begg had been scheduled to speak in March at the Shepherds Conference, a major Reformed evangelical pastors’ gathering led by California pastor and author John MacArthur. After Begg’s comments became public, he and MacArthur talked and decided the controversy would be “an unnecessary distraction,” according to a spokesman for Grace to You, one of the conference sponsors.


Hello, in this video, I have a major update concerning the Alistair Begg Controversy.
I don't want to beat a dead horse. I've already done several videos on this. So just one more
Update because a lot of people had been asking me a lot of people had been wondering will
Alistair Begg speak at this year's Shepherds Conference. Well, we finally have an answer and the answer is no
Alistair Begg and John MacArthur spoke on the phone and Let me just read you the article.
So this is from religionnews .com The article says Begg had been scheduled to speak in March at the
Shepherds Conference a major reformed evangelical pastors gathering led by California pastor and author
John MacArthur after Begg's comments became public he and MacArthur talked and Decided the controversy would be a quote
Unnecessary distraction so whether or not they had a friendly conversation and a heated conversation, you know, that probably wouldn't be appropriate to You know divulge all of that but What they're putting out apparently
Phil Johnson who is the head of grace to you. He's John MacArthur's right -hand man.
He told Reporters this here's the situation. The official line is it's an unnecessary distraction
So the way they're putting it out there The two agreed it's best that you not come
Pastor John MacArthur's counsel according to Phil Johnson Regarding that issue would have been completely different from the
Council of Alistair Begg So Alistair Begg told the grandmother attend the quote -unquote transgender wedding by a gift
Why because of love and because you don't want to be seen as judgmental
According to Phil Johnson John MacArthur would have given completely different advice, which we kind of knew that Now there's a few things that I wanted to mention
I don't want to rehash everything I've talked about in prior videos But something new came up.
I saw Justin Peters Video that he released today is February 1st, by the way
And I saw Justin Peters video that he released yesterday something
I Didn't catch this in the sermon, but Alistair Begg made comments and he basically said that if you have a pastor who really preaches hard against homosexuality
Alistair Begg Implied or just said that yeah, your pastor is probably gay.
I mean, that's that's what Justin Peters Was talking about and yeah,
I totally did not pick up on this at all and It's kind of an outrageous statement, but let me just play the clip
Pharisees often Complain loudly of sins
They would be quite interested in committing themselves Themselves Be very very careful
When you hear your pastor or your teacher, whoever it is lambasting a certain area of life especially in the realm of morality
Time and time again, you will discover that that loud protestation
Actually, sadly tragically proved to be a very thin smoke screen
For what was actually going on in the hearts of these people Yeah, so that's
That's pretty amazing. I Can't believe he said that and here's the thing. The opposite is usually true
If a pastor is preaching against something That's proof that he's guilty of it
Now has that happened? I'm sure it's happened But more times than not what
I've noticed is when a pastor starts going soft on an issue It's because maybe he's not guilty of that thing
But someone in this family as the loved one is so if the pastor starts going soft on homosexuality
It's probably because his grandson or nephew or child came out of the closet I mean that is true far more than the opposite But yeah,
Justin Peters picked up on that clip and let me just show you what he had to say him and his guest watch
That that loud protestation Actually, sadly tragically
Proved to be a very thin smoke screen for what was actually going on in the hearts of these people
Yeah, I wonder what he's talking about and I wonder who he's talking about Kathy What Kathy now we're listening to that together.
This is my wife Kathy We're listening out that together at the same time and she turned to me. She said so Are you a crawl?
Are you a closet tranny? Good question. Yeah fair question. Apparently, I Would you tell her for interest they would you tell us
I did not last time I checked no Yeah, yeah, that's
I'm stunned at that I was stunned at that Dan I mean how how
How ungracious how unkind? Yeah, I just it sounds desperate that one sounds desperate desperate indeed
Okay, so I think that's helpful and I just wanted to share that one last thing because Just a deal with Scripture first Thessalonians 5 22 says avoid all appearances of evil if I had to pick
Just one verse as to why a Christian should not go to a quote -unquote gay wedding
I would choose that verse first Thessalonians 5 22 Avoid all appearances of evil.
Here's the thing by going to that ceremony Because it's not a wedding, right?
It's not a wedding. So what is it? The homosexual couple they are vowing essentially they are vowing to commit that sin
For the rest of their lives. I vowed to be faithful to you and to be engaged in this relationship with you
They are basically vowing we will never repent for the rest of our lives a
Christian cannot go to that ceremony because the ceremony is a celebration of the event where they are making those vows to engage in this behavior for the rest of their lives is
And here's what really bothers me, okay the passages of Scripture the
Alistair beg you so this will be my this is what I plan on being the last thing
I have to say about this Until maybe my sermon on Sunday, which isn't gonna be a sermon against Alistair Begg But I'm gonna preach on this topic.
So I might make reference to at least that's the plan as of now But just the couple passages that Alistair Begg used the first the prodigal son the prodigal son repented
The grandson did not repent. How does that fit? It's like apples to oranges It's not the same situation if Alistair Begg wants to make a point about the brother who refused to forgive his his brother the prodigal
Yeah, the brother in that story is like the Pharisees, right? That's the whole point of the parable well, here's the thing if the grandson or just any person lived a homosexual lifestyle and then they repented and And Church members were not forgiving them and they would not accept them into the church
Then the parable might apply because they're like the older brother who refused to forgive but again
There's been no repentance. So that just doesn't it doesn't fit Alistair Begg is taking that passage out of context
The other passage he used about Jesus eating with sinners Right, that's fine and for Alistair Begg or for you or all of us to Love people to reach out to sinners to eat with them
They're unbelievers. You can have a meal with an unbeliever. You can eat with sinners.
We're not objecting to that We're objecting saying just don't go to the ceremony. Literally.
That's all we're saying. Just don't go to the ceremony. So That's all
I'm gonna say about that at least for now, but yeah major update Alistair Begg will not be speaking at this year's