A Life Lived in Thankfulness to God


Scripture Reading and Sermon For 11-06-2022 Scripture Readings: Jonah 2; Romans 11.33-36; Romans 12.1-2 Sermon Title: The Power of God for Salvation: A Life Lived in Thankfulness to God Sermon Scripture: Psalm 50 Pastor Andrew Beebe


Please stand in honor of God's Word The Old Testament reading this morning is in Jonah chapter 2
Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the belly of the fish saying I called out to the Lord out of my distress
And he answered me out of the belly of Sheol. I cried and you heard my voice For you cast me into the deep into the heart of the seas and the floods surrounded me
All your waves and your billows passed over me. Then I said I am driven away from your sight Yet shall
I look again look upon your holy temple the waters closed over in Over me to take my life the deep surrounded me weeds were wrapped about my head at the roots of the mountains.
I Went down to the land whose bars closed upon me forever yet. You brought my life from the pit
Oh Lord my God When my life was fainting away, I remembered the Lord and my prayer came to you into your holy temple
Those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their hope of steadfast love
But with the voice of thanksgiving I will sacrifice to you what I have vowed
I will pay salvation belongs to the Lord and The Lord spoke to the fish and vomited
Jonah out upon dry land New Testament reading this morning is
Romans 11 33 through 36 and then the following chapter
Romans 12 1 through 2 Oh The depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways
For who has known the mind of the Lord or who hasn't or who has been his counselor?
Or who has given a gift to him and that he might be repaid For from him and through him and to him are all things
To him be glory forever. Amen. I Appeal to you therefore brothers by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a living sacrifice
Holy and acceptable to God which is your spiritual worship Do not be conformed to his to this world
But be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing you may discern
What is the will of God what is good and acceptable and perfect? You may be seated
Good morning Open your Bibles to Psalm 50, please To the 50th
Psalm Psalm 50
They saw him of Asaph the mighty one God the Lord speaks and summons the earth From the rising of the
Sun to its setting out of Zion the perfection of beauty God shines forth Our God comes he does not keep silence before him is a devouring fire around him a mighty storm
He calls to the heavens above and to the earth that he may judge his people Gather to me my faithful ones who made a covenant with me by sacrifice
The heavens declare his righteousness for God himself is judge Salem Here all my people and I will speak
Oh Israel. I will testify against you. I am God your God Not for your sacrifices.
Do I rebuke you your burnt offerings are continually before me. I Will not accept a bull from your house or goats from your folds for every beast of the forest is mine
I know all the birds of the hills and all that moves in the field is mine If I were hungry,
I would not tell you for the world and its fullness is mine Do I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats?
Offer to God a sacrifice of Thanksgiving and perform your vows to the Most High and call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you and you shall glorify me
But to the wicked God says what right have you to recite my statutes or take my covenant on your lips?
For you hate discipline and you cast my words behind you If you see a thief you are pleased with him and you keep the company a company with adulterers
You give your mouth free reign for evil and your tongue frames deceit you sit and speak against your brother
You slander your own mother's son These things you have done and I've been silent you thought that I was one like yourself
But now I rebuke you and lay the charge before you Mark this then you who forget
God lest I tear you apart and there be none to deliver The one who offers
Thanksgiving as a sacrifice glorifies me to one who orders his way rightly
I will show the salvation of God. Oh God in heaven As We talked about last week and as we're looking at this week how important it is for our hearts to be full of gratitude of Thanksgiving Lord, it is very much a foundational thing that we must establish before we can do anything
God that you Enjoy God in heaven our hearts must be full of gratitude because of what
Jesus Christ has done for us The sacrifice that he has enabled for us to be near to you
This reality needs to shake us each day of our lives. It cannot be a truth that we remember at one time professing and then forgetting but rather the truth of Jesus Christ of him
Sacrificed and and given to us for our righteousness It needs to produce in us a gratitude of Thanksgiving that place itself out in proper worship
So I pray God that as yet last week we celebrated justification by faith alone and the power of salvation therein
We would now see that it places self out in our sanctification in our worship This gratitude that you have done this great work for us and may it's result
Lord in a further Celebration in our own hearts for I know me personally and those before me.
We Struggle with hearts of gratitude So let it found find its center in Jesus Christ and him crucified
And may that be the word preached today and may our hearts and minds and ears be open to it in Jesus name.
Amen So last week we started the sermon with How man if you remember how man loves displays of power and how we
There's just something in us in which we love to see power displayed and to see it before us
And we I attached it to how God has made us It's really rooted in being made by God to behold his power right in creation wrath and salvation
We were meant to look at the power revealed in those things And Marvel that's how we started last week's sermon and this week.
I want to detail how when we are given power Right when we are given power from an outside source.
We typically have a great desire to use it, right? So not only do we have a great love and joy of displaying powers
Revealed but we also when we are given power. We have this great desire within us to use this power that reminds me of Yesterday was a very important and good day for the
BB household for for me in particular and in 2020. Oh that is because we we lost power and I got to use my generator and See that's important for me because in 2020 when everything was kind of going chaotic, you know, that was quite the year
And it looked like the world was probably gonna end pretty soon I didn't want to overreact but I also didn't like the idea that if I lost power for too long
I wouldn't be able to flush my toilet too long, you know being on a well You need electricity to get that sucker up, you know from the city.
I wasn't used to that You always had water but in the country you got to have electricity So I wanted a generator that in case if certain people get too crazy
I could have power for a little bit and so we got one on a good deal in which We could run most of the house if not all the house if our power goes out and so I got it all excited
I you know got it hooked up to our to our propane tank That's the size of a football field, you know, and so it can last forever
And I just needed the power to go out so I could use the thing, you know It's like man just totally love my thumbs. It's just I wanted to go out
And so when it went out yesterday, I got pretty excited but it uses fuel and I can't waste fuel I'm like, okay, we can just it comes back on a little bit.
I don't need to use it. So just calm down Don't pull it out yet And I and I told myself and went out around 2 and I said if it's still out by the time
Sarah needs to start making dinner Then I will fire it on so I'm waiting, you know 5 o 'clock she starts making dinner
I'm like, come on and it was supposed to come on at 5 So, you know, I was a little worried it would come on prior but 5 o 'clock comes around and it gets pushed to 8 p .m
I was like, alright, so I fire it up and it was a good time. I loved it I loved having that power to be able to bring it on and have the whole house run
While Sarah's making dinner and everything just great having that power at my hands to dispose it as I will
Fortunately the fun had to end and the power came on around an hour later, but nevertheless it was a good day for us
Well, there's something about when we have power when we have the ability we are there's something in us that we want to use it
We want to display it. We want to display it ourselves And for those of you who believe in Christ Jesus the power of God for salvation has been given to you
Remember we talked about that that we that God reveals his power to save in Jesus that he would justify you and Make you righteous based off of Jesus's righteousness and his work on the cross and so for those who you believe in Jesus the power of God for salvation has been revealed to you and given to you as a gift because of the work of Jesus and We talked a lot about to look at that Romans 3 if you remember remember
Romans 3 21 through 28 We talked a lot about how in Romans 1 going into 3 how we are saved by grace through faith alone
Right it is from faith for faith And what is the what is this faith looking at that would that would forgive a sinner like I well we saw that it's because Jesus is that powerful right and we saw that in Romans 3 right in which
Jesus has died for sinners Right that his work has accomplished your righteousness and the power that's behind that and so Salvation is all an act of God's power to make you right with him based off of the power of Jesus not based off of your works
Not based off your ability to keep the law But rather is a power displayed for you to behold and also to receive as a gift
But it's very interesting that Paul ends chapter 3 by the statement in verse 31 of Romans Do we then overthrow the law by this faith?
Do we then disregard the law and say well, I'm not saved by the law It's not saved by keeping the works of the law so I can just do away with it.
It doesn't matter By the way, that's exactly what Paul was accused of with this salvation by grace through faith alone stuff
So he says no, that's not the case at all by no means on the contrary We are the ones who are actually actually able to uphold the law because of this free grace
So we can see that we have passively received this power of salvation and with this powerful gift received you need to have a great desire for it to display itself in upholding the works of the law or revealing the power of God in salvation that he would change you unable to keep the law for salvation to save you and then you
Would be one in which you lovingly and willingly and want to obey God and salvation
With this powerful gift received you need to have a great desire bigger than anything else to use it to display it
We see in Revelation 19 this display to Revelation 19 6 through 8
Then I heard what seemed to be the voice of a great multitude like the roar of many waters
Like the sound of mighty peals of thunder crying out hallelujah For the Lord our
God the Almighty reigns Let us rejoice and exalt and give him the glory for the marriage of the
Lamb has come and his bride has made herself ready It was granted to her to her to clothe herself with fine linen bright and pure For the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.
So you see we have been made ready by the Lamb, right? It was granted to the church to be made ready by the work of Jesus Christ to give us pure clothes
That he has given to us by his bloody clothes And we see that the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the
Saints So it plays itself out in our righteous deeds because of what God has done in salvation
So again the whole purpose of God revealing The power of God in salvation and justifying you to glaring you righteous is that then you would reveal this power in the way that you live from then on in sanctification
The power of God is revealed in justification to declare you righteous so that you would show his power in your sanctified life in your
Holy living and your upholding of the law because of what he has done for you and you free grace you see when we have been given such power by God and Being made righteous by a gift.
It should be everything within us as Christians to say and now I want to show that I want to show the power of this to the world in my holy living in my sanctification
So the million -dollar question for us then after we talked about justification as we're talking about the power of God in Sanctification is how do
I use this powerful gift of salvation? How do I do that a?
Lie, we fall into is God needs my works. And so I must rely upon my power to now work
It's just like the power or the lie of Satan that you can be right with God by your own work and that lie
Continues even for the Christian to battle that now that I've been made right by his work I then show
God's power by my own work. I rely upon my own abilities. It's a similar lie.
The truth is Just as your justification is the display of God's power to save Just as justification is a display of God's power to save not man.
So your progressive Sanctification is the display of God's power to save as well the
Justification the one -time act when God declares you to be righteous and the progressive sanctification near a life thereafter in which you now live a life
Devoted to God and you as you grow in the identity of Jesus So just as your justification is the display of God's power to save So your progressive
Sanctification is a display of God's power to save as well The former the justification is a passive gift for you to receive as we talked about last week the latter the progressive
Sanctification is something you actively do you need to be hard at work in your sanctification?
Not by your own power though, are you hard at work as if God needs it
But with a heart full of gratitude for the gift received We must understand that your ability to live a sanctified life comes by the
Spirit as you are Grateful as you are thankful for what has been done for you at justification if your life lived for the
Lord is not in Gratitude and thankfulness for what the power of God's in salvation and justification has done for you
Then you can be sure that you are living a life without a proper foundation and it is not something that God does not desire indeed
Thanksgiving becomes the cornerstone of Our inner reflection of what
Jesus Christ has done for us that produces a proper sanctified life to be full of gratitude
Thanksgiving It's a major Exhortation from Paul for those who have been saved by grace through faith alone and we'll kind of get to that Thanksgiving is a major Exhortation from Paul for those who have been saved by grace through faith alone
Thanksgiving is the main point here in Psalm 50 Where we are at and it's also a holiday that there's a holiday centered on it in just two and a half weeks
So with this one stone, I am killing three birds Psalm 50 was like right around the corner
And I was like man, it's right there. It's about Thanksgiving and to me sanctification is all found in Thanksgiving as Paul details
So I was like, hey, let's go for it And so this is the topic of discussion for this
Lord's Day and we see it as a topic of discussion here in Psalm 50 Beginning in Psalm 50.
We see a common theme that we've already detailed last week that we talked about last week You see that at the beginning of it
God it's declaring God's perfection and his righteous beauty Look at verse 6.
There's a good summation the heavens declare his righteousness for God himself as judge
Salah Notice the righteous and beautiful character of who God is in verses 1 & 2 the mighty one
God the Lord speaks and summons the earth from the rising of the Sun to its setting out of Zion The perfection of beauty
God shines forth from his creation Remember that was a common theme that we talked about in Romans Remember whenever God reveals his beautiful power and creation, right?
His righteous and yet God reveals his wrath because man does not respond to that beauty and creation the way that they should
Remember Romans 1 20 for his invisible attributes Namely his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly perceived ever since the creation of the world and the things that have been made
So they are without excuse God reveals himself to be a righteous beautiful wonderful awesome powerful everything good
God and his creation and we see that being kind of Spoken of here in Psalm 50 the mighty one the
God the Lord God the Lord speaks and summons the earth from the rising of Its Sun to its setting right creation out of Zion the perfection of beauty
God shines forth Again, the heavens declare his righteousness for God himself as judge
You see God is being lifted up as being beautiful and awesome and his creation displays of his righteous power
But remember as we talked about man responds to such power without worship So God's wrath is revealed and we see that here in Psalm 50 as well in verse 3 our
God comes He does not keep silence before him is a devouring fire around him a mighty
Tempest or a mighty storm you see why is it so important that God does not keep silent?
Because he's dealing with the world does not that does not give him the proper worship that he deserves
And what it's saying is that God does not let that go on He must answer that because he is righteous and perfect and good and so he does not keep silent
In fact, it says that he is a devouring fire You think of a fire it needs fuel.
It needs things It needs it needs fuel for it to rage on. Well, God is looked at here's a devouring fire.
What is his fuel? What is the fire that continues? What does it feed off of sin? God is a holy
God righteous in all his ways and he devours sin where sin is he meets it and he ends it and And kind of as detailed as him being a mighty storm
It's a terrifying thing as we talked about God's wrath that he would meet wrath with But he would meet sin with his wrath and it's like a storm.
It's a fire that consumes So again, you have God showing his power and creation righteous and beautiful you have man's response is not
Proper and it's sinful and so God is displayed as a wrathful God a devouring fire
Consuming his adversaries and his enemies. This is the same theme if you remember that we talked about Last week and again the same thing we talked about last week.
The only way we can avoid wrath is by what? God shows his power of salvation in sacrifice in Jesus Christ in his work of sacrifice right and here we get the same imagery and four and five
The psalmist says He calls to the heavens above and to the earth that he may judge.
He has a people How does he have a people? Well, he says gather to me my faithful ones who made a covenant with me by Sacrifice you see so the only way that someone cannot be consumed by fire
Right by God's holy wrath is that we would approach him by sacrifice That's the only way we can have communion with this
Holy God who hates sin as we are sinners so we can only approach him by Sacrifice and so he says gather these people.
I have something to say to them in light of all the world watching I have something to say to them those who have made a covenant with me those who have come close to me or those who
I came close to by sacrifice he says I Think he's talking about the sacrifice that was made in Exodus 24 3 through 8 the initial sacrifice that Moses had in which he he spread the he threw the blood on the covenant of the
Testimony of the tabernacle and that was the sacrifice that got things going that God would be with them in their wanderings
Right. It is the sacrifice the way that God drew near to Israel was by sacrifice and so he says call those people to me who
I am NOT consuming by my fire because they have made a covenant with me by sacrifice
But Israel could enjoy God's presence in the promised land by sacrifice. That's the only way because of their sin he would not be with them and Their ability to stay in the promised land was through a daily life of sacrifice, which will be important later on We'll see so in order to be together with God as they wandered they had to have the sacrifice and they had to daily
Sacrifice morning and evening to continue to enjoy life with God in the promised land
And it was at this daily sacrifice part that God had an issue with his people
There was a problem And we see the problem here in 7 as he draws out as he says this is the issue
I have and he says in verse 7 here all my people and I will speak Oh Israel. I will testify against you
I am God your God says and this is my issue. It's not for your sacrifices. Do I rebuke you?
Again continual sacrifices they were do each day Because your burnt offerings he says are continually before me.
So he's saying I'm not angry I'm not upset at you for failing to do your daily sacrifices actually you're supposed to do
In fact, you are doing them their daily before me But it is how they're doing it
You get what I'm saying? it's not that they're doing they're doing what they're supposed to do, but they're doing it in a way that God does not like and They're doing it away in which the world around them sacrifice to their gods the pagan cultures around them sacrifice to their gods with blood with animals as if God or Their God needed it
Okay This is a typical pagan non -christian non -biblical way of understanding our
God or God above is that he needs our worship that in fact a lot of pagans around them
God literally ate and consumed the sacrifice to live and Thank God for proper scriptural understanding that our
God is self -sufficient. He doesn't need anything from anyone He created not because he needed And so here though we see that they were doing the daily sacrifices as they were supposed to But they were doing it in a way like the world in which
God needed those sacrifices and God does not like that he says in verse 8
Not for your sacrifices do I rebuke you because your burnt offerings or sacrifices are continually before me you're doing them
But nevertheless, I'm not going to accept a bull from your house Or goats from your foals.
Well, those were proper animals to sacrifice basis. I'm not going to accept it. I'm not going to take it It's not going to be good to me
I'm not going to appreciate it because he says for every beast of the forest is mine the cattle on a thousand hills
In other words all the hills of the earth all the animals. They're all mine so you can't sacrifice in a way in which
I need it or it's like man. I'm really glad you brought that bowl because I was running empty They're all mine
Where you got your animals to sacrifice you got it from from my location from my place for my sovereignty
You got it from me You can't you can't sacrifice as if I need it As if i'm gained by it as if I need it to to live
It's all mine anyways He says for every beast of the forest is mine the cattle on a thousand hills
It's just an infinite amount of hills. I know all the birds of the hills and all that moves in the field.
It's all mine Not going to give me anything that I need when it's all mine to begin with Their sacrifices to me each day is not rooted in my need of it because I don't need it
That's huge It's he kind of compounds it in the next verses.
He says let's just say I was hungry Let's just say somehow possible I could be hungry right
I could be as god in need let's just say for the hay of it
That I was hungry. He says even if I was I wouldn't even tell you I wouldn't need to tell you
You wouldn't be up to my level to where I would tell you such a thing. I wouldn't tell you for the world and its fullness
It's mine I mean, yes Rhetorically, do
I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats? And the answer is no
God is not like us We're in need of food and drink. He is not we are needy
He is not we do not sacrifice to him as if he's in need of those sacrifices
So again, the israelites they were doing as they were supposed to be doing right? That's not the issue
They were given the daily sacrifices sacrifices what made them able to be close to god
But yet they were doing it in a way in which god says I do not like They were doing it in a way as if god needs this
We can't fall into anything like that, can we? We can't fall into a mode of worship as we talked about last week when it's not as we'll see with a heart of gratitude
But it's because in some way or the other god just wants me so bad to go to church And worship and please do it.
I need it I said i'm not going to accept that worship that sacrifice because I don't need it.
Don't give it to me as if I do What is the answer in verse 14?
Don't do it like that, but rather offer to god offer me a sacrifice of thanksgiving
Right do that sacrifice but underlaying it underlying it needs to be this great
Thankfulness within your heart As you provide that animal sacrifice you need to do it not like you need
I need it but because you are so overwhelmed with thanksgiving for me And then he says built off of that foundation of thanksgiving
Then you are to he says in verse 14 perform your vows to the most high To perform your vows to the most high means to to to act in a way that you should act right?
When god has done something for you then in response we vow to him I shall do this in light of what you have done
So he says your actions your work in light of what i've done Right needs to be with the basis of overwhelming gratitude and thanksgiving to me
The vows we do to god, right? We do vows as well. We perform things In keeping with the salvation that we've been given right and it's and he says if it is not driven by thanksgiving
It is worthless We don't do what we do to god because he needs it
But we do it because we are full of gratitude for what he has done In fact, he says in verse 15
Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you and you shall glorify me. See he flips the tables, doesn't he?
Stop sacrificing to me like I need it instead you need to be needy Right, you see what he's saying there cry out to me in your need and I will deliver you and that's how you'll see salvation
Don't you dare act like i'm the needy one here. You are the needy one and show that and you will see salvation
So he flips the tables completely and says do not worship Do not sacrifice in a way in which
I need it rather you be needy cry out to me in your need I will deliver you you will glorify me and you will then worship me in light of this with thanksgiving
That is proper worship that is how we are to worship our god but notice as he goes on in verses 16 to 21
I I really think what what he's saying here is he says A lack of gratitude in one season of life will create a season of sin in the next
If you Locate your personal sin that you're struggling with right now and you kind of go back to the root
You're going to find a heart that lacks thanksgiving to god You see what i'm saying if you follow that to its root you're going to see it results in something
They're showing some kind of lack of thanksgiving to your god And so we see here that a worship that fails to have thanksgiving as its foundation for what god has done for you
Will result in sin in the next He says in verses 16 to 21
He says but to the wicked god says what right do you even have to recite my law or take my covenant on your lips?
He says you hate discipline and you cast my words behind you if you see a thief instead of stopping him or Working against them you are pleased with them and you keep company with adulterers with sinners
You give your mouth free reign he says in verse 19 for evil And your tongue frames deceit you sit and speak against your own brother.
You slander your own mother's son He says these things you've done And i've been silent
And in my silence you thought that I was one of like yourself, but now i've rebuked you and lay the charge before you
And so he has this summary statement in light of this right in light of their thankless worship and light of their thankless sacrifice
In light of their practice of sin and light because of their thanklessness He says in verse 22 is almost like a summation
He says mark this then you who forget god lest I tear you apart and there will be none to deliver no more covenant for you
No more togetherness with god. No more sacrifice. He says the one who offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice
This is the one who glorifies me To one who orders his way rightly I will show the salvation of god
I will reveal the power of god in salvation the one who sacrifices with thanksgiving
Now We like israel see god's powerful salvation revealed by sacrifice, right?
In order for us to be together with god We need a sacrifice just like israel did but our sacrifice is a better sacrifice of israel as we've been talking about in hebrews
Israel was promised many promises of a land of Prosperity in the land they had those promises and in order to be together with god in those promises in the land
They needed sacrifice and they needed daily sacrifice Of a heart full of gratitude for god's provision for them
But see we as the new covenant members as the fulfilled israel We have greater promises.
Don't we we have a greater sacrifice? Don't we like israel we come together with god for these greater promises by a sacrifice
That's a sacrifice of jesus christ our lord And with that great sacrifice provided for us
We are to have a heart of gratitude of thanksgiving that shows itself in our daily lives and in our daily sacrifices as well
You see as israel had daily sacrifices that they were to do each day That god rejected because they were not doing it with thanksgiving
We have our daily sacrifices that we give each day, too And no, i'm not about to set up an altar with animal worship.
What is our daily? Sacrifice what is our? Daily sacrifice that we are to give with thanksgiving as well.
Yes. You had it right it is romans 12 verse 1 Romans 12 verse 1 turn there with me, please romans 12 verse 1
We like israel are to live within this salvation This great sacrifice of jesus christ in which we receive all the
Blessings and promises of the new covenant with our own daily sacrifices as well
And we see that in romans 12 1 I appeal to you therefore Therefore is a all -encompassing word based off of everything that jesus christ has done for you in his sacrifice
I Appeal to you because of that brothers by the mercies of god to present your bodies as a living sacrifice
Holy acceptable holy and acceptable to god, which is your spiritual worship And so we are to have our daily sacrifices
And that sacrifice is a living sacrifice in which we're not slaughtering ourselves on the altar But rather we stay alive and we say all of my life everything about me is for god now
I am god's just like that sacrifice is burnt up and consumed and it's god's so we are consumed by god
My whole life is for him now not myself not for satan not for the world But it is for christ everything about me in light of what he has done for me is now a sacrifice to him
I will do what he says period And he goes on to say in verse 2 do not be therefore conformed to this world
So if that's the case if that's the christian's reality, right, that's what they are to do each day is to be a living sacrifice
This is our spiritual worship. He says don't be conformed to this world But be transformed by the renewal of your mind
Now if you remember, I think he's alluding to earlier in romans. Do not be conformed to this world. Don't do what the world does
They remember in israel don't you know, the pagans they worship god as if he needed it not with a heart full of gratitude
And you remember what paul says with what the world does in romans 1 that we went over Last week in romans 1 21.
What does the world do for although in romans 1 21? for although They knew god
They did not honor him as god or give thanks to him So they lacked gratitude.
They lacked thanksgiving and they became futile in their thinking And their foolish hearts were darkened
So instead of their thinking their understanding of god and creation and who he is caused them to be overwhelmed with gratitude to god in Service to him and said they became useless in their thinking and they lacked gratitude
And paul says in romans 12 2 do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind
No longer futile No longer worthless in your mind and your thinking but rather your mind and your thinking become consumed with gratitude to god
No longer thankless and we find all sorts of excuses to not serve god in our thanklessness like the pagan does but rather our heads
Our minds are renewed after the image of christ in which we live a life of thanksgiving to god
This is the engine that runs our service and our worship to god is that we are overwhelmed with gratitude that he has created us
And recreated us in christ And so our daily sacrifice our daily service and worship is driven by a mind
That's overwhelmed by gratitude to our god And if it is not
Then there is no way our daily sacrifices are going to be something that god is pleased with We can go through the motions.
We are very good at that I am very good at that and we can put on good faces for each other like christians should do
And we can paint ourselves up very well But to god that is all the more despicable
To him if it's not done with a heart of gratitude to what jesus has done for you in justification to display his power therein
If you are not serving in the realm of thanksgiving for that then you are not displaying the power of god for salvation in your sanctification
Thankfulness A life of thanksgiving I think becomes a major major exhortation by paul in his letters
In fact, it's a good exercise for you to go through the scriptures And see all the times that we're told to be thankful All the times we're told not to grumble
All the times we're told not to murmur but rather to have gratitude in our hearts for who and what god has done ephesians 5 15 through 21 philippians 2 14 through 18 philippians 4 4 through 7
Colossians 3 14 through 17 1st. Thessalonians 5 16 through 18 to name a few
And the one I want to actually turn to and start to finish with is colossians 2 colossians 2 6 through 7 which paul
Right into the colossian says therefore As you received christ jesus the lord
What does that mean? As you've received jesus as you've placed your faith upon him
As you have been justified in what christ has done As you have received the benefits of the sacrifice of our lord in which he brings unrighteous sinners to the righteous god
As that miraculous display of god's power has been received by you through faith
So walk in him It is not maybe get around to walk into him
It is this is what just organically happens in the believer when you have received the power of god for salvation
You have a desire to use that power of god for salvation in your life to display it to walk in christ
He says rooted and built up in him and established in the faith See the root of that the the workings of that is found in faith in jesus christ and rooted in that Just as you were taught and then it shows itself abounding in thanksgiving
That flower will not do what it's supposed to do If it's not rooted in faith, and it will not abound in beauty and thanksgiving
You look at a flower coming up in spring and in the summer Doesn't it look like it's just full of thanksgiving as it just looks beautiful in all its ways, right?
It just looks like it's praising god for the sun and when it's wet from the dew Of the rain and of the morning.
It just looks like it's so full of gratitude and thanksgiving It's rooted in life And so beloved as you are rooted in your faith
It must show itself and in life of thanksgiving to god as you are alive because of him If your actions are not rooted in thanksgiving because what jesus has done you will not look like the beautiful Flower of the springtime and summer but rather in its more depressing state in late fall and early winter
No See part of our worship Our worship in total is to be done with a heart of gratitude
And if that is not there then we can be assured that the power of god for salvation is not being revealed in sanctification in our lives
Thankfulness for what christ has done in justification if gratitude
Or thanksgiving is so essential to your sanctification So if gratitude or thanksgiving is so essential to your sanctification your progressive sanctification your daily living out your life
If that is so essential, how dare we allow complaining murmuring and grumbling being an acceptable sin?
All right, think about that how much we allow that to be something that's kind of cute
We can kind of laugh at a little bit, but if that truly is the bread and butter, right? The foundation of your service to the lord is rooted in thankfulness for what christ has done in justification
If that really is that how dare us treat A murmuring heart a complaining heart a grumbling heart as if it's one of those acceptable things that we do
If we vote democrat we stone those people but if we have a murmuring heart no or oh
Then that's okay. I'm getting my analogy mixed up and that's okay this is a
Foundational way that we are to approach our god and gratitude for what he has done in christ And we cannot treat it as if it's something that we can wink an eye at And it begins with me in the morning when i'm complaining about having to get out of bed
That's just where my head goes to when I think am I a murmuring person? And I say my goodness look at my murmuring soul.
It even started as I murmured my way out of bed Such a sin of a murmuring heart
Causes us to start doing our living sacrifice as if god needs it We're not here because we're in gratitude to god.
We're here because god just demands it from us and he needs it from us But no instead we are to remind ourselves of the gospel
Remind ourselves of jesus christ and what he has done to Make us right with him And this is to produce a heart of thanksgiving what happens when that doesn't happen
What happens when your heart is not full of thanksgiving and gratitude? We are to be thankful.
Anyways, a lot of times thanksgiving begins with your emotions not caught up yet But you are to decide
I am to be thankful. So therefore god I thank you for what you have done in jesus christ And I pray god that you'll allow my heart to follow soon
We do not just give in to the flesh And kind of go about our day as a zombie thankless
But rather we know that this is the very means that god uses for our sanctification to display the power of salvation
That I would do worship in a way that he likes and so therefore god as you wake up in the morning You're filled with thanklessness
You say god forgive me that I would treat your son in such a way Fill my heart with raptures of joy and thanksgiving that he would forgive a sinner like me
And let my heart be so overwhelmed by this that my actions produce This in keeping with this reality here
Do not be okay with thanklessness do not be okay with going about your job Complaining about it instead of being amazed that he would give you the way to provide for your family
For those around you even if you think it's for a few less dollars than what you deserve Beloved there's every area of our life
God deserves thanksgiving especially in jesus christ. And as we set that in place everything else falls into place
But as our thankfulness in christ is not in place. Everything else is on a train wreck of murmuringness
Well, that's a loud one. You will always hear that one. You will not miss that ringtone. That's a good one
So may our hearts be full of gratitude And we are going to to end this this is our first lord's day to Of of enjoying the supper in which we lord willing would do it weekly as what?
Uh, the elders are convicted is the most biblical thing if it is an act of worship Then why wouldn't we partake of it every time we come together, right?
If this is an ordained act of worship that god has given us in his sacrament Why wouldn't we then participate in this every day and one of the biggest pushback is because then we will take it for granted
Then as we do it each lord's day It'll just be something that we always do and we'll take it for granted
And what does that then provide you with a reason to repent and say god help me to be thankful for this
Instead of murmuring about it Because if we're taking the lord's supper for granted because we're doing it every lord's day guess what else we're taking for granted my sermon
Which I know it wasn't the best but come on singing praying What else are we taking for granted if we're taking the lord's supper for granted so beloved instead of saying man
This is going to cause this instead It's hey god, this is going to be something in which god is going to show me my need to repent and be thankful Instead god in heaven
There are many reasons to be thankful There are This beautiful thing that you've done for each one of us in this room that you've given us life
And that is our physical life in which you watched over us all night And we woke up breathing your air
And seeing your beautiful creation But god, we know that in our sinful state We will take that like as the world does and we'll find fault with you and with everything and we'll be murmurers
I'm, so thankful lord that because of what jesus christ has done And his sacrificial work
And bringing it to bear upon our souls by sacrifice that we can come to you Forgiven And we can come to you with a changed heart a renewed mind in which no longer are we murmurers and grumblers
But rather we are people of thanksgiving because of what jesus has done lord. I pray that every one of us here would celebrate the gospel
That each day we wouldn't grow tired of it and when we are tired of it We would repent and turn to you and ask you to fill our hearts more with great worship and thanksgiving for what jesus has done
Lord, let us not grow weary and tired of speaking of the works of jesus For this is the anthem in eternity and may it start and begin to be the anthem in our own lives today
That jesus christ came as a righteous sacrifice He's at the right hand of father and he intercedes for us even now as we speak
Oh, may our souls be joyful for that and may we celebrate that even now as we engage in the lord's supper
May you be praised from now all the way into eternity with our grateful hearts in jesus name.