12 Days of Charity - ERLC and TGC Twitter Admins feat Matt Smethurst

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Watch to learn the true genius of The Gospel Coaltion and the ERLC: https://youtu.be/WqbmiDkwrIE


Romans 13 and Christians Praising Caesar For Arresting Pastors

Romans 13 and Christians Praising Caesar For Arresting Pastors

Well, all right time for another episode of the 12 days of Christmas Charity, if you don't know what
I'm doing I am picking 12 people 12 people on Twitter online that I don't think care for me very much but I actually quite like and what
I'm doing is talking to you about how I know about them and What I like about them all in the spirit of charity.
This is the season of charity Christmas season, that's right. So today I've got two I've got two people that I want to mention
And I'll mention them together. The first is whoever runs the ERLC Twitter page and the second one is
Whoever runs the gospel coalition Twitter page The spirit of charity
I want to say look look here's the reality I have no evidence that the gospel coalition Twitter page doesn't like me
I have a feeling that they wouldn't if you had a chance to ask But I do have evidence that the
ERLC Twitter page doesn't like me because the ERLC Twitter page at one point Whether or not you can believe this had me blocked.
I Don't know why I was never given any warning. They just blocked me one day and then one day they unblocked me
So at one point whoever ran this page didn't didn't like me very much But I like them and obviously
I don't think I have to go into why I know about these people Obviously, I would know about the gospel coalition of the
ERLC if I engage in any kind of Christian media online of any form
In any time in any place you would have heard about these two organizations now what I like about them
That's that's what I that's what I want to talk about today. What I appreciate about these two is Their consistency and their ability to stay on Mission they've got a one -track mind if you go through their
Twitter feed scrolling through here What they do is they just they share their own articles, which is good
That's what that's what a Twitter page should do and then they also retweet people that they're associated with either bloggers that they're associated with or Bloggers of bloggers that they're associated with and things like that.
And this is literally all they do all day long It's just tweet after tweet after tweet after tweet after tweet of gospel coalition
Approved materials. It's quite a sight to behold the ERLC is the same way It's you can see they just tweet and tweet
Oh, of course, they retweet Russell Moore because Russell Moore pretty much is the ERLC and that's what it is
It's just consistent. They are the ability to stay on mission and undistractable Is second to none?
What do I mean by under Distractible. Well, if you look at their tweets and their tweets and replies,
I'm pretty sure that they never ever ever Apply reply to anybody if this is they're just they've got a one -track mind.
I'm tweeting out my articles I'm gonna retweet my friends and that's all I'm gonna do doesn't matter what you say about me
I'm on mission. I appreciate that level of dedication and Consistency, you know and and honestly like like listen, there are some
Organizations that have Twitter pages that mix it up a little bit They'll reply and can impress for examples one of them and and I like that I appreciate a little bit of a human touch to it and let's just be honest.
There's a very good chance that whoever runs these pages It's probably a robot
It's probably a machine and when I say robot, I don't mean like I'm like that kind of robot
I mean like this is probably an automatic feed most likely there was a guy there was a guy
So really there's nothing to like about this the dedication is just because it's a robot and a robot does whatever you tell it to do
There's no such thing as a dedicated robot a robot just responds to its programming But anyway, um, so there was a guy on Twitter.
I used to mix it up with back when I first became a believer He was an atheist and and he had one of these he had a robot that would basically tweet out a
Series of tweets every single day and it was stupid stuff like I I look forward to the day when the cross is next to the swastika in the garbage hand of history and something like Stuff stuff that sounds super thoughtful and contemplative and pithy but it really wasn't and it just was he just would tweet it over and over He wasn't doing it.
It was a robot, but then he would respond and mix it up with people, too So it was like half robot half machine.
It was really a half person It was really more like a cyborg and there you know There are some pages that handle it that way where they have they do have a human touch from time to time
I like that I like when people have a human touch to their Twitter feeds interesting side note to this story This guy's name was flying free something or other he got banned off of Twitter because he was horribly
He he was the first atheist that I ever saw use the you know Hey, you believe the Bible then you should drink this poison this
Drano and you know That kind of thing so he got banned off Twitter and then he started a
YouTube channel and you would think for such an outspoken Atheist so powerful. His name was flying free
You would think that he'd be bold but his YouTube channel was was basically him on video
Making all the typical village atheist arguments, but he blurred out his face Sure sure looks like you're flying free.
So maybe a robot will automatically tweet stuff But then you know, there's also a human behind it too.
I like that gospel coalition and ERLC Doesn't really do that So This one is a
Christmas cherry. Is this charitable? I don't know if it is or not Whatever, but I do appreciate consistency and gospel coalition is on mission.
They are going to put forth their nonsense articles With regularity with consistency, they don't care what you say, no matter how dumb their article is
They're putting it out there and they're gonna continue to do so and retweet everyone else as well now Everything that the gospel coalition is dumb, but many things are someone pointed this one out to me
Do you remember last week what I I made that video about the genius of gospel coalition and how they?
How they basically say well the church is bad at this and we and then basically what you do is you insert an Unexpected source of where you should learn how to do something biblical.
Well Obviously, this is true. Everybody knows this is true, but someone pointed this out to me from yesterday
Matt Smith Harris is just He's the perfect avatar for gospel coalition.
Like if gospel coalition the blog was a man It would be Matt Smethurst There's there's a prototype.
This is how you sound super thoughtful without putting any effort into it at all This is how you do it.
He should have written a blog post This would have been a really good blog post, but instead he used it for a tweet Okay Here's what he says he says what's often even harder than weeping with those who weep
Rejoicing with those who rejoice imagine if Christians were famous for being this big -hearted and He basically shows it is one of the people who didn't win
Miss America was so excited that the other one won and like you're Rejoicing with people who rejoice now This is it's good to rejoice the people were to who rejoice and it's sometimes
I I used to struggle with this before I was A believer if someone succeeded and I didn't succeed I would be really angry right like this was a very big issue for me
I was very envious person, but to pretend like Miss America They got it and the church that just doesn't have it
Christians aren't famous for this It's totally preposterous on the face. I know this makes him sound like this has 286 likes this makes him sound very thoughtful it
Hmm Very insightful, but it's not insightful. This is the formula you say the church is bad at X This weird pagan source is good at X therefore the church to learn from this weird pagan source no
No, stop it I see this in churches all the time people rejoicing with people who rejoice this happens all the time in churches the church is
Not bad at this But Again Matt Smethurst if if gospel coalition the blog was a person
That person would be Matt Smethurst, which is not surprising obviously because that's what his job is