A Reasonable Latino Reveals Gospel Coalition's True Nature

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right guys, well a lot of you watched my video yesterday.
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I want to just kind of reinforce one of my main points from yesterday's video. Guys, we're winning this.
The tide is turning. It's been this way for the last six months to a year, I would say, but it's become so much more obvious that Big Eva is in desperation mode.
They're trying everything. They're trying everything that they can possibly do to distract from the inconsistency, the unbiblical nature, and just really the damage that their message is doing.
I mean, it's just so easy to do this. You can point out inconsistencies in such an—it's just so easy to do.
Jonathan Lehman's whole perspective on why it was okay to encourage people to gather for the Black Lives Matter protest, but not okay to go to church.
Everyone that has their head on straight can see that there's a problem there. Jonathan Lehman is desperate to try to make that make sense, and it kind of does make sense in his weird system where you're trying to do everything in a pragmatic way.
There's really no principles to it at all. It's just all about being pragmatic with the world and spending capital and all that kind of stuff.
It makes sense in his strange system, but it's very clear to most people that his system is not biblical in any way, not in any way.
But they'll keep trying. They'll keep trying to do what they can do to potentially distract from that kind of thing.
One of the main things that they do to distract from their problems is to warn you about people like me.
What they'll do is they'll try to throw shade, and because they are such wimps, they typically throw shade in the most vague of ways.
And so that way, all it really serves to do is to sow discord. All it really serves to do is to cause suspicion, because you don't really know who they're talking about.
You see, a man names names, like I'm about to do in a second. A man names names, so that way you can check my receipts.
You can make sure that what was said was actually said. You can make sure that I have it in context, and look, I don't always get it right, but the reason why
I cite who I'm talking about is so that you can check. I don't want you to just trust me. I think you should probably check it out.
And so I'll tell you exactly who I'm talking about, exactly what I think they said, and exactly why I think it was wrong, but Big Eva doesn't do that.
Big Eva is, you know, I'm trying not to say effeminate because, you know, women shouldn't even be doing this, but Big Eva is just a bunch of liars.
That's what they are. They're liars. They lie to you all the time, but they do it with a smile, and they do it with smooth sounding words.
And if you look at the Bible, the people it tells you to worry about, like the false prophets and the wolves and things like that, the
Bible doesn't say that they come aggressive, right? They don't come with harsh words.
They don't come with that kind of thing. They come and they sound smooth, baby, and they tell you what they think you want to hear.
They sound so loving and lovely and precious and all of that kind of stuff. Those are the people that you need to watch out for because their message is violent.
What they say is war, but they say it in a nice way. And that's pretty much a description of Big Eva, in my opinion.
They'll tell you all kinds of harshness, but they'll say it in a way that it seems so nice.
They'll say it in a way, and they'll say, love your neighbor. They'll say it's gospel centered. They'll say all that stuff, but it doesn't change the content of their message.
The content of their message is hateful. And I mean that in a technical sense, hateful in that it's untrue.
It's unbiblical. It's not loving according to God's standard. And you see, you can say hateful things, but say it in a nice, kind way.
And those are the people the Bible again and again consistently asks, you know, warns you about. Be careful when they say smooth sounding words.
Be careful when they tickle your ears. Be careful when they stroke your ego. Be careful with all those things because that's a very manipulative tool.
You know, people that are in abusive relationships, like abusive spouses and boyfriends and stuff like that, you know, they're violent.
Of course they're violent, and they're manipulative, and they're evil, and that kind of thing. But they know when to play nice, right?
That's how people stay in those relationships. They know when to play nice, and they know how much they can get away with before they have to play nice again.
They know exactly what to say to certain people to make sure that they're manipulating in the ultimate way.
And Big Eva is nothing except for manipulative. They manipulate you with their words. They manipulate you with their rhetoric.
They manipulate you with their blog posts, their podcasts, their videos, all of that kind of stuff. Big Eva is just a big, gigantic manipulation.
Here is exhibit A. Matt Smethurst is a great avatar for Big Eva in general. Here's what this blue check mark has to say.
He says, quote, your attention is limited. Don't waste it on a stranger whose whole platform depends on winning it.
Now, if you know anything about Matt Smethurst, then you know he's the managing editor of the
Gospel Coalition, which is primarily a blog. It's a platform. It's a platform that, you know, presumably seeks to get your attention.
So why would he say something like this, right? Your attention is limited. Don't waste it on a stranger whose whole platform depends on winning it.
I mean, the whole point of Gospel Coalition is to get your attention, and your attention, of course, is limited.
So why would somebody seemingly undermine himself in this way? Like, why would somebody say something like this, right?
And the key here is the word stranger. What he's attempting to do, Matt Smethurst, is he's attempting to throw shade, you know, my way, but people, not just me, but people like me, people that are not in the guild, people that never wrote a book, people that were never promoted by your favorite pastor, your favorite preacher, and stuff like that.
Hey, buddy, what's up? Okay, I'll make it for you in a minute.
I'm watching my kids this morning, and he wants breakfast. So I'll wrap this up. He's trying to throw shade my way, right?
Because I'm not in the guild, right? I never even went to seminary. I mean, have I ever even been published? No, I haven't.
And what he wants to do here is to say people like me are doing something nefarious by trying to build a platform, you see, because we're strangers, right?
Like, don't waste your time on strangers that are trying to build a platform.
And there's nothing biblical about this at all. There's absolutely nothing biblical about this at all, because though I am not an elder,
I have the same ambassadorial relationship that Matt Smethurst presumably has, since he's a professed
Christian. And I have the same charge, the same mission, the same commission that Matt Smethurst has.
But what he's trying to do is throw shade my way, because I'm not in the guild. He's trying to protect the guild not with arguments, not with rationality, not with biblical cases, but instead with just ad hominem.
He's a stranger. Don't listen to him. And the thing is, there's a lot of pastors as well that he would likewise put into the category of strangers.
And those people, because they are elders, actually have the same exact role that Matt Smethurst has, but yet he's trying to throw shade their way.
Why is that? Well, the reality is that Matt Smethurst is a liar. Matt Smethurst is one of those people you should watch out for.
He's a hireling. And because he can't win the debate with rationality, because he knows how inconsistent he and his buddies are, and if he were ever to get into the firing line with,
I don't know, John Harris or Tom Askle or some of these guys, John MacArthur, James White, all this kind of stuff, he wouldn't be able to last five seconds.
He would fold like a wet paper bag. And we all know this. So he won't do that. He won't allow himself to be directly cross -examined by another elder that disagrees with him on some of these issues, social justice,
COVID -19, all this kind of stuff. He'll never allow it because it'll be so obvious who's right, who's biblical, and who's not.
And so what he does instead is he tries to throw shade your way with comments like this, where he tries to make you suspicious of people that haven't been promoted by the
Guild, haven't ever been published by the Guild. Some of them have been published, but not by the Guild. They don't write for a gospel coalition.
Those guys are strangers. You should be wary of strangers. Think about how unbiblical this is. What does the Bible say about strangers?
You treat them the same as you treat people that you know. Because there's one law.
There's one law. And so if I'm professing Christ, but I'm a stranger, you should actually treat me according to the same standard that you treat
Matt Smethurst. That's not what Matt Smethurst wants because that's damaging to him. And the reality is that this is a loser.
Matt Smethurst is a liar, but he's also a loser. And he argues like a loser, and he tweets like a loser, and he writes like a loser.
It's just that simple. When you're a loser, you have to use underhanded tactics to try to win.
You can't fight on an even battlefield. You can't compete on an even playing field.
And so what you do is you try to undermine the other person. In fact, this is one of the things that wolves and false prophets do as well.
If you read the Bible, they try to attack the man rather than the argument. They try to undermine the man's authority rather than the argument.
They did this with Paul. I mean, this is not anything new. But what I want you to understand is that this kind of thing is very common in Big Eva.
And it typically happens when they feel on the defensive, right? This is a defensive tactic.
It's a loser tactic. They're losing this battle. We all can see it. And so they're going to lash out more like this.
It's just that simple. They're going to lash out in this way more, trying to protect the brand, protect the guild while throwing shade everybody else's way.
Bob Stevenson here. I don't really know who this guy is, but he says this is a subtweet, isn't it? A glorious, elegant subtweet.
And that's exactly right. This is a subtweet because Matt Smethurst is too much of a wimp, a wuss, a sissy to actually do anything about it directly like a man.
I'm not calling you out, Matt Smethurst. Who are you talking about here? Why don't you name names, buddy? Because if you're going to name names, people are going to realize that the people that you're talking about actually aren't strangers.
You just want them to treat them like strangers, but treat them like strangers the way a pagan would treat a stranger, not the way a
Christian ought to treat a stranger. What's the deal, man? Why don't you come on to my show? Why don't you come on to my show?
We'll have a nice little chat, and we'll see who's more biblical. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. Anytime, Matt, contact me at adroblez .com,
or you can email me, ad at adroblez .com. Hope you found this video helpful. God bless.