Street Interviews in Haddonfield | Ep. 23

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Since Pastor Jeff just preached from Romans 2:17 we decided to head to Haddonfield and do some street interviews. We were hoping to speak with some folks with a Jewish background and we did. We also spoke to Mormons, atheists, self described backsliders, and a Rastafarian. Be the first person to name the Rastafarian song clip in the podcast for a special shout out!! We did get to share the Gospel with several people and we hope if you were one of the people


But his people. His people. What were they saying? His people. Kill him. Crucify him.
Why did they say that? You know I have nothing to do with them. Why did they say that though? I don't know. It's because he was claiming to be
God. So why he might do that for? Because he was. So we're doing a podcast.
We're looking for people to interview. I don't know if you'd like to talk on our podcast. It's called Tearing Down High Places.
About what? We're asking people about anti -semitism and what they're experiencing lately and what they think about it.
About how we can. Personally? Yeah, sure. I have not experienced anti -semitism. I mean not personally.
Can I record you? Sure. That's because I hide. I don't go out in public very often.
What do you think about all the stuff on TV? The Palestinian movement?
Things like that? I don't know enough about it.
I really don't. Because there's so much to be angry about in this world going on right now.
And that is so terrible what's happening in Gaza. But I don't have a side. I don't have a side.
I think Netanyahu could stop it.
But Hamas is awful as well. Do you have any religious background? I'm Jewish, but I'm more of an atheist.
I don't practice. More of? There's a spectrum?
What do you mean? Of atheism to Jewishness. I don't think they're black and white,
I would think. Well, I mean I was born Jewish. Let's put it that way. Ethnic Jew. My parents weren't very religious.
The only person in my house that was born Mitzvot was my brother. And he practices, more or less, like the rest of us.
Are you Jewish too? No. He's Episcopalian. You're Episcopalian? My parents were so disappointed.
Do you go to church? No. So you're just brought up Episcopalian? Yeah. I'm also an atheist.
You might as well be. Because religion is what's wrong with the whole world in a way. I know it helped civilize the world, maybe, as the years went on.
But it's also the root of a lot of the problems. A lot of hypocrisy. Interesting.
So we're both Christians. And this podcast is from our church.
Just a full disclosure. It's called Tearing Down High Places. It comes from the Old Testament.
And I knew it then. The Jews had problems. They were corrected by God. They left high places.
They were compromised in what they were commanded to do. So are you anti -Semitic?
No. We're very pro -Jewish. And that's part of the thing we want to talk to people about.
Jesus calls us to say, there is only one race. We shouldn't even have any races in us.
It's always the ism that makes the wicked. Except I don't believe there's Jesus. And I don't believe there's a
God. And I don't believe there's a higher being. I don't believe any of that. I think people use that as an excuse.
To excuse certain behaviors. How about the Ten Commandments? Do you believe that that is a good law?
A good set of laws that we should live by? No. Except people don't do it. People who say they believe in the
Ten Commandments probably don't even know what the Ten Commandments are. Like Trump. Sure. The phoniness of that man.
He's committed all of them. Evangelicals are... I'm sorry. I don't want to insult you.
We asked for the interview. Evangelicals are... insane.
I have to say. They have a lot of problems in accepting the world as it is.
They don't accept anybody that isn't evangelical. We do. And believe that everybody else who doesn't believe in God is immoral.
I pay my taxes. I don't break the law. I'm not immoral. I'm a good human being.
That's the reason I asked you about the Ten Commandments. How else would we define law or define good without the law?
It's one of the uses of the law. There's definitely the difference between right and wrong. I don't need something written by men to tell me that I'm doing something right or wrong.
You can't think of any examples of people who are conflicted over what is right and what is wrong? You know whether what you're doing is right or wrong.
And if you don't know what you're doing is wrong. That's exactly my point.
If we don't have a moral standard and that's not an objective standard then you may have an opinion about what's moral and good and I may have an opinion about what's moral and good.
There's an example some of the philosophers use about the question they ask is it always morally wrong to torture babies to death?
Is it? Always? What kind of question is that?
It's an absurd question on purpose to see if what is your standard for that?
Your standard is murder. I think we'd all agree murder is wrong. Are you talking about abortion?
I'm not. I'm just saying that although we could go that route obviously, but I think that might take us down a rabbit hole.
What I'm trying to get to is how about stealing? Is stealing always morally wrong?
You mean taking something that doesn't belong to you? Of course it is. I know that without somebody without a
Ten Commandment You're telling me that. So why do we need somebody telling you that?
Some people say it's okay to steal. Who says it's okay to steal? The state of California allows you to steal up to $900 worth of value at a retail store without any prosecution whatsoever.
That doesn't make it okay. Right! Exactly! Totally agree. But there are people who would argue that.
But we need a standard is the question. But that's a legal thing and not a moral thing.
So you should base your laws off of religion. Is that what you're saying? I didn't say that.
He's saying that without something like the Ten Commandments, how do you know what's moral and what isn't? Do I understand that?
You need an objective standard. To be more direct with your question,
I would believe that and let me tell you why. When this country was founded right?
Everyone says not all the founders were this religion or that religion. They all wanted religious freedom.
But they all did study the Bible and they all did say this is our objective standard that we can have to unify us even though we might be in different religions.
Back then, they were worried that Presbyterians couldn't get along with Congregationalists. Okay, but who's to say that the
Christian way of living is wrong? It doesn't matter.
But that's what you're saying. The Bible. Is the Bible not Christian? It's also Jewish and it's also
Muslim. The Muslims affirmed the Old and New Testaments as being true in the
Quran. That's brainwashing in my mind. That's what it says in their books.
I don't care. Who wrote the Bible? Men. I can argue that.
We can go that route too. Absolutely. Did it come from God? No. It came from men. It was men who wrote this who determined that that was...
They also burned women at the stake Have you studied that? God wrote the Ten Commandments with his own finger.
What? Jewish people believe that. Well, that's why I'm an atheist. We know that.
But there is. There's amazing evidence. I mean, the biggest evidence of all we have is that Jesus affirms everything in the
Old Testament as being true and he rose from the dead. Oh my God. I've got to go.
I've got to go. I'm sorry. Thank you so much. Appreciate your time.
Alright. Sir, we'd love to continue the conversation if you're interested. I've got to head out.
Good one, Jeff. Couldn't really go deep with those people. Well, you know, you try to avoid the things you know are going to just rub them the wrong way.
Not that we don't want to talk about it, but you've got to go in certain order or the conversation ends.
He tried not to trigger them, but they wanted to be triggered. Please trigger me! I wish
I knew. I've got a question for these guys. What's your name? Say your name again.
It's Christian, right? What's your middle name? It starts with an R. Romans.
See you, brother. See you, buddy. So we asked the guy, after we're done talking to this guy, and I asked him what his name is, and he said his name is
Christian. He doesn't care about who the Christian God is or has no desire to be a
Christian. And God has given him that name, a high name to live up to, and he's just not ready to live up to it.
He says he doesn't know, but the truth is he doesn't want to know. Romans 1. We're looking for people to be interviewed on our podcast.
Have any interest? I charge. You charge? What do you charge? Nothing. My name's
Joe, and this is Tim. I'm trying to read his shirt. This is basketball league.
Non -topic. Yeah, non -topic. You want my opinion on something? I'm a very opinionated guy.
Have a seat. Have a seat. Meet me in Tim's office. Is it right here?
You're on. And then I'm going to ask you to sign something for me. Okay. As long as it's not a check,
I can sign it. Okay. Alright, so I guess we were asking people what they thought about anti -Semitism.
You were, and you aren't now. But if that's something you're interested in, we'll ask you that.
Do you have any opinions on that? On what kind of stuff going on in the news? You know, hate for the
Jewish people, things like that. Do you have any opinions on that? Do you think that some people are valid?
Do you have a love for the Jews, a hate for the Jews? Well, who's this for?
So, it's Tearing Down High Places is the name of the podcast. Tearing Down High Places.
Yup. And there's a podcast. Is it a podcast of some podcaster that I might know?
We're affiliated with Cornerstone Church in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Cornerstone Church in Mount Laurel.
Church. Are you Christian Church? Yes. Who am
I talking to? Talk to Tim. I'm just the cameraman right now. Do you personally accept
Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? I'm born again. Have you done that?
Been there, done that. Are you still proclaiming that? I'm a backslider.
I'm a backslider. I'm a doubting Thomas, but the bottom line is yes. When I say
I'm a backslider, it's because I'm a bad boy. Okay. So I have my
BA experience. Okay. Do the math. Well, 2024 minus 1976.
Do the math. That's when I was first born again. Okay. I'm interested in your church and I'm interested in...
That was like 48 years ago. Oh! Well, that's a lifetime.
So are you going to church right now? Well, no. Have you read the Bible in a while?
So you do read the Bible still? Occasionally. But not as much as you should probably?
Should? Because if you're born again Christian, you kind of have this love for God's word and that kind of directs your life.
Well, but if the word is within me, that's true too.
What are some words from the Bible that are in you? Do you have a verse that you kind of hold on to or something that helps you through life?
I got a ton of them. Do you have a favorite one you want to share? I can't say I have a favorite one, but I will tell you the first one that comes to mind.
And that is, trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Mmm. That's good. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy path.
Amen. Proverbs 3. That's a famous one. That's a very good one.
And I don't have to go to church to mull that one through my mind. Yeah, right. Because, you know, it says so much because it says trust in the
Lord with all thine heart which means you don't trust anybody else.
Trust in the Lord. But the Lord did kind of set up you know, churches for people to go to and, you know,
He sent out the apostles and the apostles started churches and that's kind of how God designed
Christians to behave is go to church. So don't you think like Christians do kind of have an obligation to go to church because that's how
God designed it? Go ye into all the world and teach all nations. Yeah, right. I'm all for proselytizing.
You're all for evangelizing, spreading the gospel, going to church, but you don't go to any church. Oh, I'm so busy.
You're so busy. You think that's a good excuse? But I do go to church sometimes. Okay. Are you interested in coming to our church?
Is that what you said? Too far. I'm a local guy. And my horizons are getting closer.
So is there a church somewhere around here you can go to? I have and I do. What church is that?
Well, for Christmas Eve, I went to the local Episcopal Church. And I've attended...
No, you're not going to hear anything for a second. Okay. And that's where I hit the money and I'm not saying it again.
He said, that's where I hit the money and I'm not saying it again. All right, yeah. But Tim, you wrote that down, didn't you?
I do that to my kids every time they're not paying attention to me. So you got some kids? Did you raise them to be godly,
Christian? No, I didn't. Oh, man. Do you think that maybe you should evangelize to your kids and get them born again?
Have a B .A., as you say, born again experience? There you go with that should word again.
Right, don't you feel like any conviction on that? You have kids, raise them in the Lord. You know what I mean? And you still can.
It's not too late, but now they're older and have their own opinions and it's harder, but maybe you still feel that obligation because when you die, if you put your faith in Jesus Christ and you think that He died on the cross for your sins and forgiven your sins and given you eternal life and you think that He rose from the dead...
I thought you were going to interview me. You're evangelizing. Well, this is me evangelizing too at the same time.
Well, you know the old term, you're preaching to the choir. Preaching to the choir, yeah. So that's what
I'm saying. You asked me, should. So I'm explaining like, yeah, that's why I think should. Like the Holy Spirit I think would be convicting me if I had kids.
I don't have any kids. I want kids one day like you. But if I had kids, I have conviction.
Wait, you want kids like me? I'm saying like you, I want to have kids.
And I feel that if I was a father, the Holy Spirit would convict me to raise them to trust the
Lord and direct them in a way they should go. Ooh, that's sweet. But like, what kept you, here's the question, what kept you from doing that?
Two words. A woman. Oh, a woman. Did you marry a non -Christian?
Yes. Oh, man. Oh, kids, there's a lesson right there for you.
Marry someone in the Lord. But I'll tell you what, if either of my exes is watching this, she's going to kill me all the more.
Because one would consider herself not to be a Christian, and the other one certainly would consider herself to be a
Christian. I would take her to task on that notion. But, you know, it gets complicated.
It's more than you want to interview. Yeah, no, no, I understand. But I feel like you want to get to the question of anti -Semitism and all that stuff.
Yeah, that was the opening question, but then you brought up Jesus. I didn't.
Well, if it's all your fault, that's why you said where you were coming from, which is your church.
But you asked that. We'll bring it back to anti -Semitism.
I'll let you do it now. Okay, so what do you think about what's going on in Israel, or do you have any opinions that you think that people should know out there about?
I do. Okay, let's hear those. Okay, and I'll tell you first, I'm speaking as a biased person, because in my heart of hearts,
I am a Jew. In my heart of hearts, and that's due to their religion.
And I'll remind you, Jesus was a Jew. That's right. So my bias is for Israel, and in terms of the local situation,
I mean the current situation, I'm so self -conscious of that keyword.
That's okay. You're doing great. We're having a great time. So, Israel.
So I'm a great believer in the state of Israel. And in the modern incarnation of the state of Israel.
And on the political scene, I think that the United Nations formed and endorsed and made possible the modern state of Israel in 1948.
I was there. Were you there? Well, I was living there. For World War II?
They weren't asking me any questions. Was it because of World War II, though? Because of Adolf Hitler, yes.
And that's what that's what It was Adolf Hitler, you know, who essentially effected the modern state of Israel.
So, because that was like a final straw, and that was like the ticket that the
Jews needed to feel that they had acclaimed that land.
So where were you? Were you in America? I was there time -wise. I was living in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Oh, Cincinnati, Ohio. So how old were you when that happened in 1948? I was nine years old.
Nine years old. That's why they didn't ask me about it. That's okay. That's pretty cool. Anyway, my point is that I think that the
United Nations owes it to Israel to stand behind Israel. Because Israel is the
United Nations' baby. They gave birth to the modern state of And God also gave them that land.
Biblically, that's the Jewish people's land. So they say, not everybody agrees with that. I believe it.
I believe it, yeah. Okay. But we know what's going on right now isn't a question of everything has to do with what
God says. But the argument doesn't have to do with what God says.
Some people have a God You think even if you take God out of the equation, logically
Israel should be backed by the United Nations and the rest of the world? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I don't think it's right to let one state or one non -state destroy a state that was established by common consent.
I got an easy question for you. What's your name? Unless you don't want to share on the camera.
No, everybody knows me. I'm Walter Weidenbacher. Oh, Walter Weidenbacher. Okay, Walter. We won't take up any more of your time.
No, I want to talk about Netanyahu. What do you want to talk about? I want to talk about Netanyahu. What is that? Go ahead, talk about it.
You don't know who Netanyahu is? He's the President of Israel. Prime Minister, actually.
Tell us about that. Well, he's being pilloried by half the world for all of his genocide and everything, but he's doing what
I believe he should be doing as the Prime Minister of Israel, which is defending Israel against the
October 8th attack. Right. I'm just saying, I don't side at all, and this is the big controversial thing politically and everything, and this is what all the demonstrations are about, and this is probably some of the key mycologists in this republic.
But I don't think the Palestinians have a leg to stand on in terms of their rightfulness of having, first of all, perform the terrorist attack, and then repelling
Israel. And I would also, if it comes to mind, and also, I'm being interviewed.
Let me ask you this real quick. You should hear this. So, how about all the college campuses in the world, and all of them supporting
Hamas and Palestine? I just have a big question about the Jews. The Jews, you know, because evidently the
Jewish population in this country is pretty much divided 50 -50, roughly. I cannot understand how a person who considers himself a
Jew, ethnically and religiously, how he could not be entirely supportive of Netanyahu and all that Netanyahu is trying to accomplish, which is counter the river -to -the -sea movement that negotiates terrorists.
So that's what's going on. Have you ever thought that there's a divine presence that God has a plan for Israel still?
Because look at Israel. It's a pretty small nation. It's only the size of New Jersey. Do you ever wonder how is it that all those other nations that hate
Israel around, how come they can't just push little Israel into the sea? Do you think it's because God is protecting
Israel, in a way? Do you think that could be true? Could be.
Yeah, I think it is true. Yeah, amen to that. I think so, too. Not that Israel is the best nation in the world because they're so good or anything like that.
I believe that God has chosen that group of people for His purposes. See, there's a text somewhere in the
Bible that He watching over Israel slumbers not, nor sleeps. Does that answer your question?
Amen. So I believe that. Yeah, the apple of His eye is Israel. And you know, the path was never easy, and it's not being very easy now.
And sometimes, like Job, you know, you have to go through what
Israel is going through right now. Yeah. But still, if I ruled the world, I would end this conflict and leave
Israel the hell alone. Yes. That's my opinion. Alright, well,
I think we had a pretty good interview and we have a lot of the same beliefs, you and I. I hope so. I'm happy that we talked to you and it was nice to meet you all.
And if there's any one last thing you want to say, this is your time. Otherwise, we'll end it. Yeah, well, remember at the beginning of the conversation
I said, I charge. Yeah, and remember you said, I charge nothing? So here's your payment right here.
This guy! So here it is. Great talking with you, man.
I pay. That was it. So am I going to get a chance to see myself making a payment?
You sure could. I can give you my card. If you email me, I'll send you links. Or you can write it down.
It's the easiest one to... Alright, hold on. I'm a modern guy and if you have a
QR code on the back... I got a QR code on the back. Oh, well. But that just sets up an appointment for my day job.
So that doesn't get you to the podcast. And are you the podcaster? I am one of them, yeah.
Pastor Tim here. Pastor Jeff. Who's busy today. Okay, so if I scan this, this will get me to you and I can...
That'll schedule an appointment on my calendar. But if you send me an email, I'll send you the links.
Alright. Joseph at... Our website's CornerstoneSJ .org
No, no, this will get... Yeah, he sent an email to me. See, the email? Joseph at parish .io
Just send it to Joe and Joe will send you back with the real information. Yeah, okay. And then you'll see the website for the church and you can say, hey, maybe
I should stop by and go see Tim. Yeah, come on by. You're welcome. I won't write that off.
Or you can watch us on TV. We're not that far. You seem like you're still in shape. You can make it there. I have faith in you.
Thank you. I'm still here. We'd love to see you in church, man.
You get to a point where your friends who are younger than you are getting older than you, if you know what
I mean. That's quite an experience. You might have just witnessed it.
That person I'm going to cut out. Might. Might. Will. Yep, will do.
Done. No problem. Okay, thank you. Pleasure, sir. See you, Walter. Nice talking to you. Yep. Alright, any comments on that one,
Joe? Yeah, so, interesting. Walter's been around and he's a backsliding
Christian. We're going to pray for him to come back to church. Either here or maybe he'll be inspired watching some videos and getting some truth and getting meshed in.
We hope to see you again, Walter. Really want to get this guy on my podcast but he looks really busy.
Would you answer some questions? It's called Tearing Down High Places. Today we're asking people about anti -Semitism.
Because it's all in the news. Would you allow us to video you? Alright, so this is
Tim. I'll let Tim conduct the interview. Are you sure? You can do it. If you guys want, sit right there.
It's a bit hot. So, what's your name? Jaden. Jaden, Joe Gormley.
Nice to meet you. Me and Tim have this podcast every week called
Tearing Down High Places. We're really concerned about anti -Semitism right now. We thought it would be a good question to go out and ask people.
How do we stop anti -Semitism? If it's a bad thing. Do you agree it's a bad thing? Of course it's a bad thing.
Anti -Semitism, any sort of prejudice against a group of people based on their birth.
Their birth. Because that's where it all starts. It's like somebody being racist against black people.
It's simply based on something that they were born being. Right, right. Our podcast also, by the way, it's through our church called
Cornerstone. They sponsor it. Racism, anti -Semitism, and black.
We all believe that Noah, we all go back to Noah and the flood, and we're all one race.
We may have, you know, a friend that says, you may not be blessed with all the melanin I got, but...
It's like dogs. All dogs are dogs. But they're all different breeds. It's the same principle.
No one breed is better than the other. It's like people. We're all literally related.
According to the Bible, we're all related. We all come from Adam and Eve, and then there was the flood, and then
Noah and his family, that are three families that populated the earth, Shem, Him, and Jacob.
So anyway, what do you think we can do here in beautiful Haddonfield, New Jersey, to stop anti -Semitism?
Or to address it? What do you think needs to be addressed? Pick a question. Either one. Inclusivity.
In the sense of creating a place for it to be talked about in a non -aggressive way.
In a very proactive way. In just making the conversations about...
And even bringing people who have anti -Semitic beliefs to the table. Explain it. Because I often think people who have these really strong beliefs against groups of people actually can't explain it.
Explain it! You know what I mean? If you ask someone to explain something, more often than not their argument falls apart.
Sounds like you like philosophy. You like a little philosophy. You expect people to be consistent, maybe.
Consistency. If you're going to have an opinion, be able to defend it. And there is no defense for it, so then that debunks the argument of being anti -Semitic.
So it's not okay to say, I just feel like that's true. You have to actually point to why it's true.
If that's what you feel, then you've got a really bad sense of gut. Yeah. You're arbitrary.
The philosophers would say you're arbitrary and inconsistent. Yes. 100%. Can't have that. Can't have that ever.
So we're sitting here and there's all these LGBTQ flags up.
What's the tie -in with the Palestinians and how did they get tied into the LGBTQ movement?
That I couldn't tell you. I don't... I will admit one of the things that I've done that has been beneficial for me is
I don't watch mainstream media at this current time. I just feel the media has become more of a commentary hour than it is an informative hour.
I feel it's the commentary of whomever you're choosing to watch and however they choose to spin facts.
It's 10 % fact, 90 % delivery versus the other way around. Gotcha. There's definitely an agenda.
On all sides. Well, everybody's got a bias. I have biases. Who doesn't? But the news didn't used to be fully biased.
Well, they don't admit their bias. That's the problem. Or now some of them do have a bias.
They dig into it so deep they won't listen to anybody else's logic. And there's no...
I think... Do you agree that we need to have standards? Do we have to have objective standards about what's good and what's evil?
What's right and what's wrong? It's like left and right. Up and down. There are certain things that have always been and should always be.
There's right, there's wrong. There's racist, there's not. It's, to me, rather simple.
Do you have any religious background? Yourself? I went to Catholic school but I also have a very large
Jewish friend group. Just have definitely touched into that side and that faith.
Judaism is a wonderful religion. Do you go to temple? I've been. I don't go regularly. Just like church,
I've been, but I don't go regularly. There's a Bible group wherever there's more than one
God in my name, I am. And so that kind of, to all things, is mirrored.
Well, that's a great quote. And that's Jesus saying in my name specifically, not in a generic
God. I think one of the things that we like to make sure people know is we're not anti -Semitic but we're not pro -Talmudic
Judaism either. We have our religious convictions and we want to share those but we want to share those in love not by attacking people or, you know, blowing people up or anything like that.
But we do like to make good arguments but not be argumentative. No, of course not.
Let me ask you, where do you think you go when you die? Do you believe in an afterlife? Do we know?
Yes, I do. Have you died? No. But one has, and he came back and he wrote everything down and had eyewitnesses, thousands of them, and they communicated that and we have amazing evidence and the
Bible, you know, the Bible, I don't know if you know this, there's 18 ,000 copies within 40 years or 50 years of the original writings and they were written on five different continents on five different languages, multiple languages more than that actually, and because we have so many of those copies we can go back, even atheists that study it but don't believe in God, they suppress
God's truth. They will say that we actually have a perfect transmission, not perfect, almost perfect, it's like perfect as far as any doctor.
Did you know that? I have heard that. Yeah, so I do know that there is
God, Jesus has promised that if we put faith in Him in what He did on the cross not in ourselves, not in our goodness, not in our own works, you know, but in Him, that yeah,
He will prepare a place for us. We're eternal creatures.
I think a lot of us, have you ever had a sense that you're more than just this world? To a degree, but at the same time
I'm very rooted and grounded in the sense that as much as I have that you know, almost,
I don't want to say existential sense, there's also the reality of the day to day, the being here, doing the best
I can to be the best I can while here. Yeah. Because I could go tomorrow, I could go in 80 years, who knows.
Sure. Might as well prepare for the best case scenario. Bible actually says that, we don't know. We don't know if we've got another day, you know.
Bible says you're a whisper of the wind, a breath. You know, you don't know. We should always just thank
God for this day. So, I'm grateful you're here today. I mean, let me ask you one more question. I don't want to take up all your time.
Do you have any desire to know if you could know for sure, have complete confidence that there was a place for you after this life?
Do you want to know about it? Less important than knowing when. Knowing where you go is less important than when?
When you go? Okay. Because you value this life so much?
Well, it's the conscious one. It's the way you're living. The other one is great. In the sense of in theory.
But, if you're actually in the moment. Hi, Mrs. Fingerman. How are you? In the sense of if you're in the moment, you're still here.
Right. We'd love to invite you to a Bible study or to come out.
What's the name of your organization? Cornerstone Church. It's in Mount Laurel.
It's cornerstonesj .org. If you want to learn about eternal life, we'd love to have you come out. Sounds good. It's a pleasure.
Nice meeting you. Have a wonderful day. It's a pleasure. Have a great day. Sounds interesting.
Here, film me for a second, Joe. Okay. You guys thoughts on that? Yeah. He said, have you died?
And you said, there was one who did. And it was Jesus Christ who died.
I was dead, but now I live. Right? There's only one.
Jesus Christ. He didn't have an answer for that. He came back from the dead. So I love that,
Joe. Great quote. You got to put that in writing before you show that clip and just look for that. There was one who did.
That was good. Good stuff, Joe. Amen. No, no, no.
Are you sure? Is it okay if I just put this over here so it's not in the camera or maybe you want to put it by your feet?
Yeah. You know what? Yeah, do you want to sit over there so you can be on it? Oh, okay.
No, I'm not. You're not going to say nothing bad about the Jews, are you? This is not one of those videos.
That would be a shocker. So you're a Jew? No. Well, I got a little Jewish blood in me, but I'm a Christian. And, you know, we feel like right now we want to support people that are heretically
Jewish. Oh, okay. Because I think Christians get a... There's an idea out there that Christians don't like Jews or we hate
Jews. We actually love them very much. The oracles of God came through the
Jews. But even though we don't agree with Talmudic Judaism, the religion, the ethnic people are, you know, the chosen people of God.
And we want to honor that and point them towards the Scriptures. Now, I get a feeling you're a
Christian woman anyway. But I'm going to let Tim do all the questions. You got it. I had that.
You had that. I could just feel the Holy Spirit coming out. All right. If you want to tell us your guys' names, what is that, a
Raskafarian? All right. Sir, what's your name first? Nati. What is a
Raskafarian? Rasta. Love, love, love. All love.
We love so much that we don't eat meat. We keep it. You've heard of Bob Marley?
You've heard of Bob Marley? Oh, yeah, yeah. Right here. Nobody throw it out.
Let me get it just like that. He wants the can. Thank you. Yeah, no woman, no cry, right?
Yes. I get mine as well. Are you done with the glossy?
Tim, do you know the song, No Woman, No Cry? I don't watch it before dinner. I don't think so. It's highly prophetic. Oh, okay.
No woman, no cry. No woman, no cry. That's Bob Marley.
That's Bob Marley. All right. Since we're talking about...
Say it again. Rasticism? Rastafarianism.
Well, he gave me knowledge last night because I was a little confused. I said, what is a Rastafarian? He said, well,
Ras is something different and Tafari -i -i is something different.
Do you want to explain that a little bit? Well, it's a name of a person.
Like, you know, Tafari is the name of Haile Selassie. That's what his birth name is.
Okay. And the title Ras Okay. is for defending our faith.
So the Christian faith is what he defended from the Muslims. Oh, okay. So as a guy that lived...
How long ago do you know? 1975. And he was a
Christian? Yeah, back in the 80s. Okay. Are you also a
Christian then? No, I'm not a Christian. You're not a
Christian? No. So if your boy defended Christianity, right? Yeah, so that means that I don't have to be.
Because he already accomplished that mission. So I don't need to defend it again. Oh, man.
Well, that mission doesn't stop, brother. It is. Why would you let someone else accomplish your mission?
It's like, if you are alive, you can't do nothing but sustain life.
Sustain life? Yeah. Well, don't you think that life has a purpose? But that's why you have it.
Okay. You already have it, so the purpose is that. My purpose is to...
To have the life that you have. The life that I have. Yeah, so if you want to steal, rob, kill, you know what
I mean? I'm allowed to do that if that's my purpose? It's your life. Oh, man. So you follow anything?
No rules? Just do what you want? Do what you feel? That's not love? That's what everybody does.
That is what everybody does. Yeah, so if you want to stiffen up your neck and go try to save everybody, that's meaningless.
Everybody do what they want. Oh, you think it's meaningless? If I try to stop.
Well, then your friend, wouldn't that be meaningless? That's what I'm saying. He already defended it.
You see the cause. So why still talk about it? Listen. Why we love him?
We're not talking about him. We love him for that. For all of the good things that he has done and accomplished on the planet
Earth. So what happens to him now then? Well, we live through him.
Because when people see me, they call me Rasta. Oh, man.
You get what I'm saying? So they see me and say, Oh, Rasta. I will answer.
But I don't mean he's Rasta. You get what I'm saying? That's what I'm saying. Because I love the things that he's done so much.
People can identify me as him. Okay, so you love this guy that was in the 1970s.
But your girl over here loves another guy named Jesus that was way better than this guy that you follow.
How do you know? Because this guy was God in flesh.
The creator of the universe. Have you ever heard of the Old Testament Bible before?
You heard of it? The Hebrew Bible? So we were talking about Jews. So God talked to the
Jews and chose the Jews that he communicated to. They wrote down things and they talked about this
Christ that was going to come. They talked about all these prophecies about a man named Jesus before Jesus was even born.
And then Jesus was born and he fulfilled over 300 things talked about him over hundreds of years before it even happened.
So he was verified through history. And this was 2 ,000 years ago that Jesus was born. And we're still sitting at a table talking about him.
No offense, I think once you go, I don't think too many people are going to be talking about Rasta. I have a degree.
I have a theology degree too. You know the Bible. From the front to the back.
But, he just don't follow Jesus. What keeps you from doing that? Because Jesus offers all your sins forgiven.
Well I know, but I told you from the beginning. The Rastafari defend the faith.
Conquer. And then here I am defending the faith against one of his disciples. How does that make sense? No, no, no.
Even you. Even you sit down here and talk. You don't know him. It's not your fault why you don't know him.
But now you do because I've already told you. You see what I'm saying? So again, your faith that you are defending right now, he also accomplished that for you.
So you could have that freedom to do what you do. He didn't accomplish it in everyone because I'm still talking to you trying to defend it.
Hear what I'm saying? You're talking to me because you don't know about Isis.
That's it. If you didn't know, like how you knew about so -called Jesus. Right?
It's a different thing. Well, don't you think like you know, I can go talk to that lady on the street.
They've probably heard of who Jesus was, but the person you're talking about I think maybe less than 1 % of the nation even knows who he is.
That's how you feel. Isn't that probably true though? You're basing it off of how you feel.
Well no, I think that's fact. If you go talk to 100 people 99 of them are going to know who
Jesus is or at least heard the name before. And 99 of them are not going to know who you're talking about. The whole 100 are going to know about Jesus.
Right. But listen to this. This is what I'm telling you. Those 100 can say
Jesus because of what I listened last year I did. You see, you're talking about 2 ,000 years resting.
I'm talking about recent things. 1975, 1930. That's when
His Imperial Majesty did his thing. But you just don't know. They believe now it's the last year.
You feel what I'm saying? Because you don't know about the recent history. Alright, let's divert the conversation to your friend here.
What's your name? Reina. Okay, Reina. What do you think about this guy's beliefs compared to Christianity?
Do you have one that you believe more than the other? Yeah, I'm a Christian. I believe in the
Christian faith. I believe in God, Jesus Christ. Amen to that. And as much as you talk to me about Henry Selassie, I talk to him about Jesus Christ.
Oh man, okay. So you're probably happy that you met us today. Yeah. But I haven't met no one to shut him up yet.
Okay. Yeah, I just don't think it's logical thinking to think to follow him instead of Jesus because Jesus was verified.
And I studied this man. Normally I don't ever study another religion because I love
Jesus. Because you love him and you want him to believe in Jesus. But I studied this Henry Selassie and followed him in his marches and every country he went to.
Right. This man spoke of Jesus Christ. Right. So it behooves me why his followers don't follow
Jesus Christ. That's the main thing that I'm wondering. I think there's a disconnect. Your man was a follower of Christ.
Hold on, hold on. Do you do everything that your parents do? No. That's what
I'm saying. If you don't do everything that your parents do, why do
I have to do everything that Selassie and I do? And you love your mom and your dad, right? No, I'm not saying you have to do that.
You have your free choice to do whatever you want. You love your mom and dad, right? Of course. I honor them, but I don't have to obey everything they tell me to do.
But get this one. You don't know Jesus from nowhere. You can't tell me that you know him.
Oh, I know him. How? I know him very personally. He's revealed himself to me through his words.
We still have the writings of him. So now we're going into this abracadabra stuff. You never see
Jesus? I don't know. This other guy seems like abracadabra. Hold on a minute. Sure, yeah. Have you seen this guy in 1875?
You follow him around and talk to him? I can YouTube him, and you see a living image. And you can't do that.
The only image you're going to see of Jesus is a painting. This is the difference between Jesus and your friend. Your friend, mere man.
Just a man. Just a guy, just like you and I. He's no better than us.
Jesus, a lot better than this guy and all of us at this table. How did you figure that? How did
I figure that? The man never sinned. He's the only one. That guy you're talking about has done something wrong, whether you know it or not.
So why did they kill Jesus? Why did they kill him? Why did they kill him? Oh, that's a good question.
Why do you think they killed him? Because he did something wrong. Oh, that's the crazy thing. It was
God's plan. You know what they killed him for? They killed him for claiming to be God.
Do you think that would be wrong? Why are you telling me? It would be wrong if you're not
God. Remember, hold on. The thing is, he's dead. Oh, but he came back to life.
For the stuff that he did. And he's not coming back.
And he's not coming back. Nor did he come back. One thing at a time. One thing at a time.
One thing at a time. One thing at a time. Let me ask you why
I'm saying this. For the same reasons. This is what I'm saying. You're going to say he's so good his goodness killed him.
No, no, no. He laid down his life. Willingly. No one took it from him.
He was God. He didn't have to die. No one took it from him. Pilate said he was innocent.
You know what happened? You know that account. You hear what your friend said? He said,
Pilate, those are the Jews. Those are the Romans. This man didn't do me nothing.
He's good. But his people. Kill him. Crucify him.
Why did they say that? Why did they say that? It's because he was claiming to be
God. Because he was. There you go.
I'm going to put a big picture of Drop Mike right there. If Jesus was right.
That changes everything. Because he was. Because the Jews were wrong.
He came to his own people. But his own people didn't recognize him. Because he was.
And he is. And he always will be. Can I get an amen?
Amen. And you go there. After all these reasons, you go to Amen.
This and this. Amen meaning it is true. I believe it.
That's what I mean by amen. That's not what amen means. No. Amen means a man.
A person. No, no, no. No, no, no. Doesn't mean that.
Again. See what I'm saying now. But you said the Jews, right? Earlier you mentioned that the
Jews get Jesus, your friend, dead. Right? Are we going to talk about them now?
We can talk about them. So the
Jews, they did. They wanted to kill Jesus for being God. They handed him over to the Romans. The Romans killed him.
But Jesus, the two criminals next to Jesus. They were there because they did crimes.
They were thieves. But one of them converted to following Jesus on the cross saying, this man did nothing wrong.
We deserve to be here, but this man is innocent. And then he turned to him and said, remember me in your kingdom,
Jesus. And Jesus said, truly, today you will be with me in paradise. Jesus is the king.
And he is the door. He decides who comes in. Right now, one, two, three are walking through that door and will have eternal life.
And one of us among us don't have that yet. Hear this, right now as we speak.
The only person on planet earth have that title. We supposed that Jesus have his emperor,
Elisalasian. He's the only king of kings. That guy is going to make that guy look little.
Hold on a moment. Listen to what I'm going to tell you. He's the only king of kings.
And the lord of lords. The conquering lion of the tribe. We're talking about Jesus, right?
No. He stole that from Jesus. It says it in the bible.
Listen to him. Why you talking like that? How can somebody steal titles?
It has to be stored up under by many nations. Jesus is the one who's the king of kings, lord of lords.
And if I come along and say no, that's me. I'm a liar. Hold on a moment. Just because you don't know, don't mean to say it's not true.
That's the next point. No, that was true what I just said. Listen to what I'm saying. Just because you're talking about what you're talking about don't mean that what
I said is not true. No, I'm telling you. It's false. Your Jesus don't have that title.
And the only person on this planet who has that title is Emperor of the Celestials. Where is he? I'd love to meet him.
You want to meet him? His people killed him. But it was okay that your people killed your guy.
But our people killed our guy. There's no killing. Because up to this day they can't find no tomb for his imperial majesty.
And the next thing is they never had no burial for him. We just got swallowed by the whale.
No. So, it's just people saying what they're saying to keep people at bay.
People who believe that death is the everlasting done.
I don't think so. I think that, right? Just because people don't know about certain things or they pretend not to know or don't want to know doesn't mean it's not so.
You know what I mean? I think that what you're saying is what you're doing. So, again, this cycle that I'm telling you about is bestowed upon a mere man in Ethiopia.
And why is that? The next thing, again, this man sits on the throne of King Salam.
I'm not saying because reality is reality and myth is myth.
Okay? So, come forth out of this Jesus character. There's a real person where I can say, well, that is the real person.
And the reason why we use Emperor Ali Selassie as our medium is because we don't have to use no white king because we are standing on our own, right?
And we are using our own image and likeness of things. Do you think that Jesus was white?
Me think what I know is there is no Jesus. That's what
I know. Oh, you don't think that Jesus ever lived? Oh, he live and he never born. That's the first thing.
You got to born to live. You don't think he was ever born? You can't find a birthday for him?
Oh, Jesus? Sure. He was born and then he died and then he came back. He did more than all of us.
What was his birthday? What day is today? What day is today?
I'm saying like what does it matter whose birthday? What does that mean? His birth was prophesied and he was born the exact way he was told about.
That's more impressive than just saying when my birthday is. I don't know anyone they changed the calendar for.
I mean, what year is this? It depends. It's 2024. No. Based on what?
Oh my gosh. Based on what? Jesus was born 2 ,024 years ago.
They changed the calendar for his birthday. So you talking like you know for sure. Did they change your guys calendar?
No. Because the calendar never changes. It's 7 years behind. You never know that.
It's not 2024 in Ethiopia now. What is it? There you go.
Sometimes you have to kick back and listen. I'm open to evidence. So now it's 2017.
Everywhere else in the world? Why? Because that's when they believed
Jesus was born. Yeah. That's true. They think our calendar is off by 7 years.
It's still pointing to Jesus. You're trying to defend it but you're wrong.
You keep giving us evidence. What is wrong and what is right? It's what you believe.
Because as soon as I sit down here, I don't have to laugh at you guys. I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to laugh. But I'm listening to you guys. I'm like your purpose is lost in this place here.
This is Ethiopia. Right now it's Wednesday, June 26, 2024. The Ethiopians, they say it's 2024.
No it's not. Oh yeah, I locked it. Darn it. I'm sorry. I locked it just now.
Here, we should pay for theirs. Here, let us pay for theirs. No, it's okay.
We owe it to you. You guys gave us your time. You gave us some good content. Meeting this guy was a gem on the street.
Yup. We're happy to meet you guys. Always grateful. My other camera died but I have backup.
Gotta always have backup. It's kind of just an opening.
Why don't you share, Joe, about the Jews? Do you want to come sit here? Sure. I'll talk some Jewish. Let's talk
Jews. Actually, our pastor was just our other pastor, Tim's a pastor. Our other pastor was preaching this week.
We're going verse by verse through Romans. We're in Romans 2, 17 to 29.
Paul starts out with, you know, the Jews. Talking about Judaism.
Our pastor took the opportunity to speak to the culture, which he does often. One of the things I really like about his sermons.
Right now, the Jews are under attack. It's a weird thing going on where they're under attack by people who are coming together with the
LGBTQ movement. There's this whole weird thing going on.
There's a lot of anti -Semitism. There's a new bill in Congress that would outlaw anti -Semitism.
Now, I'm not saying that's good. That negates our First Amendment rights to freedom of speech.
There's five freedoms in the First Amendment, including religion, speech, assembly, press, and redress.
We've lost all of them since COVID. All of them. We had lost many more prior to that, but I think we're seeing that.
We're seeing there's all these conflicts. We really want to point people to Christ in all of our conversations.
That's the goal. But, you know, the goal of speaking about anti -Semitism is just to engage people where they are.
So we're saying, hey, what do you think about this crazy thing? Because we know it all points to our need for a
Savior. Absolutely. And I ask because I believe the word.
And what was in the beginning is going to be in the end. This is not the first time this has ever happened. We know it's going to be okay.
We know what the outcome is going to be. We already know. A lot of people are going to die.
We know that already. But we can rest assured that the faithful ones will remain.
So we know that. But what do you think about Jesus Christ himself?
Do you think he was a Jew? Of course he was a Jew. The Jews brought to us the articles of God.
They were set apart, made holy. Abraham called himself God called himself a people.
And it was Abraham's people. It was Abraham's seed. It was his sons. And we have everything to we have every reason to be grateful for the
Jews bringing us the articles of God. God blessed them.
He was born and sat in that river. And who picked him up?
Who was the woman that picked him up? Moses? No, Jesus. Not Jesus.
Who picked him up in the river? It was Pharaoh's daughter. But he was a what?
He was a Jew. Israelite. Hebrew. He was a Hebrew or a Jew? They weren't Israelites yet.
Sorry, Hebrew. I guess it's the same thing. He was born a Hebrew. They were Israelites.
Who was? Moses. Before he came to Pharaoh's daughter?
It's the same thing. Hebrew, Israelite, it's basically the same thing. Yeah, I was thinking about that story because that's where it all started.
The Jews and stuff like that. He was a Levite who was under Israel, who was under Isaac, who was under Abraham.
When I say that, I say because the fight began way back when. We can't keep this child because this child belongs to the opposite, which was
Jews or whatever they were. And he became one of them.
So it doesn't matter who you serve, it matters who you end up believing in. It's an ongoing spiritual battle.
So it doesn't matter where you're at now, it's where you end up. We don't battle flesh and blood, we battle principles and powers of principalities.
I mean, even everybody wants to say, well, where did America go wrong? Well, where did it go right?
For just a moment, a brief flash in the pan, right away we had compromised. That's what our podcast is called,
Tearing Down High Places, because you leave those That Old Testament talks about over and over again about how the
Jews had areas of compromise, ultimately, what did God do? He divorced Israel!
Why was the name changed from Hebrew to Israel?
Well, Hebrew, the term Hebrew comes from I think it comes from the guy
Eber. Yeah. Which would be one of Abraham's great -great -grandfather or something?
Something like that. The term Israel was what God renamed Jacob. Why did he rename him?
Because he got saved. Bigger. Well said. Well, I was going to get into a much bigger theme.
That's basically what happened. And when you get saved, you change from low person to So why name things?
I just said because he got saved. Saved from what? Saved from hell. Why did he name things?
He started putting his faith in God. Do you know? Well, he wrestled with God. See, look.
All three of you got three different definitions. Yeah, it's like the differences in the New Testament, in the
Gospels. It's the same story told three different ways. So what I'm telling you is that the three of you are wrong. Nothing is going to go like what you three of you said.
Okay, good. There's nothing going like what you and you and you just said about the name of Jacob changing from Jacob to Israel.
Well, she... We understand what she means when she says he got saved, but you don't.
So that's giving you a different... So I'm saying, you know why the name changed? I'm going to tell you.
Let's hear it. It means one who wrestles with God. No. No. No.
That gentleman have a daughter. Who? Jacob.
He had a daughter. Okay. And when they leave from where Lot was and settled close to...
Sodom. Right, and they settled close to... Gomorrah? No, to where one of the
Pharaohs them was. Egypt. When they settled close to Egypt, right? When they got there, his daughter went and go mess with a king in that area.
You know what I mean? You got Adam's field over here. You got... Cheryl over there.
So she probably left from here and went over to Cheryl and go mess with a man over there. And... The loving son of Jacob didn't like it.
So... The first son, what was the first son's name? Reuben. Huh?
Reuben. And... Reuben and...
Hold on, hold on. Joseph was the boy. Levi. Reuben and Levi went over there and killed the king.
Come back and tell Jacob and say, yo, you know, we killed him. And Jacob would say, what you did that for?
We have to flee from right... It was Simeon and Levi that did that. Worst to ever do that, right?
And when they did that, right, that's when Jacob decided to change his name from Jacob to Israel because he cared about Israel.
He cared about Egypt with the name Jacob because he's a murderer and all his sons were involved in murdering.
So they changed the name and carried it with them to Egypt.
And that's how their name changed. It has nothing to do with what you are saying or what you just said or what you just said.
So what happened... Hold on, hold on. Pardon?
Are you saying that's how he saw his need for a savior? Because he saw his sin? No. No, he's just saying this gucci story.
It doesn't mean anything. He must have changed his name to live. So what happens here is, right, let me explain to you all something.
What happens here is you have some people that read the word but they don't ask for understanding.
So they read the word for what it says right there on the paper and they never know what it means. And that's why we have this situation because there's no understanding of what really happened.
So I guess you three need to get it back together. You and you and you involved in this.
Right? And the three of you are going to come up with the right answer. So that means that none of you three...
Didn't you just tell us that there's no who's right and who's wrong? Didn't you just mention that to us? Okay. Hey, well we're running a little bit out of time so, excuse me, what was your name again?
Reina. Reina. Sorry. Reina. Why don't you say something for us and maybe encourage us encourage some other believers at our church that'll probably be watching to end it with that because that would probably be very helpful.
I think that would be awesome. Yeah. That'd be great. I just want you all to know that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings, okay?
Amen. No matter who says it, they're going to have to know that. I just want to say that he's the
Kings of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Who? Jesus. Who's afraid of that guy?
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus is not a title where people can live by.
These are just myths where people are growing You know, if you read 1 Corinthians 7, it's going to tell you.
Again, you want me to read it again? What's it tell you? It tells me about everybody who has conspired themselves to be who they think is them.
It tells you how she's making you holy. Holy from what? Holy from what?
She is blessing you because she is making you holy. Ask her if I ever flattered from where I am compared to she.
I always stand my ground. Everything what I do. She's a blessing to you, brother.
Thanks so much for chatting with us. It was awesome. Thank you, Reina. Read the
Bible again, man. And stop skipping around it. That's good advice.
I'll take that. Read it from Genesis to Revelation. I think I will do that. Stop skipping around.
Don't skip those pages. Once you skip it, I can't talk to you because you're going to be skipping around everything.
We love you. We love you. I don't have no other choice because I am love.
People don't love to hate me, but they can't hate me. God is love. And the loving thing to do for us is to come and help the lost who don't believe yet.
We're sheep of Jesus' fold and you're hopefully a lost sheep that we'll bring into the fold one day.