John Newton's illustration on how to set our hearts on what is to come | Clip from Sanctification

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Isaac Chanler says one way to cling to Christ is to set our hearts on what is waiting for us in our future with Christ. John Newton has a wonderful illustration of this reality. John, admittedly, butchers this illustration a bit, but we believe the point is articulated and pray it is helpful to you today.


Yeah, the first one you mentioned there when he talks about heartily with all the heart clinging and not just the externals
You know, so not forms formality I go through the forms of religion and not you know
Just intellectual profession and lining up truths and in the right order But the heart being penetrated by those things in a way that is irreversible
Not perfect You know, there will be one day where the pain of love is no longer ours and that's a phrase from an old
Writer and I forget who wrote it But they talked about love must be pain now if it would be bliss in heaven that is because of love to Jesus Christ There are certain things that grieve us now sin grieves us
Sluggishness grieves us indifference grieves us and the unbeliever feels no grief over those things.
We do we Break our hearts over how slow our hearts are to to just be, you know
Holy given over to him and one day that will be laid aside And so that that's one of the great things we look forward to not just heaven and some streets of gold, you know and a little
Cabin in the corner, you know but there will be my king in a new creation and there will be an intimacy with him that that Now we have only had a just a little foretaste of and there will be no sin to cloud it ever
That that is one that I think I find Most helpful and most difficult which was the second to the last one number six
Live with your thoughts directed toward what is yet to come and and again I don't mean some ethereal kind of floating around in in a in a cloud of glory
But and a very real physical new creation in which there will not be one church
Because he will be here And there will be you know revelation paints that wonderful picture that kind of is paradoxical.
It's obvious not literal There is a throne in the midst of the land. He's on the throne and there is a street
That you know in a sense connects to every individual's house So it's not that I'm on I'm on you know,
I'm on 22nd Street, but I'm I'm about 10 miles down the road No Every house is kind of directly connected and there's a river that flows by every front door and a tree of life
You know just just the unimpeded intimacy with the God -man
So Newton gave an illustration of this once John Newton said imagine a man who has Found out from his lawyer that some distant relative that he didn't even hardly know
Died and has left him an enormous inheritance So you're supposed to go to the to the bank and sign all the papers.
Okay next Monday So he gets up and he gets dressed and this man who barely can make his bills
He's a poor man is going to immediately be one of the richest men in the city So he gets it he gets a little cab, you know, this is back in the 1800s so he gets his cab and the horse -drawn carriage kind of cab and he's being taken through the city of London to go to his bank and halfway there or almost there the cab breaks the wheel snaps and And the cabbie gets off and he's grumpy and he's apologizing and Newton says this.
What would the man do that's in the cab? You rented the cab the cabs broken down But you know that just in a few more minutes of a walk you're at the bank and you will be a millionaire so do you sit there and and and you know and Cuss the cabbie and sit around in your self -pity and say why does this always happen to me?
You would say to the cabbie. Don't worry about it, man. Don't worry about it That can't stop me from being happy and you would just you just pick up, you know and run the rest of the way
I've kind of you know, butchered his illustration, but that's the basic picture So how
I live today being altered by the Anticipation of a reality that we are allowed to taste today that we're allowed to take a little of today the down payment
But the fullness is you know right ahead of us. Thanks for watching the clip
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