Russell Moore - AD Goes In

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Alright, let's start another week man. I don't know about you, but I'm ready to fight man. I'm ready To fight.
I'm not looking for fights. That's the thing I think a lot of people think I'm like scouring the internet to find something to gripe about It's just not the case at all.
I mean the fight comes to us I think that we got to be ready for this like if you don't if you don't deal with controversy
Well, well, then you need to start Preparing and practicing on how to deal with controversy because it's coming to you like that's the thing
We're not gonna have any choice in the matter The Bible says that as long as it depends on you live at peace with all men, right?
But but the thing is like it's the fight is coming to us. It's like, you know, there's no shortage of opponents
I mean there are they're surrounding you and Eventually, it's gonna come to blows like you got to get ready for that. You got to be comfortable with that.
You know, I'm thinking about potentially another book and it's gonna be sort of on this topic about how you need to you know, kind of cultivate a a
Strategy or a plan for enraging people because it's gonna happen like even basic stuff
Enrages people like you don't have to go out there being a jerk like like you're gonna enrage people by just like living life
You know what? I mean like like just minding your own business having kids don't put your kids in public school like simple things.
It's a Enrages people people lose their minds before we get into that. Let me Do this because my son wrote an another advertisement for my book if you haven't picked up a copy of my book
I'm selling it on eBay, but I'm also you can email me ad at 80 Robles calm But look at my son's advertisement here.
This is this best one yet Buy books, dude. This is good. I mean, I I personally think this picture is awesome
I don't know about you guys, but I agree with my son sentiment here buy books, dude
And of course AJ will get a commission if you reference this poster, I'm gonna hang this one up in my office
This isn't a fantastic picture. If you don't know these are the Ninja Turtles minus Raphael I'm not really sure what he has against Raphael, but we got
Donnie Leo and Mikey and anyway, good stuff, but I wanted to actually start off with a bit of encouragement and then
I'm gonna get to Russell Moore because Russell Moore well, we'll get to it. We'll get to it.
Let me just adjust my microphone here I really need to start doing this beforehand But a couple words of encouragement yesterday at church
We were talking about the the the letters in the scripture that weren't written by Paul. So like every other letter
During Sunday school and one of the things we talked a lot about was the book of James and the book of James has so Many so many different encouragements and I want to encourage you guys with some of what
I thought about James chapter 3 it starts off like this many of you guys know this verse It says my brethren let not many of you become teachers knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment
That one struck me really hard because I'm gonna be honest with you Like I rip
Big Eva a lot for that whole posture where it's like how dare you criticize Matt Chandler?
He's got a decade of gospel ministry How dare you and like they get all they clutch their pearls and they get all uppity about how dare you question me?
you know, I've been preaching the gospel for years and it's like him stop being so sensitive man like like like the scripture says you're gonna
Be judged harsher by the Lord and you can't even take a little bit of scrutiny from a youtuber
Like it's just so ridiculous. But the thing is though as I criticize Big Eva for this
I know full well that sometimes I act this way, too When somebody disagrees with something that I'm saying or teaching
I get defensive and it's like man I need to start I got to find some backbone and maybe you're the same way if you're a if you're a preacher or Pastor, maybe you can get some encouragement here like I think we're all a little overly sensitive at times and so we need to remember like as Teachers we're gonna receive a stricter judgment a more careful judgment over the things that we say and all of that If we're gonna receive that from the
Lord like let's cool it a little bit with the touch Not the Lord's anointed how dare you criticize me nonsense because that's super that's lame man
That's petty that you can't take some criticism from a youtuber You can't take some criticism from someone who listens to your speech or sermon or whatever
But yet somehow you're gonna stand at the judgment seat and receive a stricter judgment from the
Lord Like I don't know man It's probably time to like maybe maybe get over yourself a little bit and I'm talking to myself here
I need to get over myself like that feeling that you get I know we all feel it at times right that feeling when you get when somebody directly contradicts you and it's like well
How dare you? I'm the great 80 Robles, you know, you know what? I mean like it's time to get over ourselves.
It's time to get over ourself By the way, this made me think about all those like poor me letters that you see on blogs
Oh how hard it is to be a pastor. Sure. It's hard to be a pastor. That's right But you know heavy is a mantle you chose it
God God picked you out of there to give you that job So it's time to deal with it and to stop writing poor me letters to the body to rip to rip the
Congregation at to your benefit like that's what those letters are those blogs. Oh, it's so hard to be a pastor
It's basically you're ripping everybody else talking about how difficult your job is because everyone else is a bunch of slobs
I hate that kind of stuff. I really do Everyone has a hard job. I mean, you know what
I mean? It's not easy to be a Christian. It's good. Don't get me wrong It's good to be a Christian, but it's not easy
And so let's enough of the poor me routine and stuff like that We know we're gonna receive if you're a teacher
We're gonna receive a harsher judgment from the Lord, you know So maybe like get a thicker spine with like a random youtuber
I don't know just just a thought the other thing that I want to encourage you with and that was supposed to be encouraging by The way like, you know, we all need to get over ourselves including me.
The next thing is Actually this my my pastor one of my pastors when we were doing our
Sunday school He usually picks people out to read a verse and he picked me out to read this verse And it it struck me man, like this verse like was perfect for me at the time and It's so powerful guys.
Like like you want to know how to beat the devil, you know what I mean? He's you know, the devil's mean and he's powerful and he's out there.
You want to know how to beat him? It's so simple. There is what the scripture says in James chapter 4 Submit yourselves therefore to God Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
That's it Resist the devil resist him and he will flee from you
Submit yourself to God. Don't submit yourself to the devil, right? Don't submit yourself to the to the pagan
Don't submit yourself to to to the sorceress. You know what I mean? We're talking about that You know, maybe some this week at some point
Submit yourselves therefore to God That's who you submit to you submit to God resist the devil and he will flee from you
It doesn't mean that there's not other people to submit yourselves to but it does mean that ultimately you've submitted yourself to God So if you have a pastor sure, you should be submitting to the pastor
But but the thing is though not if their pastor is gonna be teaching or telling you to sin, right? Because you're submitted to God submit yourselves
Therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from all it takes is some resistance guys all it takes is
Resistance. This is a this is a lesson that we all need to take to heart because we make it seem so Complicated we write all these books and listen nothing wrong with books, right?
We we write these complicated books with complicated strategies on how to you know, do this and do that whatever
Resist temptation. Those are helpful guys. Those are helpful. But but let's not over over complicate it though Like like honestly at the end of the day
Resist the devil and he will flee from you. How do you resist? Well, there's good practical methods that you can use to resist the devil, but ultimately it's very simple
Whatever you got to do to resist the devil do that You know what?
I mean do that with Jesus is one of his parables It's just so amazing. If you're if your hand causes you to sin cut it off and throw it away
It's better for you to be handless than to go to hell, right? Basically is what is teach you is
I your eye causes you to sin tear out your eye and throw it away It's better for you to be blind than for you to go to hell, right?
So it's like like literally whatever you got to do to stop do it. That's what you do
Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Look, I'm not I'm not trashing books. I like reading books, too
You know what? I mean? I like getting the practical advice. I like that stuff I mean even the Proverbs, you know, even in the scripture we get practical advice on how to live the
Proverbs James does it? I'm not saying that that's bad But what I am saying is when you get to that feeling where you're starting to justify your sin
Well, you know this my situations there like no no, no, no, let's not oversimplify this Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
That is profound my friends that is resist That's all it is. You don't have to outmaneuver the devil.
You don't have to overpower the devil You just have to resist him and he will flee from you.
That's what it says That's what it's written Resist the devil and he will flee That's powerful, man.
That's I need to hear that every day. I mean my pastor called me out. I'm looking like What's going on?
Like no, no, no, this is this is important guys. This should strike all of us in this way Submit yourselves not to not to not to Russell Moore not to not to Joe Biden not no submit yourselves
Therefore to God that is who you're ultimately Submitted to this doesn't mean that you don't obey your pastors mean you don't obey the civil governing authorities of course you do so long as it's godly what they're telling you to do so long as it's
Lawful what they're telling you to do because ultimately you're submitted to God. So you resist that that's all it takes man
I don't know why that struck me. Maybe this is just remedial to you Whatever. I'm okay being remedial at times.
Yeah, I need that remedial lesson Resist the devil and he will flee from you
Man, beautiful stuff beautiful stuff. Let's jump into it today because actually I had a moment of panic this weekend
I was playing with my kids and We're at the we're at the park and you know kids can just like run around in the heat like like crazy, right?
It's just amazing. They can they don't they don't seem to ever tire but adults, you know when it's hot Sit down for a while So I was sitting down resting and I took out my phone and and a woman had emailed me you know one of my youtube followers and Said hey, is this the letter that you were referring to regarding Russell Moore?
And she sent me a link to this letter and I read it and it wasn't the letter I was referring to this one was a recent letter
This was written a few days ago to JD Greer and the letter I was referring to was written years ago or maybe a year and a half ago or something like To the executive committee.
It's a very similar letter, but it's different in my moment of panic was oh my goodness He is naming names here.
So I said in a video he wasn't naming names, but he is naming names Then I realized oh, it's not the same letter, right?
This is a new letter Also leaked by the Washington Post That's why the YouTube scriber was confused because this was also leaked to the you to the
Washington Post But this one's different because he actually does name names and because it wasn't written to a committee
It's very clear who leaked this letter it was either JD Greer or Russell Moore it was either
JD Greer or Russell Moore Anonymously leaked this letter to a big Eva acolyte at the
Washington Post that woman I forget her name who cares So this is like the most weaselly.
I can't even imagine a Less manly
More weaselly just pathetic strategy than this like I did I did a gab video live when
I found out about this or it wasn't live It was a few hours later where I said, you know, Jesus said yeah
You know if your brother sins against you you go to him you go through the steps of churches Well, no not in not in Russell Moore's universe in Russell Moore's pagan universe
If somebody sins against you you write a letter to someone pretending that it's really to them and then you
Anonymously leak it to make yourself look good and your church look bad That's like that. That's what you do
If you want to if your brother sins against you, you know Leak an anonymous letter to the Washington Post to make yourself look good.
This guy is such a snake This guy is is the most Grossest example of a man that I could possibly imagine like if you want to learn how to be a man
It would you would actually do pretty well to look at Russell Moore and what he does and do the exact opposite In almost every instance like that's if you want to be a
Christian man That's probably a good that you'd actually do pretty well Right like to just do the opposite of what
Russell Moore does if he leaks anonymous letters you confront someone directly if he you know Looks like a little girl
Like a little schoolgirl meeting Obama do the opposite like that would be pretty safe advice
But this one is especially interesting because you know who leaked it It was either JD Greer Russell Moore and the way this letter is written if you read this
I know how you will think right especially if you you know Watch my content because people that watch this channel,
I think are smarter than the average person They're more street smart. Anyway, you read this letter and you know what this is
He he makes it seem like he was writing a letter specifically to JD Greer But the way he wrote it is just like so stupid where it's like JD I just wanted to get down to writing like what we talked about and like you you and I remember when we did this you
Know like this was obviously written to be leaked. It was written to be leaked. It wasn't written in any other
Context like the other letter could have been written actually for the executive committee I think it was still written to be leaked
But I think it was written to the executive committee with the idea that maybe if I need to one day I'll leak it, but it wasn't like written immediately to leak it, but it was written strategically in that way
That's what I think about the first letter. This letter was written to be leaked. That's right This is this is what
I'm saying It's like remember the time JD Greer when we were this and this guy said this is like like everything was written to be on The record with the pagan media, but here's the thing.
We all understand Russell Moore is weasel We all understand that he's a wolf. He's like a wolf in wolf's clothing.
He's not even a wolf in sheep's clothing He pretends to be a Christian, but anyone with the brain knows that he's obviously not a
Christian we get that So Russell Moore is an obvious snake Let's move on because we all understand that This is my commentary for this
Southern Baptist, you know guys This should never have been allowed to happen because He's controlling the narrative right now
He's made you react to him and it should never have been the case that he would have been allowed to do this
He should have been fired and kicked out of the SBC years ago
Years ago and of course he would have written this letter Anyway, he would have had the opportunity to run to the pagans his people and to know, you know
Do his stuff whatever he was gonna do it But it would have looked a lot more petty if he did it had you acted first, right?
You cannot allow your enemies to just fester there. You've got to kick him out That's this is what it is
This is what church discipline is all about because you know The scripture understands that like you kick somebody out of the church and they're gonna cause problems like this is the thing
I think a lot of pastors and and I'm not just saying this because I'm I think this I've talked to pastors about this
Where they hesitate to do church discipline because they think it's gonna cause problems in the church It might cause a church split it might cut because it might this person that I have to discipline
He's well liked in the church and I don't want to cause any problems. It's like it's like I I get it I get it But the problem is if you don't church discipline them
They're going to cause the problems anyway, and they're gonna cause them on their terms Besides you just have to do it.
You've got to obey Christ rather than men You've got to submit yourself to God not to the ruling authority at your church
That's been there for a long time and has a lot of influence on the on the executive committee Like that's what a lot of pastors end up doing especially here in New England Their churches are so small and and weak anyway financially
And so people don't get church discipline because we don't want to rock the boat man My job depends on this like that's what happens in a lot of these churches.
I know this I've seen it on the inside I've seen it on the inside. There's a there's a group of like of like They're not the elders, but they really are they're the ones who have been there the longest they have the most power
They're the power brokers at the church And one of them is doing some outlandish stuff and you don't church discipline because you don't want to blow up the church
Well, sorry you signed up for this job heavy is the crown. You've got it. You've got to do what
Christ says, right? I get it's a heavy mantle. We understand it's hard to be a pastor, but you still got to do the job even if it's hard, but the thing is like Okay, Russell Moore would have written this letter anyway
But you should have kicked him out and made him write it from a position of weakness now He's written it from a position of power because you know the antics that he was doing
He was doing all this stuff, right? He was lying about people. He was he was ripping people He was doing secret stuff and now you look weak because you're responding to the person that you should have kicked out a long time
Ago, but you didn't he left on his own accord and now he's controlling the narrative on the SPC See I left because I could not stand being there with those racists and sex abusers
It's like obviously anyone with a brain knows that's not true. But second of all, it's like you've let him control the narrative
You got it. You got to be more strategic than this and let me just let me just take a sidestep You've got to be more obedient than this
But oftentimes being obedient is actually the strategically advantageous thing to do because in this case
Had you kicked out Russell Moore for being a little weasel, right? You're a little weasel. You're pushing progressive narratives
We don't believe that you're a Christian. We don't believe your profession of faith get the heck out of my denomination Then he writes his stupid letter to leak to the pagan media and it looks like it's just sour grapes, right?
That would have been strategically advantageous plus it would have been the right thing to do as a Christian anyway
And this is the thing God doesn't God often doesn't put us in bad situations Like often the right thing to do is actually the best thing to do
So this is the thing like like this should never have been allowed to happen You see the thing is like a lot of conservatives think that that Russell Moore is like has the dissent
I think Russell Moore has the advantage here. Not that not because what he's saying is believable But because now he's controlled the narrative now
He's the now he even though everything he's doing here the the fake phony leaks, you know
I'm anonymously leaking this like he's talking himself up. He's slandering people. He's not naming all the names
He's not giving us all the receipts and stuff like that. It's nothing courageous here, right? And there's nothing courageous here This is this is the work of a coward.
This is the work of a little weasel, right? We get that but the appearance of courage is there because he just I had to walk away from this job this great job because because my
Nation sexist and racist like What a courageous guy all the simps will fall for this.
They will think he's correct All the simps will think he's courageous had you kicked him out Yes, he might have become a martyr But at least he would have been the cowardly weasel that he always has been right you everyone would know what he's all about He knew about all this stuff
It didn't say anything until he got kicked out and then it was sour grapes once he got kicked out Then he revealed all this fake stuff, but see now he's got a position of power
And so we got to start thinking strategically guys We got to start thinking with obedience, but also strategically this reminds me of Donald Trump, by the way
I I don't know if you guys saw this one Donald Facebook says Donald Trump to remain banned for two years effective from January 7th, right?
So this just came out yesterday or two days ago or something like that And it's like who cares obviously because who cares about Facebook, right?
If you're not on gab get on gab who can I see those all those people posted stuff? Oh Twitter did this Facebook did that who cares who cares about that stuff, but but here's the reality though They're controlling the narrative
Facebook is still in that in that driver's seat because Trump the day he got banned
Should have said Okay, make it make it permanent. I'm never coming back.
That's what Trump should have said. Yeah, they said Oh, we got it. We got to review your account Yeah, we're gonna we're gonna take you off for a little bit review your account
We'll get back to you about our your decision what Trump should have said at that moment It says hey guys make the ban permanent make it permanent because I'm never coming back.
No matter what you do You can give me money. I'm never coming back to Facebook. That's how you control the narrative
See now they get a chance to to to to drag your name through the mud if you're Donald Trump I don't care about Trump anymore.
I think Trump is in on all this stuff. By the way, I think Trump is a scammer I think Trump is a big scammer but anyway, but obviously he's not the strategic genius that everyone thought he was playing 4d chess because They he allowed them to do this again, he's could the
Facebook is controlling the narrative Trump could have controlled the narrative He could have said guys It was it was fun on Facebook for a while.
You guys are a bunch of weasels. I'm never coming back That's what he should have done, but he didn't and it's the same thing with Russell Moore It's like you got to learn how to control the conversation with a little snake like this
You got to stop letting them outmaneuver you because that's what you did here Russell Moore outmaneuvered
We all know this letter is fake. We all understand what's happening here, right? But the simps and the pagans are good.
Oh poor Russell Moore Oh, he's just so courageous and they're gonna look to him for leadership when you had an opportunity for years to kick him out
Unceremoniously, don't let the door hit you on the way on matter of fact, let the door hit you on the way out We don't care because you're done
Trashing the SPC from the inside out. That's what should have happened. Now. Let me just lower my voice a little bit and Encourage you guys like let's learn from this.
You know what I mean? We can't go back in time, but we can learn from this. We got to stop with the shady dealings
We got to stop with the 11th commandment. We got to stop with the shenanigans Let's do things above board and let's kick the progressives out
They can't do you can't serve Marks and Christ at the same time you can't serve
Joe Biden and Christ at the same time because Joe Biden's policies are Antichrist so kick him out like that.
Now's the time and people go. Oh, what's that gonna look like? Let's say we kick out all the Democrats. Oh my goodness We're gonna kick out all the black people from the church
First of all, not every black Christian the Democrat first of all and second of all who cares what it looks like It's the right thing to do and it's strategically gonna give you an advantage like John again
John on would check was shouldn't have had the opportunity to leave the SPC you should have kicked him out These people shouldn't have the opportunity to leave you should kick them out the ones that are doing damage get rid of them
That's what the Bible says to do You warn them once you warn them twice and after that have nothing more to do with them
Sure, they're gonna cry to the pagans. They're true people. They're gonna cry. I was mistreated There's the racist there's sexist and of course, they're gonna do that, but they're gonna do that anyway
So why don't you just obey Christ? Let's try that for once. I'm not trying to be harsh on on my friends in the
SPC I'm not but you got to take control of this stuff man Stop paying into the cooperative fund stop paying the
ERL see cancel all that stuff You could still be associated with the SPC if you'd like to be but you got to take the control that you do have back so that these guys can't destroy the
Evangelical Church in America on your dime let the pagans pay for that stuff Anyway, I hope you found this helpful.
I don't why I didn't mean this for this to turn into a rant I meant for this to be an encouraging episode But this stuff man, it really bugs me
It really does these little weasels like JD Greer and Russell Moore and stuff like that They shouldn't be given the opportunity to destroy the
SPC on your dime But the longer you keep them around the longer they're gonna be doing that So I hope that you we all learn from this.
We need to learn from this. I hope you found this video helpful. God bless you know what's funny about all this is
I started this morning feeling so good because I You know how they say that the sense of smell is the one that your mind remembers the most
I went outside today and I smelled a summer vacation that my family took in Maine we were on this lake and I just smelled the same smell that I used to smell when
I was on vacation and What a good feeling that was it took me back, you know 30 years 30
Almost 30 years to when I was a kid on a lake in Maine. It smelled the same way man God is so good man.