Embrace Increased Polarization - Dont Listen To Big Eva Saying "Peace, Peace"

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, well, I'm back That's right,
I am back ready for action I went on a two -week vacation and I unplugged I mean,
I still used gab a little bit and tweeted a little bit but my my day job
I did not I just completely unplugged. I did not upload any videos and it was great Thank you very much for all of you who expressed concern
I am fine. And my youtube channel is fine, and we're all fine here now in any case.
I Wanted to jump right into it. So a short video today. I tried to record a longer one, but I don't know
I can't get my head right. I'm not back in the swing of things yet But I just wanted to do a short one in replacement, but before I do two new fish for me
I caught like 20 fish this morning. All of them were pretty small, but I was just slaying them But these are two new species
This is a red breast sunfish here on the left never caught one before The breast isn't quite that reddish a little bit of a tinge there
But it is in fact a red breast sunfish and then this one is a smallmouth bass
I never caught one before and very exciting very exciting indeed The Oshelot River is just producing like crazy.
So good stuff. I hope to get out there again later this week But I wanted to just do a quick video about Polarization this idea of polarization
Because you see a lot of like Big Eva types and all these respectable, you know public theologian types.
Oh They're worried so much about how polarized everything has become and and this and that and Christians shouldn't engage in this kind of Polarization we should be trying to be these middle -of -the -road kind of things and it's like I'd why why is
Polarization bad and from a Christian perspective, right? Considering the context that we live in like like obviously a
Christian Shouldn't be just out there causing trouble and throwing bombs just for the sake of it right metaphorical bombs.
Don't get it twisted Don't get all crazy on me metaphorical bombs In any case but yeah just for the sake of it right like we shouldn't just be agents of chaos
For the sake of it, but but at the end of the day like like like like evil is on the march
Like like crazy in our country and and it's not like this is anything new I mean, there's been a lot of evil for a long time
But in the United States evil is is being promoted and people are prideful of it.
They have marches Celebrating it. They just love Evil so much and it's in your face and companies are evil has gone.
So mainstream It's just ridiculous and I'm not talking like like complicated issues
Like like let me give you an example right like a lot of times big eva people will try to make You seem petty by saying all you're just being political and the way they make it seem.
It's like, okay, so Democrats believe that the tax rate should be 12 % and you believe that it should be 10 % and you're dividing over that you're being too political and it's like the don't get it twisted that Taxes are evil as well.
Like like like like property taxes and inheritance taxes These are things that in a Christian, you know government would not exist
And so it's evil too But that's not what we're talking about Even that would be more complicated and nuanced than the things that we're talking about.
See we're not talking about Inconsequential votes like should we put in a pool in Town Square or not?
That's how they make it seem but what we're taught and if you're polarizing over something like that and then dividing up the church over Something like that.
Yeah, maybe you got a problem But but here's the thing like these are simple things. These are basic things
Like should it be legal to kill babies? Should we encourage our children to get sex change operations as if there was such a thing?
Should we should we teach our children perversion? Should we you know promote? all kinds of evil that it's just Beyond the pale.
I mean God destroys nations for the kind of evil that is celebrated publicly and proudly in our country and it's like we're being browbeat for Polarization Over should it be a lot?
There's no middle ground when it comes to should you be able to kill babies with impunity or not?
We've got big evil people out here saying calm down everybody. We need to find middle ground.
It's like no No, we should be very polarized on that Why is polarization a bad thing when the topic is should we kill babies, right?
Should we or should we not be allowed to kill babies and Tim Keller's over here? We don't really know the
Bible doesn't say the best way to handle this and it's like Tim Keller's a liar He's lied to you
Tim Keller is a liar and a wolf in sheep's clothing in my opinion any Christian pastor who says well the
Bible's unclear about what to do with murderers That person is a false teacher and a wolf in sheep's clothing.
He wants to bring evil into the church and And that's just something we should not stand for we should be very polarized on that issue
It's like no, we absolutely should outlaw anyone who thinks it's okay to kill a baby
Is on the wrong side of that issue and we should be opposite pull on the opposite pole of them and so anyone who does kill a baby or hire someone to kill the baby should be
Tried and punished as a murderer or in a murder for hire I mean, this is very simple and then people want to overcomplicate we're gonna find a middle ground
It's it's not pro -life to execute murderers and it's like well, yes it is because God says so God says so God says love your neighbor
And one of the ways we love our neighbor is we execute people who engage in murder or murder for hire
That's one of the ways we love our neighbor and see Tim Keller won't tell you that though and Big Eva people won't tell you They want we want to find a me stop being so polarized and the answer is no
When the when the when the topic is should we teach children school children how to be perverts, right?
Should we encourage them to be transgenders? Like like if that's the topic we should be polarized on that anyone who's telling you to come find a middle ground
Anyone who's doing that to you does not have your best interests in mind Polarization in our context is 100 % a good thing.
Now, is it gonna be easy? Is it gonna lead to peace and prosperity and all that kind of stuff? Maybe not, but the thing is we can't just go with the flow in order to promote peace and prosperity
We can't just go along with the the crowd to do evil in order to keep things at peace because that's a false peace
It might be a piece with evildoers But it's war against God and that's something that we have to reject and be completely
Polarized from unbelievers because unbelievers have this mission They have this project that they're engaging in and they're at war with Christ.
They're at war with Christ They don't want to be under Christ's rule. They hate him. They hate him
They hate his anointed and so we you better believe we better be polarized on that issue because we're for Christ's rule
We love Christ, but a lot of these big eva pastors really aren't for Christ's rule Maybe theoretically they are but when it comes to actually getting down to brass tacks and handling justice the way
Christ would handle justice They're they're really not interested in that even Al Mohler Al Mohler's like well, we we got to stop this law because they're gonna punish women who kill their babies as murderers
We got to stop that's not pro -life and it's like so whose side are you on Al? Whose side are you on because it certainly seems like you're going with the many to do evil in order to I don't know
Maintain some kind of peace amongst your in your chair in your in your school and your church for you
Personally like look being polarized might not be the best thing for me long term money wise and having to be able to have a job
You know be being in in in different institutions and stuff like that But so be it so be it because I'm not gonna go along with the crowd to do evil just to have peace with that Crowd when that crowd is at war with Christ I look
I don't want to have problems with anybody, right? But I'm not gonna go with the flow when you're trying to kill babies
We try to make beat make it be legal to kill babies when you're trying to pervert children. I'm not gonna go with that crowd
Okay, and so, you know, I'm not gonna go out and cause, you know chaos for the sake of it But there's just no way
I'm gonna go along with that And when we have opportunities to ban and outlaw this vile wickedness that's in our midst
We should absolutely take that opportunity. Look guys times are hard and and you know,
I think God is judging our nation I think that economic calamity is on the menu for us. I think that there's potentially more pestilence on the way
Weather issues. I mean those are the things that the Bible promises will happen to nations who reject him So I think times are gonna be tough
But I I was talking to my pastor yesterday. There's never been in my opinion a better time to be on the
Lord's side because Faithfulness right now is so basic like we're not we're not talking about, you know
Nuance Trinitarian positions right now like that's not the issue of the day The issue of the day are simple things like like what's the definition of a man?
What's the definition of a woman? Well, should we be promoting sexual perversion? Should we be allowing people to kill innocent babies just for the fun of it just for the sake of it's good
They want you just because they're scared. They don't have enough money. They want things to go well with them They're gonna kill their children. Should we allow that these are faithfulness right now is so basic.
It's so basic and so anyway Polarization, I I don't think that anyone who's calling you to not be polarized right now
Oh polarization is a big problem here. Like anyone who's talking along those lines I just don't think has your best interest in mind unless they're making some kind of nuanced case or I'm gonna allow for some of that but a lot of these guys out there that are
Basically, they want you to go with the flow of wickedness to be at peace with those who are at war with Christ We are not at peace with those who are at war with our master our
Savior our Lord our King our God We are not at peace with those who are at war with Christ.
I Don't care what anyone tells you we aren't we're at war with them. Does it mean you go out there and guns blazing?
Metaphorically, I'm not saying that what I'm saying is you cannot go along with the many to do evil when the evil people are
At war with Christ and his created order and what he's created all that They hate all that stuff and they hate us, of course
And so we're gonna be on the opposite end of that spectrum every single time. We should embrace it
We should we should love it. We should love serving Christ in our time in any case