Brandan Robertson Spreading Falsehood AGAIN!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So pro -LGBT progressive
Christian TikToker Brandon Robertson is still spreading the usual falsehood. In the video
I'm about to show you, Brandon is responding to a young lady who made a TikTok video condemning his false doctrine.
She made it very clear that his beliefs do not align with the Word of God at all. Here was his response, watch this.
So this is a very common set of arguments used by progressive Christians, and I hope that I can humbly show you today how to respond to it.
The first claim that Brandon makes is that he and the conservative Christians who contradict him serve, quote, two very different gods.
This is perhaps the only point of his that I agree with. Christians worship the God of the Bible, Brandon clearly does not.
I agree, we do not worship the same God because Brandon doesn't worship the true God at all in any perceivable way.
I pray that someday he will, I really do. The next statement he makes is, quote, the God revealed in Jesus' fundamental nature is love, and 1
John says that God's love casts away fear of judgment, end quote. Here's how the logic, or lack thereof, looks here.
The idea is that God is love, love casts out fear of judgment, and therefore anyone who offers up any kind of fear of judgment or who points to scriptures talking about that must be unloving and therefore not in keeping with the fundamental nature of Jesus.
So let's talk about these premises one at a time. His first statement is that God's fundamental nature is love.
1 John 4, 16 does indeed say, God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.
That much is certain. God is a loving God, in fact he is the standard of love itself.
But does that verse say that God's only characteristic is love? No. In fact, that would be very dangerous.
To say that God's fundamental exclusive attribute is love is to say that his love supersedes and even negates all his other attributes.
Psalm 7, 11 is a passage we use a lot here, it says, quote, God is a righteous judge and a
God who feels indignation every day, end quote. So it is very clear that God is always loving, but because God loves righteousness, he also must hate wickedness, and as a righteous judge, he is indignant every day.
When you use God's love to cancel out God's just standards, his holy wrath, and his law, you are attempting to put
God in a simplified human box that the scriptures never put him in. We do not have the right to boil
God down to a single fundamental or exclusive attribute. Rather, we have the responsibility, the honor, to read the whole counsel of his word and believe everything it says about God.
2 Timothy 3, 16 says, quote, all scripture is God -breathed, end quote. Not simply the passages that talk about his love and his kindness, and make no mistake, he is very loving and exceedingly kind, but the passages that speak of his wrath, his anger, his justice, his power, these are also
God -breathed and should be accepted by all of us. Brandon makes a claim about 1 John that is really based on a misunderstanding of the text.
He says that love casts out fear of judgment. And yes, that's true, technically, 1
John 4, 18 does say, quote, there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, for fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love, end quote.
Those who have the love of God, the way his believers do, have no need to fear his ultimate punishment.
That is true. But does that then mean that anyone who tells someone who is unsaved to fear
God's judgment is not being loving when they say that? No, that's not what it means at all.
By that standard, Scripture itself would be unloving because in many areas, Scripture puts the fear of judgment in people.
The very next verse of the passage, 1 John 4, 19 says, quote, we love because he first loved us, end quote.
In other words, this perfect love that casts out fear of judgment begins with the love of God for his people.
Specifically, we know that we are talking about the specific love of God applied through the gospel.
This absence of fear of judgment only comes to believers. If we have not accepted Christ's grace, then we should stand in fear of judgment.
That's where we belong. The passage does not say that because of Christ's love, fear of judgment is no longer a useful or true category, and that it cannot be applied to anyone.
No, rather, it says that love casts out fear of judgment that was previously there. The implication is that before the sacrifice of Jesus is accepted through faith, the fear of judgment has not yet been cast out.
And I don't think it should be, because that's not biblical. That is precisely what verse 17 says when it declares, quote, by this is love perfected with us so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, end quote.
The we here is the church, those who have been saved by Christ. That's clear. That's who the letter's being written to.
Only those people can have confidence on the day of judgment through Jesus. The direct implication, then, is that those who are unsaved, who have not accepted
Christ's sacrifice, have no confidence on Judgment Day. Brandon's entire perspective on this passage really seems to be based on the idea that you're not simply going to go read it for yourself.
Because if you do even a basic study of this text, it's obvious that Brandon's interpretation of it stands over and against the passage's true context and meaning.
The next thing Brandon says is, quote, there's no reason to be afraid, because God will not judge you based on the rightness or wrongness of your beliefs, end quote.
Now how he got this idea is beyond me. Of course we will be judged on the rightness or wrongness of our beliefs.
Let's go back to Sunday school real quick and read a classic, John 3, 16. It says, quote, for God so loved the world that He gave
His only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life, end quote.
It is clear, then, that only those who believe in the Son have eternal life. That's plain as day.
Therefore, the rightness or wrongness of your belief about Christ is most definitely the standard you are judged by.
If you have rightly believed in Jesus, if you rightly have faith in Him, you are saved.
If you have wrongly not believed in Jesus, you are not saved. This is one of the only passages in the
Bible that the Christian community has actually dependably memorized almost as a whole, and even this singular passage refutes
Brandon's statement handedly. And, of course, in addition to this, his position refutes itself.
Brandon says, quote, God will not judge you based on the rightness or wrongness of your beliefs, end quote.
Okay, Brandon, is that statement a right belief or a wrong belief? Do you see how this makes no sense?
He's basically saying that his right belief is that right and wrong beliefs don't really matter ultimately.
But if right beliefs and wrong beliefs are not ultimately consequential, then why do his beliefs matter?
Why should we even be listening to them if they don't really matter? Let's go back to 1 John 4, Brandon's proof text for God's love, shall we?
1 John 4, 15 says, quote, Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him and he in God.
So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. By this is love perfected with us so that we may have confidence on the day of judgment, end quote.
So who is it, according to the passage, who has confidence on the day of judgment? Those who, quote, confess that Jesus is the
Son of God. We're talking about those people in the Church, those who, quote, believe the love that God has for us.
The words confession and belief stand out here. It's obvious who we're talking about. The rightness or wrongness of one's belief is spoken about here with direct relation to the confidence level you have on the day of judgment.
So to say that you will not be judged in any way based on your beliefs is completely contrary to the testimony of Scripture in virtually every way.
In fact, it's extremely dangerous because it's giving people false hope. The last statement Brandon makes is this, quote,
Many will proclaim Lord, Lord. Many will have the right theology. But only those who follow in his path, who do what
Jesus said to do, are actually his disciples, end quote. So in Matthew 7, 21,
Jesus does say, quote, Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my
Father who is in heaven. But does this passage indicate that the people who said Lord, Lord, quote, had all the right theology, as Brandon implies?
Well, there's really no indication of that in the text at all. That doesn't seem to be the point. Just after the previous verse in Matthew 7, 23,
Jesus says this, quote, And then I will declare to them, I never knew you. Depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.
The passage seems to allow for the idea that some of these people had some good theology in some areas.
But I think if we make that the main point, if we say these are the people he's talking about, we're speaking out of turn where the text is silent.
The passage does not anywhere clearly indicate that these people had a lot of good theology besides maybe the fact that they call
Jesus Lord. What is crystal clear is that Jesus called them workers of lawlessness. Lawlessness means a breach of God's law, evil, wickedness, transgression, iniquity.
Therefore, the emphasis is not on the idea that these people had good theology. Rather, it seems to be on the fact that they had made some level of a profession of faith.
They called Jesus Lord, and they had claimed to work miracles in his name. We know this.
Yet Jesus calls them workers of iniquity and lawlessness. That's all we know from the passage. So to suggest that this is referring to all people with good theology, that this is who the text has in mind, and to make that a center point of this passage is going far beyond what it actually says.
And again, this is also self -contradictory, because this is all based in nonsense. To say that God doesn't care about your good theology is in and of itself a theological statement.
Brandon is trying to have good theology himself while at the very same time he's telling everyone else that their good theology isn't necessary.
The idea here is essentially, stop forcing your good theology on others, and let me force my good theology on you instead.
When you say, good theology doesn't matter ultimately, you're making a theological statement, which you believe to be a good one, and which you believe matters.
But you just said, it doesn't matter. So how does that work? If good theology doesn't matter ultimately, then why does
Brandon care about how good his theology is? Why is he trying to spread good theological beliefs on TikTok?
If having right or wrong beliefs doesn't ultimately matter, then why is Brandon working so hard to spread what he thinks are right beliefs?
The answer is, of course, that Brandon's entire position, it refutes itself time and time again.
And remember that without the grace of Jesus Christ alone, all of us would have the wrong beliefs. All of us would be distorting
Scripture. I'm a wretched sinner, saved by grace. If you're a Christian, so are you. In and of myself,
I have no moral superiority to Brandon at all. I was dead in my sins, too. It is only
Christ's perfect life that covers me at all times. So let's pray that Brandon would be truly saved, that he would have this grace, too, and that he would stop preaching this falsehood, and that he would turn to the truth of God's Word.
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