The Beza Briefing - Satan’s Accusations


Satan, the accuser, is silenced by the work of Christ. Could this be the best part of all “The Christian Faith?"


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry, my name is
Mike Abendroth, and it's been about eight days or so that I've kind of been congested, having congestion, congestion.
Thomas Cranmer, or Thomas Cramner, think Cranberry, Cranmer, Thomas Cranmer, four comfortable words, you have to look that up, four comfortable, comforting words.
Anyway, my name is Mike Abendroth, and here at No Compromise Radio, we try to do a lot of different types of shows, some positive, encouraging,
K -loves, some woodshed Fridays, I don't even think we do that really anymore,
Fridays are reruns, I think this is going into the, we finished 13 years, so this would be going into the 14th, is that how you say that?
I've been at the church now, let's see, April 6th, I believe, 25 years, 25 years at Bethlehem Bible Church, it used to be
Bethlehem Baptist Church, it used to be Bedlam, it is
Bedlam after I showed up. If you can always write me, Mike at NoCompromiseRadio .com.
Lots of emails, these days the emails tend to be, we now understand law gospel, we now understand third use of the law, we now understand gospel tincture, we now are getting, we realize we're getting blistered from the pulpit every week, what do we do?
Boy, that's a hard one, isn't it? Very, very difficult. Today on the show, we're going to talk about the
Christian faith. Wouldn't that be good? Don't you think Christian shows should talk about the Christian faith?
But we're going to be reading, I'm going to be reading the Christian faith by Theodore Beza, and so this is another episode, an installment of the
Beza Briefing. I don't know, this must be show eight or something, show nine, with the
Teddy Beza, Christian faith. I will begin in section 410 on the
Holy Spirit, and I only read half of it last time, and it was underneath the title,
The Remedy Which Faith Finds in Christ Jesus Alone Against the
First Assault of the First Temptation, the Multitude of Our Sins, colon, the assurance which we can have on this point regarding the saints or ourselves.
And it's difficult as Christians, of course, we sin, and if we are continually fed a progressive sanctification that always yields in more and more and more and more and greater sanctification with no real dips and no real struggles and trials and actual sins, then maybe we feel like we're somehow not a
Christian, and Beza talks about that. So let me pick it up, and what we do with the Beza Briefing is I read it, and if I think
I can make a salient or funny or appropriate comment, I try to do that, and I know
Scott Clark listens, and so I try to be very careful on what I say. I feel like I have a little
Scott Clark sitting here on my shoulder. Let us therefore learn to reply in a different manner to the aforesaid argument of Satan.
Satan is accusing us and accusing the brethren, and as Luther would say, what
Satan accuses us of is true, but thankfully we have a different position, a relationship to the triune
God. You say, Beza says, Satan, that God is perfectly righteous and the avenger of all iniquity.
I confess it, but I add another property of his righteousness which you have left aside,
Satan, since he is righteous. He is satisfied with having been paid once.
You say next that I have infinite iniquities which deserve eternal death. I confess it, but I add what you have maliciously omitted.
The iniquities which are in me have been very amply avenged and punished in Jesus Christ who has borne the judgment of God in my place,
Romans 3, 1 Peter 2. Isn't that wonderful? Beza didn't say, isn't that wonderful?
It's now Ebendrah talking. Isn't that wonderful? Yes, it's true, I confess, but God is righteous, and therefore he's not going to demand double payment, right?
No double jeopardy, and if Jesus, since Jesus has satisfied the wrath of God the
Father for all of the elect's sins, what else is there to punish? Beza, that is why
I come to a conclusion quite different than yours, Satan. Since God is righteous,
Romans 3, and does not demand payment twice, since Jesus Christ, God and man, 2
Corinthians 5, has satisfied by the infinite obedience, Romans 5,
Philippians 2, the infinite majesty of God, Romans 8, it follows that my iniquities can no longer bring me to ruin,
Colossians 2. They are already blotted out and washed out of my account by the blood of Jesus Christ who has made a curse for me,
Galatians 3, and who righteous died for the unrighteous, 1 Peter 2, 24.
Dear listeners, that's one of the reasons why you should get this book, The Christian Faith, by Theodore Beza.
Stands the test of time, Christ -centered, encouraging, and this is what theology does.
This is a proper view of theology. It's not simply knowing about. We know about, yes, so that we can know.
So we really get to know, this is the God who loves me. This is the God who cares for me.
You think about God as Father, and what does a good father do? Well, he pities, he protects, he provides, he disciplines.
And how much more do we have a great father, the Heavenly Father, whose name is hallowed?
Beza, thereupon it is certain that Satan will know well to set our afflictions before our eyes, and especially death,
Romans 5. He will allege that these are so many testimonies showing that God has not pardoned our sins.
See what Beza is saying there? Satan's going to say, yeah, your sins are forgiven, sure, then why do you still physically die?
And, of course, death is that great enemy, of course, that's been conquered by the
Lord Jesus. And you see the mocking of Paul, inspired by the
Spirit of God in 1 Corinthians 15. Where's your sting? Right? Death. Beza.
But as for afflictions, we must reply, firstly, although all affliction and death entered into the world by sin,
God does not always have regard to our sins when he afflicts us. We establish this from the whole history of Job and elsewhere,
John 9, 1 Peter 2, 1 Peter 3, James 1. But he has several other ends in view which tend to his glory and our prophet, as we shall explain further on.
That is to say that sometimes we are afflicted because of our sins. That's true, and you can read some
Psalms to see that, and it just makes logical sense as well. But it's not always regarding our sins.
There are other things going on. And what he doesn't say here, except with a reference,
John 9, remember the man born blind. Who sinned to cause this?
Did the man sin? The infant? Did the parent sin? Who sinned?
Well, this is going to demonstrate the glory of God and how he, for his glory and our prophet, as Beza said, does these things.
On the other side, Beza said, when God afflicts his own for their sins, even if he comes to make them feel the pains of death,
Job 13, he is not provoked to anger against them as a judge, to condemn them, but as a father who is chastening his children in order to prevent them from perishing, 2
Corinthians 6, Hebrews 12, 2 Samuel 7, or to give an example to others, 2
Samuel 12. That is brilliant. That is one of the key things that I, No Compromise Radio, can
I say things like that? Shall I speak about me in first person, third person?
That's one of the things we've learned, and if you've been listening, I hope you've learned it as well. Of course,
God's law is unchanging because it reflects his character, his nature, his essence, and his law is not floating out there somehow separately from the triune
God, but his law is holy and good and reflects God's good and holy and righteous character.
That's what the law does, and therefore, the law can't change. This is not a weird
Richard Baxter deal where somehow God's law in the new covenant is changed and lessened.
This isn't a Roman Catholic deal where you just have to be sincere, and even if you don't totally obey perfectly, entirely, exactly, perpetually, if you're sincere about it, we don't call that peep.
Peep is perfect, entire, exact, perpetual obedience. That's a peep. We redeem the peeps, but if we want to add an
S to the front sincerely and make it Roman Catholic, that's the speeps. The law doesn't change, but our relationship, thanks be to the
Lord Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God, and the Father, all working inseparably, operating inseparably.
I think there's a theological term called inseparable operations. You think? You think? You think?
It's so wonderful now because instead of God as judge and creator exacting perfect obedience, requiring perfect obedience, now we have
God as Father because of the work of the Son applied by the Spirit of God, and therefore, the law that used to say, do this and live, disobey and be damned, now it guides us.
It directs us. It's called the third use of the law. The relationship to the lawgiver changes, even though the law doesn't change.
The example I like to give very often is, don't look at a woman with lust in your heart. To the unbeliever, we tell them that, and they say, oh, if that's true,
I've committed adultery and I stand condemned. Is there any way out? Off we go to talk about the
Lord Jesus and his life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension and session.
Well, that law, don't look at a woman with lust, applies to believers, too.
How does it apply to believers? Well, the relationship is different, and so now, Son, for your good, don't look at a woman with lust.
For other people's good, don't look at a woman with lust, and primarily, it's for the glory of God.
It guides. It leads, and you may be chastened if you disobey, but you'll never be condemned.
God's not angry at you. I was listening to a sermon today by someone talking about the
Cranmer's comfortable words, Cranmer, not Cramner, and it said,
I think, the little tagline up top, it was like, living words or something, God is not mad at you. If you're a
Christian, that's true. But as a father who is chastening his children in order to prevent them from perishing, not an angry judge, not a condemning judge, but a chastening father.
That's the key. If that's all you get at No Compromise Radio, then 3 ,000 shows into it, 13 years later, that would be one of the top 10 things
I'd want you to learn. Theodore Beza, Mike Ebendroth, No Compromise Radio. 411, the remedy which faith alone finds in Jesus Christ alone, against the second assault of the first temptation, we are destitute of the righteousness which
God justly demands from us. How could we have assurance knowing that God requires righteousness?
God demands justly perfect law -keeping, and we are destitute of that.
How could we merit something that's impossible for us to merit now because of the fall?
Beza, here is the second assault that Satan can raise against us on account of our unworthiness.
It is not sufficient to have no sin or to have satisfied for sins, but more is necessary that man should fulfill all the law, that is to say, that he love
God perfectly and his neighbor as himself, Deuteronomy 17,
Galatians 3, Matthew 22. Bring therefore this righteousness, Satan will say to our poor conscience, or know well that you cannot escape the wrath and curse of God.
Do you see what Beza is after? This is something that evangelicalism is slowly learning in our generation, but I wish they would learn it more.
This is the active obedience of Christ. This is, when you think about the law of God, there's the positive side when you keep it, and there's a negative side, the penalty, if you don't.
And of course, when you think about the Lord Jesus, He took the penalty for our sins, there were no penalty for Jesus, He didn't have a penalty, and then
Jesus positively merited righteousness by keeping the law, and that's given to us.
And therefore, it's not enough simply to be forgiven. It's wonderful to be forgiven.
Oh, the joy of forgiveness, and you think how blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute our account or credit iniquity.
I mean, that is just amazing to think, I'm forgiven by the God of the universe, knowing what I've done and will do.
I don't even know what I'll do, but it'll probably be a bunch of dumb, stupid, sinful things, but I am forgiven, and now I'm a child.
I'm adopted, I'm justified, reconciled. All the panoply of wonderful words that extol the work of the triune
God alone, monergistically in salvation, monergistically in sanctification, and monergistically in glorification.
That's a wonderful thing, just to think, oh, to be forgiven. But obedience is required, and that's what base is here addressing.
Satan is going to say, yeah, you're forgiven, but have you perfectly obeyed? Well, of course,
I haven't perfectly obeyed, but I have a federal head. I have the last Adam, and I have a righteousness that is perfect, because it's been earned by the perfect one.
Jesus necessarily had to obey the law. He just didn't come down on Friday and die, and then go be resurrected on Sunday.
Why was he born of a virgin? Why did he add human, assume human flesh?
I say add, but I know I'm not supposed to say add anymore, so I'm just trying to not say that. We need an active, excuse me, we need a righteousness.
We need obedience. Now, against this assault, what will all men profit us except Christ alone?
For it is a question of perfect obedience, which is never found in any save in Jesus Christ alone.
Let us learn, therefore, here to appropriate to ourselves once more, by faith, another treasure of Jesus Christ, his righteousness.
We know that it is he who has fulfilled all righteousness, Matthew 3, Philippians 2,
Isaiah 53. By faith, we have a great treasure, righteousness, right doing, law keeping, meriting.
That's the language we use, and that's credited to us. We do things not quite perfectly, but God sees our sincerity, speaks.
It's not that at all. No, no. He has given a perfect obedience and love to God, his
Father, and has perfectly loved his enemies, Romans 5. As far as being made a curse for them, said
St. Paul, Galatians 3. That is to say, as far as bearing for them the judgment of the wrath of God, Colossians 1, 2
Corinthians 5, thus being clothed with this perfect righteousness, which is given to us through faith, as if it were properly our own,
Ephesians 1, we can be acceptable to God, John 1, Romans 8, as brothers and co -heirs of Jesus Christ.
Do you see what I mean when it comes to theology -induced praise and thankfulness and gratitude, guilt, grace, gratitude?
I think I'm going to come up with something like that. I would probably make a lot of money off that little guilt, grace, gratitude.
And that's Romans, right? That's Romans. Yes, it's Heidelberg, but it's Romans first, guilt, grace, gratitude.
It's found in the text of Scripture first. On this point, Satan must, of necessity, close his mouth, provided we have the faith to receive
Jesus Christ and all the benefits he possesses in order to communicate them to those who believe in him,
Romans 8. Dear Christian, did you know you have all your sins forgiven, past, present, and future, and you have a perfect obedience, perfect righteousness credited to your account, like you loved
God perfectly, like you loved your neighbors perfectly, and therefore, why would there be any judgment for you, any wrath for you?
No, there wouldn't be any. This is the remedy when Satan says to us, you know what? We don't have any righteousness of our own, and God demands that.
I'd say this is something called good news. This is good news.
412, the third assault of the same temptation, the natural pollution or original sin, which is in our persons, makes
God hate us still. The third assault, natural pollution, original sin, makes
God still hate us. We're affected by the fall. It's real sin, really credited to our account by the federal head,
Adam Beza. There remains yet to Satan an assault with this temptation about our unworthiness as follows.
Although you have satisfied for the penalty of your sins in the person of Jesus Christ and are also through faith covered with his righteousness, you are nevertheless corrupt in your nature.
In it there dwells still the root of all sin, Romans 7. How then will you dare to appear before the majesty of God, who is the enemy of all pollution,
Psalm 55, and who sees the depths of the heart, Psalm 44, Jeremiah 17?
You see what Beza is arguing there? Okay, we have our sins forgiven. Check, not like it's a minor thing, but that's taken care of, yes, by Christ, and we receive by faith alone.
Well, we also need a positive righteousness, and we have that because Jesus merited righteousness for us.
He was inherently righteous. He didn't need to do it for himself, and so he did it for us, on our behalf, on our account, because of us.
Hupere. Well, that's fine and dandy. Satan says, well, what about original sin?
What are you going to do about that? I mean, it's true. It exists. It's pollution.
Beza. Now, in this fear, we find a new, we find anew, a prompt remedy in Jesus Christ alone.
We must rely on him. Truly we are yet enclosed in this mortal body, Romans 7, so that we do not practice the good that we wish.
We still feel the sin which dwells in us, Romans 7, and the flesh which battles against the spirit,
Galatians 5. This is why, with regard to ourselves, we are still polluted in the body and in the soul, 1
Corinthians 4, Philippians 3. But inasmuch as we have faith, we are united, 1
Corinthians 6, embodied, Ephesians 4, Colossians 2, rooted, Colossians 2, engrafted in Jesus Christ, Romans 6.
In him, from the first moment of his conception in the womb of the Virgin Mary, Matthew 1, Luke 1, our nature was more fully restored and sanctified,
Hebrews 2, than it ever was when created pure in Adam. Seeing that Adam was made only in the image of God, Genesis 1, 1
Corinthians 15, whereas Christ is the true God who has taken to himself, where Christ is true
God who has taken to himself our flesh, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. This sanctification of human nature in Jesus Christ is reckoned as ours through faith.
Thus, the remainder of natural corruption, which, even after regeneration, still dwells in us, cannot enter into our account,
Romans 8. Our unworthiness is covered and swallowed up by the holiness of Jesus Christ, which is far more powerful to sanctify us before God than natural corruption is to pollute us.
I mean, I just want to say, praise God from whom all blessings flow. Well, you aren't forgiven.
Yes, I am because of Jesus. Well, you don't have positive righteousness. Well, yes, I do because of Jesus.
Well, what about original sin? Is that covered? Yes, taken care of by the
Lord Jesus. I think that's not only decisive and conclusive, but also liberatingly wonderful.
Is that a word, liberatingly wonderful? Yes, in fact,
I think it is a word. My name is Mike Abendroth. This is No Compromise Radio Ministry, and this is the
Beza Briefing. Who is Beza? Who in the world is Beza? Beza writes this book, and he wants the church to know it.
It says, Theodore Beza, to the church of our Lord, grace and peace in him. And how can you have grace and peace in him?
Well, of course, that's through the work of the Lord Jesus Christ. That's certainly true. And when you think of who
Jesus is and what he's done, this is a very important thing to work out exactly how he's done it.
And Beza was the one who took over for Calvin. And you say, Mike, what are you trying to do? I'm just trying to fill this last 25 seconds.
This was first published in Geneva in 1558, a concise declaration of the
Christian faith. And so that's what we're doing here in No Compromise Radio. Today was, I don't know, show nine, show 10, something like that.
You can write me, Mike at NoCompromiseRadio .com. You can follow us at Twitter at NoCoRadio.
You can also go to the website for YouTube. You can donate at Patreon, whatever you want to do. We want to make sure we can serve you and talk about the
Lord Jesus. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.