Why Do Christian SJWs Have the Same Ideas, Solutions and Politics as Secular Groups?

AD Robles iconAD Robles


SJW Christians and SJW secularists sounds so similar. Why is that? Be careful that you are keeping Christ central.


In case you were wondering if this social justice movement was only going on in the church, I've got some news for you.
It isn't. This is everywhere. In every possible conceivable group or community or interest, social justice warriors are fighting their battles.
And it's amazing. And actually, I think even some of the battles that you see in some of these groups, it gives you a really good warning sign that this is not a godly thing, because the same tactics are used, the same solutions to the problems are used, and we're going to talk about how likely it is for people to essentially be using godly tactics to solve perceived problems.
Some of these groups are just completely anti -god. But let me just start with some more, I guess, more lighthearted ones.
But believe it or not, there's a social justice warrior movement in tabletop gaming. You know, like Magic Cards, and you ever play
Ticket to Ride, or maybe Catan, tabletop miniatures.
I do some of the miniature things as well, war games. There are social justice warriors in these areas completely ruining it for everybody, demanding that there are more females represented, people of color, all kinds of different crazy things.
And it's making this whole thing just annoying for everybody. Look, I have no problem with companies wanting to represent women in their games.
There's no issue with that. But when you start to say, well, gaming is just sexist because there's no women in it.
Well, you know what? Maybe women don't want to play Magic Cards in general. I mean, obviously, some do. My wife plays
Star Wars Destiny with me, but in general, women don't play those kinds of games. So this is just, it's ruining tabletop gaming.
In fact, there's a YouTuber who I recommend, his name, he goes by TheQuartering. He's a tabletop gamer really into Magic Cards, and he's anti -social justice warrioring.
Funny channel. Did you know that social justice warriors are ruining comic books as well? Maybe you haven't bought a comic book in a long time.
I actually hadn't for a long time until very recently, I bought a few. But all of your old favorite superheroes, well, they're all turning lesbian or transgender, or they're just becoming social justice warriors.
There's even social justice warrior comic books and comic book characters that have been created. There's a funny
YouTuber named JustSomeGuy who fights against social justice warriors in comic books.
It's ridiculous. Social justice warriors ruin everything. Obviously, if you're an
American, a lot of us watch TV or movies. I don't really watch that many movies, but I do watch some
TV. So you probably know that social justice has taken over these things as well. Social justice warriors are ruining
Star Wars. Social justice warriors are ruining comic book character movies. Social justice warriors are ruining
Ghostbusters, everything. They're sullying the name of these amazing franchises, and you might not think, oh, that's not that serious.
And it isn't. It's not that serious at the end of the day, but it just goes to show you that this is everywhere.
But here's what I wanted to talk about today. You know, there's a social justice warrior movement in some of the most ungodly groups that you could imagine.
Ready for this? Atheism. Atheism is fighting a battle between social justice warriors and non -social justice warriors.
And wouldn't you know it, atheistic, God -hating atheists are promoting the exact same solutions to the perceived problems that Christian social justice warriors are promoting.
That is pretty shocking, because what do you think the chances of an atheist getting the solution right, the godly, righteous, just solutions to these perceived problems and inequalities?
What do you think the chances of them getting that right? I would say about 0%. And so what we have here is social justice warriors and Christianity promoting the exact same solutions and policies and laws as social justice warriors and atheists, except they sprinkle a little
Jesus on top. That's not how it works. Jesus has a very specific set of commands, a very specific set of laws and righteousness and justice that's completely different than what anyone else is offering.
And that's the reality. So it's just funny. You see the same thing with the homosexual movement and transgenderism and things like that.
Again, these people are promoting the exact same kinds of laws and things that the social justice warriors and Christianity are promoting.
What do you think the chances of the homosexual movement getting that right? I'd say about 0%.
Feminism, same exact thing. What do you think the chances that secular feminists are getting the solutions to all of what ails us right?
Zero. Liberal politicians, same exact thing. So you see, I'm not saying this proves anything, right?
Because obviously the scriptures are what gives us our cues. The scriptures tell us what to do and what a problem is and what inequality is and what injustice is and what justice is.
But none of these groups use the scripture as their guide. So why do your solution, social justice warrior
Christians, sound so similar to what the atheists are putting out and the feminists and the homosexuals and the liberal politicians?
Why does it sound so similar? That's a question you really need to ask yourself. You need to take a good look in the mirror.
Why are the angry atheists who hate Christ and hate Christians, why are they promoting the same exact things you're doing except they don't talk about Jesus at all?
It's a good question that I think needs an answer. Anyway, I was talking to some people last night and they were talking about how the scripture doesn't, we don't see
Paul talking to politicians about how to rule justly. And actually,
I don't think that's the case. I didn't have the verse in my head when I was talking to them. But there's a story in Acts where Paul is talking to the governor
Felix and the governor Felix wants to hear about Christianity and he asks Paul about it. And at the same time, he was hoping that Paul would give him a bribe to get him out of jail.
But anyway, Paul talks to him about the gospel, right? And it's funny because Paul tells him about three things, ready for this?
Because none of our gospel presentations typically sound like this. Paul talks about three things.
He talks about the coming judgment. How often in your gospel presentations is that one of your focuses?
I think some of you it is. But not often. You don't hear that a lot, especially in seeker -sensitive churches. He talks about the coming judgment.
He talks about self -control. How many of our gospel presentations talk about self -control? Probably not as many as they should.
He talks about one other thing. The governor Felix talks about righteousness. And righteousness is just another word for justice.
So when Paul had the opportunity to talk to governor Felix, he talked to him about self -control, the coming judgment, and justice.
And guys, Christ is central to all of those things. You know, you always hear people get frustrated when you kind of give the
Sunday school answer. Well, what's the solution to this? Well, Jesus is. What's the solution to that? Well, Jesus is. Well, that's true.
But Jesus has a very specific plan for this. You know, when Paul talked to governor
Felix about the coming judgment, who's coming to judge? Yeah, that'd be Christ. When Paul talks to Felix about self -control, who is our example of self -control?
Well, that's Jesus Christ. When Paul talks to Felix about righteousness, when Paul talks to Felix about justice, who defines what justice is?
That's Jesus Christ. And so when we talk about being gospel -centric and Christ -centric, we're talking about how
Christ applies to all of these things. When Jesus gives us the Great Commission, it's not just to baptize.
That's part of it. But also to teach the nations that are converting to obey everything that Christ commands.
And so, Christians, we have to get used to this idea that the scripture has something to say about justice, and it's explicit.
And it's not just an overarching principle of love. It's not just an overarching principle of all these things that are ishy -squishy definitions we don't know.
There are overarching principles, but there's also explicit detail. We need to apply the general equity of that law if we're going to have a just society.
And so the atheists don't know what they're talking about. Don't listen to them. Liberal politicians have no idea what justice is.
If you hate God, you might get some things about justice right by accident, but in general, you're going to get most of it wrong.
The only thing that we have that we can be sure of that gives us a picture of what justice and righteousness looks like is the scripture, all of the scripture,
Old and New Testament. We can't leave that part out. Anyway, I hope this was helpful. God bless.