FBC Daily Devotional – October 18, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, good morning. Good Monday morning to you. I hope your weekend went well. You were able to gather together with God's people and enjoy
Worshipping the Lord together and maybe the Lord taught you something yesterday. I hope so one of the reasons we go to church gather together to be confronted with and challenged by God's Word is to grow and And necessary for that growth is
Is knowledge grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ the
Bible tells us well anyway So here we are beginning of a new week and today we're reading in John chapter 14.
Let me ask you this What do you think is though the one thing that just about everybody wants?
Some might very quickly say well more money. Well, no deeper than that. Well happiness
Okay Probably so What what would be necessary for Happiness to occur
Others might say well what people really want is is just joy. There's one joy Pretty closely connected to happiness,
I suppose but what is necessary? What's got to be the foundation for joy or happiness?
I? Think that probably underneath both of those ideas would be the longing for peace and In this day and age in which we live that is a that's a big deal, isn't it?
We are if there's one thing we're lacking in this world. It is it is peace and not just from a military standpoint the threats of military
Involvement and so forth that kind of peace but but the peace that comes when
You know, we're confident of the future. We're confident of the economy. We're confident of our governmental leadership and and People are getting along in society and you know that that's the kind of peace that most people are longing for But one of the things
Jesus promises to give to his followers is that very thing we read of it in John 14 verse 27 he says
Peace I leave with you So Jesus is offering to his followers
Peace, but then he makes this interesting clarification He says my peace
I give to you not as the world gives do I give to you? I'm not giving you the kind of peace that the world can give to you.
What kind of peace is that? Well, I would say first of all, it's a temporary
There is no real lasting peace that is known by the offered by the world you know, you can you can have a government government for example that provides a measure of peace under the leadership of a president and his administration and Then an election cycle comes and that president is displaced and before you know it the whole nation is plunged into chaos
Allah 2021 Here we are So it's a it's temporary.
It's temporary that peace that the world offers It's it's kind of a fickle thing, isn't it?
One day you can be at peace the next day You can be in turmoil and upheaval
Because of maybe what's going on in your family or at your workplace?
So the world doesn't offer us a lasting peace. It doesn't offer us a peace we can count on for the rest of our lives
Jesus says I'm giving you my peace. It's not gonna be like the world's peace
So Jesus peace is is this is a peace that is not circumstance dependent and the the peace that the world offers is
Circumstances have to be aligned in just a particular way and then we feel the peace that the world has to offer instead the peace that Jesus offers is a peace that is rooted in who he is and The truth that he is that he has proclaimed who he is and what he has said and if we put our faith in who
Jesus is and we accept and live by What Jesus has said?
then there is a peace that passes understanding that Dominates and rules our hearts that can that can rule our hearts through any circumstance
I mean one of the familiar verses that's often used in this regard is
Romans 8 28 to those who are the called of God to those who love him
Then you can be confident that all the things of life are working together
They're being sewn together like a tapestry to form Something good to form that which is good
For those who love God those who are the called according to his purpose this is the kind of peace that Jesus came to give a peace that is rooted in the person of God the person of Christ and the truth of God the truth that Christ came to teach and therefore if my heart is trusting in Christ if he is my
Savior if he is my Lord and By his grace. I'm endeavoring to live by his word.
I Don't have to be troubled by all the chaos surrounding me and isn't that's exactly how
Jesus ended that verse he says therefore Let not your heart be troubled neither.
Let it be afraid There's an awful lot going on in our world that can trouble us today and can provoke and incite a bunch of fear.
Isn't there? well Let's be sure our focus is on our
Savior and on his word and that that will help cause the the
The fear the anxiety to dissipate and our heart does not any longer need to be troubled through it all
So I encourage us to look to Jesus look to our Savior Listen to his word and find his peace.
Let's pray to that end. Shall we? So our Father and our God we do thank you today for the peace that is offered by Jesus Christ Peace that is centered in him that's founded upon who he is and what he has said
May we trust him and may we find a peace that transcends the circumstances of our life of our world
We pray it in Jesus name. Amen All right, well, I hope your week gets off to a great start and the