Ex Bethel Student Confirms the Worst!


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro, I am your servant in Jesus Christ, and this is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. So there are more and more ex -Bethel
School of Supernatural Ministry, aka Hogwarts students, who are now going online and telling their stories.
And the stories that they are telling are confirming, legitimately, the worst that we already knew, which
Bethel, if you remember a few years ago they did a series called, you know, Rediscovering Bethel, where they tried to do damage control and put, you know, put to rest and say, oh we didn't do this grave -soaking thing, we didn't do, these things are just false, and they are critics and nonsense and like this.
It's not true. What people have been reporting about them for years, more and more ex -Bethel
School of Supernatural Ministry students are coming out of the woodwork and saying, that's exactly what we were taught.
And so today what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be listening to segments of several videos by a gal on TikTok who's recently decided to tell her story, a story of spiritual manipulation, spiritual abuse, false doctrine.
And I gotta tell you, this girl's story is terrible. You know, when people sit there and go, you know, well what's the problem with giving the occasional false prophecy and stuff like this?
Aside from the fact that it's sinful beyond all reason, and you end up breaking one of the
Ten Commandments, the commandment that says you shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, aside from that you ruin people's lives.
False doctrine and false prophecy and false teaching is not some, you know, child's play kind of thing with no ramifications.
It legitimately destroys people. And if I sound a little annoyed and incensed and experiencing somewhat of like righteous anger,
I am angry. I am angry for this girl. I am angry for what she has had to go through, and I am angered that Bethel still is doing this and destroying people's lives in the process.
So we'll be opening our Bible and correcting the false teachings and the false doctrines that she's going to be saying that she was taught at the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, and all I can say is buckle up. Like I said, these videos confirm the worst, that we already knew about Bethel, that they've spent time trying to basically put under wraps and to deny, but you can't deny it when multiple people come out saying the same thing.
I would note that what this gal is saying is exactly what Jesse Westwood was saying after he came out of Bethel.
So let's do this. Let's whirl up the desktop. And yeah, that's a recent photo
I took of the, what is it, the Oculus, the eye there in London. Yeah, I was recently in Europe doing some pastoral work there too, by the way.
Did a couple of lectures in Norway and preached while I was there.
But all that being said, let me whirl up my web browser.
Okay, now this is a video I've put together of several snippets. It's 11 minutes long.
We're gonna listen to large swaths of this, and she has done a multi -part series.
I think she's up to like, you know, section 17 on her TikTok account, and if you're interested in it,
I think you could find her at Jubilee Dawns on TikTok. Yeah, there's her information,
Jubilee Dawns. And so I zoomed in because, you know, I really want you to hear and focus on what it is that she's saying.
But this is an eyewitness account of a woman who went to BSSM, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.
She was a Hogwarts student, and she was highly deceived, and she recognizes that what she was taught was not biblical.
Now, I don't know where she is right now, you know, if she's deconstructed her faith and ended up walking away from Christianity, or if she's attending a liberal church.
I don't know where she's at. None of that matters, because what she's going to be telling us is what really happened to her when she was at Bethel.
So buckle up, gird up your loins. This is gonna be a tough slog.
This is hard to listen to, but let's listen to Jubilee Dawns as she explains to us what she was taught as a
BSSM student regarding prophecy. And I think now would be a good time to talk about prophecy.
When I arrived to Reading, I did know that they were into signs and wonders, and I knew that they were into healing, because that is how
I initially got into it. But I didn't know too much about prophecy. I did know that it is something that they believed in, because I saw it in the documentary
The Finger of God, but I didn't realize how much prophecy was like a center focus of this school.
So I showed up to school, and we ended up having worship, and then after our time of worship, Chris Vallotton came on the stage to talk to us about prophecy.
All right, so Chris Vallotton, you know, the chief guru of prophecy, the in -house prophet at Bethel and the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. She was a first -year student at BSSM.
This is her first exposure to Bethel's teaching regarding prophecy. He is like the big prophetic guy at Bethel, so this was going to be my first introduction to it.
I didn't know too much about it, but one thing that he had us do pretty much like right when he started was he had us all stand up, turn to the person next to us, and he said,
I want you to give them a prophecy right now. You can imagine 18 -year -old Juby is super stressed out, because I'm like, wait, what are you talking about?
I do not know how to do that. And he was like, just do it. Now, let me bring some
Scripture to bear here, okay? We're going to take a look at 1
Corinthians chapter 12. This is a text I go to often here at Fighting for the Faith, and you'll note when you read 1
Corinthians 12, it's very clear that God gives various gifts.
He does not give a single gift to everybody, and the whole point that he's making here in this section is that the gifts that God gives to the body of Christ are like different body parts, and you need different body parts in order for there to be a body.
If the entire body was made up of only eyeballs, that would be a monster, not a body, right?
Paul says, the eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of you, nor again head to the feet, I have no need of you.
On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable. And those parts of the body that we think less honorable, we bestow greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty.
So which are more presentable parts do not require, but God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another.
If one member suffers, all suffer together. If one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it, and watch what
God says. And God has appointed in the Church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating various kinds of tongues.
And then he asked a series of questions. Just a reminder, these questions all appear in a very specific grammatical form in the
Greek, and they appear with the particle that I have highlighted here in the Greek, and the appears in a question, the question must, it is absolutely 100 % necessary to answer the question in the negative.
So the first question is, me pontes apostoloi? Are all apostles? The answer is no, all are not apostles.
Me pontes prophetai? Are all prophets? The answer is no, may.
Me pontes prophetai? Are all prophets? The answer is no. So already this woman is telling a story, and clearly she didn't know this from her
Bible. I think she was raised in a Christian church, but she didn't know that Scripture is very clear, not all are prophets.
So all the BSSM students, she shows up, this is her first year there, are ordered by Chris Vallotton, the in -house prophet, to prophesy.
Yet Scripture says not all are prophets. Do you see the contradiction?
Don't you think if Chris Vallotton were a true prophet of God, he would fully understand that not all are prophets?
So what this woman is describing is a practice that contradicts the clear teaching of Scripture that not all are prophets and not all can prophesy.
Let me back it up just a smidge so you can hear again what's going on. Pretty much like right when he started was he had us all stand up, turn to the person next to us, and he said,
I want you to give them a prophecy right now. You can imagine 18 year old Juby is super stressed out because I'm like, wait,
I, what are you talking about? I do not know how to do that. And he was like, just do it, just, just do it.
And I'm like sitting there, it's like, imagine your first day of school where they make you stand up and do those like little icebreaker type things.
It's like that, but a prophetic word. So I had no idea what to do. I made something up.
I don't know. She's telling the truth. She just made something up. Not all are prophets.
She was forced, compelled to prophesy without even having the gift of prophecy.
So what do you do in a circumstance like that? You make things up, but it gets worse.
I was like, Oh, what is God trying to tell this person? I'm not really sure. And I just said something probably very generic and everybody was stressed out.
Like you could feel the anxiety in that room. And he was just like standing on stage waiting for us to finish prophesying over each other.
So after that was over, he had us all sit down and he said, okay, so if you feel like you messed up or you feel like you don't know what you're doing, or if you don't know if that word was right, congratulations.
I want you all to promise me that you are going to mess up three times this year.
That you are going to get it wrong three times this year. I want you to consider the implications of this.
Exodus chapter 20, verse 7. This is part of the Ten Commandments. You shall not take, so of Yahweh your
God in vain. And here the Hebrew word shah is mucho importante, into emptiness or vanity.
In fact, let me make this just a little bit bigger because...old eyes. Okay, so here we go.
Emptiness, nothingness, vanity, okay? Ineffective, or take up the name of God in vain for no good purpose.
Emptiness of speech, of false or empty prophecy, a conduct of worthlessness, worthless men, worthless motives.
So God's name, according to the Ten Commandments, one of the clear commandments is you shall not carry
God's name into vanity, into emptiness. This will include giving false prophecies because you're saying
God says this, but if God hasn't said the thing that follows those words, you are breaking one of the
Ten Commandments and you are taking God's name in vain. And Chris Vallotton says,
I want you to promise me that this year you're going to break this commandment three times. That is not, that is not at all how a true prophet teaches or anything of the sort.
And like I said, we already pointed out, not all can prophesy. This is a breaking of this commandment, you shall not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain, and commanding, compelling others to do the same. And I would note that there are very, and I mean very strong, warnings in Scripture of God's judgment for people who speak words that God has not given them to speak.
Let me give you an example. Jeremiah chapter 23, thus says Yahweh of armies, do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes.
They speak the visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of Yahweh. They say continually to those who despise the word of Yahweh, oh it shall be well with you.
And to everyone who stubbornly follows his own heart, they say, oh no disaster will shall fall upon you.
For who among them has stood in the counsel of Yahweh to see and to hear his word? Or who has paid attention to his word and listened?
Behold, the storm of Yahweh, wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest, it'll burst upon the head of the wicked, and the anger of Yahweh will not be, will not turn back until he has executed and accomplished the intents of his heart.
In the latter days you will understand it clearly. I did not send the prophets, yet they ran.
I did not speak to them, yet they prophesied. That's exactly what
Jubilee Dawn here is saying, that she was compelled as a first -year student of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry to speak a prophecy that God had not given her.
She just made it up, right? I did not send the prophets, yet they ran. I didn't speak to them, yet they prophesied.
But if they had stood in my counsel, they would have proclaimed my words to my people, and they would have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their deeds.
My God at hand, declares Yahweh, not a God far away. Can a man hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him, declares
Yahweh? Do I not fill heaven and earth, declares Yahweh? I have heard what the prophets have said, who prophesied lies in my name, saying,
I have dreamed, I have dreamed. How long shall there be lies in the heart of the prophets who prophesied lies, and who prophesied the deceit of their own heart, who think to make my people forget my name by their dreams, and they tell one another, even as their fathers forgot my name for Baal.
Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let him who has my word speak my word faithfully.
What a straw in common with wheat, declares Yahweh. Is not my word like fire, declares
Yahweh, and like a hammer that breaks the rock to pieces? Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, declares
Yahweh, who steal my words from one another. Behold, I am against the prophet, declares Yahweh, who used their tongue and declared, declares
Yahweh. Behold, I am against those who prophesy lying dreams, declares
Yahweh, and who tell them, and lead that my people astray by their lies and their recklessness, when
I did not send them or charge them, so they do not profit this people at all, declares
Yahweh. God is against them. God is against what
Chris Vallotton is doing here. Ezekiel 13, the word of Yahweh came to me, son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel, who are prophesying, and say to those who prophesy from their own hearts, hear the word of Yahweh, thus says the
Lord Yahweh, Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing.
By the way, woe is a big word. That's God speaking judgment and wrath.
Woe to the foolish prophets who have followed their own spirit and have seen nothing. Your prophets have been like jackals among the ruins,
O Israel. You have not gone up into the breeches or built up a wall for the house of Israel that it might stand in the battle in the day of Yahweh.
They have seen false visions and lying divinations. They say, declares Yahweh, when
Yahweh has not sent them, and yet they expect him to fulfill their word.
Have you not seen a false vision and uttered a lying divination? Whenever you have said, declares
Yahweh, although I have not spoken. Therefore, thus says the
Lord Yahweh, because you have uttered falsehood and seen lying visions, therefore I am against you, declares the
Lord Yahweh. My hand will be against the prophets who see false visions and who give lying divinations.
They shall not be in the council of my people, nor be enrolled in the register of the house of Israel, nor shall they enter the land of Israel, and you shall know that I am the
Lord Yahweh. Precisely because they have misled my people, saying, peace when there is no peace, and because when the people build a wall, these prophets smear it with whitewash.
Say to those who smear it with whitewash that it shall fall. And then
I'm reminded also of what Christ says in Matthew. So you'll note in Ezekiel, God's very clear regarding the false prophets.
They will not be enrolled in the register of Israel. They're not saved. They're not true believers, right?
In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus gives a very firm warning about false prophets.
Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing. Inwardly, they are ravenous wolves.
You'll recognize them by their fruits. Anybody claiming to be a prophet of God who is commanding people to break the commandment, you shall not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain, is a wolf, not a true prophet of God.
Anyone who claims to be a prophet and says everybody can prophesy, Scripture disagrees with that person.
They are wolves. You'll recognize them by their fruits, and their doctrine is part of their fruit. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes or figs from thistles?
Nope. So every healthy tree bears good fruit, the diseased tree bears bad fruit, and boys, there are a lot of bad fruit that we're gonna be looking at from this lady's testimony.
A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire, that's hell.
Thus you will recognize them by their fruits. Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my
Father who is in heaven, and God's will, part of it is is that people do not take his name in vain.
That's a clear commandment of God from the Ten Commandments. On that day many will say to me,
Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name?
This sounds like Jesus is describing people in the New Apostolic Reformation, Chris Vallotton and others, right?
And do many mighty works in your name? And then I will declare to them, Jesus says, I never knew you.
Depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. And I cannot think of a clearer example of worker of lawlessness than telling a bunch of BSSM students that they need to prophesy and that they need to commit to getting prophecy wrong three times.
Listen again. Waiting for us to finish prophesying over each other. So after that was over, he had us all sit down and he said, okay, so if you feel like you messed up, or you feel like you don't know what you're doing, or if you don't know if that word was right, congratulations.
I want you all to promise me that you are going to mess up three times this year.
That you are going to get it wrong three times this year. He proceeded to give us this kind of self -help pep talk of, you know, you got to get back on the horse and, you know, you're not always gonna be perfect.
The problem with that is, we are talking about potentially life -altering prophetic words.
Yes. She's put her finger on it. By the way, when she's done with this teaching on prophecy,
I'm going to point out, she's a victim of these false prophetic words that led her to make a horrible life decision that legitimately messed her life up.
So she's not talking in the theoretical here. She's talking from experience. Listen again to what she says about the dangers of this.
He proceeded to give us this kind of self -help pep talk of, you know, you got to get back on the horse and, you know, you're not always gonna be perfect.
The problem with that is, we are talking about potentially life -altering prophetic words and also you are asking people to fake it if they don't hear
God, which I'm pretty sure that's not biblical at all. No, it's not.
We just read the biblical text that warned, in the strongest of language, not to do that. I don't know where he gets the idea that that's okay, to fake it till you make it, but that's essentially the introduction to prophecy that we had, is that sometimes you're gonna get it wrong and just do it anyway.
As you can imagine, this leads to a lot of people giving very bad false words all the time, just fumbling around, saying things that are not true, and people are following this advice because they truly feel like it is from God.
That's right. You're gonna mess up. You're gonna commit to three times messing up, or they're gonna mess up every time they talk.
That's how this is gonna work. And people are making huge life decisions based upon these false prophetic words from people who are just making stuff up.
Leads into another thing that Bethel believes, which is God is always talking. So if they were to put me in front of somebody, and this happened in revival groups and other courses that I had, they would put you in front of somebody and they would say, give
Kevin a prophetic word. And I would say, well, I'm not hearing anything.
I don't hear anything from God. And they would say, God has a prophetic word for Kevin. You're just not listening good enough.
So it was always turned back on you that you're just not listening to God because God wants to talk to Kevin.
God has a word for Kevin. You are just not listening good enough. So this is all of your fault.
Unsurprisingly, this leads to a lot of people making things up because they are not hearing anything, and they don't feel like they can say that or else they will be shamed.
And they are supposed to mess up three times this year. So people are just saying things, and it is obviously like not from God at all.
So yeah, that was my introduction to prophecy. Now, like I said, when she said that people are going to be making life decisions based upon these false prophecies, she's a firm believer that first year at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and the second year that she's there.
Listen to what resulted as a result of a false prophecy spoken over her.
If you have followed me at all, you know that I did get married to somebody in this cult because a false prophet said that God was giving me to him.
Okay, so my ex - husband, who ended up being extremely abusive, like life -threateningly abusive.
Yeah, so she ended up marrying a fellow because somebody at BSSM prophesied that God was giving her to this fellow, which then short -circuited all of the normal things that happen when somebody is evaluating whether or not they should marry a person.
And so she basically, oh well, God's giving me to this person, I'm gonna have to marry them. So she married him, and he turned out to be a physical abuser, and it nearly cost her her life.
Yeah, don't tell me that false prophecies don't hurt people. They destroy their lives. All right, so now she's going to be talking about Bethel's belief system.
And what are some of the core doctrines, and where do they get them from? This is, like I said, everything she's saying confirms the worst that we already knew about Bethel.
Talk about their core belief system. Their belief system can pretty much be summed up by this book here, When Heaven Invades Earth by Bill Johnson.
Rather than the Bible, their core beliefs can be summed up by Bill Johnson's When Heaven Invades Earth.
Figured that one out. And this is another thing I wanted to say, is that the curriculum for the school is essentially just books from the leaders who are speaking at the church.
Wow, there's a shock. Boy, it all seems like it's some kind of a weird money scheme.
So not just Bill Johnson or Chris Dalton, but Danny Silk, other speakers who are, like, routine at the school, we are reading their books for curriculum.
In some ways, I feel like this is Bethel's Bible. It is essentially everything that they believe, and it is very highly regarded, obviously, because it is written by the leader.
So, as the title says, it is all about bringing heaven to earth. Bethel believes that we do not have to wait to get to heaven to be free of sickness.
They believe that we can genuinely bring heaven to earth right here, and that we do not have to deal with sickness.
We can all be happy. We can all be saved, and this can be heaven here on earth. Now, she's going to talk about the fact that Benny Johnson died of cancer.
She's also going to talk, make a reference to Olive, the two -year -old girl that died and they tried to raise from the dead and failed.
Shock of shocks. So, what that looks like is Bethel believes that it is always God's will to heal.
Always, always, always. No scripture says that. And it is our job to heal the world.
Going back to my other video where I said that they Now, I'm going to point something out here. I'm going to do a quick search.
I'm going to look in the in the New Testament for the word Tabitha. Okay, and Acts chapter 9 is our text.
Acts 9. I'm going to point this out because I think this is going to be helpful.
Okay, let's see here. Saul escapes Damascus, Saul in Jerusalem. Okay, healing of Aeneas, Dorcas.
Here we go. All right, Acts 9 36. Consider the story. Okay, this is when the
Apostle Paul is alive. This is when the Apostle Peter is alive and Matthew and James and Bartholomew, right?
They're all alive. Okay, if this idea that God always heals and he wants us to do the healings and things and stuff like this, if that were true, why is it missing from this very important text?
Let me explain. In Acts 9 36, it says, There was in Joppa a disciple named
Tabitha, which translated means Dorcas. I always like to point out, do not name your girls
Dorcas. I know it's a biblical name. Don't do it. Okay, she'll be teased incessantly.
Okay, she was full of good works and acts of charity. In those days, she became ill and she died.
By the way, that's been the normal thing for Christians since the beginning of the church.
And when they had washed her, they laid her in an upper room. Since Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples, hearing that Peter was there, sent two men to him, urging him,
Please come to us without delay. So Peter rose and went with them. And when he arrived, they took him to the upper room and all the widows stood beside him, weeping and showing tunics and other garments that Dorcas had made while she was with them.
But Peter put them all outside and knelt down and prayed and turning to the body said, Tabitha arise and she opened her eyes and when she saw
Peter, she sat up and he gave her his hand and raised her up and then calling the saints and widows, he presented her alive and it became known throughout all of Joppa and many believed in the
Lord and he stayed in Joppa many days with one Simon a Tanner. Now notice what didn't happen is that when
Peter arrived, there's the corpse of Tabitha, aka Dorcas, he didn't sit there and go,
What's wrong with you people? It wasn't God's will that she died and she died. Why aren't you stretching out in your faith and raising her from the dead?
You should know better by now. We've been teaching you guys, you have authority over death and sickness and stuff like this.
This was completely needless. Now you guys get busy and you you pray and you raise her from the dead as I've taught you how to do.
No. The reason why they were not able to raise her from the dead is because that's not a gift given to everybody in the church and the
Apostles had the ability to operate in what the Apostle Paul describes as the signs of the Apostles.
And so here the Apostle Peter raises her from the dead and it's an act of mercy and there's no chastisement on his part for the people who didn't raise
Dorcas. No, not at all. Because they weren't able to operate in the signs of the Apostles.
At all. This is just ridiculous and I would note this text flies in the face of the false teaching of Bethel.
So here is Jubilee Dawns talking about how the Bible of Bethel isn't the
Bible. The Bible of Bethel is what? When heaven invades earth by Bill Johnson and it's
God's will to heal all the time no matter what and what happens when you don't heal in things on earth.
So what that looks like is Bethel believes that it is always God's will to heal always always always and it is our job to heal the world going back to my other video where I said that they have the core belief that God is always talking.
They also have the core belief that it is always his will to heal. So what that means is if I am praying for somebody who has cancer,
God wants to heal that person. So if they are not healed, there's a reason either my faith is not good enough or maybe
I have some unforgiveness. Those are the two biggest things that Bethel will talk about and yeah, essentially it's put on you like if you're not healed, you must have some unforgiveness in your life or you just don't have enough faith and you really need to work on your faith because God is desperately trying to heal you but he can't because you are getting in your own way.
Poor God. He desperately wants to heal. Hi, this is the Holy Spirit. I desperately want to heal you but I'm powerless to do so because you know, there's certain things blocking my healing.
What a powerless guy. This is an incredibly damaging belief system because as you can imagine if you are chronically ill or you have a terminal illness, it is on you to heal yourself because God is trying his hardest.
So I actually did have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome and I was very, very sick for I think four or five years.
I couldn't like at the worst of it. I couldn't walk around a grocery store without needing to take a break like every couple minutes and I was very, very sick and had pain all throughout my body all the time and I was waking up multiple times an hour and like in the middle of the night and I could never get good rest and when
I received prayer from people at Bethel, they were like, well God wants to heal you like do you have any unforgiveness?
So it is very victim -shamey and what I am about to say, I do not take,
I'm not trying to be funny. Okay, it's not a laughing matter. It's very sad. But Bill Johnson's wife actually passed away from cancer.
Yes, she did. Despite all their decreeing and their declaring. That's exactly what happened to her a few years ago.
So, I mean if we are going to use the idea that like we should have faith like don't you don't you think
Benny Johnson had faith? So it's just a very detrimental belief system that I know has hurt a lot of people.
Absolutely devastatingly has hurt people. I would even go so far as to say it's killed people. People who've stopped taking their meds, believing that God has healed them and ended up dying or people refusing treatment for cancer and then and their cancer ending up killing them when they could have easily knocked it down if they had just gotten treatment.
That's exactly what this teaching does to people. It kills them. Who have come in and out of this church.
The other core belief is that we can do everything Jesus did. So there is a verse in the
Bible. I think it's an axe where it says like now go into the world and you know, I give you these gifts too and you will do great things and all of that sort of stuff.
Now a lot of churches interpret that as the disciples at the time Bethel interprets that is all of us now.
So they believe that every single thing that Jesus could do like walk on water be raised from the dead all of those things.
We can do that. We can raise people from the dead. We can and I'm going to get into that story later where they tried to resurrect a two -year -old the daughter of a worship pastor at Bethel and they did that for over a week.
So I'll talk about that, but they genuinely believe that we can raise people from the dead and we can do everything that Jesus did and as you can imagine this leads to quite a
God complex and I actually have seen some people become mentally unwell and lose their minds after going to Bethel and it has been very very sad to witness.
Yeah, nowhere in Scripture does it say that we all have the same ability to perform the signs and wonders that Christ performed.
We don't that's that's Christ is in a category all by himself. Nobody has performed the signs and wonders that Jesus performed and the
Apostle John makes it very clear at the tail end of the gospel of John that the signs that are recorded in his gospel.
These are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ the son of God and that by believing you might have life in his name, but the focus at Bethel is way off.
They're not worshiping God. They're lusting after signs and wonders and I would note something here.
I'm going to look for the word generation generation and we're going to look in the
I should keep this to the New Testament. All right. Let's see here. Ah, here we go.
Matthew 12 an evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign you seeking for signs and wonders is the sign of an adulterous generation.
Not a good one. That's what Jesus says. Just saying we can take my time there.
I really did start to realize that it never felt like we were worshiping God anymore. It felt like we were chasing after signs and wonders it right on.
That's right. It's the signs and wonders become the idol that that's at Bethel like you're almost chasing that high of seeing the next healing getting that next prophetic word and they have it as an idol to them like the feathers the gold dust, which
I'm going to get into like it's just the hype of see and yes, she confirmed the feathers and the gold dust of the gold dust is really glitter signs and wonders and you really lose touch with just the heart of God himself and I just think that the belief system is very off.
We are going that's right very off. Now this last this last section that we're going to take a look at is going to talk about grave soaking and living forever and some of the weirder lesser things, but I think you're starting to get the idea here.
Bethel is not sound Bethel is not safe Bethel is off the rails.
They are not teaching biblical Christianity and the stuff that they are pursuing and the false doctrines that they have built up around the stuff that they are pursuing is destroying people's lives and their mental health and I would note sending them people to hell because they're not hearing the real gospel and they're not being discipled in the faith once for all delivered to the
Saints and more and more ex BSSM students are coming out of the woodwork and giving their testimony
Jubilee Dawn's is just the latest. Let's continue now with this on some of their other weirder beliefs.
I'm going to talk about grave soaking. I'm going to start by saying that grave soaking is not something that all the students or leaders do or believe in but it is something that's yeah, but it's something that Bethel is denied hmm in the you know, the rediscover
Bethel series a flat -out denied it undo and believe in so what this is is going to the graves of dead prophets and revivalists laying on their graves and soaking up their anointing from the ground.
I'm sure based on first impressions. You can understand why Bethel would not want. Yeah, it sounds like necromancy put their stamp of approval on such a practice, but they also were not denouncing it when
I was there at all and it was something that I do know that people so wasn't an official doctrine.
They didn't announce it but there were leaders at Bethel Benny Johnson being one of them who believe in top top leadership believed in and did up the leadership ladder.
There definitely were different beliefs going on and Bethel would talk about this. Sometimes they would say like well, we don't all agree on every single thing.
So some leaders were more mystical than others. So yeah, they just some believed that you could lay on the graves of dead prophets and soak up their anointing and it was something that people did for fun.
You have followed me at all. You know that I did get married to some now. Here's the rest of that clip. I used a portion of this segment to point out that she got married to a fellow because somebody prophesied over her and said that God was giving her to this fellow.
Here's the rest of the story. Somebody in this cult because a false prophet said that God was giving me to him.
Okay. So my ex -husband who ended up being extremely abusive like life -threateningly abusive.
He believed that he was never going to die. This is a belief. I have a lot of experience with it.
Gave me a lot of anxiety when we were married because I genuinely thought it is appointed for man to die once scripture is very clear on this that I was going to have to try to raise him from the dead.
He would always say I'm never going to die. And if I did you would just raise me from the dead. So imagine how much anxiety that would give someone the amount of pressure that that you know has
I know for a fact that this was a belief held by Bill Johnson's late wife. Benny Johnson. She was a bit more out there.
She believed in a lot of like more mystical things than a lot of the other leaders and one time in second year.
She came to talk to our class and she told us that she had a friend who was over 300 years old.
Right? And if you believe that I have a bridge in New York that I'd like to sell you good grief. Like she genuinely said that from the pulpit and I was like she said that he had been living for hundreds of years and that he was going to live forever.
So that was pretty crazy. So I know for a fact that she believed that Bill Johnson was always kind of just like noncommittal on some of these like more mystical things probably to like save face because he knows that it would definitely not look good.
A lot of Bethel students would even daydream about coming upon like a fatal car accident and raising people from the dead and I do know that there was a team that called themselves the dead razors.
Yeah, they'd add a documentary out about him. How many people do they raise? Uh -huh.
Aren't they the non dead razors? They used to either go to morgues or talk about going to morgues.
I don't really remember. It was a long time ago, but this was a common held belief that a lot of Bethel people had.
Another crazy one is astral projection. I did meet a few people at Bethel. So they're into like New Age like pagan practices, astral projection.
Right. Who believed that they could leave their body and be halfway across the world and all of that sort of thing.
And I know that that's not strictly a charismatic Christianity thing. I know that there are other I think that there are other like religions and stuff that believe in this but that was just another thing that some
Bethel students did believe in. There's a lot more. Obviously, we're not going to get to all of that in this episode of Fighting for the
Faith, but I gave you the highlights and everything that she said confirms the worst things that we already knew which
Bethel was denying about themselves. This church is not a church.
This is a wolf den and the people there are not teaching the historic
Christian faith, the faith once for all delivered to the Saints. They are teaching a fabricated religion of mythology and worse.
They are pressuring people to break God's holy commandment that says you will not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain all in the name of prophesying. And the damage that is being done to people's lives.
This woman married a man. She probably would have would never have married because somebody prophesied over her that God was giving her to him and turned out to be he was a physical abuser.
Folks, Bethel, there's nothing sound in them. Nothing. Don't listen to their music.
Don't worship to their music. Don't listen to anything they have to say. Warn people.
Send them this video. Give them the information on how to get it, how to take a look at Jubilee Dawn's TikTok account to get even more of the story.
But this confirms all of the worst horrific stuff that we already knew about Bethel that they have been denying and trying to suppress and saying it all the critics are getting it wrong.
Well, the critics are getting it wrong. Why are your ex Bethel students coming out and saying, yeah, oh, yeah, this is the things that they believe while you all along have been denying that you believe it or teach it or what anything you get the idea.
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And three, how do you tie up with boxing gloves? Okay, who's the wiseacre who put this in here?