FBC Daily Devotional – September 30, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, good Thursday morning to you again Recording these videos these devotionals from Mississippi and a whole new way of speaking down here.
Y 'all know I hope it hasn't rubbed rubbed off on me. I promise
I won't bring it home with me and Start preaching to y 'all in a new way
You wouldn't be able to understand I need a translator I'm afraid but anyway Hope you hope your week is going well
And as we're approaching the weekend looking forward to the Lord's Day this coming
Lord's Day Ron Burnett is going to be speaking for me and and both the morning and Evening services and hope you can gather together with God's people at Faith Baptist on Sunday well today
I read a verse from Psalm 112 that reminds me of Of that opening statement and our founding documents of our nation life liberty and the pursuit of happiness the pursuit of happiness
What do you do to pursue happiness? Who doesn't want to be happy, right? Isn't that one of the common desires of the human heart the human soul?
to be happy Of course, one of the problems is with that With that pursuit of happiness is it's undefined what makes for happiness is
The is the definition of happiness totally subjective left up to the individual to try to discern
What makes him or her happy? That's the way our current culture looks at it
But what does it take to be happy truly happy? Verse 1 of Psalm 112 tells us the psalmist says blessed or happy is
The man who fears the Lord who greatly delights in his commandment his commandment
So two ideas they're Fearing the Lord Delighting in his commandments and the two are interconnected.
There's there's not it's not like a you know, a separate thing Like you can do one. Okay. I got that one down.
I'm gonna add the other thing to it Now these two things go together. What does it mean to fear the Lord?
What does it mean to fear the Lord? Doesn't mean I I live with my looky constantly looking over my shoulder, you know wondering, you know
Okay, it's God gonna get me now for that What does that mean? I?
suppose there certainly can be an element of that if we're Constantly living in a way that we know is contrary to God's will
I mean if we're in defiance and rebellion against him Then it would be appropriate for us to be looking over our shoulder and have that kind of fear
But that's not what the psalmist is talking about What he's talking about is living living in the sense of his presence the awareness of his presence so that Because he is my father and I am his child.
I I live in a way that desires to please him I don't want to disappoint him.
I Don't want to offend him. I don't want to do what I know He will displease him so to live in the fear of the
Lord I just generally think of it is in the sense of living in the light of his presence living in the reality that he is here
Even right now So I'm I'm here in this hotel room all by myself.
Chris is at a At this conference. She's in a business meeting session She's got to do her work as the administrative assistant taking notes and so forth in this business meeting
So while she's doing that I'm doing this and it seems that I'm here all by myself
But I'm not My god is here. And so to live in the fear of the
Lord is to live in the light of his presence but coupled with that is
Delighting in his commandments delighting in his word. The law of the Lord is my delight the psalmist says elsewhere
Oh how I love thy law. He says in Psalm 119 and that's
Psalm 119 Oftentimes he speaks of a of a positive loving delighting at an attitude toward God's Word But is that me?
Is that my heart? Is that my spirit? Is that my attitude? What is my attitude toward God's Word?
Do I delight in it? Or do I just endure it or It's somewhere in between You know, like well,
I know it's important. I don't have time for it Sundays are good because then
I can finally get you know, get involved with God's Word, but beyond that, you know I don't I don't really get much involved in it because I just I just really don't have time for it.
And so I Don't think that would qualify as delighting in the law of the
Lord in God's Word and his commandments And that will have an effect on my level of happiness perhaps
Many who profess faith in Christ Aren't very happy Because they're not living in the light of the
Lord's presence and really don't delight in his word. I If you're if you're looking in your own life and you say, you know, you're kind of miserable you're just not happy You're just not happy Why?
Why is that? Where does the presence of God factor into your everyday existence?
How about your attitude toward God's Word? Let's think on those things
Father help us because every one of us Wants to be truly happy and your word gives us a pretty good prescription for how to get there
And I pray that we would listen and heed it. We ask in Jesus name. Amen All right.
Well, I hope you have a blessed day. I hope your day is one of happiness.