David Platt Tries to Gaslight Your Daylights Out

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Alright, well, I hope you had a good weekend. We're starting another week today, and I hope that God makes it a productive one for you.
I want to thank S .D. Bullion. S .D. Bullion sent me a Christmas card in the mail today. It's a card that has a verse on one side, thanks be to God for his indescribable gift, 2
Corinthians. Of course, the gift is Jesus Christ, and they just wanted to thank me for the business and stuff like that.
They also sent a piece of copper, a 1 -ounce piece of copper. It's got a snowflake on one side and a nativity on the other.
So thank you for that very nice gesture. If you're interested in buying some gold, some silver,
S .D. Bullion is a great company. Never had a problem with them. Low prices, and they're owned by Christians, which makes it a lot easier to give them your money.
In any case, let's jump right into it today. I had posted over the weekend a picture of some new maternity uniforms that the
Navy has put out for women who are pregnant. Women who are pregnant in the
Navy have new stylish options for their dress. We've got a dress uniform over here.
We've got the fatigues and stuff like that. They just look fashionable. They look totally fashionable.
Now, of course, many people who saw this picture instantly knew what I was talking about. I included a verse.
Now, this is Nahum 3, verse 13, God says to Nineveh, as he's cursing
Nineveh, he says to Nineveh, Behold, your troops are like women among you.
Your land's city gates are wide open to your enemies. Fire will devour the bars of your gates.
He's cursing Nineveh because they're so evil, and he says, guess what? One of those curses is your troops, your soldiers, your warriors, they're going to be like women.
What God meant was that they were going to act weak. They were going to act like women do when they're in a fight.
This is the reality. God understands that men are made different than women.
Men are very aggressive when they need to be. They're stronger. They're more massive than women typically are.
Women don't like to fight. And so they don't typically fight. And so God says, your troops are going to be like women.
Now, this is no disrespect to women because women are wonderful, and they're very strong in different ways.
And so, you know, this is not God disrespecting women. This is not God talking down to women.
This is God acknowledging that soldiers and warriors should not be like women. I found this so funny because I posted this.
No context, really. I just posted the verse and the picture. And a lot of people understood instantly what
I was talking about. Obviously, your soldiers shouldn't be like women. But a few people were like, what are you talking about?
This is nothing new. A .D., don't you know we've had women in the military for like years? Yes, I have known that.
It's been shameful for years. I mean, that's very clear. Other people were thinking, well, you're misinterpreting the
Bible, A .D., because what the Bible is saying is that their men will be like women, not that their soldiers will be women.
See, it's okay for your soldiers to be women, but your male soldiers shouldn't be like women.
What can you do? I mean, what can you do about that? I'm not really sure what you can do with that kind of hermeneutics, but whatever.
That's the thing. Yeah, I'm not insulting. By the way, other people were thinking I was insulting these women, like I was saying that they were ugly or something.
No, I'm not insulting the women. I'm not insulting the women, because the thing is the women are stepping up because the men are refusing to protect them.
You see what I'm saying? Because when a woman says, hey, I want to be in your army, the men should say no. And if she cries, they should still say no, because you're not supposed to be in the army.
You're not supposed to be in the Navy. You're not supposed to be in the military. We're supposed to be protecting you. And so this is the thing about the interactions that we get because of feminism, right?
Because here's the thing. Men have to love women enough to tell them no a lot of times, because feminism has got women thinking that they should be doing things that they should not be doing.
And a real man should be able to tell her no, no matter how much she cries, no matter how many lawsuits she threatens you with, no matter how much she makes a big deal and says you're just like Jesus and John Wayne or whatever she says, you have to be willing to take it and just tell her no for her own good.
I don't know. I mean, it's just like, so God says your troops shouldn't be like women, but it's okay for them to be women.
I don't know. I don't know. But that's not what this is about. This is about the
Gospel Coalition. Oh, they did it again. They put out another video on Instagram.
Now I don't have an Instagram account. Actually, is that true? I may have an Instagram account. I never use it.
I never use it, but I may have an Instagram account. And so anyway, I got sent this video from David Platt like three times and people kept saying,
Hey, have you seen this? Have you seen this? And I was telling them, I've told everybody, I said, look, I haven't seen it yet.
I know it's there, but I'm saving it, man. I'm saving it because this one looks like it's going to be really good.
And I want to go in fresh, you know, I don't want to, I don't want to have, I don't want to have too much time to think about what he's saying.
I just want to, I just want to go in, you know, I don't want to, I don't want to go in fresh. Get a real live, raw reaction so that everybody can see what
I think about this. So let's, let's watch it. Before I do, let me just make sure my audio is set up.
Hold on. Alrighty. I think I'm good now. I think I'm good. Let's jump right into this. I'm going to probably start and stop this.
I don't think I'll be able to help myself, but this is going to be David Platt, Pastor David Platt, I should say.
Talking about how Christians have placed politics above their faith.
Let's check it out. I think about Romans chapter 14 and 15, and Paul is addressing...
It looks different. David Platt looks different here. I can't tell if he looks better or worse, but he just looks different.
He just looks like he looks more hard. You know what I mean? He looks like he's been through quite a bit. I don't know. I mean, he has been through quite a bit.
That's for sure. It's all his own doing. But I don't know. He just looks more rugged,
I guess. I don't know. He probably has a stylist. I mean, he probably has a stylist. He probably has like a
PR person that he pays. Maybe this is the image that he thinks he should be projecting. I don't know.
A lot of these big Eva, you know, celebrity pastors, I don't believe anything that they do is legitimate. I think it's all fake.
It's all an act. It's all, you know, for whatever they think they should be projecting at the time. I don't think many of them have scruples of any kind.
Like, I don't know. I mean, that might just be cynical. I don't know. But this is... He looks different. He looks different. I wonder how much he'll cry in this video.
People who have some really deep convictions about what kind of food to eat or what holidays to celebrate.
What I love is the Bible doesn't say, don't have convictions about those things. The Bible actually says, have strong convictions about those things, but there's greater things.
There are higher things, truths that we hold fast to and we give our lives for. And so I think we're all tempted to take opinions and convictions, maybe in a political realm, maybe on a variety of other realms, and to elevate them to a place where God has not intended them to be.
So we need to make sure that things we're holding most fast to, that we're looking to unite us in the church, and that we're giving our lives for, are the things that are rock solid in God's Word, namely, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Okay. Okay. All right. So, I mean, you know...
Oh, wow. So, you know, it's hard to argue with what he said. Yeah, is the gospel, you know, important?
Is the Great Commission, you know, or should we be baptizing people in the name of the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit? Should we be preaching the message of the gospel that Jesus preached? You know, repent or perish.
The kingdom of God is here, you know, the kingdom of God is at hand. Yeah. Yeah. That's important stuff.
Definitely. That's important stuff. We should also be teaching, you know, the nations, discipling the nations, teaching them to observe every single thing
Christ commanded. That's important stuff also. Yep. That's very true. That's very true.
And this is the thing with every presentation like this, how Christians have placed politics above their faith.
By the way, he doesn't answer that question, by the way. He doesn't really actually answer that question in this clip. Now, maybe he does answer this question in another clip, and this is just edited incorrectly.
They didn't quite get it right this time. So, I'm not going to put that on David Platt, because, you know, probably he answered it some other way.
Who knows? But, you see, what's being presented here in this Gospel Coalition clip is that, oh, yeah, all that stuff that we call political, that's really not that important.
It's actually not that clear in the Bible either. It's not rock solid. So, that's number one, because he tries to make it seem like, well, there's just a lot of ambiguity in the
Bible. The Bible isn't quite as clear as you might think it is and all this stuff. And so, you could have your convictions, but listen, you can't have them too hard, too aggressively and all of that.
But the other thing about this is it makes it seem as if these are just innocuous type deals.
Like, in other words, if it's political, it's just a political kind of like, yeah, it's important to you, but it's not going to be something that divides us up.
He makes it seem like we're talking about the rate of taxation or something like that or a city ordinance that says, you know, you could have a sign on your building, but it can't be a lit up sign.
It can't be a light up sign, but it can be a regular sign, like something nonsensical like that.
I mean, obviously, there's a biblical answer to all this. But he makes it seem like it's trivial like that.
Well, is a billboard allowed or is it not allowed? Is it a taxation of 2 % or 2 .5 %?
Like, that's what he's trying to make it seem like. Well, you can have a conviction about that. Sure, you dum -dum, but you can't divide.
That's not what we're talking about, though, Pastor, and you know that. And so,
I'd like to see you, David, make a clear case as to why the legalization of killing infants should not be something that we should divide over.
If there are Christians who say it should be safe and legal to kill your child, that should be something to divide over.
I think that's quite easy to see that case that you could make. Obviously, we can't be friends with, we can't share a table with murderous
Christians, like Christians who have not only murder in the heart, but also murder and blood on their hands.
Like, that's not something that's just a small little deal that we would get to agree to disagree and stuff like that.
So, what I'd like from you, David, is to make the case that that actually is something that we can agree to disagree on, murdering children.
That's what I'd like from you. You'll never make that case because it's an impossible case to make, David, and yet, in your church, you probably have scores and scores of people who vote for politicians that want to make that a fundamental human right in the
United States. We're not talking about trivialities here, David. Abortion is just the most extreme example, but there's lots of other examples because right now, not only do we have murderous
Christians, people that profess Christ but have murder on their hands, we also have stealing
Christians, people who profess the name of Christ but promote stealing and steal themselves and vote for people to steal for them and have envy in their heart.
We have envious Christians, covetous Christians, I should say. We've got covetous Christians, and they're proud and loud, and they'll march for their covetousness in the streets.
In fact, David, you've marched for their covetousness before. And so, yes, we have actual real divisions here, divisions that have to exist, and they're not trivialities,
David, but you want to make it seem like we're just talking about whether or not we should have a city ordinance that says you should be able to have a light -up sign past 10 o 'clock at night.
That's how you're trying to make this seem, David, and that's called lying. That's called misrepresenting the truth.
David, you can be as winsome as you want to be, but no amount of buttery language is going to cover up the chasm of difference between a
Christian who upholds the law of God and a Christian who says, oh, it might be okay to murder your child.
So anyway, David, you can cry all you want. You can look harder. You can get aggressive. You can get a little beard going, stuff like that.
You can look a little bit more rugged than you used to, and you can whine like a little baby. It's not going to cover up the lies that are being told right now.
There's a tremendous difference between a covetous, hateful, murderous, stealing
Christian and one who's against those things. It's a big difference, because one's not a
Christian, and the other is. In any case, I hope you found this video helpful.
God bless. You know,
I'm actually not done. I'm actually not done at all, because this is the issue, right?
So on the one hand, they try to downplay serious issues of biblical morality,
Christian morality, you know, murdering, stealing, covetousness. They try to downplay all that stuff.
Or let me get my David Platt. That wasn't very good.
In any case, they try to downplay that, and these are issues that we can point to the scripture and say, hey, you know, this is pretty easy to see.
Like, that's actually murdering kids. So, like, it says here, you shall not commit murder. Therefore, you can't come to the table if you're promoting murder.
I mean, pretty easy, right? It's an easy case to make, very easy case to make. So there's that.
So they're downplaying real biblical morality. But then, what they then go and do is then they promote their upside -down morality, the kind that promotes covetousness and pretends it's good, the
Black Lives Matter morality, the Great Reset morality, the feminism morality, the morality that says you should shut down your church and then also have a vaccinated section and an unvaccinated section, and you also got to wear a mask in order to come to worship, like all the
Great Reset stuff, the upside -down morality, the fake morality, the morality that has no ground in biblical scriptures or no ground in any kind of, even just natural law, no ground in it whatsoever.
And they put that, and they say, oh, this is a gospel issue, right? So on the one hand, they're telling conservatives, accept unbelievers into the fold, right?
They don't have to repent. They can still promote murder. They can still promote covetousness. You need to accept them into the fold.
But then on the other hand, they're telling the liberals, these are gospel issues. Like, if you don't wear a mask, then you're not loving your neighbor as yourself.
If you don't get a vaccine, then you're not loving your neighbor as yourself. The vaccine's like the Holy Spirit, by the way.
If you don't go to a Black Lives Matter rally, that's a gospel issue. So what
Platt is attempting to do here, and I appreciate the fact that he's not crying while he does it, at least here, is that he's trying to replace
God's law, say that's no big deal, not a divider, and then he's trying to divide the church according to his satanic law.
That's what he's attempting to do here. It's actually way worse than I was giving it credit for before.
I was trying to be nice. It's Monday. It's the glorious season. I'm trying to be gracious, but the thing is,
I can't lie to you, right? I can't be gracious to the point where I'm not giving you the whole truth here.
This is an upside -down perspective that these social justice warriors are promoting here.
David Platt is the one who preached a sermon at T4G about, let justice roll down like waters, and completely lied about the context of that verse.
Because Amos was talking about the law of God. He was not talking about your fake, phony, baloney,
Black Lives Matter satanic law. He was talking about actually God's law. And so, yes,
God won't hear your songs or your prayers, and he won't take any pleasure in your feasts when you're actually promoting the murder of children, stealing your neighbor's stuff, covetousness, fanning the fires of covetousness at the
Black Lives Matter rally. He's not going to be very pleased with what McLean Bible Church is up to when you're promoting that kind of stuff.
So his sermon was right if he had the right law, but he didn't. He has the fake law.
He has the upside -down law. He has the opposite law. He's essentially what the Pharisees were. This is why
I titled my book the way it did. When they said, hey, what I would have given to my parents to honor my father and mother like the law says,
I'm going to give to God. It's Corbyn. It's Corbyn. And everyone's like, wow, look how holy he is.
He's totally Corbyn. And it's like, but yeah, you're actually replacing the law of God. That's what
Jesus said. He saw right through it. He saw right through it. You're actually replacing the law of God to get the applause of men to appear pious, but you're not pious.
You're a tomb. You're a whitewashed tomb. And that's pretty much what the social justice advocates in the church are.
They're whitewashed tombs. They'll get the applause of certain people in their congregations. They'll get the applause of CNN and MSNBC and Washington Post.
They'll get all the applause there, but they're actually full of dead men's bones.
And if you follow these people, you are on a dangerous path. You're on a slippery slope. That's all