Jesse Duplantis Says You Should Go To Hell!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Jesse Duplantis is a charismatic prosperity gospel teacher with one of the biggest churches in the
United States. The prosperity gospel, by the way, is the idea that God wants every Christian to be rich and successful, and if they're not, it's probably a result of them not having enough faith.
His net worth is a reported 20 million dollars, and he makes this money by preaching unbiblical nonsense from the pulpit.
But in defense of his grand lifestyle and prosperity gospel, Jesse Duplantis had one of the worst arguments you're gonna see.
In fact, he says that if you don't like the prosperity gospel, Jesus will ask you to go to hell.
Here's the clip. And God has an economic world. I mean, if you think about it, ladies and gentlemen,
I had a man so mad at me. Oh, you just believe that God will bless you. I said, sir, you can't go to heaven.
You ain't gonna like it. You're not gonna like heaven. They got gold streets that make you mad. They got diamond barrel,
Jasper, onyx, ruby. They got pearly glaze. You need to go to hell because there's gravel down there.
You understand what I'm saying? Is that the most asinine thing you've ever heard of in your life? What are you gonna do when you get to heaven and see all that,
Lawson? I mean, what are people gonna say? No, no, Jesus. He gonna say, well, go to hell.
Well, go to hell. Because he will not have poverty in his kingdom.
I'm Jesse Duplantis and I approve this message. So let's deal with Jesse's arguments here using three biblical points, shall we?
Number one, pay attention here because there's a sleight of hand trick going on. And if you're not paying attention, you might just miss it.
Jesse is making the argument that people who disagree with the prosperity gospel are somehow afraid of money and afraid of precious metals and gems.
He mockingly offers an imitation of a Christian who is against the prosperity gospel, who goes to heaven and cringes at the sight of God's golden streets or his pearly gates.
What's the problem here? Well, Jesse is engaging in what's called a straw man argument. And I've many dozens of Christian leaders speak out against the prosperity gospel over the years, but not one of those people oppose the prosperity gospel on the basis of them being afraid of money, gold, or valuable items.
It just simply never happens. The actual reason people are opposed to the prosperity gospel is because they think it is unbiblical to suggest that it is
God's will for every faithful Christian to be rich all the time. That is, after all, the central claim of the gospel movement.
If God wants every faithful Christian to be rich, then why were most of his disciples poor and living destitute, persecuted lives in the
New Testament? Let me offer you a verse that demonstrates what I'm talking about. In Philippians 4,
Paul says, I have learned in whatever situation I am in to be content. In any and every circumstance,
I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. Now, why would the apostle
Paul be writing a letter to early Christians, encouraging them to be content facing both abundant circumstances and circumstances that are in need, that are impoverished?
If Paul believes the same theology as Jesse Duplantis, then he should be encouraging the recipients of his letter to have faith that God would make them rich and successful.
He should be encouraging them to use the power of positive thinking to manifest riches over themselves.
But again, that's not what Paul does. Instead, Paul encourages his fellow Christians to be content even when they are not rich, rather than telling them to demand riches from God in their prayers.
So let's face it. If it is God's will for all Christians to be rich all the time, then why on earth is there a passage in the
New Testament instructing Christians on how to deal with poverty? Maybe because the prosperity gospel that Jesse Duplantis preaches is total garbage.
Just an idea. Number two. Later in his little speech, Jesse says that those who go to heaven and don't believe in the prosperity gospel that he preaches will be told by Jesus to go to hell, because they would like it better there instead.
Now listen to me closely, ladies and gentlemen, because I want to make this clear. There is not a single passage in all of the pages of Scripture that would support the idea of Jesus telling a born -again
Christian who is literally in heaven that they should go to hell instead. This is some of the most dangerous teaching that you will find anywhere in the prosperity gospel movement, and here's why.
The Bible says that the salvation of Christians is absolutely assured by God. Philippians 1 .6
says, and I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
You see, if God truly begins his good work of salvation in you, it will come to completion.
That's what God's word says. That means that the eternal state of all Christians is a done deal.
It's absolutely settled. It's set in stone. True Christians are heaven -bound for all of their days on earth, and once they get into heaven, that is where they will be for all eternity, because that's what the
Bible declares. But Jesse Duplantis wants you to believe that if you don't agree with his prosperity gospel, then
Jesus is going to ask you to leave heaven and go to hell, because you might like the gravel there more than you like the streets of gold.
I mean, it couldn't be more clear that this man is a false teacher. God says he will carry out salvation to completion.
Jesse Duplantis says that God will not complete his good work of salvation in you if you don't like his teaching.
What an absolute fraud this man is. Number three, take a little look at the brand that Jesse Duplantis is wearing on his jacket.
In true prosperity gospel fashion, he's wearing a Louis Vuitton jacket here. A quick browsing of Louis Vuitton's website will show you that the average cost of a men's jacket there is about $3 ,000.
Folks, if you can afford a $3 ,000 jacket, you need to be giving more money to the poor. 1
Timothy 6, 7 -8 says, quote, We brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.
But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. You hear that, prosperity gospel preachers?
The Bible says to be content with food and clothing, basic items. It doesn't say to wear designer clothes.
It doesn't say that you need to have fancy dinners. It says to be content with normal food and clothing.
I believe that it is biblically embarrassing for the church to have a so -called man of God wearing a jacket that costs double or even triple the amount that the average person pays to rent a two -bedroom apartment.
It's ridiculous. This guy is an absolute joke. So if you were to ask me, as a hard and fast rule call -in, should
Christians be wearing designer clothes? My answer would be absolutely not. 1 Timothy 2, 9 says,
Women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self -control, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly attire.
As I've said before, this verse applies to both men and women. But the passage highlights women because this kind of command was more pertinent to them, for whatever reason, in the early church.
Notice how the passage says that we should not adorn ourselves with what it calls costly attire.
I wonder how many rich pastors and even rich Christians are breaking that command consistently. Unfortunately, many of them are.
So in conclusion, Jesse Duplantis makes a terrible argument here to defend his false teaching.
And then, contrary to scripture, he suggests that Jesus is going to kick Christians out of heaven because they disagree with his false teaching.
And finally, he's wearing clothes that are meant to broadcast and brag about his wealth to the rest of the world, which is arrogant, unbecoming of a pastor, and a misuse of Christian resources.
So let's pray for Jesse Duplantis and for all the people who support him, that they would turn away from his false teaching and believe the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.