F4F | October Prophecy Bingo Babylon Bee Edition!


New Bingo Cards HERE: http://0352182.netsolhost.com/prophecy-bingo Check out The Babylon Bee's YouTube Channel HERE: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheBabylonBee Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechristian/ Video Sermons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F7uxFcG5dgyk4--OYgwPQ Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bible-teaching Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa Video Recording Software: https://www.ecamm.com Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now from time to time we do this thing here at Fighting for the
Faith and it's well it's become very popular. It's well it's time for Prophecy Big Game!
And the October edition, I know we didn't do a September one, the October edition
I've invited. Now if you watched our our meme review I told you that you know we kind of went way out of our league and what
I did here is I have invited a special guest. Let me pull this up here.
Gentlemen and lady good to see you. There in the middle in the middle spot today there is
Kyle Mann from the Babylon Bee. Now what is your official title there
Kyle? I am the Grand Prophet of Apostolic Revelation and Faith Activation.
Nice! Yeah now I would note that people in the past have complained.
Your prophecy bingo segment makes fun of prophecy. No real prophecies are ever heard here on Fighting for the
Faith during a prophecy bingo segment. And I would note that the prophetic record of the
Babylon Bee, although not perfect, not up to biblical standards, you guys are like decades, miles, millennia, light years ahead of any of the people that we cover here on Prophecy Bingo Kyle.
You know I noticed that yeah we started out making fun of a lot of the Benny Hens and of the world and it was kind of interesting that we became more prophetic.
I know I got to admit every time I click on on your Babylon Bee links and think oh no they've got a new thing out
I'm thinking you know I don't know if I want to click on this because I could see the trajectory here and you guys are like spot -on.
I don't know how Snopes you know took you guys to task and said that you were engaging in fake news which is what you're supposed to be engaging in you know.
Yeah so we had a funny one where we said that Trump, we quoted Trump as saying that he has done more for Christianity than Jesus and Snopes fact -checked it as false but then recently
Trump actually said that. No. He said I've done more for Christianity and religion than anyone in history so now
Snopes has to retract their fact -check. I'm sure you've got the guys at Snopes on speed dial by now right.
Alright so we've invited you on and by the way one of the things
I've noticed you guys at the Babylon Bee you've you've stretched out a little bit you're doing a lot more YouTube work tell us about your
YouTube channel and the stuff you're doing. Yeah our YouTube channels growing fast we do a we do a podcast every week we have an interview show every week and we also do a lot of comedy sketches so we have a lot of that stuff out we also release animations about one animation a week so we do an animated comedy sketch commenting on politics current events or or what have you so it's been a lot of fun and it's just blowing up on the
YouTubes. Right so we'll put a link down in our description and anybody can finally just type in Babylon Bee in YouTube and it'll take you right to your channel and love to see you guys get a lot of people subscribing because yeah
I like I said you guys are like prophetic but it scares me so all right now let me let me explain a couple of things here we've changed a few things up we didn't do a
September prophecy bingo and we have brand new Fighting for the
Faith prophecy bingo cards we have a brand new generator we have no limit as to how many words we can use now and we're gonna put a link down below to our new prophecy bingo card generator and you'll note that when you grab it if you like it'll randomly create a bingo card for you if you're if you're not feeling it you know what you can do is click over here and click on new card or you can clear the markers but you'll note there that that's the sneaky squid right there in the in the center in the center portion and I would note that this is
I think we could call this sneaky squid game living in a world of cringe and ideas
I see where this is going I think we should just jump right into it again disclaimer no real prophecies have been hurt in the making of this edition of prophecy bingo so we're gonna start off easy we're gonna head over to watchman on the wall he does these he reads out written prophecies so this is a audio prophecy written read out and the alleged prophet is a woman by the name of Taryn Yancey from Fresno California let's listen in this prophetic word comes from Taryn Yancey Fresno California the burning ones are coming out of hiddenness yeah sorry sorry
I feel like you know this is like an addition to Beavis and butthead they said they said anyway all right continuing on many have been tucked away in a season of preparation season is a prophecy bingo word yeah operation of the heart they have fully surrendered by stepping into the fire of the
Lord in a stepping into yeah there we go Kyle's on the Ford first he would step draws first blood all right to be purified they have been strengthened like Elijah as he sat under the juniper tree and the angel of the
Lord came to him and said and get up and eat first Kings 19 7 after the second visitation from the angel of the
Lord Elijah ate drank and then traveled 40 days and 40 nights to Horeb the mountain of the
Lord just like Elijah many have gone to the mountain they have been zealous for the
Lord as the people have rejected the covenant torn down altars and come against the true prophets they have waited for the word of the
Lord laying prostrate before God as a fragrant sacrifice to him the bulls on the altar have been filled with worship and praise and are now at a tipping point the burning ones have heard the still small voice and as they cried out they were given new blueprints and a fresh wind to soar blueprints and a fresh wind the burning ones have heard the still small voice and just imagine
Nicolas Cage and like you know like burning alive and you know that that movie or whatever the part about the the bulls on the altar at a tipping point right yeah
I've heard of cow tipping before I didn't know that sacrificial system definitely not structurally sound
I believe OSHA would have problems with this yeah so so Kyle this is like you know your first exposure to these kinds of prophecies live were you able to make any sense of this one no yeah
I mean the burning ones coming out of hiddenness sounds like you ate at a bad ramen restaurant
I don't know yeah that's interesting so is hiddenness even a word
I don't know if that's really a word so well these are fresh new words from God so yeah so he may be adding to our language touch not
God's anointed vocabulary right now now
I'm gonna do this early I'm gonna randomly so I think we're done here
I'm gonna we're gonna head over to glory of Zion and yeah and weapons are being activated for the wars ahead okay we have warfare on our card does that count yeah yeah warfare yeah okay let's let's take a look
I've got activation is that close enough no I didn't even hit the play button what'd you get
I got battle okay yeah I have a real bad card so far if you have dancing on your card
I think yeah that counts yeah I don't know have you have you seen like the the training sequence from Mulan I think it's like those battle sticks
I've got waving a flag but I couldn't see if that was a flag oh
I just yeah wait for the wide shot it'll come in go through now
I think those are are those candy canes what is that it's the swizzle stick brigade
I need to ask
I mean does your praise and worship team at your church use these kinds of things oh yeah absolutely yeah we have to stick waivers okay the people who don't know how to sing but they apply to be on the worship band we just let them waste dicks okay all right there we go okay we continue and now wait a second
I just realized I could take yelling he was definitely yelling yeah definitely yelling okay all right now the latter they say it the more true it is right right okay so here we go more weapons is that guy doing a haka dance hang on a second you see this guy right here the crowd intimidate the congregation
I think he played for the all -blacks a couple of years ago hang on a second yeah that's like a haka dance
I say you will look at the enemy and he will flee that guy is legitimately doing like haka dance moves dance moves
I'm not making that up okay hang on a second here I'm gonna hang on he is legitimately doing a haka dance that yeah it's like it's like the soy latte version of a haka dance but sure yeah it's not very intimidating right okay so you know we now have
Christian eyes haka dancing got it okay that are beginning to even move in your bone
Mara for I have been depositing my word deep down within you but now we got deep
I'm trying to work on my cheating strategy at this point you know yeah see you guys are just like run away with it we're only two prophecies in and you're already looking to cheat that sounds pretty bad that is pretty sad yeah that's pretty mmm no how is this any different than any episode of prophecy bingo usually wait till at least the third prophecy to start cheating yeah got it okay all right
I'm gonna jump off that one and let's let's head over and let's listen to Inez all right she's got a thick
Irish accent but the here we go hello everybody my name is
Inez welcome to this video I greet you all I love you all I thank you for all your love all your support for even being on this channel to hear what
God is saying so I appreciate every single one of you so just know that so let's get into this today this amazing season amazing word and we need to be ready so let's pray so Heavenly Father God we glorify your name we worship you we praise you thank you
Jesus for this wonderful day thank you God for every single person who was listening today
I bless them in Jesus name Holy Spirit have your way that counts yeah that definitely counts this is this is the part that actually kind of sounds lucid and you know you know she's praying but I feel bad claiming blessing our blessing should be the open square really that should be the free space it is this this is the sneaky squid game so you know
I'm doubling down on that Josh doubling down I might have to put that into the thumbnail work for this yeah yeah uh -huh all right keep continuing on continuing on this day in Jesus name amen hallelujah to the
Lamb of God this is a season of change now one of the things
I've noted in the past is that you'll notice all of these so -called prophecies are kind of one -size -fits -all and I've noticed that horoscopes are more specific than generally these things are so okay complete change we've talked about shaken before shaking is a prophecy bingo word shaking is meant to be all dangerous all crazy stuff happening but it can be a sudden change sudden shift suddenly
I'll take yeah shifting shift and suddenly will work I have suddenly yeah okay
I'm happy to see that I'm actually making some progress I was able to string two together I mean that's that's that's a it's a start right how are things going over there for you
Kyle I have three different rows slash columns with two in them right now
I haven't strung together three yet but it's a little early in the game a little early in the game all right everywhere where people be removed people be put in people be elevated to people who'd be putting positions you're not sure why they're there all of a sudden there's a change in a company in a business in a church and it's so quick you're not ready for it so all kinds of changes suddenly happening and you know it could be people being elevated torn down brought in brought out if anything can happen right now you've been promoted to janitor just gonna go out on a limb and prophesy that something will happen today that's deep
Wow Wow that's how you know praise God then the courage the courage that you're showing here
Kyle you know okay would you say something so controversial yet so brave all right continuing on is it the devil is it
God of course it's God he's shaking things why because prayer is being answered but this is a time of obedience this is a time where you could miss something
God has for you something something yeah something in the way she speaks one of the words is something yes it's super sneaky the words are easy it's playing the game that is terrible for your mental health right yeah this is right now doing laps in the swamp of sadness okay we continue on Eden's true being stagnant are stuck in your comfort zone and what do
I mean by that I'll get into a few things now but this is sudden it's like it change it's like the sudden shift of the spirit a wind of changes blows and things are moved so it can be sudden shift and things she just keeps saying the same three words over and change something suddenly change in case you missed it something is suddenly going to change absolutely move maybe yeah maybe it's at some point right yes in October at least we think so difficult it can be a bit hard it could be uncomfortable it can hurt sometimes it can be sad but you need to go where the spirit is gone because this is how many miss things in their destiny destiny
I mean I got that one too hang on a second yeah all right all right making some progress now
I don't feel as bad but yeah okay she was kind of skirting around the word transition like she hasn't said it but I feel like I'm waiting for her she's used every synonym for transition but yeah the charismatics vocabulary is very stunted
I will say this one of the things that you Josh you sent me a link not that long ago that one one of these false prophets actually noted the fact that prophecy bingo exists oh which one was it yeah while you're researching
I'm gonna hit the play button on Inez hopefully you'll miss like any word some words that I can get ahead of you they don't move they don't pursue they don't engage in new things new people new places because they're comfortable so the spirit of God is on the move there is a shaken there is an uprooting there is removing wait what was that Kyle I'm trying to get her to say transition it's actually not on my card but I wanted to say decree a declarer assist well you just got to like focus your your energy you know like right
I was trying to speak it into existence it was
Charlie Shamp it was Charlie Shamp that's right he legitimately like use prophecy bingo to kind of like scold other so -called prophets that you know that maybe their prophecies aren't real if they're if you can get bingo
I have the exact quote here and I'll make sure to put it on the screen when I edit it is if religious preachers can play prophecy bingo to your prophetic words then it's possible that what is being said isn't prophetic but predictable can you say bingo he's trying to bolster himself you know what hang on a second all right hang on a second
Charlie Shamp okay I just got
I got it we're gonna go to his destiny encounter see if he has any prophecies up and we'll see what we can do here supernatural 2021 that's a mother and son double miracle night to of awake
America crusade join us tomorrow don't let Jezebel have your field that's okay that looks like a prophecy all right yes it is
I'm glad you figured that out just so you know the name of the company that put together our bingo bingo cards it's
Dominion so Dominion's also a prophecy word right yeah but you don't get to take it okay
I'm gonna drop the play head here and see where we go let's see six minutes in I have no idea if he's passed his introductions here but this guy looks like he gets a five o 'clock shadow at like noon so all right let's keep going here what the truth is there is such a level of deception and I want to get into this there's such a level of deception that people they they they cannot see there it's like the blind leading the blind and we wonder why even some
Christians are in this state and this isn't something that is just happened over the last you know seeing a false prophet talk about deception in the church on ironic pretty slick yeah yeah all right
I'm gonna see if he gets going a little bit here and let's see here cuz blood of sacrifice of children okay talking about Molech here
I'm gonna let that sink in you wonder why the nation is going the way that it's going you wonder why we're under there you turn on television programs and the things that you see on TV see now
I think he's doing commentary rather than prophecy yeah yeah yes so I would note that I think we covered so much this is the wild ox revival from last year he got a second here
I old wild wild fire there it is fire yeah okay who's got fire this is a wild fire this is a fire that gathers this is a fire that burns this is a fire that causes transformation transformation proxy as you're talking about California I probably this isn't a zoom chat fire sappy music with this is down here but yeah
I think sappy music all fire Jesus raw fire raw fire raw fire process fire like you think raw or we're all
I know I think he's saying raw yeah fire fire these three fire all of them security security
God's gonna fire you okay I think we kind of get the idea again weird that Charlie Chomp would like you know note the existence of prophecy bingo all right
I'm gonna I'm gonna close that one up and okay now a little bit of a note here
Kyle it down here in the corner is our prophet and and so he
I don't even know what to say here but if this German accent this is one of your favorites okay so this is triple grace channel when heretical yeah right okay right okay here we go welcome powerful warriors welcome to the end time prophetic word and see anti -prophetic word for Saturday the 9th of October 2021 is hold on I am coming
I see my army under pressure pressure to give in to the evil system that tries to sideline them demonic attacks are getting stronger and stronger
I see it all and I am coming for you do not worry what the evil ruler decide but remain on the path of righteousness so that no one can be snatched not no one can snatch you out of my hands
I am with you always hold on I am coming for you the portal in the heaven portal is a prophecy yeah that's a prophecy bingo word it's not on my card don't open very soon and you will see my glory ascending to the earth glory is a prophecy bingo word at that moment you will be transformed into your destiny and transformation and destiny are prophecy bingo words transformed into your destiny this isn't even my final form don't you know that's how transformation works yes it's right right isn't that like the whole plot line of like young Frankenstein destiny destiny no escaping that for me okay anyway as my sons and daughters when you see all these things coming to pass then lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing nigh when
I become my destiny my redemption is drawing nigh so a lot of that's the plot of frozen 2
I think you're not wrong you're not wrong it's just hadn't thought of it in those terms the quest for lesbianism
I'm coming for you the kingdom of God powerful warriors another encouragement from the
Lord just stay on the path and hold on even if it's only with two fingers hold on stay on that path your rescue is on the way powerful warriors be blessed you blessed in the name of the father the son it's a holy spirit amen amen okay transform and not transition every time they start to say that I get excited cuz
I'm like yeah okay for it now this we're heading back to Gloria Zion and it makes me wonder if Chuck Pierce felt like he needed to come to the aid of Troy black only if his anchorage only if it's egg so many signs are coming to Alaska so you know
Alaska has made several notable appearances in 2021 prop the seas this year so all right let's let's see what says
Alaska is going to have a fire as a sign and then what's going to happen it's gonna have an explosion as a sign this is a lot more specific than we usually hear yeah okay yeah right so a fire and explosion in Alaska those of you there you might want to assume the crash positions volcanic eruption what was that Kyle what was that is that a metaphor because if not that's kind of concerning yeah you've kind of note the that's that's the the rock and the hard place between these things can we take a minute and like explain to anybody who might not have seen the
Troy black what exactly I tell you what just to be just for the sake of of brevity you know
Troy black prophesied you know he had an emergency prophecy come in he was playing video games claim that God interrupted and he sent out a big old warning to people in Anchorage that there was a ginormous storm coming it was gonna knock out the transportation system of Anchorage Alaska and in the prophecy he saw polar bears so we and it was supposed to happen in the month of May so we tracked all of that and then we just started monitoring the weather throughout the month of May in Anchorage Alaska and we even got footage from like webcams that are live where you see we watch these seaplanes take off and man
May was beautiful for those people in Anchorage Alaska and and then when right and then when
Troy we proved that Troy blacks prophecy was false he ended up waiting for a little bit and doubled down that he actually these were true prophecies he just misinterpreted them again yeah yeah well again you know this is part of the reason why we have
Kyle Mann on here because his prophetic track records better than any of these guys yeah
I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and write a Babylon B article right now Kyle man wins prophecy bingo no
I'm nervous because you're saying that because your prophetic record is pretty he's decreeing it he's declaring it worst game of prophecy bingo ever all right all right let's keep going so I gotta make sure
I understand the the order here fire explosion trembling outpouring Alaska you're it was nice knowing now
I do believe outpouring is one of our prophecy bingo all right that didn't help me at all
I'm a little disappointed a little disappointed pulling some big guns here this is the so -called
Apostle Ryan Lestrange and he usually comes out with prophetic words every Monday just so happens to be
Monday when we're recording and this is the freshest of the freshest of his prophetic utterances let's see if he can help me win that's that's all
I care about here at this hey friends Ryan Lestrange with the
Monday Word and my Monday Word today is how to deal with Jezebel's false opportunities
I once had an encounter with a seducing leader now before you get worried it wasn't sexual seduction that can happen but it was seduction of opportunity do you know that desire can be a gateway that Jezebel the spirit of Jezebel will operate through and many people are being sidelined from ordained assignments or assignment is a prophecy bingo word relationships ordained opportunities significant words because of the seduction of Jezebel in fact
Jezebel so Kyle let me ask you what what what things have you put in place to protect you from the
Jezebel spirit there at the Babylon Bee? Oh we just don't hire any women. Gavin Newsom is going to be very mad with you.
Wow okay didn't see that one coming. Okay that'll work that'll work okay.
He is an agent of seduction so I was young and early in my ministerial career and I had such a passion for media and God had told me to be under my spiritual father and leader and my spiritual father and leader didn't really do a lot in me.
Did he say daddy? He said daddy didn't he? I heard daddy.
I didn't hear it. Which begs the question Ryan who's your daddy so I'm backing this up just saying in my ministerial career and I had such a passion for media hang on about in fact
Jezebel is an agent of seduction so I was young and early in my ministerial career and I had such a passion for media and God had told me to be under my spiritual father and leader and my spiritual father and leader didn't really do a lot in media and so I I was invited to a meeting with a leader and I got into the meeting and the leader began to speak to listen what
I'm about to say speak or speak into if you have that yeah that'll count speak to my desire they said everything
I wanted to hear I know this person who can open this door who can make this happen lust is not just sexual but lust can move in a variety of ways and a preacher must be consecrated that Jezebel spirit
Jezebel that operated under Ahab seduced prophets informed its own illegitimate prophetic ministry this demon is seductive in nature and as this leader is speaking everything sounded good but listen
I'm about to say but on the inside something just seemed wrong oh thank
God for this still small voice of God I didn't have a dream out of vision and vision and dream hang on a second
I needed that to be closer to my other words but okay all right it's like he gets so close in I feel like in these like prophetic camps the idea of discernment that they talk about is like this it's not knowing the
Bible and testing things against what scripture said it's just I have this feeling in my gut that something here is not right and that's what
I'm gonna call the spiritual gift of discernment yeah rather than you know I know my
Bible and I know that what that person just said contradicts the scripture and I don't again I keep coming back to this is that if you really think that this is the voice of God speaking through these people the universe is doomed
God has lost his mind he's incapable of lucid communication and thought where do we're you know but he none of this is helping me with anything really regarding Christ or Christianity but it's helping with prophecy bingo
I'm thankful for that and I went with that impression do you know years later that whole ministry fell apart that man was in such calamity and trouble his character was atrocious and God rescued me from getting sucked in through the lust of opportunity now the meaning of the word seduces this to persuade or disobedience or disloyalty a lot of people are being disloyal to the narrow road the
Lord's put them on because of seduction and Jezebel loves to get you away from where you're supposed to be loves to get you disconnected from the leader you're supposed to be connected to it means to lead astray by persuasion or false promises listen whatever you trade holiness for consecration for is going to come back to bite you later okay
I'm gonna depart from there saying sounds like it could be applied to the way that he yeah
I do find it funny like he's sitting there going oh this one leader he was so terrible he was this name maybe warn some people against this guy yeah we call this like prophetic projection
I'm sensing all of you guys have a real spirit of negativity yeah you're really putting shackles on the favor and the
Lord wants to pour out and open heaven upon is this a preemptive prophecy what is this
Kyle he's trying to he was gonna win okay all right so I don't know if you've kept track
Kyle of like the guys who like prophesied that Trump would win in November of last year this is one of those guys he shows up on on the victory channel with frequency he's constantly on the
Elijah list his name is Robin Bullock and we think he stole his is wig from Elvira but he's kind of got a
Billy Ray Cyrus vibe to him but he's constantly every time we're checking in with him he's giving these kind of double entendre so -called prophecies making it sound like the the the reascendence of Trump is just around the corner and that you know and so he's always prophesying doom and gloom for you know for Biden and the
Democrats and things like this so all right so let's hear here we go
Elvira I heard these words for the time
I can't remember if it was the very same morning or the next morning but I heard these words after this for the time of dismantling has begun what is the purpose of this guy down in the corner here this is an interpreter no he's not even doing he's not even like this is
Robin Bullock's channel you've actually this is somebody's called no commentary and so is this their attempt to kind of like make it transformative so they don't get a copyright strike maybe some guy is wildly gesticulating and they put a flag up the corner language no he's just doing this
I got a question I got a yeah yeah I have I have flag waving and there is a waving
American flag in the corner yeah I'll give it to you I don't think they actually had flags but like that's close enough we yeah it'll work cuz the thing is we're look at how many prophecies
I got potentially loaded up for Gloria Zion their prophetic flag waving team has you know won honors and you know they're practically
Olympic quality you know so they're using a different medium than necessarily a flag yeah spirit of the thing is still the same so I'll yeah you can take it
Kyle and it makes me nervous because I know you're starting to figure out a strategy here for fulfilling your prophecy
I do want to point out that that means that if he wins when he prophesies he does need to wave a flag wave to Confederate flag and said long live
Bowen Luke Duke anyway I've got three in a row now and the two that are missing they're easy so we're doing okay let's see what happens here the time of dismantling has begun now
I think that guy's
I heard this did I say January eyes are
June it's June yes June then I heard this on June the 19th 2021
I saw something happen another one of those prophecies
Joe Biden some carpet of Air Force One something happened he got a rug burn what
I mean his dog bit someone then pooped on the carpet or something I don't know I couldn't tell what it was but something happened to him on the carpet for he will walk out of it for the last time never to enter it again it's it's the demise of Joe Biden something occurs on the carpet of Air Force One okay it is a dangerous thing to deliberately cross the living
God I heard these words spilled on the carpet vomit on the rug the
Lord said I see you Oh politicians your authority authority hang on a second here hang on hang on authority see
I got that one yeah ding ding all right let's see here let's see you know what man what did
I do it what did what I do with him hold on a second here I know Joe Biden returns to his vomit on the carpet right oh no yeah
I see what you did there Kyle I see I see what you did there okay is vanity for you strain for authority and yet do not recognize true authority for your authority is in the flesh the authority the prophets speak is from heaven
I love how check this out look at how the the closed captioning spelled it the prophets p -r -o -f -i -t -s protect yourself as if you're important yeah yet you are only important because I have anointed you to be important got anointing yeah there you go good yeah hang on a second here
I got nobody said anointing yet well now they have so mm -hmm all right
I'm surprised it says breakthrough yet or yeah all right for transition all right
I'm his I hate to say it he's he seems a little off his prophetic mojo isn't quite as good as it has been in the past wasn't quite definitely low energy yeah all right so Chuck Pierce Gloria's I am restoring your shout and your sword okay yeah
I do you need to conceal carry to carry a sword is my question oh it's tongue -tied well just let's listen in all right so that's gibberish so I happen to have the gift of interpreting gibberish so I definitely felt that she was talking for sure about strongholds and binding
I did you guys yeah I felt that so stronghold and binding oh yeah this is a long yeah that doesn't help me at all praise the
Lord that she was saying stronghold for sure yeah it's a conspiracy yeah okay hang on a second let's keep going
I say you've quenched your shout and you quenched your sword quenched it usually when you the quench is quenching a shout wouldn't that be waterboarding
I don't know and if you how does one quench a sword well have you had your sword quenched lately drop it in a bucket of oil or water you have to quench your sword every 3 ,000 miles every 3 ,000 yeah okay
I I think that sounds right that sounds right along with your smog check you know now
I'm restoring your shout and I'm restoring your sword get ready for your mouth will go to war now in a new way and your hands will prosper in a new way prosper and prosperity are prophecy bingo words but it is for my harvest sayeth the
Lord harvest is a prosper is a word get ready you are coming in and stepping in stepping in is a prophecy bingo word to the day ahead that one actually worked out pretty good let's take a look yeah rapid -fire yeah but yeah it did help me though so it definitely helped
I mean that all right let's see here keep moving for you are almost there I had a dream when
I first married Daniel that I don't know if I've ever shared but I feel like I was supposed to share it now feel like what was that I got
I feel like I feel
I'm trying to figure out how to how do I do a block here you know you know that's an e -part you don't yeah all of Daniel's siblings and check and Pam keep penny we're in the dream and we were digging we were digging a giant hole in the ground
I don't know if it was for oil or for water or what it was for and we were working really hard we all had a shovel and everyone was digging and throwing the dirt and we were trying to get deeper and deeper and deeper and we got down to a certain level and I just yeah what was that I got level the context it was originally intended for but I'm taking it it works that's one of our new words yeah
I think that's one of our new words yeah we are 50 % there we're halfway there we just oh living on a sorry copyright strike time
I don't think the algorithm will detect that it was definitely just off -key enough yeah right like I could even sing on key anyway we're gonna hit what we're trying to hit what was that this guy this guy showed so much was saying that I really saw something oh no yeah oh no here's the deal
I had a dream and in this dream this is so funny cuz I've never are they trying to outdo each other now it's like you know one upping each other
Martin Luther King is about to step on stage this is like really bad dream and ship that I dug an even deeper hole and we were only 25 % of the way and the
Balrog only showed up about three hours in too greedily and too deep indeed indeed well well played by the way and in this dream
Chuck and I and Pam and all the kids and the grandkids had on those miners hat with the lights on it and we were digging and we were digging we were digging so deep yeah you got it you got it you're literally like trying to one -up me
I feel like you know she's like you like you're like totally like mansplain this and by the way
Kyle a little bit of a note here they don't have sermons anymore at Gloria Zion this is the actual teaching time yeah so deeper and deeper into a mind and all of a sudden we come up to this wall of rock and it was like we're tired we're weary we're worn out and there was writing on the wall and it said we have nothing to blast through the rock and the
Lord spoke to me very clearly he said don't look at it head -on but look at it from the side and I saw it from the side and what seemed to be massive was only a millimeter left big lady over there is still pretty mad yeah and so here's the thing
Kyle you'll note that one of the things we've we've complained about we've done satire before you know in the history of fighting for the faith we've done satirical sketches and we've kind of gotten tired of it because every time we do satire somebody would actually end up doing what we satirized and so we felt like we were just giving him ideas
I mean just give me an idea
I did a video making fun of like it was was it our ad hominem video where I talked about Kat Kerr gandalfing a hurricane yes yes and then not but a year later they came out with the
Gandalf anointing or something and they're right yeah the the none shall pass thing that they did with Bethel you know that so some woman prophet took her took her stick and she declared to the demons none shall pass you know it was just weird so all right
I'm gonna you know we're done there let's see here I don't know if I want to do Kevin bridges yet I definitely don't want to do okay all right so this is this is kind of interesting
John Eckhart is related to Jolynn Whitaker okay yeah so the fact that he's wearing a cult hat really undermines his prophetic credibility as far as I'm concerned but that's a different story together we like the
Colts just not the kingdom of the Colts no all right okay so let's listen if you want to partner with me these of all right so he starts off with you want to partner those in in um
Facebook that partner with me we're doing ministry around the world you can go to my cash app at JE global or PayPal does it take
Venmo or you can give through Venmo at I know it let me say those again
I'm kind of stumbling this morning cash app je global Venmo je global PayPal PayPal dot me slash
Apostle JE the number one I'm asking you to source see with the number 10 or multiple of 10 whether it's $10 whether it's 20 50 100
I gotta admit it's been a while since I've seen something quite like this okay
I feel the Lord you know give given quantities of 10 you know okay I use that because I'm decreeing
Psalms 118 and decree is a prophecy bingo word 2425 he's decreeing of a passage of scripture this is the day the
Lord is made we will rejoice and be glad in it don't need you to decree that for that to be true we beseech the
O Lord to send prosperity now prosperity prophecy bingo word now in this month now yeah see he's decreeing prosperity for himself
I think you know send it now via Venmo okay let prosperity come now in the 10th month in this month as we close out this year for the next three months paid now apparently his you know his business is running on you know not the calendar year he's got a fiscal year he's got to get a lot of money in for the end of the fiscal year here so so profit
Kyle do you do you take Venmo for your prophecies oh absolutely I'll give you guys my cash do you accept cryptocurrency yeah yeah the prophecies that are paid for with Bitcoin tend to be more true okay let a new realm of prosperity
I realm is a prospect as a prophecy yep three for those that are sowing and giving sowing as a promise so you missed it the first time yeah
I decree job 28 and 1 that there's a vein for silver that you'll find the prosperity vein you'll find a new vein of resources abundance supply new veins of wealth new vein wealth and abundance
I think our prophecy bingo words in order to yeah yeah cuz everybody knows you know how think how well things went for Job there for your business and for your personal life
I decree Proverbs 1022 over your life that the blessing of the Lord would make rich and that God would add no sorrow the blessing of the
Lord I decree ridiculous favor for you favors prophecy bingo word second
Corinthians 9 8 God is able to make all grace or favor abound toward you that you having all sufficiency in all things may abound to every good work
I decree favor new favor for the month of October new favor new grace new power new blessings new finances new revenue new streams to come into your hands based on Isaiah 42 and 9 behold the former things have come to pass and new things do
I declare I think you're twisting those texts and everything is focused on money man everything for a second there it felt like he had a prophecy bingo card open that happens that happens yeah
I wish it was I wish he had mine open instead of yours but may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits all right we continue yeah and so father
I thank you for the new things that you're doing new thing is a prophecy bingo word lives for the month of October I bless you
I give you praise glory and honor everyone that has been partnering with this ministry all this year
Lord do something new something fresh something abundant I fresh is definitely a prophecy bingo word yeah so is abundance do
I even have that no special miracles for you and your finances
I regret to inform you all that I have bingo you see you're breaking the rules here
Kyle so I'm not even close though I had a pretty it was miracle blessing squeak the sneaky squid favor and then level okay so so so here's how this works then you need to since you're already a prophet you know you need to channel whatever you channel and use their actual prop your bingo to give us a prophetic utterance from God weaving into that prophetic utterance these words that were there okay
I can do that okay so I just want to you know thank everybody for listening to this prophecy today and first of all my
PayPal my venmo and if you gave to that then you're gonna get a miracle the
Lord is gonna pour out blessings on your life I'm sensing new favor for you in your life and I'm really sensing that you're gonna level up in your life today especially if you give money to the aforementioned binmo accounts and yeah you know stuff is gonna happen something something is gonna happen in your life today
I like to that one guy that was given the prophecy and he couldn't remember if it was
January or June yeah like you don't see that in the
Bible where they're like the Messiah is gonna enter on this day it could be June but it might have been January yeah yeah
I sense that you're not used to these types of ambiguous prophetic words at your church yeah no we just wave flags around okay all right so so you you've definitely got the first bingo technically you win we go a little bit more just to see if we can help help out and if you get a double bingo it just is like adding like insult to injury
I am gonna prophesy that I have to go to the bathroom though so give me one second later in the void all right so let's get back to our game shall we and I don't know if I want to go this direction that direction or this direction no not that direction hang on a second here let's see here huh let's go for Jolene I don't know if I want to I you know what
I have to announce something here so I'm gonna do a little bit of a search all right so many of you have been like lamenting the fact that Queen Bola at Atlanta we call her a
Queen Ebola that's you know her kingdom proclamations has disappeared well hang on a second here
Kingdom hang on Kingdom proclamations proclamations and Bola there we go let's do a quick search look at this authentic kingdom living she's changed the name of her
YouTube channel and and see let's see here and she's back she's back so the magnificent coastal city of great abundance no idea what that was about upgrade your shift is here
I'm not sure doesn't actually know but like the whole
Queen Queen Ebola thing actually has a little bit of a historic like a weird character arc to it right because what she for a while she was proclaiming that she was
Princess Bola Adelante and then she gave herself a promotion and gave herself
Queen Adelante she has the whole physical armor of God as well yes so so she she declared that she was retiring a few months back and she's been a regular feature on prophecy bingo and then
I think she kind of surreptitiously kind of slunk back I mean you want you I mean look just for old time's sake that's only 15 seconds hashtag upgrade your shift is here my iPhone 12
Pro Max just arrived whoo my god my god can somebody just hashtag upgrade upgrade hey
Macarena hey we got a check -in on the king you find me at royal proclamations calm you find my books at amazon .com
what's your Venmo here is today long overdue hashtag long over to you
I promised you guys an empty house tour of the
Kings Court oh my so basically she's parlayed all of her money into a into a building project and she's got a new house and she's you know
I see what's going on here I I'm not really doing interested in the Queen Bola crib tour so but she's bad interesting that she calls her house the
Kings Court though that well yeah I mean she's you know it might be the the name of the gated community mm -hmm all right yeah so Josh did you take any pepsi yet not enough okay all right we're just favorite profit my favorite profits that's right okay all right so it might get your get your car ready if you have if you have on your card yeah if you have on your card it says
Jesus that yeah get ready here so all right here we go
Kyle the look at your eyebrows and your forehead are all kind of scrunched
I try to do the Tucker Carlson look for yeah okay all right all right let's see what we're in store for this month all right you guys this is what
I'm feeling for October Jesus there it is I'm feeling it's fourth quarter
Jesus that's the Word of the Lord it's fourth quarter it's yeah we know it's the fourth quarter of the year that's how 12 months work okay well duck hey it's fourth quarter we know that all of us that right see she prophesied she knew what we were gonna say it's the first prophecy she ever nailed she's watching our videos now it's obvious work in business or working quarters know that it's fourth quarter why does that matter why is that a prophetic word well
I felt like the Lord was talking to me about basketball and how in basket she's dropping the ball on this one yeah there's four quarters and I felt like the
Lord was saying it's fourth quarter because in fourth quarter everything can change it might seem like one team is winning but in fourth quarter everything can change it might she's yelling you know what quarter it is does anybody is it fourth
I think we might be in the third actually no
I don't know so your first three months January February March first quarter yeah you know
April May June 2nd July August September the 3rd and then
October November December that's the fourth we're in the fourth quarter yeah yeah you know I think math is evil and I can still do it sometimes so like your promises are not gonna come to pass but in fourth quarter everything can change it's fourth quarter
God can turn this around what God told you at the beginning of the year can still manifest the year manifest do you feel like you're being scolded here does it bother anyone else that she doesn't say the fourth quarter it's it's
Ukraine versus the Ukraine it's just I feel like there's a little bit of desperation in her voice she's like oh please for the love of God let there actually be enough of money for me to pay my bills by the end of this month well she's saying that the things that she prophesied at the beginning of the year if you haven't got that yet don't blame me cuz
God can pull through in the last three months it's he still can he still can yeah if this year has not taken the terms you wanted it to that doesn't mean
God forgot about your promise he is the resurrecting God he is the living God he's gonna resurrect whatever dead prophecies at the beginning of the year oh wow yeah you've been tortured by the same movies
I have okay he is the lifter of the Saints he takes down the enemies he is moving and transitioning the
Saints in all right let's read what the
Lord said it is fourth quarter I know Lazarus died and many feel their promises are dead but I am the
God of fulfillment I am the God of resurrection it is time to focus on the beginning of the year promises the first quarter is not over tell my
Saints it is not over Shadrach Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire and so will they out of the fire into abundance you know
I I think God needs an editor you know I just saying you know maybe if she
I think she should buy Grammarly to help her with her prophecies here Shadrach Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire and so will they that's ambiguous
I mean there's some ambiguity as to what's being spoken yes I see that hand yes I have a question yes ma 'am question did did did that fire in the story about Shadrach Meshach and Abednego actually have was that a type in shadow for something and if so yeah sure we'll do a little
I need a flannel graph right now was it was it financial in any way shape or form no no see it had nothing to do with that okay so real quick we all know how this goes down Nebuchadnezzar in the previous chapter to the one that this story appears and he has a dream about a statue and and and and the prophets the the fulfillment of it had something to do with him and so he gets a little uppity so he creates this golden idol it requires everybody to bow down to it of course the
Jews who are in exile because of their idolatry they learn their lesson and Shadrach Meshach and Abednego who happened to be you know part of the government at this point they don't bow down they refuse to do so and of course that everyone's told they need to bow down under threat of death being thrown into a fiery furnace and and what's really interesting that same language appears in the
New Testament to Christ describes hell as a fiery furnace and so what happens they refuse to bow down they refuse to worship a false deity
Nebuchadnezzar ends up having a spitting rage as neck turns red his face turns ready throws him into the fire the guys would throw him and they die but here's the thing nothing happens to them and the best line in the whole portion of that story is as after he threw
Shadrach Meshach and Abednego he says to one of his guys didn't we throw three fellows in how come there's four and one of them looks like the son of the gods of course he's an idolater but Jesus showed up and actually rescued
Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and their salvation from the fiery furnace is a type and shadow of what
Christ does for us rescuing us from the fiery furnace of hell that's really how it works in the types and shadows but you know but what quarter was it it was the fifth quarter it was the fifth quarter
Kyle come on I gotta correct you. When the fourth guy showed up, that makes it the fourth quarter, right?
That's how it works. Jesus, I think I've had enough of her all right let's see here okay now all right so Hank Kuhneman this is another one of these like Kenneth Copeland right -hand man guys he like spectacularly falsely prophesied that Trump would you know reascend the throne and all of his
Trump prophecies have failed and every time he prophesies he literally looks like he's passing a kidney stone so um you know let's see what this we've just entered an exorcism scene from a
Hollywood movie somebody help that poor man okay a change of season season is a prophecy bingo word the spirit of the
Lord says yes there is the change of season but you are entering into a veil.
The double entendre. Biden's gonna fall in the fall. Give that guy a pepsit.
Maybe some Gaviscon or something will help with that okay
Biden sets up kinks, takes them down, and so I shall.
Or this shall be a long fall. I'm digging the Depeche Mode soundtrack.
It's pretty dope. Okay hang on a second here
I'm gonna pass Mr. Kidneystone on and I'm building a house for the captives let's let's see what's going on.
Are they doing Zumba? What are they doing? It's a happy hands club. Got it.
This will begin to fall from your eyes. For there are captives out there that are being held captive.
And I will offer a double portion. Double portion is a prophecy bingo word.
To those that are willing to come in and bring those captives into my house.
I say I am building a house for the captives to enter into.
So watch now you will see who I am ready to take a step into a new move of my spirit and my glory.
Get ready for I will anoint you again for times such as this.
No idea what any of that meant. Now it's starting to sound like the beginning of the Beauty and the Beast. Soundtrack there.
Yeah hang on a second here. No no we already know. Okay all right let's let's
Lighthouse Global. Let's check in with Song Hee and see what she's got this month.
I really felt that this was really a strong word with lots of things packed into the month of October.
So I'm just gonna go right ahead and get started. The title of this message the word that God gave me about October 2021 was the
Red October. I read that book. I read that book. Is that a submarine?
Yeah it's a fictional submarine. It's a submarine right? It's a movie I can't watch. I lived on an actual submarine and watching that movie gives me hives.
Do you have a good Sean Connery impersonation Kyle? No. Bummer. Are you sure about that?
So the word was Red October and then I had to sit on it and really pray about what that means.
She had to sit on the Red October. Here's what I believe God is saying.
So I'm gonna go through a few things. I'm gonna read to you the story of what happened to Israelites when they were crossing over.
So what I saw was like the events of something like the Red Sea partying happening.
What's your Red Sea Kyle? All of us have an El Guapo to face.
Can you imagine the biblical prophets prophesying like this? I don't know.
I saw this thing. This is kind of what I felt like it meant.
Talking like Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez while they're delivering the word of the Lord. So this is the
AOC prophecy that we're listening to here. Got it. I see the connection.
But even less government funding. So that's what I saw. But let's pray.
I just feel like we need to really pray and activate the Holy Spirit. Activate. Prophecy bingo word.
And wait for you to join. I'm hearing a download.
That's what I'm hearing. I'm hearing download. Okay. You know what?
You may be right. Hang on a second here. Yeah, yeah. There was definitely a download there.
But here's the thing here. Is that she was talking about a download from the presence.
We both get bingo then. No! And technically we got it first.
Then you can prophesy first. I see how this works. You guys got it at the buzzer in the fourth quarter.
It's the fifth quarter. My personal prophetic
El Wapo finally came in. Alright, time for me to do my prophecy.
Oh, would you like to actually do it? No, thank you. We've had people in the comments before.
I really want to have a woman on so she can win and give us a prophecy. I'm just trying to make it happen.
That's great, but it's not going to be me. Alright, time for this. There is a portal that is downloading a transition of a sneaky squid into something.
The end. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I'm trying to...
I have to get into my
Zen mode here. I feel that the Lord is bringing to us the sneaky squid game.
The sneaky squid game. And this is a vision that comes and flows from his presence.
To restore the stronghold and to bind the enemy so that you can curse your restoration and declare that you thrive.
That was truly atrocious. I loved it. Yeah. So, I don't want to torture poor
Kyle any further. He lives in California, and they have laws that could get me in a lot of trouble if we expose him to too much more of this.
Susan Wojcicki would probably shut us down before too long. Right, right. So, for those of you watching online, we always give away two more extra words.
If you've subscribed to the channel and you've rung the bell. If you've subscribed to the channel, then you can throw thrive in.
And if you've rung the bell, then for sure you need to add a calling in the mix. So, if those are on your prophecy bingo cards, then you may have gotten a bingo.
And keep in mind, you should be playing at home with other people. And when you do that, you should all prophesy when you get your bingos.
But you get the idea. So, Kyle, thank you for coming on Prophecy Bingo. It was spectacular to have you aboard.
Glad to know that you're on Venmo for your prophetic words. And people can find the
Babylon Bee on YouTube as well as at BabylonBee .com. And by the way, what is the normal mechanism that people get updates regarding your stories and your satire?
Is it just on the website, on social media? Or are there other ways of them knowing when you've put out new articles and things?
Yeah, well, we have Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and all that. But, of course, those sites are all suppressing us.
So, the best way is to just go to BabylonBee .com every morning and check the stories.
Also, we have a newsletter. So, if you go to BabylonBee .com, you can sign up for the newsletter. There you go. And that tends to get to people a little better.
Yeah, yeah. So, those algorithms don't seem to be working in your favor, do they? No. All right.
Yeah, we really feel like a sneaky squid spirit is attacking us and is oppressing our strongholds.
Well, Jennifer LeClair warned us about this years ago. And Michael Brown affirmed that there was such a thing.
So, you know. Maybe. Is Susan Wojcicki the manifestation of the Jezebel spirit?
Now we're really going to get demonetized. You can't say that on YouTube.
I'll let you two work that out while he's editing. All right.
Thank you again for your time. I'm going to sign off and we'll chat for just a minute. Hang on a second here.
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And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ. His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.