I Feel Like a Failure - AD on FLF Network

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Fight. Laugh. Feast. #NoDespair2020


There this is AD Robles and you're listening to AD on the Fight Laugh Feast Network.
All right well let's jump right into it today but before we do let me just ask you to consider becoming a
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We want to continue doing this we want to continue doing this we want to expand what we're doing and to be perfectly honest with you
I think if you look at the amount of influence and the amount of um the amount of change that that's that's going forward um it is disproportionate to our impact and that's due primarily to you that's not our thing that's
God and that's you guys for sharing it and for promoting this content so I appreciate that so consider joining the
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ROBLES R -O -B -L -E -S. Now what I've just said about the disproportionately large impact of the
Fight Laugh Feast Network you might think that it's going to contradict what I'm about to say in just a moment but that's okay it's listen
I'm all about being a little weird at times but I've got to say that um this morning
I woke up and something seemed a little bit off you know something seemed a little bit off and it felt a little bit like a failure because you know last night
I saw a tweet from somebody named Luke Stamps I didn't know who Luke Stamps was I was not following him um but what
I what I saw was it was actually quote tweeted by someone that I like very much um and the person that had quote tweeted it said hey this is a very balanced take and and this and that and and so I read it and and I instantly felt like a little bit of a failure and so I'll tell you why
I did and and I'm going to tell you how to how I responded to this kind of a tweet um but let me just read it at first and then you can kind of get the whole thing it's two it's only a two tweet thread so it's pretty short um and I want to I'm wondering how you would respond to this let me know in the comment section if you're watching on YouTube you know what you think about this tweet because I I this was framed to me as a very reasonable tweet and so I'm just interested to see if if you know if I'm the only one who who kind of felt this way as I thought about it here's what
Luke Stamps said oh before I do he's an associate professor of theology at Anderson University South Carolina he's also the executive director of Baptist Renewal so I don't know how connected he is but he's on the
Big Eva track in some regard you're a professor you're on the Big Eva track in some regard most likely um anyway so Luke Stamps says this the problem with the vehement anti -woke diatribes isn't that there aren't obvious dangers to warn against it's that they tend to overstate their influence within evangelicalism and to conflate all concern about abiding systemic racism with the worst caricatures of wokeness it makes me wonder if what's underneath the warnings isn't just a denial that such systemic injustices still exist so anyone raising the alarm about those injustices gets tarred with all of the quote godless ideologies mind can imagine the mind the mind can imagine
I think probably a missing word there but you know it's Twitter and so when I read this
I kind of felt like a failure I'm not gonna lie because I've said many many words over the last three years or so I've tried to figure out how many words have
I said over the last three years on YouTube I mean it's it's got to be millions at this point
I don't know how to figure that kind of stuff out but I've said a lot of words and I feel like my message has been very consistent now my style and maybe some of the specifics of how
I dealt with certain people and stuff like that of course there's going to be some change over time with that kind of stuff but I feel like my message in like the core of my message has been very very consistent
I haven't really changed too much every time I do change something big I always draw attention to it and I'll do a video where I said
I was wrong about xyz whatever it is it hasn't happened very often but it has happened and so I feel like I've done a lot of talking about this exact thing and I feel like and look
Luke Stamps probably hasn't seen any of my videos and that's okay I'm not saying he has to have seen my videos but I think about the people that I see criticizing the woke church and criticizing the social justice movement and honestly
I feel like most of their message has been fairly consistent about this exact issue and so it's very interesting to see that that message has not been received at least by some people and so the first place that you look when somebody misrepresents you know your position the first place you got to look is at yourself you got to take the blame for yourself if somebody is not understanding what
I'm saying I'm going to look at what I'm actually saying and try to be clear try to see well is there is there a reason why they're misunderstanding this is one of the biggest problems in my opinion about big eva sorry about that I was having to get my kids
I'm I'm in my kids normally where they play kind of thing so they're watching Blippi back there that's how it's going to have to be because we're actually doing some construction my my recording room my office is going to be hopefully somewhat complete very soon anyway let's jump right into it so I guess what
I was saying was that I feel like we've been very consistent on this and so it's very disheartening to see that we've been so misunderstood but you got to look at yourself and so so when
Gospel Coalition you know people claim to be misrepresented they blame everybody but themselves it can't possibly be them it must be people that are trying to misrepresent me and that's you know yes people do try to misrepresent other people from time to time that's usually not the first place you ought to look though you should definitely look at your own words first and so that's what
I'm gonna try to do here and I'm gonna try to be abundantly clear and so I'm gonna speak to Luke but really
I'm speaking to everybody and so hopefully this will help clear things up and so here's the reality