Special: Election Updates & Abolishing Abortion in Arizona
Join us for an important episode of Apologia Radio. We need your help to get this episode in front of everyone. We update on the election situation and we are joined by Representative Walt Blackman (the hero of Arizona's children). He is putting in a bill to end it.
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- 00:05
- I would say if the authorities didn't want us involved in the public square, they ought not to have crucified
- 00:11
- Jesus in the public square. Use humanistic principles. It's the same idea. I would say what's the problem with stardust bumping into stardust?
- 00:19
- In the cosmic picture, none. There's no problem. In the cosmic picture, it won't matter. No, Mr.
- 00:28
- President, you are not protecting reproductive freedom. You are authorizing the destruction of freedom for one million little human beings every year.
- 00:48
- I'm sorry, my friends, but I am tired of seeing Jesus presented as a weak beggar.
- 00:57
- He is a powerful savior, and the gospel is not a suggestion.
- 01:02
- It is a command. Reverend Moller, don't you sympathize with that?
- 01:12
- I sympathize with every single human heart wishing to know the one true and living God, but I believe there's only one way that that can happen through Jesus Christ, and the gospel is about repenting of sin, not celebrating it.
- 01:24
- What an amazing adventure.
- 01:30
- We will explore the spiritual abyss. You have not experienced this before.
- 01:48
- When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you. Even though you make many prayers, I will not listen.
- 01:54
- Your hands are full of blood. Wash yourselves. Make yourselves clean. Remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes.
- 02:02
- Cease to do evil. Learn to do good. Seek justice. Correct oppression.
- 02:09
- Bring justice to the fatherless. Plead the widow's cause.
- 02:15
- That's Isaiah chapter 1, y 'all. I'm Jeff. They call me the Ninja. That's Luke the Bear right there. What up?
- 02:21
- Welcome back to another episode of Apologia Radio. You guys can get more at ApologiaStudios .com. That's A -P -O -L -O -G -I -A -Studios .com.
- 02:29
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- 02:38
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- 02:44
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- 02:51
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- 02:56
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- 03:02
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- 03:08
- Apologia Academy, all the good stuff, guys, all that to bless all of our partners in ministry. Thank you so, so much for joining us.
- 03:14
- As you can see right now, we are doing a very special election update broadcast, but we have a very, very special guest with us in the studio.
- 03:24
- You've seen something from him before with us at Apologia Studios. You're going to be seeing a whole lot more with Arizona Representative Walt Blackman.
- 03:34
- He is the hero of Arizona's children. I just read that passage, and there are so many we could have gone to, from Isaiah about seeking justice, correcting oppression.
- 03:45
- This is all in the context of God speaking to his own people, telling them, don't bother with the worship.
- 03:51
- Don't bother with the many prayers and all the ritual. He says, your hands are full of blood. Seek justice.
- 03:57
- Correct oppression. And he says this. This is powerful. Bring justice to the fatherless.
- 04:03
- Bring justice to the fatherless. All these fatherless children abandoned by their dads in the womb.
- 04:08
- We have so many children who have been killed in our nation as a result of, well, many, many things, but of course the fiction of Roe v.
- 04:17
- Wade, as though that were law, it is not law. And the state of Arizona has a law currently in the books right now that says abortion is a criminal act.
- 04:25
- It's against the law in the state of Arizona. And Representative Walt Blackman is going to be putting in some legislation that will protect these children in the state of Arizona.
- 04:36
- Welcome to the show. Thanks for having me, Jeff, and I appreciate it. It's always good to see you. And I like your rockin' the beard.
- 04:43
- That's right. Yes. Before you know it, you'll be dropping soon. You'll hang out in the studio for a little bit.
- 04:48
- You'll leave, and you'll look in the mirror, and it'll be like, it'll start to be crawling out of your face. I just want to get it up here.
- 04:54
- That's all. If it can start up here, I'll be good. There you go. I want everyone to get to know who you are.
- 05:00
- So let's just talk, make sure everyone gets an introduction to you, who you are. We're working right now on establishing justice for the pre -born in the state of Arizona, and doing what is right, and what is, by law, the right thing to do.
- 05:15
- But you have a life before this where you were also trying to save lives and to protect
- 05:20
- American lives. So tell us about that, so everyone kind of gets a background of who you are. Okay, well, thanks again for having me.
- 05:27
- I spent 21 years in the United States Army. The job I had was a tank commander.
- 05:32
- And with that, I was in charge of one tank, and then four tanks, and then 16 tanks as a first sergeant.
- 05:40
- Wow. 21 years, several deployments, several peacekeeping deployments, which
- 05:45
- I like better than the regular combat deployments because you actually get to help people. When I went to Kosovo the first time, we were helping those folks that were being annihilated from folks that didn't like them.
- 05:58
- And we were just kind of getting in the middle of them, moving them apart, but just, you know, making sure that we secured life.
- 06:05
- And that was the best part of my deployments. Now, the other side, I deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and protecting their type of democracy, if you would.
- 06:16
- When I was there in 2004, they just started the elections. And there was one time
- 06:22
- I was sitting on my tank, and this older gentleman, Iraqi descent, comes walking in front of my tank.
- 06:29
- And I jumped down and asked him, hey, where are you going? And in his broken English, he said he was going to vote for the first time in his life.
- 06:35
- And he had to be about 80 years old. Wow. And he was just so excited about it. Wow. And it's so basic, so basic, their elections, was that they put their thumb on an ink print, and they would, yeah, that's how they would vote the first time they voted.
- 06:54
- Wow. But the difference between that country and this country is that I had to overwatch the polling site with a
- 07:02
- M1A2 tank because there were still people out there that believed that they needed a different type of life.
- 07:10
- And some of the things that I see today, it's kind of similar, which some people want, but they really don't understand the other side of that unless you're on the ground there.
- 07:20
- So I did that. Another job I did in the military was I was the Prevention of Sexual Assault and Harassment Program Manager So in the military, there was an uptick of sexual assaults and sexual harassment.
- 07:33
- The Army came out with a program called SHARP. I was part of developing that program for the
- 07:39
- United States Army and for the units that I was assigned to, and then also was Program Manager for that.
- 07:44
- And I did that for a very long time. And then when I got done with that, retired with my sweetheart
- 07:51
- Christy in Snowflake, Arizona, and she gave me about a month to go back to work. And I ran for office.
- 07:59
- And here I am. And you gentlemen of God walked into my life. And we're able to do some good things.
- 08:06
- And I can't wait until we start running this legislation. Yeah. We've become close and become friends.
- 08:12
- We have a lot of respect for you. But when we told you, we've been praying for you for years. For years.
- 08:19
- Literally for years. We knew who you were. We were praying for you. And at God's perfect timing,
- 08:24
- He allowed us to get together. And to get to know you. And we're so encouraged. And we believe that flattery is a sin.
- 08:32
- So I want you to know that. It is amazing to us that in God's providence, He prepared you in such a way where you spent your life trying to defend people's rights and freedom.
- 08:43
- And life. And that's specifically at life. Life. Protecting life. And you've had behind you a whole career where you've been trying to uphold justice and protect victims' rights.
- 08:54
- Yes. And then God put you in a position where you are now in the state of Arizona, House of Representatives.
- 09:01
- You are working now for another term. So this is another... This is another term.
- 09:06
- Another term. This is years of your life now dedicated once again to serving the people of the state of Arizona. I want to make sure it's clear as people get to know who you are.
- 09:14
- We're calling you the hero of Arizona's children. Because of what you are emphasizing and what you are working towards in the state of Arizona, you want to establish justice for Arizona's children.
- 09:23
- Yes. But there's more to you than even this issue in terms of what you are trying to accomplish and to propagate in the state of Arizona.
- 09:33
- People think that Arizona is a blue state. I would have strong disagreements with that. Yeah, me too.
- 09:38
- If you live here, you're like, yeah, I know where the blue areas are, but this is not a blue state. Yeah.
- 09:44
- You believe strongly in the Constitution. Absolutely. And that actually is a very significant detail when you talk about representatives of the citizens going into a place of public office.
- 09:56
- They're supposed to represent the interests of the citizens and they're supposed to do it based upon the law. Exactly.
- 10:02
- And so talk to us about your commitments to the Constitution and to the rule of law in this country. Well, for people of color and black and brown,
- 10:12
- I look at the 14th and 15th Amendment. That guarantees us citizenship and the right to vote, basically.
- 10:17
- But the citizenship part is particularly important to me because it is the right to pursue your happiness.
- 10:26
- So any American that is born in this country falls under the Constitution.
- 10:32
- The Constitution does not stop at if you are a child in a womb. It doesn't stop there.
- 10:38
- It says that the Constitution applies to you. The Constitution applies to give folks the life, give folks the opportunity to live.
- 10:46
- That's the first thing. So if you're a Constitutionist, then you believe in life because that's what the Constitution says.
- 10:52
- Now, if you are a Christian, you automatically should, and there are some people that don't, but you should believe in life.
- 10:59
- And the only person that can take away life is God himself, not man or not woman.
- 11:06
- And as his servants on this earth, if we have an opportunity to protect a life and we don't do it, we have to answer for that, our own sins.
- 11:17
- But we have to do something, and this is part of doing that, running that law that exists in Arizona.
- 11:23
- And I want to make it clear to the folks out there, I'm not looking to regulate abortion.
- 11:30
- I am looking to abolish it in Arizona because regulating, we are continuing the slaughter of innocent lives.
- 11:37
- So I know some people's heads are probably blowing up right now, but that's okay. Not everyone listening to us.
- 11:43
- They're like, yes. Yeah, not everybody here. They're falling on their face right now. Thank God for your consistency.
- 11:48
- Oh, yeah. And it's real easy for me. I mean, it's really easy, and maybe that's the prayers you all gave my family and I and is the way
- 11:56
- I was raised and to respect life and the many lives that I had to defend over 21 years.
- 12:01
- Yeah, when you talk about not regulating, what we're talking about is the, we think the wrong methodology of the pro -life industry generally has been to approach this in terms of regulation, neglecting the fatherless children or the pre -born who are being killed in mass.
- 12:17
- We've approached this in a way that is, can I just say, not consistent, cowardly, with fear.
- 12:25
- You know, for example, when we think back at the travesty and the horrendous situation that's happened in this country here and the issue of the slave trade and kidnapping, the
- 12:37
- Bible would call it man -stealing. It was a death penalty issue. If you kidnapped somebody, you put them into enslavement. That was worthy of the death penalty in God's law.
- 12:44
- So it was the Christian worldview that did away with abolished slavery, but it took courageous people to finally say, we're not going to accept this anymore.
- 12:52
- Exactly. We're not going to make any concessions about this anymore. The answer is this is an injustice before God, and we're going to end it.
- 12:58
- We look back on that time period in America, and you ask the average person in America, you say, would you tolerate this to even the smallest extent?
- 13:06
- Like if you said, well, it's basically over, but we do have a few pockets here in South Phoenix where they've got some black people as slaves in their yards.
- 13:13
- We would all be gathering around those houses saying, we're not putting up with this.
- 13:19
- Well, it's only a few black people. We'd say, absolutely not. That's an injustice. Why? Because the basis of all of it is that as a human being, a human being has
- 13:28
- God -given rights, and you are to protect human life. Exactly. The unjust taking of human life is murder.
- 13:35
- It is unlawful. The unjustified killing of a human being is in all states considered a crime.
- 13:43
- Now, what do we have today? What do we know today? Of course, on a biblical basis, that's the image of God.
- 13:48
- God commands against the murder of an image -bearer of God in an unjustified way. You cannot take human life in an unjustified manner.
- 13:55
- However, what do we know biologically speaking today? That Roe didn't even, wasn't even coming close to.
- 14:02
- And that is that from the moment of conception, it is human life. Yeah. The only difference is the difference of degree, size, level of development, environment, and degree of dependence.
- 14:11
- We can't kill people because we say, well, they're small people. Yeah, because then they'll start killing people because they're old.
- 14:17
- Yeah, exactly. Exactly right. Exactly the point. So you also have level of development. So it's not fully developed yet. Well, neither is my 10 -month -old and 5 -year -olds and 6 -year -olds and 8 -year -olds.
- 14:26
- And nobody, everybody's in a constant stage of development as a human being. So the question is, is it arbitrary? Do we get to kill human beings and we determine,
- 14:33
- I don't think you're fully developed? By the way, that sounds a heck of a lot, what they said, like what they said to black people.
- 14:38
- They said, well, we can enslave these people because they're not fully developed. Or they just said they're not human like us or not fully developed humans.
- 14:47
- Or they're cursed. Or they're cursed. This is the same argumentation that led to the injustice of slavery when we say they're not fully developed.
- 14:55
- It's not fully human like me. Or if we say environments, well, the baby's inside the mother.
- 15:02
- Well, so were all of us at one time. And when we're talking about a mother with a baby growing in her womb, we need to remember that over 98 % of abortions are done at will, not because of rape, incest, or life of the mother.
- 15:15
- Those are less than 2 % of all abortions. The rest are at will. And when a woman says, it's my body, my choice, we need to make sure that we speak the truth.
- 15:23
- We talk about facts. Yes, that is your body. But that body growing inside of you is biologically distinct.
- 15:31
- It's a biologically distinct human being that deserves protection. And so when we talk about what's going on here, you're arguing from a consistent basis as a legislator, you're saying we need to protect human life.
- 15:45
- Yeah. Period. Period. No matter the color. No matter the age. The size. No matter the size.
- 15:50
- No matter the environment. And what I think is, Walt, so crazy about this too. And you got in a lot of trouble recently. I sure did.
- 15:55
- I love getting in trouble though. That's why we like you. We like being godly troublemakers ourselves. But you got in a lot of trouble lately because you're a black man.
- 16:04
- And all the stuff about BLM, Black Lives Matter, and everything else, we're talking about a Marxist, a professedly
- 16:11
- Marxist organization from the top as an organization. You were speaking against them.
- 16:16
- You got in a lot of trouble, and a lot of people were calling you nasty, racist names and titles and everything else because you were. But what's amazing to me is that you're a representative who's saying, we need to value and protect every human life, no matter the size, the color.
- 16:30
- All humans deserve equal protection. And yet the Black Lives Matter folks were after you. They were after me.
- 16:36
- But you're the one that's being consistent across the board. Exactly. And if you look in the black community, these 3 ,000 black babies are slaughtered every single day.
- 16:44
- So a basic question to Black Lives Matter or those folks that came after me, so if black lives really do matter and we're only looking at life, then what about the 3 ,000 babies that are slaughtered every day?
- 16:55
- That sounds a lot like genocide to me. Yeah. That sounds a lot like a systematic slaughter of a population.
- 17:03
- And that's something bigger that we are looking at other than just carrying signs on the road talking about Black Lives Matter or this or that, because they are systematically killing off black
- 17:14
- Americans in this country. There are more black, or there are more Planned Parenthoods and black communities anywhere else in the country.
- 17:22
- Why is that? And on the same corner, there are more liquor stores and there are more gun stores because they are trying to kill off the black community.
- 17:31
- The problem is that a lot of the black community was brainwashed. They were brainwashed by the Johnson administration with the, not the
- 17:39
- New Deal, but the Great Society. Brainwashed with that. They were brainwashed with the black codes.
- 17:44
- They were brainwashed with a lot of these issues that supposedly were supposed to help the black community.
- 17:52
- And all it's done, it's hurt the black community. And I know you've heard that they say the
- 17:58
- Republican Party and the Democrat Party has switched. That's not true. That's not true at all.
- 18:04
- All that's happened is they changed their tactics. They changed their tactics from slavery to abortion.
- 18:12
- How can we continue to bond a generation of people, would it be illegal?
- 18:21
- Margaret Singer is introduced to the stage. Oh, yes. And she sells it to black ministers.
- 18:28
- Oh, sure. Well, New York City, you probably know this, but they murder more black children than are born in New York City.
- 18:38
- Yeah, I mean, how do you do that? Well, and that's what we're talking about when we talk about not regulating and just establishing justice.
- 18:45
- We're talking about consistency. Now, the challenge, of course, we're going to have, anybody in this country that tries to establish justice and to be consistent, is they're going to have to have the paradigm shift begin with everybody around us that has used the title pro -life.
- 19:01
- We are consistently pro -life because we're saying pro -life, it's human being from conception, protect all human life, no matter the color, no matter the size, no matter the level of development, none of those things.
- 19:13
- But the pro -life industry has largely said, well, let's assume Roe is a law.
- 19:19
- Which it is not. It is not. Exactly. It's a court opinion, and it's a fallacious court opinion from the 1970s that says what's in the womb is potential human life.
- 19:27
- Yeah. That is absurd on its face today with all the biological science just overwhelming that opinion saying it's not potential human life, it is human life from the moment of conception.
- 19:38
- All the DNA is there. All that makes you you is there from the moment of conception. It's just a difference from that point of degree and growth and change.
- 19:45
- But the pro -life industry has had the assumption that has been foisted upon the
- 19:50
- American people by those who are what they call pro -choice or pro -abortion. And that is that, well,
- 19:56
- Roe's the decision and so now it's legal in the states. But our, and this is what I wanted to bring up, the fact that you're a constitutionalist, you believe in the
- 20:02
- Constitution as the rule of law in this country. The Constitution says that Congress creates law.
- 20:08
- Not the Supreme Court. Not the courts. No federal law has been created around the issue of abortion which is why, by the way, and I'll see if I can pull this up here and I'm sure you've seen this.
- 20:19
- Biden was recently asked when the campaign stuff was going on when he was out of his basement, he was asked, it's true, yeah, he was asked about the issue of Roe and oh my gosh, what if Barrett and all of this is going to undo
- 20:33
- Roe? What he says is so, so clear. He says, what I will do is create a federal law about abortion which is a tacit admission that there is no law regarding the issue of abortion because if we undo
- 20:47
- Roe, they say, well, we've got to create a law which means there isn't one. Exactly. Which means that the states, when
- 20:55
- Roe came down, well, here's what should have happened. If the Congress, if the federal Congress believed that Roe was correct, they had a duty as Congress to create legislation around that and the states, if they agreed that it was a constitutional decision, they had to create or transform legislation in their own states.
- 21:16
- Exactly. They didn't do it because the assumption and the zeitgeist, the spirit of the age is well, Roe has decreed and it's like, well, that's not how our country works.
- 21:25
- We all know that and the interesting thing and I was just talking to I think Christy about this yesterday. The interesting thing is and this is just, it's such a great moment and you now have, well, you have one of the strongest arguments right now in this moment.
- 21:43
- We just had on the ballot in Arizona the legalization of recreational marijuana and it won.
- 21:52
- Big time. It won. It wasn't even close. So now in Arizona, like many other states, of course,
- 21:58
- Colorado, Washington, California, you know, like many other states, marijuana, recreational marijuana is legal.
- 22:04
- Okay, so now put that aside for a moment now in terms of like how you feel about marijuana and we're not having a debate.
- 22:10
- The fact is, marijuana is legal in the state of Arizona as of this election, recreational. Now, here's what's interesting about that is that there is federal law regarding the issue of marijuana.
- 22:21
- There is actual federal law prohibiting it. There are court cases prohibiting it and yet these states somehow think they have the right to flex the sovereignty of the state to say, we're going to do what's right for our citizens and we reject that federal law.
- 22:35
- We're talking law. Only when it benefits them. Only when you smoke up apparently.
- 22:40
- Well, you see in Colorado, speaking of them, they passed some bill to save the gray wolves.
- 22:48
- I saw that. But then they also completely shut down or there was a bill against late -term abortions and it lost like horribly.
- 22:57
- Yeah, I saw that. So again, just talking about preserving life, it's like which life are we going to preserve here? In terms of a consistent, we want all of our representatives and senators and everybody who's elected the public office to represent the citizens, we want them all to be consistent.
- 23:11
- We respect you and honor you because you are a legislator ordained by God in this position.
- 23:17
- God put you in this position. You're trying to be consistent and this is an area now where we have such a strong ability that we didn't even have two years ago in the state of Arizona to say, we understand as a state of Arizona that we have, this is a republic, we have a state sovereignty here and we can reject what we think is not constitutional which comes from above and we say that does not benefit our citizens, we disagree with it.
- 23:42
- We're flexing that strength to smoke marijuana while we allow image bearers of God and little human beings to be slaughtered, dissected, poisoned, burned in the womb on a daily basis in this state.
- 23:57
- And you are the representative in Arizona who is starting this cause of justice.
- 24:03
- It's the first time it was done in the state of Arizona to say we're not going to regulate this, we are ending the murder of children in the womb.
- 24:11
- And we're putting it right up in everyone's face. Not just those folks that are for this atrocious act of slaughtering babies.
- 24:20
- This is a question that everybody's going to have to answer and stand for. Doesn't matter what side of the aisle you're on.
- 24:28
- You're either for abolishing this or you're for regulating it. Or you're just on the far left and you just want to go ahead and kill a bunch of babies.
- 24:37
- So everyone who has taken a gauntlet to serve in whatever capacity to make laws in this state, they are going to have to stand before first of all
- 24:47
- God, the people that they represent, the people that they say that they are pro -life for and say you know what,
- 24:54
- I am against killing this and all I am doing is pointing to existing law that's already on the books of Arizona.
- 25:02
- We're not writing new law because somewhere down the line someone in Arizona a session or a legislative session said you know what, we need to abolish this.
- 25:11
- That's why it's on the books. And God doesn't do things just to do them. He doesn't roll the dice.
- 25:17
- That was put there to test us in this time. So. Powerful. Powerful.
- 25:22
- And it's, I'll let you go here. The fundamental issue right now moving forward is is it human life?
- 25:28
- Yes. Is the unjustified taking of human life against the law in the state of Arizona? Yes or no?
- 25:34
- Yes. And that's the cause. We're not making personhood arguments saying well is it a human that can feel pain?
- 25:41
- Well we shouldn't kill them. Is it a human that has a heartbeat? I mean that's an amazing thing because we wouldn't do it,
- 25:47
- Representative Blackman, we wouldn't do it in any other area for example if the sex trafficking trade was happening in the state of Arizona and it is.
- 25:56
- But if it was out in the open legislators wouldn't be saying well let's regulate this situation.
- 26:01
- We know it's really bad but let's just say that we're not going to allow sex trafficking for 13 and under.
- 26:08
- Yeah. Everybody would say you're fired, you're fired, you're fired, you don't regulate sex trafficking and how deplorable is it as a mindset to say well we won't allow sex trafficking for 13 and under.
- 26:22
- And yet on the issue of abortion we have people who have been elected to their seats by people who assume they're trying to end abortion they call themselves pro -life and they're saying well we'll allow abortion in the state but not after 25 weeks because that's really icky.
- 26:37
- You know what I mean? Yeah. It's the same problem and we have bought this line for long enough and I am just so grateful to God that we have a moment now where we can establish justice for human beings.
- 26:48
- That's why I don't believe in the heartbeat bill. Yeah. You're going to kill somebody once you determine a heartbeat? Right. Right. I mean come on.
- 26:54
- What does Joe say? Come on man. Yeah. Come on man. And also you know when you give that responsibility
- 27:00
- Representative Blackman to the abortion facility and you go in do we think that really the paid assassins and abortion facilities are looking for a heartbeat?
- 27:09
- No. Can't find one. Sorry. Let's go ahead and kill this human being. You know I say someone says well we can kill a human being if it can't breathe on its own yet.
- 27:18
- Well that's another example of stages we're going to go through in life. We have elderly people. COVID proves this.
- 27:25
- We have people in COVID where we had ventilators because they couldn't breathe on their own. We had to help them and we had to purge their lungs and we had to put them on ventilators because they couldn't breathe on their own.
- 27:34
- So if the basis is they can't breathe on their own well then do we wipe out the people in the hospital because of COVID?
- 27:40
- Do we wipe out the elderly people? And you make a great point there.
- 27:46
- A person goes into the hospital and they can't breathe. The doctor is just not going to sit around and say well you can't breathe.
- 27:52
- That doctor just by putting that patient on a ventilator that doctor is practicing his or her hypocritical.
- 27:59
- Exactly. Yeah. They are performing their duty to save life. So if a baby cannot breathe when the baby comes out the doctor cannot say well we're just going to let you die because that goes against their hypocritical oath.
- 28:12
- They have to perform life saving methods to keep that baby alive.
- 28:17
- What's the difference? Unless somebody goes into the hospital who is a breathing, thinking, reasonable person and says you know what if I get to the point where I can't breathe
- 28:26
- I want you to kill the machine. That's completely different. They're ending their own life but as a person standing by we don't have a right to do that.
- 28:37
- To speak up for those who can't speak up for themselves. And just quickly on the issue of rape incest, life of the mother which is the emotional arguments used by those on the left and those who are for choice.
- 28:49
- Rape it seems simple enough to me I just don't know why we can't see this. Rape is a heinous act that I actually believe deserves the strongest arm of the law of punishment.
- 28:59
- But I don't think we need to give that strong arm of the law and punishment to the child. We should not punish the children of criminals.
- 29:08
- We wouldn't do that in any other circumstance but we do with the issue of rape. Also if you think rape is wrong
- 29:13
- I would say on what basis. If somebody says you can't violate a person's body against their will I'd say welcome to the pro -life movement to the abolitionist movement because that's the argument against abortion is you can't violate another person's body against their will.
- 29:27
- And then the issue of incest you know I've had friends who are the products of incestuous relationships and I don't think we should kill them.
- 29:34
- And when it comes to life of the mother when we talk about life of the mother in the few instances in the rare instances where the life of the mother is at stake you tend to go to the hospital because that's a rescue operation.
- 29:44
- We're not talking about what we're talking about in reality in terms of what really happens in abortion is 98 % plus is at will
- 29:55
- I don't want this baby and if you're with us at the abortion facilities we're out saving lives throughout the week.
- 30:00
- Friends those those mothers and fathers go in there and they say I know it's my baby and I have a right to kill my baby.
- 30:07
- I don't want this thing growing inside of me. And that's the problem with the world that we live in today. It's not people who are truly the victims of rape incest and health issues that are going in there in mass.
- 30:19
- There are women who are going there to kill their children because they want to have sexual freedom. They want to have a better job.
- 30:26
- They don't want to put up with this and even with adoption adoption even Walt even when we have you know we stood out there for many years
- 30:32
- Walt many many years we've seen thousands and thousands of children saved through this work and this effort. But you know what we've asked to adopt these babies at the abortion mill every single day we're out there and the response we get most common is
- 30:45
- I could never give my baby up for adoption and then they walk inside and kill and they kill their child.
- 30:51
- So go ahead. I was just going to say that I mean Walt you're a real life Avenger right.
- 30:56
- I don't know if anybody ever told you that but that's what Romans 13 describes you. You're you're God's Avenger of wrath.
- 31:02
- You are this God's sword bearer to protect the innocent and to punish evildoers right.
- 31:08
- And so like as as we're moving forward as you're going to drop this bill this is this is God's standard.
- 31:14
- Right. This is the dividing line. Yeah. So you're either protector of the innocent and you know
- 31:21
- Avenger of wrath against the evildoer or you're on the other side. Oh you're not. Exactly. It's black and white.
- 31:26
- This isn't there's no there's no gray area here and so I that's why we love you so much right. We're so excited because you're like nope this is standard this is
- 31:33
- God's standard and you're going to have to answer for this one day. Exactly. And we're all going to have to absolutely answer where we stand and you know just just to go back a little bit when we're taught you're talking about those victims of rape and incest.
- 31:47
- Yeah. Why are we giving the child the death penalty. Exactly. And letting the person who committed the crime walk away.
- 31:54
- Right. And I like to explain it in terms like that right. You know absolutely straight in your face and that's exactly what it is because I think for too many years we we've been dancing around the subject.
- 32:07
- We really don't want to we don't we don't want to call it murder because it's going to hurt someone's feelings. We don't want to call it this or that.
- 32:13
- Well let's talk about the feelings of that baby. Right. Okay. And it's funny all the folks that are for abortion and slaughtering these kids are already born.
- 32:22
- Yeah. Yeah. So they're making choices. Yeah. On life and death decisions on someone else but they are here because God put them here.
- 32:31
- Mm hmm. No one said let's kill you. I bet if we go back and say OK so if we say we can kill you you you you because of your stance.
- 32:39
- Is that going to be OK with you. Can somebody just come up and kill you now. And that is what they are doing systematically ending these baby's lives based on a personal dislike of that baby or what have you are the sit are the circumstances.
- 32:51
- Right. And it's wrong. Yeah. And and the strength here of this position and everyone needs to hear this is coming from a position of somebody who believes that there is a
- 33:01
- God that there is meaning and value and purpose in the world that this is the image of God. We know the marching orders you know what you're standing on.
- 33:08
- But even if you take people who reject say scripture God's word as the norm and say no
- 33:14
- I'm approaching this from a purely humanistic perspective I'd say well welcome to the party because what's in the womb from the moment of conception is a human being period can't be denied.
- 33:24
- So the question is are we allowed to take the lives of human beings at will. Just in an unjustified manner.
- 33:32
- And the answer I think state of Arizona would say no not according to statute not according to the statute we cannot do that.
- 33:38
- So the basis here is human life must be protected from conception. No regulation of this issue.
- 33:44
- And the state of Arizona already has a law on the books. Exactly. And we're going to we're going to work to uphold justice for human beings in the womb.
- 33:51
- And I want everyone to please please please pray for representative Blackmon pray for the work ahead of us the next few months as as Christians we try to speak to this in the culture to encourage to establish justice but also pray for the man who has been placed in this position by God.
- 34:09
- We believe all legislators ultimately have. And that could be a good thing or bad thing. Judgment or blessing.
- 34:14
- But Walt has been placed in this position to establish justice for the pre -born. And we're grateful. I mean you you have encouraged us so greatly.
- 34:23
- It was amazing. I well got the official it's good to go. And it was like let's get started.
- 34:30
- Yeah. Let's get started. Yeah. From what. Yeah. I think we were even like are you sure it's final because I don't know.
- 34:38
- Sharpie gate. No. Sharpie gate. Yeah. Is that a hang in Chad. Yeah. Well Christian I prayed about it after after the vote went out and we prayed about it and we were inspired to to give the nod to do this.
- 34:53
- Yeah. And it's just important that we protect these lives. I mean it's I don't know. I don't know. Maybe I just fell and hit my head somewhere.
- 35:00
- But is this real simple to me. It just it really is simple. It is it is. Yeah. And it's and it's not about it's not about politics.
- 35:08
- It's not about it's about OK so you you either are in your for saving lives or you're not.
- 35:14
- Exactly. There's there's no in between. So that's and that really is how it is. It is.
- 35:20
- It is that simple. The complicated nature of the situation is because of. Yeah. The opposing worldviews in our culture today that really.
- 35:27
- I mean the thing is that look look read the abortionists read the people who are pro -choice and are advocating for it in our culture over the last 20 years.
- 35:34
- And now look they are the cards are on the table. All they say now is we know it's human life. We know it's a baby.
- 35:41
- We still think we have the right to kill our babies. I mean you can watch our videos or we're out talking to the vagina warrior and all the rest and everyone at the women's rallies and talking to them.
- 35:50
- You push and you push and you push and finally you just ask the question so you're just saying like you know it's a baby you know it's human life.
- 35:57
- But you just want to be able to kill your children. They're like yep yep that's what we're here for. That's because that's where we're at. And I want to say that is an evil that everybody should be willing to fight against.
- 36:06
- And we recognize it in the past when it comes to issues that were just travesties we talk about the issue of human trafficking and slavery in this country of black people as deplorable and as disgusting as that was.
- 36:18
- You look at the issue with the Jews and the Holocaust. You know where someone looks at a class of people and says
- 36:23
- I know it looks like a human it's not a human it's a Jew. Or I know it looks like a human it's not a human it's a black man.
- 36:31
- And I think I should be able to overpower them to perpetrate an injustice and to kill them. We all recognize you can't do that and we're going to stop you.
- 36:39
- We're going to we're going to stop you. Well Walt is the hero of Arizona's children and he's going to stop people from doing it.
- 36:45
- Yeah and I was I think it's important just I mean you know what sort of fight. Oh yeah. You've already received death threats.
- 36:52
- Your children have received death threats. Yes. Did you see the one we just got. No. You guys got one too. Yeah we just we just got one.
- 36:58
- We got one. Well yeah Joy sent it to me. Oh no I didn't see it. She was it was like I would like to I would like to meet your pastor like where are you located.
- 37:06
- Joy was like we don't really yeah we don't really have this or that but I'd love to answer your questions. He was like yeah
- 37:11
- I want to I want to string him up and drag him down the street or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
- 37:16
- Yeah. Yeah. I mean and believe me trust me you don't want to come near the studio. No no you don't. It won't go. We're armed to the teeth here and you won't like it.
- 37:24
- Yeah. We believe by the way he does too. Second Amendment. Yeah. Yes. Love it. Arizona is not really blue.
- 37:30
- Yeah. No I was gonna say I mean because the left when they learned that you were gonna do this bill they dropped a million dollars against you and you still spanked him, which is awesome.
- 37:40
- And that's God. Absolutely. My point is, let everyone know what this fight's going to look like so we can be praying for you.
- 37:49
- Okay, so as you pointed out, during the election, the Democrats, their ads and their
- 37:56
- IEs, Planned Parenthood dumped a million bucks into a statewide campaign that pays $24 ,000 a year.
- 38:06
- Now, why would they do that? Well, because they're trying to cut it off at the growth, you know?
- 38:12
- And that flower that grows, you cut it off so it doesn't grow. They're trying to cut the root. And that's what they're trying to do with all that money.
- 38:19
- However, God has different plans for this. And God prevails. We only raised a hundred and something thousand to their millions, and their ads were like six to one against us.
- 38:32
- Planned Parenthood knows what you're trying to do. Oh yeah. And Planned Parenthood helped to fund against your campaign to the tune of, it went to a million dollars against you, and you still won.
- 38:43
- Exactly. So God has a hand in this. And what
- 38:49
- Planned Parenthood will do, they're going to disguise the truth, like women's health.
- 38:55
- Okay? There was an ad that went out against me that says, Walt Blackman is against women's health. No, I'm against you murdering your baby.
- 39:03
- That's it. That's it. Very good. That's right. And I even called them up and said that. I said, if you want to run the right ad, this is what, yeah,
- 39:10
- I'm against you. Could you quote me? Exactly. Yeah, yeah. Exactly. And then they hung up. I don't know why they hung up. Yeah, I don't know. Planned Parenthood is very, very, very aware, and we are aware of what they know and what they've been up to.
- 39:24
- We have 3 ,000 documents. We got through the Freedom of Information Act. We have all kinds of stuff. We know that Planned Parenthood, national and statewide and local, knows who we are, has been working against us, has been working even to try to, well,
- 39:39
- I'll leave it at that. I won't announce it publicly to let you know what I do know you're doing. And Planned Parenthood knows what
- 39:46
- Representative Blackman is up to. And so I would just say, everybody, we're going to need your prayers, we're going to need your support, please, please, please.
- 39:54
- Because we have to emphasize, of course, the work that we're doing across the globe to save lives at the abortion mills, but also we're working to speak with humility and graciousness to our legislators and to say, please do what is right in the eyes of God.
- 40:10
- Do what is right for these children. Do what is right as a legislator in your state. You are called to protect those lives.
- 40:17
- And that's happening across the country right now. We have numerous states right now where we have representatives and senators just like Blackman here that are working to establish justice.
- 40:28
- And so we have a big fight ahead of us, guys. And so please pray. Well, let me ask,
- 40:33
- I'll let you speak to this. What do you need from us? What can we do to help you? I mean, listeners and everything, what can they do to help?
- 40:39
- Your continued prayers, because prayers are more than money. They're more than anything that we can do.
- 40:45
- Prayers, because God answers our prayers if they're just and they are for a good purpose. He does.
- 40:51
- And I will tell anybody who is listening to this, they'll get this, Planned Parenthood will probably get this and flip out.
- 40:57
- Oh, they will. They probably are already. They're flipping out right now. We already have people that monitor ours. So I want to look at the camera right now and I'm telling you this.
- 41:03
- I am going to do this. This is going to happen. Plain and simple.
- 41:09
- Okay. Being a soldier my whole life, when I commit to something, I commit to it. And this is a mission that needs to be fulfilled.
- 41:17
- And if the mission changes, guess what? We call it a fraggle. A fraggle is that we take another direction to fulfill the mission.
- 41:23
- This is going to happen, folks. Okay. So you're either on the side of life or you are not.
- 41:28
- And I don't care what political party they are from. I don't care what background they're from.
- 41:34
- You are either for life or you are not. Plain and simple. Woo. That was such an answer to a prayer.
- 41:41
- I love it. Praise God. I love it. You should have never gotten a tank commander to come through this. No, no. I know. Well, that's what we needed. Yeah. You're the man that God raised up for this.
- 41:49
- Yeah. So praise God. Thank you. Hey, everybody go to endabortionnow .com. Support the work. Listen, go to endabortionnow .com
- 41:55
- because there are two lanes we're operating in here. One is we've got to save lives where they're being taken daily.
- 42:02
- So we go as churches to the abortion mills. We tell the truth. We offer help and love and hope. We've saved thousands and thousands and thousands of children.
- 42:10
- But the other lane is we can't just allow this injustice to keep filling those abortion mills where we're just sort of catching what we can there.
- 42:18
- We need to end it. We need to establish justice. And so we're working in both lanes and trying to support and love and encourage men like Representative Blackmon here across the
- 42:28
- United States of America. So there's a lot going on. You can be a part of this just by going to get the free training and the free resources.
- 42:35
- Listen, we want your church to do this and we don't want anything from you. And the other
- 42:40
- Christians at the end of the year help to fund this work. And we don't want anything from the churches.
- 42:45
- We are just establishing churches, raising them up, training them. We just actually gave and equipped four churches, three in the
- 42:54
- U .S., one in Ireland, their own studio media kit that's thousands and thousands of dollars so they can create platforms to do what we're doing.
- 43:04
- So we're not just focusing on Apologia Studios. We're having these other ministries that are saving lots of lives to establish their own ministry like this so they can be constantly speaking towards this.
- 43:12
- So much is happening. It was so funny. The last time I had checked was a couple of weeks ago, Walt. We had something like 503 local churches globally, most in the
- 43:23
- U .S., who were out saving lives, preaching the gospel, trying to help and offer hope, adopting children at the abortion facilities.
- 43:31
- So we just had a meeting last week and I got the update. I was like, what are we at now? And we were at 616?
- 43:37
- Yup. Holy smokes. 616 with how many? There was like maybe 20 that were waiting for approval.
- 43:44
- I think so, yeah. Wow. So it's just constantly growing of all the local churches globally, but again, most in the
- 43:50
- U .S. that are out saving lives. Everybody please, please, please go to endabortionnow .com, get set up, get free training, get free resources.
- 43:58
- If you want to support financially, please do. We need you. This is going to be a massive fight.
- 44:03
- It sure is. And our duty as a church is to speak prophetically to this, to our culture.
- 44:10
- His duty, ordained by God, is to establish justice as a legislator. And so different lanes we're operating in here, but we need your help.
- 44:19
- And also, feel free to tweet out and tag - If it's not blocked.
- 44:25
- Walt Blackman. Yeah. Yeah, it's true. That might happen, yeah. Might get blocked. That will happen, yeah. Walt Blackman, give him your encouragement.
- 44:31
- Let him know you're praying for him, especially his wife. His wife is the perfect woman for him. She is a beast.
- 44:36
- You think Walt's feisty. Yeah, yeah. She is so strong. I'm Junior Barshad. That's right. Such a strong woman.
- 44:42
- Such a great, great companion to Walt in so many ways.
- 44:48
- And she's just a great help to him. So pray for her, pray for Walt, and we're going to be giving you constant updates.
- 44:55
- You're going to see lots of stuff from this channel regarding what is happening in the state of Arizona regarding this.
- 45:01
- Can you stay on for a few more minutes? Oh, yeah. I wanted to, since we have everyone here, we're doing the election thing, can we look at, talk about the election?
- 45:07
- Yeah, let's do that. Okay, so let me just say, some of you guys heard that, some of you heard that Arizona went blue.
- 45:15
- That is still up in the air right now, and I am in Arizona, and let me tell you, I don't think so.
- 45:22
- I don't buy it. I don't buy it. I don't. You need to just take a little drive around. Now, we know where the pockets are.
- 45:27
- They're in the humanist and naturalistic materialist educational institutions like ASU and NAU, and that's where the blue pockets are.
- 45:36
- But if you drive around Arizona, lots of guns on hips and in backs, and lots of people who love their freedom, liberty.
- 45:45
- They love the constitution. Many believers in the state of Arizona who wouldn't go that direction.
- 45:53
- So peculiar things happening in Arizona. But I do happen to have a video of one Arizonan who was, who had just found out about Arizona going blue.
- 46:03
- So I'll let, yeah, Mark. Sorry, I said Marcus. Isaac, go ahead and play this. I don't know who's been fooling with me.
- 46:09
- You are the devil. I don't know. And I won't even bring the human into this. He's just a mutt, so I'm not even going to bring him into it.
- 46:15
- But I'm confused. I'm mad. I love you, Lord. I love you. But I'm mad at you.
- 46:20
- I am mad at you. Oh, that's one of our favorites. That's, if you haven't seen it yet, that's the
- 46:27
- Apostle. Have you seen the Apostle, Walt? Yeah, I have. Oh, he knows. He knows. He knows. He's actually, you see the posters right over here.
- 46:36
- One of the best films of the year. I would say one of the best films of all time, the Apostle. It's funny that you would show that, though, because I mean,
- 46:42
- I, you know, going out campaigning and I've knocked hundreds of doors into the thousands and talked to many people.
- 46:51
- And it's the same. Folks love their country. They love their liberties. They love their freedoms.
- 46:56
- So this blue state that CNN and Fox has just kind of labeled us with,
- 47:03
- I don't see it in rural Arizona. I don't see it in my church where I go, where folks understand that if we don't do something about the violence that's happening in the other parts of this country, that it could come up to our neck of the woods.
- 47:18
- I don't see it in Walmart when I'm talking to the mom or the dad who's expecting a baby and are happy for that gift that God is about to give them.
- 47:27
- And I don't see that when I'm talking to the kids at school when I talk about what they want to do in the future, what kind of country they want to live in.
- 47:34
- I don't see where this is a country of socialism, where it is controlled and our lives are stifled.
- 47:42
- You know, speaking of that, it is interesting, too, if you look at this map, this is the current stuff, at least coming through the
- 47:50
- AP, which, you know, but if you look at it and go and Isaac show the screen here, if you look at the map here, this is the current situation.
- 47:59
- Obviously, there's confusion over Pennsylvania right now, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona is a serious situation right now where they're counting votes.
- 48:06
- They called it blue before they actually had all the votes tallied and everything else. You've got Nevada. Again, these are the states right now where there's big questions and of course there's questions about what happened, truly happened in Wisconsin and Michigan.
- 48:18
- But I want to just show everyone this. Isn't this interesting? When you look at a map like, say, let's click on Maine, okay, everyone knows
- 48:25
- Maine goes blue all the time, but you look at Maine and Maine's mostly red.
- 48:31
- See that? So it's the city centers and all this coastal stuff that is blue and you're like, well, it's maybe smaller populations here.
- 48:38
- Right. But isn't it interesting that you look at, it's always the city centers that are the blue, but the state is generally red.
- 48:44
- Watch this one too. Watch. If you go off of here and you go to the state of New York, oh, everyone knows New York is blue every time.
- 48:50
- Right. We're looking for socialism. We're looking for government handouts, all the rest. We got that perspective is rampant.
- 48:56
- But if you click on New York, it's red all the way through.
- 49:02
- The city centers are where you have blue, blue, blue, but it's, you're like, the whole thing is red.
- 49:08
- Isn't that interesting? How it works out that way. But you look at the same thing over here in the state of Texas, Texas, of course, red, but look red city centers, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue,
- 49:16
- Arizona. We've got this, this is questionable right here. This whole thing right now is very questionable.
- 49:24
- But accounts are still coming in. Votes need to be counted. We want, listen, no matter where anybody is at, whether you're an independent, whether you're a
- 49:31
- Democrat, whether you are a Republican, no matter where you're at, we all need to say it with a unified voice. We want everyone's vote to legitimately be counted and we don't want dead people voting.
- 49:42
- We don't want people's dogs voting. We don't want just random ballots to show up that don't belong that nobody wants that for our country.
- 49:50
- And look, if, if I was a Democrat, I would still want a just and right voting process where people who are supposed to vote can vote and their votes are counted.
- 50:04
- None of us want any party to manipulate the process. I would say, listen, if it was the other direction, it was like, say some conservative party, it was a
- 50:12
- Republican party. They got found out that they were cheating. I would say that's a very serious crime and it should be punished severely.
- 50:19
- Nobody should be cheating in elections. None of us should want that. Again, look over here. This is a state of Nevada, Nevada, same situation.
- 50:27
- You've got Idaho again, red, blue center, city centers, those sorts of things.
- 50:33
- Washington is so interesting. The state of Washington, all, everything getting close towards a state of Idaho, you're looking like red, red, red, red, red,
- 50:40
- Spokane, Spokane. This is, you know, mostly conservative stuff. And you get to the city center stuff, coastal stuff, and you've got blue.
- 50:46
- What is it about the ocean that turns people into socialists? I don't know. It's, it's assault. Yeah, it's something assault.
- 50:54
- So yeah, I just wanted to show that I think it's always interesting to look at these maps and to see how this all works out.
- 51:00
- It really is. You click, it's look at that. Like you look at a blue state and the whole state is red except city centers.
- 51:07
- What is it about the states that gives it that consistent theme when you have people that are having to support families, grow businesses, make it on their own?
- 51:20
- They tend to be people who value private property. They value the, the goodness of work and working for what you earn.
- 51:30
- It's, it's interesting mindset. Establishment doesn't like that. Yeah. Yeah. It's called independence. Yes. Yes.
- 51:36
- Yeah. I'll just say, I think the answer to your question is, is modern slavery.
- 51:43
- Those cities that are blue like that, they're the people that live in those cities are slaves to the state and that's how the state has made them.
- 51:54
- And so they continue to vote that way because they depend upon the state to provide for them. And then it's expected by that party because they feel like that they own that person's vote because they own that person.
- 52:03
- Exactly. That's right. That's right. And of course there's all kinds of things happening right now with lawsuits trying to make sure that only real votes are counted right now.
- 52:16
- So just being prayer for our nation. I know it's a tense time for all of us. It truly, truly is. You know,
- 52:22
- I'm of the opinion that communism is a wicked evil and I don't want our country to go that direction.
- 52:28
- I am all, I've always said, I'm not beholden to any particular party. I'm a Christian. I want to see justice and righteousness.
- 52:35
- I, you know, and we're in a tough time. I know everybody's tense over the election issue.
- 52:41
- Look, God's still on his throne and no matter what happens, Jesus is still ruling this world. But I wanted to give you guys some encouragement today going into this, whatever the outcome, whatever the outcome is,
- 52:52
- God is still at work and doing some amazing things in our case in the state of Arizona. We have a righteous legislator who is going to be establishing justice for the pre -born.
- 53:01
- It's happening in states across the country. So do not lose heart is the key.
- 53:07
- Amen. Do not, do not lose heart, everybody, because God's still at work and good things are happening.
- 53:13
- And so be encouraged. Thank you. Thank you. Representative Blackman for joining us on the show.
- 53:18
- I'll be in prayer for you. You guys are all going to hear lots more from Walt over the coming weeks. And yeah, good show today.
- 53:26
- Endabortionnow .com is where you guys go to get more, get signed up, go to apologiestudios .com to get more of the content and be in prayer also as we get the
- 53:34
- Bonson Library, Bonson U, worked out so you guys will get all the free training and free resources globally.
- 53:41
- You'll get access. I found out from Matt yesterday, over 1 ,900 lectures, audio lectures, over 1 ,900 audio lectures.
- 53:51
- I don't even know how many videos. So much stuff is going to be available at apologiestudios .com
- 53:58
- for Bonson U and it's all free. It's available to everybody. It's the highest level worldview,
- 54:04
- Christian education, seminary training you'll have anywhere and it'll be free. So be in prayer for that because it does take a lot of time to correct some of the audio and to upload.
- 54:13
- I mean, it is a tedious process. So it's coming, everybody. Representative Blackman. Thank you, brother. Appreciate you so much.
- 54:21
- That wasn't a COVID thing. No, that was. This was just, he's my man. Yeah, that was. Yeah, that's what that was. Look, I'll show you.
- 54:26
- We don't care about no COVID. No. Okay. Yeah. We don't care about that. I was at a gas station today. I went to one gas station.
- 54:33
- Everybody and their mother has the face diaper on. The staff has a face diaper on. And I go across streets.
- 54:39
- They didn't have what I wanted there. So I go across the street to this little mom and pop shop. I go in and the entire staff doesn't have their face mask on and I walked up to the counter and they looked at me.
- 54:48
- And I said, guys, it is so good to see your faces. And they were like, you too. You need to come up to Snowflake.
- 54:55
- I know. I know. It's a little easier there. Yeah. All right. That's Luke DeBear, everybody. Peace out. We will catch you next time right here in Apologia Studios.