Matthew 7:21-29, What Do You Do?, Dr. John B. Carpenter


Matthew 7:21-29 What Do You Do? I. Thanksgiving 1. Thanksgiving is a celebration of what’s been done. It was originally started to give thanks for specific things God did. 2. The Puritans, who started Thanksgiving, gave thanks for specific good things God had done for them. 3. Since they believed God was in control of all things, anything good that happened was a result of God doing it. 4. This holiday encourages us to think about how much we’ve been given. 5. What separates those who make it in God’s Kingdom from those who get excluded is what they do. II. Do (7:21-23) 1. There is no replacement for actually doing what God says. 2. We seek first the Kingdom of God and that means we lose money, rather than make a little more money by working on Sunday morning. 3. Some teach that all one must do to be saved is say you believe that Jesus is Lord. They call it “free grace.” 4. “Free grace” teachers assure people who repeated a prayer that they will enter the Kingdom of heaven and they have nothing to fear from the final judgment. 5. Jesus says, not everyone who calls Him “Lord” is saved. 6. Some people are so sure of their salvation they walk boldly right up to the judgment seat and boast of what they’ve done. 7. Some people do the impressive, spectacular miracles but not the will the Father. 8. Here is the clearest picture of false assurance. We see the grave danger of false assurance. 9. Jesus declares “I never knew you.” He never effectively revealed Himself to them. 10. Jesus confesses, “Depart” is the command. “Go away!” “Withdraw.” Get out! 11. They were workers of “lawlessness,” in Greek, “anomia” (literally no law.) They were still doing their own thing. III. Build (7:24-27) 1. Some people have a problem between their hearing and their doing. 2. The doing of Jesus’ words is the building on the rock. 3. Building on rock requires excavation, drilling, maybe blasting, pile-driving, specialized tools, hard labor, lots of time, higher costs, etc. 4. The house on the rock is the one built on the firm foundation in Christ. 5. If your life is built on the sandy foundation of lawlessness, chasing dollars or thrills, it is unstable and vulnerable to collapse. 6. The comparison is to houses in the desert, near some dry creek bed, that when a storm came and a flash flood arose, the house founded on rock would stand. 7. The storm comes on both lives, both the one who built on rock and the one who threw up a house on the sand. 8. We have many people who think all the warnings of danger are so much alarmism. 9. If we’ve received grace, we’ll do what Jesus said, do that hard work of building on a rock. IV. Be Astonished (7:28-29) 1. The final lesson of the Sermon on the Mount is that Jesus leaves us astonished. 2. He wasn’t like modern Christian scholars, quoting other scholars, footnoting, comparing opinions. 3. He is saying, authoritatively, that He is the Lord upon whom you must build your life. 4. We are saved by faith alone but faith that saves is never alone. It will always determine what you do. 5. He awed the crowds because He insisted that He was the Lord to whom they will come on the judgment day. 6. Jesus is the One with authority whose final verdict will make some people cry for eternity. V. Invitation: How do we avoid the broad, easy road to destruction, being cut down and thrown into the fire, being told “away from Me,” the great divorce, our life collapsing? We must do what He said. But we’ll only do what He said if we stand in awe of Him. We’re astonished that even though, we being evil, He knows us. And in our amazement we do what He said. He sends us every good gift. We’re so astonished we declare, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift” (2 Corinthians 9:15.)


Matthew chapter 7 verses 21 to 29 Hear the word of the Lord Not everyone who says to me
Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven But the one who does the will of my father who was in heaven on that day many will say to me
Lord Lord Did we not prophesy your name and cast out demons in your name and do many mighty works in your name?
And then I will declare to them. I never knew you Depart from me you workers of lawlessness
Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock and The rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and beat on that house but it did not fall because it had been founded on the rock and Everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them
Will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand and the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew
And beat against that house and it fell and great was the fall of it And when
Jesus finished these sayings the crowds were astonished at his teaching For he was teaching them as one who had authority and not as their scribes
May the Lord had his blessings to the reading of his Holy Word one of the things
I like about Thanksgiving besides the desserts and that makes the holiday different than all the others is that it is a celebration of what's been done and done recently most other holiday celebrations of Certain people or a particular
Historical event long in the past besides New Year's Day Which I think is partly a celebration that now the overly long
Christmas holiday is finally over and we get back to normal life Our other holidays are
Martin Luther King's birthday Washington's birthday Memorial Day for those who died fighting for America Juneteenth for the slaves and the end of slavery
Independence Day Labor Day for people who work which is almost everybody. I've never really gotten that holiday
Columbus Day obviously for Columbus and Veterans Day for the veterans who worked killed in combat and so made it here and All those are for certain people except for Independence Day Which is about of course a particular event the signing of the
Declaration of Independence, but Thanksgiving is different It was originally started to give thanks for a
For not a for specific things God had done recently in the lives of those who were celebrating it the
Puritans who started it didn't just give thanks to God kind Of abstractly for being good for being generous
They gave thanks for specific things that God had done in their lives first surviving famously surviving the first year in America now the myth kind of Thanksgiving is that at least the assumption many people come to is
Okay, the so -called pilgrims they made it through the first year and they celebrated both the Thanksgiving after their first harvest and then like the
Next year came around and they thought you know, that was good last year. Let's do it again. Let's make it an annual thing That's really not what happened.
Okay, what happened is they survived the first year they say God brought us through we gave us a good harvest We'll give thanks to God for that and then other later other good things happen to them and they gave thanks to God for those other things so whenever they saw
God's hand at work and a maybe a full harvest peace with the natives a Revival among the youth whatever good thing was happened then in response to that They then called a day of Thanksgiving kind of spontaneously.
Hey, this is a great thing that happened. Let's have a Thanksgiving Day Between 1632 and 1686 they called 61 days of Thanksgiving So averaging a little more than one a year of those 31
Thanksgivings were called for peace Giving thanks for peace for having good leaders for victory in a battle
Maybe better relations with England 20 were called for improved harvest and better health five were called for blessings on England God had blessed
England for whatever reason and peace in Europe and there were five Thanksgivings called just because life is good
The original Thanksgivings were then a spontaneous response to particular things
God had done and since they believed God was in control of all things Anything good that happened was a result of God doing it and so they should give thanks for it
The great early Puritan pastor John Cotton wrote quote besides the celebration of the
Lord's Day every week We sometimes upon extraordinary occasions either of notable judgments to set apart a day of humiliation or upon special mercies we set apart a day of Thanksgiving Thanksgiving encourages us to think about what's been done
Practically for us how much we've been given The food so we have a lot of it more to the gift
Thanks for the clothing the housing the family the warmth of the community and the benefits
We've gotten from others from family from friends who bring food and fellowship to the table Most of all we celebrate what
Jesus talked about earlier in this sermon that God has sent his sunshine and his rain
Upon us unjust sinners that he's given us all the good things we need and enjoy
Even though we being evil he said also in the sermon we don't deserve them
We celebrate specific things That have been done for us
Here the beautiful sermon them out with all its great words on the meek inheriting the earth loving our enemies forgiving not judging doing unto others this beautiful sermon ends with the insistence that what separates those who make it into God's kingdom and Those who get excluded is
What they do There are three verbs that tell us what we must do here first Simply do second bill and third be astonished first do
There's no replacement for doing What God said we see that throughout this sermon from the beginning?
It's been about a relationship with God that changes what we do. We don't shout you moron
And our brother if we're going to church to worship we first get reconciled with our fellow church member
We don't think singing hymns and listening to a sermon can cover up for the angry hateful things.
We've done to fellow believers We don't look on others with lust so we don't watch pornography
We don't divorce except on the ground of sexual immorality. We keep our word even when it hurts.
We're so reliable We don't have to be sworn under penalty of perjury to do what we say We just keep our word we don't take the law into our own hands to get even with those who hurt us
We pray for them instead. We know that God sees our secret giving and our here's our secret praying
So we give and we pray secretly we seek first that is above all the kingdom of God That is for God to rule in our lives.
And that means If we have to we lose money to seek
God's rule Our faith changes what we do
Now today some teach that all one must do to be saved. It's just acknowledge a few facts about Jesus just say
You believe he is Lord and they'll call this free grace and that's how that's that title
Sounds as good as last week's remember love wins very attractive. So, you know, it's free grace
That sounds very attractive to surely we believe grace is free and grace by definition is indeed
It's free. But what they mean is That not only is grace free to get which is true
But then once you've gotten it, it's free of You doing anything?
It's act free. It doesn't change what you do. You could be saved by grace
They say and still do all the old things you were doing still do the things the world us be no different I have money as your
God Because in free grace lets you get away with that Well, that's why they say your righteousness does not have to exceed the scribes and the
Pharisees. That is the religious people. Oh You can they say if you choose you can be strict.
You can be disciplined. You can deny yourself things you can do things But you don't have to you know, it's like signing up for some streaming services.
You can get the premium package You pay more for that more sacrifice you get more benefits
But you have to pay more or you just get the basic package, which is pretty cheap for some places It's free like YouTube.
It's free, right? You get it free. So you don't have to pay extra or here You don't have to do anything.
If you think the basic package is good enough I'll take the basic salvation deal many people think you know the one that keeps me out of hell without me having to do anything
I'll skip on the taking up the cross of the dying myself I'll just take the skipping hell part. But here the
Lord Jesus says as clearly as he possibly could That there's no such deal You can call him
Lord. Otherwise, you can confess him to be Lord and Still go to hell
In verse 21. He says not everyone who calls me Lord Lord Will enter the kingdom of heaven
You understand that you could believe Jesus is Lord call him Lord And go to hell be excluded now.
Remember there's only two places to go There's two roads and the prior passage is with it's a life or to destruction
So if you're not going to the kingdom of heaven to life where God rules you're going to that other place to destruction
But the free grace people say that as long as you Call Jesus Lord you say you believe the facts about Jesus He died for our sins that he rose from the dead
That he's Lord in some way not really Lord of you, but whatever If you do that, then you are they say saved
That's why they're constantly putting pressure on people especially kids to repeat the prayer
And then once someone does even a little kid who doesn't understand what he's doing They pronounce them saved and they assure them that they will enter the kingdom of heaven and they have nothing to fear now
Once they said the words From the final judgment, but here Jesus says not everyone who calls him
Lord is saved. You can even repeat the prayer. You can even repeat the title Lord for emphasis
Lord Lord But if he's not really your Lord, he's not ruling your life
If you're not doing what he says You're continuing sinful relationships.
You're seeking other things like money first. You're not hungering and thirsting for righteousness Then you will not enter the kingdom of heaven
You're still in the broad road to destruction. The one who gets in the kingdom of heaven is not the one who just says
Lord But the one who does the will of my father Who is in heaven now notice in the previous section about the wolf in sheep's clothing?
You know people were deceived by others The deceivers came and deceived them by false prophets here.
They are deceived by Themselves they have an assurance of salvation because they call him
Lord and They are so sure of their salvation. They walk boldly up to the judgment. I mean imagine this scene
There's Jesus on the judgment seat They walk boldly up to it and they're boasting of what they have done right to the
Lord Jesus himself Lord Lord Did we not prophesy in your name cast out demons in your name and do many mighty works in your name?
Look at all that I have done for you and it's in your name It's in the name of Jesus and notice that they actually did those things
You know surely they're not gonna try to Lie to the judge himself on the judgment seat at the final judgment and Jesus here does not say back
No, you notice he doesn't say back. No. No you did You just made up the prophecies yourself You're at a radio receiver and your ear and your wife is transmitting to you stuff
So you can look like you were getting supernatural revelation about people the people you look like you were healing
Or just your own plants you put in the audience, you know, they weren't really crippled at all or anything like that.
No Frauds like that who do that kind of thing are probably going to try to run and hide when they see that Jesus is real
And he's the judge getting ready to pass sentence on them But these people Jesus is talking about apparently did all these things they prophesied that is they spoke for God They cast out demons.
They did mighty works Perhaps they taught Sunday school. They were preachers or missionaries
But they had no real relationship with Jesus that made them do the will of the
Father Who was in heaven? Notice though they weren't doing something a lot of people around us now given false assurance
They've been told free grace doesn't have to change how you live They've been fooled into thinking they're true believers and they'll get angry with anybody who questions that Those people often they don't do anything
They don't give they don't serve Often they won't even attend church or pray or read
Scripture They do nothing But here are these people calling
Jesus Lord Lord They did do things They prophesied maybe that's why preaching casting out demons they did miracles
So that they look like they were serving the Lord in powerful ways They had some knowledge of who he was they knew to call him
Lord They could prophesy they could preach they could teach they could write books. They could sing songs They could tell others about him speak for God.
They just didn't do the will of God They did the impressive the spectacular stuff
But not the will of the Father like Not insulting your brother Being reconciled with your church members like cutting off the porn and the immoral relationships like keeping your word
Even when it hurts being reliable so that we could depend on their promises even if they don't sign a contract or swear by heaven like Not take the law in your own hands to get even with those who hurt them
But but prayed for them instead like give and pray secretly like Seeking God's kingdom is more important than getting rich.
That's the will of the Father They may have been doing all kinds of eye -catching amazing things
But they were not doing what the father wanted Here at the conclusion to one of the most famous passages in the
Bible to serve on the Mount We see the grave danger of false assurance the same kind of false assurance that people have been giving out in America to anyone who says the right words for over a century now at the last judgment
Some people will be so sure that they are saved though They'll get a rude shock and despite that over the last century
Evangelicals have been handing out assurance of salvation to anyone who could just say I believe in Jesus Throw that assurance out there like candy and a
Christmas braid everybody gets assurance you just say that word So little children manipulated into say go repeat after me prayer to people who suddenly feel an emotional rush and come forward
You know when the organ softly playing just as I am people are coming and actually counselors coming forward to pride the well
Looks like there's a lot of people responding they want to be part of that and They're then given assurance of salvation and the fruit of that is that there are multitudes of people many of them around us in this
Culture who are now harder to reach with the gospel than they would have been otherwise
Because now they think they're saved already Encounter people like this people have no interest in the things of God.
They don't read the word. They don't go to church They have no interest in it But they because they said some prayer or maybe got baptized when they were a little kid
They think they taken care of all that We've taught some of them that at the last judgment they can come and they can say
Lord Lord Did I not say the prayer and get baptized in your name But they'll hear the same response first I Never knew you
That is the Lord Jesus speaking to people deceived by false assurance
We usually think well, we kind of think well, that means they the people they didn't know
Jesus in their hearts. They didn't have a real knowledge of him and that's that's true
But that's really not what Jesus is saying here notice he doesn't say yeah, you did all those things but you never knew me
No, he says I never knew you Be precise. That's what Jesus declares.
He literally the word there Jesus confesses in Greek It's homo logio means to confess like we confess the
Nicene Creed here. Jesus confesses To a truth. There's a truth you confess it to be true.
This truth is I never knew you And Jesus confesses it certainly he knew about them
Right. He is God. He's the second person of the Trinity. He even knew who they were He knows factually about these people.
He knows that they are workers of lawlessness. He can accurately describe them But he never had a relationship with them that's what he means by no he never chose to be related to them
Notice their salvation at the end depends not on their knowing Jesus like many Christians put it today. You know, do you know
Jesus? But it depends their salvation depends on Jesus knowing them
The initiative and the relationship is with Jesus Jesus has to know to choose them
But because Jesus did not know them They'll be told to depart After Jesus confession.
I never knew you comes his command depart from me
Depart it's the imperative. It's the order go away withdraw
Get out It's what CS Lewis called the great divorce that ultimate eternal separation
People who were certain that they were God's people So certain they could they could boldly come up to Jesus on the judgment seat
Boasting of what they've done for him in his name. They say that three times in your name are told leave
Be gone forever you workers of lawlessness
Because they even with their many mighty works even with their religion. They're confessing
Jesus your Lord in your name and all that they're really workers of lawlessness
You workers of lawlessness is the description of who they are now they did things
They were workers just Labor Day would be for them, too They were workers of something but it was of lawlessness and Greek is the word anomia
The ah means like no or un and anomia law no law.
They were workers of no law that is they lived is that there was Nothing they had to submit to the laws no rules.
No Lord. They had no restraint and what they did They were lawless. They were going their own way as they felt best
Unrestricted and guided down the broad road to destruction Just yesterday a silly little comparison
But just yesterday by to go to this apartment complex in Gainesville and the church van and pick up kids
Pick up small kids. Everyone knows this program is for small kids gonna be under 13 or under Long comes a look a little group of Obviously teenagers this one guy starting to get on has facial hair ask him.
How old are you? He says 10 Okay, he's not 10 He's probably about 5 10 with a growing mustache
He lied He we know we like because they want to cut they want him and his friends want to come here and they want to take
It over and just play ball. They don't care about the law. The law is Saturday afternoon.
This is a Children's program, but they think they can take it over right if we leave it up to teenagers lawlessness
We will have no children's ministry. That's the way it is. Now these people particularly here chose the way of religion
Notice that we often think well lawlessness mates. Oh, that just means they're getting high. They're doing drugs. They're getting drunk
They're promiscuous and all that but that's one way to be lawless. Sure Another way is you could be lawless and still be religious.
That's what these people were They thought they had so much to be proud of right before the judge of the universe before Jesus himself
That they hadn't chosen to be drunk. They hadn't chosen to be promiscuous They hadn't chosen to be a criminal, but the reality is that they're still doing their own thing.
They had no Lord or Law in their life Those who don't do
God's will They do something else They'll do their own will They'll wake up every morning thinking not what's the father's will for me today?
But what do I want to do? Today now for some that may be the drugs and the getting drunk and the promiscuity all that for others.
It may be religion Don't think I'll go prophesy Preach today
I get looked up to I get a steam I get to be seen as somebody in the community because I prophesy
I preach but they're doing it because That's what they want to do Not because they're seeking first the father's kingdom.
The result is at the end for those who do not do the father's will Expulsion Depart from me
What do you do? Second verse 24
You build What are you supposed to do if you're on the narrow road to life? Well, you build your life on the teaching of Jesus in verse 21
And it was not everyone who says Lord Lord here verse 24.
It's everyone Who hears these words of mine? So this is a universal law
Everyone who hears these words of mine Coming to the great finish on the sermon amount the previous people had problems with the difference between their confession of Jesus they said he was
Lord and Jesus is confession of them as lawless Here in verses 24 to 27.
We see that some people have a problem between their hearing and their doing
All the people here have heard the word This is the very conclusion of the sermon They've heard it now
Are they gonna do it or not? Well, some do and some don't whether they do it
Is what separates the two kinds of people? Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock that is the doing of Jesus's words
Not just the saying you believe them not just listening to them or Studying them or even memorizing them, but the actual performance of them is the building on the rock
I know someone who committed to it was trying hard to memorize the entire several amount. I guess it's a good goal
But he didn't keep his promises You know, it's something Jesus addressed directly in the sermon them out.
You should be so faithful so reliable You don't have to raise your hand and swear sign your name on the contract.
You just say you're gonna do something you do it He could sign his name to something and still not do it
But he was trying to memorize it like that would be some of some advantage No, that's not what Jesus is talking about.
Are you will you do it a Wise man does it because he knows whether he likes it or not.
One day a storm is coming and He's willing to do the hard work of building on a rock now building on a rock requires excavation drilling
Pickaxes, especially in those days imagine you don't have electric drills sledgehammers pile driving hard labor lots of time higher costs all the materials the engineering however
Despite these difficulties a wise man sees the effort and the cost are worthwhile as a rock foundation provides far better strength and durability a sand base
What's easy That's cheap. It's easy to dig in sand. All you need is a shovel
Like you get a kid's plastic shovel and dig in sand You can throw up house easily on sand, but you ever seen a video of a house on the
Outer Banks Maybe during a hurricane or maybe just after some time of erosion do the tides What happens to that?
just collapse The house on the rock is the one built on the hard work of doing
What Jesus taught here being reconciled? Cutting off the porn and the immorality keeping your word not being vengeful
Giving and praying secretly seeking God's kingdom first But once you've laid the foundation for your life, it provides stability
It doesn't change with the fashions or or with your moods and so you don't change you stay fastened on him
You're solid and immovable by the winds They may howl
The floods may rise hard times may come death or disappointment in the family problems
But if you're anchored in what Jesus taught here you can withstand adversity
Jesus says in verse 25 It that's the life built on the rock did not fall because it had been founded on the rock the rock of doing
What he said But if your life is built on the sandy foundation of lawlessness kind of what I feel like doing wake up today
I feel like doing this or that it's built like that Doing your own thing chasing dollars or thrills
Whatever you feel like doing at any given time then it's unstable. It's vulnerable to collapse in verse 27.
The rain falls The floods rise the winds blow and beat against that house and it falls
Because it was not founded on the rock of doing what Jesus said Jesus says great
Was the fall of it you ever seen those videos houses collapsing because they're on the beach
I took a long time to build it even on the sand take some effort and then just crush collapse in a second
Great Falls Here are the comparisons of houses Jesus by referring to thinking of houses in Israel and in the desert
Maybe near a dry creek bed, which most of the year there's nothing in it So it looks like a fine place then when a storm would come the flash flood will rise
The house founded on the rock would stand But those built on the sand
Would be undermined by the flood and the whole thing would come crashing down Those are the ones
Jesus says who heard his word and did not do it they did their own thing They were told it didn't matter how they built their lives because salvation depended upon free grace they built where they thought best where they were most comfortable with what was most fashionable at the time and There were plenty of people around them that told them that was fine
They could get away with that as long as they're sincere they can build any way they want. They'll be fine They had assurance.
So all those warnings of what will happen When the storm comes, ah, that's just so much
Alarmism scare tactics. That's an old -fashioned hellfire and brimstone preaching. No one believes that anymore
We sophisticated people know better than that. There's no real danger Live your best life now, you know the guy's smiling with a quaffed hair says that sounds good beeping
Notice that the storm comes in both lives Both the one built on the rock and the one had plunked down a house on the sand
They both Go through storms some false teachers today Will say will teach that if you just say the right words you confess the right confession and send them the course the right money
That's important You'll be spared trials You'll be free of trials.
Don't worry about any storms in your life. Just send me my money But both the wise and the foolish here are
Hit by the storm Then the storm exposes their foundation
All will get hit by storms All foundations will be exposed
Collapse is coming if you don't build on his teaching
And we have many people who think well all the warnings of danger just so much Alarmism, it's kind of old -fashioned.
We know better than I now people think that way you're like chicken little saying the sky is falling We matured past that kind of thing besides free grace will cover for them
They think free grace is our get out of the storm free card Our insurance policy that will be bailed out of the storm
Even we don't build our lives on what Jesus said But if we built at the wrong place with the wrong foundation, the flood is gonna wipe it away
No matter how sincere we were no matter how many repeat after me prayers We prayed it gave us false assurance if we hear and we don't do
We're in unavoidable trouble and great will be our fall that fall is the same as the expulsion
Right four times Jesus in the sermon This is four different images of the two different ways and of judgment.
One is the fall of the house of those who build on sand Another is the expulsion depart from me
I never knew you in verse 23 The same as the bad trees being cut down and thrown into the fire in verse 19
The same as the wide gate and the easy road that leads to destruction in verse 13. Yes, it's grace
That keeps us off that wide road to destruction It's grace that enables us to go the narrow road grace that keeps us from being bad tree
They'll be thrown into the fire. It's grace that keeps us from being ordered to depart and Grace that enables us to build on the rock
But if we receive grace We will do what
Jesus said we will do that hard work of building on the rock
Grace will have that effect in us to build on that rock and the rock
It's Christ What do you do? finally you
Be astonished the final lesson of the Sermon on the Mount is that Jesus leaves us
Astonished in those last two verses when Jesus finished these sayings it is the Sermon on the Mount the crowds
That's the onlookers we're not so sure what to make of this Jesus they heard a lot about him now they're going to see him himself
This is probably not referring to his disciples but to these uncommitted spectators
Were astonished at his teaching as they were in stunned Amazement. This is not just kind of the typical religious lecture that maybe they were used to from their from their rabbis
For he was teaching them as one who had authority over and over again he had said but I say to you and Not as the scribes
He wasn't saying, you know rabbi so -and -so said this but rabbi That this said this other thing like modern
Christian scholars, you know quoting the other scholar and another scholar Showing that they've done the reading footnoting comparing opinions
Jesus spoke not merely as a learned man but as one who had the authority to declare something true
I Say to you He is here not just commentating giving an opinion of what he thinks is the best way to live if we feel like it or You know, it's not like this is what
I think Moses meant by that This is my interpretation No, everyone who hears these words of mine
And does them back in verse 24 everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them in verse 26
He is saying authoritatively that he is the Lord upon whom you must build your life My words these words of mine as if he were
God because he is You're doing are not doing these words of mine
Determines whether you are expelled or your life collapses or you are accepted and your life stands
You now good Protestant if you're thinking this through wait, you might think you might object wait,
I'm saved by faith alone Sure, that's true. We are saved by faith alone
But faith it saves is never alone. It always determines
What you do if you have true saving faith you will do what
Jesus says He also astonished the crowds by what he implied about himself He are the crowds because he insisted that he was the
Lord Whom they will come to on the judgment day verse 22 and 23 Jesus puts himself on the judgment seat
He's the one doing the judging on judgment day because he is God and he is the one who even now they must listen to And follow here
Jesus at the end far from being just another rabbi another scholar giving his opinion He's the one with authority whose final verdict
Determines where people go for eternity. Jesus is saying I am the one you have to answer to How do you avoid the broad easy road to destruction?
Being cut down and thrown into the fire being told away from me the great divorce your life collapsing
You do his word There's no getting away from that Someone selling the free grace message that we can not do that.
We can ignore his word. We can be lawless We can do our own thing as long as we just mouth the words
Jesus is Lord. We'll be alright Nothing to worry about they say people selling that message are selling the plans on how to build a house on Sand, what do you do?
You must do what he said But you'll only do What he said if you stand in awe of him if you're astonished by him
You're amazed that even though you you know it to your heart now, even though you being evil
He knows you Not just about you, but that he's chosen to be in a relationship with you and in your amazement
You do what he said He feeds the birds and you're worth much more than birds.
He closed the flowers better than Solomon He sends you every good gift every breath
Every heartbeat every Sunbeam you need or every drop of rain to grow your food
You're so astonished and all his greatness and all his goodness to you