I Found Possibly The Worst Church EVER!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So I think
I found the world's worst church ever, guys, or at least it is in my opinion. Maybe it's more accurate to say that this is the worst example of an organization that calls itself a church, because I'm not even sure it's biblical to call this operation a church at all, and you'll see what
I mean in just a few minutes. In any case, there is a church in Florida called the Church by the
Glades, and it's led by fake pastor David Hughes. Why do I say fake pastor? Because quite simply, this guy fits none of the biblical qualifications of a pastor or elder given in the
New Testament. I guess they just call him a pastor because he's the leader of an organization that calls itself a church.
But that's like me calling myself a general because I'm the leader of a fake army, or calling myself a captain because I'm the head officer of a ship that doesn't exist.
In other words, folks, we're talking about delusion. People who attend this organization and call it a church are in denial.
They might as well be hiding under a cardboard box, pretending they're in a spaceship with Elon Musk. It's just craziness, because this operation is not a biblical church whatsoever.
Let me show you what I mean. Here's a video of an actual church service at Church by the Glades in Florida.
Check this out. This is just the tip of the iceberg, folks, because Church by the
Glades and David Hughes put on massive worldly displays of entertainment just like this all the time.
And let me offer you three reasons why this kind of display in church is entirely unbiblical.
Number one, this kind of thing brings more attention to the pastor than it does to Jesus. This video is everything that's wrong with the modern church in just a few seconds.
People have grown obsessed with celebrity pastors to the point that they come to church to worship them instead of God.
That's part of the reason the church is becoming more and more self -centered as the days go on. I mean, just listen to the quote in this clip.
Introducing your starting pastor, David Hughes. I remember the good old days when a pastor's job was to introduce you to Jesus rather than the church's job to introduce you to the pastor.
This isn't a church, folks. A church is where worship of the Lord happens. Let's call this what it is. It's a service in a pagan temple, because in pagan temples, worship of self and worship of the world happen, and that's precisely what's going on in this church.
First Corinthians 1, 12 through 13 says, The answer to those questions is, of course, no.
The Corinthians were obsessed with who their pastor was, who their leader was. They were obsessed with glorifying their leader and talking about how awesome their leader was compared to other church leaders.
Does that remind you of the modern church at all? Because I think that description fits the modern church like a glove.
The only saving grace of these Corinthians was that at least their teachers had sound doctrine. That much cannot be said for Pastor David Hughes.
To be sinfully obsessed with a true teacher of God's Word is bad enough, but to be obsessed with a false teacher could very well send you on your way to hell.
Number two, this kind of display of pride is sinful, and it has no place in the church. And make no mistake about it, there is very clear pride in this video.
Can you imagine if Paul the Apostle ever announced himself as the starting pastor of the Corinthian church with lights and smoke and a booming microphone system?
He would have been mortified by this. In fact, all of the original Christians would have been. Why? Because they knew pride was a sin.
James 4 .6 says, quote, God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. These prideful teachers who are constantly making everything about them, they're breaking the law of God and they are encouraging their congregations to do the same, which is even worse by setting a bad example for them.
So my fellow Christians, if you have a pastor who seems overly prideful, who is obsessed with their appearance, who's always talking about the amazing things that their church has accomplished, of course, always under their leadership, maybe it's time to find a new church.
Maybe it's time to find a pastor who's truly above reproach, as Titus 1 commands. Find yourself a biblical teacher who exemplifies the lowly humility of Christ.
That is a person who truly has biblical wisdom, unlike the self -aggrandizing charlatans like David Hughes.
Number three, this action on the part of Church by the Glades is a misuse of church funds. It's an unbiblical use of kingdom resources.
Where does the Bible say that church funds ought to be used for the entertainment of the congregation? Newsflash, it never says that.
We have biblical examples of Paul teaching in the church or telling his church to fellowship together, to eat meals together.
We have biblical examples of the early church regularly using their money to help the poor and less fortunate
Christians, sometimes even if these Christians were miles and miles away. We have examples of the early church using money to pay their pastor's wages, as 1
Corinthians 9. But we do not have examples of the early church spending massive percentages of their funds on movie nights and game nights and big productions.
That just isn't something that the church is supposed to do biblically. It's not a part of the church's ministry.
So why are so many churches today running entertainment ministries then? If it's not in Scripture, why are we doing it?
Most churches have all the lights and the smoke and the games and the huge church operations that are centered around the congregation's entertainment.
And this needs to stop now. It's so sad that local churches, where people gather for humble worship and service to their community, these kinds of churches are going extinct in America.
Everywhere you look, it's churches like Elevation and Hillsong and Lakewood Church and all the other big seeker -sensitive churches.
Mega churches with massive programs and huge entertainment budgets to constantly fulfill the attention -seeking needs of their senior pastor.
You might now say, but Colin, some people are really being helped by those ministries, those big churches you're always getting so mad about.
These churches are helping people get off drugs and learn how to get along with their spouses, and these ministries are giving lots of money to charity.
And I would respond to that by saying, you're absolutely right, but that doesn't make these ministries biblical. You cannot excuse the sins of a church and all the bad unbiblical things they're doing simply by noting the fact that they sometimes do biblical things.
Let me give you an example. If I sneak into your house and rob you, but then on my way out of your house, I mow your lawn for you, does that make me a nice guy?
And then when you bring up the fact that I stole all your stuff, should I then say to you, why are you questioning me?
Look at all the good that I did for you. You need to be grateful and not so judgmental. You need to focus on the positive and not the negative.
Of course, that's a ridiculous response, but that's exactly the way it goes when you call out these modern seeker -sensitive prosperity gospel churches out there.
They teach false doctrine, and they often do not follow God's word in the way they run their church. But when you question that fact, they turn around and say that they're doing a lot of good for the community and all that stuff.
My response is to point out that they have lost the biblical standard. 1 Peter 1 15 says, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.
The biblical standard is not to do some good things in church and then use those good things as an excuse to preach bad things in church.
No, the Bible says that we ought to strive for holiness in all that we do. We ought to be biblical in everything we practice.
So let's pray for these fake churches like Church by the Glades, for instance, who put far too much focus on self -centered entertainment.
Pray that they would turn away from this unbiblical foolishness and turn to the truth of God's word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.