Same Sex Desire & The idolatry of Pride Month

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From Sunday's Q&A time 5/28/2023


You don't have to make the decision between Jesus or your gay nephew or Jesus or your gay
Family member those really aren't the choices you can still love them and love
God, but you don't choose them over God Yes, Barb Something that has puzzled me over this question is
I've read a lot of stories of people who Realized Very early in childhood that there was something different about themselves.
Yeah from other people and as they got older and realized that They were gay
They prayed and prayed and prayed that God would take that away from them yeah, and For the so many of them it didn't happen.
Yeah, and some of them wrote it out in their suicide. No and it puzzles me because Why?
if the person Desperately wanted to be straight Yeah, well, let me approach it this way
Do any of you have desire not not those types of desires necessarily just any desire any
Temptation that you've felt like you've dealt with your whole life. There are certain sins you're prone to Yeah, all of us right
Don't we all have the besetting sins? There's all there's certain things that we feel tempted to do
Have you prayed for God to take those things away? Yep, has he done that See that's that's not really the issue the issue is
I am I gonna indulge in this am I gonna choose To live as a drunkard.
Am I gonna choose to live the homosexual lifestyle? Am I gonna choose to continue to steal am
I gonna choose to continue to fornicate and commit adultery? Am I going to? That's a choice how you feel in any given moment that might not be a choice
Because I can't always control the way I feel about things That that's really the issue now.
Sometimes God does take those there are desires things. I wanted to do 20 years ago I have no desire to do those things.
So sometimes we do get victory God takes it away or we just Obey the
Lord and over time it's just not a problem anymore and for all the people who say
What you shared barb that I just never overcame that or I can't there are plenty of testimonies of former people who live formerly a homosexual life and now they are straight and They say it's no longer that you may say well, that's a minority or I don't
They exist. I mean there's people on all different sides saying all different things But we all have sinful desires.
And the question is am I going to obey the Lord and not indulge or Am I just gonna say this is who
I am because I we all are sinners, right? well, I'm just a sinner, so I'm just gonna right you know, the main difference is the
The homosexual thing that's like the big issue. It's like a golden calf in our country
We have a whole month devoted to it. It's idolatry. What is what it is you say?
Well, you know the Christians are you're all just singling them out. No, we're not at least maybe some people do but They have made this the issue if there was a month
Devoted to theft. Let's sell it. You know August is you know theft month.
Let's celebrate that We'd be just as against that National burgers Right and you say well that's ridiculous.
Well, I mean people would have thought pride month was ridiculous just 20 years ago 30 years ago 1st
Corinthians 6 Paul says starting in verse 9. Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor sodomites nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor Extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God now.
There's pretty good chant now again because it's the big issue of the day People often quote this that homosexuals aren't going to have
Well, well it also says thieves aren't going to heaven so what is this verse saying what is
Paul saying if you've done this You can't go to heaven. That's not what he's saying. And by the way, he goes on and Such were some of you so some people in the
Corinthian Church were living that Lifestyle and now they're not Some people were drunkards now, they're not
What he's saying is people who that's their lifestyle You're just a thief, you know, there's those people that they rob a bank, you know, they get let out
They rob a liquor store. They get out. They they do it again there That that's evidence. They've never been converted to Christ someone who is just a reviler
Throughout their whole life. They're just one of those people. They just this spew out of their mouth just Hateful things and reviling and that's just who they are and they choose to live this way their whole life.
That's evidence They've never been born again so it's not just that one thing, but if you choose to live if you choose to embrace your sin and Affirm what
God says is wrong That's just evidence that you're not going to heaven because you're not born again
If you were born again, you would at least start out wanting to get victory over that it might take some time
But but this is the divide affirming sin or Struggling with sin
Everybody has some struggle with sin. You can say you're perfect, but nobody here is gonna buy that so don't sell it
But affirming it is is obviously wrong and that was understood in our country who's understood in any
Christian civilization for Long time, but now now we're living in a pagan or heathen culture.
That's just the way it is All right, so someone we haven't heard from Evil Yeah, no, no you can't that would be my answer that would be it'd be a no
Except me except who I am in a real form. Yeah Accept this is what they pray.
Yeah, and that's why we're being forced to live in a month of acceptance Right enough enough mine, yeah, thank you that that's good
I would also say this if my child became an alcoholic and they wanted to come over with their bottle of gin
I would say you ain't coming over with that either You Know if you choose to go home afterwards and drink yourself into a stupor, that's you you're an adult
That's your choice and I you know how I feel about it, but you're not bringing that to my house as for me in my house