WWUTT 310 The Trinity Debate?

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Playing highlights from a debate held in Junction City, KS between Dr. Edward Dalcour from the Department of Christian Defense and Nathan Dudley from Faith Tabernacle. Visit wwutt.com for all of our videos!


In Matthew 28, 19, Jesus said, Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded.
When we understand the text. Many of the
Bible stories and verses we think we know, we don't. When we understand the text is an online ministry committed to teaching sound doctrine and exposing the faulty.
Visit our website at www .utt .com. Now here's our host, Pastor Gabe Hughes.
Thank you, Becky. Last week on November 11, there was a debate here in our community between Dr.
Edward D 'Alcor of Christian Defense Ministry and Nathan Dudley, pastor of Faith Tabernacle, the largest and most influential oneness
Pentecostal church here in Junction City. The debate was over the Trinity. Is God three persons,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Or is he just one person who sometimes manifests himself as Father, Son, or Holy Spirit?
Faith Tabernacle has a dark history in our community. Back in 1978, there was a young teenager who attended there.
Beverly Ward was her name, 13 years old, who mysteriously disappeared from her home, abducted in the middle of the night.
It was a big enough story that it was covered by the Washington Times and remains an unsolved mystery.
Nobody knows what happened to her. In 2002 or 2003, this was before I ever lived here in Junction City, her brother -in -law,
Edwin Young, eventually became the pastor of Faith Tabernacle. A few years ago, now this has been since I've lived here in the community, back in 2012,
Edwin's son, Jordan Young, was arrested on multiple counts of having sex with boys.
And Jordan was a pastor there at Faith Tabernacle. Edwin was accused of multiple affairs and embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars and abruptly just up and left the community.
Nathan Dudley became the pastor following Young's sudden departure. Why anyone would want to continue to attend
Faith Tabernacle after all of that is beyond me, but the church is still huge, largest seating capacity of any church in town, and it's still growing.
They also have their school, the Apostolic Academy, which is on the northwest edge of town and that's where the debate was held.
Christ the Redeemer in Manhattan, Kansas. For those of you who don't know
Kansas, it's just, you know, 20 miles down the road from us. We call it the Little Apple, Manhattan, Kansas.
Christ the Redeemer Church sponsored Dr. Edwin Dalkor from Los Angeles to present the Trinitarian arguments.
Nathan Dudley, of course, presented the opposing viewpoint and he had the home field advantage.
Not only was the debate in his gymnasium, but the audience was about 500 oneness to 50
Trinitarians, and those numbers are not exaggerated. I'm probably even being generous on the number of Trinitarians that were in the room.
The location of the debate was also changed at the last minute from what I've been told, so that may have contributed to the crowd being more heavily of the
Faith Tabernacle influence and the attendance ratio was really not that big a deal since the reason for putting together the debate was to reach oneness with the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Also in attendance that night, but completely unrelated to the debate, I don't even really know why he was there, was
Roger Perkins, who produced an absolutely abysmal defense of the oneness position against Dr.
James White in their debate in Australia a few years ago. You can find that debate on YouTube. Perkins was even later accused of dishonesty, having presented fabricated sources.
Admittedly, Nathan Dudley was much more respectful in his behavior toward Dr. Dalkor than Perkins was toward Dr.
James White. I'm going to play some portions of the debate here. I won't do it in its entirety because it's over two and a half hours long, but I'd like to highlight certain comments and respond to them.
We're going to begin with the Trinitarian case presented by Dr. Edward Dalkor. This is unedited.
I'm going to be breaking in periodically here to add commentary. Tonight's debate is vitally important because it deals with a topic that will essentially determine your eternal destiny.
And we have countless passages that confirm this, like in John 4, 24,
Jesus says, those that worship God must worship him in spirit and truth, not spirit and emotion or what you feel, making your feeling the arc of truth, but spirit and biblical truth.
Now that is a hugely important point to be made. This issue will determine your eternal destiny.
Trinity is an essential doctrine. The apostle John wrote, 1
John 2, 22, who is the liar, but he who denies that Jesus is the
Christ. This is the Antichrist, he who denies the father and the son.
Jesus prayed to the father in Matthew 11, 25, I thank you, father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children.
Yes, father, for such was your gracious will. All things have been handed over to me by my father and no one knows the son except the father and no one knows the father except the son and anyone to whom the son chooses to reveal him.
John 1, 18 says, no one has ever seen God. The only God who is at the father's side, referring to Jesus, he has made him known.
Jesus said in John 6, 46, not that anyone has seen the father except he who is from God.
He referring to himself has seen the father. In John 7, 28 through 29,
Jesus said, he who sent me is true and him you do not know. I know him for I come from him and he sent me.
In John 8, 18 through 19, Jesus was teaching in the temple and said, the father who sent me bears witness about me.
And the Pharisee said, where is your father? Jesus answered, you know, neither me nor my father.
If you knew me, you would know my father also. In John 10, 14 through 15,
Jesus said, I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the father knows me and I know the father and I lay my life down for the sheep.
In John 17, 26, in another prayer to the father, Jesus said, I made known to them your name and I will continue to make it known that the love with which you have loved me may be in them and I in them.
How is it that a person knows God as God, the father, God, the son, and God, the
Holy Spirit? Because God has made it known to them. They know the father because Jesus who is from the father has shown it to them.
They know the son because the father who sent the son shows it to them. The Holy Spirit who dwells within the true followers of Christ testifies to the truth as talked about in first John five, those who have the father have the son and those who have the son have the father.
Those who do not know the father do not know the son either. They are according to first John two 22 liars and antichrists.
I emphasize these passages to point out to you just how essential the doctrine of the
Trinity is. What Dr. Dow core has said is absolutely correct. The salvation of the soul hinges on this doctrine.
As Dr. James White has said, the doctrine of the Trinity is the central doctrine to the Christian faith.
It is the doctrine that distinguishes Christianity from all other monotheist religions,
Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, Orthodox Jews. They all believe in one God, but they do not believe our one
God is three persons. Dr. Dow core will expound on that as we go on here.
The fundamental issue here tonight is really not monotheism. The issue tonight is not if there is one
God or not because Trinitarians, one is advocates, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses, they all believe in one
God, but rather how did the true God reveal himself in Holy Scripture?
And as we both agree, my opponent and I have radically different views.
A oneness view is not a Trinitarian view. A Trinitarian view is not a oneness view. We can't merge them together.
We can't say, well, as long as you love Jesus, it's okay. No, they're ontologically different.
We hold two different views of who God is. I'm a Trinitarian. By the grace and the sovereignty of God in my salvation,
I see the holy and fallible in Aaron's scripture as presenting that there's one true God.
Simply I see the apostolic doctrine being consistent with the old test of revelation, revealing that there are three distinct self -conscious persons aware of their own existence, the father, the son, and the
Holy Spirit, who share the nature of the one being, co -eternal and co -existent.
Because the doctrine of the Trinity is so misrepresented by so many different groups,
I think it's important that we understand at least two fundamental principles. Number one, the distinction that exists scripturally between being and person.
When I say I believe in one God, when Trinitarians say we believe in one God, we believe in one being.
We're monotheists. But person is who something is.
Being is what something is. Number two, the doctrine of the Trinity is squarely based on ontological monotheism.
What is ontological monotheism? It's one God, one true God by nature. Now, that's the second time that Dr.
Dalcor has used the term ontological. What does that mean? Well, he kind of defined it there. It's the nature of something or the study of its existence.
By contrast, the oneness position is not interested in the nature of God. The way they talk about God is just a what.
He's not a who. In oneness theology, you have the same answer to both questions.
What is God? He is God. Who is God? He is God. OK, so only the what is being explained.
There is no delving into the who when it comes to the oneness position. A common oneness belief is modalism, that God will manifest himself as a father or as a son or as a
Holy Spirit. There are not three persons. There are simply three different modes. Hence the term modalism.
But even there, you're still only answering the question of what. What is God? Is he a father?
Sometimes. Is he a son? Yeah, sometimes that. And sometimes he's a Holy Spirit. But those are all what's.
They aren't who's. According to the oneness position, it makes sense. So what is
God? Well, he's a father. What is God? Sometimes he's a son. Whereas the Trinitarian position, when we talk about God, who are we talking about?
Is this the father or is it the son or is it the Holy Spirit? Let me give you an example of this.
In Isaiah six, the prophet Isaiah looks into heaven and he sees the Lord God sitting upon a throne in heaven, high and lifted up.
And the train of his robe filled the temple. What did Isaiah see? He saw
God. Whom did he see? Well, we can delve into that answer further when we read
John 1 18. No one has ever seen God, the only God who is at the father's side.
He has made him known. So if no one has ever seen God, then who did
Isaiah see? Specifically, no one has ever seen God, the father, the only
God, the son who is at the father's side. He has made him known.
So who Isaiah saw was the son. What he saw was
God whom he saw was specifically God, the son. Anytime anyone in the
Bible, Old Testament or new saw God whom they saw was specifically the son of God.
Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel, John, all witnesses to God, the son. No one will ever see the father until they meet him in glory.
Then we will see him as he is because we shall be like him. That's 1 John 3 2. This is what we mean when we say ontology or ontological monotheism.
It is the study of who God is. The oneness can only study what
God is. And any person, believer or nonbeliever, can do that. The oneness doesn't know who
God is. And anyone who doesn't know who God is does not know
God. Are you understanding the fundamentals here? They are still dead in their sins and their trespasses if they don't know
God. And Jesus made that clear. Only the son reveals the father. Only the father reveals the son.
And the Holy Spirit who dwells within every believer is given by both and testifies of both.
Let's continue on. We're not Mormons here. I don't think anyone holds to a Mormon view here. We believe in one
God by nature. That has always been the Trinitarian view. One being by nature.
Plainly the doctrine of the Trinity has been well established as I will show contextually and exegetically by not only the multi -personal references in the
Old Testament but by the countless personal distinctions, grammatically speaking, in the
New Testament. In opposition to biblical Trinitarian which
I hold to and which I contend, my opponent sees God as Unitarian. What is Unitarian?
It means that God is one person simply. That God exists as one person. My opponent sees
God as unipersonal or Unitarian which is fundamentally the same as a Jehovah's Witness.
They see God as one person. Muslims see God as one person. Christadelphians see God as one person.
It's fundamentally the same. It's a Unitarian construct. And as we will hear my opponent no doubt will go to all the passages in the
Old Testament that over and over that teach one God. That say one God. Or I'm alone.
I create by myself. So on and so forth. But without a definition of one. It's a meaningless assertion.
Because we believe Trinitarianism asserts one God. If you don't define what you mean by one it just hangs there meaningless.
It's assuming a conclusion that monotheism equals unipersonalism that has not been proven.
And it would be an incumbent on my opponent to prove that by Holy Scripture.
So what Nathan Dudley ends up doing is exactly what Dr. Dalkor said he was going to do.
He goes to the Old Testament and quotes over and over and over again passage after passage about how
I alone am God and there is no other. I alone create and no one else.
But Dr. Dalkor has said explicitly right the Trinitarian believes that there is no dispute there.
At the end of Dudley's opening construct the debate was really over by quoting passages that say
God is one. He's only affirming Trinitarian theology. He did not expose or prove a single fault in the
Trinitarian doctrine or more specifically Dr. Dalkor's arguments. He did exactly what Dr.
Dalkor said he was going to do. What I would like to do here is address the few arguments that Dudley made that were not among his multiple
Scripture passages which the Trinitarian already affirms and holds to. Deuteronomy 6 4 here.
Oh Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one. There is only one
God period. I believe that the Trinitarian believes that Dr. Dalkor believes that Isaiah 45 5 through 6.
I am the Lord and there is no other besides me. There is no God. I equip you though.
You do not know me that people may know from the rising of the sun and from the West that there is no other besides me.
I am the Lord and there is no other no disagreement there love that passage.
I quote it with the Mormons that I witness to because they believe that there are actually multiple gods.
God is saying there is no other God besides me. So rather than once again listening to Dudley rattle off verse after verse which the
Trinitarian already affirms is biblical truth about God. Let's hear and respond to some of the more specific arguments.
Now you're going to notice that the audio is significantly different quality than what I played from Dr.
Dalkor. I don't want to accuse anyone of foul play but during the debate Dudley was unquestionably louder.
I went back to the back of the room during Dr. Dalkor's closing arguments and I could barely hear him in a gymnasium with amplified sound but Dudley's voice was just booming.
He has a louder voice anyway, but not that loud. Thank you brother. While and greetings to each and every one of you that have gathered here this evening for this very important discussion on the
Godhead as my opponent has already declared in the beginning comments of his presentation tonight.
We are not debating a subject that is not specific to salvation but this subject very much deals with the eternal destiny of souls and so we take it very seriously when we approach the subject of who that Jesus Christ really is.
The first of all of the commandments that are given to us in the word of God deals with the numeric truth of God.
God is very concerned about how many that we think of him as there is no way that anyone should make a mistake concerning the
Godhead. Romans chapter one in verse number 20 the apostle Paul said for the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead so that they are without excuse.
I would present for your consideration tonight that the Godhead is not nearly as complicated as some folks would try to make it.
Yeah actually it is complicated. Why? Because he's God. He's infinite.
His ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts higher than our thoughts. We are man. We are finite.
What can we know about God? He's absolutely more complicated to understand.
In fact it's impossible to understand God. We would not even know of God the
Father or God the Son or God the Holy Spirit if God had not revealed it to us as we had already read in Matthew chapter 11 and in other places.
When we hear that God is three persons and yet still one God the reason why we scratch our heads and go huh is because we're not
God. If we were God we would understand him fully but because we're not God we don't.
We as individuals as finite creatures cannot wrap our minds around the infinite complexities of God and as long as we live in these mortal bodies we never will and God has told us we never will.
Isaiah 55 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.
Romans 11 33 Oh the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable are his ways.
First Corinthians 1 21 We cannot know God by the wisdom of man. It is only by what has been revealed to us by God himself.
So yes knowing who God is is complicated. Now we have from general revelation an idea and an understanding of God being one
God and yet three persons. What kind of general revelation examples would I be talking about? Well namely marriage.
A husband and a wife are joined together and the two become one flesh as Jesus describes in Matthew chapter 19.
So they are no longer two but one flesh. Now this is not the same as the
Trinity of God but it is from this general revelation that we get some sense of God being one
God yet three persons just as a marriage in a marriage a husband and a wife are one flesh but they're two persons.
So God is one God but he is three persons. It's not exactly the same but it's the crude example that we have been given the earthly example that God has shown to us revealing to us by general revelation that he is one
God and yet three persons. Just as we are interpersonal beings and we have been made in the image of God to be interpersonal so God himself is interpersonal.
He is a community in and of himself. God the father and God the son and God the
Holy Spirit. So yes knowing who God is is complicated. It's supposed to be complicated.
Remember what Jesus prayed in Matthew 11. You have hidden these things from the wise and understanding meaning the people who think they are wise and you have revealed them to little children specifically the children of God adopted through Jesus Christ by whom we cry out
Abba father. Now notice here that Dudley has equally recognized something that Dr.
Dalkor stated that salvation indeed hinges on this subject. So someone on this stage has to be a heretic and both men have said so either
Dr. Dalkor is a heretic for being a Trinitarian or Dudley is a heretic for denying the
Trinity. They both cannot be sound in their doctrine. They both can't even be saved.
One knows who God is and the other one does not. Now I believe that my opponent tonight would concur that saying that there is only one
Yahweh and yet I heard him already declare that there was a
Yahweh with a Yahweh. I don't know how that he comes up with two
Yahweh's in the word of God. And that's why that it is absolutely necessary for oneness believers to go through the
Old Testament scriptures that declare that there's only one God because Trinitarians say one thing but they mean another thing.
What they say and what they mean do not concur one with the other. They say there's one
God but then they tell us that there is a God the father and a
God the son and a God the Holy Ghost that are three different persons in the same
God that these three are one. So Dr.
Dalkor's definition of being Trinitarian isn't acceptable. Dudley is redefining
Trinitarianism and essentially saying to his congregation. It's my definition of Trinitarianism that you must accept.
Trinitarians might say there's only one God but what they say is they actually believe in three gods that's bearing false witness.
He is leading his followers astray and lying about a man that's up there on the stage with him. Now when he makes the comment about Dr.
Dalkor saying that there was a Yahweh with a Yahweh. Let me go back and grab that segment out of Dr.
Dalkor's opening constructive. He was giving examples from the scriptures particularly in the Old Testament of where we have
God described in the plural. We both agree the oneness and the Trinitarian that God is one
God but we also have occasions in the scriptures where God is referred to using plural pronouns.
Here's an example referring to the story in Genesis 19. We also have Yahweh to Yahweh correspondences like in Genesis 19 24.
If you remember in Genesis 18 there was three visitors. One of them was the angel of the Lord. We read in verse 1 that Yahweh appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mimra.
The angel of the Lord in 18 and 19 identified himself as Yahweh and then we see the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and in verse 24 we read
I'll read it from the Hebrew text. Let Yahweh or then Yahweh rain on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the
Yahweh from Hebrew preposition there from the heaven. How does
Yahweh rain fire and brimstone from another Yahweh in heaven. It's only consistent with monotheism in the context of Trinitarianism.
The Septuagint reads Parachurios ectu urano the Lord from the heaven rain fire and brimstone from the
Lord in heaven Yahweh doing something on behalf of another Yahweh. We see the same phrase of the sun in John 3 13 where the son of man we read descended ectu urano from the heavens both the
Hebrew Septuagint and the Targum of Genesis 19 24 irrefutably presents two distinct
Yahweh's but there's one God revealed in three distinct persons the way that verse reads in English is really not much different Genesis 19 24 then the
Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah sulfur and fire from the Lord out of heaven the
Lord rained from the Lord the the actions of two persons in the Godhead working in tandem to rain judgment down on with fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah.
But Dudley lies to his audience when he tells them that Dr. Alcor actually believes there is a
God acting with another God Isaiah 44 and 6 thus saith the
Lord the King of Israel and his Redeemer the Lord of hosts I am the first and I am the last and beside me there is no
God the reason that we're reading these scriptures is because that our opponent here this evening has already informed us that there is one
God with another God but the God that we're reading about in the
Word of God declares there is no other God beside me the
God that we're reading about in the Old Testament is telling us by his own testimony is there any
God beside me yay I don't know any now my opponent knows of another one but the
God of the Old Testament doesn't know of another God no once again
Dr. Alcor does not believe there is another God and Dudley is bearing false witness against him he's manipulating his hearers by telling them do not listen to what this man says even about himself listen to what
I say about him but Dr. Alcor affirms there is only one God there's only one
God in Genesis 1924 raining judgment down on Sodom and Gomorrah there is no other
God besides that one there's no inconsistency here the reason why Dudley sees an inconsistency is because he has long since rejected the foundations of Trinitarian doctrine foundation number one monotheism the
Bible teaches there is only one true God period end of story every
Trinitarian believes that foundation number two there are three divine persons father son and holy spirit foundation three these three divine persons are co -equal and co -eternal
Dudley accepts foundation one he rejects foundation two and therefore also foundation three but by rejecting foundations two and three what he believes is really no different than what
Muslims believe Jehovah's Witnesses believe Orthodox Jews believe they are fundamentally the same when we read the scriptures
God the father and God the son refer to one another as persons
Jesus prays to the father by the way the prayers of Jesus are the
Achilles heel for the oneness Pentecostal they have no idea what to do with that if Jesus is
God the father then he's praying to himself nowhere in the text does it remotely depict
Jesus as praying to himself how does Dudley deal with this well this is what
I get from the members of faith tabernacle that I witness to what they teach is that the human nature of Jesus which they call the son of God is praying to his divine nature which is
God the father so once again according to the teaching at faith tabernacle the son of God is the human nature of Jesus God the father is his divine nature that is what they teach the scripture does not create that picture whatsoever not one time in the bible does
Jesus ever refer to himself as the father nowhere does the father call himself the son it simply is not there but that's how they deal with the prayers of Jesus and so that's why that we have to that we have to emphasize these things from the word of the
Lord because we are adherents to exactly what the scripture has to say and I'm not going to in any measure whatsoever try to present to you an argument from the
Greek because I don't know Greek and my opponent he's going to use the
Greek but I'm going to use the English translation of the word of God or I let me just affirm that I will use
English translations from the word of God we have the word of God already translated we don't need anybody else to translate the word of God for us we have the word of God already translated from the
Greek into the English and so we can read what the English has to say and we don't have to have an understanding of the
Greek in order to know who God is all you have to do is read your
English bibles for yourself and you can find out for yourself who that Jesus Christ really is right well
I did that in the beginning I read verses in English and showed who Jesus really is he is the son of God the second person of the trinity we can read the bible in English and we can come to that conclusion do we have to know
Greek in order to know who God is of course not and Dr.
Dalkor has made no such statement this is another way that Dudley is misleading his audience he's making them think
Dr. Dalkor is somehow communicating that if you really want to know God you have to know Greek and Hebrew knowing
Greek and Hebrew helps to better understand all the little nuance and the richness of the biblical text it helps you appreciate it better there are certain details that knowing the bible simply in English can't provide so knowing the
Greek and the Hebrew gives us a broader understanding of it case in point why does
Dudley say that he will use English translations plural because when drawing from multiple translations we get a clearer picture of what the text means to say and that's the exact same reason
Dr. Dalkor is quoting from the Greek and the Hebrew quite frankly Dudley is intimidated by Dr.
Dalkor's more expansive education Dr. Dalkor is not going to say that because he's a humble man but to level the playing field
Dudley has to dupe his audience into believing that the Greek and the Hebrew are irrelevant here
Dr. Dalkor is playing the role of a teacher and Dudley is he's the class clown now
Dudley's going to go back to rattling off some passages here so I'm just going to skip ahead a little bit now I know he's gonna and he's already talked about the plural verbs and nouns that are used in the word of God to describe
God but what about the over 9 ,000 single verbs and pronouns that are used in the scripture to describe
God are we going to take a few plurals and determine that because of those few plurals that there is a trinity of persons in the
Godhead are we going to take all of the singular pronouns and determine that God is one with many different attributes that he's not three persons but that God has he does have a majestic plurality and it is a majestic plurality that you will find used not only by God but you will find it used by kings in the old testament as well and you will find it in reference to the golden calf that that they created when they had come out of Egypt and they were in the wilderness were there three golden calves and yet that same term is used for the golden calf in the wilderness
Exodus 32 4 and he Aaron received the gold from their hand and fashioned with it a graving tool and made a golden calf and they said these are your gods oh
Israel who brought you up out of the land of Egypt so the single golden calf was an idol representing the
Egyptian gods whom the Israelites were going to worship in their idolatry that's the context it's not what
Dudley says it is Dr. Alcor gave a full recognition to singular verbs and pronouns to describe
God he said it in his opening construct he said there are there are of course there are singular pronouns and verbs that describe
God so once again the Trinitarian recognizes this God is one
God period he is one there is no other God but him Dr. Alcor recognizes the singular verbs and pronouns but Dudley refuses to recognize the plural verbs and the pronouns like John 14 23
Jesus said if anyone loves me he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him but Dudley is not going to to address those instead he says the reason why they're plural is because God is made up of many different attributes now how does that make sense don't you have many different attributes you have many attributes right and do you ever refer to yourself as a we or an us as God does a woman can be a mom and a wife and a daughter does she ever call herself we she can be smart and fun and athletic so therefore she's a an us we do not use plurals to describe ourselves based on multiple attributes and neither does
God Dudley next goes into another long string of passages that once again the
Trinitarian fully affirms so I'm going to skip ahead to another one of his arguments here it was mentioned in the remarks that were made by Mr.
Alcor the verses scripture in the Old Testament Isaiah chapter 6 and verse number 3 where that God said holy holy holy the word says holy holy holy and then the inference is made that because that the word of God says holy holy holy that there are three in the
Godhead and yet there are numerous innumerable scriptures that I could read to you tonight that says this then should
I yet have comfort yea I would harden myself in sorrow let him not spare for I have not concealed the words of the holy one
I just I really had to laugh at numerous innumerable scriptures how do you do that numerous innumerable uh the passage that he quoted as Jeremiah 22 9 is actually
Jeremiah 22 29 but I understand the mistake I make incorrect references every once in a while too
I did so in a sermon just this past weekend in fact uh the passage in Jeremiah 22 29 is more accurately translated land land land and Dudley's own
English translations that he draws from will say that it's talking to the people of the land it's not referring to the planet earth context context is so important the point that Dr.
Alcor was trying to make with his reference to Isaiah 6 3 and the praise to God as holy holy holy was not that it proves
Trinitarian theology but that it underscores it what do I mean by that well all throughout the scriptures we find
Trinitarian themes these are not outright statements regarding the trinity but they underscore or they accentuate they bring a greater attention to the doctrine of the trinity it's it's thematic all the way through the scriptures going back to Deuteronomy 6 4 you find it there too the
Lord our God the Lord is one how often is God mentioned there in that one verse describing him as one
God three times the Lord our God the
Lord is one one of the examples that I use with my congregation I use just this past weekend in fact is from the book of Revelation the
Bible is written very deliberately and intentionally so it is no accident that there is a beautiful theme throughout the book of Revelation that flows like a waltz it's this dance that that goes one two three one two three one two three it's not always an outspoken mentioning of the trinity father son and holy spirit but the motif of the holy trinity underscores the entire narrative in the book of Revelation reading from the very beginning the revelation of Jesus Christ which
God gave him to show to his servants the things that must soon take place he made it known by sending his angel to his servant
John who bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ even all that he saw blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy and blessed are those who hear and who keep what is written in it for the time is near so we have the revelation of Jesus Christ the son which
God the father gave him to show his servants indwelt with the holy spirit the things that must soon take place he the father made it known by sending his angel to his servant