F4F | Katie Souza and the Python Spirit Attacking Your Finances


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God.
Now if you've ever been told that a Python spirit is out there attacking your finances, keeping you from being able to save up money or destroying your investments and that somebody can teach you how to get that Python spirit off of your finances, yeah, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
Don't forget to like the video and to ring the bell so you can be notified when we update the channel.
We're gonna be heading over to the YouTube channel for Katie Sousa and listen to a live stream she did back either in late
April or early May dealing with the Python spirit and your finances.
And in the process, Katie Sousa is going to demonstrate she's not qualified, and I mean this in the truest sense, she is not qualified at all to be teaching in Christ's Church.
Now I know that that's like crazy talk, right? Well here's the idea, is that God Himself, God has revealed in His Word what the qualifications are for those who teach in Christ's Church.
Now remember, the Church belongs to Jesus, not to me, not to you, not to anybody else, and so God Himself gets to call the shots as far as who's qualified to teach in His Church.
And there are very specific qualifications. Shall we review them by taking a look at Scripture?
Let's, let me do this again, there we go, and I know I'm like all over the map already today, but let's do this.
2nd Timothy chapter 2 verses 15 through 18 says, do your best to present yourself to God as one approved.
And this is, by the way, is a pastoral epistle. A worker who has no need to be ashamed rightly handling the
Word of Truth. That's right, there are a lot of people who wrongly handle it. And watch, watch how
Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, describes those who are not rightly handling
God's Word. Avoid irreverent babble, for it will lead people to more and more ungodliness, and their talk, the talk of the false teachers who are spewing forth this irreverent babble, it'll spread like gangrene.
Yeah, have you ever thought of false teaching like gangrene in the body of Christ?
Mm -hmm, it is, that's exactly how Scripture is describing them. And then Paul even names names, he says the among them, by the way, are
Hymenaeus and Philetus, who have swerved from the truth, and they are saying that the resurrection's already happened, and they are upsetting the faith of some.
So you'll note that Scripture lays out some clear qualifications. And you say, well that's a pastoral qualification, so that means that teachers can just spew whatever they want.
Uh -huh, no, it doesn't work that way at all. How do
I know this? Well again, here's another cross -reference. Titus chapter 1, another pastoral epistle,
Paul says to Titus, the reason I left you in Crete is so that you might put what remained in order and appoint elders in every town as I have directed you.
So elders are going to be your pastors here. So if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, his children are believers, not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination, for an overseer is
God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick -tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self -controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.
So we recognize that pastors are supposed to be exemplary men as far as their moral fortitude, their moral character, and the example that they set, but there's more to it.
So he then must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine, and also to rebuke those who contradict it.
So anybody who's out there teaching false doctrine is to be rebuked, and there's a reason why, by the way, and here's what
Paul says. There are many who are insubordinate, they are empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party, and they listen to what
God wills. They must be silenced. They must be silenced and say they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach.
So those who want to teach, they have a stricter judgment according to Scripture, and they are instructed, commanded by God through his word, to teach sound doctrine and rightly handle the word of truth.
And those who are not are to be rebuked and silenced. Pretty straightforward. Now Katie Sousa is a woman who's been put forward by Patricia King.
She has all the backing of the woman who's fought werewolves, you know, and yes, we have covered that here at Fighting for the
Faith, Patricia King fighting werewolves. She's claimed to do that. But all of that being said, let's take a listen as Katie Sousa is going to try to make it appear that this is a biblical teaching, that a
Python spirit is after your finances, and in so doing she's going to demonstrate that she has no clue, no clue whatsoever how to rightly handle a biblical text.
Now a little bit of a note here, from time to time I get people saying, well what about you, Roseboro, what are your qualifications?
Yeah, yeah, where did you study? Well, okay, it's a fair question. So just so you know,
I have a degree in Religious Studies and Biblical Languages, that's my undergraduate degree, from Concordia University, Irvine, California.
I am also a graduate of American Lutheran Theological Seminary, and I am an ordained pastor in the
American Association of Lutheran Churches. All of that being said, I have had to submit myself to pastoral authority in several levels, and also accountability through my own denomination.
So the idea here is that I've applied myself, shown myself approved, and you can also listen to my sermons online if you wanted to.
I pastor Kongsvinger Lutheran Church in Oslo, Minnesota, don't you know? So you can...we'll
put a link down to Kongsvinger down below so that you can listen to the sermons. But you get the idea, you know, so, you know, people ask about my qualifications, and I'm not saying this to brag,
I'm just saying this to basically say, listen, you want my qualifications? Sure, I can provide them for you.
But all of that being said, Katie Sousa, I don't know what seminary she went to, Patricia King's, I guess,
I don't know, but she's gonna demonstrate she's not qualified at all to be teaching anybody. I mean, from like age 1 all the way to 99 within Christ Church, she doesn't know how to rightly handle a biblical text.
We'll let her demonstrate. Here we go. Hey everybody, it's Katie Sousa.
How you doing? All right. Today we're gonna talk about finances, and I'm gonna help you out to remove the things that are squeezing out your ability to gain in every area of your life.
Gain in your business, gain in your ministry, gain in your savings. So apparently something in those, the words she's squeezing out, yes, snake talk here.
Accounts, gaining in your investments and things like that.
We're gonna talk about how to break off spirits, specifically the Python spirit.
Oh, the Python spirit. It's after your finances, apparently. Uh -huh. That is blocking your gains, okay?
As I do this, I just want to let you know that this weekend on Sunday night, I'm going to be preaching this message live at Experience Night with Patricia King and Charlie Robinson.
I just was with Patricia yesterday, and we were in the Carnegie. Yeah, this should demonstrate, I mean, if you had any doubts as to whether or not
Katie Sousa is a complete flim -flam con artist, it was Patricia King who's responsible for unleashing this gangrene of Katie Sousa's teaching on the body of Christ.
The wolves like to run in packs, don't you know? Yeah. Together, and she's like, I am so excited about this
Sunday. It's gonna be awesome, right? Charlie Robinson is gonna be there. He travels the world, bringing revival.
He carries the glory in the presence of God. He carries the glory. Does he keep it in a suitcase?
How does he do that? He's gonna be speaking prophetically and releasing what the now word that God has for the season for the body of Christ, and Patricia said that she's gonna like be in there, joining in with the prophetic, releasing decrees.
Oh yeah, Patricia's gonna be releasing decrees. Where is that taught in Scripture? It's not.
I'm moving into a message about breakthrough in finances and causing us to come out of the bondage of Egypt into the fullness of the promised land, and I am gonna be preaching on this message on Python Sunday night at Experience Night Live.
You can watch it online. We're gonna put in the link right now. Daniel's gonna put in the link for you. There it is on the screen.
Make sure you save that link. Save this video so you can watch it over and save that link so you can go watch and be with us
Sunday night. Sunday night. Okay, so now let's talk about this
Python spirit. Yeah, let's do that. What it does and how you get rid of it.
Yeah, how do you get rid of a Python spirit? Whoo! I mean, maybe that's the reason why
I'm not a millionaire yet. I've got a long, long, long, long way to go before I am. Maybe there's a
Python spirit attacking my bank account. Okay, so first of all, let's look at what Jesus himself said in Luke 10 19.
He says... Now, before she reads this out, we're gonna note that she's gonna engage in the string of macaroni method to try...
She's trying at this point to create the impression that this whole Python thing attacking your finances, this is a biblical teaching.
So Luke 10 19 is her first text. Let's pull it up and we'll apply our three rules for sound biblical exegesis, which are context, context, and context.
And we're gonna note here that there's something going on in the context, and there's somebody who Jesus is speaking to.
So Luke 10 1 begins with this... After this, the Lord, that's Jesus, appointed the 72 elders, 72 others, and sent them on ahead of him two by two into every town and place where he himself was about to go.
And he said, The harvest is plentiful, the labors are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.
Go your way. Behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves.
Carry no money bag, no knapsack, no sandals, and greet no one on the road.
And you're gonna note here, I don't know anybody out there saying, wait a minute, we as Christians, we're not allowed to have, you know, wallets, and we can't, when we're out on traveling, we can't greet anybody while we're on the road.
Nobody says that. Why? Because it's like, well, Jesus was talking to the 72 here.
Right. So paying attention to the context and who's being told what.
Is this a universal application? Is this a command for a specific group of people? That's important.
Now as the text unfolds, you know, the 72 go out and they do what Christ has told them to do.
You know, they preach and they teach and they cast out demons. And so it says in verse 17 of chapter 10, the 72 returned with joy saying,
Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name. And he said to them, I saw
Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.
Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, but that the spirits are, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
So Jesus gives them a little bit of perspective, and then you'll note in verse 19 that here Jesus is using the phrase serpents and scorpions as a metaphor, an analogy to compare demonic spirits, you know, with.
So, you know, clearly he's speaking metaphorically. Serpents and scorpions in this sense are referring not to literal serpents and scorpions, but to the demonic.
And Katie Soos is going to rightly point that little fact out. So let's go back to her as she continues to spin out this teaching.
It says, behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means harm you.
Okay, so what does this mean, Jesus giving us power to trample on snakes? Does that mean just stuff in the natural?
Well, I think that that can be applied to that because we see Paul having authority and dominion in the
Bible over a snake in the natural, when you remember he had the shipwreck, he has to swim to shore, it's a cold night.
Having authority over it more like it, you know, bit him and he didn't die.
Picks up a bundle of sticks, there's a snake hiding in it. He doesn't know it. He throws it on the fire, the heat of the fire drives the snake out.
It bites him, but he's absolutely unharmed. I mean, the the the islanders there were like shocked because Paul was like, why didn't he drop, why didn't he drop dead?
This is a deadly snake. He had been given power over that snake's venom in the natural, okay? But when
Jesus is talking about this in Luke 10, he's also talking about the supernatural, okay?
Well, he's referring to real demons. That demons can manifest in the form of serpents and you say, what?
Where's that in the Bible? That's not Jesus's point and yes, the devil did manifest in the form of a serpent, go all the way back to Genesis chapter 3, no one's questioning that.
Well, let me tell you, the very first manifestation of a demonic presence on the earth was
Satan as a serpent in the garden and also in Revelations, Satan is called the dragon, that old serpent.
Yeah, this is true. So from the beginning to the end, we can identify that Satan himself and the spirits that work under him, many of them take the form of serpents.
Now, when Jesus said that... that's not a correct conclusion of what you were pointing out.
You can say that Scripture refers to them as serpents, as scorpions, you know, and that, you know,
Satan himself is referred to by God as that old serpent and he appeared as the serpent in the
Garden of Eden. Yes, that doesn't mean that demons, a lot of them are manifesting as serpents and snakes.
That's not the correct conclusion. That in Luke 10, it's very interesting because if you go back and you read it in context, he had just sent the 70 out on a mission.
She's trying so hard to be a good, solid Bible teacher. She's applying some context.
And they came back and they said to Jesus, wow, even the demons submitted to us in your name, okay, and Jesus said,
I saw Satan fall like lightning from the sky, behold, I've given you power to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy.
So in context, they were talking about demonic spirits. Now, this part, true, yeah, that's right.
So when Jesus is talking about the ability to trample on snakes, he's talking about demons that take the form of serpents.
No, not exactly. He's referring to the demonic in metaphorical, allegorical terms regarding serpents and scorpions.
Okay. Now, what are we supposed to do? We're given authority and power over them. Okay. Yeah.
Okay. Jesus himself told us in the Great Commission. Do you remember what the Great Commission said?
Yeah. All authority in heaven on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, or as you are going, therefore, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching all that I have commanded. Lo, I am with you always, even until the end of the age.
Yeah, that's the Great Commission. Matthew 28. He said, you're gonna go out, you're gonna baptize nations in my name.
You're gonna teach the gospel. You're gonna heal the sick. You're gonna drive out demons. You're gonna raise the dead.
And then he also said... Yeah, Matthew 10 is not the Great Commission. Matthew 28 is the
Great Commission. In that famous verse, he said, and you're gonna take up serpents. Now, it's so funny, because I hear people...
Now, she just, again, she's doing this string -of -macaroni, you know, style here. She's taking verses and words out of context.
So she never read out Matthew, you know, 28. So we didn't really get the
Great Commission. And then she throws in Mark 16, 17 through 18.
Let me tell you a little bit about the gospel of Mark, and the long ending of Mark.
I pulled up Bible Gateway. We're looking at the English Standard Version of Mark 16, and I want you to note what it says.
If you have a printed Bible, you know, the old -school analog kinds with, you know, printed words on a page, it'll have this note there as well, and it says some of the earliest manuscripts do not include chapter 16, 9 through 20.
In fact, all of the best, oldest manuscripts we have of the gospel of Mark do not include the long ending of Mark.
So there is very good scholarly and archaeological reasoning to believe that the long ending of Mark was something that was added later, that it was not part of the original autograph of this gospel.
And the person who's done, like, definitive work on this is James White, Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries.
But we'll note that it is questionable as to whether or not verses 9 through 20 of the gospel of Mark were actually written by Mark.
Our best, oldest manuscripts don't have it. They just don't have these verses. And so you'll note, then, that there's been some pretty crazy doctrines associated with people who really zoom in on this and don't recognize, like, we'd better be careful with this one, because there's a really good chance it may not even be in the original.
So you'll note, then, that here's what Jesus is supposed to have said in this text, whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, whoever does not believe will be condemned, and these signs will accompany those who believe in my name.
They will cast out demons, they will speak in new tongues, they will pick up serpents with their hands, and if they drink any deadly poison it will not hurt them, and they will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover.
We'll note that there have been religious sects who have taken this quite seriously, like literally, and just forget the fact that there's a really good chance that wasn't even part of the original
Gospel of Mark, and so, you know, they bring this kind of thing into the worship.
Now if I'm not mistaken, the fellow who did the holding of the rattlesnakes there in that Pentecostal Church, that he was eventually bitten by one of those rattlesnakes and died.
Yeah, so my question is, do you have sacramental rattlesnakes in your church? Because, you know, Mark 16.
Yeah, the point is you got to be careful with that long ending of Mark, and she's not taking us to the one that isn't contested, which is in Matthew, or even
Luke's version, you know, where to go out and proclaim repentance and the forgiveness of sins in Jesus' name to all nations.
No, she's going to Mark 16, and if she had studied and showed herself approved, you know, actually went and did the work to learn how to rightly handle biblical texts and showed that she's qualified to do so, she would have learned that, but we preaching on the
Great Commission all the time, and they kind of just slide really quick while they preach it, and you're gonna take up serpents.
Yeah, you're gonna take up serpents. And it says drink deadly poison, too. Are you drinking deadly poison as well?
Kind of slide really quick over it because they don't know what to do with it, okay? But nonetheless, Jesus said, you're gonna take up serpents, and he said that in the
Great Commission, which is the commission to every single believer, not just some. The text says that these signs will accompany.
It's not a command for you to pick up snakes. So even if it were part of the original of the
Gospel of Mark, it just says that in general, these types of signs would follow believers. This isn't a command to take up serpents.
Not just me, not just a couple of you watching online, he has commissioned all believers to baptize the nations, preach the gospel, drive out demons, heal the sick, and take up serpents.
It also says drink deadly poison. When was the last time you did that? We're all supposed to be doing this. No, that's not what it says.
So again, even if the long ending of Mark is valid, okay, it just says these signs will accompany those who believe.
It doesn't say that you must do these things. Big difference.
Pay attention to grammar. It helps. So let's come back to her then and see what she does next.
What does that mean? Okay, the word take up there is the Greek word airo, and it means to remove from anything something that is attached to anything.
She doesn't know Greek. Alright, so yeah, let's take a look at this, shall we?
Let's see. Mark chapter 16. These signs will accompany those who believe. In my name they will cast out demons.
They will speak in new tongues. They will pick up, and here's airo right here, they will pick up serpents with their hands.
Now what we're gonna do, I'm gonna show you a resource that you can find online that is free.
So that, you know, if you say, well Pastor, I don't have all the resources you have. I get it, that's fine.
Let's take a look at something that will help us out here. So if you go to Biblehub .com,
Biblehub .com, you can find in their list of resources available for lay people, like Strong's Concordance, okay?
And you can look it up. You can find airo there. Airo is a verb to raise, to take up, or to lift.
That's the definition or usage. I raise, lift up, or take away, or remove. Now important thing here is that we all recognize that many words have many definitions or potential definitions, and context is going to help you determine what the proper definition of any given word is.
For instance, one of the things I like to say is that, you know, you take a look at the word up. Up in the dictionary has a lot of different definitions.
So if I were to say to you, I decided to look up the word airo,
I'm using the word up differently than if I were to say, this morning when I got up from bed,
I went into the bathroom and threw up. All right? Notice I used up three different ways, and in each time that I used it, the definition changed based upon the context of how
I was using the word. Same with Greek words. So you can sit there and go, all right, so airo, here's a bunch of different definitions for it.
To raise up, to raise from the ground, to take up, to raise up, to elevate, to lift up, to draw up, to take upon oneself and carry what has been raised, to bear, to bear away what has been raised, to carry off, to move from its place, to take off or away what is attached to anything, to remove, yeah, to carry off, to carry away with one, to appropriate what is taken, to take away from another what is his or what is committed to him.
So, you know, all of these different definitions are potential definitions, but what Katie Sousa just did here is demonstrate she don't know how to even use a
Greek lexicon, or even a dictionary for that matter, because she gives all a bunch of different potential meanings for the word airo, and she zooms in on one potential meaning of airo, to take off or away what is attached to anything, and she says, that's what it means.
No, that's one potential definition. The question is, is that the definition of the phrase of the word airo in Mark 16, the long ending of Mark, when it says you will take up serpents?
So, one easy test that you can do, by the way, you know, to see which definition fits, is take the definition and plug it in instead of the word in the sentence.
So, for instance, so let's kind of do this here. In, so in Mark 16, these signs will accompany those who believe they will pick up serpents, and so pick up is airo, all right, so we'll pick up serpents.
So let's take the word, the phrase pick up, because that's what airo is referring to there, and then let's just replace it.
They will pick up serpents, and let's put the herd definition in place to see if it makes any sense at all.
They will take off or away what is attached to anything serpents. It doesn't work.
This isn't the definition that applies here. She doesn't know what she's doing. Which means, number one, that these serpents are attached to anything.
They're attached to your car. No, that is not what that means. Let me back this up. Number one, that these serpents are attached to anything.
They're attached to your car, to your body, to your finances, to your mind, to your business.
No, that's not what it means. So now she's building this whole theology based upon a misapplication of one of the potential lexical definitions of the
Greek verb airo. And now she's, so this means that serpents can attach themselves to anything, like even your finances and stuff.
To your ministry, and we are supposed to take up serpents. We are supposed to airo them.
We are supposed to remove anything. We're supposed to remove them. Are you airoing the serpents that have attached themselves to the finances in your life?
This is nonsense. This is utter nonsense. Now let me fast forward a little bit in this video.
And she's going to go to Philippi, where the mention of the spirit of Puthona is actually listed out in the biblical text.
And what she does with this, again, demonstrates she doesn't even have a command of like the
English language, or how to use basic research tools at all. But she's really gifted at like spinning out false gangrene doctrines that she's spreading into the body of Christ.
Let's take a listen to where she goes with this next. So there's all these different ways, these sins that enable these serpents to have the legal right to afflict us.
Okay. Uh -oh. Serpents have the legal right to afflict us. Which biblical text teaches that serpents now have the biblical right to afflict us?
Okay, so now let's talk about the Python spirit. Y 'all remember that story? Yes. Let's go to that right now.
Acts 16. Okay, this is in Acts 16. And this is a story about Paul running into this woman who had a spirit of divination.
It says, And it came to pass as we went to prayer, a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her master as much gains by soothsaying.
The same fellow Paul and I... Now, I want to point something out now while we can, because when she gets off this text, she's going to go nuts, is the best way
I can put it. So I want to pay attention to certain details here. And here's what it says,
Acts 16, 16. As we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination.
And so it literally says that she had exouson pneuma puthona.
So pneuma puthona, spirit of Python, of divination.
And you're sitting there going, that's an interesting word, puthona. What does that mean? I'm going to show you back at BibleHub a resource that you can find there that will help you out.
Now, if you do not have access to good commentaries, there are several that are in the public domain that are okay.
They're not the greatest, they're not the easiest, but they are at least somewhat helpful.
And again, BibleHub has some of these online commentaries that are in the public domain available.
So when you go to BibleHub and you take a look at the commentaries regarding Acts 16, 16, here in Ellicott's commentary for English readers, we learn something about what this spirit of puthona is about.
You've heard me teach on this before, I've said that this is related to the oracle Adelphi, and Ellicott actually explains how that is the case.
It says this, a certain damsel, so note this is in the public domain because it's old, possessed with a spirit of divination, literally as in the margin, a spirit of Python, or as some manuscripts give it, a
Python spirit. The Python was the serpent worshipped at Delphi as the symbol of wisdom from whom the
Pythian priestesses took their name. So if you've ever heard of the
Pythian priestesses, yeah, the spirit of puthona is connected with them.
So all of that being said, a good commentary, and there are even free ones available like at BibleHub, you can then find out what's really going on here.
The spirit of Python, this slave girl, spirit of divination, this connects her in one way or another then to the
Pythian priestesses of the oracle Adelphi. Now let's take a look back at the commentary itself then, and just read a little bit further.
So the Pythian priestesses took their name, and from whom Apollo, as succeeding over the oracular power of the serpent, took the name, the same adjective, the fact that St.
Luke, who in his gospel describes like phenomena as coming from daemonia, evil spirits, unclean spirits, should here use this exceptional description seems to imply either that this was the way in which the people of Philippi spoke of the maiden, or else that he recognized her phenomena identical with those of the priestesses of Delphi, the wild distortions, the shill cries, the madness of an evil inspiration.
Yeah, so again, you read good commentaries on this, and the better ones, the good scholarly ones, do a very fine job of connecting then this girl from Philippi, the slave girl, with the oracle
Adelphi, the Pythian priestesses. So she followed Paul and us crying out, these men are servants of the
Most High God, who proclaimed to you the way of salvation, and this she kept doing for many days.
And Paul, having become greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her, and it came out of her that very hour.
But when her owners saw that their hope for gain was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers.
So you'll note then that this slave girl associated with the oracle Adelphi, Pythian priestess, she brought her owners gain, money, due to the fact that she was able to engage in fortune -telling, which should tell you something about what's behind fortune -telling.
Uh -huh, I'm just saying. So all of that being said, let's come back then to Katie Sousa as she tries to handle this text, but shows instead that she's not capable of rightly handling a biblical text at all.
Us and crying said, these men are the servants of the Most High God, which show us the way into salvation.
And she did this for many days, and Paul, being grieved, turned to the spirit, finally, and said,
I command thee in the name of Jesus to come out of her, and he came out in that same hour. But then it says, but when the masters saw that the hope of their gains was gone, they caught
Paul and Silas, brought them into the marketplace of the rulers, and beat them, stripped them naked, and put them in prison.
Wow. Wow, yeah, okay. Wow. Okay, so here's this woman, she's following Paul and Silas, she had a spirit of divination, which enabled her to divine how her masters could receive much gains.
No, that's not what the text says. Nice thing about rightly handling the
Bible, it's like an open book test, you know. The text itself says that she had a spirit of puthona, again,
Pythian priestess, brought her owners much gain by fortune -telling.
Mm -hmm. That's how she did it, she brought them gain by fortune -telling, not by telling them how to make much gain, but she made the money by being a fortune -teller.
Okay. Financial income, okay, much success in their business.
Okay, now, so the spirit that was on her handled the money, controlled the money, okay.
No, the spirit that was on her did fortune -telling, that's what the text says.
It was that spirit. You go look up the word divination, okay, in the Scriptures, in the
Greek, and it means one word, ready? Python. I just got goosebumps, or ghost bumps, or something.
No, I didn't, really, but again, she's demonstrating that she doesn't know what she's talking about.
It was a python that was, it was a snake that was talking to Paul that day.
No, no, it was a demon, and she was a Pythian priestess.
And Paul was like, she was saying all the right things. Ooh, that's a revelation right there.
Oh, these men are here to show you the way to the Most High God. That sounds so holy, so Christian. Now, watch, what comes next is just bizarre.
I mean, really, really bizarre. So good, right? But Paul, it said, was grieved.
His spirit could tell, there's something wrong here. This isn't what it sounds like, or what it appears, right?
And he finally cast that spirit out. But then the men, who are also the masters who she worked for, were also controlled by the same spirit.
The text doesn't say that. It just says that this girl, through her fortune telling, brought them much gain, money.
Because, ooh, they got angry. And since when they saw that the means for their gains was gone, they threw, they took
Paul and dragged him and they stripped them both in the marketplace naked and beat them and put them in prison.
See, that's what that spirit is doing. Python is doing that, okay? What? It's controlling your ability to have gains.
No. No, that's not what this text says at all. Where are you getting that?
She's just making stuff up. She doesn't know how to rightly handle a biblical text. She has not studied.
She has not shown herself approved. She does not know how to teach what's in accord with sound doctrine. She's making stuff up.
This text isn't saying what she is saying. And it, what it does is it drags you out into the marketplace.
You notice. No, there's no Python spirit is gonna drag me out into the marketplace.
They weren't dragged to the corner of the street or, you know, into a hidden room or whatever.
They were dragged out in public, in the marketplace, where business is conducted, where money is exchanged, where purchases and sales are made, and it stripped them naked in that place.
So it's, this Python spirit's gonna come and it's gonna take you into the marketplace and strip you naked too.
In the marketplace, beat them, and then imprison them. And that's what this spirit of Python is doing, okay?
It's controlling your ability to make gains. It's taking you into the marketplace, where there should be sales happening, and, and purchases happening, and exchanges and transactions happening, and all these positive things happening.
And instead, it's stripping you in that place. This is absurd.
This is utter absurdity. This woman does not know how to handle, rightly handle, a biblical text.
She doesn't teach what's in a Corpus Sound doctrine. This whole thing that she was trying to do is basically con you into believing that this is a biblical teaching.
And it's not. Just because Paul was taken and beaten in the marketplace, and Silas was taken and beaten in the marketplace after they cast out this demon, doesn't mean that a
Python's gonna attack your finances by dragging you into the marketplace and stripping you naked too.
This is utter absurdity. This is not at all what
God's Word says or teaches. So if you know anybody that thinks that Katie Sousa is a valid teacher, somebody who rightly handles
God's Word and is bringing a message that has anything to do with biblical Christianity, you need to send them this video.
All the information I shared is down below, because this woman is not qualified to teach two -year -olds using a flannel graph, you know, at your church in their preschool.
I mean, she's not qualified as a biblical teacher at all. She is somebody who's teaching for shameful gain, things that she ought not to teach.
She is clearly unskilled in, like, all of even the most basic, basic skills required to rightly handle biblical text, and she is somebody who should be rebuked and cast out of the
Church as a false teacher and a charlatan, because that's what she is.
So if you found this helpful, all the information on how to share the video is down below in the description.
And of course, Fighting for the Faith and Pirate Christian Media, we are supported by the people that we serve online through our podcasting, through our
YouTube videos, and other things. So all the information on how you can support us financially is down below in the description of this video, and let me thank you for your support, because we truly, honestly can't keep doing what we're doing here without it.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.