Overview of the Book of Job
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- So, the overview of the week for this Sunday is the book of Job. The book of Job.
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- If you've ever read that and you think it's Job, it's not Job, it's Job. If you think it's
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- Job, you need to come to church more, okay? So this is the first of the wisdom books of the
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- Old Testament. We don't know the date that it was written or the author, but it is believed that Job was a contemporary of Abraham.
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- So, this is very, very old. Some have speculated it may be the oldest of the books written.
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- We're not exactly sure. But the theme of Job is that of theodicy, or the problem of evil and suffering.
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- The book begins with these words. There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job, and that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared
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- God and shunned evil. So Job, we know, was blessed by God. He had wealth.
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- He had a big family. And then we read what basically amounts to a wager in heaven between God and Satan.
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- The Lord said to Satan, have you considered my servant Job? And Satan then says to God, basically the only reason
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- Job serves you is because you've blessed him. So, take away all that he has, and just watch, he will curse you to your face.
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- So the Lord allows Satan, gives Satan permission to afflict Job. Job is unaware of all of this.
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- So he's trying to understand why are all these bad things happening. So again, this is the problem of evil and suffering.
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- And there's an assumption because Job's friends, we remember, show up to try to comfort him, and the assumption is,
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- Job, this must be your fault. The reason you're suffering, there must be some sin in your life.
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- But of course, that really wasn't the case. Sometimes it is. Sometimes that's the reason. Not always.
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- So there's so much to say in just like a three minute overview, but in the end,
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- Job, he wants an answer from God. And God responds to Job, basically, who are you to question me?
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- And people really struggle with this, and struggle with the whole book, and the problem of evil in general.
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- If God is good, why is there so much suffering in the world?
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- Especially, why do the righteous seem to suffer so?
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- A few important points to take away from the story. Number one, God is sovereign. God is sovereign.
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- He's the one in control. Not Satan. Satan had to get permission to do all of these things.
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- That's number one. Number two, we often don't know why God allows. We want answers, but oftentimes, we just don't know.
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- We may never know in this life. That leads us to trust in God. That's the whole point, to trust in the
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- Lord by faith. And number three, as to the question some people ask, why do bad things happen to good people?
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- Well, ultimately, there has only been one who was without sin, and that was the
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- Lord Jesus Christ, and he willingly suffered on our behalf.
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- And Job, it seems that he knew something about Christ, or the promises of God, because he said in chapter 19, verses 25 and 26,
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- Job said, For I know that my Redeemer lives, and he shall stand at last on the earth, and after my skin is destroyed, this
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- I know, that in my flesh I shall see God.
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- So how does the book end? God wins, Satan loses, and all that Job lost was restored.
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- In fact, the Lord gave Job, restored him twice as much what he had before.