A Reasonable Latino Analyzes JD Greear's Extremely Self Centered Rant

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All right, so my name is A .D. Robles, I am a Latino, and I am very reasonable, and so I wanted to do just a couple of quick comments about a portion of one of J .D.
Greer's most recent sermons. He gave this sermon at a chapel service at Southeastern Seminary, so the room is full of future pastors or people that are going to be graduating seminary, and he went on a little bit of a mini rant against political idolatry that I think reveals a whole lot about what plagues
Big Eva. And I actually recorded this video once before, and it was way too long, way too detailed.
Maybe I'll release it at some point, because I don't think it was wrong, but I went in, and I want this video to be useful to an audience that's not used to me going in,
I guess you could say. I want this to be as helpful to as wide an audience as possible, so what
I've decided to do is to re -record it, and this time, instead of starting and stopping, I want to listen to the whole section that I want to talk about as a unit, and then
I want to make a few comments about it, because I think that J .D. Greer accidentally reveals way too much, and he thinks he's saying something that proves that he's doing a good job, but it actually proves the exact opposite, it proves the exact problems that we talk about all the time with Big Eva in general.
J .D. Greer is a good representation of Big Eva in general, and so this criticism could apply to many people,
Matt Chandler, Tim Keller, things like that. So no more comments to frame it, let's just jump into it, we're going to listen to about two minutes of this sermon, maybe a little bit more, and then
I'm going to stop it and let you know kind of what my thoughts were about this. Those whose belief systems
I share so much in common with, who could not bear to have their own political idols challenged, 2020 was a difficult year for many, many reasons, but maybe for me as pastor and as SBC president, the most difficult was that 2020 revealed that for a lot of people in our churches, their primary identity was political.
It wasn't that it wasn't also Christian, they were also Christian, but the primary identity was political, we know that.
Because a lot of church people left their churches, not just some at church, but a lot of them because of some disagreement over a relatively small political disagreement, at least small in light of the
Gospel and in light of eternity. Well you didn't say enough about this particular cultural issue, so I'm leaving.
Well you said too much, so I'm leaving. And I would say to these people, some of whom have been at our church for years, for a decade, and I would say we agree on every point of Gospel doctrine.
We believe in the Gospel, we believe in the authority and inerrancy of the Bible, we believe in the sanctity of life and marriage,
I married your children, I walked with you through the tragedy of a death of a loved one and now you are leaving because you disagreed because we said too much, one too many things about George Floyd.
Or we said not enough about him, or because we asked you to wear a mask for a season.
Or because we did not keep the mask mandate in place long enough. We Christians say that we hate cancel culture, but it was amazing to me how so many of us canceled our church over a relatively small disagreement.
And I kind of look at that and I say no wonder because we pastors get to disciple our people about one hour a week.
And Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow get them for three hours a night. You know when the church gets in bed with politics, the church gets pregnant.
And the offspring does not look like our Heavenly Father. It looks like the synagogue of Satan. And I know the slander of those who say they are
Jews, and they are not. They're actually from the synagogue of Satan, they don't have satanic worship rituals, they don't put
Satan on the roof, they don't sacrifice kittens, but they're from the synagogue of Satan. And I will just tell you right now, and I realize
I'm kind of cruising over this at about 30 ,000 feet, but when somebody tells you that just loving your neighbor, just being willing to listen, just taking a humble posture toward those who are hurting, just not being quick to speak, to try to listen twice as much as you're making declaration, when those things make you a liberal, you know you are listening to somebody out of step with the
Spirit of Christ. Or when somebody tells you that your refusal to put biblical authority behind a good but secondary political issue, when that makes you a liberal, they are speaking out of the synagogue of Satan.
I'm not saying they are necessarily from Satan, or that they are not a Christian. Just that conflating allegiance to Jesus Christ with allegiance to secondary world powers is a tactic of our enemy.
All right, so that's the section I want to listen to. And there's so much there. There's so much here, and I can't get into everything, you know,
I could probably do an hour talking about the nuances of this clip of this sermon. But what
I want to kind of focus on here is, and let me take these off, is what he reveals here is unintentional, but I think it's perfect to explain the situation that we find ourselves in.
What he starts off, and the way he frames this, the way often people frame this, is they'll say something like this, well,
I used to get criticized by the left, the Christians on the left, and they would be like, well, why do you still believe in inerrancy?
And then, well, why do you still believe in this outdated, primitive sexual ethic? And I used to get criticized for that.
But what hurts more is that I'm now getting criticized by my brothers on the right, who
I agree with on so many things. Guys, this is often presented to you as a way to show that you're being faithful, right?
That's how J .D. Greer presents it. You see, he's being faithful, he's walking the line, because not only do people on the left criticize him, but now people on the right are criticizing him.
And that is his guideline, because he's getting criticized by both sides.
That's how he knows he's being faithful. Look, here's the reality. The reality is the word of God is the same today, it's the same yesterday, it's the same tomorrow.
God's word is solidly here, right? It's solidly here.
And so if your friends who were right there with you on God's word, solidly here, committed to inerrancy, now all of a sudden you're starting to more agree with those on the left, right?
You're starting to agree more with those who you've already admitted have abandoned, have unhitched themselves from scripture.
They don't even believe in inerrancy. They don't even believe in the basic sexual ethic of the
Bible. It's very simple, guys. The sexual ethic of the Bible is very simple. And they've unhitched themselves from that scripture.
They've unhitched themselves from inerrancy. And all of a sudden you find yourself now being, you're agreeing more with them, and now your friends who are hitched to the word of God, who you admit agree with you on theology, they agree with you on the gospel, they agree with you on what the word of God says, and now they're starting to criticize you.
That's not the sign of faithfulness. That's the sign that you're judging your truthfulness on a shifting standard.
I heard somebody call, he's a slave to the Overton window. As culture pulls leftwards again and further and further and further, the reason that you're now being criticized by those who are hitched to the word of God is because the word of God hasn't moved with the culture you have.
You've moved with the culture. You're the one who's apologizing for the sexual ethic of the Bible now, who's pretending like the
Bible whispers about the sexual ethic. You're the one being influenced by the pagans.
The word of God is here where it's always been, and your friends are here where they've always been, and they're starting to criticize you because they see you being dragged by the culture.
You see, the Overton window is not the standard of our ethics. The word of God is.
There used to be a comedian who did this thing where ways to know you're a redneck without knowing you're a redneck, and he'd say, here's your sign.
Well, here's the sign that you're actually capitulating to the culture rather than trying to disciple the culture into faithfulness to Christ.
You're agreeing more with them than you ever have before, even as you admit they're unhitched from the
Bible, even as you admit they're unhitched from inerrancy and all of that. Your friends haven't moved.
You have. That's the key. That's the key. And so, you know, he's lamenting that people have left his church, and you can hear him.
It takes us very personally, and I understand to a certain degree why. He brings up these emotion -laden things,
I married you, I married your children. You could hear his voice cracking in this.
He's deeply affected by this, and that's a good thing because if he was totally callous to this, I'd say he's totally gone, but I think there's a spark here, and he's got this emotion where he's like,
I married your family, I walked you through this death, and you can tell he feels personally betrayed by these people who have refused to move with the culture, have refused to move leftward with the culture, and he's like, well, doesn't my track record of ministry mean anything to you?
And it's really sort of this woe is me, my job is so hard, and I have no patience for that kind of thing.
People that'll go in public and just rip their own flocks because it's so hard to be me.
It reminds me of Clerks, you ever see the movie Clerks? If you haven't, don't go watch it, it's not an appropriate movie, but in the movie
Clerks, one of the clerks says, this job would be great if it wasn't for all the customers, and that's a joke, right, because that's funny.
It's like, yeah, right, a job would be easier if you didn't have to do anything, but you're complaining that your whole job is dealing with people, and it's like, the pastor's the same way, it's like, they're telling the
Randall joke, but it's not a joke to them, they're serious, like, Randall was joking in that movie, it was a funny joke, but when you rip your flock, and it's basically like you're saying, this job would be great if it weren't for these sheep,
Jesus, but just think about how self -centered this is, and this is a mentality that is not,
I don't want you to think I'm picking on J .D. Greer, this is rampant in Big Eva, this woe is me, it's so hard to be a pastor, pray for your pastors because, you know, you have to deal with you, yeah, pray for your pastors, but this idea of going in public and ripping your flock like they're idiots, like, they'll just go after anybody, you know,
Rachel Maddow is discipling my sheep more than me, and he says Rachel Maddow, but, you know, he means
Tucker Carlson, he has to say Rachel Maddow because he wants to, you know, peer balance, but let's just face it, in the examples he uses, he uses
COVID restrictions and he uses George Floyd, he's in lockstep with Rachel Maddow, so he's not talking really about Rachel Maddow, you see, he reveals too much here, he chooses two examples where he's in lockstep with MSNBC, except he sprinkles a little
Jesus on it, and so he's not really as balanced as he's saying, I mean, but the point is, he's like, he's like, you know, woe is me, it's so difficult to be a pastor, my stupid flock is listening to Tucker Carlson more than me,
I mean, they get Tucker three hours a day, but they only get me for an hour a day, guys, JD, hear me, that's not their fault if they are discipled more by Tucker Carlson than by you, if that's really true, which
I don't believe, I don't, I think this is just a talking point, right, they're all saying this right now, I don't believe that this is actually true, but if it were true,
JD, this is your fault, not theirs, this is your fault, you said you've had them for 20 years, you've had them for 20 years, and somehow you've failed so spectacularly that they don't, according to your perspective, they don't believe what the word of God says, they believe what
Tucker says, and I don't think Tucker's very trustworthy, I don't watch Tucker, I don't care, I don't think he's a very trustworthy person, you might disagree with me, that's okay, we can still be friends, but if this is true, which
I don't grant, JD, even if it is true, this is your failing, not your flock, that you've decided to rip and take uber personally, that they've decided to look elsewhere for a church, and see, but this is the thing, it's so self -centered, because all he's thinking about is how it hurts him,
I married you, I walked you through this, I put all this effort, and this is how you pay me back, what he's not thinking about is how much hurt and pain is on the other side, because you're right, you did marry them, you did walk them through suffering, you walked them through death, you've walked them through depression, you've walked them through all of these things, and now all of a sudden, they see you doing what
CNN is doing, and hating on white people just because they're white, and calling it holy, Shovin is guilty, he's a murderer, he even did that to that young boy that was just sitting there smiling while that adult
Indian guy just started chanting gibberish to him, who knows, chanting the demons, and he just does what
MSNBC does, he gets all over it, and these people are like,
Pastor, I thought you loved us, I thought you loved us, and here you are, you're entertaining these ideas, maybe whiteness really is wicked, yeah, it's white supremacy, and white privilege, and white people are, yeah, they're just evil to black people, they're racist, they're white, they're racist, and they're like,
Pastor, I thought you loved us, and they're thinking about all the same things you're thinking about, man, you married us, you know me,
I'm not racist, I don't have any partiality against black people, and here you're doing what
Abram Kindy X is doing, I don't understand, Pastor, and then with the
COVID protocols, right, he mentions that as a small issue, by the way, this whiteness is wicked thing, that's not a small political issue, that's a tremendously huge, major theological issue, that's a theological issue, and in the
COVID stuff, he says, you know, it's just a small, by disagreement, and these people are looking at you, they're like,
Pastor, I thought you loved us, like, how could you, how could you shut down the worship of God for a year, how could you, how could you not let me come to the table,
I need to come to the table, I need to have communion with the Lord, that's what we do, when
I come, and we're singing together, we're singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, and we're greeting each other with a holy kiss, we're laying hands on the sick, we're having communion together, we're all together, and I thought you loved me,
Pastor, you banned me from doing this for a year, but all
JD is thinking about is himself, how he feels betrayed, how do you think your flock is feeling,
JD Greer? You don't have to wonder, because you know who they reach out to?
A good portion of them reach out to guys like me, just random guys on YouTube, and they tell us our stories, and I'm not their pastor,
I can't do anything, I can't pick up the pieces with them, the most I can do is say, dude, you're not crazy, that's totally wrong that he's done that, it's totally wrong, and not only white people are coming to me, by the way, black people and Latinos, they come to me, and they say, man,
I love my church, but the pastor keeps teaching that blacks and Latinos are victims, and I don't want my kids hearing that, but it hurts to leave, and I'm like, yeah,
I get it, and every time people ask me, what's my advice? I say, the last thing you should do is leave your church, when all else fails, that's what you do, but try everything else, don't leave, and people hear me, and a lot of them,
I think, listen to that advice, and I think that's good advice, and here's what happens, JD, they come to you, and I'm not saying you personally,
I'm talking about just all kinds of Big Heaven pastors, I've heard the stories, man, we've all heard the stories, and they come to you, and they say, pastor, you know,
I heard, you know, so -and -so, the assistant pastor, saying this weird thing about whiteness, and I just,
I don't know, that sounds really bad, it sounds kind of like what I've been hearing on MSNBC, it kind of sounds like Alexandria Ocasio -Cortez, that's really weird, like, because in the
Bible, it says, don't show partiality to the rich or the poor, and can you help me, pastor? And they get one of two responses, they get instantly rebuked, as if they're some kind of divisive person, or they get subterfuge, where you go, oh yeah, don't worry about it, and then you just, you know, cancel their home group, you cancel their
Sunday school class, and you just passive -aggressively just dismiss them, and you just throw them to the wolves, and then when they leave, it's because they've been mistreated by you, they've been mistreated, they thought you loved them, and you treated them with such disdain, with such disrespect, unbiblical disdain, by the way,
I'm not talking about biblically warranted, you know, anger, unbiblical, like, you've totally skipped all the steps of church discipline, you've sidestepped it all, and you've just dismissed them, and when they leave, then they have to endure you going to the pagans, right?
Some people will send a letter to the Atlantic, some people will go on YouTube, some people will go to Southeastern Seminary, some people will just put their little clips online, where they're calling half their congregation fools, they have to endure being gaslit by you, and they're like, pastor,
I thought you loved me, man, you married me, you married my kids, you walked me through death, and because I have questions, you've just dismissed me, and you rip me to the pagans, and you rip me to everyone that you can find, to make yourself look like the perfect one, when you're clearly not, and to rip us, who we were just asking questions here, see,
J .D. Hall, I'm sorry, sorry, J .D. Hall, J .D. Greer has got this so upside down, he thinks he's up here, and you guys are down here, guys, find your,
I've never done this on a video, if you've got a pastor who thinks that he's better than you, that you can't even criticize him, otherwise you're touching the
Lord's anointed, you can't question him, and if you do, you get ridiculed and ripped, leave that church like your life depends on it, because it does, you see, my pastor and I, we don't agree on everything, we agree on an awful lot, but we don't agree on everything, but every time
I speak to him, there is no even inkling of him thinking that he's better than me, that he's more spiritual than me, that he's more, just advanced than me, smarter than me, nothing.
When he asks me a question, it's like we're here, we're eye to eye, and he honestly, I mean, you know,
I don't get the sense that he's just asking me to make me feel good, like he honestly wants to know what I think about a passage that he doesn't agree with me on, and things like that, and I have a great pastor, and you know, he's a sinful man as well, just like everybody, but he's a great pastor who actually shepherds his flock and doesn't rule over it like the pagans do, doesn't lord it over each other like the pagans do, you know, you talk about cancel culture,
I can't believe how many people canceled their church, you canceled them, you shut down your service, what other choice do they have?
It's just so upside down, and there's so much projection here, and again, like I said,
I'm not their pastor, I don't have to pick up these pieces, but there are good men out there, there are good men out there that haven't shifted with the
Overton window, that they haven't moved over here and said, okay, now over here is biblical, now over here is biblical, they haven't done that, they've refused to do that, and they've kept their church open, and they've refused to add stipulations to worship
God, like wearing a mask for goodness sake, they've refused to rip on white people and hate white people without cause, they've refused to try to say that the sins of the fathers can be put on the children, they've refused to do all the things that you've capitulated into doing, and here you are, you have the audacity to call those men synagogues of Satan, synagogues of Satan, because they're too political, because they didn't close down their church the way
I see, I'm threading that political needle perfectly, and I've determined that shutting down your church politically is the right thing to do, and everything besides that is a synagogue of Satan, you can't leave your church when they close down for a year, you just have to submit, that's where the
Overton window is now, so that's holiness to J .D. Greer, these pastors are picking up the pieces of these people that, you know, all they were doing was being
Bereans and asking questions and saying, hey, I don't know about this, and you shut them down, you rip them apart to the pagans, you go to Southeastern Seminary to teach future pastors how to do the same thing that you did, the wicked, vile teachings that you did, you're teaching them to do the same thing, and then you have the audacity to call solid, good pastors synagogues of Satan, unbelievable
J .D. Greer, this is so disgusting, it's disturbing, it's disgusting, there's that element of humor in this as well because of the projection is just so off the charts, but at the end of the day, it makes me sad, it makes me sad, and one of the things
I hope that this video can do is to force you to look in the mirror and say, you know what, maybe
I'm the problem, maybe it's not that this job would be great if not for all the customers, maybe the customers are okay, and it's my piss -poor attitude that needs to change, it's my, the way
I do business, the way I treat them, maybe that's what needs to change, because let me just say this to you from a third party, it is you, you are the man, you're the one that canceled church for a year, leaving your congregation with no choice but to leave, even though they loved their church, they loved you, and they had to go because they had to take care of their families before God, they had to take care of their families, and they had to go find a church that refused to change with the narrative, to refuse to change along with the narrative that CNN or MSNBC or Fox News wanted you to go with,
I mean, that's the reality of the situation, and you're here calling them synagogues of Satan, he makes it seem like they're leaving the church, right, like if they left my church, they must have left the faith, it's like they must be too political to be
Christians, I guess, anymore, because they had a baby with the political, and now they're synagogues of Satan, it's like, dude, just because somebody left your church doesn't mean they're not going to church, in fact, you forced them to leave when you shut down, you forced them to leave when you added unbiblical additions to the worship of God, like you have to wear cloth masks, that doesn't do anything, you're the man, you're the one who's admitted that you're now more in step with the people that are unhitched from the
Bible than the people that are completely dedicated to the Bible, under your own admission, you're shifting with the overted window, take a good look in the mirror, you're the man, you're the one who's decided to get too political, you're the one who's decided that you're going to go with the mainstream narrative, no matter how stupid it is, no matter how crazy it is, no matter how much it obviously contradicts the scripture, the word of God that is here and has always been here, and it does not move depending on what's acceptable in the culture, we all know that the culture is getting worse and worse and worse, they're rejecting
God more and more and more, but for some reason pastors like you are sounding more and more like them every single day, and then they have the audacity to call pastors who were immovable, synagogues of Satan, this is rhetoric, this is as angry as you're going to see
J .D. Geer get, like I'm sure he gets angry in his personal life, but publicly this is as much as you'll get, so it doesn't sound like that aggressive, but make no mistake, this rhetoric of the synagogue of Satan is aggressive, it's aggressive and it is vicious, and he's using it to describe people that are more faithful than he is, that's the reality,
I didn't choose these examples of COVID and George Floyd, he chose those examples, those are his examples, he sounds like Rachel Maddow, who's discipling you
J .D.? Who's discipling you? See that's the reality here, who's discipling you? Anyway, so I hope you found that helpful, there was more things that I could have said here, but I'll leave it for another video, but this just really, it encourages me to some degree that they're starting to reveal some of this stuff a lot more openly, even if it's accidental, it is an accidental revelation that he's admitting that he's kind of moved along with the
Overton window as time has gone on, we all already knew this, but you know in his defense of himself he actually reveals it even more plainly, guys it's not too late, you
Gospel Coalition folks, you Big Eva folks, it's not too late to see the error of your ways, man, take a good look in the mirror and just consider, maybe it's you, maybe it's you, if your faithful friends and congregants, you know they believe the
Word of God, you know they hold it in high esteem, you know they study it, you know that they love the
Lord with all their hearts, you know they do, if they're starting to criticize you, maybe it's not them, just there's your sign, maybe it's a time to reconsider what you've been doing, anyway, and if you've been one of these people that has been kind of cast aside by a pastor like J .D.
Greer, just know you're not crazy, know you're not crazy, there are, there are, look, there's not as many good churches out there as there ought to be, but there are too many for you to stick around with someone who will spiritually abuse you like this and then go run to in public and just throw you to the wolves like a, well,