Smooth AD - Big Eva's Virtual Big Brother

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Hey there, SmoothADRoblez here, and I hope you had a great weekend.
I know I definitely did. It was a great weekend. A good Lord's Day, all that kind of thing. Let's just jump right into it today.
Today I thought I would do something a little bit different. Now, listen, the ADRoblez YouTube channel offers a lot of commentary and criticism, critiques, analysis, responses, things of that nature, and, look,
I love that kind of content as much as any guy. There's a time for severe critique, and there's a time for that kind of content.
Not saying there is not. But today I thought I'd take a different approach. I want to take the perspective of, well, just someone here that's trying to help.
You know, more like a virtual brother, a virtual older brother, you know, that someone would go to to get advice about their internet usage.
Now, I'm going to do three tweets that I find they have something in common, you know, some kind of shared theme to these tweets.
And what I figured I'd do is I'd pretend that I was talking directly to the tweeter.
That's right. As if I was in a conversation with the tweeter, and I was trying to help them out and give them just some brotherly advice, brother to brother, just to kind of improve their internet content, their internet persona, and to hopefully warn them away from potential pitfalls.
I think you'll see what I mean in just a moment. Let's dive right into the first one. This one is from Charlie Dates.
Now, I don't know too much about Charlie Dates, but I have heard that he used to be very solid, that he used to have very good sermons and very good information that he would disseminate.
Disseminate? Yeah, I think that's the right word. I don't really know. Listen, I went to public school, so he would disseminate very helpful things.
But recently, in recent times, he's become, well, he's become a bit of a race baiter. And so this is a
Twitter thread. I'm not going to read the whole thread, but Charlie Dates seems to be lamenting the fact that there's no black sacred music anymore.
Who knew? Listen, I didn't even know there was black sacred music ever. So who knew? But, you know, listen,
I like listening to gospel music as much as the next guy. I think that's what he's talking about. That kind of style, that kind of energetic,
Wade in the Waters type of style, that kind of thing. God's going to trouble the waters.
Those are the spirituals that we remember from back in the day. I remember back in elementary school, we had a whole unit about spirituals, spiritual songs from the black sacred music tradition.
And here we have what appears to be a little bit of a conspiracy theory.
He's saying that maybe the CCM, the Contemporary Christian Music, I guess it's a licensing group.
I'm not really exactly sure. But maybe they were paid off to eliminate black music from their catalog, which
I find to be very interesting. Now, Charlie, that's the first thing I want to just encourage you.
Maybe we should not imply conspiracy theories as far as our reasoning to lament the missing music that you miss,
I guess, from your old days. But that's not really what this is about. I want to go to the end here and read his last little tweet here.
Here's what he says. He says, By the time we realize its value, it may be too late.
Our music, like our theology and our preaching, remains a salvific instrument bent toward freedom.
If we lose the sound of black sacred music, our witness is at risk. Our captors required of us a song, and we sound like them.
Now, Charlie, let me just speak to you directly. Brother, don't do this.
Brother, this is the kind of thing that I think, it makes you seem like a, how to put this nicely, it makes you seem like a crackpot.
When you start to say stuff like this, where you start to say, well, there's no more black music, which
I don't think is necessarily true, there's black music, you just gotta know where to look. You just gotta know where to look.
And so, there's no more black music, therefore, it's just like in slave times, we're enslaved.
And it's this kind of rhetoric that I think makes you look like a little, well, a little crazy.
I mean, because you don't know any black music, and it's not sung widely, that now you're like a slave.
Your captor said, sing, boy, and now you're singing, you're singing like him. And I don't think that's really the message you want to put forward.
I think what you're trying to say, Charlie, and I think there are better ways to do this, but what you're trying to do,
I think, is to encourage people to get to work and just to write songs that embrace their black culture and their black experience.
And listen, there's nothing wrong with that. I mean, listen, if you want to sing black gospel songs, then write some black gospel songs.
There's nothing wrong with that. Or, you can go back in time and go to the old catalog, those songs still exist.
You can still sing those songs, just because they're not in the CCM, they're not on the radio, doesn't mean you can't sing them.
Of course, if you want to sing, Wade in the water, you can sing Wade in the water all day long.
You can sing any song. That just happens to be the one I remember from my childhood. But there are many other songs.
Even I'll fly away, oh, glory, I'll fly away, home and back, hallelujah, by and by.
Listen, you can sing those songs. I think that's what this thread is intended to do.
It's intended to encourage people to embrace the black spiritual songs of our past and maybe even create new ones.
And I think, Charlie, that there are better ways to do this than to pretend like that just because people don't sing them, that it's like a slave master saying, sing, boy, sing.
See, that makes you look a little crazy. It's nothing like slavery to sing Hillsong. Maybe people just like Hillsong.
You know, I never understood Hillsong. It's not my thing. But just because somebody likes to sing
Hillsong doesn't mean that they're a slave. That's a very weird kind of thing to do.
You kind of, you're overplaying your hand. You're using rhetoric that's really not appropriate to the situation.
That brings me to Dr. Anthony Bradley, PhD. Anthony Bradley, PhD.
He is a very, very intelligent black man, and he wants you to know it.
He puts his PhD right there. He's Dr. Anthony Bradley. Now, Dr.
Anthony Bradley is a very interesting person, in my opinion, because on the one hand, he'll often have some very intellectual and very wise positions on things.
He seems like a very smart guy in general. In fact, his PhD is right there. You can see it. He's got a
PhD. And he says things that I agree with quite often. But then he says things that, quite frankly, they make him look a little like a crackpot.
Let's listen to this, Anthony, and I'm going to try to encourage you that it doesn't have to be this way. I just don't quite understand this mentality that you have, and you do this quite often.
So let's read it. Anthony Bradley, Dr. Anthony Bradley, PhD.
1689ers are categorically among the worst, quote unquote, Christians in the America.
When you see 1689 in a Twitter bio, think Westboro Baptist Church. It's the same exact culture.
It's the same exact same culture, but slightly more polite. Hold on. Let me just read.
Let me start over. I think I read this wrong. Hold on. Hold on. Dr. Anthony Bradley, PhD, says this.
1689ers are categorically among the worst, quote unquote, Christians in the America. When you see 1689 in a
Twitter bio, think, quote unquote, Westboro Baptist. It's the same exact same culture, but slightly more polite.
Since 1689ers aren't a denomination, the culture is much more like a Christian cult.
I'm not sure what spurred you to this Dr. Anthony Bradley, PhD, but let me just encourage you that you don't have to do this.
Again, this is another example of just rhetoric that's probably not appropriate for the situation.
Westboro Baptist, Dr. Anthony Bradley, PhD, come on, man. This makes you look like a crackpot.
It makes you look like you're, well, it makes you look unhinged. I don't think Dr. Anthony Bradley, PhD, that that was the intention of this tweet.
You see, you know that very similar to Charlie Dates over here, when he references slavery and sang, boy, he knows that that's going to elicit some kind of emotional reaction.
It's the same with Westboro Baptist Church. These are the folks that used to picket funerals of police officers and things like that.
They'd put signs up that would say, God hates fags and things of that nature. He knows that when he says
Westboro Baptist, that that's going to bring up all kinds of emotions. I just don't think that if you have this, he does have a crusade against 1689
Baptist, the London Baptist Confession 1689. That's what that means, 1689.
I think it might have something to do with Dr. James White because he all, of course, has 1689 in his
Twitter bio because he subscribes to the 1689 London Baptist Confession.
So he has a vendetta against 1689. There's nothing wrong with that. You can be against the 1689
Confession if you want. I don't subscribe to it personally. I think it's quite a good confession in general, but I don't subscribe to it completely, of course.
However, just because you are against the, does not mean you have to use this kind of rhetoric. Westboro Baptist, Dr.
Anthony Bradley, PhD, look, a man of your stature and education does not have to try to manipulate people's emotions in this way.
It just doesn't make sense to me, Anthony. I think what you're trying to do is you're trying to say, look, a lot of 1689 people are mean to me.
They're mean to me. I want to defend myself, so I'm going to try to be mean back.
It's like, you know what they say, hurt people, hurt people, hurt people, hurt people,
Dr. Anthony Bradley. I think there's more, listen, there's more productive ways to go about this.
In fact, you don't even have to complain about them at all. I mean, 1689, there's nothing about the 1689
Confession that makes people mean to Dr. Anthony Bradley, PhD, but he has this vendetta and he feels the need to go to Twitter about it.
I would recommend, Anthony, brother, brother, listen to me, your older brother, your virtual older brother, listen to me.
If you must tweet about this, and I don't think you have to, but if you must tweet about this,
Dr. Anthony Bradley, PhD, my brother, listen to me. Don't do this over rhetoric, this thing where you try to, you know, it's
Westboro Baptist. I mean, come on. You might as well have said, it's like, you might as well just read
Nazi. Listen, the first person to say Westboro Baptist Church usually has lost the debate.
Let's just face that. And well, Dr. Anthony Bradley, I think a lot of this comes from the desire to be like, not like other
Christians. Like I think the Charlie Dates thing goes with that too. It's like he uses this rhetoric, he's like, look, we're not like those slave master
Christians. And here, Dr. Anthony Bradley, PhD, Dr. Anthony Bradley, PhD, that, that stands for a doctorate degree.
I don't know if you knew that. All right. Here he's, he's trying to say, well, I'm not like those other Christians, those bigots.
And it's just like this performance to not be like those other Christians. And listen, listen, the world's not going to like you anymore just because you're not like those other
Christians. It's just not, it's just not. Jesus Christ himself promised this, that the world hated him.
They're going to hate you. No matter how many times you, you use their language, Westboro Baptist, it's not going to work.
Dr. Anthony Bradley, PhD, it's not going to work. That brings me to Daniel Darling. Daniel Darling, here he is.
He is going over, I guess, a new law that's going to allow for infanticide.
Now that's not a new law, infanticide has been allowed in our country for very many years. And abortion is infanticide, but Daniel Darling, and rightfully so, he's up in arms about this, this new law that allows babies after they're born to be killed.
I don't want them to be killed before or after they're born. But here's what Daniel Darling says, and again,
Daniel, Daniel, listen to me, listen to your virtual brother. I've got advice for you on how to deal with this internet thing.
Daniel Darling says this, it's not culture warring to resist this with all of our might.
It's standing up for the vulnerable. You see this, this whole, again,
I think this ties into the theme. It's like, he just doesn't, he does, he thinks that if he's not like those other
Christians, the world is going to like him. Those other Christians are culture warring. I'm not culture warring.
Daniel, Daniel, let me, let me look you square in the eye. Daniel, this is culture warring.
There's nothing wrong with culture warring. You see, Jesus Christ told us that the church, nothing, the gates of hell will not stand up against the church.
That means that we are on the offense in this war. There's lots of war rhetoric in the
Bible, the armor of God. There's all kinds of things, the Bible's a sword, which is a weapon.
It's a defensive weapon, yes, but it's also an offensive weapon as well. And so there's nothing wrong with culture warring.
You see, Daniel Darling, I think you think that if you are not like those other
Christians, that the world is going to accept your culture warring a little better. So if you call it not culture warring, they're going to accept your culture warring.
And Daniel, I'm here to tell you, listen, Daniel, I don't want you to be disappointed.
I don't want you to be full of despair when they eventually want to throw you in the gulag with me.
They think you're the same as me. It doesn't matter if you're nicer, it doesn't matter if you don't call it culture warring.
Eventually they're going to come for you. And Daniel, I've got your back, my friend, I've got your back. I think this tweet would have been much more effective if you just said, this is evil.
Let's resist this with all of our might. This is a war against the armies of darkness.
Something like that. I think you're trying to outsmart the pagans. And listen, the pagans, they're not that smart in general.
I mean, they reject the Lord of Glory. How smart can they be? But they're too smart for this, Daniel. They're too smart for this.
Again, very similar to Dr. Anthony Bradley, PhD. That means doctorate, by the way.
Just like Charlie Dates, I think he's trying to separate himself from other
Christians. And he says, look, this is not a culture war. This is not. Daniel, it is. Be honest.
See, this is the thing. I think people will respect you more, Daniel. And they'll listen to you more.
And they'll actually consider you more of a good person.
If you're honest, and Daniel, let's just face it, it's not honest.
People can see the little trick you're running. They can see that you're just trying to talk a certain way, and it's a little bit slippery and all of that,
Daniel. You've got to believe it yourself before anyone else will believe it.
If Christ is on that throne, and he is there, and he insists that the civil governing authority rule and reign according to what is good and against what is wrong.
If he's really there and you really believe it, Daniel, this is no way to show that.
This is no way to show that. People respect those who really believe what they say they believe,
Daniel. I would suggest just putting this whole strategy aside. It doesn't work.
It doesn't work to be like, well, I'm not like those other Christians, Daniel. You're just like us.
You're just like us. I'll embrace you. I'll be there to help you. We'll help you. We'll get your flank,
Daniel. You don't have to do this anymore. All right. One more.
Just one more. We've got none other than Phil Vischer and Skye Jethany.
Skye Jethany and Phil Vischer, these guys are, they're probably the poster boys for this whole mentality where you kind of use over rhetoric and you really want to be perceived as not like those other
Christians. I'm not like those other Christians, guys. I'm your friend. Now let's just listen to this video and we're going to respond to it.
We're going to, again, I'm, I'm, I'm your big brother. I'm your big brother. I'm your older brother,
Phil Vischer. I'm here to help. Listen, A .D. Robles is here to help. I understand what you're doing.
I get it. I understand what you want to project and I'm here to help you. I'm here to help you in your walk.
Let's go. Sexuality and, you know, done, um, you know, intricate health classes in K through three anyway, you know, right.
That doesn't really start until fifth grade. I mean, I taught school for 10 years and granted it was in private school, but they're talking about the, uh, the, the bill that doesn't want a, it says they listen, listen, we shouldn't be teaching kids perversion in school, right?
We shouldn't be, we shouldn't be teaching kids to cross dress and, and try to pretend to be transsexual.
We shouldn't be, we shouldn't be telling them the glories of sodomy when they're young and things of that nature.
It's a very simple, uh, situation. It's really not that complicated. We shouldn't be doing that.
Most other teachers I knew, uh, they weren't even talking about that stuff until middle school.
I think the issue, the issue isn't that third graders are going to be taught anything like sex ed.
I think the problem is, that is the issue though, because that's the next step. You see what I'm saying? This is the thing.
I remember when I was a younger Christian, I heard about the, the conspiracy theory that there was this
LGBT agenda. Well, it turns out it actually wasn't a conspiracy theory at all.
This has always been the goal from the beginning and it's going to continue to be the goal. That is the issue, Sky. Kindergarten through third grade, as children are encountering just the curriculum and reading storybooks and things like that, if there are depictions of same sex couples or transgender people or something like that, what you're effectively doing is normalizing those identities.
And for some people, that's seen as offensive and they don't want their kids. It's not offensive.
It's perverted. You see, I'm not offended by it. I just, I just, I just understand that that's, that's a perversion of reality.
That's not the way reality ought to be. You see, these people exist. We get that, but they ought not to exist.
We should not be presenting that as if it's normal because it is anything but normal. This is for a
Christian. This is a very easy, easy one to get. But you see, this is the thing. When you, when you really desperately desire to appear reasonable to pagans,
Sky, Sky, my brother, my brother, listen to me.
I want to help you. Your goal should not, should not be to appear reasonable to pagans.
You see, that's your problem. Your primary issue is that you're actually not trying to honor
God. You're trying to appear reasonable to pagans. Now, I think you're doing it for the right reason.
I think you're probably doing it because you want them to one day know God and things like that. But here's the truth,
Sky, listen to me, listen to me, Sky. Their rejection of God has absolutely nothing to do with how reasonable they believe
Christians are. Nothing, nothing at all. It has to do with the fact that they love their sin.
That's right, baby. Let's continue. To think that two men or two women married with children and having a family is okay.
Right. Well, have we ever? That's what's being concerned. Here comes Phil Vischer. Here comes Phil. He, he really is interested.
He's very interested in appearing reasonable. And Phil, this is the problem. When you, when, when your goal is to appear like, not like those other
Christians, you say silly things. The only thing that would compare to this, again, goes back to race.
When you had people honestly arguing, you know, in some parts of the South, that my religion teaches the races must be kept separate.
And now the government is wanting to put the races together. You know, this is a huge impasse.
And since then, we haven't, you know, for most of American history, Judeo -Christian ethics have kind of informed public policy and public ethics.
We're, we're definitely at a crossroads where, you know, Judeo -Christian ethics, if you hold to a traditional
Judeo -Christian sexual ethic, you are out of step with public ethics. And how that plays out in public schools and in public settings is going to be increasingly contentious, you know, and will lead more people to homeschooling and more people to private schools.
And, you know, if there's lawsuits flying around, more teachers to say this isn't worth it. I'm out of here.
You know, harder to get teachers. I mean, it's hard enough to teach already, but now try to teach if you aren't sure whether you can acknowledge that Johnny has, you know, two dads in the class when he brings it up.
So this just, oh, this is messy and it's going to get messier. It's only, again, it's only messy if you're trying to appear reasonable.
Now, does Phil Fisher think that this is similar to racism? It's like, it's like, well, it's race.
It's all about it's similar to race, because back in the day, people would say the Bible says the races should be separate.
It's the same thing as now when they say that, well, homosexuals shouldn't be allowed to get married and have children and things of that nature.
It's really not the same thing at all. See, the reality is that this is a.
Phil, listen, big, big, big brother to brother, big brother, my brotherly advice,
Phil, here's my brotherly advice to you. Just stop, you just got to stop these videos, you just you got to stop.
I got nothing for you. I've got nothing for you except that the best thing for everybody, including yourself, would be if you just stopped.
In any case, that was smooth. A .D. responding. I'm just trying to be helpful. I'm just trying to be.
It's all love here on this part of the channel, baby. It's all love. I hope you found that helpful. God bless.