Spiritual Transitions from the Alphabet


One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


So, this is a time where we do our spiritual transitions to train ourselves to transition from the natural world to the spiritual world and I do these transitions with whatever was given to me in the chat room of our live show
Mondays, 8 o 'clock, 8 p .m., Monday nights on Ustream. Whatever is put in the chat room for me to transition, that's what
I transition from and I have to transition from that to the gospel. And tonight,
I was given the alphabet. The alphabet is what I have to transition. So, I have to transition from the alphabet to the gospel.
I was told not alphabet soup, but the alphabet. So, that's actually, the more
I think about it, it's actually kind of easy. I was kind of not sure where I was going to go with it, but now that I think about it, I think about an alphabet.
An alphabet is evidence of intelligence. Why? Because we have language. We speak in an intelligent way.
We have a language where we communicate letters in an alphabet put together in a correct order.
We understand the meaning of that. We're the only creature that God created outside of angels.
I guess angels would understand an alphabet probably, but no animal understands or has an alphabet.
Now, people argue, well, they communicate to one another. That is true. Some animals do seem to have an ability to communicate with one another, but what they do not have an ability to do is have a grammar.
So, when we talk about grammar with a language that's unique to human beings, and that is evidence of our intellect and our ability to reason, and we can look at these letters and know the ordering.
And some argue that to assume that everything came out of nothing, that the universe just happened to be is like a chimpanzee typing on a keyboard and one shot producing a
Shakespearean novel. Not likely. But the alphabet is evidence of a couple things.
One, it's evidence of the fact that we're made in God's image with an ability to reason and intelligence.
It's also an evidence of something else. Have you ever thought about why there are so many languages? There's actually about 12, maybe 13, what's called proto -languages.
Proto -languages are our first languages. Languages are a neat little thing to study because what you see with languages is that you can actually see how people move from one area to another based on the changes in dialect of languages.
And we can see how people groups move from one area to another to another because we see similar language and changes in dialect.
And so when you go back, you have 12 or 13 proto -languages, first languages that don't go back any further.
Maybe 13 because there's a language called a click language where they just click. But it actually has a grammar and therefore would actually be considered by many a language.
That's interesting in a couple points because why are there so many languages? Well there's so many languages because back many years ago at the
Tower of Babel, man wanted to be like God and create basically a building, a structure to get them to heaven so they can reach up to God.
And God decided to confuse them with language, to basically force them to not be able to work together for the purpose of evil.
And therefore he gave them different languages and by that spread them out. And so there was then these 11 or 13 proto -languages.
It's an interesting thing about languages because if you study linguistics, as my friend
George Avereux does, you end up seeing that when you get to languages, yes they do change.
When you get to the proto -languages, you can't push them back any earlier. So if man did evolve, you know what that means?
That man must have evolved and 13 or 12 different times, they learned to communicate in totally new different languages.
Wow! That's interesting, that's surprising, that mathematically impossible can happen.
But the fact that we have these languages is yet another evidence that the
Bible is true. It explains how we got these languages and the reason we got these languages is because we struggle with an issue called sin.
We want to be God. It's the reason we come up with theories like evolution where we can just reject
God altogether and pretend He doesn't exist so we could be God. And the reality is we suffer from the same problem that they suffered in Babylon.
That they wanted to be God and they wanted to be the king. And the reality is that when we look at languages, it should be an evidence of God's judgment on the human race when they think they could be like God.
But that judgment isn't just on the human race but actually on individuals. We as individuals will suffer because we break
God's law. But God did make a way of escape. God Himself came to earth, died on the cross 2 ,000 years ago as a man and paid the fine for men.
That's the good news of Jesus Christ. And that's how I would transition from the alphabet to the gospel.