Before You Get the Shot, Consider This

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Sources: (Vaers Adverse Effects Data) (1% of Adverse Effects Reported) Department of Health and Human Services, 2010 (Compared to Influenza) (Anaphylaxis rate) – Jama Network, March 8, 2021 (Blood Clotting) - The BMJ, August 27, 2021 (Questions about Graphene Ox1de possibly present) Robert Young independent Analysis (More D variant related deaths associated with those with shot[s]) Public Health England, Aug 6, 2021 (page 19) (More protection from D varient if previously contracted than taking both Pf1zer doses.) medRxiv, Aug 25, 2021 (Shot Causing Myocarditis) New England Journal of Medicine, August 25, 2021 (Ivermect1n Effectiveness) American Journal of Therapeutics: July/August 2021 - Volume 28 - Issue 4 (Hydr0xych10r0qu1ne and z1nc Effectiveness) MedRxiv, May 31, 2021


Welcome to the conversations that matter podcast. My name is John Harris for those who normally watch or listen
You can tell that I'm not in my normal environment with my normal equipment that I usually use
Still that's because I'm in transition and on a personal note for those who care about that kind of thing I'll just let you know my wife and I are
Moving into a home We haven't been in in four years and there's some renovations and some repairs that need to happen
And that'll probably take between two and four weeks for me to be able to accomplish all this While working on a number of other things some of which
I haven't even talked about we last in studios is working on and I'm actually working on this week a
Documentary I haven't talked about and I can't really say any much about it at this point But it's it's got a lot of potential more than anything else
We probably have worked on or are working on and very excited about it
Also, though we're working on the regular stuff what I have mentioned the monument documentary got some progress done within the last two weeks on that There's another evangelistic
Documentary a short documentary that we're going to be putting out before the end of the year I haven't asked for funding extra funding for that at all
But but it's a great story and it should be fairly short. We shot that Within the last
I guess it was two weeks ago. And and so there's that and then also you can pray for this if if it comes to your mind, but the discerning
Christians website it needs a little work and and it really it needs to be an app and I've known that for a while and I've I've tried to pull some strings that I don't talk about it on the podcast but let's just say
I have approached people that that have the resources and the ability probably to do this and What I've really found out today
I had a phone call today about it is it's gonna probably cost a lot if I want to Do that and and so there's some options.
I'm looking at I'm not sure exactly what's gonna happen in the next two weeks I'll probably know more but there's but we've been the the individual who's been developing that and myself as I announce the new developments and Try to get to drive traffic and to drive donations his way
He's been kind of built building this as he has time on the side as kind of a labor of love really and We want to bring it to the next level because I'm just convinced it's really important now more than ever to connect not only congregants church members with pastors and churches, but also potential pastors prospective pastors with churches and churches they need a pastor with with one so Anyway, that that's another thing that's going on and And and then by way of transition to the topic today that I'd like to talk about which
I believe is very important I was at a I guess you could call it a public a
Public protest I guess for lack of a better term. It's not I don't like using that word sometimes just because And it is it is they're protesting.
There's really nothing wrong with the word, but it's so often When I use the word Talking about the social justice movement.
I'm talking about some really aggressive revolutionary Activities and and this wasn't that in fact this would be trying to prevent a revolutionary activity from taking place and what
I'm referring to I have to be very careful because of The platforms that I'm still available that I'm still able to use for some reason
I'm just gonna call it and everyone knows what I'm talking about I'm sure but I'm probably just gonna call it the the treatment for a particular
Ailment that is out there right now read between the lines, you know what I'm talking about and and I'll probably slip up and mention
What the ailment is and what the treatment is somewhere along the way and we'll see what happens But I'm trying my best to navigate this without triggering some of the algorithms that could be triggered
When voice recognition software combs through this video and this audio so as you know, there is a
Not so secret ailment affecting many people including possibly yourself if you're listening or someone you love at this very moment perhaps and the treatment that is prescribed for this the prevailing
I would say the establishment treatment established treatment has some issues with it and This isn't something
I've really wanted to delve into So much I've made my mind known here or there but there's a few things this week that have convinced me
I need to delve into it and I'm gonna delve into it. It's It's gonna be Not hopefully not something that I focus on for a long period of time
I'm hoping to put out, you know a handful of episodes on this and I'm gonna probably go a little deeper each time
Or share a different facet or something but I I'm convinced if I love people and I have a platform and I care about this audience and things are really the way that over the last few days that I've realized they are that I think
I have a responsibility to say something and and so I In a previous episode,
I let you all know my why I was making the personal decision I was making to not receive this treatment and To go a different route if I Succumb to this ailment once again, which
I've already had it. I'm pretty sure so I don't think I'll have much of a problem
I'm in a demographic that doesn't seem to Have a big problem with it. Normally. I don't have a pre -existing condition that would merit a lot of concern but But but I'm concerned
For for what I'm seeing and I'll start with this. I wrote down a few thoughts
I Want to say this up front People who have received this treatment
They are not I and many of you are listening who have received the jab the shot
Right the treatment I'm talking about You're not stupid and I don't think you are and I want to make that clear from the beginning because I What I think one of the problems is and I had a relative talk to me about this recently when
I was in, California There there is an attitude among some I'm not saying it's everyone at all
I'm not broad -brushing, but there are some people they see the threat coming from the medical industry and Pharmaceutical companies, etc.
And they tend to Vilify anyone who would go along and view them as a lemming view them as incredibly foolish and There are circumstances in which people who receive this are being foolish
But what I what I want to say is that under normal circumstances up until very recently We could all trust our doctors or at least we thought so in general we could trust
Early many of us thought at least some of you were were ahead of the curve in some ways But many of us thought we could really trust the
FDA we could trust that the various Institutes for Public Health had our best interests in mind and that There there was nothing wrong with not investigating it thoroughly if there was an issue because we trusted others to do the investigation for us and And that made sense
It's What's happened in the last two years, especially is there's been a great really sudden and drastic revelation that Most of the institutions that we have trusted we can't trust any longer and that's been hard and it's been fast
And not everyone is keeping track at the same pace And so I wanted to say up front that if you're someone who received this treatment,
I'm not I'm not against you I'm not I don't I'm not demeaning you with what
I'm about to share, which is more details on why I personally would not and probably never would receive this treatment, but I Want to say that I acknowledge
Why it made sense probably in many of your minds at the time and why I I don't demean you at all for it
All right, so I think though it is important now Now that we are starting to see and I'm going to show you more in this particular podcast why we we're starting to see
Institutions that we once trusted not be entirely honest with us. It's important to Do more homework and I know we don't want to do that, but we need to we need to do our homework we need to take things with a grain of salt and We and let me show you actually some verses on this
That I wanted to share So this is this is the first one the importance of seeking wisdom
I I heard this in church on Sunday Proverbs 8 17 says I love those who love me and those who diligently seek me will find me and the word there
Shamar for to seek means to look diligently for so look diligently for and This is about wisdom looking for wisdom
Diligently seeking it and it just hit me as This is what we need to be doing
This is in this particular application that I'm about to talk about today We need to be seeking wisdom and we need to be
Not just trusting what an authority tells us. We need to be at least looking into it somewhat so we we know both sides of the issue and Another problem.
I'll read for you Proverbs 2 verses 1 through 5 says my son if you will receive my words Treasure my commandments within you make your ear attentive to wisdom inclined your ear to Understanding and if you cry out for insight and raise your voice for understanding if you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures
Then you will understand the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God the point of me reading this is that Wisdom and it's different than knowledge right wisdom is like applied knowledge.
It takes work and knowledge is required for it, but Understanding the principles by which to apply knowledge is really where wisdom is at and There's some there's some things
I think that we should we could should take into account and especially as Christians One of the things that we need to understand is human nature humans if we really believe that humans are sinful and without checks and balances against that sin, they're going to Reveal that sin and they're they're gonna do evil things.
They're gonna exploit others for their own gain It shouldn't come as a surprise that even those who are authorities in a particular field that might know better or should know better Will willfully be ignorant
We've seen look for those who listen to this podcast, you know, all the people that you thought they know the Bible How can they not see that the social justice movement is a threat?
Well, it's it's very simple men are selfish and there's various motivations But look, one of the main ones is that men are selfish and what they are paid not to know
They will conveniently not know when your job depends on not knowing something on Looking the other way as false teaching is being taught then you might look the other way in self -interest
This is human nature and we need to understand that and so On that note,
I want to share for you a story from this past Sunday before I get into everything I was at a church and someone came who is in charge
I won't say where but they're in charge of Multiple school districts thousands of children and they have to approve
The treatment that we're referring to in this particular video for children ages 2 to 11 they've already approved it for adults, but now they have to prove it for children and this person's a medical doctor and Didn't think really anything of it but started to realize when he prescribed certain
Shall we say alternatives treatments that he thought would work? He was he was told by his supervisor's supervisor that they can't do that and he said this this is not normal There's there's a great fear of being sued and there's a great political pressure being brought to bear on anyone
Who would buck the system and he knows if he does not approve this particular treatment? he will have the media all over him and This is a doctor and some of the basic things that I talked about in the video from yesterday
He just was unaware of he's starting to figure them out and I realize this is a very smart man but all he's really has knowledge of is are those who are in his office and he told me one of He said that the
Pfizer that particular treatment It really has no effect in his mind hardly any effect on The ailment that is affecting everyone
So I want to I want to acknowledge that there's people out there that may have many letters behind their name but they
Perhaps willfully or perhaps just because it's not Directly in front of them. They haven't thought through this.
They've been they've been relying on the expertise of others as you have a whole entire You can have a whole entire field or industry that One person's relying on someone else who's relying on someone else who's relying on someone else who and it's it's a top -down authoritative structure of some kind and and that's what we're seeing and we need to step outside of that We need to think for ourselves.
We need to apply wisdom. We need wisdom very badly and We need to fight against that human nature.
That would say go with the flow Don't stand out because if you do it could ruin your reputation or your career that we have to fight against that because There are eternal there.
There is truth. There's eternal truth there's the fact that we're going to be judged for our actions in this life, but Just the basic care and love we should have for people that we have under our authority.
They need to be informed They need to know we need to use our resources and our platform to do good and and for those who
Know the right thing to do and they don't do it to them. It is sin. And so Some are afraid of having knowledge that could be negative about this treatment but I I ask you who should you be afraid of more
God or man and And men that have power over your job They think they do and they may but it's a temporary life and ultimately
God has all the authority and it's better to follow him So I would encourage you stand firm.
Don't don't give in be you know, play play the man If you're in the medical industry if you're a man or a woman do the right thing take a firm stand for truth
So this is part of the reason all of this goes into why I'm about to share some of the reasons and these are personal reasons as I shared in my last podcast on this for why
I have decided not to take the shot and I want to give you further details on some of what
I've been looking at and I've I think I've already Headed off at the past some of the objections so you can go look at the video
I put out yesterday where I talk about some of the objections people might have to me even speaking about this Some of you might not like this, but look
I'm only gonna hopefully put out a few episodes on this I don't want to focus on this too much. But what's happening right now in New York State?
You can't even have a religious exemption if you're in the healthcare field And it will probably spread to other fields.
People are just waiting for it. Teachers are waiting for it This this is the way in which tyranny is being
Tyranny is being applied and I I perceive it will only get worse. And so I need to focus on this
I need to before this comes to the other states and other industries.
I want to start this discussion Start educating on Some of the information that's out there that you may not know.
In fact, if you use Google, you're not going to find most of it I use DuckDuckGo For some of the some of some of the information that I was looking for and that's what
I would encourage you to use also, the info section has a number of links and It's not exhaustive, but it's it's at least to get the ball rolling.
I don't want to overwhelm with too much information I want to also stick to what I know and so I'm just gonna give you what
I know and and and there will be more coming out though. I think later in the week and Possibly next week on this
I'm already talking to some people that I'd like to weigh in on this who have done more study than I have so So so that's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna do some of this It's not gonna stop the other stuff the social justice and evangelicalism stuff
I think this is related, but we're also gonna be talking about that as well So I'm not ditching that just for those who like the regularly the regular discussions that and conversations and Monologues about that, so I'm not leaving that just so you know all right, so let's let's start in on some of this
I Want to start in on this particular? Slide it's from trial site news
The the ailments I Try to think how to say this
The the treatment that is normally prescribed for the ailment is 98 times more deadly than flu vaccines according to VAERS reports
This I've listened to some things some Doctors talk about some of this and there was an
I couldn't find it, but there was another Vaccine that this was being compared to and it's similar similar stuff
This is off the charts more dangerous than many of the commonly used vaccines out there and so That's not a small thing.
There's heavy risks, and we're not really hearing about them and if you go to The VAERS kovat vaccine data, and you can go online and just this is very easy to find and even
Google will come up with this You can see thirteen thousand six hundred and twenty seven deaths fifty five thousand eight hundred twenty one hospitalizations seventy four thousand three hundred and sixty eight urgent care visits
Hundred thousand nine hundred sixty six office office visits, and then it goes on and on it's got you know many metrics here to look at Heart attacks miscarriages all that the top things that are reported that are associated somehow with this
Now these numbers are not that this isn't Exhaustive in fact in 2010 the
Department of Health and Human Services reported that 1 % of the adverse effects associated with vaccines are actually reported if that's true
If this is if this holds true That would mean and this is obviously just an estimate, but that would mean that you could have approximately one million three hundred and sixty 2 ,700 deaths already that have happened as a result of the treatment and This is off the charts like this is this is like why is this not front page news?
on on the news websites and broadcasts so I think it's important at least know that that that there's some that there are being reported some very
Very not so good things other known adverse effects New England Journal of Medicine August 25th 2021 this treatment was associated the conventional treatment being used at this point with an excess risk of Myocarditis one to five events per 100 ,000 persons the risk of this potentially serious adverse event and of many other serious adverse events was substantially increased after the infection
You have the Jaman Network or JMA JMA Network March 8th 2021 severe reactions consistent with Anaphylaxis occurred at a rate of 2 .47
per 100 per 10 ,000 treatments This is like anaphylactic shock, you know this kind of reaction and then you have
Basically blood clotting That led to hospital admissions or death were observed for short time intervals after first doses of Different The treatment and in a particular company
I guess two companies particular two companies that are administering this treatment the risks of most of these events were substantially higher and more prolonged after the
Infection than after the treatment in the same population, so what
I've seen with this last piece of information a lot of Outlets are saying hey if you get the this virus
Then you are going to have a worse. You have more of a chance of blood clotting than if you get this the shot and the thing is though and this is what
I think a lot of them are missing is the The concern is that if you get the shot it won't go away.
It's it's that you it will be in your body this this risk of blood clotting for the rest of your life and And that's certainly true for Even people
I personally know who in the medical field who one of them in particular regrets getting this particular treatment and May very likely be on blood thinners rest of that person's life and And that's that's the issue the the virus
You can get rid of but this particular the mRNA technology and the way it works Which I'm not going to go over in this video
I I do plan on on going over that with someone who can explain it better than me, but the way
I understand it it actually can stay in your system for the Unforeseeable future for the foreseeable future other so So these are some other known and this is just I'm trying to stick to the known adverse effects
So the things that we have some independent or some so even small just studies for That and then there's it's hard to get research for some of the the bigger studies that should be out there right now
But the the information that is coming out. These are some of the things we know There's other things that are being reported that there's really just not a lot of studies yet that at least
I'm aware of But but these are things that that I can point to and say we know that there's some issue here other considerations
There's a question about graphene oxide being possibly present and if you go online and you look this up There's gonna be all these fact -checked, you know, quote -unquote fact -checked website saying that's that that's a myth
But I put there's a link in the info section you could go check it out and decide for yourself whether or not like I said do your own research, but I'm I'm leaning towards it looks like there's some evidence that indicates that this may be in the these treatments and If that's true, this is a poisonous material.
This could be very This could be damaging to the human body There's also whistleblowers out there like Robert Malone who helped create the mRNA technology used
Michael Yeadon former vice president of Pfizer Karen Kingston former
Pfizer employee Byron bridal a viral immunologist who was actually given a grant to study
These treatments came to the conclusion that this was really bad And they're all speaking out despite great personal risks to their careers and you can go look up any one of those names
And you'll find information There's also the fact that these are untested treatments you have the so if if they were safe, you know, if it was
Something safe that we knew was safe and we just didn't know if it worked, but it could work, you know it's safe, but this is something new this mRNA technology and and the trials for Moderna will be completed
October 27th, 2022 trials for Pfizer on January 31st, 2023 So they haven't even completed their trials yet.
This is very premature stuff and that should give everyone some pause also just fun fact if you go to the
Department of Justice website the Pfizer back in 2009
Was part of the largest health care fraud settlement in in in history 2 .3
billion dollars for fraudulent marketing That's I'm not kidding you. This is the company that just got
FDA approval so you Take that all into account. These are these are just things that I'm thinking through as I'm as I need to make my decision
I've really made it already But these are these are things that we're not hearing and I think they need to be put into whatever calculation that you're making for the sake of wisdom
So there's also the fact that the there seems to be some relative Now the information spotty on this
I'm just gonna be honest with you But there are things that are coming out that show at least some of these for instance the
Pfizer vaccine Seems to be pretty ineffective Public Health England, this is government agency
August 6 2021 on page 19 their report shows more cases of the Delta variant deaths among those who received shots
And I'll read for you There's a total of seven hundred and forty two Delta cases and then for those who had the dose of the first dose of the
Pfizer shot there's 69 I Guess that's actually that must be 79 and then you have four hundred and two people that receive both doses and then for those who are never received either dose
Haven't had this treatment 253 people so in other words you have it looks like 400 in 71 or 81
I guess people approximately who have received this treatment and Got the
Delta variant anyway as opposed to 253 who never received the treatment at all That's not looking good.
I mean, this is supposed to treat this I Mean trust science much.
I mean, this is one of the things when when you're called a science denier or something like that Look at the data that's coming out.
Who's the one who's denying science? The data we have the observable testable and hopefully repeatable.
I mean, we don't we haven't had time yet But what we've at least observed so far. It's not looking good
Med our XIV posted August 25th 2021 A study this study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the
Delta variant compared to the treatment Individuals who were both previously
Infected and given a single dose of the treatment gained additional protection against the variant
And it's interesting. It says single dose instead of the the two Because if you look at even this chart if you received a single dose 69, you've received two doses 402 in England Got the variant.
Anyway, I did it's it's it's weird. It's unusual. It's odd but And it should it should be you'd think the other way around but it's not so Good information to think about we also have
Safer treatments that are out there and the first one Hydroxy and I won't finish the end of the word
So the algorithms don't get me they might anyway, but that particular Drug and then zinc which had been approved by the
FDA for since like 1965 There's a study med our XIV May 31st 2021.
We found that when the cumulative doses of two drugs HCQ and Zinc were above a certain level patients had a survival rate three times or 2 .9
times other patients That is significant. So why not go with what we know works?
What why is that? That's not an option It's a good question. How about this one this other one which is being used in India ivermectin?
Here's another study. This is from August July August 2021 volume 28 issue 4 of the
American Journal of Therapeutics And it says therapeutic advances
Meta -analysis of 15 trials found that ivermectin reduced risk of death compared with no ivermectin and then it goes through all the details it helps
It works Studies are showing this and yet it's forbidden in the
United States It is something and I know it is from I just talked to this doctor. I talked to you on Sunday. We talked about this and And he was not allowed to prescribe it
So this is the insanity That we are living in right now, and this is just this is tip of the iceberg stuff there's so much more that's coming out that just makes this
Makes me want to have extreme caution on this and then of course you have the whole Issue of the government imposing and mandating this
You will lose your job you and now in New York State if you're a health care worker You don't have a religious exemption and you can't apply for unemployment if you're fired because you won't succumb to the mandate
This is serious stuff. This is being part of a grand experiment and being forced to be part of to be part of it and the tyranny is coming from the government or from corporations now that are
In bed with the government or want to look good for the government or Who knows who they're applying to but they're they're playing to corrupt industries and and at this point is big companies the the
Amazons of the world they It's it's hard to find the relationship between them and the government is so tight in some ways
That it's just it's hard to even separate the two and so we have a unique situation
We have a global fascism really is probably the correct term forming right before our eyes and this is one of the things
Look up if you're curious about this. I just heard about this the other day. How many millionaires or billionaires?
I think it was no, I think I think it was billionaires Were formed in just in the last year because of reactions to the the shutdowns and the this the ailment as we will call it so These are just some of my thoughts on this why
I'm deciding I'm really justifying myself here why I want to speak out a little bit more about this and Why I'm concerned and why?
I've decided to share some of this information though. It's not normally what I talk about but there there is more coming later this week and I'm I'm also going to share some more stuff unrelated to this particular issue
But but this is important enough for me to share so I appreciate for those who didn't want me to share this
Thank you for bearing with me for those who? Who do want me to share some of this stuff you can?
Put a like on there. Maybe leave a comment and Drive the algorithm up so we can get this information out
I'm trying to do this in the best way possible to try to dodge as best as I can the algorithms and And get the truth out there so God bless you all and make wise decisions do your homework and and look if you've already if you've already gotten this then
You can't go change the past, but but you can change the future you can make decisions from now forward and make healthy decisions
You may want to consider something like you know if you're concerned about blood clots. You know take take a
Baby aspirin or something every day. I mean there's there's things you can do, but we will we'll get into more of that probably later in the week and next week
And you can look forward to that if this is something you want to hear more of so again. God bless. Thanks for listening and and Keep on living for Christ Seeking the truth and doing the right thing for your family yourself and those close to you.