Do Theology Response


In this brief response, I share some concerns with the approach and critique of Christian Nationalism by the Do Theology Podcast. As always, we appreciate our brothers. #postmillennialism #christiannationalism #eschatology #theonomy #christainnationalist #church #christianity


Welcome to the Truth in Love podcast. Today I wanted to do a response video to a video
I watched recently and there's two reasons why I wanted to do this response video.
Number one I wanted to do it because it relates specifically to an issue that I'm concerned about and I'm concerned about how people are responding to this particular issue.
And secondly I wanted to respond to this video because I see a pattern in how we respond to theologies and doctrines that we disagree with and there is a pattern in how we respond to those those people and those different theologies that we disagree with that I wanted to address.
So the the first thing I want to address is is this let me do it backwards let me do number two first.
How what the pattern is it doesn't matter that it is it doesn't have to be this particular issue it can be and I've seen it done and it can be many different issues within among our brothers in Christianity and and that pattern and that issue is how we respond to someone who we disagree with who we have differences with on certain theologies and and doctrines whether it be in a private conversation or publicly online in a podcast or or on a podcast video whatever format it is it's how we respond.
I'm sure I've done it and I've seen it done in many cases and and what is that response well we respond to something that we disagree with by responding to a definition or an understanding of that doctrine that is based on something that we a definition that we've made up in our mind or a definition that is is popular or is just false for some reason and and by addressing it according to that false definition it helps to to push our understanding of that certain theology and so I'm not going to I'm not going to say who who has certain motivations and and who is doing it which way because I can't
I can't look and see and judge individuals motivation this is mostly a warning a request to me and to all of us to recognize how we approach a theology or doctrine that we disagree with so give an example um let's say let's say
Calvinism so if someone is against Calvinism and they want to argue
Calvinism what they may do is argue a different definition of Calvinism based on a hyper
Calvinist or if someone is against preterism or even partial preterism they may give a definition or understanding and argue against a full preter's perspective and and here in this case in the subject that I want to talk about tonight when it comes to Christian nationalism
I've seen this the most with this subject folks who disagree with Christian nationalism they disagree with a definition that they have formulated that they have made up or one that is has been attributed to Christian nationalism by someone else and what what they're not doing and what we don't do is when we are addressing someone that that we disagree with such as let's say that you disagree with a
Calvinist or you disagree with somebody there's a different eschatology than you what we are not doing is we are not working with a definition of someone that has biblical parameters they are defining their doctrine they're defining their theology and in using the
Bible to give them their parameters so we can't as as someone who may be opposed to Christian nationalism we can't argue a brother in Christ and say well
Christian nationalism is bad because it believes in white supremacy well that's no brother in Christ no
Christian would believe that and hold to that and hold to Christian nationalism so we can't go to that extreme and use that argument or or a
Calvinist you can't say you know Calvinists don't believe in evangelism you know you can't use that argument against a a true biblical
Calvinist who is using the Bible as its parameters to come up with its with his or her definition of Calvinism and so that's the frustrating part with this subject of Christian nationalism and I don't understand why there are many who continue to use a false excuse me a false definition made -up definition that opposes or is against a brother who is defining
Christian nationalism faithfully holding on to it because they believe it to be a biblical doctrine and they're using biblical parameters to define
Christian nationalism and so if if we want to have an honest dialogue discussion conversation debate let's be fair to our brothers and sisters who hold an opposing view and use the definition that that they would claim for themselves and then we can prove from Scripture that is wrong not use a definition that they would not use themselves to try to prove them wrong and and you right
I hope we would begin to go in that that direction where we would use with our brothers and sisters that we dialogue with and have conversation with we would use definitions that they would use themselves of course if they are outside of Scripture then that's a separate issue all in and of itself but if they are using a definition holding to a definition of a certain doctrine of theology by using biblical parameters let's be fair with them and use their definition and not made -up ones what
I'm afraid here in this response video is I want to give this gentleman a benefit of the doubt
I've not heard of him I've not heard of his podcast and just listening to it recently he mentions that this is part two in his first video he listens to and he and he looks at and hears from different Christian nationalists in order to compile and put together a definition of Christian nationalism and so here in this in this part two of the very beginning of the video he shares with us his definition that he is compiled from those whom he claims he has listened to that are
Christian nationalists but what is frustrating for me is the definition that I'm hearing is the wrong or a bad misinformed definition though he says he's getting it from Christian nationalists is a misinformed and and bad definition of Christian nationalism that is used against Christian nationalists and what
I would my calling is and my request is is that when we want to have an objection use the definition that a faithful brother who's using biblical parameters would use and then work with that definition trying to decide and show them where it's not biblical
I think that would be fair I think that would be fair for all of us in all conversations private or public to have that approach and begin it in our conversation with Scripture and not made up definitions to try to prove other people wrong so the other thing about this video is the definition itself which is wrong and the other thing that I see that that has happened here is is a logical fallacy is his argument so he gives his definition
I want to play his definition and we'll talk about his definition but his argument against the definition is not even addressing the definition itself and the different parts of the definition what's so interesting about this video that that I watched is his argument against Christian nationalism is that it is it is so associated with a certain eschatology with post -millennialism and that's what makes it wrong he admits shortly after the video starts at the beginning of the video he admits that he is a dispensational pre -millennialist and so he is looking at the subject the issue of Christian nationalism from his premillennial dispensational glasses and using a wrong definition not give it to him by a biblical faithful brother using biblical parameters and so his argument is because Christian nationalism is associated and not just the social what
I took from this is is Christian nationalism is not just associated with post -millennialism
Christian nationalism they will say is is not even a a biblical doctrine
Christian nationalism is is a doctrine that is a a sub teaching it comes out of the mindset of post -millennialist post -millennial theology it's not something that can stand on its own from scripture and since post -millennialism is wrong therefore
Christian nationalism has to be wrong but the thing about Christian nationalists is if you if you are working if you are asking and you are working with a definition from a faithful brother who's using biblical parameters then you would see that a pre -millennial dispensationalist and a millennialist and a post -millennialist all could claim
Christian nationalism because you find it from scripture and you could live it out despite your eschatology and so I think
I don't want to offer an adjustment on motivation and agenda but when you see someone using an argument that a doctrine or theology is wrong because it is associated with another doctrine that you disagree with that's not really a good argument show me from scripture where that doctrine or that theology is wrong and use a good true faithful definition used by a faithful brother using biblical parameters then we can have a conversation my prayer is that as we move forward those who are speaking out and staunchly against Christian nationalism would begin to listen to those who are faithful brothers using biblical parameters that are
Christian nationalists listen to their definitions and so let me share with you his definition and we'll work from there it's just a short little clip but I want to I want to give you the definition that he has compiled supposedly from listening to Christian nationalists and this is what he has put together the podcast is do theology
I'm not familiar with his name like I said I've not watched or heard of his podcast before but I'm sure he's a faithful brother he seems to be very genuine and he wants to share the truth of gospel with with the world so so we commend him and we thank him for what he is doing but I just wanted to give response to this statement definition videos on Christian nationalism so let's let's hear what his definition is if you missed the last episode then you've missed part one the last episode was all about defining the movement and I not only offered my definition but I gave my reasoning for it by looking at some
Christian nationalists speaking on the subject using their own words kind of boiling it down to how
I view it and so let me remind you of what that definition is I define Christian nationalism this way
Christian nationalism is an interpretation of the Great Commission that mandates believers to seek political power and governmental control in order to establish
Christ's earthly kingdom here and now it's an interpretation of the
Great Commission that mandates believers to seek political power and governmental control in order to establish
Christ's earthly kingdom here and now there are two basic components of this definition when you get past the interpretation of the
Great Commission part that which is a very important part it is an interpretation of the
Great Commission I'm committed to that and that'll come out more but basically these two components of what's going on with Christian nationalism is that it's a kingdom view of the kingdom of God and a commission given to God's people kingdom and commission they believe that Christ's earthly kingdom is to be established here and now and that believers are commissioned to help establish that kingdom through political power and governmental control all right we can stop right there um yeah
I want to go back once we finish looking at this definition I want to go back to the very beginning give a what
I would feel is a definition coming from a faithful brother using biblical parameters to look at what is meant by Christian nationalism what we should be saying as a definition from a
Christian nationalist to be critiqued and to be looked at from scripture so why is this definition wrong why is it bad why is he not getting it from faithful brothers who are defining
Christian nationalism that consider themselves Christian nationalist well he says it's an interpretation that of the
Great Commission that mandates believers to seek political power that's not what a
Christian nationalist beliefs the the Great Commission is not a mandate for believers to seek political power and government control to take over the government to establish
Christ's kingdom that's not what the Great Commission is that's not what a Christian nationalist believes the Great Commission is it's just not and I do not understand why we continue to use definitions like this to try to say that Christian nationalism is wrong if of course it's going to be wrong according to your wrong definition that's just how it works and so that's not what a
Christian nationalist believes the Great Commission is that Jesus Christ was given all authority in heaven on earth go therefore based on that authority make disciples of all the nations baptizing them in the name of the
Father Son of the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all that he's commanded and lo he is with it always even to the end of the age that has nothing that says nothing about a mandate to seek political power and government control it's a mandate to make disciples baptize the nations and teach them to observe all that he's commanded says nothing about political power government control and here's here's the kicker the third thing in order to establish
Christ's earthly kingdom here on earth that's not what a
Christian nationalist believes in fact folks will use this against Christian nationalists and say that well they they are just like the the
Charismatics who believe in the seven mountain mandate that that we must establish these seven mandates and once we've established and and these things have gotten to a certain point of success here on this earth and we are we are doing that we have fulfilled our duty and it will be a sign a mark for Jesus to usher in Jesus kingdom to come back or for Jesus to come back and so they will say it's so similar to the seven mountain mandate then the
Christian nationalists is just a watered -down apostolic
Reformation individual and that could be that there's nothing further from the truth than to compare
Christian nationalists a faithful brother using biblical parameters as a
Christian nationalists and compare them to apostolic Reformation seven mountain mandate individual and here's why because Jesus says let's look well let's start at the top and then we'll look at some verses so what what is a
Christian nationalist let's start with the word nationalism or nationalist here's what here's what the dictionary says of a nationalist a person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interest especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interest of other nations so what does that mean from the opponents of Christian nationalism they are saying that a
Christian nationalist is trying to take over take over the
American government and make America Christian then you are an
American nationalist that's what you are if that's what you're trying to do you're an
American nationalist and you're trying to make America better what wouldn't a
Christian America be the best all around of any other type of government yeah so if you're trying to change
America and take over the seek political control gain governmental control sleep seek political power so that you can control
America in a Christian way then you're you're an American nationalist but what does it say a person who strongly identifies with their own nation with their own nation as a
Christian there's the adjective Christian nationalism not American nationalism but a
Christian nationalism or Christian nationalist who is our team what is our nation what what nation do we strongly identify with and vigorously support its interest the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven why because we have a king his name is
Jesus so that therefore makes us a Christian nationalist we are interested in our nation's interest for first and foremost we are interested in that kingdom and that nation and and and what does what are the disciples say when the when they're told and told not to preach the gospel they say well we must we must speak of what we've seen and heard we can't help us they are being obedient there they are living in light of their interest in the kingdom not the interest of man despite the consequences they must serve the kingdom of which they belong that's the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of Christ they must serve their
King so as a Christian nationalist I'm living in light of the fact that Jesus is the
King and what does the Great Commission say take over a certain nation take over a certain government no they have already been taken over all authority if you're a believer you believe in the truth of God's Word then you must believe what it says in the
Great Commission Jesus says all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth therefore based on that truth go and made disciples
Jesus has all authority Jesus is the king of every nation of every individual of every blade of grass on this earth
Jesus is its King the problem is is that nations and individuals are simply in rebellion to their
King and what the Great Commission is Jesus telling us based on his authority over all things in heaven and on earth call them from their rebellion to submit therefore to the
King and obey all that he's commanded and we know as believers that this does not happen by political persuasion so why would a biblical
Christian nationalist a faithful brother using biblical parameters why would we seek political power and government control when we know that no man no government no type of persuasion from men can change someone's heart it's only the
Spirit of God through the gospel the work of Jesus Christ that's the only way that's the only way that things can change the only way a rebellious person can submit to their
King is if they have a changed heart so therefore we live as a
Christian nationalist in light of his kingship we are living in his nation his kingdom and his mandate is to go call on all those who are in rebellion against his kingship to repent of their sins put their faith and trust in his work and what he's done and God promises that he will save them because of the work of Christ through the work of the
Holy Spirit living in them but what does that have to do with politics because politics is brought in here and it seems like that's where the confusion is well if we believe that God actually saves the gospel is real the gospel works and the gospel is successful then believers are going to be in positions of influence we're not going to be hermits we're not going to stay in our houses we are going to go out call a rebel back to his
King God saves him and then they are going to go out they're going to go out as a custodian as a teacher as a governor as a president as a senator
Christian Christians now are in all those positions and as the
Great Commission grows as the gospel grows as God's kingdom grows then there will be more and more individuals in those positions currently what a
Christian nationalist is doing is calling those who are believers who have repented and put their faith and trust in Christ who are who are in those positions already of influence reminding them calling them to say remember who your king is remember the one who has saved you make your decisions in light of your king and we're calling on those in positions of influence to do that now we're calling on each individual to submit to their king in their home in their business wherever they are we're calling them to submit to their king and as the gospel grows as Jesus saves we believe that there will be greater
Christian influence because more and more people will be submitting to their king a call and answer to the gospel is a call to submit to the king and while we keep those two things separate
I don't understand but if we can remind folks that God has saved us to submit to him and obey him then we will see a great change in this nation so a
Christian nationalist is not someone who's trying to take over the world seek political power and gain governmental influence take a take over governments no that's not what a
Christian nationalist is to what was the last part there to establish
Christ's kingdom here on earth how can we establish a kingdom that is already here here's the
Bible verses mark 115 the kingdom of heaven is at hand repent therefore and believe the gospel
Jesus told his disciples when when one of his disciples took the sword out he said do you not know that if I could appeal to my father and he would send a legion of angels and when he told his disciples to pray what did he how did he tell them to pray thy kingdom come thou will be done on earth as it is in heaven and when
Pilate asked him are you the king of the Jews Jesus says it is as you say
Jesus said the kingdom of heaven was here and it is here
Jesus tells us that he has all authority in heaven and on earth given to him by the
Father there is there is no kingdom that needs to be established there is only a kingdom with a king that needs to be obeyed and that mandate is to go out and make disciples call rebels to repentance share the gospel with them the good news to repent their sins and put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ and the
Holy Spirit leads us to submit to our King and that's just different language to say obey
God grow in sanctification it means the same thing grow in sanctification obey
God submit to the King and that's what Christian nationalism is it's not some political movement we already have a king we already have a kingdom we submit to him and that's why a premillennial dispensationalist and all millennialist and a post -millennialist can all be
Christian nationalism because we all believe despite whether you think he is bringing a physical kingdom later that it's all a spiritual kingdom the words of Christ are clear the
Father has given Jesus all authority in heaven or the kingdom of heaven is at hand it's here
Jesus is King he is sit he has sat at the right hand of the
Father place of authority that is undeniable from Scripture so it doesn't matter which eschatology you hold to which view it doesn't matter we all should be honored to hold this biblical view of Christian nationalism because all it is is an admission that Jesus is
King and we should live in the light of the kingship of Jesus obey him and teach others to do the same hope that was helpful hope you were encouraged if you have any questions love try to answer those questions but I appreciate you listening and as I always say remember that Jesus is