What is a Pastor – Overview



Happy new year the question for you that we're going to discuss today or at least start the discussion is what is a pastor?
Welcome to the rap report with your host Andrew Rappaport where we provide biblical interpretation and application
This is a ministry of striving for eternity and the Christian podcast community for more content or to request a speaker for your church
Go to striving for eternity org Well, welcome to the rap report I am your host
Andrew Rappaport the executive director of Striving for eternity and the Christian podcast community of which this podcast is a proud member of the other 50 plus vetted podcasts go to Christian podcast me org
You will find something worth listening to that you will enjoy Guaranteed or your money back
But with that we are glad to be here with you start off a new year with a new series
Wait a minute. Some of you are thinking Andrew Aren't you in the middle of a series? Yes.
Yes. We are Glad you brought that up. We have not forgotten about that, but we don't want to be since we have a series
That's like 40 episodes long so far. We've been breaking it up We are doing a series on what we believe that is going through the doctrinal statement at striving for eternity and Looking at a well, basically, it's a systematic theology, but it's also looking at what to look for in a doctrinal statement and So that series if you want what we've done is actually put together all of the list of episodes in that series in One place for you if you go to striving fraternity org at that website
You'll be able to find the doctrinal statement, but under the about section and under that it says what we believe
Kind of makes sense since that's our what we believe series but there you'd be able to go and find out not only what we believe and look at our our
Doctrinal statement, but you'll also be able to scroll to the bottom and there is a link to the podcast
Episodes on the series and that will link you through Every one of the episodes that we have
With that series, so there's almost 40 of them right now that way you'll be able to just go to them find them easily
So if you'd like that series want to go through that series check that out With that what we also have is
Another series we're doing where we're going through with the different speakers at the overcoming evil men's conference
We're gonna continue that it's just with schedules It was hard to get done. And so we do have some some things there that will just take a bit and so You could check that out
That's gonna be just we'll filter those in but we want to do is a series to start off the new year
With a series on called what is a pastor? Yes, I freely admit it is a complete kind of takeoff from Matt Walsh's, you know
What is a woman? But we want to cover the question. What is a pastor? Because it is something that I think we need to have discussion on and hopefully encourage you through that So what
I want to do in this episode is just to introduce the topic to you Introduce what we're gonna go over at least
January probably into February And so we want to be able to make sure that as we do this, we want to hear from you as well
Okay, and so we're gonna be discussing things that hopefully you will be able to Get in touch with us and let us know what you think
So what I want to do is in this intro episode give you kind of the overview touch on a little highlights 100 ,000 foot view
Did what we're gonna dig in deeper in the next few episodes so that you'll be not only encouraged looking forward to it yourself
But that hopefully you will be as well looking to share it with others
So with that what we're looking to do in this series is talk about what a pastor is
But first we want to cover what a pastor is not and the number one issue that we have to cover when we talk about what a pastor is not is
If I had a drumroll now would be a great time to edit that in but I don't so what is a pastor?
Well, it's not a woman That is something that nowadays boy. Is there lots of discussion on that and We're going to try to spend at least one maybe even two episodes going through and looking in detail what is a pastor specifically when it comes to a
Woman can a woman be a pastor that's something we need to address in our current culture so for that reason, we're gonna spend some time going through the arguments that people make for women pastors and We're gonna try to address hopefully every passage that people try to use with that We're gonna do that in detail
To hopefully give you all the ammunition you need to be able to address the topic that people bring up and If you are concerned we may not address the verses you think or the arguments you think let me just let you know right up Front with everything with this series.
We want to hear from you. I Want to hear what you want covered in this series?
because This podcast is for you It's to help you not it's not to hear have us hear ourselves speak here
It's not so that I could just talk to a microphone. It's only valuable if you find value in it
So if you could email us and let us know your comments your questions your passages
You think we need to address in covering what a pastor is? Email us and we're gonna friend send you a free gift
I'm not saying what the gift is yet that may come in a future episode But we will send you a free gift that has a lifetime guarantee and in our technological age it's something all of us need just gonna leave it at that for now, but You can email us at info at striving for eternity calm info at striving for eternity
Calm and if you email us there, please give us your address We can send you this free gift that we have for everyone
But I want to hear from you if there's specific passages, especially if you want to defend the argument if You want to argue that a woman can be a pastor?
Then what I want you to do is definitely Give us your best arguments. I Want to address them.
I want to look into what scripture says on them so We want to deal with that So the first and and probably the one that we're gonna have to deal with the most it's gonna have
In our culture the most pushback is a woman being a pastor But there's not that's the only not the only issue that when we say what a pastor is not
Because you know another thing a pastor is not is some guy preaching on the street
Even if it's on a Sunday. Yeah, I know there we call it open -air preaching.
I don't like that title We'll get into it and we deal with that episode and call it why I call it open -air evangelism
Because many men have thought well, I'm preaching and if I'm preaching therefore, I'm a pastor So sometimes they don't go to church on Sunday because well a lot of those guys don't find a church they like Really what it means is they don't like the accountability and can't get along with people.
So they go out and say well here see I'm on the street corner. I'm preaching the Bible. Therefore.
I'm the pastor and some have even made the argument Well, there's two or three gathered because they're listening so that's church
Yeah, I don't think that passage means what you think. It means just saying so is a street preacher a pastor
Now can a pastor be a street preacher? Yes, but is a street preacher a pastor?
Not necessarily We'll cover that we'll cover. What is a pastor?
You know, there's three terms in the Bible that we use Shepherd or pastor elder and Overseer or bishop now in many churches we see a distinction with those three a lot of churches the pastor is the paid guy and The elder is the unpaid guy and they're both in the same kind of office but we make this distinction between the pastor the guy who preaches every week and the other pastors and that are not the preaching pastor and That creates this hierarchy like pastors are above elders or what you do is it's the paid guys are pastors and the unpaid guys are elders or as some churches have you have an elder board and the elder board of those is the board that makes the
Decisions and not all of the paid guys or all the the you might have the title pastor
But if you're not on the elder board, well, I guess you're kind of like pastor and name only you got no voting privileges so This is the things we're gonna we're gonna cover in that But each of those are the same office used interchangeably pastor or shepherd
Bishop or overseer elder that's the same office but each of those have a different aspect of them and we want to cover the role because Each of those is the role that every pastor should be doing in the church.
I Also then want to say what qualifies a man? For pastor, I mean we we know the list that we see in first Timothy and Titus But we're gonna cover topics like does he need to have a seminary training?
Can he a pastor be a pastor without having gone to seminary? it
Does he need to go to seminary? Is it required and then we're going to make
I'm just telling you It's gonna be controversial this one If you think the first one wasn't controversial the last one this last one will definitely be
I'm gonna say that the way we hire pastors in most churches today Not only is unbiblical but wrong and I'm not even talking about whether he has a seminary degree or not but there's many problems that we have with the hiring process and The ultimate goal this is going to be ways that you could pray for and bless your pastor
We want to cover that as well Now I'm gonna tell you that as we go through this series
I want to be encouraging you to be blessing your pastor If you don't if you're not in a church, then the first thing
I'm going to tell you is get in church If you're not in church You're not following a biblical command
We are to be gathering together and We do that and you don't that look you don't have to agree with everything your church believes
But you do have to be part of a church you do have to be serving the church You're not going to church to get you're going to give you're going there to use the gifts that God has given you for the
Body of believers that God has put you in Now the question is are you in a body and if you're not in a body?
Well, then you better get in body and that's what I want to encourage you throughout that you would do
You need to be in a body of believers So we're gonna cover those topics and more well, what are the more that's gonna depend on you listener
Email us at info at striving for eternity calm I want to hear all of the issues you think we need to address in this series
I want to hear all the things you think we got wrong as we go through the series so we can address those if you think that Women should be pastors.
I want to hear from you. We want to do a thorough job here Digging into the scriptures answering your questions when it comes to your pastors my pastors everyone's pastors okay, we want to make sure that we are doing a
What's what's right according to Scripture? and so we want to do a thorough job with this looking at what is a pastor and what a pastor is not and Making sure that the pastor that in the church you go to is a biblical pastor
I'm gonna give it away. If you have a woman pastor She's not a pastor and you're not in a church
Because you're not following what the church's standard is for how to have a biblical leadership
So we're gonna go through some difficult things throughout the year or throughout the series and I sure hope it doesn't take a whole year to do the series
But it may take some time may take all of January probably into February because I want to answer your questions
Again, just email us info at striving for eternity comm it is in the show notes
So let us know what you think we need to address with it. But let me also use this time to encourage you
To encourage your pastor. Hey, it's a new year. You haven't made your New Year's resolution yet Maybe you can make your
New Year's resolution that you are going to bless your pastor this year What are some ways you could bless your pastor?
You know, let me just give you some practical things that I know with other churches that are done I know one church that has a pastor that one of the men of the church every morning he goes and gets a cup of coffee and Puts it on the pastor's desk before the pastor gets there
So in the first thing the pastor gets into his office He sees a cup of coffee made just the way he like it likes it that's sitting there waiting for him
Is that so hard to do? You know you could do things as simple as and and and this may never have dawned on you
But I could tell you as someone who was a pastor How much this matters? You're gonna go out of town.
You get a business trip. You're gonna go see family. Maybe you're not at church because you're sick Shoot your pastor a quick text.
Hey, I'm not gonna be here for two weeks I got a family event and then I got to go travel for work Let your pastor know you're not gonna be a church on Sunday Why I Mean he's gonna see you the next week or two, right?
What's the big deal? Well to the pastor most pastors when they don't see you there. They start wondering where you are.
Is everything okay? It just sets his mind at ease. These are things that trust me
This is what goes through the minds of pastors and you could encourage your pastor greatly just by letting them know if you're not gonna
Be around. Hey, I'm gonna be out of town That's something that Pastors really appreciate just knowing that you care
For them enough to let them know when you're not around So that they know
To go and oh, hey, you know what I can go. I know he's not there
I know why he's not here. I could pray for him while he's gone, but you know what they're not having to worry about Huh?
I wonder if there's something wrong. He hasn't been here for two weeks hasn't been here for three weeks I'm gonna have to reach out to him
Reach out to her But you could make it easier on your pastor just let him know hey,
I'm not gonna be around here's why and So that's something you could do. I encourage you to do something as simple as that Pray for your pastor.
Let him know that you're praying for him maybe you could Help buy him some good books or add books to his logos.
Maybe you could you know with my pastor I went out to my friend Jeffrey Rice and he does
Bible rebindings And so I got a new Bible had it rebound Had his name put on it and was able to give that to him as a gift for his birthday.
So he has this nice Very nice quality leather Bible that he can now cherish
He spends all his time in the Bible. Well now he's got one that he could hold that has a nice Can you do something like that?
I mean, there's so many different things we could do to bless our pastors Why should we well, let me tell you what a pastor's life is like Because most people think that your pastor
Kind of Saturday night goes, huh? What should I preach? Okay. Let me let me get some quotes from a bunch of other people
Put them together for a message for the next day Sunday morning up. There we go. We got the we got the message
It's all put together. No, no most pastors aren't doing that Most pastors start their sermons.
Well a lot of them Sunday night Sunday soon as if he's done preaching the one message.
You're already thinking the next some start Monday morning and and so They'll spend the whole week
I mean, do you remember when you were in school and used to have like 10 page book reports you had to do? Maybe not all of you had to do that But that was a lot of work and you had to put the citations in and make sure you read the material and do the research
Well, your pastor has a book report due every week Week in and week out. So every day he's having to prepare
Month in month out year in year out. He's got a book report That's due doesn't matter if he has unplanned funerals that pop up unplanned counseling.
He didn't expect Whatever is going on in the church Someone goes in the hospital and they expect the pastor to be there
He's got to drop his study to be there. And what is he gonna do? Well, he's got to find the time to finish that study. That's why I know some men
Who start their sermon preps a month out? I know one pastor his sermon prep for His message for February the first week in February is done the first week of January now
He continues working on it, but he's got all the prep done His notes are done and he kind of keeps adding to it throughout the those next four weeks while he's working on the messages for March or for the second week of February and He he stays a month ahead why because he knows life is what it is and there's gonna be disruptions and He wants to make sure he gives his people the best message he can so, you know what he does
He makes sure he's a month ahead and there's times where he gets behind and then he's got to work harder to catch up But he knows worst case.
He's got a month. He finds the time within that So there's things that men have to do to prepare for life when they're pastoring and the congregation doesn't see that and So this is what your pastor is doing
You know, one of the things we do at striving fraternity is we go into churches and we do our Bible interpretation made easy seminar
We come in for a weekend teach people how to understand Bible interpretation at a very easy to understand level
In fact, if you want you can go to striving fraternity Academy org or just driving fraternity org and click on the
Academy page and you could take our class 20 lessons on how to interpret the Bible.
It's our biblical hermeneutics class and you go through that and when I get done doing our Seminar weekend seminar.
I ask people is this a lot of hard work to do to interpret the Bible and people go. Yeah And I go this is what your pastor does day in and day out week in and week out month in and month out year
In and year out. Are you praying for your pastor? You see it's not easy to do interpretation it's not easy to dig into the
Greek and the Hebrew and the culture of 2 ,000 or 3 ,500 years ago
To know with how the the culture is to know the history of the time to know what those guys meant by what they said
To read it in a culture. It's totally unlike ours and bring that into our day and age
So that he can explain to you what the Bible means and help you to understand how to apply it to your life
It's hard work. Oh And that's just one part of his job He's got to do the counseling in some churches, especially the smaller churches
He's got to put the coffee on turn the lights on lock the doors it all of it
Because some churches majority of churches have a pastor who does everything
Because there's no one else to do it they pay him to do it and That's not healthy
Are you serving your pastor come alongside your pastor and do stuff for him? Not and not just coffee.
Maybe maybe you can you can if he's the only one if he's there opening the building locking the building
Turning the lights off. Maybe you could do that Maybe you could help him to maybe he's setting up the coffee.
You set up the coffee instead Find out what how he's spending his week so that you could find out what things you might be able to do
To ease his burden so he could focus on the interpretation of Scripture because that's his main function
And if there's not deacons around to take up the day -to -day operations Well, then he picks up a lot of that and that takes away
From his time in the word and you know what that takes away from your growth in the word Because of your pastor doesn't have the time to pour into the
Word of God How's he gonna pour into you from the Word of God you see so you could be a blessing to him that actually comes back and blesses well you because You get the benefit of that So that's something you could you could do is find ways that you could be a blessing to your pastors
So these are just some practical things that I want to encourage you to do throughout this series
Be a blessing to your pastor Find some ways You could come alongside and help him.
I Want to sprinkle that throughout this series, but like I said from the beginning what I want to do is I want to hear from you
And that's why we're gonna give everyone a free gift that contacts us info at striving for eternity calm.
Let us know What you want covered in this series? What kind of things do you think?
There you or that you want to know when it comes to the role of a pastor We want to cover those topics.
So I really want to encourage you guys to please email us about that. So with that We're gonna start this series.
I wanted to give the overview I want you if you like what you're hearing here share it with others get people excited about this
It's the best way you could help us is sharing this episode in every episode you like with others
I'm not asking you share every episode you may not like them all but if you get some value out of it It doesn't take long to just share it.
You could even text it to someone. Hey, check this out. Listen to this message I do that all the time when
I find something valuable. I think you know I know someone that would be blessed by this. I shoot a quick text Hey, check out this podcast most podcast apps have a way for you to share
And you can quickly share the episode and I do that all the time It helps other people so if you find value in this go share this maybe you could share this with your pastor
Hey pastor, I'm encouraged to encourage you. Here's some things I'm listening to in ways
I can encourage you maybe you could give me some ideas pastor how I could be a blessing to you Just an idea.
So do that if you wouldn't mind and want to let you know where we're gonna be we got
Some speaking coming up just in case you're in the area and if and if we're if there's anywhere where we're gonna be and you're
In that area. I really wouldn't want to encourage you to please let us know
Contact us and you know, like you come to an event where we're speaking What would it really meant mean a lot to me is if you come up and say hey
Andrew I listen to your podcast. I have people that come to me all the time. It's okay. I just sit here behind the mic
I don't always know who it is that I'm speaking to I Can't see you as a listener
But when you come to an event, it really means a lot to me when you come and say hey, I listen to your podcast and so we'll be
January 14th, I'll be preaching at Providence Church in Mansfield, Ohio I'll be
February 20th to 25th the open -air theology conference. I encourage you if you're in Tennessee area
That is a great conference go just do a search on open -air theology conference great speakers
The topic is why Calvinism there's I think a pre -conference debate a post -conference debate
That's shaping up to be a great great conference Justin Peters and I will be speaking at River of Life Church in Watertown, New York April 12th to the 14th.
I will be going April 24th to May 9th To the
Philippines this folks I need your help It I will be going
Justin Peters will be going. We're even trying to add Jim Osmond to be going Why do
I need your help? Look when we get there, we're gonna be doing a strange fire conference We're gonna address the issues of the charismatic movement problems that are within the charismatic movement things that we see going on that are a danger to Christianity that Are really problems in the
Philippines there There's a lot of bad teaching either word of faith is really really prevalent there
And so we're gonna go and help those churches, but guess what these churches can't afford to fly us out there.
It's $2 ,500 a flight to get out there and we got three people that we're trying to get out there
So you could help us go to striving for attorney org slash support and let us know hey, this is the support to Philippines trip if you do that that will help us why because We're not booking a whole lot
It's driving for turning of speaking events here in the States right now because if we can't cover this Philippines trip
We've committed to go because the money is in the bank to go But if we can't cover that we may not be able to go to the other churches here in the states that need help
Because we go to churches that don't Can't really afford to have speakers come out and so they don't have the means to pay for us to be there
That's who we try to help out and so we can only do that if the money's in the bank So if you could help us get to the
Philippines, we're they work us like a dog I will tell you that I mean we last time I think I spoke 22 times in 14 days
We will be non -stop when we are there. It's gonna be a lot of speaking a lot of teaching.
We have a Church camp to do we have two conferences to do. I don't even know all the other things
We got radio interviews and they'll book things as we get there If you're in the
Philippines, we want to get details Hey, you can email us at info travel training comm and we'll get you the details about that trip where we're gonna be
But please help us to get there. We'll also be in Vail Valley Baptist Church.
That's in Vail Valley Arizona August 8th to the 4th to August 11 teen 11th that is going to be
We're gonna cover world views at that conference So those that's just the events we have right now if you could make it to any of those events
That would be an encouragement to us. Let us know. Hey, I listened to you on the rap product came out to that Also, if you happen to be in the
Bucks County, Pennsylvania area Just want to give you guys an encouragement if you happen to be in that area men.
This is a shout out for you We will be having at my church Oxford Valley Chapel We're gonna be going through my book.
What do we believe? It's a breakfast. So breakfast starts at 830. We're done at 930
We're gonna be going. I won't be the only teacher. I'm one of several teachers. We're gonna go through that book and Study it.
So if you're in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, please check that out let us know email us go to or you can contact the church
Oxford Valley Chapel and Join us have some breakfast have some teaching.
It'll be good And I'm looking forward to what we will cover throughout this year, but a lot of that's gonna depend on you
I want to know what you'd like us to talk about So, please not just with this series on what is a pastor anything else you want covered email us
So that we could cover topics that are of interest to you. I hope that this encourages you to encourage your pastor and With that that's a wrap
This podcast is part of the striving for eternity ministry for more content or to request a speaker or seminar to your church