Why Kenneth Copeland TALKS To His HAIR!
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- 00:00
- Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
- 00:07
- In today's video, we're going to be talking about Kenneth Copeland. Kenneth is one of the most successful prosperity gospel preachers in the world right now, but he also happens to be 85 years old.
- 00:19
- One might wonder, then, how is it that 85 -year -old Kenneth Copeland manages to maintain dark brown hair?
- 00:25
- Obviously, the natural condition of an 85 -year -old's hair would be entirely gray, right?
- 00:31
- Well, many people would come to the conclusion that he uses some form of hair dye, but no, that's actually not it.
- 00:37
- It's not what you'd think. But in this video, Kenneth Copeland tells the audience how he keeps his hair from going gray, and he does this supernaturally.
- 00:46
- Yes, the answer may shock you. Watch this. I had a lot of business to take care of, and so I began to speak to my hair.
- 00:57
- It started turning gray. Well, I went to him about this, and I said, I don't care.
- 01:03
- It's scriptural to become gray -headed. But you said you're doing this because of the word of faith.
- 01:13
- So I'm going to talk to my hair. I started talking to it, and it started becoming gray all around.
- 01:20
- And I said, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not having that. Nope, nope, nope, nope, no, no, no, no, no.
- 01:26
- Stand there in the mirror and look at it and say, gray hair, bye. And it's gone.
- 01:37
- So let's break this down. First, Kenneth says that, quote, I don't care. It's scriptural to become gray -headed, as if he doesn't really mind.
- 01:45
- And that's actually true. The Bible has a lot to say about gray hair. Proverbs 20, verse 29 says, quote,
- 01:52
- The glory of young men is their strength, but the splendor of old men is their gray hair.
- 01:57
- End quote. You see, gray hair is actually a blessing, not a curse. True enough. Yet the problem is that Kenneth says that he doesn't care about going gray.
- 02:06
- But of course, obviously, he does, because he's actively trying to prevent it from happening to him. I believe his exact words were, quote,
- 02:14
- So I'm going to talk to my hair. It started going gray. And I said, no, I'm not having that.
- 02:20
- End quote. This becomes a bit confusing, because he just said that he doesn't care. But then a few moments later, he said emphatically, passionately, that he simply won't have gray hair.
- 02:30
- He won't do it. And this confusing statement is unfortunately going to be the pattern for his teaching in this video.
- 02:37
- Indeed, at the end of the clip, he says, quote, Just stand in the mirror and say, gray hair, bye.
- 02:42
- And it's gone. This is a rather incredible claim. But let's go ahead and look at the facts, shall we? First, let's go ahead and remind ourselves that Kenneth Copeland is 85 years old.
- 02:52
- He was born in the year 1936, if the internet is correct. Just to put that into context,
- 02:58
- World War II started in 1939. And Kenneth is claiming that he has brown hair at 85 because it has been granted to him supernaturally by God.
- 03:10
- Just let that sink in. That's the first thing you need to understand. The second thing you need to know is that Kenneth has the resources and time to get his hair professionally dyed regularly.
- 03:20
- Many people with gray hair who have middle or lower class incomes can get their hair dyed all the time.
- 03:26
- Kenneth Copeland's net worth, on the other hand, is an estimated 800 million dollars. So again, it's safe to say that Kenneth Copeland has the wherewithal to color his hair artificially on a very regular basis.
- 03:38
- Now, let's be clear. I am not saying that I can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kenneth Copeland is coloring his hair.
- 03:45
- That's not what I'm saying. I'm simply encouraging you to think critically and look at all the facts, many of which are pretty incredible, some are pretty obvious.
- 03:54
- At the very least, none of the evidence presented here should be convincing proof of his supernatural status.
- 04:00
- This isn't exactly Moses parting the Red Sea, is it? We have an 85 -year -old man with brown hair, and there also happen to be bottles of brown hair dye at virtually every superstore in America.
- 04:12
- Again, I'm not claiming I know what Kenneth is doing. What I am saying is this. If he were faking it, it would be very easy to do so.
- 04:20
- But with all that in mind, let's see the next clip where Kenneth Copeland gives us an insight into what he speaks over his hair specifically to keep the gray away.
- 04:29
- Watch this. So I kept going at him over that, and he said, well, yeah.
- 04:36
- He said, I don't have to answer that. You know what to do. Use your mouth. Put your faith on that hair.
- 04:44
- I did it tonight in the hotel room. Stood there and looked at it, and I said, hair, you are good -looking.
- 04:59
- Amen. So, apparently, that's all it takes.
- 05:04
- Open your mouth, quote, put your faith on that hair. And you do this by saying, quote, hair, you're good -looking.
- 05:11
- But at this point, there's an important question that comes to mind. If gray hair is a blessing as a natural sign of old age, wisdom, honor, splendor, etc.,
- 05:20
- which is what the Bible says, what exactly would be the reason why God would supernaturally keep your hair from going gray?
- 05:27
- What exactly is this proving? That's another contradiction here that Kenneth Copeland, of course, never actually explains.
- 05:33
- If gray hair is a blessing, for what reason would God take it away from you to do some miracle?
- 05:39
- There's no compelling answer offered for this obvious contradiction. And more than this, the process by which
- 05:45
- Kenneth achieves the goal here is pretty wild. He literally says that he talks to his hair and says, quote, hair, you're good -looking.
- 05:53
- Where is this in Scripture? And specifically, where is this process ever described in Scripture? These are all important biblical questions, again, and we sincerely hope that Kenneth Copeland answers them at some point, although we're not holding our breath.
- 06:06
- But with that, let's move right along to the main event, Kenneth Copeland's so -called biblical support for this supernatural hair treatment.
- 06:14
- This is perhaps the biggest stretch of the whole video, and as you can see, that's really saying something.
- 06:19
- Watch this. And I will preach standing up with, and I'll do it with a full head of hair, by faith, by faith.
- 06:33
- Go to the 11th chapter of the book of Hebrews, and the first time I read that, I went in there.
- 06:39
- I said, Gloria, look at this. We started reading that, and then go look up all of those scriptures about Noah and Abraham and all of them, studied each one of them, and the faith that they exercise.
- 06:58
- And then you get down to the end of that chapter, and it says, and he's done a better thing for us.
- 07:04
- I said, how could it be any better? Well, here I am, 85 and a half years old, and I've figured out it's better.
- 07:11
- So in defense of Kenneth's word of faith hair treatment, he uses Hebrews chapter 11, which talks about the hall of faith.
- 07:19
- And this chapter of the New Testament does highlight the faithful witness of many Old Testament saints and their great faith.
- 07:26
- Hebrews 11 1 says, quote, Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
- 07:32
- For by it the people of old received their commendation, end quote. Here are just a few of the names mentioned as the chapter expounds on this idea with examples.
- 07:42
- Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Moses, Rahab, and many, many more.
- 07:50
- What is unclear is how on earth this connects with what Copeland had just said before. If you recall, he was talking about keeping his hair from turning gray by speaking to it in the mirror.
- 08:00
- There doesn't seem to be any connection at all between this practice and what is being described through the lives of Noah, Abraham, Moses, or any other person mentioned.
- 08:10
- And this brings us to an even bigger issue. Consider the example of Jacob, or Israel, as we might call him.
- 08:16
- Genesis 40 verse 11 says, quote, Now the eyes of Israel were dim with age, so that he could not see, end quote.
- 08:24
- Now this seems strange. Why would God grant Kenneth Copeland natural brown hair at 85, and yet at the same time have allowed his servant
- 08:32
- Jacob to be almost completely blind in his old age? This doesn't seem proportionate.
- 08:38
- Jacob is actually in the Hall of Faith, located in Hebrews 11, the very chapter that Kenneth Copeland is using to support his position.
- 08:46
- Yet it seems that the life of Jacob, who Kenneth actually mentions by name in the video, contradicts everything he's using the passage to teach.
- 08:53
- And as we've said from the beginning, this segment of teaching is riddled with contradictions and unanswered questions, as per usual.
- 09:01
- But of course, Kenneth might respond, saying something like he said in the clip, that at the end of Hebrews chapter 11, it promises better things to come for us.
- 09:10
- Perhaps he would make the argument that this miraculous hair coloring is part of that promise, and therefore any potential contradiction here between him and Jacob can be explained away.
- 09:19
- Yes, Jacob's eyes were dim in his old age, but God promised me better things to come after all.
- 09:25
- Fair enough. Let's read the passage and find out. Hebrews 11 verse 39 says, And all these, though commended through their faith, did not receive what was promised, since God had provided something better for us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect.
- 09:42
- This is the very end of the chapter. And look at the very next verse in the next chapter. Hebrews 12 verse 1 says,
- 09:49
- Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith.
- 10:04
- So clearly, the something better that was promised in Hebrews chapter 11 doesn't have anything to do with the hair color of Kenneth Copeland.
- 10:13
- Where he's getting this connection is beyond me. Taking a passage that is about the glory of Christ and the finished work of the
- 10:20
- Gospel, and making that passage all about not having gray hair at 85 is simply absurd.
- 10:26
- None of this made any sense. But long story short, here's the summary. Kenneth begins with the false and contradictory statement that he was able to decree and declare away his graying hair.
- 10:37
- And this becomes even less convincing given the fact that it's so incredibly easy to fake something like this.
- 10:44
- And in the final analysis, his entire practice described here seemingly has no biblical support.
- 10:50
- And indeed, the only support he actually offers for it was a passage taken completely out of context, which means something else.
- 10:57
- In other words, Kenneth Copeland's teaching doesn't meet the burden of proof that it requires. In fact, it doesn't even come close.
- 11:03
- It's unclear whether or not anything in his teaching was proven at all, and certainly not by an accurate understanding of the
- 11:10
- Scriptures. We would highly recommend, then, that you stay away from the deeply flawed and dangerous teaching of Kenneth Copeland.
- 11:17
- It would be much more biblical and fruitful and beneficial for you to seek out a solid minister of the
- 11:23
- Word of God. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
- 11:31
- And let's pray for Kenneth, that he would stop this false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
- 11:37
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- 11:43
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- 11:48
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- 11:59
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- 12:07
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- 12:13
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