In The Garden / Genesis Is Real History (Genesis Chapter Two - Part 1)

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Program for WVNE Life Changing Radio (Worcester / Boston) Link to the full sermon -    • The Garden of Eden (Genesis Chapter 2)  


Our Federal Head (Genesis Chapter Two - Part 2)

Our Federal Head (Genesis Chapter Two - Part 2)

Thank you for listening to this message from the ministry of Morse Corner Church in Leverett, Massachusetts.
Morse Corner is a non -denominational church that is committed to the preaching and teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our church was founded in 1896 by two students of the famous evangelist
D .L. Moody. We seek to encourage and edify the body of Christ through the proclamation of God's Word through the ministries of the local church.
If you'd like more information, visit our website morsecornerchurch .com. We hope you enjoy the message.
The title of this morning's message is the Garden of Eden. How many of you have heard a sermon on the
Garden of Eden? Okay, a few. Good. So as you might have guessed, let's turn in our
Bibles to Genesis chapter 2. Genesis chapter 2. Last week we began our sermon series from the book of Genesis and we saw how in the beginning
God created the heavens and the earth. And God, it pointed out, created all things out of what?
Out of nothing. He created ex nihilo, out of nothing, simply by speaking the word.
So we went through the six days of creation and now we come to day number seven.
And many of you are probably aware that the number seven in the Bible represents perfection or completeness.
You could say that the number seven is God's number. Man's number is six because man was created on day six.
But seven is God's number and the seventh day is God's day.
Look at Genesis chapter 2 verse 1 says, Thus the heavens and the earth and all the host of them were finished.
And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had done and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done.
Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because in it he rested from all his work which
God had created and made. Now I think it's a common thing for people to look at this and say yeah the seventh day this is the this is the
Sabbath. Right here in Genesis 2 this is the Sabbath. Well yes and no because the
Sabbath really doesn't show up until God gave his law to Moses thousands of years later in the book of Exodus.
So I think it's more accurate to say that the Sabbath is actually based on this. It's not that this at this moment is the
Sabbath. Of course Sabbath means what? Rest. Right and God is resting.
Now does God need to rest? No God does not need to rest. Basically what
God is doing is he is establishing a precedent for man to work six days and then for one day to take a day off.
To take a day of rest. And that day of rest is also to be a day set aside unto the
Lord for worship. Look at verse 4. Says this is the history of the heavens and the earth when they were created in the day that the
Lord God made the earth and the heavens. So now the thing to understand about Genesis chapter 2 because some have been confused you're reading about the creation in chapter 1 and then it's it's like well is this the same event in chapter 2?
What's happening we're going backwards. We're going back in the story and getting some of the detail.
So right now what we're reading about we're going back to day 6. Okay so everything we're reading about now day 6 the creation of man.
Look at verse 7. Says in the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being.
A few things about this verse. If you're paying close attention you're going to notice we're starting to see another name for God.
In chapter 1 it's G -O -D. That's Elohim in Hebrew and that's the plural name for God.
What's the other name that we're starting to see now? Lord. Right and you'll notice that Lord I think this is reflected in all modern
Bible translations but Lord is in all capital letters. Right capital L, capital
O, capital R, capital D. So when you see Lord in all caps that's the name of God Jehovah or as some people will say
Yahweh but this is the name of God Jehovah which means the existing
God or the self existing God. Why is that important? Because God has life in himself.
We're dependent on a lot of things aren't we? We're dependent on God. God depends on nobody and nothing.
He has life within himself and now he is making a creature made in his own image according to his own likeness.
So God creates man out of what? What's the material?
Yes he creates all things the heavens and the earth out of nothing but he creates man out of something and that's the dust of the earth.
So now it's it's stopping and giving some detail to point this out and God is shaping and molding man out of the dirt, out of the dust of the ground.
Sort of like an artist would spend time painting his or her masterpiece.
Now it's true that man came from the dirt and that could give people some people the impression that man must not have all that much value if we came from the dirt and we're going back to the dirt right?
Someone could draw that conclusion and you know that might be true except for one thing.
Man has value because God gave man value.
You have value because God gave you value and guess what? If there is no
God or if evolution is true what happens? Man has no value. Man is an animal and why are we surprised on the news when people treat man like he's an animal prepared for the slaughter?
We have a spiritual problem in our country. We have a spiritual problem in our world where man is not seen as one made in the image of God and we're facing the effects all over.
So mankind has value because God gave him value. God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
If you don't get that right from this point on the Bible you're not going to get anything else right. Do you have value?
Look around at one another. You all have great value in the eyes of God and in our own eyes.
We should view each other as someone of great value. So you could say that God breathed his spirit into man because the same
Hebrew word for breath is the same word for spirit and this is what sets man apart.
We have God's spirit. Now in the next chapter when man sins everything changes but here in chapter 2 man is blameless.
Man is living in the perfect environment, the Garden of Eden. Look at verse 8.
Then Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed.
Who knows what the word Eden means? Does anybody know? Okay well it means pleasure.
So Eden means pleasure. Of course this is paradise. This is a place of pleasure and delight.
Of course that doesn't mean carnal pleasure and neither is Adam just sitting back fanning himself eating grapes.
It's not that kind of pleasure either. What does God do? He puts man in the garden to do what?
To work. Right. Yeah. Adam has a job to do. He is to keep and tend the garden.
We see that in verse 15. Look at verse 9. Says an out of the ground the
Lord God may and by the way by putting Adam here to work this also sets a precedent.
Man finds his value to some degree in his work or he finds his purpose I should say in his work.
Verse 9 says an out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight for good and good for food.
And the tree of life was also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
So we see two trees being described and there's a contrast between the two.
Something that we had mentioned last week that it's necessary I think to get into a little bit of apologetics.
What's apologetics? Being an apologist is not apologizing for your faith.
Right. It's defending the faith. We're trying to defend the faith here. So as evangelical
Bible -believing Christians we believe this is literal. Okay.
There's a literal tree called the tree of life. There is a literal tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
This is not a parable. This is not an allegory. There's a lot of people who will say it is but there's nothing in the language, nothing in the writing at all to suggest that this is anything but literal.
You know you need to look at the writing of Scripture. When there's poetic, there are poems in the
Bible, when there's poetic language you allow for symbolism. When something is seen in visionary form
I think you have to allow for some symbolism. What is this writing though? This is historical narrative.
That's the genre of writing that we're looking at. And look at verse 4. Go back to verse 4.
What does it say? This is the history of the heavens and the earth.
So there's nothing at all to suggest that this shouldn't be taken literally.
And I also pointed out last week how Jesus of Nazareth believed in a literal
Adam, right? So Adam was a real person.
These are real trees, real garden, and also Jesus is Apostle Saul of Tarsus, also known as the
Apostle Paul. In Romans chapter 5 and 1st Corinthians 15 it's very clear he believed in a literal
Adam. So while many of the modern mainline churches view this as an allegory, there's nothing to suggest that whatsoever.
Or this is what they do. They say, well the tree is symbolic. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, this whole thing is symbolic.
And what do they do after that? Then they move to Noah's Ark. Well this seems impossible. This is symbolic too.
And then the Tower of Babel. Well that's how did this work? That's what this must be symbolic too.
And they keep on with that all the way. Eventually they get to the cross in the resurrection, where many of them will teach that that is symbolic.
The virgin birth is symbolic, or they'll just flat -out deny it. That amounts to a denial of the faith.
So don't even start down that road because that's where it leads. So a literal tree of life, amen?
Literal tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Okay. And along those lines, let's not forget the devil's temptation to Eve.
What's the first thing that he said to her? Has God indeed said tree of life?
Did God really say, is this really true? Is this really literal? Did this really happen?
That's the devil's lie. He hooks you with that, he's got you. So they're literal.
Literal. Okay. You know, the Bible is not a hard book to understand. Parts of it are,
I acknowledge that. The prophetic books, some of it can be difficult. But here in Genesis, the
Bible is actually very easy to understand. You read it, take it at face value, it means what it says.
It's that simple, right? Okay. At the end of chapter 3, so what then is the tree of life?
What is this all about? It is a tree that kept Adam alive. Do you realize,
Adam, if he continued to eat of this tree, he could live forever? Even after he sinned, he could live forever by eating from this tree.
In the next chapter, when Adam and Eve sinned, they are banished from the garden. You know why?
So that they wouldn't eat of the tree of life. Because then they would live forever in their sin.
And that is not God's will for us to live forever in our sin. Do you realize, because nobody really wants to die, but if you live forever in the current state you are in, you don't want that.
What do we want? We want to go be with the Lord, where we have that glorified body, where there is no presence of sin at all.
So in some ways, kicking them out of the garden was what they needed. But then there's this other tree.
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God told Adam not to eat of that tree. Look at verse 17, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die.
Now again, this is all straightforward information. Where it gets a little more challenging, or where interpretation comes in, is when you start asking questions like, how?
Or why? You know, this is what kids ask all the time. Well, you need to do this, or here's what we're gonna do, and they say, what?
What do they say? Why? And then you explain it to them, and they come back with another question.
Why? And that's really frustrating. You know, sometimes, hey listen, sometimes we don't always have the answer why, okay?
Sometimes we're not given the answer, but we need to trust. It's the same thing.
A little child, all they really need to know is trust mom and dad. And that's what we need to do.
Trust. Trust dad. Thanks for listening. I'm Pastor Michael Grant from Morris Coronet Church.
If you'd like to listen to the complete message, or if you'd like more information about the ministry, visit our website,
MorrisCoronetChurch .com. And we'd love to have you join us some Sunday morning here in Leverett.