Titus 2:3-5 (Biblical Womanhood)


In a world that is thoroughly confused over womanhood, the Bible speaks plainly and clearly. Join us this week as we discover seven truths that God says about womanhood and how these things bring blessings into our lives.


Thank you for subscribing to the Shepherds Church podcast. This is our Lord's Day Sermon We pray that as we declare the
Word of God that you would be encouraged Strengthened in your faith and that you would catch a greater vision of who
Christ is May you be blessed in the hearing of God's Word and may the Lord be with you
As I near my 40th to speak the truth whether it offends society at large or not
I Want to speak what the word says now, I don't want to do that with pugnacity We we read that in Titus earlier if something is offensive.
I don't want it to be me and and me being overly offensive as a person, but I do want to not shy away from speaking what the word says if honesty and truth were oxygen
Our society especially the church today would be suffocating Because there's a low short supply of truth
Churches long ago have abandoned their station abandon their pulpits. There's so many churches today that hang the flag of mockery to God There's so many churches today that they could not spell the word gospel and I'm not talking about their their their
Acumen or their ability intellectually. I'm just saying that they've forgotten the truth Being relevant to a society has been more important than righteousness
Men all across the country have traded in their pulpits for man buns and pop psychology
We laugh because it's pathetic We've made the approval of man more important than the approval of God.
We've made worm -tongued winsomeness The thing that is the most important today if we can just be nice and say things that are they're sweet and kind to make
Everybody agree with us, then we've been faithful to God That's spinelessness
That's cowardice C .s. Lewis once said that we need men with chests We need that today now more than ever many will wrestle with the text
Many will fear God and tremble over his word and declare what it says, even if it hurts
Today, we're certainly in a passage that's tough and It's not tough because the truth of the word is somehow offensive.
The truth of the word is good the truth of the word is like medicine that goes down into the soul and it's sweet and it produces a
Wonderful reward. No, this passage is tough because we've so fully departed from biblical orthodoxy today that it chafes
The soul of man you guys remember back in elementary school when a friend would come up to you and say hey have you ever had an
Indian burn and Then you're like no, what is that and then all of a sudden one layer of your epidermis has come off Because we've departed from biblical orthodoxy.
This passage is Indian burned our society It's a text that's focused on biblical womanhood.
What is a woman? Popular documentary recently asked the question The only problem is is that it never got around to the gospel to what actually is a woman
Today we're going to look at a good vision of biblical womanhood We're gonna look at a vision of womanhood that will bless
Women that will enrich her families that will connect her to her purpose
Which was established by her creator and one word real quick. I know that we do live in a confused time.
I'm not a woman But that doesn't matter Because you don't have to be a woman to speak about what womanhood is
God Is the one who spoke about womanhood and it's in his word and as we study what it is
We can talk about it whether we're women or not If you ignore this passage, which we will see in a moment.
If you ignore this passage in Titus chapter 2 You don't love womanhood If you rebel against this passage
It becomes even more significant than that. You not only do not love womanhood, but you blaspheme
God That's how serious God paints the picture of womanhood do you deny the designer in?
His vision you've denied him so as we move in that direction,
I Do want to share a little bit about my heart because confusing times require clear speaking
Confusing times do not require the soft touch the kid gloves the pat on the back like we've done for 50 years
Confusing times requires tough speech one of the things that we've done as a church and I put the blame square at the feet of the church is we have caused our society
To become diabetic to the things of God we have shoveled so many gospel sugar scoops of Sweetness right on to the culture that now they can't even hear the things of God.
They're like a diabetic We need a little salt which is what we were called to be we're never called to be sugar we're called to be salt
We need to preach truth with a dash of Himalayan We need to say what the
Bible says because we don't want our church and we don't want this society to grow fat and spiritually diabetic on our watch
If you want cupcakes and devil dogs, which cut devil dogs are disgusting I'm sorry.
I wasn't born in this region. Forgive me if you love them More power to you, but we don't need spiritual devil dogs either if you want that go listen to Joel Steen and dr
Phil or any of the other ear ticklers that we've produced in this culture But today we want to look at the truth because we want men to be strong.
We want women to be strong We want families to be strong and thrive like the psalm that we just sang where a family is rooted into the gospel and growing healthy and Thriving So we have to be a little salty
But if you like the softer side of Sears Remember that commercial back in the 80s softer side
I'm frustrated I'm frustrated because I watch a society that has absolutely devastated women.
I Watched a society feign that they love women All while encouraging her to murder the children inside of her body
All while causing men to dress up in in swim gear and and beat them on on the you know
It's not a court. That's the swimming pool I've seen a society that acts and says that they love women, but absolutely hate women and it burdens my heart
I've talked to so many women who are in tears over childlessness because they followed the world's vision
They went to school. They went and got their corner office. They spent all of their years of fertility and vivacity
Working for a goal that now they've ran out of years and they haven't found a husband and they don't have any children.
I've seen society destroy Women, I've seen men mistreat women.
I've seen society mistreat women ladies If you don't hear anything else today, you are
God's daughter You are daughters of the King and He loves you and he cares for you and he designed you according to a purpose
Do not listen to the lies that the world has taught you about what it means to be a woman Because they will destroy you listen to what the
Word of God says about you Because that's where true freedom is when you embrace biblical womanhood
You open up your heart you open up your life You open up your home to the blessings of God when you reject it
You open up your home to the destruction and devastation that has afflicted this society and my aim in this is
That I've watched Generations of men and women not get discipled by the previous generation many of you probably can identify with that You arrived at adulthood and you said now what no one taught me how to be a godly man
No one taught me how to be a godly woman and as a result of that what we've had over the last several generations of American history is men who don't know what it means to be biblical men
Trying to raise children who don't end up growing up knowing what it means to be biblical men the same is true for women and We're perpetuating this
Because we've not done discipleship. My goal is That we as a church would know a biblical manhood and womanhood is so that we can raise up a new generation
Who does not struggle in the same way that our generation struggled? May it never be said that a young boy grows up not knowing what it means to be a biblical man
May it never be said that a woman grows up and says I was never taught how to do any of this I was never taught how to be a woman and she has to learn from culture
May it never be said of this church may it never be said of Christ Church. Amen with that There's seven things that I want us to look at today when it comes to biblical womanhood
In the passage that we're looking at number one a woman all in all of this is in your bulletin The outline is there so you can take notes if you'd like if you don't have a bulletin, that's okay
But we have them back there on that black table every week Number one a woman is to be a lover of her husband
Number two a woman is to be a lover of her children She's to be moderate pure a worker at home good and submissive to her husband and with that Would you turn with me to Titus chapter 2 verses 3 through 5 as we examine what a biblical woman is and I'm gonna be deviating from the common practice of the church by preaching from the
New King James Version today because in fact It's the only path. It's the only translation that had the guts to translate this passage correctly
So if you will join me in Titus 2 3 through 4 Wanda, would you put that up? Thank you
The older women likewise That they be reverent in behavior Not slanderers not given too much wine teachers of good things that they may admonish the young women to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chaste homemakers good
Obedient to their own husbands that the Word of God may not be blasphemed
Let's pray Lord. Would you help us today?
We live in the society that's so confused on what it means to be a woman Lord would we as your people open up our hearts to see what the scriptures say about womanhood
Lord, would we not be hard -hearted? Would we not be? callous Would we not look at a passage like this and say that doesn't apply to us today?
Which is really to dawn the heart of Satan who said did God really say You have really spoken
You have really shared truth Lord let us as your people to embrace it
Lord let us as men in this room to celebrate Encourage and to be thankful for the incredible blessing.
It is that you have given to this world called woman Lord would you help us to honor the woman?
Would you help us to be respectful and caring of all women it's Lord Especially the woman that you have called us to care for most intimately our wife
Lord would you help women? Who struggle so often with? discouragement shame or guilt
Would you help every woman here today to walk out of here with her head held high proud to be a woman? Proud to be who
God made her to be Proud to be a daughter of the king Lord would you help our young girls to cap to catch a vision of this to see it to dream about it to look
Forward to the day where she will step into womanhood Lord, would you help our young boys?
To look at the mothers of this community and think about the kind of wife that he will one day marry
Lord would you make our family strong? Would you make it strong through godly men and through godly women and Through godly children.
It's in Christ's name. We pray. Amen Now before we can get into this passage and look at the seven things that it discusses we have to actually cover a couple things as introductory thoughts because there's three things really that this passage says that we have to look at before we can actually get to what a woman is the first Is that it is a blasphemy?
against God's Word to not teach biblical womanhood or To teach it wrongly
What a strong statement Paul uses the word blasphemy Which is on the same level of damnable cursing
Which is strong language But that's what it is and the Old Testament when you blasphemed you were killed for it.
It was a capital crime It was executable payable by death It was considered a social poison upon the society and it was an affront to the holiness of God Let me give you an example
Leviticus 24 16 The one who blasphemes in the name of the
Lord shall surely be put to death All the congregation shall certainly stone him the alien as well as the native when he blasphemes the name
He shall be put to death When you blaspheme God you are shaking a middle finger at the heavens and you're saying
I have no need of you and your maniacal demonic Disdain, you were saying may you be condemned
God Blasphemy is to bring the infinitely matchless perfect holy name of God down to a common level and then to assert something else up and over it as if to say
That God is now under you and That's what it is
It is nothing less than looking at the Creator who is blessed forever who can never be brought down It is to look at him and to wish upon him deicide
That's what blasphemy is That's why the blasphemy the blasphemer deserves death
It is not because the Bible is anti -human and God is up in heaven like Zeus ready to whip a lightning bolt at somebody
The God is not or the Bible is not anti -human but it is absolutely pro The holiness of God if God is holy our response to him must be holy
We can't treat God in violent ways and expect That our sin will go unpunished
The Bible holds God's name as absolutely Sacred if Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire and punished for an eternity for his crimes
Is it really that straight that much of a stretch of the imagination to see why the blasphemer would be killed for his crimes
For taking the name of God in vain and blaspheming it It would be like an ant shaking his fist at a at a six foot eight 400 pound man
Inviting the soul of his shoe to crush him down into the earth that is
What the man deserves he blasphemes God and you may not like that and you may say to yourself well that's a little severe but in that what you have done is you have said that God is really not that holy and That my opinion of how things ought to go is really the way that God ought to operate
So if you struggle with the fact that a blasphemer should be put to death It is because you have not yet seen how righteous and holy
God is and how every sin Is an act of violence against him
Death would be too good for the fool who shakes his fist at the Almighty in this way now the
Bible in Titus 2 Makes that term blasphemy a little broader
It doesn't just say that blaspheming the name of God is worthy of death. It says that it's possible to blaspheme the
Word of God The Word of God now the reason that this is the case is because the
Word represents who God is Everything that God loves and everything that he ordained.
The Word is Emblematic of his character so that when you curse the word you were actually cursing him
Because his word carries his authority his word carries his righteous opinions on every topic
Said if you blaspheme it you're blaspheming him. Also the phrase in Titus 2 Lagos hot a us
Word of God Is this exact same phrase that's used of Jesus Christ who is the
Word made flesh So that when you blaspheme God's Word you're blaspheming God and you're blaspheming the
Son of God to attack the Bible is to attack Christ the same God who fiercely punishes blasphemy will also respond with fury when his word is blasphemed now this passage is
A noose That is hanging over every pulpit in America Because while it does admonish older women to teach the younger women it also admonishes
Pastors and shepherds and elders and leaders who are the ones who are preaching the Word of God to make sure that they preach it rightly
How many sermons have you ever heard on this passage? Probably not one if you have praise
God for that How many passages or how many sermons have you heard where? Where a an empowerment vision a modern secular vision of womanhood is presented that goes against this passage blasphemes the
Word of God If we don't teach this passage or if we neglect this passage or if we teach this passage wrongly
We will blaspheme God's Word and may God have mercy on the man the elder the teacher
Who does that? Why is
God so intense about womanhood you may ask? Why is God so? passionate fervent ferocious about womanhood
It's because he loves it He loves womanhood. He loves womanhood so much
That he's unwilling for anyone to pervert it He loves womanhood so passionately because he designed it.
He's unwilling for secular society to water it down or destroy it To tamper with womanhood according to this passage is blasphemous
Because God loves his design so tremendously you remember in the beginning men It says it was not good for men to be alone
And then that's the only time that that word not good is used in that way in the whole Bible It's not good for a man to be alone
Do you know the only time the word very good is used by God in that way is when woman is made and given to the
Man, it is very good That God made woman his design is very good
God does not love the progressive lumberjack feminism that we see today God does not don't love the confused and muddled and watered -down
Womanhood of evangelicalism today He loves his design in his design only and he's jealous for his design and We must teach it now.
The second thing I would give his way of introduction Blasphemy serious. So remember that The second thing that I would give you is older woman the passage is written to the older woman
It says the older women are supposed to teach the younger women that they're supposed to be this Culture inside the church where older women are pouring into the lives of younger women discipling them teaching them how to be a woman how to do these seven things and May that be the case
Here the thing that I want us to see Is that as pastors and elders at this church are coming alongside of families
That we want to encourage the older women in this congregation Women who've had their children already move out out from home women who are maybe in later seasons of life
We want to encourage you to come alongside of younger women and to teach them how to be godly biblical women
This is not a novel concept The Bible has this idea that the community will disciple each other older men are supposed to disciple the younger men
Older women are supposed to disciple the younger women how can we possibly grow up in the biblical maturity if the only access that we have to discipleship is a 45 minute sermon once a week that often doesn't even cover these topics
Men older men older women pour into the lives of the younger people in this congregation
And that's gonna require something of you because maybe your life maybe you were never discipled. Maybe your life doesn't look like this passage
That's okay You don't have to have done this perfectly in order to help someone else by pointing to the perfect word
Your perfection and your standard of righteousness is not going to be what teaches The younger people in this congregation.
It's gonna be pointing to Christ in his word If there's repentance that's needed older men older women repent
If there's no one younger than you in your life who you're helping Helping to learn what it means to be a godly man or woman
Pray into that Seek out that I've got older men in my life praise
God for that I didn't always have that and it's a blessing that I want I wouldn't trade in for anything
Older men older women you can be used by God in tremendous ways The younger men and the younger women in this congregation need it
Last thing I would say is a word about my aim my point in doing this
I want people to rejoice in what womanhood is in the culture of confusion that we found ourself in I want people to rejoice in what
God has said womanhood is there are many counterfeit versions of womanhood that are alive today that we could cling on to I want us to rejoice in what
God has said for us to cling to the biblical vision of Womanhood and for us to pray that our young daughters would be raised up into that That men would celebrate that That older women would get involved with that that our little church and churches all around this area and nation and world
Would be redefined by what the word says Again many have never been discipled in this way, but praise
God. He gave us instructions on how to do it in this passage So if you will turn with me, we're going to look at the first part of this passage, which is in verse 3
That they The older women would admonish the younger women to love their husbands
The very first aspect of what biblical womanhood is is that they would love their husbands. It's a simple command
One of the aspects of womanhood is that she would have a desire for marriage and that in her marriage She would love her husband it is central to what it means to be a woman that she would be a lover of her husband and if she does not do
That or if anyone teaches her not to do that it is blasphemy. I Look at the sitcoms that are on our television screens today
Where men are mocked made fun of and women are encouraged to to treat them like they're stupid and idiots and Neanderthals That is blasphemy
Men are To be loved by their wives. It's right there Now by this it doesn't mean agape love.
That is a very fascinating aspect of this passage Agape love is the most common use of the word love in the
New Testament It's the love that Christ has for his church that he would lay down his life that he would sacrifice for his church agape
Means sacrificial love wives women you are not called to be sacrificially loving to your husband's
Why because you do that naturally That's who you are Women are the most sacrificial creatures on earth women
Will make food for their children after they have disobeyed them all day long They will pray for their children after they have rebelled
They will nurse children with with razor -sharp teeth that are cutting through their gums and they will do it
Maybe not with a smile on their face, but they'll do it joyfully women You will sacrifice and you will sacrifice and you will sacrifice for the good of your family
There'd be no use for Paul to command you to be sacrificial because that's what you are. He made you that way you will cook a man dinner when he has been an absolute jerk and You might sit quietly and not say anything to him, but you've just been sacrificial you put yourself aside you may be fuming
But you are sacrificial you're way more sacrificial than men That's why when God commands men to love their wives
He tells them to sacrifice for them to be sacrificial because men that's not natural for us.
We're selfish Amen, that's who that's who we are.
We need our wives to help us Wives are much more selfless much more sacrificial.
So they're not commanded to love in that way So, how are they commanded to love? There's an there's a very unique word in here for love
It's actually a word that doesn't show up in the in the Greek text of the ancient world It's two words that are shoved together to make a unique word fell and Ross It's Phyllis the word for friendly love and it's and Ross the love for husband
It means to be a husband lover more specifically than that though. The word means to be friendly and kind it's to love him with your kindness the command
Although sacrificial love is certainly important in women you will do that. Well, the command is to be nice and Friendly and to love him with your kindness
It's to be agreeable in character. It's to show joyful affection for your husband
My key were your bestie That's what the word means it's friendly love Paul is telling the older women make sure you encourage the younger women to be pleasant towards their husbands to be kind Now this is where a woman is gonna struggle
There are times where men You will have not sacrificed an ounce for your family, but you will come in with a dopey giddiness and you're like, hey, honey
How are you? Because we are more pleasant We don't struggle with that as much But there will be days when you have sacrificed everything for your husband and it will be a struggle for you to be kind It'll be a struggle for you to be friendly to him to laugh with him to cheer for him to build camaraderie with him
So that the Word of God is not blasphemed one aspect of what this is is that you women have been called to be a helpmate for your husband and The helpmate of your husband is that you would share with him your warm affection
That you would help him and that you would encourage him and it strikes right at the heart where most marriages struggle
Because she naturally sacrifices and men are natural at at misunderstanding where she sacrifices taking advantage of her sacrifice children take advantage of her sacrifice and that's easy to become frustrated over and that's easy to feel like you're being used and that's easy to feel like That you're bitter
How many times has it been that you have given every ounce of energy that you have to feed to care for to clothe
To love to minister to your family and they've not even said a single.
Thank you It's really easy in that moment to feel like you're being taken advantage of And your family whether they say it or not is gonna see you sacrificing and they're gonna see you
Giving all of those things. They might not tell you enough they should But do they see you being joyful Do they see you smile?
Do they see you with laughter and happiness in the home? Do they see you? with that sort of Encouragement that was true of you when you were dating
Let your husband see you smile Let your husband see your mirth and your happiness.
Let him see your vivacity Let him see You in the same way that he did when you were his girlfriend
That sort of encouragement is so important to the happiness of the family if the mirth of a woman is gone that have the household will be
Will dry up and wither, you know, they say phrase. I don't I don't particularly love it.
But happy wife happy life In some ways, it's true The wife sets the tone and the aroma of the household if she's not consistently happy the home will devolve
Into frustration and bitterness. She's that important to the life of the house Who is your man getting to see you as Is he getting to see you kind at church but cold at home?
Is he getting to see you patient with your friends? But annoyed at him These things matter to God The word here is friendly love
Let's be friendly to one another kind to one another That's the first thing that Paul commands is that Paul commands that women would have a
Friendly affection for their husbands and I agree. He does not make it easy. I understand
But these are commands of God that honor Christ whether your husband is worthy of it or not The second is that Paul tells women to be
Lovers of children. He does the same thing He makes a new word to describe this sort of friendly love that a woman will have for her children
That they would admonish young women to love their husbands and to love their children. Paul does the same thing here He doesn't tell her to be sacrificial because that is what she's going to do all day long for the rest of her life
As long as her children are alive. She's gonna sacrifice for them He tells her instead to be friendly chipper kind To have a warmness and an affection
Again, this goes beyond just feeding them and praying for them and changing their soil diapers. All those things are sacrificial
This goes to creating an aroma of friendliness in the home now
How many times have you sacrificed all day long? for your families For these little humans who willfully disobey you
Who don't follow your instructions Who are loud demanding and show very little gratitude and yet they've never once missed a meal
They've never once had to go to a soccer game with a soiled outfit Maybe they have with that, but you know what?
I mean, but how many smiles have they missed on your face? How much joy have they seen?
Again, it's easy for a family to become discouraged easy for a wife to become discouraged if you're a homeschool mom
I feel for you You've spent all day long trying to help your children learn and to grow and to become the kind of citizens of heaven that will
Storm the gates of hell It's easy to become discouraged. It's easy to become depleted
And it's easy to become sour and frustrated and bitter Fight against that repent against that Because the home will suffer
When your happiness and your kindness is withheld It's true. That's why Paul commands it here
He wants women to Blanket their families with kindness and affection
Because it heals them And it blesses them. That's the second thing.
The third thing is Paul says that woman women are to be
Moderate to be discreet chaste homemakers good obedient to their own husbands that word that is translated
The New King James is discreet is actually a word that means moderate It means to be in balance if life were a seesaw, then you would be on the pivot point
It means that you will be in the middle and not given over to the excesses and to the extremes now before we look at Paul and we say that he is a world -class chauvinist
He is not saying that women uniquely struggle with this He just got through saying in the few in the very verse before this in Titus 2 to men are to be moderate
He just got through saying in Titus 1 That leaders are to be moderate. So he's not talking about something that's unique to women.
He's talking about something that is Applies to all of us. We are all given over to excess.
We are all giving over to the polls for men Risk -taking aggressiveness adventure merrymaking overworking accumulating shotguns and rare bottles of whisky whiskey
Neglecting emotional aptitude under communication or ways that we go to the polls of things
Now women may have a very impressive scotch collection, that's not what we're talking about But women often struggle in different ways to be immoderate
Women will struggle in spending or emotional overexpression or over communication or Comparison or image and dieting perfectionism isolation bitterness and jealousy
Both men and women are given over to the extremes or to the polls and we rarely live in the middle
Paul is admonishing us and these are generalizations for sure But Paul is admonishing us to live moderately to live in the middle to the balanced lives
What he's saying women is Live a balanced womanhood a balanced femininity
That is content with what the Lord God has given you avoid the excesses of womanhood on the gluttonous side of things avoid the starvation of womanhood on the other side of things and live a life that is moderate and content
With the things that God has given you that's number three Women are to be lovers of husbands lovers of children and moderate.
They're also to be pure He says to be not only discreet but also chast the word chast here is the word for purity and it goes beyond Sexual purity it goes to a kind of purity that encompasses every aspect of your life.
The word is agnos Which includes sexual purity? But it's also a purity of everything a purity of your mind a purity of your heart a purity of your will a purity of your
Actions a purity that affects you from the top to the bottom It is a purity that that when
God looks at you And he sees that It's a woman who's been sanctified and built up by the gospel.
She's pure in all her ways That's number three number four or sorry.
That's number four number five is That a woman also will be a worker at home. This one is one of the more controversial ones
It says to be discreet chast and homemakers and that word does not mean
Go get the corporate rat race job and get the corner office. It actually means to work in homes
The male and female roles in the Bible are where the strongest language actually occurs
It says that if someone tells a woman to leave her home and to go work to serve the rat race the corporate
Struggle to have a certain quality of life if she goes out into the corporate world working and neglecting her children
She's blaspheming the Word of God, but it says also for the men If you don't work and you sit at home and you and you do your play box or your x -station
Then you've denied the faith and you're worse than an unbeliever. Do you see that? Men, if you don't work, you're worse than an unbeliever
Women if you neglect your children in your home, you blaspheme the Word of God God deeply cares about that the workings of his families
The strongest language in the New Testament applies to this male and female roles
Women, you're not called when your children are young to pursue secular vocations and to climb the corporate ladder and to prove yourself that you're as good or as smart or as As you know excellent as as the men you're not called to compete with men
You're not called to that You're not called to drop your children off at the local public school so that they can indoctrinate them and whatever hellish fantasy that they've come up with next
If a woman leaves her home to abandon her children, she's blaspheming the
Word of God, that's what it says We can paint makeup on a pig and call it something different, but that's what it says
Men and women are not the same men are called to leave their home to provide for their family women are called to stay at Home to build up their family
Paul could not have said that any more clearly The problem is is that we just in this society don't want to hear it
Because we've created a world where women have to be able to do every single thing exactly the same way that a man does and Men have to be able to do everything exactly the same way as a woman does that's why you have congressmen
Calling people chest feeders or birthing people what in the world men and women are not the same glory be to God for that and I know the
Flamingo pink -haired feminist will object and they will say this is the handmaid's tale that you're talking about you toxic
Patriarchy and all of that. Well to the lumberjack feminist I would say You're angry and you have no peace and you need to repent
Your life is filled with bitterness and I feel sorry for you and I hope that the Lord God saves you but I would also say
That the home that follows this The man who works with all his might to provide for his family the woman who works at home to build up her family
The family that follows this Will be blessed. I've seen it over and over and over again
Now, let me talk about exceptions to this rule This doesn't apply to all women that women can never work
That's not what it's saying women if you have young children Your work is in your home. That's what it says women if you do not have young children if You're 18 years old and you're still living at home with your parents go get a job and work
That's not a big deal save up money for your future marriage save up money for for the things that God's gonna call you to That's fine
Single women you moved out of the home and you don't have a husband. You don't have a family It's fine to work It's fine to prepare for the future that God has you has for you
Women if your children are out of the home and you don't have grandchildren and you're just sitting around the home board twiddling your thumbs
Go get a job. It's okay What it's talking about here is to avoid the more important work
To go make widgets, that's blasphemy To avoid the children that God has given you to pour into them and disciple them so that they can be the next generation of People who will storm the gates of hell to avoid that to sit in a corporate boardroom
It's blasphemy, that's what he's saying He's not saying by nature of having a uterus that you can't work.
That's not what he's saying He's saying you have more important work more holy work and you blaspheme if you choose a career over your children
That's what he's saying. You can't outsource maternal affection. You can't
There is a precious Period of time in a child's life where their mother has such an incredible Opportunity to pour into them.
You can't outsource it. You can't hire someone else to do it You can't expect that the government who fails at everything to be able to do anything, right?
There is no substitute for a Christian mother It's the most important job on earth. The question is not why won't
God let me work? It's why would you want to go out into the world to neglect the most important job on earth?
the most important job on earth To disciple and train children again.
You can't subsidize that that's number five number six It says that women are to be taught by older women to be good
To be discreet chase homemakers and good now the word here agathas That's translated as good in the
KJV and is and the New King James and as kind in the NASB Means good, but it doesn't mean the kind of good like Johnny be a good boy
And please stop throwing your Paw Patrol tolls toys down the toilet. It's not patronizing It's not like women be good.
It's not like that. That's not what it's saying It's women have a goodness about you have a righteousness and a holiness about you women be the good in your home
It's the kind of woman who her husband is known in the gates It's the kind of woman who her children rise up and call her blessed
It's the kind of woman who? Decorate her home to the glory of God who throw feast in the honor of his name who caused children to know
That they belong to the king and that they are citizens of the high country of heaven If she is the glue that holds a family together.
She is the good She's the good thing the good gift
It's the reason your family can be called very good. She is the good
Women hold your home together like that Be the kind of woman that brings the good
Where your children rise up and call you blessed and your husband is known in the gates. He's known because of you and your love
Be that kind of woman that's number six the last one number seven is be subject to their own husbands
This is another tough one that many people will despise in our day But all that's saying is that God has set up a leadership structure in the home
He set up a hierarchy in the home. He is not saying that women are subject to every man
He's not saying that every woman has to listen to what every man has to say far from it That is not what he is saying women are equal in value and worth to men
It is inside the home inside covenant marriage that women will be submissive to their own
Husbands and not to everyone else's and what I find so fascinating about this is that she's the one who has all the power in Choosing what kind of husband she submits to Men are attracted visually
We see our wife the first time I saw my I met my wife in jail. I've confessed that many times We were both guards
But there was a day where I walked I've seen her many many times before we talked we were friends
There was a day I came in and that dark dank old jail There was a light that shone from heaven and I was like,
I'm marrying her That was that was as deep as that thought went and I did everything
I could from that moment forward to have her Thank God women are not attracted in the same ways that men are
Thank God that she has the ability to comb over his character To see if he's gonna be the kind of man who's going to lead her in godly ways
Women do not Get into the washboard abs and the dimple chin smiles or whatever
Find a man if you're not married who will submit himself to the Lord and who will lead you and Who will honor you and who will love you and who will celebrate you and who will wash you in the water of the word?
Who will pray for you and it will hold your hand through trial find that man and If you're already married and your husband is not that pray for him
Take him to the throne of grace and ask God to do a work in that man because that is the man that God has given you to lead you and It says even in first Corinthians 7 that some very godless men will be won over by their very godly wives
Women your character and your behavior and your submissiveness tells the story of the very gospel
So do it well Seven ways that we're told that women and Men can blaspheme
God's Word by not teaching this vision of biblical womanhood, but it's also seven ways in which
That we can tell the very story of the gospel because as women and men are
Conformed to the image of Jesus Christ our lives till a picture of who he is
Our women gonna get this vision perfectly to be a friendly to her husband every day. Absolutely not
Is she gonna get it right every day with her children where she's not screaming at her kids That happens.
We don't have to deny that it happens. She's gonna get that right every day. Absolutely not She gonna get moderation right purity, right working at home, right filled with goodness, right subject to her own husband, right?
No, we're all falling. We're all gonna fall short of the glory of God We're all going to not measure up to a standard.
It is not perfection ladies. That is going to earn you your Place with God it is the perfection of Jesus Christ He is the one
Who is friendly towards us when we? Were unkind towards him he's the one who stooped down and Cared for us as rebellious children
He's the one who was moderate in a world full of excess he's the one who was perfectly pure and Who won us over by his righteousness?
He's the one who worked in the father's home and who brought us into blessing and joy. He's the one who's filled with goodness and Perfection and he's the one
Who subjected himself to his own father in every way he modeled for? Every woman in this room how to be the perfect wife even as he is the perfect husband of his bride
Christ Jesus for the joy set before him paid for our sins male and female together
Men Pray for your wives Love your wives care for your wives
Steward them lead them wash them in God's Word And do not be a stumbling block to them because this is a hard passage to follow
Wives Do not respond to your husband in the way that he deserves That's how that's how arguments continue for decades is
That wives are responding to men the way that they deserve to be responded to and men are responding to women in the way that They deserve it fuels aggression and division and future divorce
Women dedicate your your affections to your husband dedicate them to Jesus Christ Look past your husband to your perfect husband
Care for him in the way that Christ has cared for you as you do this work You will bless every single person around you your family will be a thriving
Garden, and you will release children into the world Who live to the glory of God because they've seen it modeled on you
You are the aroma of your home Dedicate your life to following after Christ and it will go well for you.
Let's pray Lord God we pray for our women. We pray that you would pour out your blessings upon them
Lord. They are Incredible creatures Lord the scriptures are replete with blessings of of womanhood
This woman that you gave to the man who was a very good blessing who takes the provisions that he brings home and she multiplies them and she
Distributes them and she feeds and clothes people and then kingdoms are actually established by mothers
Who raise up the next generation of warriors for the kingdom of God Lord, would you pour out your blessings on our women?
Lord, would you help them to be kind and gentle and friendly in their homes? Lord, would you protect all of us from the temptation of giving into frustration?
Lord, would you help us as? Marriages in this room to magnify the glory of God Lord, would you help our men to be sacrificial in every way?
Lord, would you help our wives to be friendly and joyful and Lord, would you help our marriages to be a picture of the gospel
Lord? Would you help our single people to aspire to marriages like these? Lord, would you protect our young women who are single from marrying men who will not lead them and who will who will harm them?
Would you help them to find a man who will love them like he loves Christ? And will sacrifice for them
Lord. Would you help our daughters to see that vision? Lord, would you help our sons to see that vision?
Lord, would you make our families healthy and would you make our families look like your word? It's in Christ's name.