Taking The Ministry Seriously vs Antics In Contemporary Churches

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Verse 35 and it shall be upon Aaron when he ministers and it's sound will be heard the bell when he goes into the holy place before the
Lord and when he comes out that he may not die that's kind of strange what's that about all right so the pomegranates were just decorative this is for beauty right glory and beauty the bells actually serve a purpose basically as long as the high priest was in the holy place in the most holy place as he moved around ministering the people could hear him and kind of track his movements and tell okay he's still alive in there now why would that be an issue well because if he did anything wrong which we're gonna see when we get to Aaron's two sons
Nadab and Abihu oh Lord won't mind we'll just change the liturgy a little bit and just change no if the high priest did something wrong
God would strike him dead so as long as they heard the bells they know
Aaron still alive and there's this and I don't know if this is a legend
I don't think this is in the scripture correct me if I'm wrong on this but yeah there's this idea that they would tie a rope to his leg so when he was in the most holy place if he did something wrong and the bell stopped ringing
Aaron's dead and no one's allowed in there right so they had a let's drag his body out
I don't yeah I think we've all heard that it's not actually in the
Bible but it does seem to hint at least that there's the yeah there's the possibility that he would drop dead he did something wrong the threat was there and it's all hey
God is holy God demands obedience and it got the point across so Matthew Henry writes about the robe he said the robe of the ephod was under the ephod and reached down to the knees without sleeves
Aaron must minister in the garments appointed we must serve the
Lord with holy fear so you hear about that and think about our service to God we must also serve the
Lord with holy fear as those who know they deserve to die a gold plate was fixed over Aaron's forehead engraven with the words holiness to the
Lord Aaron was hereby reminded that God is holy and that his priests must be holy and devoted to the
Lord and I didn't plan on mentioning this but there's some things you've probably seen some of this online we're like the new contemporary churches and the pastors trying to be cool and just the the shenanigans and the antics that go on in some churches today
I would be afraid to do I saw one pastor he preached a
Sunday morning sermon from a dumpster brought a dumpster right up on the stage and the guy in the dumpster