Trump Assassination Attempt is Not What you Think
With time behind us, we evaluate the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. There are many opinions on what happened and why, but most have it wrong. We will address the facts and the myths. Some issues that will be addressed:
1. Was it a Trump press release stunt?
2. Was it planned by the Biden campaign, the FBI, the CIA, or some other government agency?
3. Was it an insider job that the Secret Service tried to kill Trump or allow someone to do it?
4. Was this some conspiracy?
- 00:03
- Andrew is a master manipulator master planner master you know whatever it is he's going to do because he knows well in advance how he's gonna twist you up in circles and then try to make it look like it was your fault so just ask that slick ask
- 00:18
- Matt slick that poor guy is getting no mercy from Andrew since Andrew's been out there this week out there in Idaho they were ministering to the
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- Mormon community out there and that poor Matt can't even buy dinner without man true mocking him saying
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- I beat you to it and putting him on video we are live a politics live here to answer your most challenging questions you have about God and the
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- Bible whatever you have no matter how challenging you think it is we can answer it and if you doubt that if you question our ability to answer any question you have about God in the
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- Bible just join us here at apologetics live .com just go to apologetics live .com scroll down to the little stream yard icon join us there ask your most challenging question just remember one thing
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- I don't know is a perfectly good answer this is a ministry of striving fraternity
- 01:34
- I'm your host Andrew Rappaport the executive director of striving fraternity and the Christian podcast community of which this podcast is a proud member the live stream does become a podcast sure you're following it there so you never miss an episode so we have a new co -host with us
- 01:52
- Drew couldn't make it so I last minute and I literally mean last minute about 50 minutes ago said hey could you join and he's like sure what's the topic now
- 02:03
- I like that about a guest co -host he says yes before asking the topic so you know
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- I could have thrown anything at him but no he joined anyway Mr. Chris Han holds who we heard in the intro there and just for the record
- 02:19
- Chris it was not me that was posting the videos other people were taking video because Matt planned he had planned to buy me dinner or lunch and had he wanted it on video so the videos that I shared at that time was simply because Matt planned it and it failed now
- 02:40
- I we know that Matt got me here in an epic way just go back to episode 100 Matt got me back and bought me dinner after nine years of trying that was classic classic well so we do have an update on it though Chris so Matt and I were in Utah we did a debate together on the charismatic gifts and Matt drove down we go after I got
- 03:04
- I did eight sessions and then a debate with Matt slick so Matt just casually comes down and like is all comfortable relaxed and preparing for one debate but we go out to dinner after after one of the nights and Matt he he figures hey let's go to a
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- Mexican place Andrew doesn't know Spanish he talks to the lady behind the cash register in Spanish thinking
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- I don't know what he's doing as he hands her his credit card and she's not charging it but waiting for my bride and I to come over and ring up and Matt decides to go to the restroom well she's like okay and I just I just pointed to something on the on the board behind her so she had turn and look and as she does
- 03:51
- I pick up Matt's credit card and when it's time to pay I give her mine and she looks down I said oh
- 03:58
- I have his so she used mine as Matt comes around the corner from the bathroom looking and I'm holding his credit card and he goes you did it you would think by this point
- 04:11
- Matt would know better than to walk away carry it think well
- 04:16
- Matt come on you're smart one of the smartest men I know what you thinking he doesn't quite learn from his mistakes what can
- 04:23
- I tell you but but you know he will be coming on I will say that we just scheduled a time with him we will have him on I think it's were planned in October I forget when it is let me look maybe it was
- 04:43
- August maybe we did have a date in August yes no it's oh that's strange
- 04:49
- I booked him for September that doesn't work I'm gonna reschedule with him okay yeah
- 04:56
- September we got a special series coming up and I will cover that later in the show all right so what
- 05:03
- I want to do today and and folks just I see that StreamYard made some changes and I don't quite know like I there were yeah just like there's things that they used to have up here like I I used to be able to to see the the names like your name would be down here in a banner
- 05:27
- I could I can't seem to get that but what I do want to do is this show is going to be not so much political though whenever you mentioned
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- Trump everyone jumps in into knee -jerk reactions and gets political it's it's more gonna deal with the assassination attempt as I titled this
- 05:48
- Trump assassination assassination attempt is not what you think I want to well
- 05:55
- I want to be a voice of reason that's how I prayed in realizing that I have Chris here and Chris is the co -host of a podcast name voice of reason radio so it
- 06:07
- I but I do want to I do want to kind of ask folks to just take a step back from all the things they're thinking and all of the different views that that people have been having on this because I believe that there's a lot of things people are getting wrong and I want us just to to be able to step back evaluate and and as Christians we shouldn't be having knee -jerk reactions things like that okay so there's gonna be a bunch of things we're going to address some that people won't like I get it some that people are gonna think is you know you know they're just they some people have come to their conclusions they think this they think they know everything with the situation and I think there's some things you might find incorrect so let's let's begin with the fact that there was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life maybe okay there are some people and let's go to the gamut you know
- 07:23
- Chris I don't know what you've heard and by the way Chris has had like an hour less than an hour to prepare so he
- 07:30
- I didn't even prepare I was driving home yeah but I'm sure driving home you were like oh okay what am
- 07:38
- I gonna say no I was busy stuffing my face with dinner so while driving yeah the second biggest cause of accidents not being on the cell phone but driving while eating dude when you when you text me as I'm leaving work
- 07:57
- I don't have a lot of choice do you know what the number one cause of most accidents are no not a clue people think it's cell phones and that's number three eatings number two it's farting now what are you laughing at I understand you don't know what farting is farting is putting your makeup on in the car okay what's called don't blame me for its name
- 08:27
- I you know I was I was gonna go someone completely different with it you know biological warfare you know driving people off the road
- 08:35
- I could see that happening yeah no the number one way that accidents are caused there people are people put
- 08:40
- I was gonna say women but now we have men who do it too but putting makeup on in the car so so this is gonna be an episode if you guys want to come in join us just go to politics live .com
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- go to the stream yard icon and you could join there so okay so I was mentioning differences with stream yard and KT says does this mean we can we can chat and Andrew won't see it
- 09:10
- I guess I just answered that question that would be scary if we had the if KT and others had the ability to chat about the show if you don't watch live folks if you listen to the podcast and you don't watch live the chat is a world unto its own sometimes it's right in line with what we're talking about sometimes it's not sometimes it's it is they're evangelizing we've had that but when we
- 09:41
- I want to take a look at some of the things one of the things immediately that I noticed was the news because the news articles immediately after Trump leaves rally yeah after you know one was after gunshot
- 10:04
- Trump Trump falls down after noise and has to be ushered out of rally noise you know it was very entertaining to see how they they could they quickly adjusted it when they realized they couldn't avoid thousands of people with phones that are taking video of Trump and it's all over the internet so they had to admit and even that night when they woke
- 10:35
- Joe Biden up I should go got him dressed and brought him out a couple of hours later he would not admit it was an assassination attempt
- 10:43
- I may agree with him but we'll get to that but there are those who will say and have been saying that this is nothing more than a
- 10:56
- PR stunt okay I watch both sides to get an idea and I'm gonna encourage folks share this out because we're probably gonna say some things you haven't heard okay at least
- 11:13
- I'm gonna say some things you probably haven't heard but when you look at what the left is saying the left you there were people saying that this was nothing more than a packet of blood that either
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- Trump had on him or his security detail had on him that he when he fell down he it was all acted in and they were saying he's an actor after all so he fell down and you know he's you know he they put this fake blood on him so that he could stand up and they say when he had the the bandage at the
- 11:46
- RNC that was all faked okay first off I will say the people that were wearing fake bandages yes yeah okay it's dumb stop yeah but there were there were there's a number of people now
- 12:04
- Chris this is one thing I do find very interesting the number of people that I saw that was claiming that this was a false flag are the same people that say that January 6 was a true insurrection oh yeah yeah the one where everybody did an unscheduled tour of the
- 12:24
- Capitol and didn't actually you know try to kill anybody or take over anything yeah there's there's three guys in jail because they left their guns in the hotel because they knew they couldn't bring them to DC that's a weird behavior for people that wanting to do an insurrection yeah yeah well
- 12:48
- I mean it's it's again before we even get into the various aspects of it I mean this is this is you know we're seeing now as you pointed out you literally thousands of people with video cameras that are far more advanced even the most basic cell phone has far more video capability than anything we used at the last attempt on a president's life
- 13:13
- Ronald Reagan everything it's more advanced we can see literally every angle we have drones we have you know camera footage we have everything and the media cannot get out of the mindset that it can still control the narrative and thank you thank you to people like Elon Musk who have actually
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- I mean if this had happened four years ago X everybody would have shut it down and we wouldn't have gotten what we have but thank you for people like Elon Musk who really did actually protect free speech by opening that up and allowing these things but they still somehow think that they can control the narrative when you literally have thousands upon thousands of people every day on the internet uploading video and you can't stop it and so yeah oh if a loud noise and he crumpled to the ground no it was a gun shot you know that we know that everybody knew that but you didn't want to admit it because that's positive press to Trump it would build sympathy for Trump they are still attempting to do this and that's why it's like oh it's it was it was that you know
- 14:25
- Biden's recent speech talking basically nodding toward January 6 talking about is the worst attack since the
- 14:34
- Civil War no it wasn't you know it wasn't but you have that's they're still attempting to do that and that's why everything that's happening now this this is one of the most significant events that's happened in modern history what are we talking about oh that old old man
- 14:49
- Biden has stepped out of the race and young person Kamala is running it is an attempt to control the narrative and they still don't they still are thinking decades ago that they can control the narrative and they're not quite as powerful as they once as they think they were were in the past well she's not quite so young at like 60 but that is not his comment about the younger generation
- 15:14
- I'm just he said any Vance would be younger right I mean she if 60s young hey
- 15:22
- I'm a kid I have put me in there all right yeah you do a better job than calm
- 15:28
- I'm sure you know there's a couple things that you said there's very interesting one you know it is interesting that the free speech of X because when you think about it
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- Joe Biden retired and maybe we'll get to this later he's gonna he's he steps out of the race and it's done on Twitter or X yeah it was a weird weird weird you know on his on his own letterhead with a signature that's not his like I wonder
- 15:58
- I wonder what what happened when he woke up in the morning and discovered that he resigned you know okay
- 16:03
- Joe here's your ice cream and by the way you're not gonna be president next year yeah so I mean there's there's a lot that we could look at with that but let us let's get into the son that you did say that is staying in line with the
- 16:21
- Trump assassination attempt and that is you know Time magazine did you see their cover
- 16:27
- I'm trying to remember which one cover that they were almost went to press with the picture of Trump fist in the air mm -hmm flag behind him bleeding from the ear yeah and they changed the cover because that might make him look good mm -hmm when is it that that journalism is supposed to be making a decision on whether a political candidate looks good or not yeah it's that goes to what you said
- 17:00
- Chris about the power they think they they have you're seeing it with Kamala Harris now they decided she's now the the candidate they've decided it she's never had a vote then no one's voted for her she you know this is they're saying they're doing it for democracy while they do everything opposite democracy because the
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- Democrat elites have handpicked somebody and are deciding who the candidates gonna be and therefore we have to deal with that and so this is that's not democracy and so what we what
- 17:41
- I do want to point out though as we you know as we think about it here you have
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- Kamala Harris who for three years now has been referred to publicly as the border czar that was her job she was given the job of taking care of the border which she never actually did ever know and there's plenty of interviews about her in this position being called the the the borders are and all of a sudden as of yesterday everything's being scrubbed you have newspapers and magazines that refer to her that way and what do they do they're saying that was a misprint so so they want to erase all that they're gonna so the media
- 18:32
- George Orwell would be proud yeah the the media who feels that they can't put anything out that would make
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- Trump look in a good light is gonna retry to rewrite history and make anything that's negative toward Kamala Harris be okay that's look
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- I don't care which side of the aisle I'm not telling you who to vote for I'm not saying be pro -Trump anti -Trump pro
- 18:57
- Kamala anti -Kamala I'm just saying the fact is that's not journalism right journalism is supposed to be getting down to the facts and and supposed to be hard on both sides to do the investigating and know what's really happening and I think in because of the lack of journalism we have wild accusations and assumptions what what happened with Trump's assassination attempt okay so some say on the left it was nothing but a publicity stunt on the right some of the things
- 19:31
- I hope that we're gonna cover tonight was it planned by the Biden administration or the
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- FBI or the CIA or one of the other government agencies okay that's a question that's been challenged a lot of people think that's what's going on was it an inside job was it the
- 19:50
- Secret Service that was trying to kill Trump okay yeah was he denied
- 19:58
- Secret Service it yes he they did put in request for more Secret Service people resources and they were denied kind of strange the guy that denied it was not the head of the
- 20:14
- Secret Service until now right the head of the Secret Service didn't wasn't the one that denied it it was her second -in -command and that's now first -in -command hmm he just got a promotion people are looking at that so was it was this some sort of conspiracy okay these are difficult questions and I'm going to explain why
- 20:35
- I think it's a difficult these are difficult questions Ackman's razor the the simplest answer is usually the right one when we look at all of these facts it looks like the easiest answer is that there was some plot to kill
- 20:51
- Trump okay and I'm gonna go through details of that but that aside okay
- 21:00
- I I think that I want to provide some information for this audience to have a more balanced view of this and this this is just education right what do we do here at Apologetics Live not only do
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- Apologetics defending the faith the Christian faith but we also want to teach people how to do it so politics is one of these things where people get knee -jerk reactions sometimes and kind of throw things out because they're listening to too much whichever side conservative or liberal listening to too much and what we need to do is learn how to be discerning we need to learn how to evaluate these things and basically what we need to do is we need to be able to use logic common sense and critical thinking and I see a lot of people that are not applying that here and in some that I like as I say we'll get to I'm gonna have a different view but I'm gonna bring we have
- 22:05
- Brad backstage he has some questions about voting for Trump so I'm gonna bring him in first and then we'll get to some of the stuff with the assassination attempt so Brad welcome hi guys can you hear me all right we can okay excellent yes so this whole thing about voting for Trump is kind of I've had a very hard time trying to land on what to do or what the best thing to do is and the most
- 22:30
- God -honoring thing to do and just trying to I see so many different viewpoints and just trying to just trying to have it just make the best decision possible so I guess my question is this is
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- I guess as of right now I would say I would be leaning towards as much as I want to I would be leaning towards not voting for Trump because of of an argument that I can't seem to answer
- 22:56
- I was wanting to see if you guys might possibly have a response to this that I haven't thought of and it's basically you know we would wholeheartedly agree to say that you know voting for Biden would be wicked and evil for a
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- Christian to do correct because of abortion and LGBT right we're not gonna vote for Biden but come right even worse yeah yeah absolutely it is kind of funny because Biden was supposed to be like the moderate we people are saying they're voting for moderate they're not the crazy you know
- 23:32
- Bernie Sanders and yet now we have Kamala who is the only one that's to the left of Bernie Sanders right and and Joe has pretty much been to the left of Bernie Sanders yeah correct so more or less what
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- I was where I'm going with it is that if it's if we would say it's evil and wrong for a
- 23:52
- Christian to vote for Biden prime and you know primarily because of his stance on abortion and LGBT issues wouldn't that same standard be applied to Trump and his state and his stance on abortion and LGBT and more or less would it not be more or less an answer to that be pragmatic as much as I really do
- 24:15
- I can't seem to I can't seem to come up with an answer and I just didn't know if you guys might have something well Chris has something first and then
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- I'll go let's just make a distinction on something with regard to that because I've heard this and I understand the argument you know where people are coming from when you have the
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- Democrat Party their stated stance stated stance their platform is to advance these issues they are
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- LGBT all the way trans rights or human rights that's the Biden said you know when he ran but previously that this was the the human rights issue of our day they want a federal law enshrining abortion you know protecting it they want you know kids being you know getting access to trans surgeries medications etc they are specifically making this their platform the things that God hates they have said that that's what we support a platform and push for when it comes to the
- 25:19
- Republican Party and Donald Trump they are not doing that what they have done and it is despicable and they should be held accountable for is they've softened their stance they said well if we continue to say no abortion at all if we continue to say no homosexual marriage those are losing propositions for us so we're going to soften our stance they're not platforming it they're not making it we're going to protect abortion we're going to advance
- 25:46
- LGBT they are they are back stepping which again I think is despicable and every
- 25:53
- Christian needs to decide where that where that line is going to be for them but they are not advancing it as the
- 26:00
- Democratic Party is so that's that's the distinction I want to start with secondly what we do know is that as happened in the previous administration when as much as Trump likes to say he he he helped overturn
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- Roe v. Wade as it was dr. white pointed this out it wasn't him that did that it was the Supreme Court and the reason the
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- Supreme Court got what they were is that he was given a list of constitutionalist justices or judges that would hold to the
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- Constitution treated as a fixed document on a living document as some want to so there's that you know when you
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- Chris on and he went with those because remember because he wanted constitutionalist versus Bush who had lists like that but went with guys that were more you know willing to compromise and that's why we have had problems right so when it comes to what are you voting for number one recognize there is a very big distinction between those two parties and number two what are what are the policies and what are they surrounding themselves with in order to advance those policies you're not voting for someone who's going to say
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- I want abortion at every stage and shrined into the the federal law they may not want to create a law that would ban it which is despicable that they won't do that but they are not trying to advance it additionally when we are talking about okay we have the
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- Trump and the Republican Party as it is now they would be a stopgap a measure to prevent basically a foot on the accelerator plunging us off the cliff maybe they've got their foot off the gas and it's idling toward the cliff but it's not it's it's not running headlong that gives the you know
- 27:51
- Christians time over the next four years to determine hey what are we gonna vote for I would argue and I've said this online that the
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- Christians at this Christians at this stage do not owe their allegiance to the Republican Party and the reason Republican Party is getting away with what it's doing is it recognizes much like the
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- Democratic Party believes they own certain ethnic demographic blocks for the vote
- 28:14
- Republican Party is doing that with groups like Christians oh we own that vote well
- 28:19
- I think we need to no longer ensure that they have that but we're going to we have opportunities through primaries through local elections etc to advance you know those who will actually uphold that which is right and good and so voting for someone like Trump allows us that time to advance those things forward and to petition you know groups like the
- 28:43
- Republican Party if you want our vote you need to represent us otherwise you don't get it so I would that's my argument is that Trump is problematic on multiple levels he is far from an ideal candidate yeah he's far from an ideal candidate
- 29:00
- I really would prefer DeSantis I don't want to see Trump back in office me too but that's not gonna happen so now the question is do
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- I and I'm gonna say this up front and this what gets me gets all kinds of people mad at me you need to go to the scriptures read them apply them pray about it and then cast your vote according to your biblical informed conscience and the reason
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- I say that gets people mad at me is because oh you're throwing you're gonna you're gonna go third party you're gonna throw away your vote look
- 29:30
- I believe there are Christians who are gonna do that and vote for Trump they're just going to so vote according to your biblically informed conscience but there is a distinction between these two parties and one of them is going to drive us straight off the cliff into a
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- Marxist regime which we've already kind of been dealing with the last four years so do we want to slow that progress down and try to give ourselves more opportunity to advance people we really want in office or are we going to say
- 30:00
- I cannot on the basis of my and my biblical informed conscience now
- 30:05
- I can't vote for this guy hey if you can't you can't you vote according your conscience do not let me Andrew or anybody else push you into a vote that would violate your conscience but vote for the person you believe is going to best represent what
- 30:19
- God wants he wants for you and wants for the nation that's before it that you have an opportunity to influence that would be my argument okay so and let me give you mine
- 30:29
- I mean one this is this well this could have been a very different because election because we actually have the records to go off of right
- 30:41
- Trump was president if it was Trump vs. Biden we have both of their records and know exactly how they would do things so as far as the abortion issue
- 30:54
- Trump is has been the most pro -life anti -abortion president we've ever had he's the first one first president ever even even the guys that said they were
- 31:07
- Christians he's the first one to go to the March for life made a big stand he's the one that put people on to the
- 31:16
- Supreme Court that would overturn Roe vs. Wade okay so we look at that and I wanted to put this comment up when
- 31:27
- Chris was talking D D basically I get think was giving you a hard time there Chris you're saying compromise so I and I wanted to put that up because I want to address that as well because I want us to ask this question why are we voting why do we in this country give its citizens not people who are here citizens the right to vote
- 31:54
- I say that specifically because right now the Democrats want to open up to just anyone who is here which is what we knew back when
- 32:03
- Clinton was president he did the motor voter bill where if you get a driver's license you get a voter
- 32:08
- ID or a voting registration by the way when you get a voter registration you get a voter
- 32:14
- ID and the purpose of that is so you have an ID to show that you're registered to vote so when they say oh it's racist to ask for ID people wouldn't know how to get
- 32:24
- ID did they know how to vote or register to vote because it came with an
- 32:29
- ID like it's rocket science the only reason they don't want voter
- 32:36
- ID is because they want to cheat that is the only reason because you need ID for everything but we have to look and crisp brought the fact that you have one party right now that is completely anti -democ anti -democracy okay
- 32:53
- I will agree the the Republicans are not the solutions to all our problems but the
- 33:00
- Democrats are the cause of all our problems it's a quote from Dan Bongino but the fact is that that is true
- 33:07
- I don't think I think far too many people will look to politicians for the solution to the real problems in America the real problems is the fact that you know
- 33:17
- Christians need to be sharing the gospel more so that more people get saved the the real
- 33:22
- God the real problem is that the gospel is not going forth in America and I think a lot of it is too many Christians know the
- 33:28
- Republican Party message they don't know the gospel message and so that is a major issue that needs to be addressed within Christians but our problem is a moral one it's because of the fact that there is no there's no shame anymore in America I mean shame was kind of gone with Bill Clinton but so you do have a thing that when you're voting for is between two parties because unfortunately like it or not we're a two -party system
- 34:05
- I will get to the whole thing of voting conscience and voting third party I'm get that a moment but right now we are voting we have a responsibility to vote to keep our democracy that is part of the reason we have in our founding documents the right to vote was to keep the democracy we have a party as you heard from Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in her first rally stated that the first thing she's going to do is stack the courts and and start to to make it where we could have voter by voting by ballot everywhere so what are the two main things she wants to do she wants to make it easy to cheat and make it and they don't like the way that they got one part of the government they don't have control of so what they want to do is establish it so they have control forever okay that is anti -democracy
- 35:05
- I mean I know they accuse us you know they could the right of being anti -democracy in January 6th was a you know a horrible day for democracy what was it they were protesting for January 6th what was it that they wanted an audit that is following with democracy they wanted to show their support for the
- 35:27
- Republicans for the 17 Republicans that were going to stand up and ask for an audit that's what they were protesting for so they weren't trying to overthrow that's that's what the left was doing with the
- 35:41
- BLM riots went for two years what was it they said they wanted to to fundamentally change this system because it is it is inherently racist and so you know like we have to evaluate all this but to your question
- 35:58
- Brad right now my biggest concern on what's on this ballot this election is
- 36:06
- Christianity okay people who follow this show follow me you know my background because of my
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- Jewish upbringing I was we studied the Holocaust a lot I've always said this someone gets in power with they stay in power with Adolf Hitler got into power by by using the
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- Jewish people as a scapegoat oh they have money they have power they have all they're the cause of all our problems and he was able to rally all of the different political parties because that way that he refocused everything on one common enemy that they can all have but once you get in power with that you lose that power if you don't keep having that enemy that everyone focuses on and so right now you have a party the
- 36:59
- Democrat Party that is blaming well now Jewish people as well but blaming
- 37:04
- Christianity for all of the ills of this country the reason people can't love who they want to love is because of Christians the reason people can't just abort their children if you know if they want to is because of Christians Christians are stopping us everywhere of doing what we want that is the message they're they're conveying there there's when they say that the federal government is targeting
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- Christians and they're using it in a broad sense Roman Catholics anyone that's going outside an abortion clinic any
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- Christians that are going into a you know a school board meeting they're they're looking into their lives because they're
- 37:54
- Christians and again broad -sense Christian the federal the
- 38:00
- FBI the federal government was doing that at the behest of a party so so what is on the ballot really for this year is
- 38:14
- Christianity because if the Democrats win if they get the house and the
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- Senate and the White House you are gonna see more laws that within my guess five years
- 38:29
- Christianity will probably be illegal okay they will be they already are looking to and you can go back on my rap report show
- 38:43
- Andrew Rapport's rap report podcast I did a show back when when
- 38:48
- Biden first got into office evaluating their basically people don't always go and search this but I do but there are documents of what defines domestic terrorists and if you look at that document you going to church every
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- Sunday makes you a domestic terrorist and that's not a joke that's one of the things meeting weekly with a regular group of people is it is one of the things that they identify as a domestic terrorist that's very broad but you know they've applied that to Christians so so I would say the biggest issue as a
- 39:34
- Christian is Christianity is on the ballot so let me address and I know this is a longer answer but let me address what
- 39:41
- Chris was saying with the the voting your conscience I I believe we have a responsibility to vote according to God's will problem we don't know what his will is hit
- 39:54
- God's will may be for Kamala Harris to be president God's will might be for the
- 40:01
- Democrats to put someone else in there and that's you know whoever it's gonna be that's that's gonna be
- 40:08
- God's will but I had this discussion with someone who wanted to say that I was somehow being sinful for for saying that I would vote for for a
- 40:19
- Trump or a DeSantis and I like Chris would have preferred DeSantis but I'll vote for Trump because God's will is that there's only two men that are gonna be elected or two people it's gonna be from the
- 40:33
- Republican or Democrat Party that's God's will this guy was telling you know you have to vote your conscience you know last time
- 40:39
- I didn't vote for Trump I voted for you know so this other guy and and I said okay how many guys how many votes did the guy get he got like 300 votes is he ever going to win with 300 votes never that's not
- 40:54
- God's will and and if you want to say oh but but God may do that if all the Christians would just do this well the reality is is there's not enough
- 41:02
- Christians that that know these you know minor party more minor people's names that that's ever gonna happen and if you want to say a miracle can happen okay well then the miracle can happen apart from me voting for the two people that I have a choice at okay
- 41:19
- RFK jr. he doesn't even have a chance okay he might be a spoiler there's they're trying to keep any news of him out but but the reality is is
- 41:31
- I'm gonna vote God's will and God's will right now is going to be either you know
- 41:38
- Donald Trump or whoever the Democrats put up okay now it'll be funny by the way if not funny in a good way but if they did if there's another assassination attempt on Trump and he's shot and killed you watch how the
- 41:55
- Democrats will try to say that you know they can't replace Trump it's got to be just an empty ballot you know so maybe a civil war yeah so I I don't know
- 42:09
- Brad if that that helps yeah yeah those are I really appreciate your all's answers on that I think like more
- 42:16
- I'm I'm still kind of just trying to get through it and stuff like that I'm just curious this this little spin on it and stuff is like just like you know when you when you're voting for somebody or like we're voting you know as far as for Trump and Vance and and you know as for what they have said about you know like what
- 42:36
- I just I guess for an example like what JD Vance about saying you know I think it should be allowed for more or less the you know abortion pill to be readily available for you know as far available for Pete you know as far as for women to take
- 42:50
- I guess the less is is that possible for like a
- 42:56
- Christian to vote you know as far as what he said yeah we're voting for that person but it's not being more or less not to not being held responsible for that and saying more or less that we're culpable and yeah you don't understand yeah
- 43:11
- I'm not a one -issue voter okay and I'm also not voting for pastor
- 43:17
- I'm voting for president and I see a major difference between those two I'm voting for the one who can govern the nation not he's not there to be um you know to be forcing people into morality
- 43:32
- I mean I think he should be moral but you know when Trump came out with his view
- 43:39
- I mean I'm looking at at Trump and the way he he was when he was in office was the most pro -life president he was he was that he is the one that highlighted the this
- 43:53
- CT CRT before anyone else he was the one that said let we got to get this out of all branches of government okay so we see that as the way he governed now the
- 44:12
- Democrats had only one issue where they get they get people excited to vote for him it's abortion so he comes out makes a statement that took abortion off the table now is governed that way or did he say that because he knows this this gets this off the table and and then the
- 44:34
- Democrats have nothing to run on I mean the only thing they have to run on is Trump bad Trump bad they got nothing positive to run on even for their own folks they're not even trying because now the abortion issues off the table so was that a political move could be and one other thing
- 44:55
- I'd like to offer is this is that when we're voting for someone I I do hear what you're saying you know if I vote for them and JD Vance has said this aren't
- 45:04
- I endorsing what he said I think we can you know recognize that number one and and I'll tell you right now
- 45:12
- I am NOT a pragmatist pragmatism is is the death of the Christian Church in a lot of ways of professing
- 45:18
- Christian Church the true Church will not die obviously and so we we compromise a lot because we think it's going to get us something and that's simply not how the church should operate so I am
- 45:28
- NOT a pragmatist but I also recognize reality the reality is there's nobody that I'm gonna vote for that I'm gonna agree with 100 % now unlike you know
- 45:40
- I would say that when it comes to the issue of abortion I absolutely support the idea of abolitionism
- 45:46
- I believe that you know it should be not only made illegal I believe anybody whether man or woman who pays for the death of an infant in the womb should be held accountable for murder for hire pure and simple
- 45:57
- I don't care what how that makes people feel but I also recognize that this is the real world and that at this stage we're not there yet we're not gonna get to there yet and I know that makes my abolitionist brethren angry with people like me but the simple fact of the matter is is that I'm I want to vote for people who are gonna put as many stopgaps in place to you know keep babies from dying so JD Vance is dead wrong
- 46:28
- I don't know if he's just ill informed stupid or you know evil but the simple fact is he's wrong for what he says in that now my question is as vice president what is he going to do that would actually make that happen the reality is not much you know he would he might be the deciding vote on a split decision in the house but or in Congress but that that's mostly you know not gonna happen given you know the vast majority of votes that happen and the reality is he's his role as vice president is going to be very limited so do
- 47:04
- I vote for someone and for the team that is going to put you know is going to not seek to advance the murder of children in the womb as a national platform let's just make that happen at all stages or am
- 47:19
- I gonna vote for someone who's going to put the you know they're at least going to do something to slow that process down so more babies are ours are alive states that have made it illegal continue continue can continue to keep it illegal that's where I would stand because I'm not going to agree with every single policy or everything every single thing that a politician advances it's just that simple is abortion kind of the single issue for me absolutely but I also recognize that with the state that we are currently in one is going to make it a guarantee that more babies are murdered one is going to at least keep the at a minimum the current status quo in place where more children are being protected in the womb as we continue to fight that fight but Chris it is a legitimate thing to say though that there is a concern when they're removing it from the party plan absolutely it's absolutely disgusting is it you know and this is where the challenges is it hey we're just doing this to be more populous
- 48:21
- I mean look first off the big struggle I have is the fact that so many conservatives in America are looking to libertarians for leadership
- 48:32
- Donald Trump is not a conservative Elon Musk is not a conservative they're libertarians so they're conservative financially yeah not socially and so the fact that the the main people everyone's looking to aren't even conservative tells you that we need to raise up genuine conservatives within the movement and as why
- 48:57
- I think I was supportive of the Sanchez because he seems to be a genuine conservative that can expound and explain conservative policies
- 49:06
- Trump doesn't really do that but he gets he gets conservative things passed but it's it's because he sees problems
- 49:16
- I mean I I know you know maybe Elon is becoming more conservative if you heard his recent interview you know the reason he really made the change where he's putting his foot down is because he his own son was you know he was old as his son would commit suicide if you didn't get him on you know puberty brokers and transgender medicine and he said he lost his son so it was something personal that got him to wake up to the reality of what's happening but I so I understand your concern and it's it is a legitimate concern as far as the party look the
- 49:56
- Republican Party started because you know the Whigs and the Democrats wouldn't make a stand on the issue of slavery and they stood up on the issue of slavery and and that was the reason the
- 50:10
- Republican Party was founded they took the Whigs and Democrats from both parties that that were against slavery and they started their own party but that was such a major issue that it it was it could get the support that within this by the second election they could have a
- 50:33
- Republican president you know in in Abraham Lincoln but we don't even have the
- 50:39
- Whig Party anymore it's gone now right so yes and that happened it can but there has to be a much larger national movement for that to be right now abortion is a state issue and and yet we see more abortions now than before when it was a federal so you know the reality is it's it's just moved to the states which
- 51:07
- I think is better because now we should put pressure on the state legislatures to you know to outlaw abortion as murder and and for to the abolitionists that may be watching or listening you know
- 51:25
- Chris was said some things that abolitionists would hate well the reality is for abolitionists who say we need immediacy and yet they go to churches to try to get people into the movement or they go out on the streets and hold signs you know either at churches or in public you're doing nothing to actually stop or end abortion if you the only thing you should be doing is going and being a lobbyist in Washington that's it you should be doing nothing else if you really believe in immediatism because everything else is incrementalism trying to get other
- 52:03
- Christians and other people aware of the issue of abolitionism is in it's it by a very definition that's is not immediatism okay and so it's familiar with sorry yeah go ahead oh
- 52:23
- I'm just curious are you guys familiar because a lot of this as far as my view was as far as shit you know as far as we're lean towards not voting for Trump I guess it started by just listening her to you guys familiar with abolitionists rising mm -hmm yes okay all right
- 52:41
- I just was curious if you guys were aware of them and and as far as what do you think of them what do you think of abolitionists rising yeah
- 52:48
- I mean what they're what they're looking to do is vote for someone that's not God's will and it's the reason it's not
- 52:53
- God's will is because they do this every year and they want to vote for someone who has you know he must be a
- 53:00
- Christian there was a guy that was very supported I think in 2016 that we talked about here on this show because this guy he was a
- 53:12
- Mormon it turns out he was Mormon and people were like you have to vote for him because he's an abolitionist and it was like yeah and you guys want to cover up the fact that he's a
- 53:24
- Mormon and you want to say that this is what Christians to vote for because he's Christian so so the reality is is that the only two candidates right now at least in this election that have a chance of winning is right now it looks like Trump and Kamala okay and so those are the choices what and this is what
- 53:53
- I say with the you know what I'm talking about the immediacy you know abolition rising AHA the rest of them they are there'll be those that say we have to we it has to be immediate no no incremental steps as they incrementally try to get there and that's the problem that I have with it they if they held themselves to the same standard maybe
- 54:15
- I would say okay I'm gonna I was I use the term abolition for abortion before AHA made it popular okay and all these other groups
- 54:28
- I was using it back when Ray Comfort did the 180 film when when
- 54:33
- I I used to make the argument similar to what Ray would do with you know stopping
- 54:38
- Hitler and things like that once Ray you started using that and we did the 180 film now everyone thought
- 54:46
- I was just ripping off Ray Comfort so I came up with something different because that's how I do things I was at the time reading a book on John Brown the abolitionist here in America to end slavery and I realized that there is a direct correlation between slavery and abortion and that correlation is it is an ownership issue you are claiming you can own another human being there's there is fundamentally no difference between this is my property and this is my body and that's when
- 55:17
- I started using the term abolition to end abortion there's others who used it in a different way
- 55:23
- I'm not gonna say they got it from me that there's some the guys that started
- 55:28
- AHA I don't think they even knew who I was at the time so I'm definitely not saying they they got it for me
- 55:34
- I did I I do know I was using it before them because I know when they said they started using it but the the reality is is that I have a different view when it comes to how we get there because even in slavery we did not do it immediately there were a ton of small incremental steps that were fought to get to abolishing slavery and the same is gonna happen with with abortion you know and I would just add
- 56:02
- I mean when it comes to abolition groups I have nothing but respect for the work they're trying to do
- 56:08
- I want to make that very very clear and I have zero problem with them advocating for candidates that they believe will you know be the best choices for those whether it's local state federal elections
- 56:25
- I have zero problem with them advancing candidates and supporting them what I would argue for with the the arguments that they make is what
- 56:36
- I make against people who demand that you vote for Trump this is an issue where you're conscious there's this got me in trouble online because people wanted to you know basically ignore everything
- 56:48
- I said because of one thing how I phrased it but when it comes to our ability to vote there is one thing we cannot do our conscience must be bound by which is we cannot advocate those who make their policies to elevate and platform sin as if it is a good thing so when it comes to the
- 57:09
- Democrat Party which says we want to murder children we want to we want to mutilate children we want to advance for children right so our conscience must be bound there but beyond that when it comes to candidates whether you're pro -Trump or you're you know seeking pro -abolition candidate we cannot bind one another's consciences and so I've seen people who are just hardcore you must vote for Trump or you you're okay with transing kids and you're okay with all these things and they're binding trying to buy the consciences of Christians which
- 57:46
- I would say is it's not for them to do I would also argue with people like abolition rising look you want to make you want to do what we're doing right now and debate and assess man go for it let's have that those discussions let's try to convince one another that's what we're called to do but when you basically demand which is what some of these individuals do that you must not vote for Trump you must vote for this candidate because he's an abolitionist now you're binding a conscience and you have no authority by scripture to do so I you know what we've done in this particular conversation which is already taken off the show which is a good conversation by the way
- 58:24
- I'm glad for it this is what we should do and you came on here with a question and you wanted to know okay where do you stand how would how would you approach this and I think that's a fantastic way for every
- 58:36
- Christian to have this discussion and ultimately when you go into the voting booth neither I or Andrew have any right to demand that you vote for the candidate we feel is best we may try to persuade you and we hope you we hope you hear and go forward with that but we cannot demand that of you and so what
- 58:54
- I see when I see individuals which I don't I won't say this is every abolitionist but I have seen some who are so hardcore so committed that they want to denigrate
- 59:09
- Christians who do not agree with them just like people who say if you don't vote for Trump then
- 59:14
- XYZ something wrong with you that's what I had the gentleman I was referring to is we basically
- 59:20
- I had to block him because he was telling me I wasn't even Christian yeah his way to do that no no authority and so what
- 59:30
- I would just argue is that rather you know whatever you take from this Brad is that you've taken these this discussion and you've plugged it into your mind and into your heart and soul and you're praying over it and don't let myself or Andrew or abolition rising or anybody tell you you must vote a certain way rather take all these things into account pray look to work
- 59:53
- God's Word and decide where you're gonna vote do I believe that the best way even though I am not a pragmatist is to say we are voting against the push and of godless tyrannical lunacy that's been done for the last four years
- 01:00:10
- I believe that is a valid argument and I believe that the persons who are best going to accomplish that is the opposition to Harris campaign right and that's gonna be
- 01:00:22
- Trump and JD Vance and and I believe do I believe they have a ton of baggage yeah and I believe over the next four years
- 01:00:29
- Christians need to get to work yeah and I'm just gonna say look my my personal view that's all this is is voting for right now this might change in future elections you could have some third party guy that actually gets a national platform like if I think
- 01:00:51
- I think if if Donald Trump were to run third party he probably could have been someone that could could win third party just because of because people
- 01:01:00
- I think I think so many conservatives like Trump just because there's such a lack of leadership and he actually provides leadership and speaks in a way that average
- 01:01:11
- Americans can understand and so I think that's the the allure to him but I think if you if if I vote for someone who's only gonna get a couple hundred votes
- 01:01:23
- I'm throwing away my vote now just to put some comments up here
- 01:01:28
- KT has a really good point she says if you don't vote at all as I've said to someone before someone will likely vote in your name better to vote for someone who won't win than nobody and I'm gonna agree
- 01:01:42
- I mean look I had that happen boy I the very first time that I could vote for president
- 01:01:49
- I figured I'd vote after work I go to the voting booth and I was told
- 01:01:54
- I already voted and I went home I go to my apartment I get in on the door and someone's like hey did you vote yet I said and I literally
- 01:02:03
- I'm like I was told I couldn't vote because I or someone voted in my name and this lady goes don't worry we have plenty of their names that you could vote for and I'm like so she's admitting that they are the type of people that use my name to vote and I'm like I go well
- 01:02:24
- I just out of curiosity who are you with and she goes the Democrat National Convention get out the vote and I went and ones that voted in my name you know and they were gonna bust me over there to go and they were just gonna give me someone's name to go vote for so in that sense you're right
- 01:02:43
- KT is better to vote you know and for a third party then to let someone else vote for the
- 01:02:51
- Democrats in your name okay because that's exactly what they do so does that help you
- 01:02:59
- Brad yeah no that was I really appreciate y 'all's answers and taking the time to go through that do you mind if I just ask just one more thing or do you guys need to move on no no go for it so I guess another question that was asked to me and stuff like that which
- 01:03:12
- I thought was a fair question and just curious to see where you guys would stand on this to it where I think the question was asked it's like where what would it take what would it take for you for Trump to lose your vote
- 01:03:26
- I guess more like where would that line be to yeah where would be I can't in good conscience vote for him at this point anymore or you know anything going for anything
- 01:03:37
- I think I would simply say he would you know do what the
- 01:03:43
- Democrats are doing and literally platform those things that the
- 01:03:48
- Democrats are doing if he were to start doing that if tomorrow he came out and said you know what I think you know we're gonna we're gonna promote these these godless issues rather than the things that they have been doing
- 01:04:02
- I would absolutely say no no you've lost my vote and and that's where I said like the issue with the
- 01:04:08
- Republicans backing off that that's why I'm saying like over these next four years Christians need to start telling
- 01:04:14
- Republicans if you're gonna do that we're backing off you know so that's that's what
- 01:04:20
- I would have to say is he would have to literally do what we're watching the Democrats do and openly embrace and platform these godless ideologies it's it's one thing to soften which
- 01:04:33
- I think is horrible but it's another to to outright platform and do like Biden said
- 01:04:38
- Oh trans rights are the are the human rights of our generation there's a there's a difference there yeah because for me it's like it's thinking of like in terms of like okay here's the line where once it's crossed a
- 01:04:52
- Christian is now sinning by voting and then you know if you're away from the line then a
- 01:04:57
- Christians not sinning I kind of think in those terms to where it's like you know whatever I'm doing and stuff am
- 01:05:03
- I doing this and am I not sinning against God you know I'm wearing that line to where it crosses that point to where it has now gone into sin and then you know that's why
- 01:05:13
- I say right our choices are between the two candidates mm -hmm right that's really it so which is better out of those two which one's gonna govern better sure sure and I agree with Chris I mean that was gonna be my answer as well he would have to he'd have to basically be promoting the
- 01:05:30
- Democrat platform do I have hope that we as Christians could and not just Christians conservatives really rise up a third party or radically change the
- 01:05:43
- Republican Party you're seeing that you're seeing a lot of the rhinos the Republicans in name only they're starting to get out of the party you're starting to see where in these primaries you know the the genuine conservatives are winning the primaries and so I have hope that the party's gonna turn around but you know when
- 01:06:03
- I remember talking with mark ever you know once he we had a conference at my seminary he and I were sitting down and and he talked to me about how they went about their plan to basically take the
- 01:06:19
- Southern Baptist Convention which was going liberal and and bring back a conservative or you know resurgence they had a 20 -year plan they knew it would take 20 years and they knew it was gonna be a long hard 20 -year fight
- 01:06:36
- I mean it's mind -boggling that they've met that it's those very people that no kind of giving up the fight and just gone with the the you know the the cause of liberalism but within that organization but we need to have that same as conservatives of this country we need to have that same view we need to say we we got to have genuine conservatives and I'm saying this is saying
- 01:07:04
- Trump is not a genuine conservative that's why I wanted to Sanchez we need genuine conservatives so that right there what you just said the whole 20 -year plan thing is one of the things we as Christians have zero foresight on when we hear things like abolitionism and other issues
- 01:07:29
- I swear the one of the things that drives me absolutely bananas is the is that somehow we as Christians can make things change overnight we we do this to ourselves regularly and now conservatives across the board have done this we are terrible oh we voted for Trump Trump everything's gonna be hunky -dory well look what happened four years later it wasn't so hunky -dory the idea of that we can change things overnight by you know supporting the right candidate is one of the most and I'm sorry y 'all gonna get mad at me
- 01:08:03
- I don't care is one of the most foolish and nonsensical ideas that I've ever seen what have we ever accomplished overnight what thing in your life have you ever done that you accomplished overnight nothing it takes time and discipline to change anything that is what it takes and if we are so foolish as to think oh we'll vote for this one candidate and that's going to solve everything we deserve what we get end of story that's got to stop right now you know that your whole life is a walk of sanctification where you are constantly being disciplined and change why would you think you can take something that is godless and change overnight because you got the right candidate we need to stop being foolish people and we need to start thinking generationally and when you start preparing not only the
- 01:08:59
- Christians today but preparing families for the future how to think and act and do so biblically look we need to stop this foolish concept that we can change things overnight it's gonna stop this is the left thinks generationally okay don't do
- 01:09:18
- Dewey John Dewey had the plan for what we're seeing today he had the plan oh absolutely and he knew he was not gonna long enough to see it fulfilled okay so the left thinks generationally they think about how to make these changes over long periods of time and they just get more people in the fight now let me let me bring up a question that Tom has
- 01:09:48
- Tom is from the the if even if none podcast so you could check them out
- 01:09:54
- Tom Shepherd he says Andrew here's my question what would Christ do would would
- 01:10:00
- Christ vote for Trump okay so I think this is gonna people are gonna get upset with me now but I think yeah because because God's will is only two minutes right now no
- 01:10:15
- I'm saying that in in the sense of Christ knows all things and so it's it's a little different Christ voting because he knows people's hearts he knows his will you know he's
- 01:10:30
- God he knows what his will is so but that aside it's always easy to say what would what would
- 01:10:36
- Christ do but we're not Christ right Christ will tell a rich man give up all your riches and you'll go to heaven is that how we get to heaven no it's not but he could say that because he the man's heart so I'm saying that to say
- 01:10:50
- I think God's will is right now in this election it's one of only two candidates well and here's here's an alternative question to even if none okay what would
- 01:11:02
- Christ do you ask us as if and I don't know maybe you're are you planned it as a gotcha question no no he said earlier and I don't think
- 01:11:12
- I started but here I put it up he said Tom says I would
- 01:11:17
- I would hold to abortion abolition of abortion and for that reason I cannot vote for Trump that being said
- 01:11:24
- I would I would not demand a demand that you as an incrementalist that you have to vote my way okay cool thank you for I did not see that so thank you for putting that up there so here's my thing whenever I see a question like that presented it's almost as if to you know and it doesn't seem like he's doing this but it's often presented as well what would
- 01:11:45
- Jesus do so if Jesus wouldn't do that you shouldn't do that how do you know that okay you're doing the same thing that we're doing you're looking to Scripture you're attempting to take where Christ never spoke of voting because there was no voting at that time there was no reason to apply that in that age so we have to draw from Scripture and apply in our age how we would move forward and so my argument it just simply goes back to the way
- 01:12:12
- I'm gonna know how to vote is knowing what God's will is for his people which is to know that how we should live what he commands of us knows what that which is sinful without which is not and then every correct
- 01:12:26
- Christian must be convinced in his own mind how then he should apply that in something that is not neither commanded nor forbidden which is voting and now we are all gonna we're all gonna vote that way because we don't have a command from Christ thou shalt not vote for ex -candidate we therefore must apply
- 01:12:46
- Scripture and every Christian is going to find a reasonable realm in which to apply that so for you sir you're gonna say as an abolitionist
- 01:12:57
- I can't cool I think that's fantastic you're informed by biblically by your conscience and you're taking that and applying it and you're making an argument as to how that should might be and you're not binding someone else's conscience so I think that's fantastic I applaud you for doing so but let's be careful about taking a question like that as if we can kind of know exactly what
- 01:13:18
- Christ would have done because we can't there was no voting he didn't vote he didn't talk to vote about voting so how are we then going to determine that we're gonna take it from his teachings we're gonna take it from Scripture we're gonna apply it in a modern -day context and we're gonna go this is this is kind of the acceptable realm because we can't go over here we can't go to you know to the other side and vote for the people who are promoting sin so to this side you know where do we apply that and that would be my argument so be
- 01:13:49
- I would simply caution you with that question because guess what neither you nor I nor Andrew can know exactly how
- 01:13:55
- Christ would have voted because there was no voting and he didn't vote right so let me let me deal with some comments here and and then we'll get to the main topic we were going so humble clay says given to Caesar what is
- 01:14:10
- Caesars okay so that's no humble clay said this which is right to your point the
- 01:14:16
- Republicans have a four -year plan the Democrats have a 50 -year plan he's much more generous than I am they don't have a four -year plan they just they just have a vote the next election plan our
- 01:14:28
- FDR said he he wanted to get the you know Democrat control for 50 years and he almost got it they got they had control for 40 years yeah dumb but I I think this one was really good and I can
- 01:14:45
- I can relate to this Amy says literally every paper I wrote in college happened overnight nothing happens overnight well to be fair I did do some of those and only by God's grace did
- 01:15:02
- I get a good grade well I'm gonna Brad I hope we answered your questions yeah thanks so much for the conversation and your all's input it was really helpful
- 01:15:13
- I appreciate appreciate you guys taking my time or taking time to answer my questions yeah absolutely brother happy to welcome anytime that's that's what this show is for to for people to come in ask questions and and we answer so thanks for coming in I'll put you backstage if have more questions just come on it just let us know in the private chat okay
- 01:15:32
- I think I cut him off he was saying sounds good sir sorry all right so yeah
- 01:15:38
- Chris I did I actually did have that I had a business business law class and I got it
- 01:15:45
- I got an A in the in the class and I got along well with the professor and so when
- 01:15:52
- I took business law two with the same professor he asked me he goes he was trying to just judge like you know how much homework he gave and so he asked me says you were one of the better students what you know how much time did you spend in class like outside of class studying and I went maybe five hours you went no no
- 01:16:12
- I'm not saying for like the final I'm saying for everything yeah like five hours and he was like there's no way you're doing business law two and only doing five hours
- 01:16:22
- I said are you challenging me so we had a 20 page paper that we knew had to be due at the end of the of the seat this semester
- 01:16:33
- I did not study for a single test I refused
- 01:16:38
- I didn't do anything outside of it I wait and saved all five hours for that and literally
- 01:16:44
- I typed it as I just free free just typed it as I went and handed in and and wrote on there
- 01:16:53
- I spent five hours on this paper I have spent zero time outside of class on anything else he gave me an a -minus and I saw him outside of but he said he goes you deserved an
- 01:17:06
- A but you wrote that on your exam I was not giving you an A. I like that man.
- 01:17:12
- I'll tell you right now you want to know what terrifies me the idea of going back to writing papers because in exactly one week
- 01:17:19
- I am interviewing to enter a distance learning seminary program that my church is part of and the idea of writing papers is scares me to death because I have not done so in nearly 30 years yeah so let me say this because I want to get
- 01:17:36
- I want to get to some of the things of the assassination attempt and I realize that we've we've gone long and I know that you know for some you know
- 01:17:47
- Chris just got off work and he'd probably need to just get a little bit of jolt to stay awake though he doesn't like good coffee but he could if he needed to stay awake go to squirrelly
- 01:17:57
- Joe's coffee and get himself a nice cup of Joe they are one of the sponsors here they have
- 01:18:05
- I just put in my order I when I order I just get one of each flavor because I can't figure out yet which flavors
- 01:18:11
- I like more so I just don't do the decaf but I'm right now drinking a cup of kindness that is what
- 01:18:19
- I have on blend today I love the names of them you know kindness compassion so I can
- 01:18:24
- I can say I'm having a cup of kindness today I will say despite me not drinking coffee
- 01:18:30
- I ordered some for my wife and she really did enjoy a lot of the sums that the ones that we purchased so I I can at least give that endorsement my wife likes it yeah and the problem
- 01:18:40
- I have is I I try to go to my bride and go I have a cup of kindness today and she goes it's not helping if you want to get yourself a good cup of kindness or compassion or integrity go to striving for attorney org slash coffee and not only are you getting a great cup of coffee
- 01:19:03
- I you know great freshly roasted beans or ground if you want that they have five pound bags for your church but you're also supporting a fellow brother in Christ so very important as we're talking here hey why support you know you want to go support some conservative coffee company or that's better than a liberal coffee company well let's support one that's a conservative
- 01:19:26
- Christian coffee company so squirrely Joe's coffee and remember if you use the promo code
- 01:19:32
- SFE you get 20 % off on your first purchase and do go to striving fraternity org slash coffee on your reorders that way they continue to know that you heard about them from us after a good cup of coffee though Chris likes to put his head down on a nice my pillow
- 01:19:50
- I'm sure and so if you want to get them they're one of our other sponsors go to my pillow comm use the promo code
- 01:19:57
- SFE right now they are having the biggest sale I've ever seen they're $25 extravaganza you can get their their original my pillow for $25 you can get there
- 01:20:11
- I think they're doing it they're 2 .0 pillows which are really cool because they I don't know what they do but they it works with basically reducing the heat if you have some people that have that run hot and sweat at night or you have couples where you know one likes one temperature one likes the other
- 01:20:26
- I got their mattress topper which helps tremendously with that in keeping the the temperature of the same for my bride and I so I love that so go to my pillow comm use promo code
- 01:20:37
- SFE to get those now there was a comment Chris that I saw here that we're as we're talking and and Arne says
- 01:20:46
- Vail Arizona in two weeks is going to be interesting I promise to be beyond polite and some may be saying well but what is he talking about with Vail Arizona I'm glad you asked that question
- 01:21:00
- Chris and here is the answer we are going to be having in two weeks if you have not registered for this the
- 01:21:08
- Christian responsibility in an unchristian world this is in Vail Arizona at Vail Valley Baptist Church August 8th to the 10th in 2024 now
- 01:21:20
- I know a lot of folks are going like well I don't recognize any of these names so I'm not gonna go I know the each of the individuals personally
- 01:21:27
- I know each of them are tremendous speakers in their own right and we'll have something to offer that you can learn from the the topics on this and you can go to the
- 01:21:38
- QR code there you can go to striving stirring org and you'll see in the banner we have the link to the conference so it gives all the details but the the reality is this conference will have something for everyone there there is going to be a lot of challenging messages at this conference so I want to encourage you to go and check that out and so I guess
- 01:22:03
- I will be seeing him or her in in Arizona and we'll have some good
- 01:22:09
- I guess discussions all right with that and I'm trying to at the same time go through the 60 some comments that that came up in that and we're you know we're
- 01:22:22
- I you know it is interesting this is must be a topic that people are interested in people must be sharing it online because I see we're having more viewers than we we typically do we're almost breaking 200 which we have we get a couple thousand in the podcast that listen but usually the live stream is not that many so but let's talk about the assassination let me let me first go over some things
- 01:22:48
- I want to I want to put up an article and present an article so we could we could just look at if I could just find my screen to share
- 01:22:59
- I think it's this one yes all right so let's let's look at this this is an article from Epoch Times but people have seen this picture before just want to point out some of the things here so you know the the shot here's where the the the
- 01:23:24
- Secret Service were on the roof here's where Trump was speaking here over is where the shooter was that from the shooters location to Trump they have estimated about four hundred and thirty feet okay so first off for the people who want to say oh this was this is a government run thing
- 01:23:43
- Chris I know you you have some background in police and military for like the military would a with a rifle would a four hundred and thirty foot shot be a difficult shot do think not even close to being difficult yeah when
- 01:24:07
- I was when I was doing training with the army we would train at about a thousand feet so I would
- 01:24:18
- I shot marksman which meant you know I could get most in the target
- 01:24:24
- I think I I think if I'm correctly marksman back then was out of 30 shots only six could be outside of the bullseye at you know a thousand feet so you could do that with the wind with all the other things that's someone that's trained okay so you know
- 01:24:51
- Secret Service shooting back about the same distance they need one shot okay their shot was difficult because as you can see where their position there there are some trees that are blocking so so a lot of people think this was a big conspiracy a lot of people think that this was the government
- 01:25:12
- FBI was behind this whole thing they were looking to eliminate Trump okay so let's just deal with facts have the
- 01:25:22
- Democrats been doing everything they can to get rid of Trump they've tried to get him off the ballots so he couldn't even be on the ballots they've they've are creating different lawsuits against him and as we've seen some of these lawsuits are being brought up illegally right you have you you have the prosecutor who can't even legally be the prosecutor so you know
- 01:25:51
- Jack Smith is all the cases with him are now gone they have to be gone that you know you have you know a woman who's you know basically says oh
- 01:26:02
- I'm gonna give this case to my boyfriend the judge goes no you can't you can't do that so so they're there you have in New York where a judge just says okay we're gonna
- 01:26:11
- I'm gonna be the one to make up the the you know the the way that I think your property should have been estimated not the experts and I'm gonna try to bankrupt him you have a president in Joe Biden who is calling for a target to be you know a bullseye to be put on Trump that was five days before the assassination attempt that Biden said that I don't know what was in the rest of Joe Biden's ads but after the assassination attempt he pulled all his ads for the week they announced they were gonna pull all their ads so I think there was a lot more of language of assassination type language that they realized would really be bad now they came out and Joe Biden said we have to we can't have this this is bad we have to come down a long time to say that by the way yeah we can't have violent you know violent rhetoric but he's already gone back to it he's he said that Donald Trump is a clear and present danger they're all saying that if Trump wins democracy is over all of this language is being believed by people okay and so Trump did so some just some facts yes
- 01:27:30
- Trump's team did ask for extra Secret Service protection it was denied on the day in question
- 01:27:37
- Secret Service detail for Trump there's there's different types of detail all right there's a there's a team that comes before and does prep work there's teams that are there on site so there's different teams but the one team that Trump had was three people because Joe Biden's wife who's not president not running for president was given 12 people okay so and I know
- 01:28:10
- I saw a comment someone had about the slanted roof just throw that out that that okay that what
- 01:28:16
- I think the slanted roof argument is is that this was something where they they were protecting themselves mm -hmm okay this happens okay and I think a lot of what we're seeing is not so much that some big conspiracy
- 01:28:39
- I think a lot of what we're seeing is we're seeing people who are trying to there was a screw -up and they're they're they're covering their butts okay it's just this is not some big conspiracy all right so the facts yes the shooter he was not some truth if this was a government agency doing it they would not have some 20 year old kid who doesn't know how to shoot he you know it's his father bought him the gun his father supposedly called and warned local police and one of the things you have to understand is
- 01:29:23
- Secret Service at events like this work a lot with local police so you have a lot of different groups working together now
- 01:29:33
- Secret Service sees a guy on the roof with a gun that's been established but here's a question do they know if that's police or not hard to tell are they just gonna take a shot could it be in the in the day and age we are now after black lives matter where police get you know they could go to jail because of one mistake they make okay are they gonna take that shot without knowing they there they saw him up there they lost sight of him they were trying to find him there are certain things that we end up seeing one there were people in in the location over there by where I guess where the trees are that was not part of the grounds remember these buildings and that parking lot you see that is not part of the protected area okay that's outside of protect now does this does it mean that the the details the the pre detail folks should have been evaluating this yes and that's something
- 01:30:40
- I would like to know I would like to see the papers well I won't anymore but I think it should be declassified so we can see this well
- 01:30:51
- I mean after the event this is this is no longer classified okay this is not something one now that it's over some of these details don't are you know and the plan is is not classified anymore so what we will we
- 01:31:09
- I would like to know is did they Secret Service communicate with local police that this is a area that needs to be protected okay there's there's gonna be question there
- 01:31:24
- I think that as we as we look at this there is there were people who told local police that were just there are people that were just there having a party they were gonna listen to Trump's speech from the distance they saw a guy up and you know said he had a gun many people who were pointed that out many people who had seen this and said well you know this is something that you know they knew the
- 01:31:56
- FBI director has has said that the gunman and I choose not to use his name but the gunman was flying a drone near the stage hours before the
- 01:32:10
- Trump shooting that have been a concern to Secret Service that should have been a concern to the police
- 01:32:17
- I understand but I also understand that there's you know first off we have not had an assassination attempt since Reagan I think that what that does is cause people to just get slacked like this isn't gonna happen did you want to say something
- 01:32:40
- Chris no I I have some thoughts but I was just waiting for you to finish up so so I I think that one of the things we have to recognize is that there are countless times where you have failure but we don't know it because to get caught catastrophic failure there's so many things that have to go wrong so many little things right this wasn't as catastrophe as much of a catastrophe as it could have been because Trump turned his head just just at the right moment the fact that there was a police officer who and and if you see the picture some of the pictures show a ladder and they say this guy went up the ladder he did not go up the ladder the ladder was put there afterwards by the those investigating the scene okay so they could get up there easier the ladder was not used by him and so we know he was using a range finder he was also using the range finder and stuff like that the the
- 01:33:46
- I'm gonna say something that people may think differently about fine
- 01:33:52
- I don't know and we never will know if his intent was to kill
- 01:33:58
- Trump where he initially was it seems like he wouldn't have had a good shot at Trump a good angle he was seen with the gun and he was then scrambled up to the roof
- 01:34:12
- I don't know that the roof was his his actual intended place he may have just looked to do lots of fire okay there were explosives found in his car did he plan to cause it you know did what was his plan we don't know yet and we may not know and so when we think of it like all the things that have to go well because he was seen he scrambles up to the roof he they couldn't find him okay they weren't looking on the roof
- 01:34:45
- Secret Service sees him but they lose sight of him he's scrambling around he's he is you know are there plenty of things after the fact that we look at and say oh but this could have been caught that should have been caught do you realize that in events like this there's there's like lots of things that could have happened here the the thing was that a police officer went up on the roof and saw him and that is when he started shooting there's probably the probability he didn't have a great view of Trump or wasn't you know we don't know how well equipped he was with a rifle there was claims he had a rifle training in high school the school denies that could they be protecting themselves sure but the thing is that at 430 feet a good person you know someone that knows how to use a rifle he's gonna be able to get a shot out he got he got three shots okay the the shots that he he did were right as the police officer went up on the roof what we from the police officer he went up saw the guy and came down because the guy pointed the gun at him that some people are criticizing the officer why didn't you officer that's not his training he should go you know just go for well if only his head is sticking up that's the one part of his body that isn't protected right
- 01:36:16
- Chris you would know this you're wearing a vest that protects your body not your head they probably they weren't having headgear so the fact is
- 01:36:27
- I could understand why his first reaction could be to drop down and realize he's got a he's got to get a different angle and it's right after that that the three shots went off so this guy probably didn't aim so well
- 01:36:40
- Trump happens to turn the the guy went at a shot for the head again a trained okay we know that Trump was wearing a vest we know that after the fact and and that did supposedly protect one of the levels but the reality is is what we end up seeing is that there was definitely a case where this guy got off three quick shots
- 01:37:11
- Secret Service one shot now I know I know that in Newsweek this week they're trying to say
- 01:37:20
- Donald Trump may not have been hit by a bullet the FBI director says well his doctor who examined him said different okay so I get all the talk okay
- 01:37:35
- I get that it it sure looks like it just it looks like it was a conspiracy and I get it okay but we have to take a look at things and just go
- 01:37:53
- I believe what we saw was someone who maybe wow we just hit 200 cool thanks thanks for those who are sharing this having a lot folks live but maybe it's just we're saying controversial things yeah that's probably part of it
- 01:38:10
- I think that part of what you know I don't take a knee -jerk reaction to go oh it's a conspiracy the government was in on it okay and it's not just because I used to work for the government that I'm gonna defend them but it's because I worked for the government that I know that there is incompetence that can occur okay and and I could there could be gross incompetence
- 01:38:32
- I also understand something about the way agencies work that quite frankly they it's protect your own it's this notion of if I don't if I allow there to be it any sign of a chink in the armor then people have no trust in us and that's actually the cause of problem this
- 01:38:53
- I've talked about this as well with pastors there's a book called Superman syndrome for pastors where it's like they feel like they can't show any weakness because then people say they're disqualified and in in that what they actually do is disqualify themselves because they try to cover up their sin okay and so I think that we have to be careful with that so I I think that this this kid and they say he was a registered
- 01:39:22
- Republican okay but he was also a used by one of the most leftist progressive
- 01:39:31
- Democrat get out campaign vote organizations he not only supported them financially but was in a commercial for them so he was someone who is definitely a leftist do leftists register
- 01:39:47
- Republican yeah there are times that they register Republican because they want to vote against the
- 01:39:52
- Republican incumbent that's actually a thing that Democrats encouraged to do okay and so you know the reality is were there enough warning signs yes
- 01:40:06
- I agree there were enough warning signs whether his intention was to shoot people attending there or to shoot
- 01:40:13
- Trump I don't know now will the left use this of course they will because now what are they saying the one thing that Trump has so many rallies that are so big they have to be held outdoors there oh well we can't protect you if you're gonna be outdoors so they're basically saying they're gonna give up no they have said and this is you know people saying oh see they're only giving them protection now well actually there is a thing now where they give more protection once he is the candidate and once at the
- 01:40:43
- RNC he got the accepted nomination he was the candidate so he does get more protection at that point as a previous president and as a candidate he should have now one of the things that will admit is that what you see is
- 01:40:58
- Joe Biden has denied has been trying to deny as much as he could
- 01:41:05
- Secret Service for Donald Trump he's limited because Donald Trump was a is a former president so he gets some he's denied him the the
- 01:41:15
- Secret Service every candidate gets a certain amount of Secret Service detail RFK who is a candidate he was running as a
- 01:41:25
- Democrat in the primaries and was being refused any
- 01:41:30
- Secret Service detail he was also he basically since they didn't have a primary remember this is the party saying they're fighting for democracy
- 01:41:39
- RFK had to go as an independent because they they purposely prevented him from being able to run a as a as a
- 01:41:49
- Democrat in fact that's the reason they're trying to figure out what to do now because because of the rules they change to get rid of RFK they couldn't get
- 01:41:59
- Joe Biden or whoever on the ballot in Ohio because they missed the date so they're trying to figure that one out they got to get they basically have to choose a candidate before the convention okay to get on Ohio because they don't want to lose those votes otherwise they're gonna have tell everyone it's a right in order they'll just get a judge to go well that's this happening they'll say it's not fair this happened in New Jersey we had a governor who you know two people running for governor the
- 01:42:26
- Democrat was convicted of embezzling money from the state he had to resign but it was past the date of allowing of anyone else of the
- 01:42:36
- Democrats putting anyone up and a judge just said well that wouldn't be fair we have to put someone up so they just put a name in no vote just put the name in and then he gets the votes well that's basically what we have here they don't want to they're they're just gonna put someone's name in because they want to make sure they're on the ballots in Ohio so all that to say is is it easy to see why there people could say there's a conspiracy yes is it easy to see why people are saying oh he's faking it he made it up it's all a false flag yes what is the truth
- 01:43:11
- I think it's in the middle I just I think there was a series of you know bad decisions and competent decisions decisions where quite frankly in law enforcement today the fact that you have so many people that play you know gotcha after the fact where they have all of these you know after the fact they questioned everything and the police can't they have to make a split -second decision okay and so where it used to be that they would be the the public and the the law would side with a law enforcement if a mistake is made it's not that way over any more black lives matter you have someone even if it looks like someone's got a knee on his neck when you look at the the reverse side you realize his knee wasn't on the neck it was on a shoulder blade which is where it should be to keep them down but from a different angle the only angle we would see for the longest time it looks like it's on the neck well what happens that guy's life is destroyed he's in jail his family is why because he did he try to kill someone no no in fact the guy wanted to be out of the car he here was a guy he what he actually died of is a fentanyl overdose the police pulled him out of the car they called
- 01:44:36
- EMS EMS which was the fire department came to the wrong address and it took 20 minutes to get there and that's what would ended his life okay but where's that police officer what's what's his family like their lives are destroyed because he made not even a bad decision he followed he followed policy okay so do you think that a police officer is going to have a little bit of a nervous reaction to this stuff yes that's why in that one school they didn't rush in and everyone's like why didn't they rush in because they don't want to make the wrong decision because everyone afterwards challenges them for what they for what they have a split -second decision to make okay so I talked a lot about law enforcement
- 01:45:29
- Chris you're in law enforcement I thought you're gonna have to be used to be I'm retired now so well you still had a uniform on for work today well that's called a security guard that's a very different thing that's not law enforcement come on oh goodness no we are civilians
- 01:45:48
- I will tell you something it's interesting going through security guard training after doing 25 years of law enforcement because you are a civilian and there's a lot of things they don't want you to do even though you are security which goes against 25 years of law enforcement experience so it's kind of fun all right so let me just let me just back things up at the beginning humble
- 01:46:11
- Clay says Captain America never retires there you go yeah well I'm not Captain America so you just play the part
- 01:46:19
- I mean so let me let me just back this up let me ask this question before you do that yeah
- 01:46:24
- I know I can't do a poll but folks in the audience just yes or no if you'd like Chris just a yes or no do you want
- 01:46:35
- Chris Han holds to come on next time dressed as Captain America just I will you know what the answers are
- 01:46:41
- I'm doing it I think we would like to see you come in dressed as Captain America and do a show that way but I'll let the audience decide they can decide all they want but I'm the one who gets put on we're already starting to see so go ahead
- 01:46:59
- Chris all right so let me let me just back this up a little bit I agree with you it is very very easy to get caught up in Melissa you and I are gonna have a talk but it's very easy to start looking at the vast amount of information that comes in and start trying to be amateur
- 01:47:22
- Sherlock Holmes I get it because I made the con yeah yeah
- 01:47:29
- I'm a party pooper Denny I'm not doing it y 'all gonna throw me off here so I understand we all want to be you know amateur you know a detective and come in and start seeing this because I said earlier like when we had the you know the
- 01:47:46
- Ronald Reagan attempted assassination we had one camera and that's it today we have 3 billion cameras and we can see things from virtually every angle we can hear all the testimonials of people who are posting their stuff online there's so much we can get and it's very easy to start wanting to put these things together for ourselves and I'm not saying that's a bad thing in and of itself because we all live through COVID we all saw that prior to COVID most of us were probably somewhat rational when it came to conspiracy theories and then
- 01:48:20
- COVID happened and we kind of lost our minds because everybody well
- 01:48:27
- I was gonna say everybody saw the conspiracy theories actually come true and so now we are a little in my opinion too quick to believe conspiracy to everything it's not to say that there aren't conspiracies it's not to say that we shouldn't be wise and in question things but I do believe we went way to the other side and when every conspiracy is now true we call everything as a conspiracy spoiler guys let's bring it back to the middle so let's let me start there and that's what we're trying to do here tonight right so when you cut when you look at the this this issue
- 01:49:03
- I tend to agree with Andrew I don't believe this was a government conspiracy I don't believe that it was a an attempt by those within the
- 01:49:13
- Biden regime to find a way to take out Trump look if they wanted to do that there's a billion ways they could have done it that wouldn't have been this sloppy and this messed up but at the same time
- 01:49:24
- I don't have that much trust in the government to do anything that successfully you know we can't keep anything secret so especially this administration so we're giving them a lot of credit that they aren't even deserving of let me just start with that now the this issue occurs we know for a fact as Andrew said there was a young man on a roof that was seen by lots of people with a firearm who took a shot at at the former president that's that's undeniable fact we know that it became a giant cluster mess once this individual was identified and there were people up on a roof who seemed to have him in shot and they were it appears they could have taken a shot they're not being given the authorization to shoot we know that you know it has been admitted publicly that they could have put snipers on that roof to protect him they chose not to because of the sloped roof argument which is hysterically stupid beyond any measure of rational thought when
- 01:50:29
- I heard that I said that was just someone going how do I make an excuse for this quickly oh yeah she she pulled that out of thin air she pulled that out of thin air but we learned as a hat is you know policy document and the proof is because the the other building had a worse so it was ridiculous they actually had law enforcement resources inside the building which does nobody any good it was a we know it is a staging area for law enforcement so there was virtually no reason this should have happened except for a vast failure on the part of law enforcement
- 01:51:11
- Secret Service and other resources to do the job that they should have done and we can tell that because the things that have come out since then that have been admitted by individuals who are who have started to release information things like yes they knew he was up there yes they you know they did they did not have the resources they were supposed to have yes there were denials made even though this former
- 01:51:37
- Secret Service director tried to soft shoe that that answer before Congress we know that there have been times that they were denied resources physical resources so the idea that it was a vast conspiracy as opposed to utter failure on the part of law enforcement
- 01:51:57
- I am far more likely to believe when you have an administration or a regime as Dr.
- 01:52:04
- White would call it which has been utterly pardon me utterly obsessed with diversity
- 01:52:12
- DEI inclusion and absolutely not not at all concerned with actual proper policy and procedure because that is what is effective in any agency getting the best people for job with no meritocracy is terrible because it denies people who needed a chance except that when you are protecting any dignitary you need the best you need the absolute best who are utterly committed to doing the job correctly you need to provide all the resources and there can never ever ever be a time when you take those things for granted and we know that that's what happened there's information that has come out that some of the individuals on that protective detail may not have actually been
- 01:52:58
- Secret Service but from within another agency which seems to fit why look
- 01:53:04
- I have a certain amount of pity for the poor gals picture who's been displayed everywhere it was she incompetent for the role yes might she be good at let me address that because a lot of people that you know that's talked about oh you know that the head of the
- 01:53:18
- Secret Service was you know was focused on DEI and all this and and so you have that one picture of the one girl that is it looks like she's hiding behind Trump yeah okay
- 01:53:31
- I don't think that was the case but that's what it is that's why everyone uses that and yet you know go watch the video and what you're seeing is there's there's a rail there she's a she was one of the first to jump on top she couldn't cover him because he's just he's much taller
- 01:53:47
- I mean I will say Chris the one thing I would say is she should know how to again this is where you want the people who are best for the job which means they are training these scenarios and are training under pressure and they're training that's the point training under pressure because the the fact that look
- 01:54:11
- I'm trying to give credit like you are right you're not just jump on things but I'm looking at her not holstering the weapon
- 01:54:19
- I think she was freaked out oh yeah there's no question you can see it yeah see that there's a certain amount of panic she's trying to do her job but she she's in she has under pressure right you know in law enforcement we call it you know getting you know going to to black you know every it's that tunnel vision where everything just focuses down to that little narrow light and everything outside of it you're losing it and you can tell even when they've moved him off site and she's standing around the car and she's moving back and forth it's that nervous energy that anxiousness she doesn't know exactly what to do and see anything
- 01:54:55
- I want to say for folks like it is so easy to look at that picture and draw conclusions and you know and I because I've seen that picture with her where it looks like she's hiding and yet when you go watch a video she's trying to get off this he's going down steps and she's trying to get down faster yeah jumps in front that and that's what that and that's my point is that it's when we start trying to do our amateur
- 01:55:20
- Sherlock Holmes because we're seeing all this information we don't you guys not gonna like me for this we don't have the training to take a million pieces of information and distill it down into a succinct narrative that helps us understand what actually happened that's why law enforcement does what it does
- 01:55:38
- I've said I've said this before you take a school shooting I can't count the number of times
- 01:55:45
- I've heard oh there were three or four people and they're hiding things no they're not why do you think there's three or four people because multiple phone calls come in the guys approach the school he's got a hoodie on he's got a backpack he's got a rifle gets into the school oh there's a guy with a ball cap on and he's got a shotgun gets down the hall further oh now he's the backpacks gone he's got a pistol everybody goes well that's three or four different shooters no that's one person shedding things as he goes and you're getting pieces of information and when you put an actual investigation together which includes finding the pieces of clothing finding the backpack finding the discarded firearms or the shell casings and you follow the path you understand that it was one person but all of us who are taking a billion pieces of data and trying to distill it into something we begin to think we've unraveled a conspiracy so I want to caution people because it's easy to think you're
- 01:56:41
- Sherlock Holmes when in reality you're coming out like inspector inspector Crusoe okay I'm not trying to be mean you guys need to think about this you are putting together what you see online and you think you've uncovered something and a lot of this is because of what happened
- 01:56:57
- I believe with COVID we now believe everything is a conspiracy because conspiracies were revealed to be true and now we think anything that that that the government has said a it must be
- 01:57:10
- B and that is literally opposed that I see if the government has said it believe the opposite while I tend to believe there is there is reason for that not everything that that done that way is the case now going back to what actually oh
- 01:57:25
- I like this from Melissa wait you mean we need to use simple logic when assessing things lol shocking but true
- 01:57:32
- Melissa you're back on my friend list now so the simple inspector gadget solved a hundred percent of his crimes yes solve anything penny and brain sure solve them all though oh man
- 01:57:50
- I just dated myself on that one and there's I like a bunch of our listeners have no clue what we just said I have no clue what you just said well you don't know most anything we're involving pop culture so all right so with that being said looking at everything that happened we have a
- 01:58:08
- DEI run agency we have a lack of resources a lack of sufficient communication and clearly a very poor job securing not only the event but areas outside the event because if you have someone who is a former president running for office who is known to be a contentious individual who drew makes people very very angry you're going to secure every position possible to ensure he is not taken out with you like him or not the problem is when you have people who have not been properly trained who have been put in their positions simply because they fill the quota the as Daryl Harrison would call it the intersectionality
- 01:58:54
- Olympics and you finish you feel that quota and you're putting those positions and when the people running this have nothing but disdain for you do you think you're going to get the best of the best to protect you the answer is absolutely not and that I believe is literally what happened do
- 01:59:11
- I understand do I understand as you do Andrew the desire to see this as something conspiratorial and to apply to the
- 01:59:22
- Biden regime nefarious intentions to have the man killed yeah I totally get it and do
- 01:59:28
- I believe that his regime and his the people under him are responsible for what happened indirectly yes because they failed to do their job they did not do the things that they should have done there are things critical thinking died a horrible death yeah and sadly it's gonna get me in trouble too that is a very big problem even within the
- 01:59:50
- Christian Church yes you can tell you guys that but it is sadly true so are they indirectly responsible absolutely do we then get to just kind of fly off the handle and try to determine it for ourselves look
- 02:00:05
- I would say be wise don't accept everything can't a hand given to you by this administration as biblical truth because we know they're going to lie and as you said
- 02:00:16
- Andrew cover up things to protect themselves absolutely we're going to but can we at least do a little bit of common sense analysis and go this was a utter failure on the part of this administration and this agency to do the job that they should have done yes they absolutely failed in their job should she'll have immediately stepped down yes did she do so no it took even it took bipartisan but chewing to scare her out of that position
- 02:00:46
- I think yeah it took the fact you win win AOC yeah I can agree with Republicans you know you're not getting supported she knew she was she knew she was about to have her hat handed to her and she was for a date he's next right yeah and so it's like hey rather push her out then she becomes a goat and so yeah
- 02:01:12
- I'll let you finish anything so basically it just to kind of to sum up I'm saying is as Christians we have a responsibility to truth okay is it true that there was an assassination attempt on a former president absolutely is it true that there were that a young man attempted to do this and was shot and killed and that by God's grace that former president is alive today yes it is true is is it true that those things at a bare minimum are an indirect result of a failure on the part of this agency to do its job and those associated with it also true so we know those things we can look at that and go yes we know these things to be true now what do we not know though all the things connected to that that we don't have privy to all the things that we have the the analysis you know the crime scene investigation information the tracking of all the data they're giving us what they can release to us and what they have chosen to release to us and that's all we're gonna have is that sufficient evidence for any of us can we suspect can we say
- 02:02:25
- I you know I kind of wonder look I look at it and go man there's something not right about all this there's just something not right can
- 02:02:33
- I look at that make that decision for myself yeah can I go out and then as a Christian declare with some sort of certainty some sort of proof this was an inside job they were trying to kill him it's a conspiracy for XYZ no
- 02:02:46
- I can't I can't do that because I have a commitment to truth and I'm not I'm not going to defend the
- 02:02:52
- Secret Service I'm not going to defend their failures I'm going to say what they do was wrong and it is it is a it is a shame then they should be ashamed of their failures to do so but I'm also going to say no
- 02:03:07
- I'm not going to go out and declare this was a absolutely proof positive
- 02:03:14
- Biden regime attempt to kill him because I don't have that evidence I just don't
- 02:03:20
- I think we have sufficient evidence to say that this young man disturbed as he was I tried to kill you know former
- 02:03:28
- President Trump and he wanted that done so everybody could see it and the thing that scares me more than anything are the people who publicly are mad that he failed yeah that bothers even more
- 02:03:41
- I my fear is that this is not going to be the only attempt now no it's not the sad part about these type of events is that they do inspire others correct we see that all the time and that that is scary and let me say this you know
- 02:03:57
- Chris said this but I want you to hear this again because it's important whenever we come to things like this where you have investigations like this
- 02:04:07
- Chris would know from the law enforcement side I'll know it from a different side that there is information that will be either held back for purpose of investigation or classified and therefore that you you can't give the information there's there's there's certain information you know where we're in a position
- 02:04:31
- I used to have where I would not be able legally to share with someone if you ask me a direct question
- 02:04:39
- I would have to say I cannot confirm or deny that's the answer I can't you know
- 02:04:45
- I would I'd have to be told to have to cover stories things like that the reality is when you have investigations like this like this specifically we're dealing with there could be classified material there's an investigation going on not everything is going to be open to the public
- 02:05:01
- I mean this is one of the things I always go back to when you I remember under the Bush administration people were like criticizing
- 02:05:08
- Bush because you know he what was his you know he wouldn't give a clear purpose for why we went to you know
- 02:05:15
- Iran or Iraq and you know things like that okay well now that that has been declassified all right so the reason he went to Iraq was he targeted
- 02:05:28
- Iraq was because he said how do you get a whole bunch of terrorists that hide in caves to come out of the caves and that was what the purpose of going after Iraq was to get all the terrorists to come to one place and so that was working until some guy on CNN International they never aired it on CNN America by the way but it was for international audience where people in Iraq and well
- 02:05:56
- Al Jazeera got wind of it and announced that that was the purpose and that very day was when they all of a sudden terrorists stopped coming out of their holes and coming to fight with Iraq they ended up kidnapping
- 02:06:11
- Americans and beheading them they changed the way they worked now could
- 02:06:19
- Bush come out and say this is our game plan no because it would never have worked it was classified okay so I want you to remember that when you're making decisions and you're trying to sit here and go well this is a big conspiracy because this thing a lot of times they cannot answer the agencies will not be able to answer and you know
- 02:06:44
- I put a comment that I read from humble clay and he said this jokingly
- 02:06:49
- I get but he says the FBI would never mislead or lie well they have to sometimes
- 02:06:56
- I mean especially a CIA the reality is that is actually part of their job is to do covert operations and so you know there's also a part where as I said earlier they want to protect the agency so so that that comes into play let me let me rip through some of the comments that that I have starred that may still be
- 02:07:25
- I start a bunch of things but I don't know if any more still valid let's see he says
- 02:07:33
- Andrew always says things I've never heard before words are hard early on you know okay so so this is some of his text messages yeah he is saying the guy looked up the distance they are the
- 02:07:52
- Aussie Lee Oswald from Kennedy I'm not a hundred percent sure on that I do
- 02:07:58
- I will admit it is very strange that this guy has no media presence at all did he remove it knowing what he was gonna do knowing that everyone looks at that I will say that a couple things concern me the most with this okay here in this again you may not have heard anywhere else but two things that concern me one the
- 02:08:20
- FBI was able to get his phone he had two phones one on the scene and one at home and within hours they were able to break into the phone okay why why am
- 02:08:32
- I so concerned with that so there was a few months ago a hack that was discovered in Apple's phone in Apple's iOS software someone noticed something reverse engineered it and basically discovered that this was a vulnerability that would give people access to anyone's phone that was super well protected there were a bunch of things to protect it so no one could use it which leads many of us in the industry you know did do cybersecurity to wonder if this was and we know this is this happens that agencies force companies to give them back doors was that what happened because soon as it was found that was shut down I want to know how there's a couple things
- 02:09:32
- I really want to know in this whole thing what I want to know in this case I would like to know how they knew how they got into this guy's phone so quickly okay
- 02:09:43
- I have my suspicion but I that's a concern that they were able to get in so quickly what one of the major questions that I would have if I was able to to ask the questions why in the world was
- 02:10:00
- Trump on the X in other words they knew 20 minutes before Trump went out there that there was a a issue they should have held him back that is very common when you see these politicians and they're late a lot of times it's because they're checking something out before the person goes out so why was he on the
- 02:10:27
- X why was he there why was he given the go -ahead and he even brought that up he even addressed this to say why was
- 02:10:36
- I allowed to go out when they knew that that is a valid concern but the fact that they were able to access this man's phone is a concern that tells you that it tells me that our our government has ready access to our privacy now in this case fine did they go through warrants and things like that I would hope so but it was done pretty quickly another thing that greatly concerned me is that they they admitted that they were able to use facial recognition and the serial number on the weapon from the serial number on the weapon they were able to track down exactly where that weapon were purchased they found out that it was purchased from his father from a store that's closed now if you have an
- 02:11:32
- FFL if you're not familiar with these things an FFL would have to keep their records it is illegal for the federal government to keep a registry of gun owners but one of the things that Biden administration was doing was they were they had this like zero tolerance policy with FFLs and they were shutting down FFLs one after another and what happens when an
- 02:11:56
- FFL shuts down what do you do with all those records the government would take them and they would store them has that become a gun registry which would be illegal well they were able to within a day find a lot of information about that gun from the serial number hmm they use facial recognition to figure out his name since he had no
- 02:12:23
- ID on him there's a lot of privacy issues that I that this is unveiling that I have great concerns with my number one concern with the whole assassination attempt is why was
- 02:12:38
- Trump allowed to go out he should never never have been allowed and that is the one question
- 02:12:45
- I think they should have asked at Congress yeah because that is the most important question out of all the questions that that we've raised tonight
- 02:12:53
- I think that's number one the concerns that have now come out of this
- 02:12:59
- I have a great concern with private privacy issues I look folks think about the
- 02:13:06
- Holocaust I'll I guess wrapping up on a bad note maybe not the best but I I'll I'll say this then we'll give some other announcements but the the the the thing is oh
- 02:13:19
- I just get to brother John here some Bible codes they're kooky okay moving on yeah
- 02:13:30
- I read the book that that talks about all the Bible codes and they always look at things in the past and it's yeah it's it's it's just people making things up yeah okay so the the thing is is that I have great concerns with privacy issues
- 02:13:48
- I think that when we look at what happened in Nazi Germany and you look at the supernatural evil that occurred there is what you end up seeing is if you haven't studied that what the
- 02:14:06
- Germans did is they knew when they were gonna go in and take the Jewish people out of the ghettos where they put them and move them into concentration camps they put men in the sewage system three days prior to sit there in the sewage in the sewers with food so they would survive for three days because they knew what people would do to try to help you get out of being taken what they would do is they'd go through the homes and as people would march off they would leave a soldier in the different homes and as they they took everyone to to the concentration camps you heard shots going off all night what were the shots it was as people finally said okay it's been quiet enough the coast is clear and they'd come out of wherever they were hiding that the
- 02:14:59
- Germans couldn't find them not realizing that they've staged Germans in the house to just sit and wait all night waiting for people to come out when you look at this and see this kind of supernatural evil that can occur with a within now a government that has a way of spying on us in ways we can't even fathom the fact that the we the government has access to the facial recognition the the fact they can get all to your your cell phone just think about how much is on your cell phone people are completely and utterly unaware of how much information they put out there that puts them at risk without realizing it and maybe one day we'll do a show on this and I'll go through things on cybersecurity and and how how we can track bad guys using things that are posted okay people put out way too much so so the fact that they can get to a phone is is concerning I had a guy who once told me that he believes in conspiracies he was like all the government's gonna come after us one day okay
- 02:16:10
- I've been I've been saying that for a long time here it will have another
- 02:16:15
- Holocaust it just won't be the Jewish people well now it might be the Jewish people and the
- 02:16:20
- Christians I've said it'll be the Christians and so we got someone who's new and new to the audience the the
- 02:16:33
- Lamas the light yeah the lamb is the light oh the lamb is the light got it okay says that's exactly why
- 02:16:42
- I don't put anything past the government exactly yeah we have to realize that what they get in power with they stay in power go back to the first hour of the show and you know if they get in power by saying
- 02:16:54
- Christians are to blame for everything they will go after Christians and they they have to because they lose their power if they keep it going and so what what look here's here's the thing that that I see very scary this guy that I was saying believes in conspiracies he said there's nothing you could say to shock me
- 02:17:18
- I said I'm sure there is and and so I shocked him okay so let me tell you what
- 02:17:24
- I shocked him with and and so you could realize because I think these this information
- 02:17:30
- I'm giving you is it's fine in in the hands of people that have no ill intent of others but one of the things we've learned with laying fiber optics around the country is fiber optics are so sensitive you can tell the make and model of a car on a highway from miles away you can tell exactly how many people are walking in the woods so we're in Nazi Germany many people hidden in the woods and hid there because no one found them you put that with fiber optics laid all across underground and you'll be able to figure out exactly where people are in the woods where are they supposed to be there where are they now oh we could send people right in there you take things like that it's something that was discovered by accident could be used for evil in a regime that would be like the
- 02:18:26
- Nazis where they get into power because their only concern is power and to hold on to that power they have to go after people and that can be a dangerous thing in our day and age with the technology we have so I'm very concerned with it
- 02:18:43
- Matthew said much earlier and he said the word will before this but will there need to be another civil war before we see abolition
- 02:18:51
- I think that the reality is we won't see I don't think we'll see a civil war
- 02:18:57
- I think we would see a secession of the states I think that I think if the
- 02:19:03
- Democrats steal the next election you're gonna see a bunch of red states that are just gonna go we succeed we're done with you we're gonna be your own country yeah you keep all your debt keep all the you know illegal immigrants you want but we're done humble clay had said this about DEI we've mentioned that earlier it mean he says
- 02:19:21
- DEI stands for Democrat enforced ignorance no I'm sorry that is incorrect it stands for didn't earn it that's what it stands for and CRT by the way two things can be true does not stand let me correct that for folks it doesn't
- 02:19:43
- CRT we hear of it and we think it stands for critical race theory it actually stands for cultural racism training because that's what it is a humble clay got this right earlier is what we need is a real revival and that's the that's what
- 02:19:58
- I want to close with is you know is the fact that as we talk about these things people could be like oh you know it's such a downer we need to be as Christians sharing the gospel with people that people get saved trust me the politicians will pretend okay they will pretend lamb as the light says maybe maybe
- 02:20:20
- JFK murder would have been different had everyone had a camera yeah that would have been because all the cameras were seized and people willingly gave up their camera and film hmm and the government has it was the government behind JFK assassination
- 02:20:39
- I'll just give you my opinion yeah so I think
- 02:20:45
- I think it was the CIA my opinion you want you want you want to get more
- 02:20:52
- I'll actually give you a podcast let me look it up really quickly that had some really interesting things and some things that I a lot of it
- 02:21:03
- I knew some I was like okay isn't it who killed JFK it was done it's just a you can go search on that on a podcast app that'll be a fun one for you now
- 02:21:16
- Matt is saying this and I think this is right he's saying sometimes incompetence and cumulative mistakes is is just incompetence and cumulative mistakes possible bad collaboration and follow -through and judgment calls and that is the point that we're trying to make here okay it is the fact that when we look at this stuff we have to be careful and and not jump to the conclusions and so up this one
- 02:21:55
- I just got a deal with 9 -11 was a conspiracy as well as princess die
- 02:22:02
- JFK Marilyn Monroe for sure okay so let me speak to these that of which ones
- 02:22:07
- I can Marilyn Monroe for folks who don't know there there was a guy who actually was secretly recording
- 02:22:18
- Marilyn Monroe he had tapes of her last night it was not released until after his death because he was afraid to release it basically he had recordings and I heard them his daughter released them and then she kind of disappeared along with the tapes but I did hear them you have both
- 02:22:44
- JFK and RFK sleeping fooling around whatever you want to call it with Marilyn Monroe and just from what they were saying it didn't sound like she was exactly enjoying herself but something happened that night and it did seem to involve both the brothers princess die can't speak to don't know anything about it 9 -11 yet that actually was a real thing sorry for those that want to believe that it was just something that the
- 02:23:12
- Bush's did yep so so what
- 02:23:20
- I want to say with this is I want us to have some some caution and recognize that when we deal with law enforcement they cannot always give us all the information we would you agree with that Chris absolutely you know there's information that you're not going to get pure and simple and you're and even when they give a briefing and they give a plethora of information that's due to hours upon hours of investigation you're not going to get access to all you're just simply not even when you get a police if you were to go in and do a request for police report you're going to have to sift through mountains of information to get anything out of it if you were able to get access to the entire report there's just weird we're not going to be the ones who are on the ground doing the investigation
- 02:24:18
- III thoroughly I've said this before I am a big believer in having a healthy skepticism of law enforcement government or any entity of thereof and what
- 02:24:31
- I define that as is those individuals have an immense amount of power and so we have to be cautious of how they use and wield it but that doesn't mean that we suspect that every single thing they do is a lie rather we let things work as they are and are supposed to work and if we find that they are abusing power if they if it is demonstrable that they are doing so then we need to take and hold them accountable for that but that does it healthy skepticism recognizes that unhealthy skepticism the type that says
- 02:25:09
- I don't believe anything I believe everything's is conspiracy I believe everything is is a lie is a giving to yourself something that only
- 02:25:19
- God has which is omniscience yeah you're not omniscient so you have to recognize your limitations are there failures and are there cover -ups yes but just because those things happen does not mean that every single instance that you know that it then comes across in front of you that looks suspicious is a lie or is a conspiracy and I would say simply no you have to recognize your limitations okay
- 02:25:52
- I see you starred one I want to address this I want to yeah let me I was gonna and let me just say there are times when law enforcement for good reason has to withhold information because especially when there's an ongoing investigation and the reason being is they may not give you certain details and all of a sudden so to say there's a murder and it was with a very specific type of knife they don't reveal that maybe they don't reveal it was with a knife they just say it was a murder and then someone confesses and says well
- 02:26:32
- I did it I shot the guy well they know that this guy is because that actually does happen a lot you get false confessions
- 02:26:38
- I don't know why people want to do that but there are people that do or they say they know something about it if especially if there's a reward well the guy was shot
- 02:26:47
- I know the guy that shot him well the police can now throw that out because they know the guy wasn't shot he was stabbed with a knife maybe someone knows that oh
- 02:26:54
- I said I stabbed him with a knife or I know the guy who stabbed him with a knife what kind of knife you see holding that information can tell whether someone is giving valid information or not okay there's even been times with people who actually do the crimes work with the police they volunteer information to throw the police off we had an individual who went out here in in my hometown
- 02:27:20
- Fernley Nevada where a young woman was raped kidnapped kidnapped raped and killed he was going out helping with these searches they do that that happens often that happen and they try to get information so alright so I start to that I wanted to talk about I'm gonna put them both up and then
- 02:27:40
- I'll let you talk and then I'll respond and end but we are over time so the lamb is the light says what about when police lie to you and threatens you with arrest if you don't comply also
- 02:27:55
- Amy saying law enforcement can lie but I don't think that includes a threat of detainment so mr.
- 02:28:03
- law enforcement Oh ex -law enforcement officer can law enforcement lie absolutely yes absolutely yes they can that has actually been upheld in various court decisions a law enforcement officer can you know provide false information of course during the course of investigation in an effort to ascertain truth so you know for example if you have a suspect and you're interviewing him we can say oh yeah we you know we've had multiple calls on you and and they're all telling us that you did this you haven't got a single call but you're trying to pull information out of that individual you can be dishonest with with someone when you're investigating him everybody wants to you know scream holler and cry but that is a investigator investigatory tactic you are using you know subterfuge to in order to draw information out of somebody so what is he referring to there's a lot of different ways that that can be that can be addressed there are times when law enforcement officers use who or who flat -out lie to protect themselves to protect something else to hide information you know that would be a direct would you know maybe they're failing to get the information they need and they haven't done a good investigation but they lie in their report or they lie to someone else to cover it up yes that's that that is illegal that is what they're going to get held accountable for and when though when those kind of lies come out
- 02:29:32
- I'll tell you right now if a law enforcement officer is found a having lied in the course of his duties in a manner that is meant to protect or hide something that he's done or has covered up for another officer and that's later investigated and found to be true that officer is useless to law enforcement because once that it gets into his record no
- 02:29:59
- DA will ever put him on the state on the stand they're called a Brady cop because of it's called a Brady rule and so yeah law enforcement officers who lie in a in a way that violates policy violates practice violates the law then yes no those individuals will be can be held accountable but can they lie in the course of an investigation you're at the scene of something that's going on they're trying to investigate and they tell you a falsehood in order to get information out and yeah you're you're incensed how dare that person lie to me hey
- 02:30:34
- I'm sorry to tell you they're allowed to do that now what were they they they threaten you with arrest if you don't comply okay to what end what are we talking about are you getting you know
- 02:30:44
- I've seen individuals who believe they can get up in the middle of law enforcement officers in the course of their duties and try to interfere hey get out of here or you're going to jail that's a legitimate compliance yeah you know if they're okay he's giving information so let me read this we were protesting a drag queen show which okay here it is we were pressing a drag protesting a drag queen show he said we were on private property our feet were on the edge of the pavement he said the property owner owned all the way to the middle of the road now is that a lie or is that him failing to recognize the truth he might not be right he might not let me let me give you that one so we were doing we were doing an outreach in Wyoming and we already knew where the the property was we already knew where the where they had permits we knew it was public property the one guy who is a retired police officer wanted us gone when the police came over I I knowing the law we you know we had the lawyers we explained here's what the law says this guy was trying to you know say no they just need to be gone
- 02:31:52
- I knew that I said listen the law says that there has to be a written times mean and manner policy do you have that and the guy was like well in the office we do
- 02:32:04
- I said well officer he needs to go back to the office and go get it and when he produces that will honor that but the law is that this is public property because they have not permitted this area and we showed the permits we had we went in ahead of time to know what what the law was what the private property was a public property where they they permitted so we were in the legal grounds of course what happened was is the one officer you know the retired officer shows the guy a badge and what happens now it's
- 02:32:36
- Oh buddy system and again you got to go right now we have the choice we could legally sit and fight it and get arrested that night and go to jail and fight it in court and then sue the officer for violating our civil liberties because that you can do if he violates your simply
- 02:32:54
- I've actually done this in New Jersey with folks and it's how we had certain rights in certain places because the police officers were threatened with jail for kicking us off of public property so you know you make that choice we chose we it was early in the evening and we wanted to keep evangelizing we just moved yeah we actually moved to a better place that we wouldn't have so God used that and that's really that's where using discernment and and wisdom comes into play that officer is he lying maybe he was maybe he wasn't maybe he's ignorant and so right and so you're you being able to address that pull in a supervisor get additional information but also at the same time use wisdom hey maybe this you know maybe the the right thing to do in this case is to say okay we don't want to cause any further problems where can we go so that we can continue to do what we're supposed to do and we're not interfering and guess what now you've you've removed yourself from being in a position of creating further drama so you can continue to do what you want to do and guess what you can now do you get the officer's name you get the information and you go and you file a complaint with the agency and I know sometimes yeah so there are ways to address that but you saw our
- 02:34:19
- Apollo and my apologies for having to go off on a tangent that didn't relate to what you were speaking to but that's what the problem is is when we don't have that information but I'll say this look if you always realize you don't have to say anything to an officer okay there's you get your lawyer that you you have that right but let me say this we said this earlier what's needed here is a revival okay this is what's needed we we need people who are going to go out and share the gospel and let me just say
- 02:34:57
- I mean the gospel is really clear because you know I was I was in the
- 02:35:02
- I was in the gym today talking to this guy he wants to talk you know he's basically arguing that the what
- 02:35:08
- Christianity is all about him being a black American is it is it is about you know revolution love and revolution and I'm like that's not
- 02:35:19
- Christianity okay and so it's interesting because he suddenly didn't want to be there when all of a sudden it's like no what the
- 02:35:26
- Bible says is that you and I break God's law we are sinners were criminals in God's sight we deserve an eternity in a lake of fire for every single lie we've ever told because God is infinitely holy and because he is infinitely holy and infinitely just he must punish every single sin to the fullest weight and the reason it has such a heavy punishment is because it is offense against God and that is why every one of us are guilty and deserve eternity in a lake of fire but God I love that part but God made a way of escape
- 02:36:08
- God came to earth Jesus became a man he who knew no sin became sin that we might become the righteousness of God Jesus Christ took the weight of sin the punishment of sin upon himself on that cross he went to that cross being fully
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- God truly God truly man he as a man could be a substitute for you and I and as God he can pay an eternal fine for more than one person because of his nature because of who he is this is what makes
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- Christianity from every religion because it's not about the things we do it's what
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- Jesus did it's that he in his nature specifically who he is then when he died on that cross he made the punishment he took the punishment of sin that you and I have done upon himself he suffered that full thing you say but there was only a few hours he was on the cross but he is an eternal being and being an eternal being he can experience that eternal eternally so it's who he is and so what we end up seeing is that is only through Jesus Christ that we get forgiveness of sins what
- 02:37:22
- Christianity is about is about Jesus Christ the fact that he came and died on a cross as a payment of sin that you and I who did the crimes could be set free and if if we recognize how much we deserved hell and Christ forgave us of that then we want to love him and serve him it's a motivation change we're not trying to make ourselves better we can't we're trying to please
- 02:37:52
- Christ we're trying to please the one we love and that's the more important message in any of the stuff that could be politically and if people in this country understood the true gospel message clearly if that was being preached everywhere in this country
- 02:38:09
- I think we would have a different country because they'd stop putting a substitute gospel of God is love
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- God loves me the way I am God should love me yeah I'm still getting the emails from the guy that wants to you know argue for gay
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- Christianity to say that we could you could have affirming Christianity and the reality is no that's blasphemy that makes a mockery of who
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- Christ is so what we need is the right gospel the true gospel of the
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- Bible to be spread that's what we need and we need a revival so my challenge to those of you listening who are
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- Christians are you willing to stand up about politics and argue for Trump or or a third -party candidate or whoever you want then how much more should we be willing to stand up and preach the gospel how much more should you be carrying tracks with you so you can hand people tracks that they get the gospel how much more as Christians should we be about the business of the gospel that's my challenge and just to let you know tonight we were supposed to have let you guys know that some of the shows we got coming up for you got a lot of good shows
- 02:39:16
- I think coming up we are we were supposed to have the godless grandma on here she is someone who claims she was a
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- Christian for many many years decades she's now proud atheist promotes the the
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- LGBT community and she responded to Layton flowers on the issue of God's sovereignty and human responsibility and someone asked me well were you would you respond to this
- 02:39:44
- I said better yet I reached out to her and said would you come on and I can answer the questions you are raising about God's sovereignty and human responsibility that'll be a fun discussion so that didn't happen today because she couldn't make it which was fine and we rescheduled so next week
- 02:40:03
- I'll have John Harris on John Harris from conversations that matter podcast we're gonna talk well we're gonna talk a little bit about Christian nationalism because someone sent us a video to review a who can we say sermon yikes it was about a 20 -minute lecture lecture maybe because there wasn't any
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- Bible in it really was taken out of context and and warning the church against Christian nationalism
- 02:40:33
- I'm not really a big fan of Christian nationalism but we'll talk about that John is so be a good discussion but we're gonna review a video that yikes
- 02:40:43
- I'm just saying you want to be there for next week there will be no show on the 8th because of the veil conference that I mentioned already so if you want to be part of that church at the
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- Vale Valley Baptist Church that is going to be the 8th to the 10th so the conference starts that night so we won't be doing a show that night but on the 15th
- 02:41:06
- I'll have an atheist on we had him on before his name is Bill he I had a debate with him in Texas and this is gonna be an interesting one
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- Chris because the the topic we have come up with is have atheists gone too far this is an atheist who loves
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- Justin Peters ministry and he thinks atheists have gone too far and so I agree with him but we're gonna talk about guys that you know basically talk about you know having you have
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- Bill Maher and others who are coming out and saying we need more of a
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- Christian influence so that will be on the 15th on August 22nd we'll have godless grandma on I actually have the dates wrong
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- John Harris is coming on the 29th so I don't have anything for next week so we'll figure
- 02:42:04
- I might have to move to see if Matt Slick is available because I scheduled him for September 1st and I think we need to do that August 1st because all
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- September let me look at the so so September is going to be counseling month we have some of our speakers at striving fraternity our
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- ACBC counselors my pastor and his wife are ACBC counselors they will all be on the topics we're going to cover different counseling topics
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- I don't know if we're gonna get to all of them but we we are going to talk about anger anxiety communication depression marriage money parenting and sexual sins and so those are the the list of things we plan to cover in September so we have a lot of good shows coming up for you
- 02:42:55
- I'll have something planned for October when we get closer but I this was a longer show
- 02:43:04
- I try not to go too long I hope this was helpful thank you for the 250 people that were watching live hope to see you guys next week it is good
- 02:43:14
- Chris that you could come in last minute especially with this topic and your background being law enforcement it fit in well let's go to check out voice of reason radio and you can hear his wisdom with his with his co -host their