Hysterical! - J.D. Greear Boldly Declares Black Lives Matter!

AD Robles iconAD Robles


The SBC is saved from their original sin! The clip I review here was from a tweet by Robert Downen. I have not watched the full video nor do I plan to. A friend on twitter told me that in the full video JD denies supporting the official "Black Lives Matter" movement. As ridiculous as I think it is to use the catch phrase/battle cry of an active, evil, enemy organization, while simultaneous trying to make a distinction between you and them.....I thought you should know that. #NoDespair2020


All right, well, somebody shared with me this very important message from J .D. Greer. J .D. Greer is the president of the
Southern Baptist Convention, and I want to watch it with you. I figured we'd watch it together,
I'd give you my reactions in real time, and we'll just have a little fun with this. First things first, before we even get started,
I don't know, it doesn't look like quarantine has been very good to J .D., it really doesn't. He reminds me of every white dude you see on that show
Live PD when they stop people in Missouri. It doesn't look like quarantine life has been very good to him.
He's as white as ever, as pasty as ever, but he's got an important message, and I'm ready to hear it.
So let's lean in, shall we? A priority.
We realize that especially in a moment like this one, we need our brothers and sisters of color, we need the wisdom and leadership that God has written into their community.
I agree. J .D., now I'm starting to, listen, listen, I'm here, baby.
You need me, baby, you need this wonderful, milky, chocolatey skin, yeah, you need some of this perspective, there's no question about it,
I'm ready. I was thinking about it today, that my subscriber count has gone up the last month, more so than it's gone up in the last quarter or so.
So thank you for subscribing, by the way, if you're new, I appreciate it. But I was thinking that J .D.
Greer and Gospel Coalition and ERLC, they've got a bigger platform than me. It's time for them to yield some space, and I have to say that it's about time they heard the
Puerto Rican perspective. You don't really hear a lot about that, you hear a lot about blacks, and that's pretty much it.
You hear about blacks and whites, and I think we need some Puerto Rican perspective. I am the
Puerto Rican perspective, and you know what, while we're at it, I mean, I've got the native Taino Indian perspective that no one's got that perspective more than me.
I also have the black perspective too, 20 % African slave blood in this skin, baby.
So I appreciate this, I agree, I could not have agreed with him more. It's time to get the black and native perspective, and I'm willing to give it.
Listen, I won't even charge you, I won't even make you promote my books, all you need to do is yield some space to me.
And maybe bow down to me as well, maybe. Don't do that, don't bow down to me.
But I appreciate that, it's time for you to shut up and yield space to me. I demand it.
We know that many in our country, particularly our brothers and sisters of color right now, are hurting.
That's true, there are a lot of people hurting, and so, again, I demand that you yield space to me.
Now. I don't know, he doesn't look well to me.
He looks like he's had some stressful times. I don't know. We need to say it clearly as a gospel issue.
Black lives matter. Of course black lives - Did you hear that? Did you hear that?
Did he say black lives matter? What's he talking about, man?
Maybe I misheard that, hold on, hold on. Say it clearly as a gospel issue. Black lives matter.
Of course - He's slurring his words, man. What is that? Look at that. Of course. Of course.
Is it me, or is he slurring his words? Something's not right here. This might be one of those deepfakes, you know what
I'm saying? I've always heard about those deepfakes. This might be one of them. As a gospel issue, black lives matter.
Of course black lives matter. I don't know why I'm so interested in that.
It sounds kind of German. It sounds kind of German. Lives matter. Maybe that's different from black lives matter, because he's saying -
It seemed to be saying, if this really is JD Greer, this deepfake seemed to be saying that black lives matter.
Black lives matter is a very anti -gospel organization. He seemed to be saying that this is a gospel issue for us to support black lives matter.
That's a little weird. Because I don't really know - He must be saying that, because I don't know a single
Christian who doesn't think that black lives, in the generic sense, matter, right? That's not a position.
So he must be talking about the current, you know, zeitgeist, the black lives matter movement, which is pro -sexual perversion, which according to the real
JD Greer, or maybe that one was the robot. The real JD Greer thinks that the Bible whispers about that.
So maybe he is okay with that. Sexual perversion, the destruction of the nuclear family, all kinds of socialism and Marxism and stuff.
Black lives matter is a horrible, horrible organization. Horrible. Horrible. And he just said it was a gospel issue to say, black lives matter.
Of course, black lives matter. He must say, he must be talking about black lives matter, which
I know nothing about. Because there's no way he means black lives matter. Let's listen to that again.
Say it clearly as a gospel issue. Black lives matter. Of course black lives matter.
Why did he say it like that? He's slurring his words.
He really is. Black lives matter. Our black brothers and sisters are made in the image of God. Black lives matter because Jesus died for them.
Black lives are a beautiful part of God's creation and they make up an essential and beautiful part of his body.
What's this thing? I've noticed this. I first noticed this with Matt Chandler. And it's so kind of, it's kind of, it's creepy.
It's creepy. White people have this need to call black people beautiful. It's almost like they're trying to convince themselves in their own mind.
It's really kind of creepy because you would never hear a white person say about another white man that he's a beautiful man.
But for some reason, whites are bending over backwards to call black men beautiful.
And it's really kind of condescending. It's almost like when your dad, when your mom says that you're the handsomest boy in school.
It's really weird, man. It's creepy. Have you noticed that? Am I the only psycho that's noticed that? That they just have this weird idea, like they just got to say, beautiful, he's a beautiful man.
I saw someone call Thabiti a beautiful man. And it's almost like they're trying to convince themselves that he's beautiful.
And it's like, dude, you don't have to call a man beautiful. You could think he's a cool guy. You could think he looks handsome, he's a good looking guy, something like that.
I guess you could think that. Can you think that? I don't know. Lives are a beautiful part of God's creation and they make up an essential and beautiful part of his body.
And we would be poorer as a people without them and other minorities in our midst. That's why
I'm saying you need to yield some space to me because you'd be poorer if you didn't hear my content. Come on,
J .D. Greer, put your money where your mouth is. You're not talking Nonya, are you? My friend,
Jimmy Scroggins, pastor down in Florida, and saying that Black Lives Matter is an important thing to say right now because we are seeing in our country the evidence of specific injustices that many of our black brothers and sisters and friends have been telling us about for years.
And no, no, no, we're actually not. We're actually not. Nothing has changed.
If anything, the numbers have gotten better than they were before. And they weren't like they weren't terrible before either.
You know what I mean? So the number that's actually not what we're seeing, J .D. Greer, he is talking about Black Lives Matter.
I was trying to give him the benefit. I'm a generous guy. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. And I thought maybe he was talking about some other organization called
Black Lives Matter. But no, he's talking about Black Lives Matter. And no, we're not seeing anything.
It's not an important thing to say because we're seeing all these injustices that we've been talking about for years.
We're not seeing those injustices, not in any pertinent numbers anyway. I mean, like nobody's up in arms about, you know, how
I'm going to go there. No, J .D.,
we're not. We're not. We're not seeing the injustices against blacks. And we're also not seeing the injustices against blacks.
And by the way, let's not respond by saying, oh, well, all lives matter. Of course, all lives matter.
But if it's a course like you just said about blacks, then why not say it? I mean,
I don't say that because I know that there's no actual Christian position that says all lives don't matter.
So it's pointless for just to say it. But let's not respond.
Of course. But you just said, of course, black lives matter. So then why wouldn't I? I mean,
I don't know. I've heard it described this way.
Say you're in a group or with a group at a restaurant and the waiter brings the food to everybody except for one guy at your table, your friend
Bob. And so you say to the waiter, hey, excuse me, Bob deserves food. And somebody at your table corrects you to say, no, no, no, all of us deserve food.
Well, that's true. But you're missing the point. Bob is sitting there by himself without food. And so we are saying we understand that that that that many of our black brothers and sisters have perceived for many years that the processes, the due processes of justice have not worked for them as they have for some others in our country.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Greer. That's that's that's a weird analogy, because even in the way you worded it,
JD, like, you know, this is a bunch of malarkey. You know, this is stupid because you just said, well, what if we all ordered food and then one of us didn't get the food.
All right. So we all ordered food. Someone didn't get the food. And then it's like, well, that guy deserves food too.
Well, yeah, of course cuz he ordered it so like it's missing and so like you should it's not like I just Perceive that he should get some food to it.
No, it's just like we all ordered it at the same time It's standard operating procedure for the restaurant to bring you the food at the same time that's part of why you go to a restaurant so you could all eat together and It's a real thing that's missing, right?
But then if you notice he said blacks have perceived for a long time that they've been treated unfairly in this and that and sometimes the perceptions reality
But sometimes it is it like for example when you say that it's open season on blacks for police officers to kill blacks and blacks are
Killing police black whites are killing police officers Anyway, that's a weird analogy man, that's weird for blacks or blacks
By the way, like Jimmy like dr. Scroggins says let's spare each other the quotation of stats right now, you know, if you talk to Let's spare the each other their quotation of stats right now why because they're devastating to my case
Liar liar objection on what grounds because it's devastating to my case. No, JD Greer We keep we need the facts like we need to Let's spare each other the specs
But the facts are the whole thing Because because there's like riots in the street right now, which apparently you're supporting because it's in the name of black lives matter
Well, actually I'll give you credit you only support black lives matter But the thing is there's rise in the streets on the premise of a step of data that is incorrect
Because when you say well blacks have perceived an injustice in policing for a very long time
But then you look at the stats and there is none of that Then you're saying like don't talk about the stats, but the stats are what's at what the problem is
Like why would I not talk about the stats? I have to talk about the stats because the perception doesn't match up with reality
And so we have to talk about the stats. Why wouldn't we talk about the stats JD Greer? This is not helpful
I know a lot of people are gonna call this helpful and I always ask when someone says something's helpful
I always learn it. Why is it helpful? This isn't helpful. This is this seems to be saying hey listen
I know that I know that that this is the perception and I know that that you you know
That this is actually not real, but just don't say anything Don't say anything because it's important for us to say black lives matter because Obviously black lives matter, but don't say all lives matter because obviously all lives matter
I don't know. I don't know. This is confusing. This is pretty confusing
Oh that they can tell you about their experiences and how some of them can be quite different from from others in our country
Everyone's experiences is different but like and you're entitled like I said this in a video the other day I said you're entitled to your own opinion and emotions
But like you're not entitled to your your own facts like you don't have your own fact set and so the statistics actually are vital for this conversation because if one person says well
I believe XYZ and the other person says well I believe ABC and those are opposites and then the data says
XYZ Then we know what to do there like we need to we need to correct Those people that believe
ABC and and what we really need J .D. Greer's actual leadership where you can correct the record where you can say well hold on a second guys
Let's not you know divide the church like a couple pizzas saying that black lives matter and supporting it is a gospel issue
And it's the reason why it's important to say black lives matter is because there's all these injustices But I know you have data that says there aren't all these injustices
But just ignore the data because this is a gospel issue like what what planet does a gospel issue
Include falsehoods and When there's evidence brought against the falsehood you just don't talk about it because black lives matter
And it's important to say that why well because Obviously all black lives matter This is really weird.
This is a weird little snippet here. We want rights and privileges to be extended to everybody
Priority Rights and privileges to be extended to everybody what does that mean? There's probably more to this that I'm not saying but I mean
This is why we also need statistics because we need data here because which rights and which privileges aren't being extended to black people
They could that would be very helpful here, but apparently we're not allowed to talk about that don't talk about that Don't talk about that because then you would know that I'm talking out of my
Anyway, that's enough of that a little bit of a silly mood today. No question about it Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.
God bless Seriously though if you're looking for some black perspective or some native native perspective or any of that even slave perspective
I can give that I got it all I got a lot of talents I got a lot of intersectionals and so I can give you that I even knew
I was I was born in Virginia, but I was in the Bronx and I was in Connecticut and then Maryland so I got like South North I got it all man.