Awesome New Website Recommend Lets.Church

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, everybody. God bless you. I hope you are having a good Friday, man.
It is Friday. We made it. I hope you had a productive week. And for all of you people out there that have been praying for me and my business and all that kind of stuff, let me just say thank you.
This week was very productive. A lot of hard work went into it, but closed a bunch of deals this week.
And so I finally feel like I know what I'm doing again. So thank you. Thank you very much. Your diligence, your diligence sometimes pays off.
I wanted to just do a very quick video today. This is something that I've been promising a friend I would do, and I just haven't gotten around to it yet.
But I found the perfect opportunity to do it. A friend of mine, I had a chance to meet him a few years ago at the
Fight, Laugh, Feast conference. And he's a software engineer, overall, just all around great guy.
And he's been working on a project on the side that I think is really cool. And it's called Let's Church.
And I wanted to show you this. And there's a real life use case that I have about Let's Church. Number one, all of my videos on YouTube can be found on Let's Church.
And that is really good news. If ever I get a video taken down off of YouTube for whatever reason,
I can't imagine what it would be. I put out wholesome content. But if it ever happens, you will be able to find it on Let's Church.
And all of our videos are here. It's a wonderful option. And for those of you who don't want to watch
YouTube, you're not interested in it, all my videos are here. There's no ads on them as well if the ads bother you.
I know some of you, the ads really do bother you. And that's fine. That's totally cool.
I'm not trying to get rich off YouTube or anything like that. I'm giving you permission to check out my videos on Let's Church.
It's in beta mode, but it's really cool. And the best part about Let's Church is it gives you transcripts to everything.
And the transcripts are searchable. So every word that I say, every crazy word that I say, whether you think
I'm a genius, whether you think I'm average, whether you think I'm hit or miss, or maybe you think I'm the biggest idiot of all time, every word, including these words right here, will be available on a transcript for you to search.
It's a Fed's dream. You can search the transcripts and find out things. But I'll tell you what, it's actually really cool.
And I heard of someone testing this out with James White. By the way, the dividing line's on here too, which again, that's awesome.
The dividing line is on Let's Church. Somebody searched the first time that James White said the term
Uber rights. You know how he always says that about the gays, the Uber rights. And they searched it and searched the searchable thing, and they found the first time he said it.
I don't remember what it was. It wasn't me who was searching that. But it's really, really cool.
So anyway, here's the use case. Listen to this. This is how awesome this is. Somebody asked me, because I had mentioned off the cuff that Ligon Duncan, you remember
Ligon Duncan, the Ligon Shuffle? He had said one time that one of the reasons he went so woke is so that he could avoid his grandchildren becoming gay, essentially, being susceptible to gay rhetoric.
So he gets a little woke to avoid his children falling for the gay stuff, which is really stupid.
And I remember at the time I said it was stupid. But someone said, it's not that they didn't believe me, but it just sounds so outlandish that they're like,
I've got to see that for myself. Can you show me the video where Ligon Duncan, Ligon, you remember
Ligon, gets all excited. That's a classic video. Gets me real excited. Immigration gets them real excited.
Anyway, can you show me the video, AD? And I was like, sure, I'll think about it. And so I went to YouTube and I searched
Ligon Duncan on YouTube, one of my videos. And it turns out I only have four videos with Ligon Duncan in the title.
And I looked at the four and I watched some of them and there's some old good stuff there, but none of them were the video
I was looking for. And I thought to myself, oh no, that must mean that the video wasn't about Ligon Duncan, or at least it wasn't titled to be about Ligon Duncan.
And how am I going to find it now? And then I remembered, let's search. Let's, let's, let's look it up.
So here's how you search. It's so cool. You could search the transcripts directly from my channel screen.
So look, here's my channel and you can see all my videos are here. Hundreds and hundreds. And this is just one page.
There's just hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of videos here. Let me show you something. What's this? I'm going to type in Ligon Duncan.
Let's just type in Duncan. That'll be better. Well, that's not it. Duncan. Okay. Duncan.
So you can see here, I typed in Duncan and over here, there's eight media items that mentioned
Ligon Duncan. So that's the videos here, right? So that's that. And then in the transcripts, here's where it shows you each time like Ligon Duncan is named in the transcripts 22 times.
I haven't really talked about Ligon Duncan that much. So anyway, so I looked through these and I was thinking, hmm, so this one would not have come up on YouTube because it's not titled
Ligon Duncan, but Ligon Duncan is definitely in the transcript. So anyway, I looked through these and this one didn't look right.
This one didn't look right. This one, Ligon Duncan gets all excited. You got to watch this video. This video is classic
AD. If I do say so myself, this is a really funny video and Ligon Duncan pretends to care about black people.
That's not it. What does sheep's clothing look like? And I'm just looking through these and I'm like, man, which one is it?
I can't remember. And I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking. And then I remembered. Oh yeah.
Here it is. It's social justice exposed comments on the ShepCon conference. I remember now, I remember
I was, it was the Shepherd's conference Q &A and Ligon Duncan was there and he was explaining himself.
So I clicked on that video. Oh no, an error. Well, anyway, there's a, there's an error here.
It's just still in beta. So you gotta, you gotta give it, you gotta give it some time. And so I clicked on here and you know, this is the, this is the video and the transcripts over here, right?
This is where every word I said in this video, again, no matter how crazy you think I am, they're all here. The feds can search this too,
I guess if they want to. Anyway, but you can download this transcript too, which is what I did. I downloaded the text version and here it is.
This is every little word that I said. And so the first thing I did was I searched gay.
You know, I did a, I did a word search. I typed gay because that's what it was about. And I looked at the first one and no longer be gay.
And then I was like, oh yeah, it must've been LGBT because he probably wouldn't have said gay. That's a little too harsh for Ligon Duncan, but he probably would have said whatever their propaganda term is,
LGBTQ plus community. So I started reading LGBTQ plus and here it is right here.
This is Ligon Duncan talking. Let's see here. So I said, so this is me, but that's not what
I wanted to talk about. I wanted to talk about, did you hear what he said? And you know, it's a little hard when I'm just talking off the cuff, it's not a speech or anything.
So it's just following my train of thought. And I said, let me go back a second and let me find out what he said.
And here's what he said. He said, and in fact, my concern on this is that do not drive our grandchildren into the arms of the
LGBTQ plus issue. And so anyway, that's the point.
So I found it right. And so then I went to the video and I went to the point in the transcript, roughly where it was.
And I found the part where Ligon Duncan says that he, you know, went woke and one of his concerns, one of the things he considered when he decided to go, you know, woke and talk about racism is that he didn't want his grandchildren to say, oh, my, my grandpa
Ligon Duncan's a racist. So maybe he's wrong about the gays too. And all of a sudden I like Jimmy down the street.
That's what his thought process was Ligon Duncan. That's what Ligon Duncan said. It's right here in the
Shep conference Q and a, and I would not have been able to remember that most likely without the searchable transcripts on letschurch .com.
And no, it's not letschurch .com. It's lets .church. And I've got a channel on here. I think
James White's on here. There's a few others right now that are on here as well. I'm going to try to convince John Harris to get on here too.
I mean, this video has got to be on. I would love to see John Harris would be perfect for this. Let me just say, John, are you going to listen,
John, listen to me, listen to me, John, you would be perfect for this because I'm a little crazy. And so like my train of thought is a little crazy and maybe it doesn't really translate well into a transcript.
You know, it'd be hard to follow the transcript if you're following me because you know, I don't really have notes and I'm not, you know,
I'm just off the cuff. Right. But John would be perfect. And the thing is, John, John stuff has chock full of information.
He has those PowerPoint presentations. Sometimes I'll make fun of him on the side for that, you know, in a nice way. I find that helpful person.
I like the PowerPoint, but it's a very different style than me. But, but if you want to remember, oh,
John was talking about this. Yeah, he was talking about that one church. You could search his transcript and I bet you
John's transcripts here would be so orderly. They would be orderly and very easy to search and get and look through and all that kind of stuff.
By the way, guys, this is just the beginning. Let's .church has big plans and he, as you can see, there's some errors here.
He, it's a beta, it's a beta right now and he's working on it. And by the way, this is all free, by the way, this is all going to be free because this guy is on board with the
Dorian principle. This guy's work, this guy's working for the church. I'm, I'm a huge fan of this website.
Let's .church. And I think you will be too. Check it out. Again, if you want to watch my content, but you don't want to watch
YouTube, this would be a really good option. There's no commercials or any of that nonsense. And I, I think we ought to support this kind of thing.
This is a really cool effort. Can you imagine if all your favorite podcasts, your favorite churches that had, you know, online sermons use
Let's .church and you could easily go through the transcripts and recall things like, like you could just type it in real quick and find, oh yeah,
I remember when he was talking about that. Or it could be pretty dangerous too. I don't think Owen Strawn's going to be using Let's .church
anytime soon. Because that man flip -flops more than, what's a thing that flip -flops a lot?
I don't know, like a pancake, a pancake flip -flop when you're in the pan, you know, or a pizza. No, pizzas don't flip. What am I talking about?
Pizzas. Pizzas, you throw them up in the air. They don't spin around though. Yeah. Owen Strawn wouldn't want to use this because then he could easily, you know, type his things into the transcript and be like, oh yeah, two months ago you were for Christian nationalism.
And then a couple of years ago you were woke. By the way,
I get no financial benefit from doing this and I'm not being paid for this. And I don't know if the guy who's created this website would be pro me, you know, gently ribbing
Owen Strawn for being a flip -flopper and for being an overall annoying human being. But, you know, it's my channel so I do what
I want. And you can, and if you want to find out all the times I've talked about Owen Strawn and how I used to support him and how, but I realized that he's actually kind of a little bit of a grifter, sort of, you can look it up on the transcripts on Let's .church.
And you could say, AD, you're a flip -flopper. You used to And I'll say, whoa, you know, circumstances change, things change.
What can I say? You want to call AD out on his nonsense? Just search the transcripts and say,
AD, you used to say this and force me to answer you as to why I've changed my opinion.
I think that would be helpful for the church. Do you? I really do because a lot of times people will just disappear things into the ether and then they don't want anyone and they pretend like they've never changed their position.
This happens a lot in evangelicalism. Evangelicals, you shouldn't do this. This is a little bit dishonest.
I'm not going to say it rises to the level of sin, but it's a little dishonest to pretend you always held certain positions that you clearly didn't always hold.
It would be helpful for us, just the common folk, a guy like me, to know why you change and why your opinions change.
And so Let's Church would be great for that because I could be like, hey, Owen, Mr. Owen, back then you said this and now you're saying this.
Could you explain to me why your opinion changed? And we could hold their feet because we got it right there in the transcript.
It's in the transcript. You know it's got to be true. It's got to be true. Anyway, this is a really cool website.
Most of this is just having fun, but I really do think this is a really cool website. The guy is working hard, the software engineer that I know that has built this, he's working really hard on this and I understand why because it is awesome.
It is awesome. There's a lot more coming and I just wanted to introduce you to it because, again, again,
I get no financial benefit from this. This is not about money. This is just about, this is a cool idea. I remember when he first told, he's in a
Signal chat with me, he first told me about this idea. I was like, yeah, that sounds like something. That sounds like something. He texts me a bunch of stuff about it and I haven't been as responsive as I wish
I could be on Signal. Maybe he's a little fresher with me, but in any case, Let's .Church.
Check it out. Call me on my nonsense. Search my transcripts. I'm giving you permission to search my transcripts.
Call me out on nonsense and force me to do videos about why I changed my positions if I ever did.
That's my challenge to you. Let's .Church. I hope you found this video helpful. Have a great weekend, guys.
I hope you found it helpful. By the way, Owen Strachan, we're going to get into that next week. We're going to get into that. We're going to get into Owen Strachan next week because he is incorrigible.