Jemar Tisby Exposes My Frustration with Trump

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#NoDespair2020 #Trump2020 #MAGA


Alright, so I wanted to do a video about Donald Trump. I'm going to do more content about Donald Trump, but this video,
I've kind of wanted to time it right, and it seems like the right time, so I've got a lot of frustration with Donald Trump, even though I'm planning on voting for him in November.
And I thought this thread by Jamar Tisby could help me launch it, because I think it'll frame it in the right way.
So here's what Jamar Tisby says. He's retweeting an article from The Atlantic, and the title of The Atlantic article is
Trump Secretly Mocks His Christian Supporters. Former aides say that in private, the president has spoken with cynicism and contempt about believers.
Now, obviously, I don't believe reporting from The Atlantic. I don't care if it makes a difference to me. The chances of it being true the way it's written are about zero.
This is typical fake news. This is like the epicenter of fake news, no question about it.
But Jamar Tisby's jumped at the chance because he senses an opportunity to spin a yarn, and I want to address the yarn he tries to spin, because it actually doesn't really work for him.
It actually works against him. Here's what Jamar Tisby says. He says from the outset, he pulls out a few quotes from this article.
Here's the quotes he decides to pull. From the outset of his brief political career, Trump has viewed right -wing evangelical leaders as a kind of special interest group to be schmoozed, conned, or bought off.
The other quotes he pulls out are this. It helps that Trump seems to feel a kinship with prosperity preachers, often invincing a game -recognizes -game appreciation for their hustle.
To those who have known and worked with Trump closely, the notion that he might have a secret spiritual side is laughable.
If a man becomes famous through the art of the con and thinks he has no reason to ask God for forgiveness, then it is entirely predictable that he would also consider those with deeply held religious convictions fools and schmucks to exploit.
And so Jamar thinks he's blowing the lid off this thing. And Jamar Tisby is, he's a political operative, but he's a very poor political operative.
He's not sneaky. Everybody sees exactly what he's doing. And I've, I've, I've, I've talked about this for years regarding Jamar Tisby.
And all the chickens come home to roost just exactly like I said, they would with Jamar. He's not sneaky.
He's an operative. He's a Democrat. He's a pagan. He's not a Christian either.
And so it's just hilarious that he's trying to use the Trump's not a Christian approach against him because here's the reality.
Pretty much every person who's voted for Trump in a public way, in a bombastic kind of public way has recognized, yeah, this guy's, this guy's clearly, you know, professing to be a believer, but there's no real fruit of it.
I mean, you're right. I mean, someone who doesn't think that they should be, they need to be forgiven for anything and doesn't understand the first thing about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Likewise, I would counter Jamar, someone who gets mad when people do forgive because they've been forgiven.
Like you did Jamar. You got mad at that black guy who forgave that white cop for killing his brother.
You also don't understand the first thing about the gospel of the kingdom of God. And so it's really hilarious to see a pagan try to criticize someone else for their pagan beliefs as well.
And so, um, the, the, the self or Trump wasn't that he was a, a strong Christian who was going to implement perfect justice according to scripture.
Obviously there are many, many people that I would prefer to be president than Donald Trump. But the thing with Donald Trump is that he panders to Christians.
He said he's going to do things for Christians as a special interest group. And then he went and did them.
And so the reality is that, that, that politicians, a lot of people have noted, have, have pointed this out. Politicians, this is what they do.
They pander to special interests. And so what we need to do is ideally we would have a
Christian who would say, okay, I don't care about pandering. I'm going to do what God says. That's, that's the ideal leader.
The ideal leader fears God, right? Fears God and hates a bribe. These are the very basic qualifications, right?
Fears God, hates the bribes, hate partial, hates partiality in every way. Hates dishonest gain.
Very, very minimal qualifications. But barring that, right? Trump, I don't think fears
God. Barring that though, we have a choice. So we've got politicians who pander to people on both sides.
We've got Democrats who pander and we've got Republicans who pander. That's our options. We've got people who are pandering.
And so when you look at who they're pandering to, that should be the difference between, you know, who is able to be voted for and who you definitely shouldn't vote for.
I'm not saying you have to vote based on who they pander to, but clearly who they're trying to please and who they're trying to pander to should make a difference.
And so it is light years better to have a president who is not a believer in and of themselves pandering to people who are believers for Christian things.
So in other words, if Trump is a pro -life person or if he's just pandering to pro -life by electing pro -life judges or nominating pro -life judges, that is far superior to a person who is pandering to mullic worshipers.
That is far superior to someone who is pandering to people who are covetous, people who are trying to steal, people who are trying to murder.
Like obviously we would prefer to have someone pandering to Christians than pandering to Muslims, pandering to pagans, pandering to mullic, pandering to Baal, pandering to all these things.
Like obviously that is far superior. And so I don't really see what the big revelation here is.
So he thinks that he should schmooze or try to please Christians and I'm supposed to look at that as a negative?
I mean, I just don't understand that. I don't understand that even in the slightest. Like this is how you know
Jamar Tisby is in La La Land, right? Like he's got other agendas. He doesn't care what actually
Christians care about. He doesn't care what the scripture teaches. What he cares about is his own personal interests.
He cares about blacks getting plunder from whites. That's what he cares about. He wants the plunder.
He wants the stack. He wants the drips, hallelujah. That's what he cares about. He's a political operative and a very, very poor one.
Political operatives that are good are sneaky. Jamar Tisby is anything but sneaky. He is obvious.
He telegraphs his past. He's like, he's like Sam Darnold on the Jets. Like everybody knows exactly where he's throwing it.
It's not, it's not sneaky. We can shut it down at any time because you know exactly what you're going to do before you do it.
Jamar Tisby is the worst political operative maybe in all of all time. There's just no question about it. That's what
I'll say about him. But what's frustrating about Trump is that, is, is this pandering thing?
Because he seems to know the problems that exist with our culture, with our politics and stuff like that.
He seems to have his finger on the pulse of a lot of that stuff. And he, while he does pander to Christians, he typically does it in a halfway kind of a way.
He's been really good with these judges thing. A lot of people were saying he would never elect good judges and he's actually elected some good ones.
Now, I don't believe that anything's going to be done about Roe versus Wade in our country. I just don't believe it. We'll see.
Hopefully I'm wrong. I don't believe anything's going to be done with, with, with a lot of this stuff. But, but at the end of the day, the judges that he has installed are far superior than the judges that would have been installed by people that are pandering to Moloch, Baal, you know,
Muslims, pagans, secular people, all that kind of stuff. That's obvious now.
Um, but it's frustrating though, at the same time, it's very frustrating because Trump knows that, that the, like, like, here's a perfect example, like, like this whole pandemic, right?
One of the things that, that Trump did was he wanted to cut taxes or delay taxes or, or, you know, uh, cut the, uh, the, the employment tax or things like that, a payroll tax and stuff like that.
And that's one of, it's, it's such a good thing, but it's so frustrating to me because like Trump knows how to stimulate the economy, right?
It's not through taxes. It's through tax cuts. It's through making it cheaper to employ through making it cheaper to be productive.
Like that's how you stimulate the economy because you always get more of the things that you make cheaper, right?
So if you want people to hire more employees, cut the payroll tax, he knows that's the solution.
That's how you stimulate an economy, right? And yet, so, so here's my, here's my frustration with a guy like Trump.
If that's true, then why don't you always do it? If it's all, if it's good for the economy to have low payroll taxes, then have low payroll taxes or no payroll taxes.
If it's good for the economy, if it's good for the economy to cut taxes in this way, don't just do it in times of pandemic.
Always do it. It's like always a half baked measure. You see what I'm trying to say? So like, there's so many issues that you could look to Trump and be like, you obviously know the problem.
So how come you're doing this halfway? A lot of times, the thing with Trump that's frustrating is that his language is very big.
He taught, he has a lot of bravado and he'll say very bombastic things. But then when you look at what he actually does, it's very mild in comparison.
What we need is someone like, there's so much to like about Trump. Don't get me wrong. Again, I'm going to vote for him and the rest of my
YouTube channel for the month until November election day, I'm going to be putting my case forward for why you should vote for Trump and why you definitely cannot, cannot vote for Joe Biden.
It's, it's, it's a sin to vote for Joe Biden. I'm not saying you have to vote for Trump, but it's a sin to vote for Joe Biden. I'm going to make that case over the next month.
But, but the thing is like, like that, that's what I find so frustrating about Trump. Like he obviously knows the issues, his bravado is there and a lot to like about the bravado, but then the, the, the actual measures are very mild reforms.
Trump is going to go down in history as a very mild reformer. Now I'm glad he's making the reforms that he's making.
These are good, but this is not going to be like the game changer. What we need is someone who's willing to say, not only do
I, not only do I stand against your restrictions on any kind of gun control in any way, but what we should do immediately is make automatic weapons legal and tanks and things like that.
That should be legal for private citizens to own as well. How do you like that? Because that's an actual principled stance that you could defend with the
Bible and is actually going to make a change because we're just nibbling at the margins here.
Oh, bump stocks and, and 30 round magazines and stuff like that. No, no, no, no. We should legalize automatic weapons.
That's what we need to do. We should completely get rid of the income tax. That's what we need to do. Forget about this nibbling around a 2%, 2%, 3%, 4%.
Forget it. Just eliminate it. That's what we need to do. Like stuff like that. Things that are actually principled according to scripture.
Now I understand that someone like that probably couldn't get elected and that's probably why I'm not a politician, but while that's preferable, while someone who will seek to apply the general equity of God's law in its entirety in a modern context completely, that would be preferable.
Barring that, I would prefer a politician who panders to me rather than a politician who panders to Mullick and Planned Parenthood and Acorn.
Acorn? I don't remember. But anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.