Conference Message: The Fatal Flaw of The Pro-Life Industry


Pastor Jeff Durbin was the keynote speaker at the Equip + Go Conference. In this message Pastor Jeff talks about the fatal flaw of the pro-life industry and why the Gospel must be central in our move towards justice. You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:


So the title of the message for today is the fatal flaw of the pro -life industry or the fatal flaw of the pro -life
Movement and you might think as you are listening to this or someone's listening to it later.
You know, what's what's a Jeff Durbin doing? With a message against the pro -life industry or against the pro -life movement.
It seems odd, right? I mean, I'm the head of end abortion now. I'm a pastor
We have raised up over 700 local churches mostly across the
United States or America But now around the world we have them in Northern Ireland, Southern Ireland. We have them
People raising up in Australia and New Zealand and Canada all over the world But what am I doing preaching a message or giving a talk against the pro -life industry?
It seems strange For a pastor to be doing something like this But I want to encourage you to to be humble enough to listen and to think through this issue as a believer
And in particular, I'm really glad about God's providence That is as sobering as it is to go to an abortion facility and to stand outside there and preach the gospel and try to Love those mothers and fathers and to know that they're murdering babies behind those doors
You went today and so hopefully today you're in a place where you're thinking about this biblically
Your eyes are peeled wide open and you're ready to receive truth in terms of how do we really?
Face down this monstrosity That's been going on for so long in this nation. That's responsible for way over 60 million children being slaughtered and killed in the womb and So I want to say fundamentally the reason
I am doing this talk and I am continuing to pursue Confronting the errors of the pro -life industry and the pro -life movement is because I'm a pastor
Because I believe that this is the Word of God. I believe that this is the standard and What I discovered
I want to just sort of tell you just a bit about my own testimony and getting into this
Saving children at the abortion mill and and putting legislation into numerous states to criminalize and to abolish abortion
I like many of you would have said that I was pro -life as a pastor I did what most pastors do on Sanctity of Life Sunday at the beginning of the year
We do the annual message against abortion Of course We talked about the murder of the unborn in our coffee shops with other believers and in fellowship and Bible studies
You just sort of assume the title of pro -life. We're pro -life because the answer is yes, we are
That's a biblical word life There's nothing wrong with the term that I'm for life whatsoever but as I got into this and began to be challenged myself on What I was not ultimately doing as a pastor to do anything meaningful to save children's lives
And as I began to actually get into this this movement to ultimately end abortion
Began to discover some fatal flaws some major issues and problems of the pro -life industry that opened my eyes to the truth
Opened my eyes to the fact that as Christians we have a position that is
Antithetical to what the pro -life industry leaders believe and what they're working towards My eyes were opened and I was to be honest very shocked at what
I discovered about the pro -life industry what they believe And what they're working towards and even not working towards and so We began going to the abortion mills.
We were a young church I was a pastor a chaplain at a hospital a drug rehab and so very small church body
But very brand new believers disciples of the Lord Zealous for their faith and we were challenged by other believers who were going to the abortion facility saving lives
And of course, I watched the film babies are murdered here and was truly challenged by rusty
Thomas's message in there about blood guiltiness If you haven't seen babies are murdered here. Make sure you go watch that.
It's for free. It's on YouTube We also have babies are still murdered here. That's out as well. We were challenged
We start going to the abortion mills and as this was happening I began to discover that the people that I thought were our allies these leaders of the pro -life industry people that I even knew
I began to discover that they actually didn't share the same worldview that I did They didn't share the same commitments that I did as a
Christian and as a pastor. I'll give you an example of this I had a a good friend who was on my radio program.
She's known In Arizona as sort of the leader of the Christian right political
Side of things she has an organization called Center for Arizona policy. Her name is Kathy Harrod and we were friends.
She loved us She adored us. She was on our show. We've had lunch with her We spent time with her when people were trying to erase her building to the ground in a way
Because they she was putting in some legislation that they didn't like the leftist didn't like I went specifically to find her in that building
She was on a different floor and hiding and I prayed with her and encouraged her so we had a good relationship, but as we really started to Get into this discussion and to really fight as Christians and as a local church to actually criminalize abortion in the state of Arizona She discovered what we believed about abortion that it is murder and we were working to abolish it or to criminalize it
And so I asked her to come to one of our first conferences for end abortion now It was really odd Kathy always answered my phone calls and she always called me back in a timely manner
She wasn't answering my phone calls and she wouldn't call me back. And so I think a couple of weeks went by I was really confused.
I'm leaving messages Why isn't she calling back? And then finally I got through to her and I had a phone call with her again This is the leading pro -life industry leader in my state the one responsible for so much of the legislation the pro -life
Legislation that happens in the state of Arizona. We're on the phone and this is where I was delivered the shocker
Because she's a professing believer and I thought she was really on our side I asked her why she wasn't going to come to our conference and she says
I can't participate and I said why and she said Well, you guys are calling abortion murder and I said well
Kathy I thought that you believed that this is human life from conception She says she does and I said
I thought that you believe that this is the unjustified taking of human life And she said I do I said well
According to biblical and legal definitions the unjustified taking of human life is murder, right?
And she said well, I understand she said but I have too many sisters in Christ who have abortion in their past and I could never say that they're guilty of murder and So what
I realized at that moment is that we have a pro -life industry a leader who's not operating on the basis of the
Bible She's not operating on the basis of principle. She's operating on the basis of emotion and because of that because she's operating not on the basis of the authority of Jesus Christ and the
Theano stas breathed out word of God we have children being slaughtered in the state of Arizona because she actually works against the abolition and Criminalization of abortion in the state of Arizona.
I'll give you all what's your appetite for a moment here? So you understand this year? Praise God all glory to God this year and abortion now has been able to either get in the
Legislation or work with those other churches who have gotten the legislation in we've gotten legislation for equal protection and criminalization of abortion
In Arizona in Texas in South Carolina. We work with our brothers and sisters in Oklahoma Good news is we're right now working with Louisiana Florida and with Pennsylvania for similar bills of equal protection and criminalization is happening right now right now
So praise God by the way praise the Lord that is unprecedented that has not happened in 50 years of Roe vs.
Wade is something is Amazing right now, but where we are as a church when you let the church into this issue stuff starts to happen
God starts to move But just to give you again what's your appetite tell you a bit about this year in January We're held we held our rally in the state of Arizona for equal protection for the criminalization of abortion in the state of Arizona We put a bill in essentially the bill says this you're human from conception all humans in the state of Arizona deserve equal protection
How's that sound? Sounds pretty good, right? It sounds like something we should all get behind as Christians and you would think it would be something that the pro -life industry that says
Professes that they believe that it is human from conception that they would also be behind something like that Well the day we held our rally our bill was in we announced the legislation.
We held this big rally strangely the pro -life groups in the state of Arizona didn't want to come they didn't want to attend and Then Kathy Harrod began to do a public response to our legislation of equal protection human from conception equal protection for all humans in the state of Arizona Sounds good, right?
Sounds like the pro -life industry should be behind that she came out that day after the rally and she said she could never be behind legislation that would punish the mother at all and She said because we believe in the pro -life movement industry that mother and baby are both equally victims and There's the fatal flaw of the pro -life industry
She's not an anomaly That's what they believe We have on record we have interviews that God and his providence don't ask me how this happened
It is an amazing thing that had happened. We have interviews face to face with the leaders of the pro -life industry
Internationally not people who were on the bottom of the totem pole the very top Saying exactly that we do not want to call this murder and we see mother and baby as equally victims
These are the people leading the fight against abortion internationally, they're the people we had to fight against in Northern and Southern Ireland who tried to get their hooks in when abortion was legalized in Northern and Southern Ireland in the
Republic of Ireland When it got legalized the pro -life industry was trying to actually get
Get their foundations into those Countries so they could begin working and of course raising money and fighting against abortion in a country that had originally called it murder
And criminal we had to fight against it because we had churches We were working with there to call it murder and to work again for the criminalization
The pro -life industry was working against us and our message and saying you're either with them or you're with us
This is a matter of a distinction that goes to a gospel distinction and a biblical law
Distinction and a consistency distinction. So we have to start with some quick things.
Okay some foundations Let's build some foundations together. How do we fight against this because at end abortion now, we're doing two things
We're doing and raising up churches that are doing what you did today going to the abortion facility
Preaching the gospel Offering hope and help to the mothers and fathers that are going in offering even to adopt their babies
We're going there to save lives where lives are being taken Okay, and we're raising up churches to do that.
We give them free training. We give them free resources We give everything away to the churches. We ask for nothing in return
It's all to bless those churches and to raise them up. We're doing that but we're also working on the track of the legislation
We're bringing a prophetic voice to the legislature Demanding that they actually uphold justice that they bring equal protection and that they obey
Jesus We're doing both things and amazingly we're doing that and it is more successful Than the pro -life movement has been in 50 years in one year
We have all of these different states with bills that are going in for equal protection. Have they passed yet? No, but we know what happens to mustard seeds
Amen So foundations number one foundation the problem with the pro -life industry
And it's also a problem of the Christian Church in general right now in the West is a problem of the question of authority
You might have heard me say this many times before the question is this who is in charge here now when
I say here I don't mean just here in this church building. I don't mean just in your homes I'm talking about who is in charge of this universe this physical world
Everything happening here. And of course heaven the spiritual realm who is in charge here
Jesus says in Matthew 28 18 through 20 He says all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me
You hear me preaching that a lot because it is a major problem in the evangelical West We have disregarded what
Jesus says in the Great Commission These are his parting words to his disciples as he ascends to sit on his throne and to receive this kingdom
Jesus says to his disciples in the first century under the boot of Rome He says all authority now stop and pause for a minute because you have to think about that.
What does the word all mean? Oh Everything all
Authority in heaven and every Christian says yes to that. We agree with that Jesus is king over heaven.
Jesus is king over the spiritual realm and all that. We all agree with that no one has any question about that, but Jesus says all authority in heaven and Here's the problem on earth.
You see we love the idea that Jesus is king over heaven We've neglected the truth of the
Great Commission where it says that Jesus is King has all authority Here now and earthly matters in the earthly realm the physical realm today
You catch the past tense of it. Jesus says all authority in heaven and on earth Has been given to me that was in the first century.
He's not waiting to receive that authority He has it now all authority.
So Jesus had all authority over Caesars He had all authority through the 2 ,000 years of church history
He has all authority today and that it sort of brings us to the question are the earthly governments of this world
Expected ultimately to obey Jesus You really gotta stop and think about that one because as Christians in the
West we don't act like that anymore When this nation was began when it was started they did believe that They did act like that.
You had the Huguenots the Puritans you had Covenanters that came over here They were starting a new world to preach the gospel to a place that they had not been before They were developing a new civilization and they had a whole history behind them where they understood certain things about government
They understood certain things about the church and they had a pretty well -defined doctrine Regarding it they understood the role of the king.
They understood the role of the church They had fought very serious battles and shed lots of blood
Because of this particular conflict they understood that Jesus is king over the church and he's king over the state
The state is a separate sphere and it's a distinct fear from the sphere from the church But it is also supposed to obey
King Jesus You see they understood these Christians in history understood that the Great Commission is not simply about having people start a personal romance with Jesus The Great Commission is about winning the nations to Jesus Christ to win the world to Jesus To disciple the world and to teach them to obey
King Jesus See that's part of the Great Commission. We preach it all the time
We have organizations that help to get that Great Commission going and get it out into the world and be faithful toward it
We have that happening all over the world and praise God for it. But the Great Commission actually says all authority
In heaven and on earth has been given to me on that basis because it's all mine go get the nation's
So go win the nation's Christians because Jesus is the king of kings and Lord of Lords He has all authority and what's the ultimate goal of the
Great Commission? Jesus says to do what? Get the nation's Not just individuals the nation's baptize them and to do what teach them to obey
Jesus That's the Great Commission. We have to ask ourselves the question. Do we believe in the
Great Commission? You understand what it means is do we see the extent of it? And so there's a problem in the pro -life industry, but of course in the church as well
Regarding the question of authority who's in charge here now I'm gonna challenge you on this because you really we need to be challenged on this.
Do you believe truly that? Your legislature here in North Carolina and of course in this nation must obey
Jesus You see we've put the legislature and politics into the realm of neutral Right, but they're not allowed to have commitments to Jesus.
They're supposed to be a neutral thing We have separation of church and states, by the way, separation of church and state is a
Christian doctrine We gave that to the world here welcome secularists, but it doesn't mean what you think it does
Separation of church and state did not mean separation of God in state or separation of morality in state separation of church and state
Was from a very long battle that Christians had look at the history of the Covenanters where they understood that God actually judges
His people when the king tries to take the role of the priest or vice versa in Scripture God actually punishes the state for trying to actually take control of the church and In history the
Christians were trying to avoid the situation They had in England where you had like a Church of England situation where the king got to tell the church what to do
Great stories of the Covenanters brothers. There's some really cool stories. I actually was in John Knox's church in Edinburgh Last year, it was a truly amazing experience to see the places where the
Christians were tortured where they were dragged down Cobblestone streets where they had their thumbs broken their legs broken where they had their where they were hung and their heads were cut off After being dragged a mile down the street, you know how they would have been preserved from all of that Do you know the one thing that would have got them away these
Christians that were naked Exposed to the elements and actually kept outside in Scotland That's hard to do by the way to survive that living off of like two ounces of bread a day or something like that Do you know the one thing that would have had them get out of that problem?
They were in just simply say the king has authority over the church That's it. All you had to do was say the king has authority over the church and You escape you live you don't get beaten.
You don't get your thumbs broken. You don't get your legs broken You don't get your head cut off You get out of the gates of this little prison this makeshift prison
They made you get to get your clothes put back on you're not exposed to the elements You're crying children get to escape this persecutions difficulty
Why all you had to say was the king has authority over the church They refused to say it because he said the separation of church and state
The church has its role before God the state has its role before God, but both are to be before God the true
God you see the Christians that began this nation understood something that the God of the
Bible has authority over the state and The state has a role before God Romans 13 says it the state has a role before God to be
God's minister God's deacon Romans 13 highly abused this last year during kovat.
Amen. Yes Romans 13 obey the government obey the government. No, no, no Romans 13 is prescriptive not descriptive
He was in Rome when he wrote that for goodness sake He wasn't describing Rome and the
Caesars as being faithful to all those things He was being prescriptive about the role of the government to be
God's deacon which God which God The true
God so what's the role of your legislature in North Carolina according to Scripture? What's the role?
To be God's minister you see the church has ministers and the state is to be a minister of not a pagan
God a Minister of the true God that's the role of the state to execute justice to protect the righteous
That's the role of the state and Paul said that in first century Rome with a Caesar who said he was
God That the state is created by God to establish justice now challenging you again
Do you believe that your legislature must obey Jesus? God does
Psalm chapter 2, you know the psalm again if you haven't read through the Bible of the Psalms in full
Hopefully you made it to Psalm chapter 2. Okay, Psalm chapter 2 is a spectacular section of description where you actually see
Trinitarian theology Long before Jesus comes to the earth in the Incarnation you see Trinitarian theology there
Expressed but it's amazing It actually has a conversation between the father to the son in the
Old Testament Psalm chapter 2 The father says to son to the son ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance
The very ends of the earth for your possession. So I always say this my teacher.
Dr Greg Bonson when he would talk about that section of Scripture Psalm chapter 2 he used to say this
Do you think Jesus forgot to ask? Ask of me.
I'll give you the nations for your inheritance the very ends of the earth for your possession We know Jesus didn't forget to ask because when he ascended to be seated, what did he say to his people go get them?
They're mine. I Have all authority in heaven and on earth It's powerful, isn't it?
But then the father says a warning speaks a warning to the kings of the earth He says obey the
Son or you'll perish So Jesus all the ends of the earth are yours the nations are yours
And then the father says to the kings of the earth the kings of the earth. He says obey the Son or you will perish
So does the father believe that the kings of the earth have a responsibility to obey Jesus Psalm chapter 2 absolutely
Yes, and we by the way believe this we understand this it's part of it's part of those verses
I've been talking about lately with you guys this last couple of days I've been talking about the fact that we have so many spectacular verses in Scripture.
Now, let's be honest We're numb to sometimes we just miss the implications we just miss like how powerful it is and how big that is and how grand and majestic that is and Here's one that we understand
Daniel chapter 7 verses 13 through 14. Daniel says he's looking the night visions He sees one like a son of man coming up to the kind of being on the clouds
Coming up to the ancient of days and it says and to him was given dominion glory in a kingdom that all the people's nations the men of every language might serve him and It says his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which will not pass away and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed
That's the extent and scope of the gospel of the kingdom. We're gonna talk about that some tomorrow
But we understand this as Christians. Listen, we put this all the time on t -shirts and bumper stickers. We put it on posters
It's we always say it. Jesus is king of kings and Lord of lords Here's the problem we act like we don't really believe it
We act like it's not actually true It's just this pithy Christian slogan we throw out about Jesus is king of kings and Lord of lords
Have you stopped to think about what you're saying when you're saying king of kings and Lord of lords?
You're saying that Jesus is the king over the kings of the earth today That he's the
Lord over the lords of the earth today That he has all authority today, is it merely a
Christian slogan for us or do we actually believe it Because we're approaching this issue in a way
That looks like we don't really believe it So those are some foundations in terms of what's wrong with us and what's wrong with the pro -life industry
It's a question of authority who's in charge here Now there's also a confusion of roles
I just described it a bit to you the confusion between the church's role and the state's role
We think that the church has the is the is the place to bring salvation
This is the place Jesus is king over he's in charge over here in the church But the state is this neutral zone or neutral sphere over here where they don't necessarily have to obey
Jesus We have bought into a fiction We have bought into a fiction something that is not biblical and also get this not
Historical Christians developed a very solid biblical
Consistent perspective of the church and the state spheres in the history of Christianity a very solid biblical
Perspective and we've lost it today. We bought into the lie that the government in America can't have a devotion to Jesus Christ Did you know that by the way when the
Constitution was going to be written in our country? This is just a side thing You can look into this when the Constitution was being written in our country and it was about to you know
Come out. There was a huge debate and disputes, you know, why? Because in Christian nations historically they would recognize
Jesus Christ as the king over that nation They would recognize and they would actually point to Jesus Christ and the
Word of God the authority of Scripture in their founding documents or in common law and all of that and the covenanters actually had their whole history of Covenanting with Scotland covenanting with God and naming specifically
Jesus Christ as king over Scotland in the Hawaiian Islands if this is an amazing story 1820 to 1840 in the
Hawaiian Islands 1820 to 1840 Christian missionaries got there in 1820 and by 1840 they converted the
Hawaiian Islands to Jesus over 90 % of the Hawaiian natives were professing faith in Jesus Christ in 20 years of missionary work
Powerful, do you know how hard that is to do? This is these are pagans on islands in the middle of the ocean and these
Christians crossed the Pacific Ocean They're nuts and they planted and they won
Them to Jesus Christ up to the Queen and the government and they created the
Hawaiian Constitution You know what? It says in that Constitution these people they understood their history. They understood how to do it, right?
The Hawaiian Constitution says that no law of the Hawaiian Kingdom will be at variance with the laws of Jehovah God They named the biblical
God in their Constitution and there was a big fight when our Constitution was being created because they said these descendants of the
Covenant errs These solid believers said if you do not name the triune God of Scripture in your
Constitution If you don't name Jesus Christ in your Constitution, you're gonna lose your nation Because there's always gonna be an ultimate and if you're not naming the specific ultimate from Scripture Then the government becomes
God the government's now ultimate and now this nation is open to all kinds of paganism
If you name a general God now, you can have the deist God you can have the any other pagan
God That's that's allowed you have to name Jesus. They were right by the way They should have named
Jesus We have a problem and a confusion about the church and the state We don't think the state has to obey
God, but according to Scripture Romans 13 The state is supposed to obey the true God. It's God's Servant, it's not supposed to be the servant of another
God of a foreign God of a false God It's supposed to be a servant of the true God and remember the role of the
Great Commission Tells us the goal of the Great Commission is to win the nation's to Christ and to bring them to his obedience
Teach them to obey him We have to understand that the church is God's sphere his
Institution his body that is the salvific arm of his purposes in the world
We understand that don't we we bring the gospel to the world. We bring mercy missions to the world
We bring transformation and the people of God sanctification all that takes place in the context of the church
But the state according to Scripture is supposed to again be God's minister God's deacon and is supposed to execute justice
He bears the sword The state is supposed to actually execute justice.
That's the role of the state There is church and state in Scripture. You have different spheres of government.
There is personal government There is family government. There is church government. There is state government all those spheres of government are supposed to be under who?
Talk to me guys Jesus the true God So question of authority.
We've got a problem with that We've got a problem about the confusion of roles of church and state
Scripture says God is supposed to govern both The state is supposed to acknowledge the true
God obey the true God be God's deacon and the church Of course is supposed to do the same in terms of our
Being submitted to the authority of the true God. We have a confusion today about God's law
You might be asking question. How does this all relate to the issue of the pro -life fatal flaw? You're gonna find out in just a moment here.
So hang on a confusion about God's law and justice. This is a big one This is a big one
It is a massive problem You ever run into somebody that says that they believe in Jesus Christ, but they just want to live how they want.
Oh Your heads are nodding right run into lots of those. I trusted in Christ It was amazing when
I was working at the hospital as a chaplain I ministered to thousands of patients gave the gospel to Thousands and thousands of people and I cannot tell you how many people that were in my office for counseling
Who were in on detoxification medication all of that they were in front of me who told me that they were saved and Told me that they were saved at a young age or they were saved ten years ago and I would ask questions like oh, okay
You're saved. And so you're in the tough position right now. What happened? Where's your church?
Oh, I'd have never gone to church You're saved you love Jesus you never had any desire for worship
He never had any desire for fellowship with God's people. You don't have a love for God's people. That's odd And people would would often tell me, you know,
I'm saved and but I don't really I'm not into the church thing And well, have you read your Bible at all?
No, you know, I never really read the Bible. What makes you think you're saved Well, I prayed that prayer once What would he mean well
My grandfather sat me down on his leg once told me he said do you want to go to heaven or hell and burn forever? You know,
I was four it freaked me out. So I said well heaven He said great repeat this prayer after me and I did that so I'm saved, right?
Thinking that the gospel is something where nothing really happens to a person. It's not the gospel of Scripture Salvation is a gift of God by the grace of God through faith in Jesus alone apart from any work at all
But what the gospel tells us in Scripture is that when God saves a person from their sin he begins to transform them out of it as well a
Person goes from a place where they love their sin to where they hate their sin and now they're at war with it and they're In a constant struggle with it.
Amen All of a sudden now we go from a place of not loving God's law to loving
God's law We have a popular belief today that people actually say you see actually this is the way things are the
Old Testament is the big mean God He's the God that's so concerned with justice. He's the he's just the
God of law He's just sort of the oppressive God and it's just very strict and it's a he's very holy
He's very holy there. He's very concerned with holiness and justice in the world and all that you know equal weights and measures and don't show personal favoritism and justice in the courts and He wants people to care for fatherless children and all of that stuff
You know, that's that the God very serious about his character and his holiness in the Old Testament But you know along comes
Jesus in a New Testament and really he's the agent of God's grace and mercy and and really what we have in Jesus now is we have this transfer from the big mean
God of the Old Testament who cares about justice and Righteousness to Jesus who really just he's concerned about saving us and bringing us to heaven one day and having us leave behind our
Physical bodies and sort of escape this physical world into the spiritual existence out there. Welcome to Gnosticism, by the way
But that's really what it's about, you know, it's just really about just going to heaven one day and you know, Jesus saves you Didn't care about anything happens in your life, you know, so just punch your ticket and that's it
False fiction lie Not true But it's very popular today very popular today.
We have a confusion about God's law and justice a couple things We have to talk about first.
I was amazing in the back Went to go seek out a bathroom back there and I went to the classical school section over there, right?
It's very cool I love you have a classical school here And as you as you walked on the hallway here on the right side, there are all these things about the attributes of God.
I Absolutely love that the attributes of God and as I was going back there today
I actually passed by when I looked and I was like, oh I'm preaching on that Just a minute here and it talked about God's immutable immutability
Do you know that means God is Unchanging He does not change
He's eternal and he is unchanging and God actually says his hope for his people. I am the
Lord I Change not therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed because I don't change
I Don't change that means that the God of the Old Testament and the
God of the New Testament are the same God With the same character with the same concern for justice and righteousness and mercy and love there's no difference
It's the same God. God is Unchanging we know from Scripture and there look we could do we could do an entire conference for four days
Straight from morning to evening on just the passages that talk about God's concern for justice
It's overwhelming to be honest with you all the passages that talk about God's concern for justice in the earth
He's the just God We hear again that there's a pitting of the New Testament versus the
Old Testament and in Scripture You just don't see that you don't see that I'll give you an example just a quick one as a reference to look at go look at it later
Romans chapter 3 This is a section of Scripture where the Apostle Paul gives us amazing systematic explanation of the gospel itself
And this is a section where he actually says there's none good. There's none right. There's none righteous There's none who seeks for God their tongues are open or their tongues
Poison of asbestos under their tongues their throats are open graves There's no fear of God before their eyes and he describes that that's all of humanity
Jew and Gentile. That's you that's me That's everybody and then he says on that basis. The law will never justify you.
It cannot justify you That wasn't its purpose. It can only shut your mouth before God. It just shuts you up There's no bragging before God's throne with his law in front of you.
You're a sinner. There's no hope in the law to save you We know that and that's where Paul gives the amazing explanation of but now
Apart from the law, even though it's been witnessed by the law on the prophets. We now have
Christ We have Christ who's his propitiation for us He's the diversion of wrath the full satisfaction of God's wrath so that God can remain just Did you get it and the justifier are the one who has faith in Jesus?
So what's the point of Jesus ready? So that God would remain just why because he is not dismissive of your sins and my sins
He actually answers it in Jesus so much for the New Testament God being different than the
Old Testament God No, you see in the cross of Jesus Christ primarily Supremely the justice of God his concern for justice because why does
Jesus die? He dies on that cross because God is a just God who will not simply
Dismiss your sins or just forget them as though they didn't even happen He actually punishes them in Jesus Christ so that he can forget them and let them go
Do you get it? God is a just God But then
Paul says in that same section of Scripture this ready Romans 328 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of law get it.
Praise God. There's sola Fidei faith apart from the works of the law is faith over here alone by itself and Paul says therefore
We conclude that a man is justified declared righteous by faith apart from the works of the law
There's your sola fidei. There's faith alone. But then after saying that he says this are you ready?
Do we then make void the law through faith so many evangelicals today would say yeah
Yeah Yeah, we do don't we I mean, isn't that the whole thing? We're saved by grace through faith
So we don't have to obey that oppressive law anymore. That's not the theology of the Apostles It's not the theology in a
New Testament. That's not what Jesus taught people when he said go in the nations he said teach them to obey me and Paul says you are saved and justified through faith and through faith alone apart from works of law
But being in Christ in that way does not mean now you actually make void the law
Paul says on the contrary Because of this faith we establish the law Because you're saved through faith alone apart from works.
We establish the law now that is biblical soteriology
That is the biblical perspective of what takes place in a person's life when they go from darkness to light brothers and sisters
Ezekiel 36 gave a promise of what's gonna happen in a new covenant It's a glorious promise and if you're in Christ now, it's about you and it's about me
God says in the new covenant. He's gonna do something powerful. He says he's gonna put his spirit within people
He says he's gonna cleanse them of all their idols and he says what he's gonna do is he take a heart of stone?
He's gonna turn it to a heart of flesh and cause them to observe his statutes
He's gonna cause people by his spirit to observe his statutes Which statutes is
Ezekiel referring to in Ezekiel 36 which statutes the known statutes the known law of God?
That's the glory of the new covenant is God saves people and he does what to them?
Transforms them. He regenerates them. He makes them new you go from being an old creation to a new creation
Okay, brothers and sisters. You got it. There are some foundational issues. We've got the question of authority who's in charge here
We've got the confusion of roles church and state and we've got the confusion about God's law today the
New Testament Apostles Assume the abiding validity of the law of God Now what does
God say in terms of this question of the law of God and justice I'll give you three points of contact write them down go get to know them later
Isaiah chapter 1 Isaiah chapter 9 Isaiah chapter 42
Isaiah 1 9 and 42 Let me just point you to this God's unchanging
Isaiah 1 God actually challenges as people read it. It's powerful. It'll cut you deep God challenges the people in Isaiah chapter 1.
He tells them he doesn't want their prayers. He doesn't want their sacrifice He doesn't want their worship
This is a covenant people of God He tells them don't do it He says that he's weary of them.
They're a burden to me their prayers their worship their rituals They were doing everything externally to look
Christian Best way to describe that they were doing everything externally to look like the covenant people of God Look, we have our worship.
We've got our rituals. We're raising our hands. We're singing our songs We're saying our prayers and God says I'm weary of them.
Stop He didn't want their worship. Why that's our purpose.
Why? He says your hands are filled with blood Your hands are filled with blood and he says to them
He says that they have all of this injustice all around them and they won't do anything about it So he says to me says cease to do evil
Learn to do good. Are you ready for this one? Ready? Correct oppression He says bring justice to the fatherless and plead the widow's cause
You know, I find so fascinating by the section of scripture Isaiah chapter 1 brothers sisters come back I know you had a long day, but stay with me because this is massive.
It's huge. It's powerful Isaiah chapter 1 is the section of scripture that most every believer knows
But we don't seem to know that part of it It's the part before our favorite section where it says come let us reason together says the
Lord though Your sins are as scarlet. They'll be white as snow That's a beautiful verse, isn't it? Isn't it?
Awesome. It's powerful. I'll praise God for that. Thank you Lord for that promise But that verse that we know so well about our sins being as scarlet and then they'll be white as snow is
Literally right after God confronts his people for their blood -filled hands and The fact that they will not correct the oppression around them
And so he says to them cease to do evil learn to do good correct oppression bring justice to the fatherless plead the widow's cause
And he says come let us reason together says the Lord though your sins are as scarlet. They'll be white as snow so the promise of forgiveness is right there on the tail of God challenging his people saying don't even bother bringing your worship to me.
I do not want it. I am weary of it It's a burden to me. Don't even try it and The answer from God is this correct oppression seek justice
Are you ready bring justice to the fatherless? What is taking place in the abortion mill that you went to do today?
You were trying to rescue fatherless children and it's it that's exactly what you can define them as these are these are children
Abandoned by their fathers to death These are fatherless children.
There are many ways to be a fatherless child, but those are fatherless children in there Abandoned by their fathers and God says bring justice to the fatherless
Isaiah chapter 9 is a promise of what God's gonna do in Christ. You know this passage You know the verse well, do you do
Christmas here? Do you do Christmas? Okay. Good. All right. Good. Okay. This is a Christmas church Okay. All right. I love
Christmas, but you know this verse because it's a famous Christmas verse Isaiah 9 Isaiah 9 right?
It's a it's so awesome. It talks about God is coming as a child and a son This is
Isaiah 9 it's it's like 700 years before Jesus It says a son a child is born to us and it says the government should be upon his shoulder
His name shall be wonderful. Counselor Elgibor the mighty
God the father of eternity It says this of the increase of his government and of peace
There will be no end on the throne of David to establish it. Here it is with justice and Righteousness forevermore the zeal of the
Lord of hosts will accomplish this God's gonna do this There's gonna be an increase to his government and peace.
That sounds like a mustard seed becoming a tree That sounds like leaven in a lump of dough It sounds like progress in history, but never forget the issue as God is gonna establish justice
It's not just salvation brothers and sisters. It's not just saving souls for heaven one day
Jesus is the beginning of the new creation He is saving people and he is renewing the world
He's establishing justice Isaiah chapter 42 Was a verse that challenged my fellow elder recently and just opened his eyes to so much
Isaiah 42 is a passage that actually says this servant who is coming He will establish justice in the earth and the coastlands wait for his law
So much for the law of God being irrelevant in the new covenants It says that Jesus is gonna establish justice in the earth
He won't grow faint or weary till he's done. So and it says the coastlands are waiting for his law They're waiting for his law the goodness of God's law and justice.
So Challenge the new of the pro -life industry now that we've laid that down the confusion about authority
The confusion of the role of the church in the state the confusion about God's law and concern for justice
Here's the problem the fatal flaw of the pro -life movement getting to it Jesus says in Matthew 12 30 whoever's not with me is against me
Whoever is not with me is against me. That means with Jesus. He says with him.
There is no neutrality You're either with him or against him So we have to ask ourselves the question.
Do we believe that? Has it impacted us are we challenged by it?
Are we changed by it? Jesus says if you're not with me you're against me That's true in my family.
That's true in my business. That's true of me as an employee That's true of me as a business owner.
That's true of me in the church. That's true of me in the state That's true. You're either with me or you are against me
Jesus says and Whoever does not gather with me scatters the pro -life industry
Professes Proudly that they are not Christian organizations
National right to life Tobias very clearly we have our own record saying it that they are approaching this issue from neutrality
That they have of course Believers who work for the pro -life industry, but they are approaching this not with a commitment to God's Word and to Jesus Christ They are approaching this fight against abortion and she is the leader of the largest pro -life organization on the planet
And she says they are not approaching this as Christians. They're approaching it from a quote scientific perspective
Well, how you can get science apart from Jesus Christ is the question like to ask first and foremost
But that's what she says and that's what they say. They say we're not approaching this as explicitly Christian organizations
What does Jesus say about that? Whoever's not with me is what? against me
So the neutrality of the pro -life movements and industry is a premier issue
They say that they are fundamentally not Christian organizations They say not only are they not
Christian they say that they want to make an abortion unthinkable Which at first sounds?
Appealing we want to make abortion unthinkable and as Christians we say Absolutely, I like that idea of making abortion unthinkable, but the only way you're gonna make sin unthinkable is through transformed hearts and minds
Transformed hearts and minds only come as a result of the gospel itself So if you're fundamentally not
Christian, how do you get sinners to see sin as unthinkable? Okay, this is about the gospel but the pro -life industry this is one of their their famous taglines
They say they want to make abortion unthinkable. Here's what we say in the church Not only do I want abortion to be unthinkable.
We want abortion to be a crime a Crime do you know that in?
Nations what Christians have been fighting abortions since the early church, you know that this has been a fight We've had since the early church
We've had major victories in history some powerful victories in history But we've been fighting against child sacrifice since the beginning of the church.
It was happening in Rome Christians, of course were also saving children Rome Romans were throwing out into the street to die of exposure
We've been fighting against abortion for the longest time. We even had a thriving growing abortifacient industry
In the 19th century after the Civil War in this country But we
Christianity was so in the atmosphere and assumes that is this abortifacient industry rose up Christian pastors
Started fighting against it to shut it down and they started working with doctors
Professor Lee Christian in their fight against this they created a publication to fight against the abortifacient industry and they beat it
Explicitly as Christians you want to know what that publication was that was started by pastors to fight against the abortifacient industry was in America You know what it was the
New York Times We fought this battle before but we fought it as explicitly
Christian And I'll give you one example in Northern Ireland and in the Republic of Ireland Abortion was a crime until a couple of years ago a crime
That you would be punished for they talked about it like murder Historically Christian nations just spoke about abortion as the
Bible does this is murder It's a crime if you kill your child in an unjustified manner. It's a crime.
It's criminal. You should be punished for that It's not foreign in the history of Christianity just to call abortion a to call it murder and to call it a crime
But the abortion industry doesn't want it to be seen as a crime for the mother or the father They think they're victims
Imagine this for a moment now think about this Let's let's take ourselves out of the category of abortion and let's think in terms of other evils in the world
What if you had an industry? rising up in the context of a nation that allowed sex trafficking
Okay, industry rises up to fight against the sex trafficking industry that's happening in that nation and the industry
Says we would like to make sex trafficking Unthinkable, but we don't want to punish anybody involved
Would anybody accept that or do we recognize when we think about that issue?
Not just unthinkable but a crime Right or how about slavery let's talk about slavery see all of our minds in in this generation understand the context of slavery the wickedness of slavery scripture says man -stealing and Kidnapping and enslaving is worthy of the death penalty.
The Bible beat everybody to it Okay, and we recognize though with slavery behind us.
We recognize that we don't just want slavery to be unthinkable We would like anybody who participates in slavery to be punished as criminals.
Amen. Yes But the pro -life industry says we want abortion to be unthinkable But we do not want mothers and fathers involved in killing their children to be punished
Unthinkable, but not a crime for the mothers and fathers who do it so the fatal flaw of the pro -life industry is
This they say mother and father are both victims Mother and father are both victims like the babies
Now what I want to say first and foremost just in terms of Something that should be obvious if you went there today or you've been engaged in this you'll understand this at least in some time
Is that when the pro -life industry leaders say that mothers and fathers are victims themselves? I would say you haven't been to an abortion mill very much.
Have you? Because I cannot tell you how many hundreds and hundreds of women
Have turned around and said to me and to our churches They're going in to kill their babies that they know what they're doing and they have a right to murder their baby
They go in there oftentimes and they brag about the fact that they were going in to kill their child
Sometimes we've had some go in kill their child and come out and dance and laugh But the fact that they've killed their child we have women telling us this is not their first baby
They've killed and it won't be the last one either So when the pro -life industry leaders say mother and baby are both victims
I would say you haven't spent a lot of time outside of an abortion facility But I also want to point out something that should be obvious to everybody
Mothers who are going into an abortion mill demonstrate that they know exactly what's going on inside of them.
Why? It's a compelling argument. You ready for it? Powerful compelling. I'll be put your thinking caps on for this one
You know, they know what they're doing because they're going into an abortion mill. What's that mean?
they know what's growing inside them and They're going into an abortion mill to abort it or execute it
They know what's happening and that's why they're going into an abortion mill mothers aren't confused about what's happening inside their wombs
They know are there are there people who are victims in this? yeah, a small number of victims in terms of women say who are involved in sex trafficking who have been kidnapped and are forced to have abortions against their will
But how low is that number? Less than 2 % of abortions are for rape incest and life in the mother
Less than 2 % are for rape incest life of the mother less than 2 % So that means 98 % of the abortions that are taking place are taking place at will
Because it's an inconvenience and they want to kill their own child The fatal flaw of the pro -life movement is they say that this is an instance where the mother is equally a victim like the baby
The fatal flaw of the pro -life movement is demonstrated recently in my own states in My own state
AZ statute 13 -3 604 has been on the books since the beginning of this
Roe versus Wade, of course took place. I want to tell you this Roe versus Wade I don't have time to explicate this right now
Roe versus Wade is not law Our constitutional system says that Congress creates law not the
Supreme Court The Supreme Court is a court that offers court opinions The states have the right to either agree or disagree with the court that what they're saying is constitutional
We have a long history of this of states saying the Supreme Court's decision is not in accordance with the
Constitution We reject their opinion Look at the Dred Scott case where you have a state that actually rejects the
Supreme Court's demand that they return slaves They say we don't think so.
We reject your decree and your opinion it happens It has happened in our history
But in the United States of America Roe versus Wade took place Many states United States of America still have laws on the books never changed
They call abortion a crime and give penalties for it in the state and they've never been changed
Roe versus Wade does not undo those laws if the states who have those laws
Agree with Roe. They are supposed to change and transform their own legislation to be in agreement with Roe Do you know who else demonstrates that Roe versus Wade is not law?
Joe Biden Back during this last election during a town hall
Joe Biden was asked a question at the town hall from a woman about the Supreme Court and the new
Supreme Court people who are being put on all the rest and she was worried about Roe versus Wade if Trump gets reelected
She said what are we going to do with a Trump administration and a new Supreme Court? What if they undo
Roe versus Wade and Biden seems to understand? More about the the Constitution of this country and Roe versus Wade than the pro -life industry does
Because what he said is if he becomes president, he will actually make Roe versus Wade law
Meaning it's not Meaning it is not it is a court opinion. It is not legislation
Congress makes law in our country Joe Biden understood that during the last election the pro -life industry doesn't understand it
But the pro -life industry in my state this year decriminalized abortion I'll say it again because it sounds a bit nutty and conspiracy theorist the pro -life industry in my state this year decriminalized abortion
After my legislation was put in for equal protection Kathy Herod the pro -life leader in my state.
She resisted that legislation She talked to legislators out of passing it and she said we'll pass this instead.
So she gave her own legislation You know what her said her legislation said you can kill babies in Arizona. You just can't kill the ones with Down syndrome
You can kill babies in Arizona, you just have to give them a proper burial first and Then she slipped into the legislation this repeal of AZ statute 13 -3 604
You know what? That was that was the law that's remained on the books of in Arizona that criminalizes abortion for the mother who kills her child
Kathy Herod the pro -life leader in my state Decriminalized abortion for women
That's the pro -life industry. You might think yourself. Why? Why would ever anybody who believes in protecting human life in the womb?
Why would they actually work to take? legislation off the books that calls abortion a crime for the mother and the answer is the fatal flaw the pro -life movement they see the mother as Equally a victim like the baby.
They say that she's not guilty She's a victim. That is the fatal flaw of the pro -life industry.
They say mother and baby are both victims She is not guilty. So brothers and sisters, they are not working to end abortion in this nation in Terms of it being a crime for mothers and fathers to kill their babies in the womb.
Do they want? someday for abortionists to be Criminalized Charged with crimes for killing babies.
Yes Do they believe that mothers and fathers who kill their babies in the womb are guilty? No, they believe that they're victims
There's the fatal flaw of the pro -life movement. I'm gonna point you to three passages quickly I know
I've been going for a long time here But I want to make sure you guys get the most out of this So I know you're all tired and you've been out all day
So I'm gonna do my best just to spend time going through these three passages quickly I think you need to understand them because they are very very important.
Nehum chapter 1 verse 3 As you get there I'll start in verse 2
It says the Lord is a jealous and avenging God The Lord is avenging and wrathful the
Lord takes vengeance on his adversaries and keeps wrath for his enemies
The Lord is slow to anger and great in power and the Lord will by no means clear the guilty
I'll read that again. The Lord is slow to anger and great in power and the Lord will by no means clear the guilty
What's that say about God's character? He does not clear the guilty
And you may be thinking to yourself as a believer. Well, what's that mean for me? You're in Christ You're in Christ you're counted righteous because of the righteousness of Jesus imputed to you and you are not counted as guilty because Jesus took away your
Sin, you are in Christ. Your sins have been dealt with but here's what God's Character is like regarding guilt.
He will not clear the guilty So when the pro -life industry says about mothers that they've murdered their children
You are not guilty you are also a victim they are lying about God Because we are supposed to be image bearers of God we're supposed to be like God and When the pro -life industry begins to acquit the guilty and to clear the guilty and say you're not guilty when
God says you are They are sinning and lying about God Proverbs 1715 go there
Proverbs 1715 another example of this truth Proverbs 1715
He who justifies the wicked or acquits the wicked that's courtroom language
He who justifies the wicked acquits the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are Both alike an abomination to the
Lord. I think all of us can understand this very well, right? We don't want somebody who was righteous who is truly not guilty to be in a court and to be condemned
Amen, yes, we should all care about that We don't want to be in a church context where we have somebody condemning somebody who is actually not guilty
Slandering them lying about them and condemning them. We see that as well That's an abomination when you condemn a righteous person, but it says equally in God's eyes
It is an abomination to acquit the wicked To declare them not guilty
Now quick question brothers and sisters is what's in the womb the image of God? Is it human from conception is?
abortion the unjustified taking of human life Yes, so abortion is murder in God's eyes
The pro -life industry says from the top mother and baby are equally victims
They say to the mothers who have killed their children via abortion. You're not guilty, sweetie You're not guilty they acquit the guilty and God says to acquit the guilty and to condemn the righteous are both an abomination in his eyes the pro -life industry
Commits what God calls an abomination by quitting the guilty now
I Wanted to say a word here to my sisters in Christ in this room and fathers who participated in the issue of abortion
My church is filled with women who have had not just one abortion but multiple abortions
They are in Christ You are in Christ you are forgiven in Christ you are washed you are clean
You are righteous in Jesus Christ. You are not condemned. Therefore having been justified by faith
We have peace with God you have peace with God We have equal standing before the cross and we are in Christ righteous in Jesus God doesn't see you as the murderer and the liar and the adulterer in Christ anymore
He sees you and he sees the righteousness of his son because you're hiding in Jesus But brothers and sisters the mothers and mothers in my church who have had abortions.
They don't lie about their guilt Why? Because they were confronted with the gospel and their own sin and they came to Jesus to flee from their sin and they brought it
All to Christ. They're honest about it. They don't lie about their guilt They say what they did they call themselves what
God calls them, but they say now I'm forgiven now. I'm saved now. I'm in Christ But we have to think about this in terms of the way
God does when the pro -life industry says you're not guilty God says you are and brothers and sisters.
This is an issue that actually Connects directly to our mission of the gospel.
I want you to consider for this a minute. Just a moment This is not just about legislation brothers and sisters Do you understand brothers and sisters that if the pro -life industry is telling women you're not guilty
You're a victim then they have robbed these women of the hope of the gospel Because you're saying to a woman who's killed her child.
You're not guilty You don't need to come to Jesus for that to ask for forgiveness because you're also a victim
So no gospel for this woman No gospel. No hope no peace
Those times with woman is just sad and broken and depressed and in a dark place because she killed her child
The pro -life industry says no. No, you're not guilty. The church says you are guilty come to Christ and live
Be forgiven be washed Confess your sin. You'll be forgiven So the pro -life movement teaches a message has a doctrine that is antithetical to the message of the
Christian Church Brothers and sisters we fight and war against false Gospels all the time
Whether it's Mormonism whether it's the watchtower what you name the cult we say now now
I know it sounds like the gospel, but this is how they're distorting the gospel. That's not the gospel These people are an object of evangelism for us.
The pro -life industry is saying to mothers. You don't need to repent You don't need to repent of the sin of abortion.
So what have they done? They've robbed these women of Christ I'm gonna just challenge you with this brothers and sisters.
Can we as a church align ourselves with an organization that robs?
Women of the gospel that tells them that they don't need Christ for that my answer is
Never God forbid God forbid Brothers and sisters
Not only does God say that to acquit the guilty is an abomination to say you're not guilty when in fact you are
But in Exodus chapter 21 verses 22 through 25 go read it later. You have a case law example
I want to just point you to this. I'm gonna try to go as fast as I can I know again, it's been a long day. So I don't want to I don't want to punish you guys here
But I want you to think about this God has just given the Ten Commandments in Exodus right before this section
He's just given the Ten Commandments where he says you shall not kill which the Hebrew word for kill there is
Ratzak and it the Semantic domain of the word is murder not merely just kill So God tells his people you shall not murder and then he turns around and gives him a case law
Example of what to do if somebody does murder so don't murder and then he says and here's the case law
Example of what to do if somebody does and what he says there in that section of Scripture When there's a conflict and there's a pregnant woman there and I won't go into all the details
But what he says it ultimately ends if it leads to the ending of human life. He says there shall be equal justice
It's eye for eye tooth for tooth burn for burn wound for wound Well, God says there in that legislative section of Scripture is that for justice to be justice
There must be equal justice eye for eye tooth for tooth burn for burn wound for wound and no
Jesus did not subvert that law in the Sermon on the Mount No, he didn't if you think that Jesus was subverting the law for equal justice
Then that would mean that Jesus is not worthy as a sacrifice Because he would be repudiating
God's demand for justice for victims No, Jesus wasn't subverting
God's law about equal justice there Jesus was saying you've heard that it was said not it was written.
He was addressing their Misinterpretation and mishandling of scriptures where they were using this particular law as an excuse for personal retribution and vengeance
Jesus wasn't dissing the need for equal justice in the courts If he had he'd be subverting
God's standard of justice No, he wasn't But in this case
Exodus 21 God says when there is murder when there's the crime of murder there must be equal justice
Now I want you to see this one with your eyes go to Deuteronomy 19 and we're wrapping up Deuteronomy chapter 19 15 through 21
Listen to what this says it's powerful a
Single witness shall not suffice against a person for any crime or any wrong in Connection with any offense that he has committed only on the evidence of two witnesses or three witnesses shall a charge be established now stop for a moment
You know who said that Jesus and Paul after the resurrection ascension of Jesus Apparently Paul believed that this was still relevant
For the life of the church and for the standard of righteousness, by the way What scripture say about what does Paul say about scripture to Timothy all scripture is breathed out by God It is they on who stoss and he says and it is good for what?
instruction in Righteousness now what scripture was Paul referring to there when he talked to Timothy the
New Testament wasn't complete yet. What was he referring to? The Old Testament he tells Timothy all scripture is breathed out by God and is profitable for training in righteousness
He's talking about the Old Testament But here but but Paul says this he says what you know this right?
He says don't bring a charge against an elder unless it's in the basis of two to three witnesses, by the way That's not just about an elder.
That's about all of us God's standards is this you don't charge people with things without proper evidence two to three
Independent lines of evidence that is that is today under the New Covenant. That is
God's demand You do not accept accusations against another person unless it's in the basis of two to three
Independent lines of witness and even if you have two to three people saying something it doesn't make it automatically true
Then there must be cross -examination to see if it actually is true. It comes from this section right here
Paul quotes from it. He says this only in the evidence of two to three witnesses Shall a charge be established if a malicious witness arises to accuse a person of wrongdoing
Then both parties to the dispute shall appear before the Lord Before the priests and all the judges who are in office in those days the judges shall inquire
Diligently and if the witness is false is a false witness and is accused his brother falsely
Then you shall do to him as he meant to do to his brother So you shall so you shall purge the evil from your midst two things amazing.
I wish the courts had this today Do you hear that? What it says there is that number one you need cross -examination
So by the way, if you like our court system, we have cross -examination Send a thank -you card to Moses Cross -examination is
Christian comes from here. You have to have evidence and you have to have witnesses and you have to have cross -examination
Our court system was built upon the case law system in Moses We're not doing so well today with it.
But what this says is this there must be cross -examination to see if the witnesses are lying But also it says this if the witness is lying and intended to do harm to his neighbor by lying
It says you shall do to the one who is lying as was it as would have happened to the person being accused
Can you imagine how the court system would be saved if the court said if you accuse somebody of rape or murder or theft?
You are going to get the punishment that they would have gotten if we find it out You think that's gonna save the courts a bit from false witnesses bringing false testimony.
I think that it will I Think that it will but here's what it says and The rest shall hear and fear verse 20 and shall never again commit any such evil among you your eye shall not pity
It shall be life for life. Eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot equal justice Equal justice we could talk more about what that means there at some point in the future, but it just means equal justice
But here's what I want to key in on right now Your eyes shall not pity now watch this that doesn't mean that Christians don't have ministries for the jail system we do
That doesn't mean Christians don't preach the gospel to rapists and thieves and all the rest and murderers
It means this in terms of justice in the courts and in the world
We are not supposed to pity People who are truly guilty of a crime
We're supposed to of course love those people try to give them the gospel care for those people
But we are not supposed to enter into the place of pity for a person who has murdered somebody in terms of oh
I'm so sorry You know for you and that you you you've you're guilty of this thing, and I don't want you to be guilty of it
No, you're guilty of it And so the court has something to say to somebody who is guilty of murder or theft or rape or enslaving somebody
Whatever the case may be God says you shall not pity the person who is truly guilty of the crime You should not put you should not pity them and what the pro -life industry does is it sins against God because it says no
No, we need to pity these mothers who have murdered their children and therefore never criminalize abortion for the mother
It's a fatal flaw of the pro -life industry now. I'm gonna end with these Comparisons and just come with me because it's the final word on this
If they are victims then there's no gospel for them we talked about that If they are victims
Then that means the pro -life industry doesn't really believe that it's fully human in the womb Why because if you were to ask any pro -life industry leader?
What should happen to the mother who drove her children out into a desert road?
Parked the car turned around and shot both of her children in the chest What should happen to that mother the pro -life industry leader?
You're talking to without question would say that mother should be brought up on charges. She's guilty of killing her children
But if you ask that same pro -life industry leader, what should happen to the mother who executes her five -month -old in the womb?
They'll say nothing. She's a victim So actually they don't believe that what's in the womb is fully human and deserving of equal protection
There's the inconsistency. I Do horrendous things to their own children, but the pro -life industry on the one hand would say yes
You should punish the mother who does these horrific things to their children when they're outside of the womb But not inside the womb.
Therefore the pro -life industry is admitting to an inconsistency. They don't believe in equal protection for all humans
Because if they're in the womb, they don't deserve equal protection. The mother is not guilty. She's a victim herself now.
I Want to tell you some of the pro -life Industries victory bills these happen on a regular basis.
They're all over the country Number one. Here's a here's a pro -life victory bill cleaner abortion mills
They they praise themselves for these They send out letters to their supporters and ask for more donations
Because they say we got a bill in that says that the abortion facility has to be up to code to kill babies
They say number two and this happened in Arizona You must give the baby a proper burial
So what they say is it's an admission you can kill your baby in the state of Arizona say But you just have to give it a proper burial
They say you can kill your baby in this state, but you just can't use sharp instruments.
I received something from a pro -life industry Recently they were bragging about the fact that they just changed the law in a state and the law
Now says that you can't use sharp instruments to kill the children in the womb and the pro -life industry
Organization that I was getting that from was actually bragging about the fact that they had done this legislation
You can kill the baby chemically you can use other kinds of methods, but you just can't use sharp instruments
Here's another pro -life industry law Legislation move legislative move you can kill the healthy babies in the state, but you just can't kill the ones with down syndrome genetic abnormalities
So kill the healthy ones, but no killing for the reason of a genetic abnormality
But brothers and sisters, do you know what's amazing about this? It doesn't matter because all a mother or father has to do in the state of Arizona is simply say this.
Oh, don't worry I'm not killing it because it's spina bifida. I'm killing it because I hate it
You can't the legislation speaks this way you can't kill it because of the reason of genetic abnormality
So all you have to do is say don't worry. I wouldn't mind a child with Down syndrome I'm not killing it because of Down syndrome.
I just don't want it That the legislation is meaningless It's absolutely meaningless and they receive millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars for this kind of Iniquitous decree
Isaiah 10 it's an iniquitous decree and God says woe to you the writers of iniquitous decrees who write
Oppression this is oppression. You're saying to the state you can kill the healthy babies
But don't kill the ones with genetic abnormalities and they call it victory They say that you can kill a child in the state
But you just must first Have an ultrasound you have to see they have to allow the mother to see her own baby before she kills it
They call it a victory They also say things like you can't kill the baby after say 25 weeks
So you can kill all the babies under 25 weeks But just not over 25 weeks a couple things in responding to this
Can you imagine and and this shows you that we've been indoctrinated by the decisions we've been worked on We have been worked on and we need to change
Can you imagine in say the area of sex trafficking? Legislation going in saying you can engage in sex trafficking pimps can kidnap women you can have these places
You can do it, but you just have to have a clean house
Would anybody accept that ever? Ever about that industry any anybody ever if you heard somebody write that nonsense
They would be laughed to scorn. What do you mean? You can do it as long as your facilities are clean
Are you crazy? Have you forgotten what's taking place in that place?
clean facilities They're kidnapping and doing awful things to women and children in these places and you're talking about clean facilities
We would never accept it, but we accept it with abortion We say oh,
I guess that is a small victory in the area of abortion We can still kill babies, but they got to make sure that their hallways are wide enough and that they have proper cleaning ritual for their facilities or How about this?
What if we had legislation during the time of? The Holocaust that said about Auschwitz you can gas those
Jews you can starve those Jews You can mutilate those Jews. You can kill those
Jews. You just need to give them a proper burial Would anybody accept that about Auschwitz?
Kill the Jews fine, but at least give them a proper burial, but we accept it as a victorious legislation of the pro -life industry or what if we said
You can beat your slaves You could maim your black slaves
Just don't use sharp instruments to do it Would any of that anybody ever accept that kind of awful horrendous reasoning in the area of slavery?
Mame them beat them just use proper tools But we call it victory in the pro -life industry
Or what if we said you can engage in sex trafficking? Just don't do it with any of the children who have
Down syndrome Would you accept it? But we accept it with the pro -life industry or what if we said you can kidnap and enslave a black man
But he has to be older than 18 years old or What if we said you can engage in sex trafficking for women, but not any women who are under the age of 16?
would we accept any of that legislation and That's what's taking place with the pro -life industry and by the way final word on this in terms of why
We need to engage this as the church with the gospel and the Word of God Consistently brothers and sisters because of the pro -life industries legislation done in states where they say you can kill children
Under the age of 24 weeks in the womb But not over and things like you can kill the healthy babies
But not the ones with genetic abnormalities because of those legislative moves put in by the pro -life Industry, did you know that if Roe versus Wade was overturned tonight?
We don't need it to be overturned by the way to abolish abortion in the states But if it was overturned tonight at midnight
Tomorrow abortion would still be legal in states where the pro -life industry has put in legislation that says
You can kill the babies under 24 weeks, but not over They have written legislation in that legalizes abortion in the state
So if Roe is overturned guess what you have to do tomorrow You have to work for legislation of equal protection to do away with the pro -life industries laws
Where they have decriminalized abortion in their own state with their pro -life legislation brothers and sisters
Jesus has all authority The Word of God has to be our standard here This has to be an issue of the heart and the gospel
We have to be a prophetic witness to our culture with the gospel and the law of God That's our call and to give you some encouragement
Thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands. My team has told me pastor Jeff.
You are much too conservative You've got to start being more honest with the numbers They said we're somewhere around like it's got to be at least 30 to 50 thousand children who've been saved
I'll just say thousands and thousands ten thousand They said there's no way the way we're looking at it It's you're talking about tens of thousands of babies that have been saved
Through the churches that have gone to the abortion mill to preach the gospel and to offer help and hope so there's some encouragement for You guys brothers and sisters go out there with the gospel.
You're gonna do more than the pro -life industry has ever done at those abortion mills But also be encouraged this year.
It's 20 20 1 20 21 20 20 was awful 20 21 and we have
Arizona, Oklahoma Texas, South Carolina all have had bills of equal protection and criminalization in already
We have Florida coming Louisiana and Pennsylvania, we've got a rally in Pennsylvania for the bill going in at the end of September That's the plan right now and we're working with legislators in Florida and in Louisiana to get those other bills in That by the way has been a result of the church the church
With the Word of God and a consistent message that has moved these legislators to do the right thing not compromise
Not neutrality. You do not need a large army army to defeat
God's enemies Sometimes God tells his people your armies too big
It needs to be smaller so that everyone knows that I did it so don't be discouraged don't be overwhelmed
It says in Isaiah chapter 9 the zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this
So if you're thinking I don't know how this is possible. I don't this looks like it's too far away It's just not something that's within our our grasp
It says that he will establish justice and the zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this This is his work, but he does it through his church