America is a Place NOT an Idea


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It's not ideas not just to defeat Trump. You have to defeat Trump ism. You have to defeat the idea
That the United States of America is a place and not an idea Welcome once again to the conversations that matter podcast.
My name is John Harris a short episode for you today Gonna be trying to at least start to answer the question.
Is America a place or an idea or something else? And and you may think why do
I care and I'm gonna try to convince you why you should care about that First though.
I want to show you This clip this is encouraging for you guys those who support this podcast
Patrons prayer warriors all of you guys who signed the petition about concerning Liberty University and concerns a
Parental group had about the teaching of social justice and that kind of thing.
I want to show you This clip. This is a recent Clip from Jonathan Falwell.
So he's the son of Jerry Falwell who founded Liberty University And and this is just for those who don't know.
This is the petition I plug this on the program ask Liberty University to release a statement on biblical justice and it looks like almost 1 ,500 people signed this and You know essentially says let's add this to the faith statement because we're concerned.
It was very nicely Worded. I mean, this is the template in my opinion if you have an Institution that is starting to go this direction or you see signs of it
Which I think every institution just about has signs of this if they're do if they have any size whatsoever someone in there is gonna want to be pushing this and This is a just a really great way.
You can go about I think Sounding the alarm while being Concerned and nice about it
And so you can go look at that. I've talked about in another episode So this was signed by many of you a few weeks ago and looks like people are still signing it
So here's what happened two things to encourage you that have happened since then Number one,
I noticed this. No, that's not it. I noticed this. Here we go This is from the
Liberty Champion This is the school's newspaper and the school's newspaper from from everything I know is pretty solid, you know
It's always been I don't think there's been a question there, but they put this out on November 16th Opinion social justice is not the same as biblical justice and there is a whole article here by someone named
John Simmons jr I'm assuming that is a student. Oh the page doesn't exist when I click it.
So I'm not sure who that is, but But anyways that was put out by the the school newspaper then you have this clip from Jonathan Falwell check this out
I've heard in the last couple of weeks in the last couple of months Individuals that have shared with me that they're concerned that Liberty is going to go the wrong direction
That Liberty is going to turn left and it's gonna become liberal and it's gonna become You know an institution that kind of falls into the politically correct realm
Well, listen part of that video that you heard tonight we put it in there for on purpose and for a reason when you heard my dad say that if Year from now or ten years from now or 50 years from now if someone comes along and they're watching that video and hearing
My dad speak and they look at Liberty University and it's gone off the rails and it's gone left and it's gone liberal
It's gone wild and it's walked away from the inerrancy of Scripture and it's walked away from the gospel and it's walked away from its
Original mission and vision you heard what my dad said He said this burn the place down and I'm here to tell you tonight that if Liberty ever goes that direction
I'll be the one to light the match Alright, so this was put out there by Jonathan Falwell who is
Like I said the son of Jerry Falwell who founded the school brother to Jerry Falwell jr Most of you know who that is.
He pastors Thomas Rue Baptist Church. Now. Look, I don't know I'm sure there's questions that are come my way
You know, does Jonathan follow really understand the insidious and subversive nature of the critical theories?
I don't know I I would assume probably not in detail. Most people don't
And but it's still nonetheless. This is an encouraging thing to see this There's someone there who at least acknowledges
I've gotten some complaints and you know what I'm gonna treat those complaints the way they should be
Treated as Legitimate and I'm just gonna tell you look I'm with you even now
I don't know where this is all going. But look that's that's more than I can say for pretty much any other
Christian institution I mean look what's happening with Southern Seminary. I mean, it's all if you're in the
Southern Baptist Convention It's like you you raise a concern and it's like you get attacked and You know
It's always hide whatever the issue is or don't talk about it. Pretend it didn't exist.
I mean This is so different and I just want to encourage you guys who have been in this and we're concerned about Liberty University I'm not saying not to be concerned anymore, but you have someone that at least is willing to listen there and so That was very encouraging now on to the topic at hand
Which is an important one to me and I'm gonna try to Demonstrate to you why I think it should be important to you as well.
Is America an idea? Or is America a place or some people could say a people, you know a place people that kind of thing and And this is really the difference here is between it's between artificial and organic
Is this some abstract thing like a Kantian idea like like something that exists just in the head like as America is something that exists in the mind
And doesn't have any It only manifests itself as it is imposed from the top down By by someone who is taking these abstract concepts and forcing them or is
America organically from the ground up a place where people settled where things happened where different kinds of people brought different kinds of ideas and they grew up together and it just It's happened over time with the providence of God and his sovereign hand, which one is it or is it both some people told me
Oh, it's both. I don't think it can be both. We'll get into it though So here here I want to show you so, you know, why should
I care about this John? Well, who cares here's something Bono said a few years ago. I want you to listen to this America is
It's not just a country It's an idea Ireland is a great country.
It's really proud to be Irish. It's not an idea Great Britain is great
It's not an idea America is an idea and and that idea sort of belongs to everybody who
Who wishes to serve it at least it strikes me like that When the
American idea seems to fade And or is under threat or is vulnerable people feel it in a way they don't
Feel about other countries and What was happening with With America in the 70s and Vietnam was people felt it was the end of America as this kind of idealistic
Idea and the pain of that the
Sort of the torture of seeing the country torn apart racial division political division lives
Lost fighting war. They didn't really understand Or feel was any of their business
It was a real low point for America and Jimi Hendrix Playing the
Star -Spangled Banner was a an incredible Exorcism for Not just Americans, but for all of us
Who who love America? So there you have it Jimi Hendrix played the electric guitar probably high on drugs and Was it was he was able to exercise the demons out of America for the whole world because America is just an idea notice
How mystical and spiritual that is? You know using even that term exorcism and and how
Borders don't define it people don't define it culture doesn't define it. Really. It's just an idea
It's something that can just exist in the head You can nuke America off the face of the planet Doesn't exist anymore The people there could be replaced by Martians and you'd still have
America if it was just this idea and the idea is a quality Essentially, I'll show you that But this this is um, it's kind of ridiculous if you really think about this for two seconds
Okay, Ireland's a country Great Britain's a country but America is an idea No I can actually give you like the border of the collector there is a country people actually
The same way they went to Ireland they had to get there somehow They went to America people traveled there.
They established as an extension of families governments That's you know read
Albion seed I'm gonna plug that at the end by David Hackett Fisher It organically formed over time and it's not something that you can just put on paper and and say well this you know
This 3x5 card I have America. This is America right here Well, no, there's there's you know, that's like saying
You know your girlfriend or your wife or your boyfriend or your husband, you know, you're just an idea But you know, you're a great idea special idea
But an idea they'd probably if your wife would probably slap you They're not an idea and you can't encapsulate everything about them in a poem on Valentine's Day.
You can get a lot of things, right, but Organic things are things you recognize when you see them and you know them you because you see it
You can read about it. You can get a sense for it, but you can't Quantify all of it. It's changing.
That's what organic things do Even the nation of Israel think about this biblically if there's any nation any country that Would have the status of having a spiritual or mystical component.
It'd be Israel I mean literally we're gonna have the New Jerusalem is gonna come down from the sky.
But guess what? It's got borders It excludes people because it's got a particular religion. It's got a particular law that's laid down and even with all those things
Israel Changed over time we we have the historical record look at the the country called
Israel today It's a lot different than what you read about in Scripture as well Right. Is there a connection between the two there is is there a connection between the
Israel that was in captivity the people and The Israel under Moses. Yeah, there is a connection.
Are they the same Israel in some sense? Yes, but are is it all just an idea
Israel's just this idea The only way you can say anything is an idea is that it is an idea in so far as in the mind of God this thing
Existed before and God said let there be light God created God is the only creature in the universe who is able to create from the abstract
From the realm of ideas to the physical to the to put it into reality okay, humans don't have that and when you start saying that America is an idea that belongs to humans and It's in the minds of humans.
It becomes this malleable thing You can just tweak and shape and you get the right to say well What you have wasn't really
America when we were fighting Vietnam. There's demons And and we need to get back to the idea of America And so Ireland and Great Britain, I guess just you know, other countries don't have this there.
They're not they don't have principles They don't have governments that work off of laws. They don't have It's just America that has this shining city kind of ideal
Well, let's keep going here. Let me show you some other things and I know some of you are thinking wait I've heard conservatives use this language and it's one of the reasons
I'm making this video I kind of think Dinesh D'Souza might have been one of the starters of this. I my suspicion is
It's a Straussian concept that came through like Harry Jaffa to Dinesh D'Souza. I'm not sure what the lineage is
But yes, I think it is the Dinesh D'Souza types the neoconservative types who have started really using this language, but it didn't come from Conservatives it wasn't something that the right this isn't something the founders would have even recognized
And I realize a lot of us have said this probably in a well -meaning way But I just want to I want to challenge you a little bit on this and think through the you know the ramifications of it, so Here here's another
I want to read this to you. This is from a book called the coming prosperity Which I think was in 2010 or so by Philip our
I think I'm our Schwalbe I hope I'm pronouncing that right. He's an academic And and he quotes from a book.
I figure I show you this tweet from 2012 The book he quotes from is by Richard, Florida. It's called It's it's uh,
I didn't put the title down here. It's about the Great Reset. It has the Great Reset in the title I think it's called
Great Reset and by Richard, Florida and Philip our Schwalbe says The great
Great Reset is occurring at the local micro scale as a national level works against the current propping up the old order
And he quotes him this this Great Reset in the coming prosperity. Now remember the Great Reset is in a new concept
It's been around for a little while Now we all are hearing about it. But here's here's a passage from his book
Listen to ask ask yourself. This sounds familiar. This is from like 10 years ago Resource scarcity is a problem
Climate change is a problem Denial of human rights is a problem the lack of opportunity for youth one key source of the sex pistols frustration with Britain of The 1970s is a problem
But globalization has the word global in it for a reason. It means that everyone's in Inclusion we've got a problem.
The problem is us. We're all part of the traffic That's the bad news the good news now notice the again mystical gospel kind of language here
So that's the bad news. What's the good news? so is the solution the exceptionalism that matters for the 21st century is a an exceptionalism of possibility the
Practically collaborative possibilities each of us brings to solve problems of which we're a part
Humans are gonna save themselves guys. That's what he's saying. Humans are going to save themselves And and what and what are the problems again resource scarcity climate change denial of human rights sin problems even?
Humans are gonna save themselves by working together. This is sound Tower of Babel. Does this sound great reset?
This was like 10 years ago. This guy's saying this All right.
So so let's keep going here Well, how does America fit into this the exceptionalism that matters for the 21st century is an exceptionalism of possibility?
Collaborative possibilities each of us brings to solving problems of which we're a part problems what you gonna do
That's what opportunity in the age of entrepreneurship is about and that's why it's the key to the coming
Prosperity so things are gonna get better guys. We're gonna coming prosperity. It's a title of the book Entrepreneurship doesn't just mean building new companies entrepreneurship means connecting to a problem and By so doing connecting to a solution if America is truly exceptional.
It is because America is not a place it is an idea
It is an idea that changes adapts and evolves at its man -on -the -moon best the last
America was magnificent, but it had its problems and In any event, it's gone
The less time each of us spends building levies against inexorable tides of change the better off we will all be
So don't resist guys Appreciating the nature of the coming prosperity may not in itself constitute a plan for the future
But it may be possible to suggest to us a next idea a next promised a next possibility a next
America Why did I want you to hear from that here's what I wanted you to hear from that what this individual is this
Academic is saying ten years ago Is that America because of the the fact that it's an idea.
It's malleable to changes Namely the Great Reset because What the left can do is constantly criticize
America for all its shortcomings and say it doesn't live up to its Idea it's ideal.
So what's the solution? We need to come together Globally not just America.
That's what he said around the world. We need to come together to solve problems One of those problems is all the issues
America had but thankfully because those issues don't define America America is just an idea
Then it's it's this standard of perfection that we can try to attain and this is exactly
What the global elites are doing. This is exactly what leftists do
And it's it's a way of guilting and shaming and then offering redemption and the redemption is you have to come along with us
You have to do what we want you to do It's antithetical to Christianity. Every country has problem there.
You can't build a utopia There is no such thing Tower of Babel was the first time this was tried and there is no
Attempt since then that has been successful socialism is predicated on this idea and now that we have a globalized socialism
It's going to be on steroids Impossible Christian worldview
Christian teaching Christian Documents the Bible the 66 books prove to us show to us
Example after example of this failing they teach us that this is not able to happen
So you if you believe in sacred scripture you believe man is evil you believe everything man touches is going to have evil
There is no way You have a country and it formed This is the way that works in the real world the country forms organically and a country is going to have problems insofar as a country
Repents and by the grace of God follows the precepts of God blessed is the nation whose God is the
Lord, but no nation is perfect and it never will be and striving for perfection is
The problem with all leftist utopianism and it's been that way for a long time.
I'm going back to even to Jean -Jacques Rousseau So so this is the kind of thing that leftists have been saying for a while I want to contrast this with you for a moment with a farewell address, this is
George Washington and This is what he said. He said with slight shades of difference.
You have the same religion He's talking to the America. You have the same religion manners habits and political principles
You have in a common cause fought and triumphed together The independence and liberty you possess are the work of joint councils joint efforts of common dangers sufferings and successes
So what's George Washington saying here? Yep, we came together right to solve a problem
He's talking about the American War for Independence But what does he recognize in that? Slight shades of difference you have what the same religion manners habits and political principles
You're not just part of this abstract idea you're not all striving for some abstraction of perfection
You all saw Even though you had differences and he goes on after this talk about the North and the
South and their differences even though you had Differences you were able as real people to come together to fight
For mutual interest you formed an alliance and One of the reasons for that is because you had what same religion
Same manner same habits same political principles There was enough in common that you had to form that alliance
These are things that come from real people groups real think about even just good
I always try to get people to understand nations and by tracing it back to families think of families Differences between families families can work together some families can't because there's just too many differences
Even when you're getting married to someone sometimes the differences are just too much. You can't marry someone who's not part of your
If you take your religion seriously, you can't marry someone who's not part of your faith and have a successful marriage
You can't marry someone who has completely different principles on economics and have a successful budgets, right?
So you have to have some things in common some common ground. It's the same thing with peoples with nations
There have to be things that draw them together diversity is not the strength It's actually it's unity that's the strength and the unity that we have the diverse the diversity has to be a diversity that Comes together and says
I have different kind of like the diversity of first Corinthians 12 body of Christ I have different skills, but I have the same what religion manners habits political principles
I mean, these are the things that George Washington said are the important things that bind us together and those are organic guys
Those are things that are These aren't just ideas that are sitting on hard drives.
These aren't abstract things. These are real things Real things that you do
That you you work out in your everyday life that you're taught and that culture kind of filters to you
Now I want to Show you One more we're gonna read one more thing and then
I want to show you the clip that sparked the Twitter controversy I was in little controversy, but This this is this is a something.
I want to read for you. This is from Boyd Cathy who is He's retired. He used to teach at I believe or he was an archivist in North Carolina and he
Was an assistant to Russell Kirk wrote for those who know Russell Kirk who wrote the conservative mind?
Boyd Cathy said this in 2019 so last year That narrative is that America was founded on an idea that idea was equality for all
America according to both the progressivist left and neoconservatives who dominate the conservative movement is a propositional nation
Based on the nebulous idea of equality. Now, what are you saying? They're propositional nation He's referencing the
Gettysburg Address and he's right about this when Abraham Lincoln said that, you know, we're founded on the idea
That America's found on the proposition right abstract there that all men are created equal
Then he kind of that has been the hook that progressives have used since then to reduce
America to well America is just about equality You can go to the Middle East and countries that don't have what
George Washington just said we have in the United States they don't have a base for Having a
Republican form of government perhaps but because America is just this idea that everyone's equal
You can plant America no matter where you want to anywhere in the world. That's the nation building thing
That's the neoconservative thing. You just take America and put it anywhere Because it's just this idea that people are equal
Right, and it's become an egalitarian equality and more and more egalitarian as time goes on now
You know everyone, you know genders are even equal and so forth. So so this is This is actually
Lincoln didn't even believe Lincoln would have Lincoln didn't believe that even races were equal
And I'm talking about, you know ethnicities Lincoln didn't even believe that the founders certainly read the
Declaration of Independence which Lincoln is even quoting from and It's a poetic flourish. It's not an abstract kind of legal document, but the
Declaration of Independence If you read through it, I mean it talks about Savages and other countries and and and kind of and how the king used them and and that wasn't good and it's total
I mean today if you wrote something like that, it'd be total nationalist. It would be considered racist I mean, that's what the
Declaration of Independence would be if Donald Trump wrote it right Thomas Jefferson wrote it at a time
When people no one in his time period I mean hardly anyone Would have thought
Oh Thomas Jefferson is saying that we're all egalitarian equal No, what was going on? What was going on was the whole document is about we're
British We have our rights as British people British citizens We we're in the colonies, but all men are created equal.
We're under the same law. That's what he's saying and And and you have violated that So he's he's he's hearkening back to their rights as British people
But more than that to what was behind that the principles upon which the British law the
British common law system Based itself on So that's what he is appealing to He is not making a cry that everyone's equal
I mean women couldn't vote back then that and that wasn't even controversial. So I mean
I could go on but look here's here's the thing The Declaration of Independence didn't really mean what
Lincoln kind of insinuated that we were just founded on this proposition But people since Lincoln have been taken this
Lincoln's kind of misreading of the Declaration and then applied it to all kinds of things and This is where conservatives say.
Well, we believe in the equality of Opportunity and liberals believe in the equality of outcome.
There's sort of some truth in that but honestly Here's what the Declaration of Independence meant our founders equality before the law
That's what they're talking about in the Declaration of Independence. That's what Thomas Jefferson is talking about equality before the law
The law judges equally and so even if you live in North Carolina And if you live in Great Britain, you have the same common law tradition and your rights can't be violated just because you live in North Carolina and So it had nothing to do with even equality of opportunity
Conservatives have tried to take equality of opportunity and not everyone has that by the way And and and and so there's there's even sort of a fight for the definition of that some conservatives will say well that means
You know that everyone has an equal shot because the the coach, you know, or the the referee is
Just that sort of an equality before the law idea the referee is going to treat everyone the same before the law and that we
Can we can get behind but then others have taken that to say That there are things that we don't want necessarily quality of outcome because everyone is different We don't want to force that but we want to kind of till the soil
So that people who you know are born in abject poverty and people who are born in an affluent area
Have exactly the same shot. They have equality of opportunity. Well, that doesn't exist Not everyone has the same shot and many people who became affluent Did so because they had barriers they had to overcome it caused them to work hard and it may give them dignity when they did get to that point, so I I don't buy that idea if that's in if you believe in equality of opportunity in that sense
That's not a conservative idea and that has sort of made its way into the conservative movement if you want to call it that they're the right in this country and and of course the left believes in equality of outcome opportunity and outcome and their idea of equity is egalitarianism on steroids we just we have to Put barriers in front of people who have more and opportunities and we have to You know redistribute
Wealth and privilege and these kinds of things to those who don't Socialism, that's what it is
So anyway getting back to Boyd Cathy here. He says according to this version of our history from the beginning that idea was perverted by evil white men and even more by evil slaveholders
Who prevented America from living up to its ideals unlike the
Puritans of Massachusetts Most of the the new Americans did not come to these shores to establish some new city of God Some new shining city on a hill to quote
John Winthrop. Their goal was not to establish an egalitarian utopia Rather they brought with them their customs their folklore their music and arts their religion
Which were uniquely theirs their inheritance and as they move west across the
Appalachians and across the Great Plains to the Rocky Mountains They carried that culture with them giving body to the
American nation And I think he's absolutely right in this that is the difference and that is that's why
I am so proud to be an American because I I don't see this country as I don't see it as obviously
God is in control and he I I don't think there's accidents in history.
I think God is behind The what we're leading up to the culmination of all things
But that being said I'm proud to be an American because I know there are real people My family's in that your family's in that who came from other places most of which all of them had to have at some point and And they came here and it was hard And and what they did was they carried their their traditions from other places to this country whether It was slaves from Africa You know those who were persecuted in Europe like my ancestors were who fled to the shores of the
United States Wherever all I mean I met people last weekend from North parents
One of them their dad was from North Korea and they came here and it was a struggle and they built something
Real people who like Boyd was saying and like George Washington was saying Who brought with them their religion who brought their culture who brought their folklore all these things to make?
America what it is and different regions what they are to shape them and It wasn't it unlike the sort of the
Puritan mindset political mindset. I'm not talking about the theology guys Don't don't don't misunderstand me
Unlike that mindset which was essentially the idea that we're gonna come here to establish this shining city this almost you this utopia
Most of the people who came here We're not here to establish utopia and even the Puritans who did
I mean they didn't end up establishing utopia Many of them weren't even in the
John Winthrop vein so Anyways, it's not an abstract thing that we're supposed to just be constantly living up to and constantly failing at It's a real place it is the difference between a farm and a stagecoach.
I mean America is a farm It's that it gets dirty on the farm and there's different but but but you're happy on the farm you get to You get to eat you get to live and it's an overall a pretty good place and I think
America is the best farm But it's not a stagecoach of this mission that we're going to somehow
Accomplish this insanely great thing and usher in peace for all of mankind. We can't do that guys we just live to the best of our abilities in the country we're in and in the life that we have and I do agree with Reagan We are the last best hope for mankind in a sense
Because we we were able to hold on to freedom because we were a more on religious people for so long
But those days are twilighting. In fact, it's getting dark and If we are going to restore the
United States, it's not to pound the drum for equality it is to get back to personal
Repentance and worshiping the God who made us That is the only way to get back on track because we will never be able to achieve anything we set out to do apart from the blessings and the wisdom of the
Creator and Following his principles. We just can't do it. That's a humanistic
It's an exercise in futility is what it is So so now that I've kind of laid a groundwork for you
Here is the the controversy. I'm gonna play for you this video.
This is James Carville, he is a a I guess
Democrat strategist worked with the Clintons of a pretty famous guy and And so I had teased out on November 21st, here's a shot of it here
I had teased out this America is not an idea. It is a place and a very special one and I got some pushback
From some people. How can you say that? Right and hopefully you understand now why
I did say it now This is the clip though I was thinking of and I waited a few hours to post it and Because people are saying isn't that a conservative thing to think
America is just this idea and I want you to hear this is now relating directly to Donald Trump and it's gonna explain for some of you who have scratched your heads why
I Voted for Trump this time around a little bit. Here's what James Carville said It's not idea is not just to defeat
Trump. You have to defeat Trump ism You have to defeat the idea that the
United States of America is a place and not an idea And we're all fighting and it's white people fighting against non -white people and men fighting against women and I Don't know gay people fighting against non -gay people and it's just call him on it
The country does not want him back so according to James Carville Trump ism is the idea that America is a place where people are just bickering and fighting and trying to adjudicate their differences through a
Political process apparently and it's so terrible that people are bickering with one another. Well, that's just human nature
That happens no matter where you are even in a family. There's gonna be differences of opinion. People are gonna bicker and We need a system that Enforces the rule of law forces the principles
God has laid down in order to adjudicate those things if that goes away Then we adjudicate them through unfortunately force and we it becomes might makes right
But we are a nation of laws. We're a country of laws and that is what America has been should be now
James Carville then what's the alternative he wants the idea that America is just an idea that it's just this abstract thing and that would be
I guess a place where people aren't fighting with each Other where they're not trying to adjudicate their differences politically if that's the case
Then that's just like every communist government that's existed where the people aren't free to voice their complaints and differences and grievances instead
It's whack -a -mole if they say anything so they stuff it keep it to themselves and look There's no conflict in Soviet Russia because we're all on the same page.
Yeah, because you have guns keeping it that way That that's the kind of world that James Carville is
He's telling us guys. That's where they're going. That's what they want and look at the passion He has he hates the idea that America is a place with borders
Imagine that to protect itself and its own citizens. And this is the thing guys This is this is one of the things that defines
Trump And I didn't even realize this quite at first and I get it now one of the things about Trump that made him unique was that he fought for his
Political principles that he wanted to enact he fought for him. He wasn't like a lot of other
Republicans. He's a fighter Okay, got it. But there's something else Donald Trump actually loves the people of the
United States real people all kinds of people different people, but he seems to actually want to do what's best for them and He doesn't he's not in love with abstract principles like equality
He's not just in he he's actually looking at the condition of people Listen to his answers whenever you hear the question brought up.
What are you doing for the black people? You know, what are you doing for this minority or that minority or women and what does
Donald Trump usually say? He points to tangible real things Here's what
I did Black unemployment is at the lowest. It's our event We this is what
I've given, you know money that we've given to black colleges, etc Not that the government should do that. But that's what
Trump's saying. It's real tangible things You know what he doesn't do what the Democrats do
Democrats basically point to their pedigree of what they believe it's called the virtue signal They say well, this is my position on this and they don't point to black people are doing better to them
It's all about punishing. It's all about revenge. It's all about we reform the police we're doing we're doing all sorts of these these other things, but they're completely unrelated to the condition of People living in these urban areas black people living in urban areas or You know,
I mean not not all black people live in urban areas but the Democrat Party seems to that that's what they are referring to whenever they say black people it seems like and And and so they don't don't point to that Trump does because Trump believes this is a place with people
Who have actual needs that actually bicker with each other? It ain't perfect. That's America and This is the same thing
I've even seen in churches the churches that are put more emphasis on ecclesiology I've noticed especially
And I've seen this I mean, you know Some of the churches that are really, you know, like nine marks churches sometimes can can get this way
I'm not saying all churches are like this and if you ever use nine marks, I'm not saying it's bad. Okay, there's good stuff I'm not so don't get me wrong here, but I've noticed this tendency to treat the church that same way
It's like it's an abstract thing this perfect thing look In in when when when
Christ comes back when when we're in heaven when you know, the bride is purified got it That's something Christ does that's not something we do
That's why we're not called to diversify the church and bring everyone from tribes tongues and nations in our local assembly
Something that Christ does at the end This some people say this is the one kingdom two kingdom thing well
I think it's the utopian thing trying to do the kingdom of God on this earth and Reducing the church down to this abstract thing where you have pastors now who are trying to match some kind of model
They heard from an expert Instead of paying being being in love with books theology books from these experts instead of the sheep loving the sheep and the sheep bite and they get stuff in their fur and You got to shear them and they run off and they stray and wolves come and you got to shoot those wolves
And they they're annoying and they're dumb and they bite you and like okay, that's life with the sheep
What did you expect? That's what pastoral ministry is guys So being a public servant in political offices guys.
What did you expect? and The the best thing you can do is to lead those people those citizens those sheep is
To teach them the the law of God to teach them the way that God did the user's manual for the world that we live in That's the only way that we're gonna get back on track in this country.
It's not going to be through trying to Put everything through the grid of whether or not it matches some abstract idea of equality that Originated in the minds of humans who want to build a utopia that they can't possibly build
So this is why I stay away from the idea That America itself is an idea.
I don't talk about it. I don't say it I don't say America is an idea because I know where it comes from and I know where it leads
So I hope that was helpful for you. It's not a it's not a conservative idea Yeah, I would argue it's not even really a biblical idea now some resources for some of you because this is heady stuff and I Get that here's some things that you can read and I'll put some links in the info section if you want to go check some of this stuff out the heresy of equality
Bradford replies to Jaffa by Mel Bradford There that's free online.
So I'll have the link for it. It's written on a college level But it's about the Declaration of Independence and the
Gettysburg Address and kind of how even supposed conservatives have now misread these things the
Albion seed is Another book for British folkways in America by David Hackett Fisher.
So he traces basically how British people formed the
It was those kinds of people that came here and formed kind of the pattern we see legally and culturally in the
United States And So it's kind of the opposite of this. It's just an idea.
It's like no these came from a region. It's from the soil It's organic and then you got two types of American individualism by Richard Weaver and that's in an anthology
I'm gonna link you probably have to buy it but Great essay just understanding people, you know, you hear a lot of leftists talk about well, it's you know
American individualism such a problem Well, what kind of individualism are you talking about? Are you talking about the community based individualism that America was really more started on are you talking about the more abstract?
libertarian individualism and I think Richard Weaver gives a great argument there these are three things that can help you understand kind of more what
America is how it became what it is and Reject this I this notion that it's this malleable concept that we can wield as a tool to get people to do our will because they're not meeting the standard of what
America is as defined by us, so hope you enjoyed that God bless you and We will meet again very soon.