New Episode! Death Be Not Proud


This show is essentially: how and why you should attend funerals (with your family).


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Ebendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry.
My name is Mike Ebendroth, and it's good to be live, is it not? November 23rd,
Tuesday, and it's about 10 o 'clock here. I just am in the office, slash study, slash studio, what do you call it when you put all those words together?
I have no idea. Well, it has been quite a ride. I have been out of the hospital now for seven and a half weeks, and slowly getting my strength back.
It kind of feels weird, you know, talking about yourself, but you have prayed for me, and you have come alongside my family and church, and so many of you expressed love and concern and kindness.
I'm still waiting for the big checks, but that's okay. I can't take it with you. You know, when you're laying there and you think you might be dying besides sending your wife the passwords and, you know, where's the life insurance policy?
It's like, well, all the stuff, all the stuff that I've accumulated means what? Nothing.
I'm in a COVID isolation room and I own what? I think what I had on me was a...
Well, I had my wallet. I don't know why, but I had my phone, somebody brought in a charger so I could charge it up, and I had a pair of sweatpants, a t -shirt, some socks.
I had the hospital socks regularly, and then undergarments.
That's all I had. I guess you die with less than that, don't you? Amazing. Well, I think
I recorded a show three or four weeks ago, and it was pretty rough to do, but slowly getting better,
Lord willing, I will preach this Sunday, this long Thanksgiving weekend
Sunday. I've been attending worship services the last few weeks, and been doing scripture reading, pastoral prayer, call to worship, et cetera, and so we're slowly getting back.
I've been riding the bicycle, the stationary bicycle, about an hour a day, and I could pedal, but I pedal faster.
I'm at like 60 RPMs, and I could pedal at higher tension. I'm anywhere between one and seven, but I just have to make sure my oxygen doesn't go too low, and once it gets to be 90 or lower, then
I slow down and regain, but anyway, it's just amazing now to read the
Psalms. As I said last show, it's amazing to sit there again and think, you know what?
I don't want to, I want to forget the hospital experience, you know, in the sense that pain and blood and trauma and sickness and not feeling good,
I drove past that hospital today and saw the room that I was in. My son and his buddies and my daughters and wife at different times would come and stand at the helicopter pad, and the nurse put something up in my window,
I don't know, some smiley face kind of thing, so they would know which room I was in, and then I would stand there and wave to the kids and the family, and I'm not on a crusade for COVID patients dying with their family there, but if I wasn't a pastor, that might be my crusade.
It is unconscionable, it is detrimental to the patient, and of course the family.
It is, I can't think of many things that are worse on so many different levels, whether it's an unbeliever needing to hear the gospel from a family member, it's my wife just there by me,
I know she's there, she's my advocate, she's making sure I'm getting this medicine or that medicine or whatever,
I mean, I had so many good nurses and CNAs and others, and I don't want to trash the whole system, because they were very kind to me, but you're in a
COVID room, nobody wants to be in a COVID room, if you're, you know, can get in and out if you're a staff member, they don't want to get it, and I don't blame them.
Anyway, learned a lot of lessons, still some follow -up, getting better, I think
I'm going to be in December, I'll be in New York City in December preaching,
I've been helping Andy Woodward, he's a pastor at Providence Baptist, I believe, in Manhattan, I don't know what street, 64th or something,
Upper East, Upper East Side someplace, anyway, I'll be there, I think you can pull it up, and it's kind of like a
CRT, social justice, that kind of thing, and he asked me, well, we want to make sure that we don't forget about who
Jesus is in the midst of this, so that's what we know you like to talk about, who you like to talk about, so please come and do a couple messages so we can keep our bearings.
Anyway, my name's Mike Cavenroth, this is No Compromise Radio, I got up this morning, somebody ordered three copies of Sexual Fidelity, I forgot
I was selling books, I forgot I have stacks of those things, if you want 100 of them or something, or 50 of them,
I can work up a good deal for you. Thanks again for all your prayers, thanks again for everything that you've done for me,
I'm sorry we had to cancel the Israel trip, but Israel, I think right now, we have,
I think they're up to their fourth booster, and what we had to do as a group between Pat Abendroth and myself, by the way, listen to Pat Abendroth in his new podcast, pretty new, the
Pactom, I have a t -shirt of his, it says Pactom, but I think I want the hoodie instead, but that's okay, you can just take what you can take.
Anyway, we had to cancel, I don't know when we're going to reschedule, maybe once everything's done and crazy people are not in charge, then we might go ahead and do that, but in the meantime,
I thought to myself, I've got a trip in Germany planned, I bet you that's canceled, New Zealand, that'll never happen,
Israel, canceled, who knows, I'm just going to have to drive. We're looking at new cars, that's a big expense these days, and I just want one with a good gas mileage, because I might be forced to drive everywhere.
Anyway, today, just a couple things that I'd like to talk about in terms of Bible stuff,
I mean, oh, here's the show, you know, it's all about Mike, that would be no good.
Why on my desk? Okay, so I have an office study, there's a desk and some books, and there's a little conference table, and then there's just like this table where we do no compromise radio.
Steve will be back soon, and we'll do some shows together, but it's not that snazzy or anything,
I've got some things stacked up, and I don't like clutter in life, but you'd never know it from here, so I have to preach a sermon on Sunday, so I'll disregard this for now, but I need to clean this up.
Why, but here's my point, why would there be a John Donne poem sitting right here, front center of my no -co snack, snack,
I still do have a little brain fog here, there, my no -co stack, where it's death be not proud.
How's that, how's this holy sonnet? I feel like I'm, I'm robbing holy sonnet,
Batman, death be not proud. Why is that here on Mike Ebendroth's desk after what I've gone through?
You know what, let's turn up your oxygen to 60, you can't breathe, pal. Oh, and I'd say things like, do you think
I can get out this weekend? No, and the best I could get out of the doctors, one guy, he'd say stable, the other guy'd look at me like, you're dead,
I'd like to go talk to those doctors and nurses, but they can't get in the COVID rooms, it's crazy,
I'm locked out, I can't even go say thank you. Death be not proud, though some have called thee mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so, for those whom you thinkest thou dost overthrow, die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be, much pleasure, then from thee much more must flow, and soonest our best men will with thee do go, rest of their bones and souls' delivery.
Thou art slave to fate, chants kings and desperate men, and thus with poison, war, and sickness dwell, and poppy or charms can make us sleep as well.
And better than thy stroke, thou swellest thou then, one short sleep past, we wake eternally, and death shall be no more, death thou shalt die.
Is that any good? I don't know, I didn't plan this. You know me, I don't plan these shows, and I know you can tell that, but I just, you know,
I'm just kind of curious, why is that here? I've said to many of you in times past, and have recently received some emails, or saw some
Twitter business. Should I go to funerals? Well, I'm talking to Christians now, yes of course, because you can go there to comfort, you can go there just to be there, you don't have to say anything,
I'm sorry for your loss, I love you, nothing said, just hug. Yes of course you should go to funerals.
Now I personally don't like wakes, I go there, I take my family there, but I don't like them, because with a wake, compared to a funeral service, slash memorial service, there's no word to help frame what
I'm seeing. Okay, here's what I mean by this, and so now here's actually the Bible part of the show.
Sometimes you need special revelation to frame things that you see, smell, taste, or touch.
Right? Is seeing believing? Well, one of the things that I like to do is
I like to go to Acts chapter 1, and it's said regarding the ascension of Jesus, his ascent into the clouds, into the third heaven.
And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight.
Acts chapter 1, verse 9. And while they were gazing into heaven, as he went, behold.
Okay, we'll stop there. What's going on here? I see with my eyes Jesus ascending, right?
If I was one of those men standing there. But what does it mean? Right? We need, right?
The comparison isn't perfect, but with special revelation, it is something that Jesus said on earth.
Now for us, it would be what scriptures teach. What does the Bible say? Natural revelation, what does nature reveal?
Romans 1, that God's powerful, he's a judge, he's a creator, he's wise.
It's enough to damn, it's not enough to save. But I need special revelation to frame what
I see, because I can't trust myself. I can't even trust my eyes. And here in Acts chapter 1, it said, behold, two men.
So the other people are staring up into heaven, gazing. And it said, behold, two men stood by them in white robes and said, now here is the frame, the framing of what
I see. So now I can interpret what I see better. Left myself, I'm a bad interpreter, because my interpreter's broken.
I'm fallen, my mind, my emotions, right? I can't trust myself. I've been reading the Proverbs a lot lately, and you know, you trust yourself, you're called a fool.
Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven.
And I love that. He, Jesus, ascends into heaven, and now his messengers, that's what an angel means, right?
Help the men understand what's going on. He's going up to heaven, of course. He had promised that, and he knew he was going to return to the
Father, but he's coming back. So my point is, I have special revelation that frames what
I see so I can understand it better. Now you go to a wake, and the wake is, it's sad, right?
So I would tell the kids. This is all leading to, I bring my kids to wakes and funerals, and you should too.
But I need to frame things, and then I just say, well, we're going to show up and everybody's going to cry. It's just going to be kind of, there'll be this weird thing.
I would tell the kids ahead of time, we're going here to minister to these people. It's not necessarily fun, but it's good, and here's what
Ecclesiastes says about mourning and celebrations and which ones affect you more and mean more and are used of the
Lord. So here's what we're going to do. We're going to go in, and Jim died, and Jim might be in a casket there, and a casket might be closed, a box, or it might be open, and the embalmer's probably done his work and put some makeup on.
And so there's going to be a body, and there's going to be a line, and people kind of lined up past the body, and some people, particularly here in Massachusetts, they'll kneel at the casket and cross themselves.
Many Roman Catholics will attend. And then there's a line over to the side of the funeral home, typically, and starting with the person's wife or spouse, and then children, and then relatives, and then more distant relatives and friends, etc.
And you see the people go, the line goes right up there, and all you have to do, maybe you don't even know the people, you don't have to do anything, just maybe hug them or say,
I'm sorry, or I love you. That's all you have to say. Sometimes when you say too much, you say nothing at all.
What's that one song? I don't have any idea. And then you walk by, because we're here to love people and to serve, and here's the great commandment.
Love God, and since we can't see him, but we see these people, we're going to love
God's image bearers, and that's why we're to love our neighbor. And so these people are our neighbors. Now, what's the point here in O Compromised Radio Ministry?
Well, I'm going to frame what the kids see, the dead body, with words from Dad, so they can interpret it.
And so that's what I try to do. Big point, take your children to funerals, because they'll learn a lot, and they need to understand things about life and death and mourning and grief.
And I think the word to bereave means to rip, right? You have a loved one just ripped from you.
I usually go to John 11 to frame what the children are going to see.
And if you haven't seen a dead body before, it's... I don't know, I guess I've been around them enough that it's not shocking to me, but it's certainly weird, odd, strange, not normal, right?
It's not... It's the opposite of alive, right? So it's there's something... Something's wrong. Their chest isn't going up and down.
Every molecule in their body's dead. They're cold, they're hard, right?
They got some kind of weird makeup on. They maybe look better than they did when they were on death's door, their final breaths and sweaty and on morphine.
They might look a little better than that, but they don't look like their normal selves. And so something's wrong.
And, you know, especially their hands, you know, that typically are folded on their chest.
And maybe there's a Bible inserted in there or something. So it's... Especially if you're a kid,
I'm sure it's like, wow, what's going on? I mean, when do we see dead bodies? You know, your cat dies and you call the people and they come get the cat or whatever.
I mean, it's... Maybe you see dead mice. I mean, I've been getting a lot of mice these days caught.
You maybe see them or something, right? But anyway, this is Mike Ebendroth with this
No Compromise Radio. Thanks for praying I'm slowly getting better. Thanks for putting up with my little breathing the way
I'm doing it. And I go to John 11, because we're at the wake, and there's no words.
I mean, think about it this way. If you go to a funeral, a memorial service, there are words framing things.
The pastor reads 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 and verses 13 and following and comfort one another with these words, right?
The body's going to be raised from the dead. You read 1 Corinthians 15, it's going to be raised imperishable.
You think about how God promises in John 14. And so everything's framed by the
Word of God. And you interpret then the death of a friend, a loved one, somebody at church through the lens of Scripture.
That's what you need. But when you go to a wake, nobody talks. There's no leader. That's why people say, well, can you say something at the wake?
Well, I can, but we've got people filing in for three hours. I don't want to have a wake when
I die. You know what? Maybe I died and came back. Maybe I should write a book.
See, I need a little extra cash. We've got some inflation, I think, with this new administration.
And I think that's what I need to do. What was I thinking? I did die. And I came back.
God told me some things, and I'm going to tell you for $14 .99. A funeral, there's going to be
Scripture reading, prayer, and a message. A message of hope. A message of Jesus's victory over death, right?
A message of one day, dear friend, you'll be in this casket, too, and life is fragile. Life is short.
James chapter 4. Plan ahead. All that is, you know, it's still difficult to be at a funeral service, but we've got the
Word to help us interpret that. But at a wake, everybody just lines up for five hours or four hours or three hours.
And poor family, then they have to go do this again at the funeral. So personally, I don't want to have a wake.
We don't have to wait around to see if I wake up after a few days. Let's just have a service.
If you're an unbeliever, you want to come and pay your respects. It's way easier to go to the wake. You just go say hello.
You don't have to deal with a message, a sermon. You're a sinner. You need a Savior. The only Savior is Jesus. He lived a life you should have lived.
He died for sins that you committed. You know, feel trust in Him and believe in this risen
Savior, etc. People don't want to hear any of that. So they come to the wake. I don't want a wake.
I guess I won't be here to do anything about it, but I frame things for the wake for my children because I can't frame it for anybody else.
I frame it with John 11 and the death of Lazarus. And remember how much
Jesus loved Lazarus. Lazarus had been in the tomb already four days by the time
Jesus shows up. And the Jews were consoling Mary and Martha.
And Martha knew Jesus was coming. And she ran out to meet Him. And Mary stayed in the house.
And Martha said to Jesus, Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you.
Jesus said to her, your brother will rise again. Martha said to Him, I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.
Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.
And everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?
Yes, Lord, she said, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God who is coming into the world.
Do you believe this? That's the kind of thing I'd say to the kids. So I would frame it with that. I'd frame it with telling the children later on in the passage that there's a cave and that stone's taken away, body's got an odor, has been there for four days.
Jesus cries out to the Father, I know you always hear me. And I said this on the account of the people standing around that they may believe that you sent me.
And now what happened? Lazarus come out with a loud voice. And the man who had died came out, his hands and feet bound with linen strips and his face wrapped with a cloth.
Jesus said to him, them, unbind him and let him go. Dear children, here's how
I'm going to frame things from the word of God to help you look at this dead body and think about it rightly. Because you have to look at the dead body,
I'll say to the kids, just for 15, 20 seconds, just to look. And you're going to say to yourself, there's something wrong, right?
There's the soul's gone. Whatever immaterial thing that's, you know, we have, it's gone because there's the dead body.
Also, children, I want you to know that you'll die one day. I don't want that. I hope it's in a long time.
But you will die. It's appointed. God knows the day of your birth and the day of your death and you'll die.
So you want to make sure you're ready to die, right? That you're forgiven. That's what you need to be.
That's what needs to happen. Reconcile to God.
And then I say, who can walk over that dead body and just say to it, no medicine, no, no, no, you know, putting some
IV in, not putting the liquids in the mouth or something like that, or taken to a chiro chamber um, with, with, you know, ice therapy and all this, who can go to that dead body and every molecule is dead, just gone.
And who could say to that body, arise. I mean, can you imagine?
That's exactly what Jesus did. Arise. And on that last day, that great day, Jesus is going to say, maybe people have been eaten by sharks.
Maybe they've been burned by fire. Maybe they've been eaten by worms. Jesus is going to say, arise.
And everybody's going to get up. Some are going to get bodies that are prepared for heaven eternally.
And some will get prepared for hell eternally. And we need to be trusting Jesus. Children, do you believe
Jesus? Good. Keep believing in Jesus, the resurrected savior.
I mean, Jesus is dead and he raises himself, John 10. Yes, the father and the spirit did it right.
We have, uh, the triune God in separable operations. They're all doing things at the same time.
One God all doing the same thing might be a different focus of scripture here or there.
But anyway, I thought about death, thought about life, thought about death, being not proud.
Then I thought about, yes, of course. So the answer to your question, should I bring my children to funerals? Yes, bring them, pull them out of school where they can be learning anyway.
Critical race theory, pull them out of school and teach them a real lesson, a lesson about life and a lesson about death and a lesson about serving others and showing people compassion and love.
They don't have to say anything just for them to be there and have a hug would be wonderful.
Well, my name is Mike Gabendroth. This is No Compromise Radio Ministry. Hopefully we're going to have a bunch of new shows and off we go to the proverbial races.
Thanks again for praying. at bbcchurch .org