Should We Repent of Our Emotions?


The world will tell you that you can't help the way you feel and that you are entitled to your feelings. The Bible on the other hand says that we will be held accountable for every thought and action we have. Ever careless word will be judged. We are commanded to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. We are told to avoid anger. So why is it so scandalizing to say that your emotions can be sinful? Find out on this latest episode of the Bible Bashed Podcast.


Warning, the following message may be offensive to some audiences. These audiences may include, but are not limited to, professing Christians who never read their
Bible, sissies, sodomites, men with man buns, those who approve of men with man buns, man bun enablers, white knights for men with man buns, homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan, and people who refer to their pets as fur babies. Viewer discretion is advised. People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio.
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone, and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin, and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our heads. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed, and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended, and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to the right hand of the
Father, where he sits now to make intercession for us. Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
All right, Tim, the question for today's episode is, should we repent of our emotions?
Yeah, this is one of those things that sounds so crazy to people, but then really there's just an overwhelming biblical case to say that we should.
I did a Twitter poll on this, and I think only 5 % of maybe 5 people voted yes, we should repent of our emotions out of 100 or something like that.
Oh, wow. Man, it's harsh. No, it sounds so crazy to people.
It sounds so crazy, but then it's just something that we really haven't thought about, like we should.
We really haven't thought about what the Bible is teaching at this point. For the vast majority of people,
I think most people are coming out of an Arminian framework, and so in an
Arminian framework, essentially sin is simply just an act, like a volitional act of the will.
That's it, right? And so everything's about that libertarian freedom. And so then the issue then is that most people can only conceive of sin being about the behaviors, and then if they want to get really deep, they push it into the thoughts, right?
So your standard Arminian is all about behaviors, behaviors, behaviors, bad behaviors. That's what sin is.
Behaviors, mostly it's things you do wrong. It's not so much the sins of omission, right? Yeah.
So the standard state of affairs is just only sins of commission, not sins of omission. And then if you read the
Sermon on the Mount one time, you may think, oh man, it's more complicated than that. It's also about my thoughts, right?
Yeah, the super Arminians. Yeah, the super ones. But then the problem is that sin is much deeper than that in the
Bible. Oh yeah, like way deeper than that. It's way deeper than just the thoughts and the emotions.
It's way deeper than the behaviors and the thoughts. It extends to the entirety of our being.
So for instance, in the poll I did, I said, how early should we repent?
Should we repent when sin affects our behaviors, when it affects our thoughts, when it affects our desires or our emotions?
The thing is, there's so many passages in the Bible about your desires, right? So you're told to love the evil and to hate the good, right?
That's desire language. Good man out of the good treasure of a good heart brings forth good. Evil man out of the evil treasure of an evil heart brings forth evil.
That's desire level. That's about what you treasure is what you value, what you desire.
Colossians 3 .5 talks about put to death what is earthly in you. Evil desires is listed on the list of things that you're to put to death.
Covetousness is essentially like a desire. So we're told not to covet our neighbor's wife or property or anything belonging to a neighbor.
Don't desire, like the text says, don't desire it in your heart, right? So sin extends down from the thoughts.
It's deeper than thoughts. It's deeper than behaviors. It's deeper than thoughts. It's deeper even than the desires.
And that's where, like with this idea of emotions, the thing is people have never read the
Bible and tried to ask this question of it. It's part of what's happening. So think about this.
We're told to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. And that should mess with your head.
If you think sin is only at the behaviors and sin is only at the thoughts, how do you rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep?
Do you understand what I'm saying? Joy is an emotion. Weeping is an emotion. God is commanding you to feel sad at the appropriate times and to feel joy at the appropriate times, right?
So a lot of people will say, well, no, joy is just Thanksgiving and you can't help how you feel. And that's the common thing that people always say about emotions.
Well, you can't help how you feel, only help how you think and help how you behave. It's like, yeah, I know that you can't just turn your emotions on like a faucet or something like that, right?
But the problem is that the Bible commands certain emotions, that's the problem. So you can't just turn them off and on.
But we intuitively know, even without the Bible, there's something wrong with the kind of guy who has the prisoner he's taken that he's duct taped to the chair and he's stabbing them with a knife with a sadistic grin on his face, right?
You know there's something wrong with that, right? You know that that could... You know that if he's sitting there stabbing him and smiling at it with a sadistic grin.
Like the problem is that his emotions are not neutral and we know it, right?
That what the emotions are doing is they're revealing what's in his heart. What's in his heart is wickedness and evil and the emotions are revealing that very thing, right?
So like if someone dies around you and you don't feel any sadness for the people involved, you can smugly look at yourself and say,
Hey, yeah, I can't help the way I feel, you know? Just get over it, right? It's like, but no, like the Bible says, weep with those that weep.
Like you're... Like what's happening right now is your emotions, like that lack of any kind of sadness is revealing that you don't have enough other -centered love in your heart for these people.
Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah. And so what you should do is like in those moments is you should say, Lord, you know, forgive me.
I'm callous, right? When a soldier is like crippled with fear on the battle, like we used to have a call that, think about that in moral terms, that's cowardice, right?
Like that's cowardice. And so like what's happening is like you're being gripped by this pervasive fear and you need to say,
Lord, forgive me for my cowardice. Help me, you know, to do the right thing here. But then, you know, not only that, you have categories of worry, you have categories of anxiety, you have categories of fear in the
Bible in general, right? So that one of the most frequent things that commands in the Bible is do not fear, do not be afraid, do not fear anything that's frightening.
These are all emotions that you're commanded to have. Like don't fear anything that's frightening, do not be afraid, right? Like we're not those who grieve as those who have no hope.
There's godly sorrow, there's worldly sorrow, there's anxiety, right? Like there's all these categories that touch the emotions and like if you just think about it for a few minutes, one of the things you'll realize is that, man, sin, like sin not only affects our behavior, it affects our thoughts, it affects our desires.
It also affects our emotions. And anytime our emotions are not triggering in the right way that they should, that's appropriate to the moment, we should confess that and ask forgiveness for that and ask
God to help changes in that. And that's the path to help our emotions trigger rightly.
So how earlier you mentioned, you know, obviously we can't turn our emotions off, right?
It's not like a switch that you can just flip. So if that's the case, then how can we be held accountable for our emotions if we can't necessarily like control them immediately all the time?
The thing is you can't actually control your behavior either. Okay, what do you mean? Well, I mean, can the
Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard change his spots? So also cannot you who are accustomed to do evil learn to do good?
You know, all those who commit sin are a slave to sin, right? If the sun sets you free, you'll be free indeed. So the issue is you can't control any of it.
And that's what I mean. Like this kind of comes out of like an Arminian framework. Yeah. Like it comes out of Arminian framework because in an
Arminian framework, your libertarian free will is just like you can, you have the power of contrary choice.
You can do, you can choose between A and not A at any given time. There's nothing that's constraining your will one way or the other, right?
So, but then the problem is that biblically speaking, like your will is constrained to sin.
Right. And God holds you accountable for your will being constrained to him. So you can't learn to do good apart from God's help.
You can't learn to think right thoughts, like to renew your mind apart from God's thoughts. You can't learn to desire, like you're told to hate the evil and desire the good.
You can't do that apart from God's thoughts. And you can't have the right emotions apart from God's help. So like the issue is whatever you're talking about, you can't do any of it without God's help.
Right. We're so in love with our sin that all we ever do is sin apart from God.
I mean, it's like everything is corrupted by sin. It's all tainted by sin. And what like every part of you, you know, and that's what our doctrine of total depravity says.
It says that every human faculty is corrupted by sin. Your mind, your will, your emotions, it's all affected by sins.
And what you need to do is you need to have like a biblical doctrine of the heart. Right. So biblical doctrine of the heart, like the heart is the inner man.
That means my mind is affected by sin. My will is affected by sin. My emotions are affected by sin.
My desires are affected by sin. And what I need is I need heart change. And so anytime, you know, my emotions are not triggering in the right way, that's an indication that my heart is not right before God.
And that's an occasion to say, Lord, give me a clean hands and give me a pure heart. Right. And isn't that,
I mean, renew within me a right spirit. Right. What does that mean? Right. Yeah. Restore to me the joy of my salvation.
Emotions. Right. And I think a lot of people to try and to try and push back against what you're saying, they would point to the
Psalms. Right. They would point to people like David, you know, who who talks about eating his tears.
Right. As a meal, because he's crying so much because he's so sad. And they would point to those types of passages and say, see, look like our emotions are just neutral.
Right. But then I think the problem with that is if that is your interpretation of those
Psalms, then it's very clear that you're not actually reading all the way through the entire Psalm. Right.
Whatever individual Psalm you're citing, because every single time in any sort of, you know, there's there's several different types of Psalms within, you know, book of Psalms.
One of those is is the lament. Right. So it's supposed to be sad.
Right. It's acknowledging that we as humans do feel sadness. But then the response at the end of all of those laments is to say, you know, something along the lines of, but God.
Right. Why are you cast down on my soul? Right. Lord. Right. Right. Pointing myself in spite of my sadness back to God and his goodness.
Right. And his faithfulness and, you know, his strength, whatever it is, there's a lot of different responses there.
But then the general the general idea is basically like they're not just wallowing in their sadness without end.
Right. Yes. Yes. So go ahead. Yeah. Well, yeah, I think part of it is that that in what you're saying is right.
Immediately. Immediately. When you say, hey, you're responsible for your emotions. But people immediately think is like happy is a good emotion.
Sad is a bad emotion. Right. And so then they'll point to passages like the ones in Psalms where godly people are experiencing the bad emotions.
Right. Right. And then they'll say, well, you know, so you're trying to say that they're doing something wrong.
It's like, no, no. Here's the issue. Like there's like happiness is not the good emotion and sadness is not the bad emotion.
The issue is we need emotions that are appropriate to our circumstance. That's what we need.
Yeah. So we need emotions that are doing what they're designed to do, not what they're not designed to do.
So like the issue is like that man torturing the person with the knife with the sadistic grin on his face.
He has the happy emotion at the wrong time. Right. Yeah. Yeah. The person who feels nothing when the person around them dies, he has no emotions when he should have some motions.
Right. Right. Now the person who has worldly sorrow, they have sadness that's happening over the wrong reasons.
Right. So sadness for the wrong reasons, this out of proportion at times and hopeless and despair.
So you have godly sorrow, you have worldly sorrow. So what you want is like God tells us like when we sin to lament like a virgin covered in sackcloth for the bridegroom of our youth.
Well, the problem is that we're not even sorry over a sin. Right. So God's commanding us to have sorrow and we don't have it.
That's an evidence that our heart's not right. Do you get what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So there are times where like we we're missing sorrow that we need.
And then there's times where our sorrow is excessive and out of proportion and attached to all the wrong things.
So like if you're Ahab who is weeping tears over the fact that Naboth won't sell you his vineyard.
Right. Like the issue is like your sadness is attached to covetousness and that sadness is not neutral.
That sadness is wrong. Right. You get what I'm saying? Yeah. So what you want is you want emotions that are properly triggering at the right times and the right proportion.
Okay. And so like they're not the whole category though is that they're just not neutral.
So like if a person never has any happiness in their life whatsoever and they're just moving on, man, you know, like there's something wrong.
They're missing some sort of component of joy that they need. Right. Yeah. You know, if a person is just like overwhelmed all the time with sorrow and despair, not because of sin in the world, but because their idols are frustrated and they've given them so over to depression, like they have an emotion problem as much as they have a behavior problem, as much as they have a thought process problem.
Do you get what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And so what you need to do is you need to confess all of it.
Like when you see that your emotions are not triggering the way that honors the Lord, like that's an occasion to say, my heart's not right.
Please clean it up and help me to respond the way I should. And, you know, the more that you renew your mind, the more that you change your behavior, the more that your emotions will change too.
And God will change it, change it all. So like, like the issue though, is just those emotions are not neutral.
Like those, like all you have to do to show that emotions are not neutral is just to come up with one example in the
Bible where someone is told to have certain emotions they don't have or stop having certain emotions that they do have.
Right. Right. So, and I mean, it's so easy to do, you know, God says to Jonah, you know, is it good for you to be angry?
Right. Yeah. No, it's not. Now the Hebrew word for anger there is his nose became hot.
Right. And like, that's the Hebrew idiom for anger, anger and like nose became hot.
You know what that is? That's a cartoon bull on the TV show with steam coming out of it. Right. So God's saying, you know, is it good for your nose to become hot?
Is that emotion good? And the answer is no. You know, when Cain is angry and his face falls, you know,
God says, is it good for you to be angry? If you do well, will your sacrifice not be accepted essentially?
So like the issue is you just need one example of someone rebuking an emotion, anxiety, fear, you know, anger, there's plenty of men, joy, sorrow, like it's all there, you know, so but all you need is one case to say, hey, maybe this is, this is deeper than what
I thought. Right. And I think some people sort of have a response to what you're saying that basically leads them to a like, well, you know, this can't be true because then, you know, my sin is like essentially uncontrollable in a certain, you know, in a certain like when you think about like, hey, can
I control my emotions all the time? Right. I mean, none of us do. None of us do all the time.
None of us do. And so I think people recognize, well, then like,
I mean, there's just no hope. Like, I'm just going to sin. Right. But then I think that's the, that's the point that the
Bible is making that outside of Christ, like, like, you know, under, you don't understand how sinful you are.
Like the Bible, the Bible tries to tell us, but then we so often we just assume because we relate sin so much to actions and sometimes thoughts.
Right. If you, if you dwell on them long enough and no one's ever brave enough to define how long is long enough.
Right. When the Bible is telling us that it's so much more than that, that it's even down to our desires.
Right. And, and people and people, but people argue, well, I can't control my desires.
Right. And, and, and that's the point. Like, yeah. You can't control your behavior either.
And you can't control your thoughts either. Right. You can't control any of it. Like apart from God's help. Like the Bible tells the
Bible tells us this and, and that is how sinful each and every one of us is.
And that is how much forgiveness God shows to us in spite of ourselves.
Right. Remember the flood. I mean, like man, like God sends a flood because every thought and intention of their hearts were only evil continually.
So that's not even their behavior. That's their thoughts and that's their intentions. Okay. Like, so,
I mean, like the thing is, it's overwhelming as you read the Bible, like we're told to love the
Lord, our God, with all of our heart, our soul, our mind, and our strength. Like, do you do that?
Okay. And you can't just read that as love your Lord or God with all your behavior. Right. You can't read love the
Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength as love the Lord your God with all your behavior and all your thoughts.
Because that's not what it's saying. It's saying the entirety of everything about you. Right. Needs to love the
Lord. Like your thoughts, your desires, your behaviors, your intentions, your motives, your emotions, like all of it needs to match.
Like you need to have, like you need to have the, not only the right behavior at the right time, the right thoughts at the right time, the right desires at the right time, the right intentions at the right time, but you need to have the right emotions at the right time.
And we know, I mean, we know this, you know this when you think about that example that I gave, right?
Mm -hmm. Like, I mean, you imagine like the pedophile guy going to jail and he's sitting there crying over the fact that he can never, you know, act out again.
You know that sadness is wrong. Right. That sadness is wrong. There's something wrong with it. Right? That's not pure.
And he needs to repent of all of it. Right? All of it. He needs to cleanse it. Like his heart's not right.
And what's happening is his emotions are revealing what's in his heart. His emotions are revealing that they're like, that there's some problems there.
And so they reveal what the state of your heart is and like that, like you need to be repenting. Like when they're misfiring like that, you need to be repenting because that means your heart's wrong.
Right. Yeah. Okay. Fair enough. This has been another episode of Bible Bashed.
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Now, go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.