Highlight: Inconsistent Reactions to Uvalde
This is a highlight of our premiere webcast Apologia Radio. We discuss some inconsistent responses to this past week's tragedy.
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- 00:00
- And we can't neglect at the outset of it, as we have this discussion, we can't neglect it to talk about the fact that the leftists and the
- 00:12
- Democrats and the pro -choicers, interestingly, this week, in light of the school shooting, and somebody going into a place and slaughtering a bunch of little human beings, they're all of a sudden now just really, really concerned with very small human beings.
- 00:30
- Really concerned with someone just murdering innocent, small human beings, when really, just two weeks ago, they were trying to enshrine into law, to codify into law, the right to murder little humans at will.
- 00:44
- So they were upset that Roe versus Wade is possibly going to be overturned. So they tried to codify
- 00:51
- Roe versus Wade into federal law and create legislation that would give mothers and fathers the right to kill these little children at will.
- 00:59
- So it's strange, of course, we don't want to fail to recognize that very strange duplicitous position, on the one hand, kill the children at will, on the other hand, when it happens and it's politically expedient for you, we now all of a sudden care very deeply about someone coming in and slaughtering little human beings.
- 01:18
- And so we can't neglect to bring it up because it's an obvious inconsistency. And the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.
- 01:24
- Fools despise wisdom and correction. And so... That just highlights the subjective nature of the hope and healing that they offer.
- 01:34
- Yeah. Because they're, I mean, they're essentially holding these two deeply conflicting ideals in their hands at the same time.
- 01:45
- And they have no way to make sense of it other than to just forget they said the other thing.
- 01:51
- Like forget what one hand is holding while the other one, you know. And so it just, it really just reveals that their assessment of the issue is incomplete.
- 02:05
- And therefore, their prescription for hope and healing is also going to be incomplete as well.
- 02:13
- Yeah, they can't make sense of what they're seeing. They can't make sense of their own worldview and their system. They're internally incoherent.
- 02:20
- And you can speak and speak and speak and speak and speak as much as you want to them about their inconsistencies, and they won't ultimately be able to see it until there's a fear of the
- 02:29
- Lord. Until there is reverent submission and awe before God, they'll never understand, they'll never know.
- 02:35
- In a situation like this, you can say to them, do you not see the difference between the two positions within one month?
- 02:41
- You said that mothers and fathers should be able to kill their little human beings at will. And you want it as a part of law nationally, that you can kill your child, your small human in the womb, and you can actually do it as much as you want.
- 02:53
- 20 kids is not the limit. You can really do it as much as you want. And then two weeks later with a school shooting, they're saying, no, we really care about these small human beings and someone coming in to slaughter them.
- 03:03
- That's unjustified taking of little human life, and we're opposed to that. And it's just politically expedient.
- 03:09
- But see, you can speak to them as much as you want to say, hey, there's two positions there. Something isn't working.
- 03:14
- And the answer is the next part of that verse, Proverbs 1 .7, fools despise wisdom and instruction.
- 03:21
- But another example. So just to show you the inconsistency and the internal incoherence of these people in their worldview.
- 03:31
- Here is, this is Chuck Schumer, when they got the word about the possibility of Roe versus Wade being overturned.
- 03:43
- So this is Chuck Schumer like three, four weeks ago. Okay. Last night, a report disclosed that a conservative majority of the
- 03:52
- United States Supreme Court is ready to overturn Roe v. Wade and uproot decades of precedent affirming a woman's right to an abortion.
- 04:02
- If this report is accurate, the Supreme Court is poised to inflict the greatest restriction of rights in the past 50 years, not just on women, but on all
- 04:15
- Americans. Under this decision, our children will have less rights than their parents.
- 04:23
- Oh, wait, wait. What? What are you doing talking about children in the same breath?
- 04:32
- Do you see just it just it's blindness. It's such blindness. Fools despise wisdom and correction.
- 04:41
- You can't even see that you're literally, you're literally harping on the fact, calling an abomination that the
- 04:51
- Supreme Court is going to overturn Roe versus Wade and people are not going to be able to kill their children anymore.
- 04:57
- And man, our children are going to grow up in a nation with less rights than we have. Wait, you said you want the children to be able to be slaughtered, but now you're worried about the children that are going to have less rights.
- 05:08
- Like it's in the same breath. You're like 10 seconds between spots. You can't see it.
- 05:15
- Right. That's what I mean. That's what like to me, when you say the word fool, I can't imagine a clearer image than someone holding two deeply opposing things and they're both there right there in your hand.
- 05:28
- And it's like, well, what about that one thing you said? And they're just like, right. They just put it behind their
- 05:33
- That is the world we live in. The world we live in is deeply inconsistent.
- 05:40
- And the only way it's coherent and continues to work is that they can talk about one thing at a time.
- 05:48
- That two weeks ago they can talk about this one thing and now they can talk about this thing. But there has to be some level of consistency.
- 05:55
- Someone has to push and press on this and say, hey, I still see you holding those two things.
- 06:02
- How are you holding them both? Right. And I saw you put it behind your back, but we're not doing that.
- 06:09
- Right. You just mentioned like in this week he says this, and then two weeks later he says this. But in this video, he hadn't even,
- 06:16
- I don't even think he got a chance to catch his breath yet between sentences. He said it wasn't two weeks apart even.
- 06:23
- It is that, but in this moment, it was like he didn't have a chance to get to catch his breath before he went and totally contradicted himself.
- 06:30
- On the one hand, kill the children. On the other hand, man, we got to protect these children's rights. Which is it?
- 06:37
- Which is it? Kill the children or protect their rights? Like on the one hand, you want to give an emotional appeal to all these children and their rights and these children who are dying, but boy, we really need to protect the right for parents to kill their children.
- 06:50
- We really want them to continue dying. It's amazing because this, I've only played on the screen 36 seconds.
- 06:57
- 36 seconds. He said that in 36 seconds. He really did. But this again, this was a couple of weeks ago.
- 07:03
- He calls the overturning of Roe versus Wade an abomination.
- 07:09
- He calls it an abomination. He wants mothers and fathers, and he worked for legislation that would allow mothers and fathers to continue to kill their children in the womb.
- 07:19
- He's one of the most vocal advocates for the codification of Roe that we have federally.
- 07:26
- Schumer, he is. This is Schumer this week. That was a couple weeks ago.
- 07:32
- This is Schumer this week in response to the Texas shooting. Yesterday, just 10 days after Buffalo, that plague struck again in Uvalde, Texas, where 19, 19 innocent children and two teachers were gunned down at Robb Elementary.
- 07:53
- Do we have a problem with innocent children? Innocent, small, developing human beings being murdered?
- 08:02
- Do we have a problem with that? I do. I do. From a Christian perspective, I say give the guy, anybody who's involved in that, give him capital punishment.
- 08:10
- Show the world that the state is serious about murdering children like that at a school. Give them the worst of the worst in terms of don't let them have life in prison.
- 08:19
- No, capital punishment. You murder these human beings in a school, you're going to get capital punishment. That's what
- 08:25
- I think is justice. I say give them the worst. I have a basis to say like, is innocent children dying is meaningful.
- 08:31
- You just were trying to fight for innocent children to be murdered in the wombs of their mothers.
- 08:37
- What took place in Texas? A man in an unjustified manner took the lives of developing, small human beings.
- 08:49
- What are you fighting for in legislation that mothers and fathers can take the lives of innocent, developing human beings in their wombs in an unjustified manner?
- 08:59
- What's the difference? There is no difference. The only difference is that one is even more unnatural than the other because you're killing your own child.
- 09:07
- Yeah. It boils down to if the child is wanted or not. Yeah. Right. That's their standard.