FBC Morning Light (8/17/2024)


A brief bit of encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Speaker: Mike Gottemoller Music: “Awaken the Dawn” by Stanton Lanier https://www.stantonlanier.com CCLI #1760549


Good Saturday morning people of faith. This weekend we'll be looking or reading in Jeremiah chapters 27 through 29 and Ezekiel chapters 1 through 3.
We're going to focus on chapters 2 and 3 of Ezekiel and let's get started.
So when we think of Ezekiel oftentimes if you're like me you think of a prophet of God who was instructed by the
Lord to do some kind of crazy things as object lessons for the people of God.
And what we're going to be looking at in chapters 2 and 3 though is the instructions that God gave to Ezekiel as he was called to this ministry of teaching and being a prophet.
So let me start in verse 6 of chapter 2 and it says, And you son of man do not be afraid of them nor be afraid of their words though briars and thorns are with you and you dwell among scorpions do not be afraid of their words or dismayed by their looks though they are a rebellious house.
So the first thing of many things that are told to Ezekiel here one thing is do not be afraid.
So remember do not be afraid. Then we're going to go down to chapter 3 and verse 1 and we have some figurative language here.
Ezekiel is receiving a vision from the Lord back at the end of chapter 2.
It says now when I looked there was a hand stretched out to me and behold a scroll of a book was in it then he spread it before me and there was writing on the inside and on the outside and written on it were lamentations and mourning and woe.
So I learned something just an odd little thing in the last couple of years that when you are asleep you can't read anything in your dream.
So if you think back the dreams you've had if you try and read something in your dream you generally wake up. So for all those who want to study by putting a book underneath their head at night as they go to sleep it doesn't work and it won't work.
But this is a clear indication that this is a vision and not a dream that that Ezekiel was receiving.
And so this this scroll we pick up in the beginning of chapter 3 it says me moreover he said to me son of man eat what you find eat this scroll and go.
So he's supposed to take this scroll and eat it well that's the figurative language.
This scroll was from the Lord God's word and he is supposed to eat it.
That's that's like meditating on it chewing it over thinking about it letting that word nourish you.
As Jesus said man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.
All right so that's the second thing is be one who learns the word.
All right and then number three it said continuing in verse 1 of chapter 3 it says go speak to the house of Israel and and so and then down in verse 11 of chapter 3 it says and go get to the captives and the to the children of your people and speak to them and tell them thus says the
Lord your God or the Lord God whether they hear or whether they refuse.
All right so three three things that have been told to Ezekiel here and then we're going to look at how they apply says do not be afraid do not be afraid and he says study the word know the word learn the word let it be your nourishment and finally speak the word and that applies to that that applies to Ezekiel in particular here but application can certainly be drawn for all of us to not be afraid of those who would seek to harm us for doing right or for speaking the truth all right and especially
I would say for pastors for teachers for those who have a responsibility to stand up before the congregation and speak to them be certain to not be afraid to hold back on what the word would say out of fear of retribution from the congregation or out of fear of needlessly offending but rather make certain you speak the word clearly all right and make certain it is the word that you speak congregations do not need to hear your opinion about life necessarily though it may be at times profitable ultimately people need the word of God it's the word of God that gives life it is not your opinion and finally and finally make certain that you do speak speak with clarity whether or not those people will respond let's pray heavenly father thank you for this example of how you called
Ezekiel and may it be that we apply those principles to our lives that it would be you that receives the glory and not us it's in your son's name