Some Insights for Home Schoolers and Whether Calvin Produced Anti-Trinitarians


Snuck a program in just before Thanksgiving and our next road trip, which begins Friday. Had some material for our home school kids, and then talked about how we read Scripture. Lord willing, see you all again next week from the road!

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Well greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line. I just came running in here just a few minutes ago I have been running around like a chicken with his head cut off Which a lot of people have never seen a chicken running around with its head cut off When you think about it, and in fact, you know, there's so many things we say that we picked up when we were younger and Can tell people where you're from how old you are all sorts of stuff like that.
I was thinking of one just yesterday. I Was talking to myself
And you got nothing to say about that buddy because it when you're playing Tim the Toolman Taylor it is a never -ending monologue
It is amazing When he's working on something, it's just And he's just I don't know he's talking to but not talking to me.
He's just talking to himself and that's just how it works Anyways, I was talking to myself and I used a phrase that I use all the time
My kids will tell you you say it all to busier in a one -armed paper hanger And I've I've came to realize a couple days ago
There's nobody under 40 that has any earthly idea what in the world that means because Does anyone even use wallpaper anymore?
I mean Everything I see is just all You know painting and stuff like that But you know you used to have guys that added they they hung wallpaper and So you'd you know, it took two hands
To put the glue and and hang wallpaper up up on a wall.
And if you're a one -armed paper hanger You'd be very very busy getting that one arm trying to do all that stuff at once and it made perfect sense when
I was A kid, but now we say that and the younger generation just goes what I actually use that phrase in a meeting
With one of my pastors a couple of weeks ago and he looked at me with this. He was like stop
And I'm continuing on the conversation. He's like What it what did you what is that?
I've never heard that and I'm like you're in your 40s You've never never in his life. Have you ever heard that? I think it's a
Midwestern thing I guess but I tell you what, first of all, I've seen a chicken with his head cut off I have personally seen it, but that's you know where I come from.
So Like, you know one -armed paper. I'm not actually look normally when you cut off a chicken's head
It just dies, but sometimes if you hit it just right. Yeah, they just go running around the barnyard without a head on.
Yeah But yes, we have these Colloquialisms Traveling back when
I used to get to go overseas I had some I had some dear brothers from South Africa contact me this morning said are you ever gonna come back?
I'm basically like no No, don't think so Afraid those those days are past but Yeah Yeah, same thing same thing there
Okay I've got some stuff for homeschool kids at the start of the program today.
Okay, so parents If you've got homeschool kids, the first ones the first thing is gonna be
For homeschool kids that are a little bit younger maybe not not quite as deep a subject and Then the second thing a little bit older kids
Maybe your high school kids something like that something along those lines. I just I So enjoyed talking with The high school kids a couple days ago.
What was that Thursday? Yeah Thursday of last week and You know, my grandkids are homeschooled and I think homeschool kids are awesome and they're family people and they take care of each other and It's awesome and I think
Homeschooling is great and it's right now about the only option we've got outside of really good solid
Christian schools I get that but there's just a there's a quality to homeschooling and So I was thinking about and this would be something
I would I would share with my hopefully maybe my daughter will hear this and Get the get the kids around the computer or however, it is
They're watching if they're watching the dividing line today or will later Um, I was just over there to dropping off.
Yeah my truck smells like Thanksgiving and Christmas because Yet last night my wife diced up the celery and onions for my dad's
Dressing now you had my dad's dressing It was special wasn't it?
Yes. He says yes So cuz somebody on Twitter Said did you see that?
I think that person should be kicked off Twitter. Yes, because Somebody on Twitter said
Stuffing stinks or is horrible or gross. It's gross. It's gross. I Did respond with one word blocked?
I didn't block him. I just want people to know that I mean, there are people who just have really really bad taste
And you're somebody you're looking at my sweater right now going. Yes, that's true but Anyway so there is there are certain ingredients that have to go in that dressing and my son -in -law
Eric is doing the turkey and We have a photocopy because I have the original the original
I mean 1950s Vintage recipe. I still have it.
My mom gave it to us before she died and so Eric's got a lot a lot of pressure because I tried to do that and I got close a couple times
But I'm not a cook. I'm just not and I might get it one year in the next year
It's just complete disaster, you know utter disaster who knows but we'll see what happens tomorrow, but you have to you have to slice the onions and the celery and the smell and I remember my mom weeping and my wife weeping and even though we've gotten
Machines and stuff like that. So the whole house and that's what I brought over today was the turkey pan and stuff like that and and Yet you
I don't care what you do, I don't care what you put a sliced onion inside it can be triple steel walled
You'll still smell it Absolutely anything it really really can it's amazing stuff.
Anyhow, what were we talking about Moses was in the bull rushes, okay Hope you all have a great
Thanksgiving tomorrow if you're having that opportunity, so we're gonna have one two, three four families
Gathering in in our place and then just if you're praying folks I head out very early the next morning on on our next trip, which
I'm really really really looking forward to and it's all up on the on the Calendar now, too
If you want to know where I'll be stopping pretty much on the way back I'm not stopping on the way out when you're trying to get a long distance
You have to make those days a little bit longer Driving wise and but I will be stopping it a couple different places three three different places actually on the way back home in December anyways for our homeschooled kids
Many of you have memorized Verses from the hundred and nineteenth
Psalm Psalm 119 and Many of you will be aware of the fact
That Psalm 119 is one is the longest Psalm in the
Psalter and So one thing that I think you might find very interesting is that the 119th
Psalm is an acrostic poem an Acrostic poem and some of your
Bibles. I was looking interestingly enough through A number of my
English Bibles in accordance and it could be that I have a setting someplace where I've turned
This kind of stuff off maybe But I know I've seen in printed Bibles Translations that will in fact,
I think in the New American Standard That will give you the
Hebrew letter That begins each eight verse section
So Depending on how you count them, there's there's 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and Psalm 119 you have eight verses and They go in the order of the
Hebrew alphabet. So I actually have it on the screen I don't know if you if you can grab that or not but if you if you look at the original language
We're gonna have to blow that up. I'm afraid because that's way way too small There we go, okay, so notice over here in the translation it says
Alph that's Aleph and You see in the Greek Septuagint. It's the Greek translation
Here's Aleph and then Alph is how it's they have it, but there's this is
This is this letter right here. Well Sorry, can't really just get it to show you that but you can this is an
Aleph that that word starts with Alph now remember something about Hebrew Hebrew is written from the right to the left instead of the way we write from the left to the right and So the first letter of this word is on the right hand side
Rather than on the left hand side. That's one of the fun things about learning Hebrew is you got to get your mind going backwards and so notice this this word starts with Aleph this word starts with Aleph this word starts with Aleph this word starts with Aleph all the way down through verse 8 and Then beginning of verse 9 the next letter is bet and so there's your bet there.
There's your bet there and It goes all the way through the Hebrew alphabet. So the
Writer of the 119th Psalm and in case the next column is confusing you over here
Because it says Psalm 118 here and says Psalm 118 here, but it says
Psalm 119 here and Psalm 119 there Why is that? well, that's because this is the
Greek Septuagint the Greek translation of the Old Testament and the Psalms are numbered differently in The Greek Septuagint than they are in the
Hebrew text and hence in our English translations today Which can make finding references very very tricky at times but the point is that the person who wrote this psalm and I had a
I had a professor at Grand Canyon College And I don't know why
I remember this he was a wonderful wonderful man, dr. DC Martin, I Just realized
I forgot my green drinky thingy the Refrigerator, please.
Thank you. The older I get the more I need to wet the whistle once in a while DC Martin Just a wonderful Saint of God.
I didn't agree with everything. He said about the Old Testament. He was he was really good Old Testament scholar and I just remember out of all the things that the
DC said And everybody only knew him by DC, it's Davis Carroll was his was he's old, you know
Southern Southern gentleman So they Davis Davis Carroll Martin, I think was what it was.
You know, I trust rich a lot to just hand me something I just immediately drink it because if he wanted if he wanted to take over the ministry
Anyway DC Martin said That he thought someone 119 was a rabbi's
Class assignment he he assigned all of to one student and Betts and then
Gimel and Dalit and so on so forth down down the line and That's how someone in teen came to be
I don't think that's the case but But the point is
You could be it would be really interesting ooh, oh man,
I might make some of the homeschool students angry with me if I say this but be an interesting assignment wouldn't it to try to write a poem and The subject of all of it is the same.
There's there's like five or six words law commandments, etc, etc that Define the 119 psalm.
It's about God's Word God's Commandments God's Holy Law and so it would be interesting to try to write a poem that every line in the poem begins with a different letter like this does so first Four or eight or however long you want to make the thing
Begin with it a and then a B and then a C and so on and so forth While also maintaining
Excuse me the same Topics that you would be that you would be addressing that would be a
Interesting homeschool project for somebody to do But yes,
I'm a 19 the acrostic poem the long acrostic poem following the Hebrew alphabet which of course
Long precedes the English language. I mean that that acrostic poem was written in Hebrew 2 ,000 years before The English language came into existence and even then you wouldn't really recognize the
English language as it first came into existence So long long ago long long ago. So that that alphabet is much much earlier than than ours okay, you can take that that down and so the second thing just for Some of the more advanced students homeschoolers
You You've undoubtedly I'm sure almost all homeschoolers have
Had conversations with mom and dad about Romans chapter 1 there are you know,
I've I've been defending and debating the
Word of God defending the Word of God in debate For over 30 years 32 years now since started in 1990 and People often ask me why do you believe?
Why do you continue to believe in the Word of God? You've spoken to all these atheists And they've thrown all these alleged contradictions at you and things like that.
Why do you still continue? To believe and aside from the fact that the contradictions are generally based upon their ignorance
Or our ignorance as human beings and and not problems actually in the Word of God one of the reasons that I would point to is
Romans 1 I've said this many times Romans chapter 1 is
Supernatural it it describes man and his thinking
And yet it transcends language and culture It's just as true of The remote
Central American tribe or South Pacific tribe It's just as true of them as it is the most cultured
Englishman or person from China or Whatever it might be.
It doesn't matter what the language is doesn't matter. The background is Romans 1 nails Mankind it is universally applicable and I don't think it's anything else like it.
I mean Romans 1 tells more about mankind than all of the psychology
And psychiatric books that have ever been published that are based upon man's theories and speculations and stuff like that and so when we read
Romans 1 in One the most important of those verses verse 20
Well, we Back up a little bit The text is talking about how men suppress the truth they
They suppress truth and unrighteousness because that which is known about God is evident within them for God made it evident to them so God has made a revelation of Certain aspects of his being and they're listed for us in verse 20
For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen being understood through what has been
Made so they are without excuse so his invisible attributes all of them
All the attributes of God the the true statements given to us in Scripture about about God's being well
There's specific ones and that is he's eternal power and divine nature having clearly seen and What does that hold man accountable to well verse 21 for even though they knew
God they had not honored him as God or give Thanks, but they became futile in their speculations and their foolish heart was darkened.
And so the revelation that God has made of himself in Creation is sufficient to teach us that we are to honor
God as God and Give thanks, which is what? Which is what we'll be doing tomorrow since this is the day before Thanksgiving in the
United States and It's what secularists Who deny
God will still feel the need to do without knowing who in the world to address to give the thanks to and That's because they're suppressing they're holding down the truth in unrighteousness
Now with all that said You might ask the question It says his eternal power and divine nature his eternal power and divine nature now
What's interesting here is if you have something like the King James Version of the Bible And I'm not we're not getting into it looks like actually
I got word last night that It looks like we are going to be able to have a
King James Version debate in February in Tennessee when I go back to Do the
Conference with Jeffrey Rice and I need to you know,
I want to let everybody know in the Tennessee area You know, we need to get folks there to make it work basically and So I need to get that.
I've already tweeted it once but I need to get it up on the website So that Jeffrey knows see a lot of a lot of folks these days, you know, there's so many uncertainties in the future that it's hard to plan things and But it's pretty tough for Jeffrey to be planning it without knowing if anybody's gonna show up So Look up Jeffrey Rice on Facebook.
Look up post -10 verse Lux on Facebook He's the guy does the beautiful beautiful beautiful rebinds, you know, here's my
Tyndale house Greek New Testament Super -duper well done and We're gonna have a
King James only debate with a with what should be a well -prepared opponent we can't get a the
King James only fundamentalist guys that Run around the stage screaming amen and Hey and stuff like that They're just too busy running around stages screaming.
Hey Edmund Hey, man I I've retweeted that one member remember they
I did that the whole thing where I played that guy's sermon and then
Kuiper belt went ahead and found that and and put up a counter how many times he said
Amen, and hey, and hey, man, and all the rest that kind of stuff. It was it was great But anyway, so keep an eye out for that.
And if you're if you're making plans for Think it's the Second third weekend it's sort of somewhere on there in February.
I need to get the exact stuff up Make sure to let Jeffrey Rice know and go on the website and say yep.
I'm coming and stuff like that, but So I'm not trying to Go after that particular
Issue right now and talk about King James only ism and all the rest that kind of stuff but in the
King James The word is translated it's even his eternal power and Godhead Godhead Now that's not exactly the language that we use
Today in in our English language But that's what it says the trail power and Godhead in the
King James version of the Bible and If you were to look up the term Godhead You Would find the
King James also uses it to Colossians 2 9 for in him all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily so What is
Godhead? well, it was obviously a much more commonly used term in the past than it is today and The important thing again speaking to our homeschool kids the important thing is to remember that When Paul wrote
Romans 1 and when Paul wrote Colossians 2 There was no
English language English language didn't exist yet I'd say the earliest you could posit the existence of a distinctly
English language is 1 ,000 AD for the most primitive but English is a is a mixed bag from Germanic tribes and Latin and it's just all sorts of stuff that came together to form this very very odd language and so The real issue isn't what is
Godhead mean? the real issue is What terms did
Paul use? And what did he mean to communicate because when you think about it? Colossians 2 9 says for in him
All the fullness of And the Greek term is they are tata's dwells in bodily form and this is meant to point out that The standard is
Christ the standard for all mankind the standard for non -christians is
Christ why? Because in him all the fullness of deity that which makes
God God dwells in bodily form and So that that's referring to the very essence of God is that what
Romans 1 is talking about For since the creation of the world his invisible attributes his eternal power and divine nature so do trees reveal
The very essence of God that which makes God God Well, no, they don't there is a limitation to what the created order can
Reveal Because it's created. It's finite. It's limited so obviously
Paul's Thinking of different things and when you go back to the original languages, that's why he didn't use the same words.
They're very close They're very close they are tata's glosses to nine
Thyatis There's an extra iota one little stroke what we would call the letter.
I in Romans 120 but it changes the meaning of the word.
It's now talking about divine nature in a much less specific
Much more general sense than the much stronger term they are tata's at Colossians 2 9 so modern translations recognize that and Translate them accordingly and you might ask well
Why the King James translators translate two different words with the same English word?
Well, that's not the only only place that happens But the problem here is doing that when it's the same author in different contexts
Communicating something different. That's where it has led to certain levels of confusion and If I recall correctly there was only one committee in the
King James in the work of the King James that that did Paul and So you would think they would have caught that But they didn't and so it's there so what's important is the the point to communicate is it is important to know what the underlying text says because translations don't always get it, right and Don't always give the most clear and compelling translation in In the process, so I think that's something to to keep in mind all right switching to other topics,
I'm I Hope you're with me and you are sitting here
Seeing the the story of this High market company. I'd never heard of them that sells ridiculously priced stuff
That put out an advertisement that was plainly it seeking to promote
And in fact Parents were gaffed to for a second to be talking about something.
You might not want the kids around Trying to promote Pedophilia grooming
Sex of minors all this kind of stuff and Thankfully one news outlet
Fox especially Tucker Carlson I'd seen it first on Twitter.
I'd admit I I don't care what anybody says Twitter has changed over the past couple weeks In fact
Twitter is now marketing And showing as much savvy as Facebook I don't do much on Facebook, I've never you know,
I've never been a big Facebook fan You dragged me into that kicking and screaming But you know
Facebook Monitors everything you hit like on and tries to throw stuff at you based on that and So you can learn to Play games with Facebook by you know for a while.
I was liking every watch ad It came by and so the all I got were real really pretty watches
Nothing else, especially the stuff. I didn't like wasn't popping up anymore. Okay, that's one way of doing it
Twitter is now throwing ads at me that are actually relevant to me.
I Understand he's like fired 90 % of the people in that government What man did those people have a good and easy for a long long time, but now they're working at McDonald's So I think that's really cool.
And the timing of it is really incredible because Facebook's laying off, right? So I what's the parent company that they came up with I can't remember
Metta Metta is laying off. So it's like the entire tech sector is shrinking
While these people are sitting back going. I'm not coming to his meeting. Well, you're fired What you gonna do now hero?
Yes, it is it is fascinating anyway, I had seen this story first on Twitter About the it's a company that starts to be
I've again never heard of it If you've got the kind of money to be able to buy baby clothes that cost 1 ,500 bucks
When that kid's gonna gonna grow out of it in about two and a half weeks. Well, okay, that's that's that's not my world anyway this these evil vile people
Are And of course if they've now come out with statements saying we've fired the person responsible for this and La -la -la -la.
Oh, come on. You're you're you know what you're doing? You're throwing somebody out of the bus because but you knew what you were doing.
Don't don't give us that just boycott that company Drive him into the ground But it won't happen.
We have and and and we have so many people in Western society today That are now, you know with the
Colorado Springs shooting The narrative was one thing
Immediately one thing we certainly should have learned over the past decade
Whatever the first story is is a lie It's not even worth
Interacting with it's not going to be the final thing. In fact that that reminds me there's
There's a 30 -minute video that somebody put out called the broken boys of Kenosha.
Did you see it? Called the broken boys Kenosha. John Cooper sent it to me a couple weeks ago, and I hadn't seen it yet and So Luke sent it out and I said, okay.
All right. I'll take a look at it and It's really good because it goes through the
Blake shooting Which was in Kenosha which started all this stuff remember the NBA, you know
NBA teams refusing to play and protests all the rest of stuff it goes through the seven points that were put out immediately and documents all seven of them were lies
That he was armed that he wasn't that wasn't his car. He was stealing his wife's car and He was supposed to have the kids and and he had a knife in his hand and all this stuff that he had been tased and Continued to resist and all the rest of stuff
But then what they did that nobody will do on any news outlet is they went through?
how he Came to be who he was His father had no fathered him and then just left that is a massive major problem in the black community
I remember the Program a couple years ago where they brought all these young black men in and one guy had 28 kids by about 14 different women and You know baby mama baby daddy, that's that's the term that's the terminology you use in a completely broken community where the family's gone and so he goes through and documents
This this guy grew up without a father. It's fatherlessness we've been saying this for a long time and you get accused of of everything in the
Sun and Then they go through and they talk about the guys in Kenosha that got shot by the young white kid now
They also put put out the young white Rick Kyle Was Rittenhouse Kyle Rittenhouse?
they talk about how his family is broken and Both of the guys that ended up dying
That he did he shot Talk about completely messed up families no fathers and One of the two had been released from the psych ward and in fact in one of the pictures
He's swinging the bag from the psych ward that had his stuff in it at somebody that's how he had been literally hours and The whole the whole film.
I I think it was the second guy I'm not sure.
I'm not sure maybe But the the whole point of the film
Was this is what fatherlessness and the breakup of the family does this is what this is what it created on both sides of the events and It was it was powerful
It'll be completely ignored But it was it was very very powerful in the process
So anyway We are seeing this society
Because of its abject rejection of God's will God's way
God's law deciding that children are
Abusable throwaway things you can use them as you wish there is we literally are becoming a society of People anybody who can sit there and talk about family friendly drag queen story hours
Just has absolutely no Morality no moral compass no system of ethics left.
I Cannot imagine and I'm I'm a child of the 60s
Okay, I was born in the early part of the 1960s And my parents talked about how society was changing it was going crazy and all the rest that kind of stuff
Nobody at in that day nobody would have ever dreamed of the kind of Blatant sexualization of young people
That we're seeing today nobody and still today You Get thrown into prison doing something like that.
You ain't gonna last long Cuz even the prison inmates have enough morality left
To know that's wrong that no You don't you don't you don't do that to kids.
No. No you do that and and You're not gonna get out of here in one piece functional anyways and so But today the the leading voices in media
They're all If you dare speak out in any of these things if you dare oppose the
LGBTQ revolution in any form whatsoever You should be sued into oblivion you should have charges brought against you whatever it might be and once the
Constitution is truly just shredded Which unless there is a massive?
Change of things is going to happen. I Mean you might be seeing you're going.
Yeah, we've got five conservative Supreme Court justices a bunch of them are really old okay, and We saw in the in the midterms the fully secularized
Fully ethically lobotomized 18 to 29 year olds voted and they're gonna keep voting and that means eventually all the old guys on the court die off and once you have five or six
Like the ideologues we already have on the court Like Brown and stuff like that who have absolutely
Positively No Concept of the
Constitution at all Once they're in the majority the
Constitution is just a piece of paper if it will be interpreted
By people in that fashion There's nothing that can be done
It's it's done and so Once that happens then these people will take all the political power and they will take the police power
And you know what they want to do you know what they want to do and What they're gonna try to accomplish
So Lord help us Lord Lord help us truly I mentioned this
Thomas Horrocks guy on the last program and I may have even mentioned this tweet.
I'm not sure but I don't remember going to this text but a
Progressive a Little strange that so many of the folks who want to swing their
Bible around to protest civil protections for gay marriage Seem to skip right over the part where scripture explicitly says that Christians aren't supposed to judge the sexuality of outsiders
Did I read that before a little strange is so many of the folks who want to swing their
Bible around to protest Civil protections for gay marriage. This is not David French, by the way
Though David French is heading this direction quickly Seem to skip right over the part where scripture explicitly says the
Christians aren't supposed to judge the sexuality of outsiders The only thing I can think of here. The only thing I can think of is he's talking about first Corinthians And Judging those that are in on the inside not the outside That's it.
No reference was given. So as if what that means is that Christians aren't supposed to recognize the utter
Depravity of the immorality of the nations I I Don't know but the first thought across my mind when
I saw this was Have you? Have you read
Leviticus 18? Leviticus 18 specifically lays out
The sins that were committed by the people Who lived in?
the land of Canaan the Canaanites For which
God was judging them for which God said to the people of Israel wipe them out man woman and child
Because of the sins that they have committed and what were those sins
Everything promoted by the LGBTQ revolution homosexuality bestiality
Incest it's all there And And it says literally that the land spewed them out
The land spewed them out it was so unnatural what they were doing that that nature itself
Spit them out spit them out. And so I'm I'm looking at this and I go, you know
Quote -unquote Progressives and of course, they always try to use terms like that. They're the only only only
Direction, they are progressing is toward Utter apostasy. I mean, that's it's all there is to it.
There's no other way to put it But the way in which they read scripture Is is truly truly amazing it really really is
So Just a couple of other items because I'm actually gonna be joining
Ryan Harris with the Ezra Institute in And I'm you know,
I'm wondering if Joe will actually now I don't think Joe's gonna make it but who knows maybe he'll surprise us
But we're gonna be talking about Thomas and the
Baptist basically The Ezra Institute's been doing some programs on the subject of the
Renaissance of Thomism amongst Protestants and so we're gonna record something just after we finish the program here, so Busy busy day right before Thanksgiving But I wanted to actually you know what
I we should have tested this And I now have the audio going the right direction
Let me see if I can I had this queued up. Yeah There was a the
Southern California Reformed Baptist Pastors Conference took place recently
At Trinity Reformed Baptist Church in La Mirada, California and During the
Q &A period There was a interesting discussion and I wanted to Play a portion of it just to give you a sense of Some of the things being said.
I hope I have it queued up here I hope it's gonna play because I queued this up for the last program and you know how that works
Very often it just goes what we we broke that connection a long time ago But let's let's see if this if this works
And the first time I ever learned about the extra calvinistic i'm like no the church had been confessing that for centuries at that point millennia and a half
They like to make calvin a whipping boy because they called him a judaizer too
In his old testament commentaries because he didn't see christ there often enough. He was a judaizer though Not intentionally
That's for another discussion Okay Okay. Now I just I just want to point out what's going on here and I can't turn it up any louder
It's as loud as it gets um They're talking about Lutherans and reformed at time of reformation reformation
The extra calvinisticum was the language that lutherans used and um
Then I think that was jim renahan this this isn't a video so i'm just going on voices
I think I was jim renahan saying well, you know lutherans accused uh calvin of being a judaizer and Over him richard bersella says he was
He was a judaizer And you can hear jim just stop. It's like What?
What what did you just say? Um, so I I love you confessing that for centuries
They they like to make calvin a whipping boy Because they called him a judaizer too
In his old testament commentaries because he didn't see christ there often enough. He was a judaizer though Not intentionally
That's for another discussion Did did anyone define uh the term what the extra calvinist?
No rich is going to define it for you I'm gonna let somebody else define it. Calvin's a judy the doc
I'll explain myself. I'm right about that There's a book called
Judaizing calvin Something like that the uh doctrine that the incarnate there is
Okay We just got to deal with reality The Even some contemporary westminster uh confession of faith theologians admit that calvin often took non -traditional views on old testament texts that were either found as Adam -braided trinitarian texts or christological texts
Like texts on the descent of christ Samuel you're too young Okay That's that's another issue but But calvin does take novel views.
Okay. So what happened? What happened and calvin didn't intend this but there were graduates from uh, geneva that ended up becoming anti -trinitarians and the reason why they did is because of calvin's tendency at times to just be interested in historical or um
Literal sense which caused him to be very much unlike augustine in the psalms
Okay. No, that that was the part. I wanted you to hear because um
I made reference to a thread and I think
I linked to it um I did okay. Um Where we gave some example where chris wiseman gave a bunch of examples and there's far far more that could be given
Of augustine's reading of the psalms And he reads them as if they are new testament literature
The actual context Its role in the in the life of israel all that stuff
Does not matter What matters is how you can read into these words
Fulfillment in the new testament and it's it's almost in every single song
Um so that you know numerology and numbers and well, I I think
I did read for you the idea of the drum You have to spread skin across wood
To make it a drum and so since jesus's skin was spread across the wood of the cross, then
You make the connection to drumming in one of the psalms and So in other words it unlike uh, spurgeon and really unlike um the reformed since the reformation
Where you had a recovery of grammatical historical interpretation you had a a moving away from the allegorical uh interpretation of the medieval period
And certainly away from origins division of the meanings of scripture into all these subcategories
Um, you know this led to you know the need to learn hebrew again and and all the all this other really positive wonderful stuff, which
Doesn't keep you from unbelief. I mean we have I don't understand why someone would learn hebrew and greek that doesn't actually believe it's the inspired word of god, but there are people who do and That that's amazing stuff.
But anyway So what was said by dr. Barcellos now, he didn't name anybody.
This is just a q a But i'd really be interested in knowing Who were these graduates from geneva?
Whatever that means Uh graduates from geneva that became anti -trinitarian First of all, i'd like to know who they were i'd like to be able to access their writings myself
And secondly the assertion is that they became anti -trinitarian because Calvin didn't read the psalms like augustine now
I have a hunch That that's probably a real over reading but hey i'd be interested in looking especially because I've defended the doctrine of trinity for a long time
Without ever having to adopt an allegorical Reading of the psalter to do so and I don't think
That augustine's reading of the psalter Would be defensible
Against any kind of well -read opposition When I see for example, and i've pointed this out it pointed out in my book on the quran when
I see the author of the quran Displaying a fundamental ignorance of the historical backgrounds of The hebrew scriptures
And the content of the hebrew scriptures the fact that the um the author thinks that a lot of the gnostic writings were a part of The christian canon or were a part of the hebrew canon.
He had no idea what the canon actually was one way or the other Uh, I am
Engaging in a form of source criticism and so I have to be really consistent at this point in utilizing the same standards
In My criticism that I would then use in the defense of my own scriptures
And that's why i've been saying i've said more than once that I really think our
Neotimistic brothers Who are involved in their resourcement
Of the sources of the confession I'd get out of The reformed baptist facebook groups
And do some serious interaction with people outside the faith
And you'll discover pretty quickly That you can't keep going this direction and defend the faith itself
You'll end up having to compromise things The doctrine of justification for example is not defensible
Utilizing medieval exegetical techniques. It's not the strongest
Uh defense Of the doctrine of justification will be found by utilizing the grammatical historical interpretive method looking at the specific meaning of the entire argument from romans three through five um
Reading galatians in the context of paul writing to the churches in galatia you if you
But he uses an allegory in there, yeah, and he calls it that he lays it out he shows us what he's doing But the specific teaching
That he gives the specific meaning of the words The dick i .o group the zedekah group
Those are grammatical historical realities and they are the foundation of the doctrine of justification by faith
And so if you're going to hold to that doctrine You're not going to hold that doctrine
And at the same time say we need to go to pre -modern exegesis because it wasn't pre -modern exegesis
That Gave us the reformation Now were there people believed in justification by faith?
before The medieval period of course, we've looked at we've looked at clement of coming to rome.
We've looked at epistle of diagnetus It it's pauline from the start
How'd they how'd they get to that? They didn't get to that through medieval exegesis They got to that from taking the text directly and seriously
That's that's how they did it so One of the important things that we're doing here in standing for a meaningful and defensible exegetical approach is
Recognizing that The things we believe that are central to the gospel. That's where they come from.
That's That's how we've always understood them And you abandon that view of scripture and you're going to end up having to abandon
Those perspectives as well. So i'd really like to know who who were these students Of calvin
How'd they become anti -trinitarian? What what do you mean by anti -trinitarian? What positions did they take?
And how do you prove that it was because calvin Read the old testament with too much of a concern about its historical validity and reality and didn't read it like augustine did because When I read augustine on those, you know doing that kind of stuff i'm just like um, okay
Not very useful Not very useful at all. I when I read that kind of stuff I go man i'm thankful for the reformation
And so now i'm hearing people who call themselves children that reformation saying now we gotta go back to the old way i'm, like i'm, not going back to the old way and I don't
I don't know anybody else who wants to go back to the old way either but Okay um
So it was the same Richard brucellus that said on twitter true or false. He does all these true or false things that I find exceptionally annoying
Tradition is the method by which the holy spirit causes the truth of scripture to pass into the consciousness and life of the church and A young reformed baptist, uh pastor
Responded by saying true Since doctrine moves through language and language is necessarily
Traditioned I do not think we should have a problem admitting the necessity of tradition in the transmission of christian dogma throughout the historical life of the church now
I know what he's saying But I hope what you what you recognize is
Instead of allowing scripture to define these terms, especially the term tradition You're taking modern definitions of these terms and reading them backwards
So, uh Tradition is the method by which the holy spirit causes the truth of scripture to pass in the consciousness and life of the church um
That's probably taken from someone who's talking about the christian tradition derived from scripture.
That's probably the context But the problem is if you use it without that context
Because i'm familiar with the passage. I think it's from bobbing. I think Where he has just talked about um christian, uh christian truth flowing out of scripture and becoming what we call christian tradition
That's completely different from the use of the term tradition and I would think i've been trying to warn him
But I would think these days with how many people you know, you see regularly it's primarily because they
Announce their conversion Leaving proselytism for omic catholicism
That you might want to be careful in your use of terminology And Either that or it's just we don't care because we're not biblicists anymore.
So we don't we don't worry about What words meant in scripture first as if the church of as if the the sheep aren't going to default to the biblical usage
You know, we'll give them a different usage. I guess. I don't know I don't know but um
Clarity doesn't seem to be the the goal. Um these days in in a lot of different contexts
Anyways, all right. Like I said, i've got another program to do in just a matter of moments. And so I do hope that you have a wonderful thanksgiving day.
Please pray for me as I start traveling on friday Heading for saint charles, uh important time, uh there talking about the trinity and why we believe the trinity
We're going to be specifically emphasizing the fact that the trinity is a biblical doctrine
It is a biblical doctrine So we're going to be talking a lot more about nicaea chalcedon stuff like that the relationship to divine revelation
Which I also did in sunday's sermon at apologia if you are interested in um in that So lord willen we'll see you from the road uh next week on some well either we'll do some uh road trip dividing lines, which we will and uh
Be watching for some driving lines as well. Uh, because those are fun to do as well