F4F | Divine Sex?


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever heard a pastor or a prophet talk about how
Christians apparently have the best sex, go ahead and hit the subscribe button.
I know this is an awkward topic. Stay with me. My apologies. Today we are going to be heading over to the
YouTube channel of Mel Bond. This is a fellow who claims to be a prophet.
He hears directly from God, and apparently he's going to give us the steps and procedures that we need to go through in order to experience divine sex.
Yeah, I'm not making that up. Hope you're sitting down. Let's turn this on, and here we go.
This is Mel Bond, and I've got some good news for you, that God wants you to have divine sex.
Okay, now, I'm going to have to back that up, and I need to make a point here, and that is that when
Christians say, hey, I have good news to share with you, usually the good news has something to do with Jesus Christ dying for our sins.
By the way, the Greek word euangelion, which we get our English word gospel from, it means good news.
In fact, let me show you this, just because I'm really uncomfortable with this video, and I'm trying to distract myself.
It says in 1 Corinthians 15 .1, and now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel.
That's euangelion, good news. In fact, let's take a look at the Greek, because I'm trying to delay even farther, because I don't want to go back to that video yet, because it's really making me uncomfortable.
But euangelion, it means, you know, good news. Good news is what it means, yes.
And so, usually, when Christians say to people, I have good news for you, it has usually something to do with, well, what this text says.
Now I would remind you, brothers, of the good news I preached to you, which you received and which you stand, by which you are being saved.
If you hold fast to the word I preached to you, unless you believed in vain, for I delivered to you as of first importance what
I also received, that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures, that he was buried, was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures, that he appeared to Cephas and to the
Twelve, and then he appeared to more than 500 brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep.
He appeared then to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all, as to one untimely born, he appeared also to me.
So usually the good news has something to do with, you know, Jesus dying, you know, for our sins.
So that being the case, I mean, this video kind of starts off in a weird spot, and that is to see a
Christian guy claiming to be a prophet has good news. It's not about Jesus dying for our sins, it has something to do with, well, let's back this up and see what we can do here.
Yes, this is Mel Bond, and I've got some good news for you, that God wants you to have divine sex.
See, he even looked uncomfortable. What do you mean by divine sex?
I have to ask, because how is he using this word? Is divine like a synonym for great?
Or is divine a synonym for godly, because think of it this way, godly would be according to the prescribed limitations and uses for human procreation and sex and things like that.
So, you know, I'm not sure how he's using the word. Is it great? Is it fantastic?
Or is it holy? You know, what exactly do you mean by saying this?
Divine sex is sex that is totally fulfilled and satisfaction that is supernatural.
Supernatural satisfaction. Wow, okay, so how do I get me some of this?
Yes, okay. And a lot of the people in the world that are interested in sex, in fact, as I see it.
Yeah, pretty much everybody is interested in one way or another, yeah. Statistics, that's one of the major concerns of humanity from the beginning of time.
And so many people are not being fulfilled and satisfied. They're not satisfied.
There's no fulfillment there, yeah. And that's because they're not experiencing the formal recipe for, you know, divine sex.
They go to so many different other sources than what God has designed trying to find it, and they end up disappointed, and they keep trying with someone else.
They can't get no satisfaction, got it, okay. It doesn't happen. And so, if we want divine sex,
God is the author of sex. And so, as we study his word, we find out his instructions whereby that we can have divine sex.
There is a passage in scripture that actually explains how to have this more highly satisfying divine sex.
Do you notice I'm uncomfortable with this subject? That our sex life can be fulfilled and have full satisfaction.
Notice how uncomfortable he is, yes. Full satisfaction. So, that's what divine means, full satisfaction.
Divine sex. Well, here's God's instructions. Okay, so are you ready? Are you taking this down, folks?
Because, I mean, if you've wanted to figure out what is the secret that the Bible teaches, apparently, for us to have divine sex, here are the secret ingredients.
One, it comes from a man and a woman, as you study the Bible. And each person, the man and the woman, they need to be born again.
They need. Right. So, in order for this to happen, both people have to be born again. The male and the female must be born again.
These are two requirements of divine sex. Step Jesus Christ as their
Lord and Savior. Secondly, they need to be filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
You see... So, let me see if I got this right.
The real reason why people need to have the gift of tongues is so they can have divine sex.
Which biblical text teaches that the gift of tongues has anything to do with divine sex?
I've never seen the two related to each other. Experience in Acts in chapter 2, verse 4.
No, Acts 2 -4 is not a passage about divine sex.
Acts 2 -4 is the day of Pentecost and, you know, the Holy Spirit arriving and them speaking in other languages.
But nowhere in Acts chapter 2 does it say they spoke in other languages.
Oh, and had divine sex. Where you have a supernatural language, it's
God's language, and God gives you that ability to speak His language. I have a little teaching session.
So basically, I think what he's saying here is that those people who claim to speak in tongues, when they say shamahamahandai, that literally has something to do with divine sex.
Being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, if you have that interest. So a person, both parties, must be born again, filled with the
Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and they need to be married. Okay, I would agree.
Male and female, married. Christian, male, penitent believers in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins.
And let's just say, as a result of that, they value and listen to what
God's Word reveals regarding the proper use of sex.
And they repent of all forms of sexual immorality. That would kind of be an important thing here, but what's with the speaking in tongues bit?
In matrimony. And so the Bible says that what God has joined together,
I think that's Matthew chapter 19, right around verse 6, it says what God has joined together, no man, no entity, no human can pull it apart.
There'll be no divorces when people are born again, filled with the Holy Spirit.
Statistically that isn't true. Sadly, even Pentecostals experience a high percentage of divorces.
So what this guy is saying is just nonsense. I'm not even sure why he put this out as an individual video.
God wants you to have divine sex. No, God wants you to repent of sexual immorality and enjoy sex within the confines of a male -female married relationship.
And to basically, you know, rule out all other forms of sexual immorality and perversion, and to keep the marriage bed holy.
And notice how I'm describing it then. It's sex according to the way God prescribed it, not trying to sell you something and saying, hey,
God wants you to have more satisfactory sex, you know, divine sex. It's like, psst, hey,
I got some good news for you. Unfortunately, we've got to put it in a brown paper bag. This is just weird.
Anyway, I think you get the point. If you'd like to support us and see more videos like this, you could do so.
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Until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.