White Horse Inn Tells Pastors They're Causing Homosexual Suicides


Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wenVl_zpTLs&t=165s


Thinking of that 13 year old boy think of a pastor who wants to make a statement about sexual ethics for the culture and They say that statement so clearly
Unaware that a same -sex attracted teen is going to be four times more likely to consider suicide the idea that we've traded in proclamation of good that is
Manipulation that is absolute manipulation Four times more likely to commit suicide. Why?
That is the question that must be answered Why is it that they might be four times more likely to commit suicide because they're being shamed
Because the law of God is being put before them once again And so it makes them want to kill themselves or is it because of the sin itself that's causing the shame
In other words, is it someone reminding them that it's a sin or is it the sin itself that's causing this?
I hear this all the time with transgender Stuff it's like if you say anything against if you don't use personal pronouns you are reinforcing the
Commitment that's one might have to commit suicide if they consider themselves transgender That is absolute manipulation how about they were made in God's image a certain and they were designed a certain way by him and they have purpose and worth and and if that can be recovered they will be less likely if they can
Realize they're not transgender. They are either male or female then that will abate this
This desire to commit suicide, why can't that be an option now that's trans shaming that's hatred that you hear all this but All of that is meant to neutralize anyone who would uphold truth
So truth just gets destroyed truth doesn't matter as much as what as much as someone's feelings getting hurt
Would you do this with any other sin would you would you say well, you know if people who struggle with with pedophilia are
More likely to commit suicide. So you better not mention it. You better not talk about it harshly at least No, in fact, we need to try to prevent more people from going into from from Sliding into these sins when that are being normalized
There's no doubt that there's an uptick in people who think they're transgender or think they're homosexual huge uptick is
That all because well, that's just how they're made or is it because monkey see monkey do is it because there's so many positive
Examples of it put before them. It's because there's positive examples So the one place during the week they can go for some people and hear that that's actually not a positive example
Don't follow that road to perdition and death they are We are now told actually if you do that if you prevent them if you put
God's law before them You are the one that is causing the suicide. It's disgusting. It's this is not