F4F | Hannah Adkins' Godly "Grit"


Full Sermon Review: http://www.piratechristian.com/fightingforthefaith/2020/3/grit-takes-purpose Sermon Mentioned: http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons/2020/3/1/the-second-adam-crushes-the-head-of-the-serpent-for-you Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechris... Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bibl... Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ, and this is the program, the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. So let me ask you this question, and the question goes something like this. Have you been attending a church where it just feels like Sunday after Sunday after Sunday?
You leave there feeling like you've just been given a big burdensome list of things to do, and every time you go there you kind of feel awful because at the end of it it's like, oh yeah, now there's even more
I gotta do. Yeah, if that's ever happened to you, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
Don't forget to like the video, ring the bell. Yeah, what you're suffering from there is a failure to properly distinguish law and gospel, and a failure on the part of a pastor to actually preach
Christ and his obedience for you. For you.
Now what we're gonna do to kind of make the point, let me pull this up here, and let's get that out.
We're gonna head over to Audacious Church, and we're gonna listen to part of a sermon by Hannah Adkins titled,
Grit, The Only Way is Through, and we're gonna demonstrate how this works.
Now what I'm gonna do in this installment of Fighting for the Faith is I'm going to only on the
YouTube channel review part of it. If you want to hear the full sermon review, you're gonna have to go to FightingForTheFaith .com
and listen to the podcast version of it. We'll put a timestamp where you can pick up, but as part of the podcast edition, what
I'm gonna do is I'm gonna also include in that podcast episode the sermon that I preached this past Sunday on the temptation of Christ in the wilderness, from Matthew chapter 4, and the name of the sermon is,
The Second Adam Crushes the Head of the Serpent for You. Because what
I want you to do is I want you to be able to see the difference between, well, sermons that just turn
Jesus into an example you've got to follow, as opposed to sermons who rightly point out that Christ did this, all these things he did for you, so that you can be forgiven.
Yeah, so that you can be reconciled to God and all this kind of stuff. So that it seems like a subtle distinction, but at the end of the day it's a huge one, and if you're not satisfied with your church and you always feel like you're being burdened when you leave there, the reason why is because the pastor's failing to preach
Christ for you. Now, Hannah is going to make an allusion to the gospel itself.
She ain't gonna preach the gospel. Nope. This whole thing kind of boils down to this, and this is what it boils down to.
Do you have grit in your circumstances? Do you have enough, you know, because if you don't have enough grit, you know, you're letting
God down. God wants you to be gritty and stuff. And, you know, when I read the Ten Commandments, you know, thou shalt have grit is not one of the commandments that comes to mind, but you kind of get the idea.
So that's what we're gonna do today, and like I said, the the second half of it's gonna be on the podcast along with the sermon.
It'll be in the podcast so that you can listen to that and and see the difference. It's a stark reality, but let's dive into it, shall we?
Let's see here. Here's Hannah Adkins in Grit. The only way is through.
Here we go. You know, we all know we need grit in our lives, don't we? We all know we need a little bit of grit.
All the parents in the house. I do. Who knew that the movie
True Grit was a prophetic kind of thing? Give me a whoop whoop. Now, by the way, she shouldn't be preaching.
God's Word forbids what she's doing. We need grit. I have three daughters.
Am I sinning if I don't have enough grit? Two year olds, four year olds, and a seven year old.
I need grit. I need grit to get through each day. You know, their biggest problem this morning was they can't find their biscuit.
Who would love that to be their biggest problem in life? You can't find your biscuit. I need grit. I know parents, we need grit.
I know high schoolers, you need grit to get through the exams. Don't need the degree that you're going through. Some of you are like just to go to work every day.
So no, the presenting problem here, we need grit. You may not have enough of it, but you need it.
So Jesus, God wants you to have the proper amount of grit. So if you are gritless, you're grit deficient, you know, that your gritometer is low.
You know, she's, Hannah's going to help you here and she's going to help get your grit up to snuff, you know.
Face that boss. Not me. That's fine. Love you guys. I need grit.
We need grit to do that. We all. This is not a biblical sermon. This is self -help at best.
All need grit. And last week we were learning that actually the tough times in our life are actually the points where we grow the most.
They're growth points in our lives. And the reason that is, is because our tough times and the things that we go through are actually, actually create new normals for us.
When you. I don't mean to quibble here,
Hannah, aside from the fact you shouldn't be preaching, let's just pretend you could. The job of a pastor is to preach the word in season out of season, you know, teach what's in accord with sound doctrine.
Can you show me from the writings of Moses, the prophets, or any of Christ's apostles, uh, where we are instructed by God to, um, to, you know, get our grit up and stuff.
Cause what you're talking here, I don't know where you're getting it from, but I'm a hundred percent positive.
You ain't getting this from scripture. Push through something. You create a new access, a new normal.
Here's a crazy truth to do with grit today that I want to share with you, that the strength that you've been praying for will come from the struggle you're in.
Okay. Do you have a biblical text that says that I'd like to see it. The very thing, the strength that you've been praying for will come from the struggle that you're in the new level.
Why are you yelling at me? I don't want to make eye contact.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I will do it again. Please stop yelling at me. Don't hurt me.
Why is she yelling? Faith that you want in your life will come from today's need. You've got a microphone.
See, now I'm yelling. Just trying to, you know, get my voice up to parody with her and having grit in it and making a decision that you are going to have grit through it.
I know that sometimes we can look at other people and want what they have, but you can admire their leadership ability.
You could admire that capacity. You could admire their authority. You could admire their faith, but you know what else they probably also have?
Grit. Okay. So no, you know what's missing here?
A biblical text. There's like no biblical text at all here. Grit says this.
It says that today's ceiling will be tomorrow's floor. That's a concept
I learned in the NAR. Grit says that I'm actually going to get something out of this. But here's the problem.
Here's the problem is that sometimes we give up too soon. We give up before the gain.
I know I do. Is Jesus disappointed if I do that? And how do I know if I would have gotten the gain?
Sometimes I give up before the gain comes. You know, muscle isn't bought or it shouldn't be.
Muscle isn't bought. It's built. Right. Of course.
So because muscles built, not bought, that means I need to have grit as a
Christian and Jesus is disappointed with me if I don't. This is weird law.
This is really, this is not like any of the 10 commandments. I mean, okay. Muscle comes when you pick something up and you lift something that you previously didn't think you could lift.
Grit is not a personality type. No. It's something that is built inside of us.
Are you gritty enough? Some of us have been praying,
God, get me out of this. Get me out of this situation. But really, we need to be praying,
God, build me in this. Give me some grit, Lord. God, build me, the person
I want to be, the person I pray that I will be. Build me in this situation, in my struggle.
You know what, when I was in high school, we used to sing this song. Went something like this. Give me oil in my lamp.
Keep me burning, burning, burning. Give me oil in my lamp, I pray. Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning, burning, burning.
Yeah, you kind of get the idea. So I think we need to modify this. Give me grit in my gut, keep me gritty, gritty, gritty.
I don't know. I mean, give me grit and make me abrasive, I pray.
I don't know. I'm working on it. The lyrics are not quite done yet. It's just a draft.
You know, to the people around us, I love the fact that grit, what it does is grit gives you access to a new normal.
Uh -huh. Again, do you have biblical text for any of this? The new normal that you want in your life is probably going to come through you having grit.
But also what grit does is grit displays God's existence to the people around us.
Oh, no. I'm not properly displaying God's existence without the proper amount of gritty grit.
Who was that lady who said, you know, kiss my grit? You know, never mind. That's something completely different.
I can't help but hear this word with like a southern accent. You know, I need me some of them corn grits, you know?
Yeah. All right. Human resilience. There's a difference between just kind of human's resilience and fighting through something and a godly grit that comes from the inside that displays
God's glory. You know, people... Do you have a godly grit that comes from the inside that displays
God's glory? I mean, your existence isn't being displayed properly enough in your life if you don't have the proper amount of grit.
So you better get some grit out there because you're letting God down if you don't have it. And then you sit there going, man,
I'm feeling a heavy burden laid on my shoulders. Yeah, that's exactly what she's doing here.
She's laying a heavy burden on you. Are you gritty enough? How do you know when you've achieved the proper amount of grit?
How much glory does God want to demonstrate through grit? Where do I get this grit? In your world who don't know
God yet, I reckon they can see God more in your life, not when you're playing sailing, but when you're going through a hard time and you still have hope and you still have strength and you still have optimism and you still have a presence of peace about you.
That's when people can see it when you have grit. All right. So your evangelism is not up to snuff unless you have the proper amount of grit.
Got it. That's not a guilt trip at all. You have a sense of grit. So we all want grit.
I don't think there's anyone here that says, no, I'd like to be a little bit more flaky please. It's never... So the opposite of gritty is flaky.
It's gonna be a series Audacious is gonna do. Flaky. Your Bible sits unopened there on that table.
But he wants grit, but we're like, how do I get it? Hannah, I hear what you're saying. I love it. I want a new level in my life.
I want to display God's glory. How do I get it? Well, Jesus is our example. We know this. Okay. So notice what she just said there.
Jesus is our example. So apparently she's discovered that, uh, low grittiness is a bad thing.
And so she's opening up the Bible or at least making reference to Jesus. And Jesus is the ultimate example of a guy who had grit and, uh, and holy grit at that.
And so he's given us the example. So if you need grit in your life, you just need to make Jesus your example, follow his example, and you'll finally get the proper amount of grit necessary so that God can be glorified in your life.
Where is this doctrine taught in scripture again? Jesus walked on the planet partly to be our example of how to live as a person.
And this is what it says in the word of God. Let's look at his grit. In Luke 19 and 51, as it's running up to his death,
Jesus knows that he has to die on the cross. It says this, as the time approached for him to be taken to heaven, for him to die on the cross, it says
Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. Yeah, it does.
In fact, the prophet, I think Isaiah, prophesying about that exact moment in Luke, says that Christ set his face like flint.
So I want you to think about this. Christ is our example, she says. Now granted, this is true.
Christ has left us an example to follow, but that's not all he's done.
And when we talk about Jesus going to the cross, why did he go to the cross?
To bleed and to die for our sins. Because remember, Jesus is perfectly obedient from the moment of his conception all the way to his death, even death on a cross, so that we can be forgiven, pardoned, reconciled to God, so that our sins can be atoned for.
And the fact that Christ did this perfectly, that he set his face like flint, that he was going to accomplish his mission.
What was his mission? To bleed and to die for you. To bleed and to die for me.
And so Jesus didn't waver from his mission. He kept a singular focus for this purpose that he came, that he would lay down his life even for his enemies.
Enemies as ungodly as me and as ungodly as you. I mean, this would be a perfect time to flesh out what did
Jesus do on the cross? Okay, he set his face like flint to go to the cross?
I mean, you've pulled the text out that just allows you to just open up and talk about our sin, our unbelief, how we've earned hell, but Christ has gone to the cross so that we can live rather than face the condemnation of God.
That's a big deal, but she's turned him into, well, just an example.
Just an example. That's where he needed to go. He needed to go to Jerusalem to die on the cross, and it says he resolutely, he set out for Jerusalem.
Isaiah 15, it says this in verse 6 to 9, and this is the prophecy. Oh, just pulled my earring out.
Sorry, I've got to take the other one out. I can't deal with that. Thanks. It says this is a prophecy.
Yeah, I've never had an earring fall out while I was giving a sermon. See, what he just said in Luke 9 is the prophecy of that.
It says, I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard.
I did not hide my face from the mockers and the spitters because the Sovereign Lord helps me. I will not be disgraced.
Therefore I have set my face like a flint. He had decided.
He was determined. He was not distracted. I know.
Isn't he amazing that he did this for us? He did it perfectly for us.
I mean, this is where we can really dig in and exalt Christ in his saving work, his perfect obedience, his vicarious penal substitutionary death, because we do not keep these things perfectly, not even close.
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and Christ has done this for us because of the joy set before him, because of his great love for us.
I mean, you're right here. Why are you not doing this?
I know I will not be put to shame. He who vindicates me is near. Who then will bring charges against me?
Let us face each other. Who is my accuser? Let him confront me. It is the
Sovereign Lord who helps me. Who will condemn me? They will wear out like garments. The moths will eat them up.
Oh, Jesus. He has grit. He's like grit personified.
I love it. Yeah, the thing is is that you've taken a modern understanding, a modern definition of a concept that we kind of talk about in modern parlance.
You've defined it out here, and now you're kind of imposing it on the text.
And yeah, you could say that Jesus has grit based on how we understand it, but the problem is where in Scripture does it say, well, because Jesus was gritty, you need to be gritty too.
Because he is not distracted. He is determined, and he said he set his face like a flint.
He knew what he needed to do. And the secret, or the key to Jesus's grit is found in Hebrews 12, and this is what we can learn from Jesus today, and this is what we're gonna look at quickly for the next few minutes.
The secret to his grit. Before we ask
God to come and meet with us and speak to us. You're gonna do what? You're gonna ask God to come and meet with you and speak with you?
How'd you pull that off? Talk to his people, and they just penciled him in. He agreed to come and speak?
I love it. It says in Hebrews 12, it says this in verse 2. Here's the secret to his grit. It says, for the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning his shame, and sat down at the right hand of God.
Jesus was able to persevere. He was able to battle through. He was able to take the cross.
He was able to have grit because he had purpose. Yeah, and again, his purpose was to bleed and die for our sins, to reconcile us to God, to lay down his life so that, you know, what does scripture say?
God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
You're touching on the gospel, and you're taking Jesus's death on the cross, his suffering for our sins, and just saying, well, look at that.
He had grittiness. Do you have enough grit in your life? The secret is you've got to have purpose, and then if you have purpose, because Jesus had purpose, you can be gritty like Jesus too.
This is a mess. She's not preaching Jesus for us. She's reducing him to a mere example to follow.
And of what? Grittiness, which is a concept that none of the biblical authors talk about.
He had purpose. I'm here to tell your audacious church today that grit takes purpose.
Yeah, have you found the right purpose to get your grit levels up? Grit takes purpose.
It says, for the joy set before him, do you want to know what the joy was? It was you. Exactly, and what did he do?
He died on the cross for you. It was you. His purpose, when he hung on the cross, he turned his back to those for a beating.
He allowed them to pull out his beard. I mean, girls, like eyebrows being plucked. You know he was scourged, right?
Bad enough. He let go. And then he was nailed, hands and feet, to the cross, right? He would pull out his beard.
Why? Because the joy set before him was that you would choose to have a relationship with him.
You were him. No. Too much of a mess to have to clean up at the moment, but no.
It was not because of the joy that you would choose to have a relationship with him. No text says that either.
He endured the shame so that we can be forgiven, reconciled to the Father. You were his purpose. You were his grit.
No, I wasn't his grit. No. So today I think we can learn from God, learn from Jesus, that grit takes purpose.
I want grit, Hannah. I want grit, audacious church. I need to ask the question, do
I have purpose? Do you have enough purpose to get your grit levels up to snuff?
If not, you better hear from God so he can tell you, you know, what you need to do to get your grit levels up to the proper place where he can be glorified properly, you know.
I need grit in this situation. Do I have purpose in that? We want grit.
We need purpose. I'm going to give you quickly three things that purpose will enable us to do in our lives, and then we're going to meet
God. I mean, I'm going to get him. Okay, so she's going to give us three things to enable us to have grit, and then they're going to meet with God.
Now, you get the idea of where this thing is going. It's a train wreck on steroids, and she's not preaching
Christ for us. Far from it. She hasn't really preached the gospel at all either, and that's the problem.
Now, like I said, what we're going to do is down below in the description, we're going to put a link to the podcast episode from earlier this week where I will continue with the sermon reviews.
We're going to review the whole thing, and then the second half of the podcast, I'm going to put up in there the sermon that I preached this past Sunday on Christ's temptation in the wilderness, and I want you to just compare because I preach
Christ for you, whereas she's just turning
Jesus into some example that you need to follow, and hopefully the contrast between the two sermons will make you realize what's really missing here in Hannah's sermon, pep talk?
I don't know what it is, so you get the idea. So hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information how you can support us is down below in the description, and just a reminder,
Fighting for the Faith, we're supported by the people that we serve, and that's you. Now, in the month of March of 2020, everyone who joins our crew at Gunners Made or Above, I will send you an autographed copy of my fine art print.
You can see it on the screen there, the fine art print, Minnesota Winter Sunset is the name
I've come up with it for. Again, everybody who joins our crew, Gunners Made or Above, during the month of March 2020,
I will personally sign a copy of that and send that to you as my way of saying thank you. So until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.